Links for Men

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Links for Men

Post by tom »

I got this list of links from this board:
So many links it seems the men’s movement is exploding on the net.

The Main Link List has become so unwieldy and large (1280 links and counting) that a synopsis of a few links that will bear the greatest return on time was needed.

If you need to go to a handful of sites that will give you the best head start, use these: News and Links Resource MRA Links Resource Resource on Media Doublespeak Resource on Media Articles of MRA Interest MGTOW Resource, Links and Forum


First usage of MGTOW - Men Going Their Own Way:


Google Marriage Strike

Yahoo Marriage Strike

Altavista Marriage Strike


What Women Want Article Series:


The Quagmire of Older women Part I, II & III by Bernard Chapin:


The four best sources on the Net for news and media analysis from a Man's point of view:


These 24 blogs are an excellent, and very entertaining, place to start. Each blog has a section of MRA links, most of which you will find below or in the longer lists. (Captain Zarmband, Pulled by Author, 7/01/07) (Pulled by Duncan, Blog Author, 6/23/07) (Pulled by FredX, Blog Author, 7/19/07) (On extended haitus, 5/27/07) (Pulled from Blogspot, 11/01/07. Points to a new, non-MRA blog. TOS violation?) (Pulled from Blogspot. TOS violation?)


These forums get a good slice of the traffic, and will expose one to the other sites and ideas that are out there. (Level-headed and well-reasoned posts.) (Cool Tools 4 Men Forum.) (Server is slow, but a good place to keep the conversation going in event of radfem troll bombs.) (Forum has been torn down 3 times when women complained or were put in charge. Resurrection # 4 in progress.) (Strict, Christian, tight-laced. No swearing. Strict and unpredictable banning policy. $50 fee to register. Occasionally excellent writing. Goldmine of overseas travel and cultural observations.) (Attempts a big tent and disdains using global generalisations or pejorative language against either gender.) (Large number of sub-forums on a multitide of topics. Christians, Liberals, Democrats, Conservatives, Republicans, Conspiracy Theorists; something for everyone. Excellent writing. Disclosure: I am one of the Moderators of the NG Forum.) (Written for Black Men, but the complaints about Black Women are completely applicable to most American Women of all races, colours and creeds.)


Excellent series of 4 articles on how Anglo and Western Women screwed up the best thing in the history of mankind:



Richard Doyle's "The Liberator"

Archive, partial 1998-2003.

h t t p://w w


* If men have all the power, how come women make the rules

* The Ladder Theory

* The Whore of Mensa

* United Men Of America

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Quality not quantity!

Post by DarkTalay »


Fred Reed wrote this article that partially inspired me to escape from wage-slavery in the States:

It hit the nail squarely on the head!

His take on American( Western women) had more useful information than
any of that phony relationship "expert" John Gray's books:

Worth reading and inspiring!

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Post by jamesbond »

DarkTalay wrote:

"His take on American( Western women) had more useful information
than any of that phony relationship "expert" John Gray's books."

Oh, you mean those relationship books that tell you to just be yourself and you will get tons of women? Or maybe it's those books that teach you a bunch of pickup lines to use on women at bars and nightclubs. Perhaps it's those books that say just start conversations with women in book stores and grocery stores and ask them for their phone number. In other words those books don't work, they don't help you meet women. Those so called "experts" that write those books are not experts, some of those guys who write those books couldn't get laid in a whore house with a fist full of fifty dollar bills! The best advice to give to men in America is go overseas to meet women and forget American women altogether!

- Paul
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Post by Winston »

jamesbond wrote:DarkTalay wrote:

"His take on American( Western women) had more useful information
than any of that phony relationship "expert" John Gray's books."

Oh, you mean those relationship books that tell you to just be yourself and you will get tons of women? Or maybe it's those books that teach you a bunch of pickup lines to use on women at bars and nightclubs. Perhaps it's those books that say just start conversations with women in book stores and grocery stores and ask them for their phone number. In other words those books don't work, they don't help you meet women. Those so called "experts" that write those books are not experts, some of those guys who write those books couldn't get laid in a whore house with a fist full of fifty dollar bills! The best advice to give to men in America is go overseas to meet women and forget American women altogether!

- Paul
W: Agreed Paul. I read and tried all those techniques too. What I've found is that all those techniques that try to make you look like an alpha male, such as teasing them, not being affected by them, buttoning down your collar, etc. only work in the world of fiction. Basically, what it comes down to is chemistry and whether you are her type or not, and vice versa. If she's ALREADY attracted to you, those techniques will enhance the attraction and mystery a bit. But if she's not, those techniques will not create the attraction. That's the bottom line.

Otherwise, the best you can get with seduction techniques is a few laughs from the girls, not attraction or sex.

Plus these dating gurus send out fake newsletters and fake testimonials. For example, David DeAngelo of sends out newsletters all the time with people worshipping him, but the tone of the letters are always the same style, and sound too fake. I wonder why I'm one of the few that's spotted this.
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Post by momopi »

Is it that difficult to date a girl's number in the US? Well, compared to more conservative societies like Muslim countries, and more open ones like Philippines, America probably ranks somewhere in the middle on global scale.

It's past 3am, I just came back from a night out with a Japanese buddy of mine. He's short and kinda chubby, but has a friendly smile. We were playing pool at this bar/pool-hall/small disco place and our waitress was a decent looking Hispanic gal with great legs. Not "model quality" but pretty nice.

We chatted her up and she told us that her legs were killing her. She has to wear high heels with short skirt for her job and her boss doesn't give her a break period. We told her that it was my friend's birthday and requested her to have a toast with us. So we bought her a drink and she came to hang out with us, resting her legs at our table when the boss wasn't looking. Things went pretty well and her body language showed it.

By closing she went outside for a smoke, and my friend went outside to chat her up and got her phone #. On the way back, he commented that he used to have a crush on this Persian/Iranian girl from school, but she told him up-front that she is a Muslim and would only marry a Muslim man. In comparison, most Americans are nominal Christians and Catholics without such strict expectations.

Now, let me also add that being able to pick up a girl, is not the same as having a broad selection of "good" girls. This waitress works at a bar/pool hall joint until 1am-2am, drinks hard liquor, smokes, and probably has some skeletons in the closet.

If my Japanese friend was in Asia, he'd probably have a wider selection of women, which is the point of this board/forum. Here in the US I date a few girls and burn through 1 GF every year on average. I've been back in Taiwan enough times to know that if I moved there, I could probably be dating several girls within the first month.

I don't follow the PUA or "just be yourself" strategy. I believe in self-improvement (exercise, dress better, etc) and being firmly polite & friendly with girls. Being firm, means knowing what you want and not be a wishy-washy pushover. An example would be when asking a girl out to dinner, do your homework and have a short list of restaurants and dishes ready. If the girl doesn't like restaurant A have a backup plan B, but don't say "oh I donno..."
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Steel Balls

Post by DarkTalay »


I must tell you about R.Don Steele and his “Steel Balls� philosophy.

He turned my life around from being a “nice guy/doormat/metro-sexual� into a “Man of Steel Balls�!

He tells it like it is with no “PC� wimpy John Gray nonsense.
He stresses acting like a strong man, never kissing ass or being
He tells men to dress and groom properly ( as a man not a teenager), act decisively and deal with women as a
Man, not a metro-sexual.

His books should be required reading for all heterosexual males.
I met him in person and went to his workshops which I recommend.
He has nothing but contempt for John Gray and other relationship experts

His only flaws is that he’s intolerant of dissenting voices and doesn’t see
expatriating in a foreign country to meet foreign women as a valid option.

I found his techniques useful in regaining my self-respect and improving my
public image but still found it hard as I was living in the
“Heterosexual Male Hell� mainly the San Francisco Bay Area.

Take my word on this, the Bay Area does have a huge Gay population but it’s an Urban Myth that it’s a single man’s paradise (unless the man is Gay)
The female population consists of mostly Lesbians or feminists or man-haters with a slim margin of decent women. If a man wants to try his luck with odds stacked heavily against him good luck.:twisted:

I found it works well in Thailand as it puts me way ahead of the common male tourist who can be loud, rude and obnoxious.

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Post by jamesbond »

Your right about Don Steele. I bought his two books recently, "How to date young women" and "Body language secrets." Both are excellent and have lot's of good useful information. I also subscribe to his yahoo group
He tells men to stay the hell out of bars and clubs as they are the worst places in the world to meet women. He also tells women never to go to bars and clubs as they are filled with losers he says. He says other places that are packed with losers are pop psychology courses, how to meet people seminars, bars and clubs and any event hosted by a singles organization. He tells men to start taking college classes to meet women like acting classes, dance classes, cooking classes and any class where the women will outnumber the men. Strike up casual conversations when in class with the women there and eventually suggest to a woman to go out for coffee after class one day.

He also suggests to get involved with school activities, community activities and do volunteer work. He also says remember to ask your friends if they have single female friends that they can introduce you to. Another thing he says is to avoid single mothers like the plague! You don't need to spend your time being an emotional tampon to a single mother as she tells you her tells of woe about her kids, exboyfriend or ex husband. Another he says is DO NOT do internet dating. It is filled with fat, ugly women who are so deperate to meet men that they log on and lose their dignity all in the hopes of finding prince charming! He said he personally knows of 100 men who have used internet dating and NOT ONE of them ever met a nice, attractive, normal woman! He said your not going to find a normal woman through the internet, if she was normal she wouldn't be using the internet. A lot of this is common sense but some guys need to hear this and not just continue to go to bars and clubs in hopes of meeting women.

- Paul
Last edited by jamesbond on May 20th, 2008, 3:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Winston »

jamesbond wrote:Your right about Don Steele. I bought his two books recently, "How to date young women for men over 35" and "Body language secrets." Both are excellent and have lot's of good useful information. I also subscribe to his yahoo group
He tells men to stay the hell out of bars and clubs as they are the worst places in the world to meet women. He also tells women never to go to bars and clubs as they are filled with losers he says. He says other places that are packed with losers are pop psychology courses, how to meet people seminars, bars and clubs and any event hosted by a singles organization. He tells men to start taking college classes to meet women like acting classes, dance classes, cooking classes and any class where the women will outnumber the men. Strike up casual conversations when in class with the women there and eventually suggest to a woman to go out for coffee after class one day.

He also suggests to get involved with school activities, community activities and do volunteer work. He also says remember to ask your friends if they have single female friends that they can introduce you to. Another thing he says is to avoid single mothers like the plague! You don't need to spend your time being an emotional tampon to a single mother as she tells you her tells of woe about her kids, exboyfriend or ex husband. Another he says is DO NOT do internet dating. It is filled with fat, ugly women who are so deperate to meet men that they log on and lose their dignity all in the hopes of finding prince charming! He said he personally knows of 100 men who have used internet dating and NOT ONE of them ever met a nice, attractive, normal woman! He said your not going to find a normal woman through the internet, if she was normal she wouldn't be using the internet. A lot of this is common sense but some guys need to hear this and not just continue to go to bars and clubs in hopes of meeting women.

- Paul
W: Sorry to say this but if Don Steele says that, then he sucks. I've done all those suggestions and they get nowhere. Sure you can take classes and get involved in activities to meet women. They'll meet you, say hi, shake your hand, then tell you to have a nice day or night afterward. But that's ALL you'll get usually. If she happens to give you her number, it means nothing. She will either screen out your calls or say she is busy if you call and makes excuses not to meet. Generally she won't see you outside of the class.

Internet dating is only for losers in the US. In other countries attractive quality singles meet people online. It's no big deal.

A lot of what he says, that you summed up, is mono-national common sense. But it doesn't get results.

The truth is, if I hadn't left the US but just stuck behind and tried all that BS, my whole life I'd have fewer than 5 sex partners, for sure. But now that I've gone overseas, my sex partners number has skyrocketed.

All I've only used one technique, a very simple sentence, which is this: "Excuse me miss, I think you're very attractive and I want to meet you." From there, I gauge their response and respond appropriately. And I usually shower them with lots of creative compliments and flattery. That it. Just by doing that, I've dated many beautiful girls, including many 8's, and gotten laid many times.

My dating life went from completely nonexistent to overflowing. And to the point where I have to start turning down girls. No dating guru could have done that for me.
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Post by jamesbond »

Your right Winston, the best thing to do is go overseas and meet women that way. Even if a guy is successful with women here in the US, it won't be nearly as much as if he went overseas. Women in America are just too picky about who they go out with, because they have so many guys asking them out! I guess the more choices you have, the more picky you become. I never hear women in America complaining that they can't meet men, I only hear guys saying they have a difficult time meeting women.

- Paul
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Post by momopi »

In a society where men and women judge each other by their sexual market value & men > women, the men rarely hears women complain about lack of choices because, the men is only interested in talking to, and befriending attractive women that he'd sleep with, and not those from the bottom percentile.

The not so attractive women on the bottom don't have many people to complain to, so they're kinda silent and just there in the shadows. Yet, at the same time, they prefer to maintain their women's pride and not date "below common standards". Sound familiar? hehehe.

Internet dating is OK for people with special requirements, such as dietary, health/medical condition, and fetishes. If you're into transgender or BDSM, internet dating is great and lets you connect with that special 1% of society that's really hard to meet under normal circumstances.

But for normal heterosexual men, internet dating sites range from "suck" (most pay sites) to "bad" (free sites like craiglist). Men like to bitch and complain a lot because they remember everything, versus women can forget various details about her latest ex-BF quickly. This is probably genetic as caveman were expected to go out and hunt, then return home to feed his family, while cave women have to be ready to accept a new partner quickly when her current one gets eaten by a saber tooth tiger.

It's much better to use the internet for social networking. Friendster, Myspace, MSN Messenger, etc. are all great services that lets you stay in touch with girls far away. When I have a GF overseas, I can talk to her online every day via MSN (text) or Skype (voice), free of charge.

I'm not a fan of most dating guru's, but have found body language books to be helpful in understanding non-verbal communications.
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R Don.

Post by DarkTalay »


Winston said:
W: Sorry to say this but if Don Steele says that, then he sucks. I've done all those suggestions and they get nowhere. Sure you can take classes and get involved in activities to meet women. They'll meet you, say hi, shake your hand, then tell you to have a nice day or night afterward. But that's ALL you'll get usually. If she happens to give you her number, it means nothing. She will either screen out your calls or say she is busy if you call and makes excuses not to meet. Generally she won't see you outside of the class.
I partially disagree, doing all those activities will give you a fighting chance in some parts of the country mainly rural and far away from major cities full of Feminazis.

I give R. Don lots of credit for helping break out of my "nice guy" brainwashing and become motivated into moving overseas.

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Post by jamesbond »

I guess meeting people through your friends is how most Americans meet people. It helps if your friends have some single people that they can introduce you to!
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