Are people in Hawaii more friendly and relaxed?

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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

globetrotter wrote:
Northamericanguy wrote:And yes, native Hawaiians don't like white people as others have stated, and it baffles me when white people express anger that they are not accepted in Hawaii. I mean, after all the raping, killing, and stealing they have done (much more so than any other racial group!), they have the nerve to get mad that there are people today that are rightfully upset over what they were responsible for in the past.
This is total bullshit.

Whenever I encounter Political Correctness, Critical Theory or Cultural Marxism, I drop the hammer.

Fallacy of Composition:

A fallacy of composition arises when one infers that something is true of the whole from the fact that it is true of some part of the whole.

All of the rapists in Hawaii were white, therefore all whites are rapists and deserving of scorn.

Sorry, that's Bullshit.

I am not responsible for what someone did 150 years ago just because they might look a little bit like me.

Racism is Racism, no matter who propagates it.

Really, I'm a raciest for pointing out the history of your violent ancestors?

And it does not stop with the Hawaiians, the Native Americans/Australian aboriginals dislike whites too because of the millions of Indians/Australian aboriginals that were killed, all while the survivors were driven off their land they lived on for 1000's of years.

And your response is typical when I bring this topic up with other Caucasians, they either resort to, "get over it," or others say," I was not responsible because I was not there." Very few acknowledge what happened and admit that what their ancestors did was wrong and try to rectify it. And at this point, I'm not even getting my hopes up that white people would care because it's not in their nature. Quite simply, a race that survives on domination, aggression, and war, is not going to one day wake up and be caring and compassionate and try to have a civil factual discussion of the past because it could lead to public outcry, war crimes and a revision of the history books itself.

GT, you might want to check out this book however, Iceman Inheritance : Prehistoric Sources of Western Man's Racism, Sexism and Aggression, it was written by a white man for white people to read. The general outline of the book is that Caucasians have a history of aggression towards their own kind and others because genetically they mixed in with the Neanderthals where other racial gropes such as the Africans did not.

Bradley offers a persuasive argument that the white race, the Neanderthal-Caucasoids, are more aggressive than others because of ancient sexual maladaptation. And, in tracing the effects of Caucasian aggression, Bradley offers an uncomfortable and all-too-plausible explanation for the pattern of human history.

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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

globetrotter wrote:
Northamericanguy wrote:
Kapinga626 wrote:If I had met any Hawaiians that were SO cool , and fun to be around , I might be living there now , But I didn't .

Being a middle aged man from nowhere Pennsylvania , I can say with all sincerity , that I have never raped a Hawaiian , killed a Hawaiian , or stole from a Hawaiian . For any Hawaiian to resent me for something that happened 150 - 200 years ago by someone else is just stupid .
How is it stupid? Why can't people have the right to be angry at another group of people if it's valid?
Because it isn't valid, it's racist and it's illogical.

Just because a group of a few thousand white men were assholes 150 years ago, does not mean that one can conclude that ALL white men are assholes, or that one can blame them all, even ones born 150 years later who were not even from the same country. Fallacy of Composition.

Racism is Racism, no matter if the person doing it is Hawaiian or otherwise.

You are arguing for Hawaiians to be pissed off at people from Iceland or Iran, when Iceland had ZERO affect, interest or impact upon Hawaii 150 years ago.

But people in Iceland are white, and the men in Iceland are White Men, so by your 'reasoning' Hawaiians have the right to be angry at them.

All white men are not bad, I happen to have much respect for the Ancient Greeks such as men like Herodotus.

Regardless, Caucasians TODAY still continue to dominate others through economics, and military might.
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Post by globetrotter »

Northamericanguy wrote:
globetrotter wrote:
Northamericanguy wrote:And yes, native Hawaiians don't like white people as others have stated, and it baffles me when white people express anger that they are not accepted in Hawaii. I mean, after all the raping, killing, and stealing they have done (much more so than any other racial group!), they have the nerve to get mad that there are people today that are rightfully upset over what they were responsible for in the past.
This is total bullshit.

Whenever I encounter Political Correctness, Critical Theory or Cultural Marxism, I drop the hammer.

Fallacy of Composition:

A fallacy of composition arises when one infers that something is true of the whole from the fact that it is true of some part of the whole.

All of the rapists in Hawaii were white, therefore all whites are rapists and deserving of scorn.

Sorry, that's Bullshit.

I am not responsible for what someone did 150 years ago just because they might look a little bit like me.

Racism is Racism, no matter who propagates it.
Really, I'm a racist for pointing out the history of your violent ancestors?
Yes, you are.

You betcha, because MY ancestors did not set foot in Hawaii.

Thus your allegations are a lie, and you are racist.

My ancestors landed in North America (1630) before the introduction of slaves into the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1643.

Take this up with someone whose ancestors worked a southern slave port, or someone whose ancestors were on those ships in Hawaii.

I also dismiss the concept, which is based in Marxism and class envy morphed into race, of responsibility for what other members of my 'race' did in the past.

I am not responsible for what someone who may have looked like me, and who was not my ancestor, did 150 years ago.

This concept only applies to 'the oppressors' who must take collective responsibility for past actions of members of their race, but it does not apply to any member of an 'oppressed class' who is free from the same strictures.
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

globetrotter wrote:
Northamericanguy wrote:
globetrotter wrote:
Northamericanguy wrote:And yes, native Hawaiians don't like white people as others have stated, and it baffles me when white people express anger that they are not accepted in Hawaii. I mean, after all the raping, killing, and stealing they have done (much more so than any other racial group!), they have the nerve to get mad that there are people today that are rightfully upset over what they were responsible for in the past.
This is total bullshit.

Whenever I encounter Political Correctness, Critical Theory or Cultural Marxism, I drop the hammer.

Fallacy of Composition:

A fallacy of composition arises when one infers that something is true of the whole from the fact that it is true of some part of the whole.

All of the rapists in Hawaii were white, therefore all whites are rapists and deserving of scorn.

Sorry, that's Bullshit.

I am not responsible for what someone did 150 years ago just because they might look a little bit like me.

Racism is Racism, no matter who propagates it.
Really, I'm a racist for pointing out the history of your violent ancestors?
Yes, you are.

You betcha, because MY ancestors did not set foot in Hawaii.

Thus your allegations are a lie, and you are racist.

My ancestors landed in North America (1630) before the introduction of slaves into the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1643.

Take this up with someone whose ancestors worked a southern slave port, or someone whose ancestors were on those ships in Hawaii.

I also dismiss the concept, which is based in Marxism and class envy morphed into race, of responsibility for what other members of my 'race' did in the past.

I am not responsible for what someone who may have looked like me, and who was not my ancestor, did 150 years ago.

This concept only applies to 'the oppressors' who must take collective responsibility for past actions of members of their race, but it does not apply to any member of an 'oppressed class' who is free from the same strictures.

How dare you call me a raciest when growing up my own late grandfather told me stories of how Caucasians hung Africans from trees like a sport, our how he fought for this country and was still not permitted to enter restaurants through the front door.

As far as the rest of your post, it's funny how you're silent on the subject of Caucasian aggression, violence, and the mass slaughter of indigenous people wholesale around the world. I'm sure it's because you know that all the roads lead back to EUROPE.

"In addition, the author argues, white Australians have never acknowledged that their country was founded on the genocide of the aborigines, still discriminated against today, and has been run ever since as a colonial tool, first of Great Britain and now of the United States--the CIA, the author suggests in convincing detail, connived in the 1975 overthrow of a Labor government unpopular with the U.S. Pilger's strong tone may alienate those who don't already agree with him, but he backs up his contentions with careful documentation. Overall, though, his thoughtful book will appeal to those seeking a more realistic understanding of the land Down Under."

"This text was a difficult if not an extremely painful read. Man's inhumanity to man expressed in this book truly goes beyond the pale. We have entered an Orwellian stage in our history, where world dominance is justified as paving the way for democracy, maintaining our `freedom' through combating `terror', where the true victims are the innocent, the silent oppressed, euphemised as `collateral damage'.

John Pilger has been chronicling crimes against humanity for over 35 years, his first most ground breaking story being the Indonesian invasion of East Timor, which was given the green light by President Ford and Henry Kissinger, and supplied weapons by the British. Thousands of innocents were slaughtered, including two Australian television news crews as they were attempting to report this illegal action to the world and paid the ultimate price. The oppression in East Timor continues today. In Freedom Next Time, Pilger examines five examples of crimes against humanity and the effects of economic globalization, where the elites are getting richer and the poor slowly vanishing from the radar screens, categorized as "non-persons".

In chapter 1, Stealing a Nation, Pilger describes the unlawful deportation of an entire people, the island of Diego Garcia, part of the Chagos archipelago, which constitutes the Saloman Islands and Edgemont Island, situated exactly between Africa and Asia. A secret deal between the British and American governments, the British sold Diego Garcia to the Americans to make way for a military base. Over two thousand Chagossian's were deported to Mauritius, dropped off with barely the cloths on their backs, currently living in abject poverty without compensation from the British government despite being British citizens. What is startling is the massive cover-up by the government and the silence of most journalists over three decades, allowing (them) to get away with it.

This a hard book to read as man's inhumanity to man, the appalling lies and silence from the mainstream media, and the amount of innocent deaths around the globe for the betterment of the few, is hard to take. Pilger has never held back with the truth, despite numerous death threats over his career, banned from countries and standing up to those that perpetrate these crimes against humanity.

As a reader of Pilger for some years now, this is his best book to date.

Highly recommended."
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Post by MrCross »

Yes, the way Hawaiians have been treated in the past is horrible, but guess what??? The tourist white people keep the economy alive. Notice that the locals with attitudes are also the ones living in poverty. If your pride for something that didn't happen to you outweighs your will to succeed, you may want to reevaluate your priorities.

The same can be said for many races on the mainland as well. You want to complain about how horrible your ancestors had it, and how the government is screwing you, then you take section 8 housing, food stamps, Medicaid, and welfare, and you drive to get your benefits in a Mercedes? Congratulations...I can't get approved for housing loans while I attend medical school. I guess I'll have to take the half-assed route through school and be a sub-par physician because I was too busy working 2 jobs while in school.

Don't come crying to me about ancestors, because I'm Irish. My family was oppressed by the English a thousand years ago. Guess what??? I'm over it. If people want to cry about oppression and mistreatment, tell them to study WWII and the Shoah, then talk.

Just live, love, and get yours.
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Post by MrCross »

Oh btw, they live in HAWAII, not Iraq. Walk outside, go to beach, STFU.
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Re: Are people in Hawaii more friendly and relaxed?

Post by Traveler »

I lived in Hawaii for several years. There definitely is some racism against white people. Some Hawaiians blame white people for invading their land and forcing them to become part of the United States. When I first moved there I was told that it wasn't really safe to be walking along the beach at night because there had been cases of white people being randomly attacked. However, many of the Hawaiians I encountered were very laid back and friendly and didn't seem prejudiced at all.

About 40% of the population is Asian (mostly of Japanese, Chinese, and Filipino ancestry). I wouldn't say your chances of getting an Asian girlfriend in Hawaii are greater than anywhere else in the US except that you are much more likely to come into contact with Asian women in your daily life there.
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Re: Are people in Hawaii more friendly and relaxed?

Post by Him_Rabbit »

Hey Winston,

I am a customer/client/prior member of happierabroad and the discussions my wife and I (AW but one of the unicorn ones. Turns out she mirrors the perceptions of this country and it's lack of genuine social structure and declining pride in creating beautiful things outside of Disneyland.) have been discussing our disgust with american healthcare (or lack thereof) and that of other countries. It led me to once again come back. You might not remember. I'm the Marine guy who called himself "Squirrel." Anyway, on to your question that you asked! And it is good to be here again!

To answer your question, a close friend of mine, Richard, went to Hawaii. Just out of the blue. He didn't reach out to any of us, tell us that he was thinking about it, just BAM. No one knew where he was until we saw his posts on FB! We were all jealous. He lived there for about a year and a half maybe 2 years, I can't remember. He became real good at making quality sushi and so he set up his own shop there. But he only stayed in the "touristy" areas. If he ventured too far out his consensus was "Anyone complaining about racism here in the mainland hasn't been to Hawaii." He swore up and down that even if he walked, and tried his best to talk like a native they would immediately switch to a different dialect to confuse him. Or would act like they couldn't hear or didn't see him. As a bonus to all this he is very good looking, physically fit, and he is a very talented musician and plays a ukulele regularly when socializing. If he had trouble there, I can only imagine. heh

For sure, you or I could go there and experience none of this. I'm just sharing it because it seems geared toward your question. And this was about oooooh, 7 years ago?
Speaking about something online is one thing, living it is another.
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Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
August 24th, 2010, 6:11 am
I remember back in 1985, when I arrived in Hawaii at the airport, there was this beautiful Hawaiian woman who would greet every male passenger with a necklace of flowers and kiss him on the cheek too, making her lipstick mark on his cheek. It was a formal Hawaiian style greeting. And the wives didn't mind either.

How come they don't do that anymore? Did the US culture become too stuck up and uptight for that? How come it was ok back in the 80's?
When I was there in the 1980's, you didn't get that greeting unless you were a part of a tour group. I was asked to do that with a guest at work, another white person from the mainland. I declined on the kissing the old lady part. :)

My understanding is that this is a formal kind of thing, like if you have a guest visiting that you want to honor. The real traditional Hawaiian greeting involves putting your foreheads together and breathing each other's air or 'ha'. They say, white people did not do that, so they called them the ones without breath, or ha'ole. So whites are still called haoles. I don't know if that's exactly true or not, but I heard that several times for the origin of the word. It's kind of bad, too, because 'ha' also means something like 'soul'. And 'Aloha' has 'ha' in it. Aloha is something like 'love', too, in Hawaiian, not just hello and goodbye. It is the law there that the government is to function with the 'spirit of aloha.' I argued my way out of a bench warrant once when I was unable to show up to court for an infraction I cleared up because I'd left the island using a 'spirit of aloha' argument along with the other necessary paperwork.
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Re: Are people in Hawaii more friendly and relaxed?

Post by MrMan »

Hawaiians are reasonably friendly? I'm from the south, and I just feel like southerners are a bit more friendly. But I'm white and maybe they are more friendly to locals. I did not experience a lot of direct racism. But I did notice a Hawaiian woman seemed upset with me because I suggested an idea for a community development/business project that involved growing Taro in an Asian country and importing it to Hawaii The taro root, from which the gritty liquid 'poi' is derived, was the traditional Hawaiian food. Over time, rice was introduced and a lot of Hawaiians stopped growing taro. At the time, the state was diverting water away from taro farming, and it was a hot issue locally. I was new there and did not know that the idea of importing taro would be offensive to anyone.

Usually, though, I did not feel any racism directed toward me. But Hawaiians are sensitive about some things.

Also, people from Hawaii aren't necessarily Hawaiians. You might hear a sport anouncer call the Warriors or the Bows 'Hawaiians', but if you don't have a drop of Hawaiian blood in you, you aren't Hawaiian. You can be part of the 'local people', but not Hawaiian. You could be a citizen of the state, but not a Hawaiian. It's an ethnic designation. I think one designation under the law used ot be 6%, but there is also the one drop of Hawaiian blood designation. I forget if one or the other is "Native Hawaiian." The latter definition might have superceded the former. Hawaiians can buy homestead houses. A member of the royal famiily's estate was turned into the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, which is supposed to look after Hawaiian interests. But since they aren't classified as an Indian tribe, doing stuff just for Hawaiians could be considered discrimination. I think the SCOTUS decided non-Hawaiians could serve on OHA.

There are different groups there for Hawaii statehood. There are Hawaiians with Hawaii passports instead of US passports, and some little organization producing that. Organizations are trying to bring the royal family back. Then there are cheifs who want it to go back to the cheifdoms from before Kamehameha conquering the island, but that seems less prominent than Hawaii Independence. One of the pro-monarchy organizations was trying to put Hawaii back on the list of UN disputed territories. The white people there, descendants of Americans, staged a coup in the 1800's and took it from the queen, even though her kingdom had a treaty with the US. The white folks convinced the marines to defend them as they took over. Then a president annexed the country, and the local people for the most part did not vote to become a territory or state.

As far as friendliness goes, I'd say it's okay. Everyone is a minority there. The largest minority is 'hapa'-- mixed. There are people mixed white and Asian or mixed white and Polynesian. 'Portuguese' is counted as something different from 'white' locally. There are lots of members of different Asian people-groups especially Japanese and Filippinos. The Vietnamese noodle shops are good there.

Women, for me personally, it seemed like there weren't as many attractive women as there are in a lot of other places I lived. I think I found pure Chinese or pure white young females to be more attractive than the hapas there. There were pretty hapas, too,of course. The touristy areas have people from different parts of the world, especially the mainland and Asia. A lot of Japanese people go to Hawaii as a fulfillment of a life-long vacation dream. A large percentage of the people in the state during certain times of the year or not from there. Blacks are rare in Waikiki and some parts of the island. You see more of them around military bases.

I had a middle-aged friend who'd never married, who had an LDR then pined away for the woman after she got married. He worked at a hospital and he said the women there were large and manly, cussed, and had lots of tattoos. There are some stoutly women there. The local accent can sound a little 'tough' kind of like New York accents, but they have their own unique sound. I don't know the official divorce rates, but there were lots of people who'd had divorced, and I gathered low rates of virginity.
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Post by Yohan »

NorthAmericanguy wrote:
March 6th, 2011, 8:26 pm
And yes, native Hawaiians don't like white people as others have stated, and it baffles me when white people express anger that they are not accepted in Hawaii. I mean, after all the raping, killing, and stealing they have done (much more so than any other racial group!), they have the nerve to get mad that there are people today that are rightfully upset over what they were responsible for in the past.
This is a very strange comment. There are plenty of white people who are visiting Hawaii as tourists and they - including their anchestors - have absolutely nothing to do with the history of Hawaii. Same with me, I am from Europe.

I was visiting Hawaii (Oahu only) for about 10 days moving around with a motorcycle and I found nothing really so special there.
We had Japanese friends living near Ala Moana (now moved out of Hawaii), nobody was complaining about race-related problems.

About people living there I guess about one quarter are white, one quarter Asians (mainly Japanese, not so many Chinese), many mixed race people and rather few who I would consider by their looks as native Hawaiians.

I did not notice any difference of reaction against me from locals regardless which race/ethnicity - about same life-style as anywhere else in the States, this is US-life, somehow more expensive than USA (I know only the West Coast) and everybody expects tips, but otherwise? Everybody was friendly to me.
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Re: Are people in Hawaii more friendly and relaxed?

Post by Moretorque »

When I visted Hawaii years ago for a few weeks I was told do not mouth off to the islanders because they will kill you, now that I have been studying history I know why.

They very much have reason to hate white people....
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Post by suprmon »

MrCross wrote:
July 4th, 2012, 5:27 am
Yes, the way Hawaiians have been treated in the past is horrible, but guess what??? The tourist white people keep the economy alive. Notice that the locals with attitudes are also the ones living in poverty. If your pride for something that didn't happen to you outweighs your will to succeed, you may want to reevaluate your priorities.

The same can be said for many races on the mainland as well. You want to complain about how horrible your ancestors had it, and how the government is screwing you, then you take section 8 housing, food stamps, Medicaid, and welfare, and you drive to get your benefits in a Mercedes? Congratulations...I can't get approved for housing loans while I attend medical school. I guess I'll have to take the half-assed route through school and be a sub-par physician because I was too busy working 2 jobs while in school.

Don't come crying to me about ancestors, because I'm Irish. My family was oppressed by the English a thousand years ago. Guess what??? I'm over it. If people want to cry about oppression and mistreatment, tell them to study WWII and the Shoah, then talk.

Just live, love, and get yours.
The Polynesians of Hawaii have been doing just fine without the help of whitey's financial benevolence of "tourism" for thousands of years before the white man's appearance! As a matter of fact, the natives we're doing just fine up until Captain Cook's arrival in 1779 which opened the flood gates for Caucasians to come
and disrupt their way of life! They weren't bothering anybody, the white man went to the islands and bothered them! And as far as the social programs that these "ungrateful minorities" don't appreciate; maybe if minorities had been extended the opportunities to work and earn their way to the American dream they wouldn't have to lean on "social programs" them for virtual survival! After all no one can force an employer to give someone a career! Everybody talks about the pitilly little six million Jews that died in the holocaust, like they are so special and so important. But no one ever talks about the 100,000,000 Africans that were killed on those slave ships enroute to America during the 400 year African slave trade! Or how about at the beginning at the turn of the 20 century when blacks were killed for sport! Whites were so hostile to blacks that during the so-called "race riots" that really should have been called "race massacres" because blacks overwhelming had no chance to defend themselves let alone run from danger. They even cut the fetuses out of young pregnant women, burn the fetuses and hung these innocent women from light poles and trees and took pictures of these events smiling like they were having a picnic!!! Going through events like that, and that's just the tip of the iceberg, how in the hell can you tell African Americans to just "forget about it"? Would you? If Jews feel they have right to never forget what the Nazis did to them, then why would it be any different for anyone else? DOUBLE STANDARDS I guess!!!!
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