Is life better for men without having kids?

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Re: Is life better for men without having kids?

Post by hypermak »

yick wrote:
August 30th, 2020, 7:09 pm
The reason people have kids is some vainglorious bullshit about leaving your valuable genes around for mankind :lol: If you get to the truth of why Winston had young Angelo that will be the reason whether he admits it or not.
Well, we're not losing every other baby to childbirth complications, diseases and malnourishment anymore, like in the Middle Ages. And sons aren't tending the family farm or business as often as they used to until a few generations ago. This has long since spelt the end of large families.

However this doesn't mean having kids is no longer a biological, or social imperative. Leaving our valuable (and less valuable) genes for posterity is the only way we can survive, as a species.

Plus, to most at least, having kids is not just a burden and a responsibility, it's a joy, a source of pride and satisfaction. Why have I yet to hear a single dad (or mom!) saying that becoming a parent was the best and most beautiful things to happen in their lives?

I know it might sound cheesy and doesn't go down well with the cynical attitude of some of the posters here but, sure...let a man have fun while young. Eventually, at least in most of us, the desire for paternity will grow and, with the right kind of woman, one or two children will become reality.

Of course I agree with your earlier post, that desire for paternity tends to fade away as age progresses and one settles into a different, more solitary and self-centered routine. Nothing wrong with that. However I wouldn't go as far as saying that wanting kids is "selfish" when it is, by all intents and purposes, the exact opposite.
yick wrote:
August 30th, 2020, 7:09 pm
It's a selfish desicion in most cases. Mediocre people raising kids to be mediocre, at least I have the self-reflection not to burden this planet with my offspring, the last thing this planet needs is one more person because it comes from my loins. The Chinese, the Filipinos, many countries in Africa, India - none of them are stopping anytime soon in producing billions of useless human garbage without an original thought between them, who have no use to anyone but to take up more of the world's resources (as well as being violent, dishonest, greedy, stupid, selfish etc - just basically of no use to anyone), someone has got to stop the madness of brainless reproduction - we will see out our lives without food and water shortages but 100 or 200 years into the future - this will start to become a problem as the world population gets up to 10-15 billion people on this planet and plentiful food and a fresh water supply starts to become a problem in maintaining.

I didn't mention the First World because they are managing to socially depopulate their populations, making it harder to raise kids these days - my dad raised a rather large family on one wage, impossible these days. Not many of my friends back home have kids.
That's a different issue...too many kids in a family that can't support each and every of them and give them the opportunities they deserve, that's a problem. I wrote in an earlier post what I think about the situation in the Philippines (and by extension India and the few demographically exploding countries left on Earth). It's a mix of lazyness (no contraception) and the misplaced belief that more kids means more opportunities that one or two of them will be successful and help the (extended) family.

Even if these kids really turned out successful and did have all the best intentions to help mom & pop, younger brothers and sisters, grandparents, cousins even, let alone their own families, on a single's technically impossible with today's cost of living and definition of essentials to include the latest smartphone, flat-screen TV etc.

I agree with you that the world doesn't seem to offer a lot of incentives to have kids or large families. Depopulation is already in full swing in most of the world. Philippines and India and the few exceptions.

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Re: Is life better for men without having kids?

Post by hypermak »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
August 30th, 2020, 7:39 pm
I actually look for people who say, "I want to have kids." That is a telltale sign of self-absorption and narcissism.

I only view positively those who say, "I would like to RAISE children," which is a hugely different set of expectations. Merely having kids is something any village idiot can do. But RAISING them into super productive and successful adults is altogether different and that is unachievable for most parents. Most kids turn out average and unremarkable.
You're splitting hair. "Having kids" and "raising kids" are just two expressions. A strong and honest man will always take responsibility for the kids he "has" with his woman. It takes a particular type of coward to willingly "have kids" with their woman or women and purposely neglect them. Even for the poorest of man, there are many paternal quality that go well beyond money and financial support: being present in their lives, being a good role model, teaching them how to stand on their own, etc.

And still with this obsession for "super success". :) Having a healthy, intelligent boy or girl who goes on to become independent and perhaps start their own family, that's all that matter for most parents. IMHO that's all that should matter. I don't get the Tiger Mom kind of parent who projects their own ambitions on to their kids. Sometimes it works, many times it doesn't and leaves a trail of frustration that will be just counterproductive.
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Re: Is life better for men without having kids?

Post by Cornfed »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
August 30th, 2020, 8:08 pm
And how many kids do you have? None? To what can we attribute your inability to have kids when you so strongly advocate having them?
Yeah most likely. The reason is obvious. Marriage and children in my culture is based on women receiving resources and protection from men. Evil Western regimes plunder men like me to give them to women for nothing, thereby destroying the basis for marriage, hence the suicidal birth rate. It is a systemic issue, not a personal one. Short of overthrowing the global elite there is not much to be done about it.
And I hate to break it too you, but my family has been pumping out TONS of children over the years. How about yours?
Yes, up until my generation, mine too. For example, my great grandfather in the male line had six children in his marriage and God knows how many half-Maori children. When you think about it, men from the English-Scottish border region had the greatest explosion in spreading their genes in history during the colonial period. Maybe that is why the evil global elite feel justified in wiping us out now.
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Re: Is life better for men without having kids?

Post by yick »

yick wrote:
August 30th, 2020, 7:09 pm

Well, we're not losing every other baby to childbirth complications, diseases and malnourishment anymore, like in the Middle Ages. And sons aren't tending the family farm or business as often as they used to until a few generations ago. This has long since spelt the end of large families.

However this doesn't mean having kids is no longer a biological, or social imperative. Leaving our valuable (and less valuable) genes for posterity is the only way we can survive, as a species.
At this moment in time, maybe... we can go and have two or three children and it won't be harming mankind but one day it will, and I don't agree with Cornfed like 99% of the time but the last thing this world needs is 250 million Nigerians, we don't need the same number of Filipinos and we don't more than the 1.5 billion Chinese people we already have, I would say in fairness we don't need 250 million Brits or Spaniards or Germans but there aren't that number anyway.

One day, we're all going to need to have this long hard conversation, mammals are hardwired to produce children, I was out shopping today and saw a lovely gorgeous girl working in the supermarket, big smile, lovely body and I thought 'hmmm, I would love to shag her!' but thankfully we have our human logic and reason which is why we are farther up the food chain than a dog but some of these guys who go around impregnating at will and thinking they're 'the man' well, they're no better than a dog!
Plus, to most at least, having kids is not just a burden and a responsibility, it's a joy, a source of pride and satisfaction. Why have I yet to hear a single dad (or mom!) saying that becoming a parent was the best and most beautiful things to happen in their lives?
Again, what happens when there are too many people fighting for the same resources? The kid is stuck at home forever because it can't get a job or can't get a university place or can't afford to find a wife or buy a house, again, it goes to resources - one day, there won't be the resources to have children because there will be too many people taking up what resources we have and they're not infinite - can we expect the Nigerians, the Chinese and the Filipinos to stop having so many kids? The answer is obviously 'no' so someone has to draw the line somewhere.
I know it might sound cheesy and doesn't go down well with the cynical attitude of some of the posters here but, sure...let a man have fun while young. Eventually, at least in most of us, the desire for paternity will grow and, with the right kind of woman, one or two children will become reality.

Of course I agree with your earlier post, that desire for paternity tends to fade away as age progresses and one settles into a different, more solitary and self-centered routine. Nothing wrong with that. However I wouldn't go as far as saying that wanting kids is "selfish" when it is, by all intents and purposes, the exact opposite.
I disagree with this somewhat, not totally, I don't think having a family with the woman you love and you will take on responsibility to take care of the children you have with the woman you decided to have children with is a bad thing at this moment in time though one day we will have to have these horrible conversations about child bearing and how many each family unit can have, the Chinese were pilloried for this measure but this will be part of the future soon enough.

If the Filipinos want to take their population up to 500 million and their country are unable to give them work or a decent standard of living then someone, somewhere else is going to have to take the strain and give up on having kids - sometime in the future - at the moment, 7 billion is still sustainable but one day as the numbers creep up, it will stop being sustainable.

That's a different issue...too many kids in a family that can't support each and every of them and give them the opportunities they deserve, that's a problem. I wrote in an earlier post what I think about the situation in the Philippines (and by extension India and the few demographically exploding countries left on Earth). It's a mix of lazyness (no contraception) and the misplaced belief that more kids means more opportunities that one or two of them will be successful and help the (extended) family.

Even if these kids really turned out successful and did have all the best intentions to help mom & pop, younger brothers and sisters, grandparents, cousins even, let alone their own families, on a single's technically impossible with today's cost of living and definition of essentials to include the latest smartphone, flat-screen TV etc.

I agree with you that the world doesn't seem to offer a lot of incentives to have kids or large families. Depopulation is already in full swing in most of the world. Philippines and India and the few exceptions.
Of course, the issues are multi-faceted. One day it won't be sustainable for the cock of the village to go around producing as many children as he can to show what a 'man' he is, not just the Philippines, this is a big problem in West Africa, in Latin America - it needs to stop, because one day, they will be made to stop because when the global population goes past 10 billion - we are in serious f***ing trouble!
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Re: Is life better for men without having kids?

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

I believe pandemics, cataclysms, wars, and natural disasters are nature’s ways to shave back overpopulation. The fact that we are in the midst of one of these should be a clue to people. In fact, those with children are suffering the most with school closures, added stress, and financial strain due to job losses.

Single people are merely inconvenienced now, and I have actually made a windfall killing from the recovered stock market because of this thing.

Nature works in mysterious ways.....
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Re: Is life better for men without having kids?

Post by Cornfed »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
August 30th, 2020, 11:43 pm
I believe pandemics, cataclysms, wars, and natural disasters are nature’s ways to shave back overpopulation. The fact that we are in the midst of one of these should be a clue to people. In fact, those with children are suffering the most with school closures, added stress, and financial strain due to job losses.

Single people are merely inconvenienced now, and I have actually made a windfall killing from the recovered stock market because of this thing.

Nature works in mysterious ways.....
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Re: Is life better for men without having kids?

Post by hypermak »

yick wrote:
August 30th, 2020, 10:25 pm
At this moment in time, maybe... we can go and have two or three children and it won't be harming mankind but one day it will, and I don't agree with Cornfed like 99% of the time but the last thing this world needs is 250 million Nigerians, we don't need the same number of Filipinos and we don't more than the 1.5 billion Chinese people we already have, I would say in fairness we don't need 250 million Brits or Spaniards or Germans but there aren't that number anyway.
I think the problem I see is that those communities with exploding demographics, like in the Philippines and India, tend to be the more impoverished ones, the ones whose kids have the least chance to become highly productive members of society.
yick wrote:
August 30th, 2020, 10:25 pm
One day, we're all going to need to have this long hard conversation, mammals are hardwired to produce children, I was out shopping today and saw a lovely gorgeous girl working in the supermarket, big smile, lovely body and I thought 'hmmm, I would love to shag her!' but thankfully we have our human logic and reason which is why we are farther up the food chain than a dog but some of these guys who go around impregnating at will and thinking they're 'the man' well, they're no better than a dog!
Well, there's always contraception and recreational sex :)
yick wrote:
August 30th, 2020, 10:25 pm
Again, what happens when there are too many people fighting for the same resources? The kid is stuck at home forever because it can't get a job or can't get a university place or can't afford to find a wife or buy a house, again, it goes to resources - one day, there won't be the resources to have children because there will be too many people taking up what resources we have and they're not infinite - can we expect the Nigerians, the Chinese and the Filipinos to stop having so many kids? The answer is obviously 'no' so someone has to draw the line somewhere.
As a food professional I can tell you straight away. The future of nourishment for an overpopulated world will be insects and worms. They can be bred easily and cheaply and they are an excellent source of proteins and vitamins. Plus, believe me or not, when fried or grilled, they tasted a lot better than one can imagine.

They still carry some cringe factor but if you think the kind of artificial chemical that go into your average "yummy" fast food meal, that's real cringe!

Competition for water and good agricultural land will be fiercer and fiercer, that's granted.
yick wrote:
August 30th, 2020, 10:25 pm
I disagree with this somewhat, not totally, I don't think having a family with the woman you love and you will take on responsibility to take care of the children you have with the woman you decided to have children with is a bad thing at this moment in time though one day we will have to have these horrible conversations about child bearing and how many each family unit can have, the Chinese were pilloried for this measure but this will be part of the future soon enough.

If the Filipinos want to take their population up to 500 million and their country are unable to give them work or a decent standard of living then someone, somewhere else is going to have to take the strain and give up on having kids - sometime in the future - at the moment, 7 billion is still sustainable but one day as the numbers creep up, it will stop being sustainable.
That's very understandable but, as it seems to be the trend, socio-economic progress changes people's professional, cultural and leisure life. As more and more people will move to urban centre, get better-paid job and latch onto city life, the need, indeed the desire, to have a family larger than 4 will be automatically curbed. I think human nature always adapts and compensates, in the long run...
yick wrote:
August 30th, 2020, 10:25 pm
Of course, the issues are multi-faceted. One day it won't be sustainable for the cock of the village to go around producing as many children as he can to show what a 'man' he is, not just the Philippines, this is a big problem in West Africa, in Latin America - it needs to stop, because one day, they will be made to stop because when the global population goes past 10 billion - we are in serious f***ing trouble!
I don't think we will get to be 10 billion people... Times are changing fast and, if not by means of a global war or other man-made catastrophe, TPTB will make sure we won't get to that level. In the best case scenario, the elderly will die down and won't be replaced by a sufficient number of new lives.

For how much you dread the Filipinos going past 500 million, I read that South Koreans might be extinct by 2800, if the current demographic trend persists. I don't think the Japanese are far off...
Last edited by hypermak on August 31st, 2020, 3:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is life better for men without having kids?

Post by Spencer »

yick wrote:
August 30th, 2020, 7:09 pm
The reason people have kids is some vainglorious bullshit about leaving your valuable genes around for mankind :lol: If you get to the truth of why Winston had young Angelo that will be the reason whether he admits it or not.

It's a selfish desicion in most cases. Mediocre people raising kids to be mediocre, at least I have the self-reflection not to burden this planet with my offspring, the last thing this planet needs is one more person because it comes from my loins. The Chinese, the Filipinos, many countries in Africa, India - none of them are stopping anytime soon in producing billions of useless human garbage without an original thought between them, who have no use to anyone but to take up more of the world's resources (as well as being violent, dishonest, greedy, stupid, selfish etc - just basically of no use to anyone), someone has got to stop the madness of brainless reproduction - we will see out our lives without food and water shortages but 100 or 200 years into the future - this will start to become a problem as the world population gets up to 10-15 billion people on this planet and plentiful food and a fresh water supply starts to become a problem in maintaining.

I didn't mention the First World because they are managing to socially depopulate their populations, making it harder to raise kids these days - my dad raised a rather large family on one wage, impossible these days. Not many of my friends back home have kids. ... %20on%20St.
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Re: Is life better for men without having kids?

Post by Spencer »

hypermak wrote:
August 30th, 2020, 8:48 pm

Plus, to most at least, having kids is not just a burden and a responsibility, it's a joy, a source of pride and satisfaction. Why have I yet to hear a single dad (or mom!) saying that becoming a parent was the best and most beautiful things to happen in their lives?

I know it might sound cheesy and doesn't go down well with the cynical attitude of some of the posters here but, sure...let a man have fun while young. Eventually, at least in most of us, the desire for paternity will grow and, with the right kind of woman, one or two children will become reality.
Uhhh wiseton say it just biology nature trick because kid take take take but never back just cry cry cry and wine all time so you again sho us again your dumwit ignoramus so please stop while make meditation more so less post and finality is you also elderman already so what hapen to lil vaniman for he never got birthed and lucky for earthworld the bad genetic set to end with you public duende
"Close mind genus more dangrous than 10,000 dumwits" - Spencer

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Re: Is life better for men without having kids?

Post by Spencer »

hypermak wrote:
August 31st, 2020, 1:36 am

As a food professional I can tell you straight away. The future of nourishment for an overpopulated world will be insects and worms. They can be bred easily and cheaply and they are an excellent source of proteins and vitamins. Plus, believe me or not, when fried or grilled, they tasted a lot better than one can imagine.
I will sho no hotel pasay have any Italy 30s age chefman and i will go phlipin because i not qualifies go other aborder country i want helping build up the hapy abord for bring prosperitys to goodman aborder and thwart the darmans with evil latel come forum only stirup pot of disentions
"Close mind genus more dangrous than 10,000 dumwits" - Spencer

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Re: Is life better for men without having kids?

Post by Spencer »

hypermak wrote:
August 31st, 2020, 1:36 am
I don't think we will get to be 10 billion people... Times are changing fast and, if not by means of a global war or other man-made catastrophe, TPTB will make sure we won't get to that level. In the best case scenario, the elderly will die down and won't be replaced by a sufficient number of new lives.

For how much you dread the Filipinos going past 500 million, I read that South Koreans might be extinct by 2080, if the current demographic trend persists. I don't think the Japanese are far off...
You dumwit vanni for even korean stop make baby 100% baby born last few years still well aliving and only few year older compare you now duende so do simple simon math before post imposibly ingormamity statement for probly what you read old news sorcing publish long long time go because now imposibility ... eriod%20to
"Close mind genus more dangrous than 10,000 dumwits" - Spencer

"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne

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Re: Is life better for men without having kids?

Post by hypermak »

Spencer wrote:
August 31st, 2020, 2:28 am
You dumwit vanni for even korean stop make baby 100% baby born last few years still well aliving and only few year older compare you now duende so do simple simon math before post imposibly ingormamity statement for probly what you read old news sorcing publish long long time go because now imposibility ... eriod%20to
I mistyped, I actually meant 2800, not 2080 :)

This is one of the articles that talk about this. ... 750-2015-6

Stop trolling Shawn. Go back to your Culture Whip billion dollar website.
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Re: Is life better for men without having kids?

Post by Spencer »

hypermak wrote:
August 31st, 2020, 3:19 am
Spencer wrote:
August 31st, 2020, 2:28 am
You dumwit vanni for even korean stop make baby 100% baby born last few years still well aliving and only few year older compare you now duende so do simple simon math before post imposibly ingormamity statement for probly what you read old news sorcing publish long long time go because now imposibility ... eriod%20to
I mistyped, I actually meant 2800, not 2080 :)

This is one of the articles that talk about this. ... 750-2015-6

Stop trolling Shawn. Go back to your Culture Whip billion dollar website.
Nobody credibility making demographic predilection for 800 year future that article complete rediculus and who care so so far distance futuring that complete unbeknownst ..better try gain sherlock
Last edited by Spencer on August 31st, 2020, 3:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Close mind genus more dangrous than 10,000 dumwits" - Spencer

"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne

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Re: Is life better for men without having kids?

Post by Spencer »

Hey vanni make deal for you go away then i go way too for you only anti truther on forum or else face me man to man
"Close mind genus more dangrous than 10,000 dumwits" - Spencer

"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne

"Wiseton is a very dynamic individual, what most would call a genius. He's started a movement, and only genius types can do such a thing." - Boycottamericanwomen
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Re: Is life better for men without having kids?

Post by hypermak »

Stop trolling, PAG. Winston banned you time and again. On behalf of this community he told you, loud and clear, that nobody wants you or any of your pathetic personas.

Yet you keep coming and your agenda is always the same. Trash the place with your nonsense.

This time is even more atrocious than the previous, since you cornered yourself in this ridiculous retarded broken English identity that can never say anything thar matters or make sense. That's why you're spending countless hours mocking me, pardon, "Publicduende".
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