Should your gallbladder ever be removed?

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Re: Should your gallbladder ever be removed?

Post by starchild5 »

Your first nail in the coffin is when you visit a Doctor...

Mercola is a Controlled Opposition..Be very careful of him...

All disease are due to iron Poison.

Tell your dad to drink Water from Copper Vessels every morning...and he will be fine...

You can get this in amazon


This is the number 1 remedy recommended by Ancient Ayurveda before they wrote the first sentence in their book....If you have copper in your blood...there is no disease....

There is a reason why all elites are copper based...they never die...our original blood color is blue greenish...

Even the freaking FDA uses Horse Shoe Crab to test all there drugs because their blood is copper based.

Horseshoe Crab Blood Is Used to Test Every Drug the FDA Certifies ... certifies/

Every drug certified by the FDA — as well as every implant and prosthetic device — must be tested using an extract from the animal’s milky blue blood.


Bet no one knew this :lol: :lol:


Its all in the blood guys...

Disease are nothing but DRAMA....

The only one thing that you ever need is Copper...if you have enough copper in your will have no disease guaranteed...

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Re: Should your gallbladder ever be removed?

Post by Winston »

Rock wrote:I would drop the hocus pocus type remedies all over the internet from consideration. I had gallstones which caused painful attacks several times over the course of many years. The attacks got more frequent with time. Glad Taiwan ER visits are so cheap. None of those remedies seemed to have any effect on my stones. I had 18 large ones by the way.

Then I found a hospital online in Dongguan China which specializes in removing gallstones while leaving the organ intact for those patients whose gallbladders are still functioning well in spite of stones. I went there for a thorough diagnosis and was told I was a good candidate for the surgery. I had it done the next week. That was well over 2 years ago. I returned late last year for a follow-up and ultrasound showed none of the stones had returned. Moreover, my gallbladder function was completely in normal range.

I had separate ultrasound done in Taiwan and they confirmed the diagnosis I got in Dongguan.

Since after my surgery, I've so far never had any gallbladder pain. BTW, that hospital is coincidentally within walking distance of where zboy works.

Winston, if your dad is not suffering from gallstones or gallbladder pain and the function is normal, what is the specific doctor's rationale in Chiayi for recommending he have it removed?
Good question. I dont know why doctors are eager to remove his gallbladder. Seems like some kind of cult. Makes me suspicious. No he has no gallstone pain or gallbladder attacks. They simply told him that the condition of his gallbladder seems to be in bad shape and they fear it would cause liver infection or pancreatic infection.

This is what my dad told me about it:

"No, my primary doctor said my liver access was caused by bacteria from stomach called E Coli. He did not see my gallbladder has infection then until after the abscess were almost gone. I think my gallbladder was infected by liver abscess instead."
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Re: Should your gallbladder ever be removed?

Post by MrMan »


I thought my hydrogen peroxide question was funny. Who got a good chuckle out of that? The hydrogen peroxide thread, up to the part I read, didn't seem to be presenting any solid evidence it worked. Someone can use peroxide and say they feel healthier or stronger, and it can be a placebo effect. Are there any clinical studies to show that it works?

The article you posted from Dr. Mercola sounds reasonable. I suspect our gall bladders are there for a reason, not just so doctors can charge us to take them out. I saw that article earlier this morning and looked up food that had enzymes. I have some kimchi i the fridge, but it is the really old type I wouldn't mind eating in soup. I was thinking of eating some, but did not. I ate a banana at breakfeast to get some enzymes. Maybe I will supplement with enzymes if I can find some, after reading that. I don't know if he has tests, but it just sounds like he made some reasonable assertions.

There is a lot of 'hocus pocus' medicine on the Internet.

I had a gall bladder attack right on my anniversary, laying on the beach with my wife getting prepared for some evening festivities. I started to feel queasy. This turned into waves of the worst pain I'd ever felt in my life. I spent the night in the hospital, read about some alternative approaches on the internet, and thought I'd try something before having an operation. My gall bladder was infected, which they said was dangerous. I ended up going home with antibiotics and paying a huge amount for that trip to the ER and night in the hospital even though I had insurance.

I ate pectin to dissolve the stones. I did this thing where I drank epsom salt in water to loosen up the muscles of the gall bladder. Then I drank oil hoping to flush the stones through a relaxed sphincter. Stones are supposed to pass in your poop. I wasn't going to filter my poop to find a rock as recommended. But the stones didn't pass.

Some time later, I had another gall bladder attack, horrific pain again, not as bad as the first, but still bad. I had pancreatitus. The doctor asked if I drank. I don't. It was from the stones blocking things up and inflaming or infecting the pancreas. The doctor said I could die, so I just decided to have the gall bladder removed.

Having a surgery to remove the stones sounds good upon reflection. But I'd hate for them to have to go in again if it didn't work out. My doctor said they didn't do that. They just took the gall bladder because people whose gall bladder's get stones get them again if they remove them.
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Re: Should your gallbladder ever be removed?

Post by MrMan »

I suspect there are some things we could do to prevent gall stones. In my case, when I found out I had a problem, it was too late. I don't remember any greasy stools to warn me. I don't usually press my ribs to check for pain. I was aware of no problem with the gall bladder before a gall bladder attack.

But if the only tool a man has is a hammer, he's going to use that tool to fix things. Surgeons see problems and think surgery. I think it is okay to be a bit suspicious of that. If there are dietary treatments, that's better. If there is physical therapy instead of surgery, that's better, too. That's assuming they work. I was in an urgent situation and opted for the surgery.
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Re: Should your gallbladder ever be removed?

Post by MrMan »

Btw, the cleanse using epsom salt is horrific. As far as unpleasantness is concerned, surgery and the time in the hospital is a less unpleasant memory than trying the epsom salt cleanse, which didn't do it for me, anyway. That stuff is so nasty, it's hard to believe.

The doctor had me fast a couple of nights to prevent bile from forming and harming my pancreas when it couldn't get out, waiting for everything to calm down in there, before the surgery. The only interesting thing on TV during that time was the Food network. The fast wasn't total. They let me have jello, and I talked them into small amounts of ice cream a couple of times. I was on a food drip. Still, food on that channel looked really, really good.
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Re: Should your gallbladder ever be removed?

Post by MrMan »

starchild5 wrote:Your first nail in the coffin is when you visit a Doctor...

Mercola is a Controlled Opposition..Be very careful of him...

All disease are due to iron Poison.
Is there anyone who can prove this? Maybe someone who is 1000 years old who has copper in his blood and has no iron?

Have you had any colds recently? Have you ever gotten sick?
There is a reason why all elites are copper based...they never die...our original blood color is blue greenish...
Who are these immortal elites? Kings, queens, and Jewish bankers die.

Btw, if we have green blood, would that make us aliens related to Mr. Spock? Is there any room for aliens in this particular theory of yours?
Even the freaking FDA uses Horse Shoe Crab to test all there drugs because their blood is copper based.
And that is supposed to mean copper keeps us from ever getting sick and makes us immortal? Do horse shoe crabs ever die?

The only one thing that you ever need is Copper...if you have enough copper in your will have no disease guaranteed...
What are you guaranteeing? How would you know this if it were true?
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Re: Should your gallbladder ever be removed?

Post by starchild5 »

MrMan wrote:
starchild5 wrote:Your first nail in the coffin is when you visit a Doctor...

Mercola is a Controlled Opposition..Be very careful of him...

All disease are due to iron Poison.
Is there anyone who can prove this? Maybe someone who is 1000 years old who has copper in his blood and has no iron?

Have you had any colds recently? Have you ever gotten sick?
There is a reason why all elites are copper based...they never die...our original blood color is blue greenish...
Who are these immortal elites? Kings, queens, and Jewish bankers die.

Btw, if we have green blood, would that make us aliens related to Mr. Spock? Is there any room for aliens in this particular theory of yours?
Even the freaking FDA uses Horse Shoe Crab to test all there drugs because their blood is copper based.
And that is supposed to mean copper keeps us from ever getting sick and makes us immortal? Do horse shoe crabs ever die?

The only one thing that you ever need is Copper...if you have enough copper in your will have no disease guaranteed...
What are you guaranteeing? How would you know this if it were true?
Dude...I'm not going to reply to your smart - a** sarcastic know it all attitude posts. :D

Your Hydrogen Peroxide Sarcastic posts shows you never suffered in your life...people do desperate things when their loved ones are dying...apparently, you never had any real love or never loved anyone deeply.

People are looking for alternative solutions because FDA & the western science have failed them miserably, you think we are all stupid and you are the only smart guy around here who knows what life is ?

I fail to understand ..why you made this post, on what basis...what did you assume in the first place?...You implying that we should just blindly do what FDA tells us and then give them 1000s of dollars and then die miserably? or you assumed we are all retards...

if not..What have you offered here...have you offered any alternative solutions?

Even when you pay 1000s of dollars to save your loved ones..He dies miserably...Big Pharma is for Profit and has failed humanity. You think Winston is stupid enough to even look for alternative solutions?

You don't even participate in Conspiracies then what's the point...if you were would be decent enough to look into what I said..but you are just here to pass time...debunk and debate...

I will not reply to your post, until you research on how Copper is used in Hospitals to Cut infection..

Copper door handles and taps kill 95% of superbugs in hospitals ... itals.html

The above is as mainstream as it gets, read that and then tell me why mainstream hospitals are using copper to save themselves from infection and then tell me what's your opinion of copper and then I will post 100000000000000000+ articles on how Copper can save your life..

Afterall..I'm just a "Conspiracy Theorist" who believes in Aliens... :lol: :lol:
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Re: Should your gallbladder ever be removed?

Post by Winston »

From my dad:

"I visited 3 specialized doctors in this area. All 3 saw my gallbladder enlarged through ultrasound therefore it is infected and concluded that it might cause problem, like gallbladder attack in the future if I don't remove it. It is the easiest solution and the most beneficial to hospital too. I don't like to think it that way that I misjudged others good intentions. I am looking for some doctor to tell me that the infected and enlarged gallbladder is curable with some drugs or something."

My reply:

"Yes doctor mercola and others say the gallbladder is curable. Someone can have good intentions and yet be wrong.

You also gotta understand that if they told you how to cure your gallbladder then theres no profit in it. On the other hand, surgery is profitable to the hospital. Hence it is recommended of course. No surprise. Lol."

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Re: Should your gallbladder ever be removed?

Post by MrMan »

starchild5 wrote:
Dude...I'm not going to reply to your smart - a** sarcastic know it all attitude posts. :D
You post the most ridiculous stuff on here and react like that when someone asks you for evidence. We can either ignore you or confront you.

Do you have any criteria at all for believing something?

If having copper in our bodies kept us from getting sick, why did people get sick back a few decades ago in the US when copper pipe was still very common. I was a child in the 1970's, and I drank plenty of water out of copper pipes, and I got colds and regular sicknesses children get in spite of that. And why did people die in the early half of the 20th century? They were drinking out of copper pipes, water that had been sitting in those pipes, and people still got sick and died.

I didn't say copper was of no use to our health. It's the silly, exaggerated claims I'm objecting to. If an animal with copper in it's blood is used to test medicine and copper doorknobs and fixtures prevent the spread of disease, that doesn't mean that having copper in our bodies will keep us from getting sick or make the 'elites' live forever.

As far as the hydrogen peroxide goes, where is the evidence for it? Our species has developed the scientific method, statistics, and various research methods. Where is the evidence that hydrogen peroxide cures all diseases? I'm not doctor or nutritionist, but antioxidants are supposed to be good for us.
Your Hydrogen Peroxide Sarcastic posts shows you never suffered in your life...people do desperate things when their loved ones are dying...apparently, you never had any real love or never loved anyone deeply.
If I reject quack assertions about medicine, why would that mean I've never suffered? I've suffered some rather intense physical pain before. That didn't make me believe hydrogen peroxide is the cure for everything. It didn't cause me to believe that copy is the cure for all diseases.

I'm blessed not to have parents, a wife, and children who are alive. I've lost uncles, aunts, cousins, and a friend I felt pretty close to. But what does that have to do with believing that peroxide is a cure-all.
People are looking for alternative solutions because FDA & the western science have failed them miserably, you think we are all stupid and you are the only smart guy around here who knows what life is ?
To me, you come off as a know-it-all. But I suspect you don't have any evidence to support your claim, so I called you on it.

Do you have any actual evidence for half the conspiracy theories you believe in? A common trend with some of the conspiracy theories is a theoretical scenario not backed up by evidence.
I fail to understand ..why you made this post, on what basis...what did you assume in the first place?...You implying that we should just blindly do what FDA tells us and then give them 1000s of dollars and then die miserably? or you assumed we are all retards...
No. I think it is foolish to give bad medical advice, or to think that one element, molecule, or chemical is going to cure all diseases. Real life is not science fiction. if you have evidence that copper cures all diseases, show it, and explain how US residents in the 1940's and 1950's who drank water that had been sitting in copper pipes every single day got sick and died while you are at it.
Even when you pay 1000s of dollars to save your loved ones..He dies miserably...Big Pharma is for Profit and has failed humanity. You think Winston is stupid enough to even look for alternative solutions?
No, I think it is wise to pursue non-surgical alternatives if possible. I was just sharing my experience. In my case, I was probably too far along before I found a problem. Conventional doctors will say that once the stones get in the gall bladder, there is no evidence a cleanse can take them out. Of course, that's coming from the people for whom cutting out gall bladders is their thing. Cleanses didn't work for me. I might have found out about my problem too late. Maybe there was something I could have done. I think I would have preferred to have the stones removed, but doctors in the US did not do such things, apparently, and recommended against it.
You don't even participate in Conspiracies then what's the point...if you were would be decent enough to look into what I said..but you are just here to pass time...debunk and debate...
What do the claims I objected to have to do with your article? In your way of thinking, do you have to have any evidence that some treatment cures all diseases before claiming that it does?
Afterall..I'm just a "Conspiracy Theorist" who believes in Aliens... :lol: :lol:
While you are at it, what is your evidence for the existence of aliens? Have you seen an alien, or something that seemed to be one? (Space aliens, not one of our posters who happened to be happier abroad.)
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Re: Should your gallbladder ever be removed?

Post by Winston »

From my dad:

"I went back to hospital today. The doctor did a blood test and ultrasound and found out that all the tests are normal. He still suggested that I have it removed for the safe side. He said gallbladder problem is not curable. He concerns that if I let it sit like that, it might develop into cancer. He said the operation should be minor and simple. So, I need to make a wise decision in the near future."

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Re: Should your gallbladder ever be removed?

Post by Kradmelder »

gsjackson wrote:I'm told that any time they get someone (i.e., cash cow with insurance) in the hospital with internal problems of indeterminate origin, they want to take out the gall bladder. Must be the most expensive procedure they can get away with without severe and immediate side effects.

Three months ago I went into the hospital with pancreatitis. There wasn't the slightest doubt in my mind that the cause was having taken more prescription drugs in the previous six weeks than I had in the rest of my life combined, owing to knee replacement surgery -- opiates, etc.

But the side effects of prescription drugs is the 800 pound gorilla on the dining room table that doctors aren't allowed to look at. So a ditzy blonde "hospitalist" and Arab surgeon teamed up on me while I was hooked up to an IV to get me to let them take out my gall bladder. The blonde showed me a picture of something circular with lots of dots in it, clearly implying it was an x-ray of my gall bladder with multiple gall stones in it. Meanwhile the Arab played the bad cop and told me about all his patients who died from pancreatitis. Told me I needed to "think on a higher level" (I was obviously reluctant to have one highly invasive procedure just six weeks after another).

Long story shorter, the next day they decide maybe it isn't the gall bladder, and are off chasing some other theory. I check out of the hospital "against medical advice," go see my GP a few days later, he looks over the hospital records and informs me to my great surprise that neither the ultrasound x-ray or an MRI showed any gall stones at all.

Dodged a bullet getting out of that hospital intact. Anyway, a long way of saying I agree, Winston, that the gall bladder probably has some purpose, and anyone should be very leery when they're told while vulnerable in the hospital that it needs too be removed.
Maybe you didnt dodge a bullet, you dodged a bomb. the arab doctor would something in that goes kaboom as soon as you are in a public place :lol:
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Re: Should your gallbladder ever be removed?

Post by Kradmelder »

Winston wrote:From my dad:

"I went back to hospital today. The doctor did a blood test and ultrasound and found out that all the tests are normal. He still suggested that I have it removed for the safe side. He said gallbladder problem is not curable. He concerns that if I let it sit like that, it might develop into cancer. He said the operation should be minor and simple. So, I need to make a wise decision in the near future."

What do you all think?
So they find no problem with the gallbladder, no stones or infection and want to remove it IN CASE it get cancer? That is like saying cut out your prostrate or your balls in case you get cancer. It basically sounds as they don't really have the answer yet and are going to cut things out until they find the problem.

There are 2 ways to look at it. You dad is an old man, so any changes to lifestyle and diet, like cutting oily or fatty foods would not greatly impact on him as he probably is past the age of eating that. So cutting it out won't make a difference.

Alternatively, as he is old, some form of cancer is likely in the not too distant future no matter what. so leave it in.

If it is not the gallbladder and they cut it out, his discomfort will continue. Why not leave it in for a while? I once had that suspected. I was really ill and they said malaria, hepatitis, liver failing, aids, gallbladder you name it. They sucked more blood out me for tests than a jew banker whom i owe money to. I was really ill and just sleeping, couldnt eat or drink. No one could find the problem. Then i went to the old white man, he said there is nothing wrong with you except a virus. He will test for it but already knows the problem. What if i had let them cut parts?

Maybe he should wait a while.

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Re: Should your gallbladder ever be removed?

Post by MrMan »

If the tube going out of that gall bladder area gets clogged up, that can inflame the pancreas and liver and cause all kinds of problems. If he has stones that keep clogging that, that's serious. If the doctor's reason for taking stones out is to prevent cancer, I think I'd get another doctor. That seems far fetched. Especially as an excuse to operate on a man as old as your father, it makes little sense, IMO.
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Re: Should your gallbladder ever be removed?

Post by Winston »

Well earlier they said his gallbladder is infected and not in good shape. See above in an earlier post. But they claim infected gallbladders are incurable. However alternative doctors like mercola say that gallbladders are curable with nutrition. Who do you believe?
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Re: Should your gallbladder ever be removed?

Post by starchild5 »

MrMan wrote:

If I reject quack assertions about medicine, why would that mean I've never suffered? I've suffered some rather intense physical pain before. That didn't make me believe hydrogen peroxide is the cure for everything. It didn't cause me to believe that copy is the cure for all diseases.

I'm blessed not to have parents, a wife, and children who are alive. I've lost uncles, aunts, cousins, and a friend I felt pretty close to. But what does that have to do with believing that peroxide is a cure-all.

To me, you come off as a know-it-all. But I suspect you don't have any evidence to support your claim, so I called you on it.

Do you have any actual evidence for half the conspiracy theories you believe in? A common trend with some of the conspiracy theories is a theoretical scenario not backed up by evidence.

No. I think it is foolish to give bad medical advice, or to think that one element, molecule, or chemical is going to cure all diseases. Real life is not science fiction. if you have evidence that copper cures all diseases, show it, and explain how US residents in the 1940's and 1950's who drank water that had been sitting in copper pipes every single day got sick and died while you are at it.

No, I think it is wise to pursue non-surgical alternatives if possible. I was just sharing my experience. In my case, I was probably too far along before I found a problem. Conventional doctors will say that once the stones get in the gall bladder, there is no evidence a cleanse can take them out. Of course, that's coming from the people for whom cutting out gall bladders is their thing. Cleanses didn't work for me. I might have found out about my problem too late. Maybe there was something I could have done. I think I would have preferred to have the stones removed, but doctors in the US did not do such things, apparently, and recommended against it.
You don't even participate in Conspiracies then what's the point...if you were would be decent enough to look into what I said..but you are just here to pass time...debunk and debate...
What do the claims I objected to have to do with your article? In your way of thinking, do you have to have any evidence that some treatment cures all diseases before claiming that it does?

While you are at it, what is your evidence for the existence of aliens? Have you seen an alien, or something that seemed to be one? (Space aliens, not one of our posters who happened to be happier abroad.)
LOL...More Drama...What you seek is more drama in your life and nothing else...

Back again with actual Evidence...What proof do you want? tell me..which test....

All the PROOF, Evidence that you seek is again from the mainstream aka blood test...etc..You won't believe my proof...if I show picture, video of Aliens, you will say..its Photoshopped...if i show you lab results you will say, its fake...

You have lost the power of discernment and you are merely pushing mainstream science which kills you more than ever alternative medicine has with 1000s of dollar of insurance and bankruptcy to add on to...

Everything for you comes back to Proof...a con that is used by mainstream to legitimize their scam and kill humans with diseases.

You will only believe what I said, if the mainstream pushes for it..You are incapable of thinking for yourself...that is why you always ask for proof.

The real scientists are fed up of peer review for this reason....for example....they force you to believe einstein's theory of relativity is the greatest equation ever, you cannot say otherwise....Bruce Cathy did it...Youtube his videos...but I bet you never heard of this guy in your life :mrgreen:

and yes...he was visited by US government agents, wanted him to work for them, he predicted the french nuclear test even before it happened to the day...I bet you never knew this as well :lol: ...Youtube his vidoes and his real maths equations you never heard of in your life...

You are so lamestream..its embarrassing ....

Nicola Tesla, William Heimrich all did the same...

Here...Knock yourself off...You want this

Wilhelm Reich Cloud Busting Technology used in Africa to bring rains.. ... eich07.htm

This article from Ph.d himself James DeMeo who used William Heimrich Orgones to bring Rains in desert areas which the US government termed as Lunacy and burned all his papers :) and put him in prison...


The above is just an example..

and then there is Gcmaf ...the incredible findings of cure for cancer and autism for which doctors were murdered in America.

GcMAF, Nagalase: Why 8 Holistic Doctors Were Murdered & Others Poisoned ... -poisoned/

This is what happens when you find cure for cancer in America....Doctors are murdered...this was a very big news in real media but I bet you never knew this as well.


There are 100 more of it...many real cures are suppressed and scientists murdered while you go around asking for proof...

Dead Scientists And Microbiologists - Master List

If you have time other than to buy your 40 year old wife undies to look sexy..go through the above list of murdered scientists and microbiologist who were trying to save humanity....they couldn't give you PROOF because they were f**cking killed...

Don't ask for some research to know why is there no proof ...
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