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My Terrible OCD Holds Me Back in Life :(

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My Terrible OCD Holds Me Back in Life :(

Post by Lucas88 »

From around the age of 8, I began to suffer from terrible OCD. My OCD back then was more of a mental type. In my mind I'd always have to count to certain "positive numbers" which were usually 4, 6 or 8. I never liked to finish on an odd number. On top of that, there were certain words that I didn't like due to their ugly phonological quality. Whenever I heard those words, I'd have to neutralize them but uttering a more favorable word with a similar meaning. As one can imagine, this constant need to count to certain numbers or neutralize certain words with other ones used to take its toll on my already hyperactive autistic mind. :(

Suddenly, from around the age of 11, all of my OCD mysteriously disappeared and I enjoyed a profound serenity of the mind. I didn't have to count to "positive numbers" or neutralize unfavorable words. I was a happy kid in secondary school and my anxiety was reduced to almost zero.

Nevertheless, around the age of 15, my OCD returned with a vengeance and would become worse than ever. This time I didn't simply have to count to a certain number or verbally neutralize unfavorable words but also felt compelled to touch the floor or certain objects a specific number of times as part of a ritual of neutralization. It became that bad that some people would notice and ask me what the ef' I was doing or otherwise laugh at me.

At around the same time I also began to experience frequent intrusive thoughts that would heighten my anxiety. For example, one time when I was about to compete at a junior Brazilian Jiujitsu tournament, I was walking past the mat where some of the disabled competitors were competing and, all of a sudden, an intrusive thought burst into my mind that said: "Hey look, there's the "spacker division"!". Of course, I would never really say such a disrespectful thing and have great respect for the disabled competitors for their tenacity to compete against all odds, but intrusive thoughts like that would often invade my inner monologue without me wanting them to do so. Then, after that intrusive thought, I started to become paranoid thinking that the universe or karma or something like that was going to make one of the big tough whippersnappers who I was about to compete against violently suplex me onto my head and break my neck during our Jiujitsu match and then at the next tournament I would end up competing in the disabled division and then maybe even at the Special Olympics. I started to panic and then profusely apologize to the universe before preparing for my matches with my thoughts all messed up. :(

I'm gonna be honest. I was a whizz kid at Jiujitsu when I was a teenager. I even had to lie about my age so that I could compete in the adult category because there came a point when there was no longer any competition in the junior category but I still often used to smash most of my opponents with armbars, triangle chokes and positional domination and win awesome medals. :D

However, I didn't compete very much in MMA despite training in MMA for years. The reason for that was my same OCD. Whenever I considered the prospect of doing a MMA fight, my OCD would run wilder than usual and I'd start to think that the universe would make some big baddass Thai boxer cave my skull in with a powerful head kick and turn me into a vegetable for some "sin" that I'd committed in the past and that my pre-event OCD rituals wouldn't be enough to prevent it. In MMA there are more ways to die than in grappling. Before a MMA competition, my OCD would become so crippling that such events would be too much of a mental ordeal for me. I would compete rarely despite my MMA coach wanting me to fight frequently.

OCD is awful. It often stops me from rising to the occasion and performing in combat sports. :(

What is the best way to treat OCD?


I've tagged all of the people who I remember have talked about mental health in the past. :)

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Re: My Terrible OCD Holds Me Back in Life :(

Post by Flat-Antelope7927 »

OCD, autism, mental illness, etc. don't actually exist. Back in my day you never even heard about these problems and the actual crazy people were sent the mental institution where they belonged. If you eat healthy and exercise then you won't suffer from these made up disorders. I think the real issue is that people spend all day on the computer and videogames these days instead of hunting, boxing, or playing football (real football, not the faggy European "football") like I used to growing up and now everyone either claims to be mentally ill or thinks they're the wrong gender.


Re: My Terrible OCD Holds Me Back in Life :(

Post by MarcosZeitola »

I know a guy with crippling OCD and autism, and he's also suffering from this in life. It's sad to see. Like he's a tall, reasonably good-looking dude. He's intelligent. But he's just so hindered by his mental issues that it holds him back massively. I hate seeing good people suffer from things beyond their control, but sadly this is far too common. And there must be some stuff in the water or food in recent decades because the number of mentally ill people is FAR higher nowadays than it used to be a century or more ago. Such people used to be called "eccentrics" and were relatively rare. Now it's everywhere.

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Re: My Terrible OCD Holds Me Back in Life :(

Post by galii »

Lucas what about your solutions? Do you try to take care of the important stuff like sleeping, food, meditation and so on? Btw. did you think about cold exposure?

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Re: My Terrible OCD Holds Me Back in Life :(

Post by 69ixine »

Lucas88,Neurofeedback has a 95% success rate in healing ocd permanently if it is LENS.

it's just so damn expensive to get sessions,buy the tech yourself or even rent it(the cheapest option).

I think repeated use,like every weak of magic mushrooms can rewire the's one of the things I miss about living in my home country.EVERYTHING but coffee and alcohol and cigarettes are BANNED in the United Snakes of America!lol

they even had a fuckin uproar about a sexdoll brothel.trying to ban it.

I have ocd since age 8 or 7,and it is hell on earth.I was healed the first time by doing peyotl in 2016,a Aztec psychedelic,my first psychedelic and then magic mushrooms.

Terrence Mckenna was a hero.

I can study mathematics and learn it but my biggest problem is memory and cognition in general,so I can't retain anything I learn that is rote learning.I have to be very interested in a topic to learn it,because I study it obsessively.this hampers my financial success in life,and is why I'm miserable at the moment.

I'm thinking of just biting the bullet and renting a lens neurofeedback system once I get a permanent Job.that or go back to holland and do psychedelics every 2 weeks until my brain is rewired.

I am a whole different person without obsessive compulsions affect my behaviour,and my obsessions are so strong on certain topics it scares alot of people away.

it's like a circular command structure in your brain where you think of the same topics over and over for weeks.

Qi kung has helped me,but I want to really do psychedelics for a permanent effect.I tried GABA from pharmaGABA and it failed to live up to my expectations and work,I always thought ocd was a glutamate excessive disease and GABA would counteract that.I guess it's more complex than that.

I wish I could juust shrink my amygdala thru magnetic means .it exists.I forgot the name of it.if I remember I'll update you on it.

a brainwave device is good can likely afford it.atleast you have a job and some $$$$ lol!
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Re: My Terrible OCD Holds Me Back in Life :(

Post by 69ixine »

Lucas,the reason mushrooms stop ocd temporarily is because they shrink the amygdala.ocd is hyperactive amygdala misfiring.
the amygdalic emotions cause the thoughts,by sending signals to the cognitive regions of the amygdala no intrusive thinking.

I think a Japanese scientist discovered a way to remove the amygdala noninvasevely thru oil and the 80s.

I'm def looking into noninvasive ways to remove the amygdala,because that is the cause of ocd and stress.

I'm getting Stereotactic/taxic surgery to get rid of my amygdala as soon as I speak with my psychiatrist.

maybe something for you?You just won't face any fear or stress ever at all.

Edit:Gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery is what it was called,no chemicals,no cuts.Thank you ascended master maria orsic for guiding me when I asked you for it! ... mma-knife/

only issue is it's experimental so insurance might not pay for it.
scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.

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