Poll: Should racist topics be allowed in this forum?

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Should racist topics be allowed on this forum?

Yes. Free speech is the most important thing. If someone can't handle it or avoid the topic, that's their problem.
No. They are offensive and may alienate people from this movement. Such topics divide us rather than unite us.
Total votes: 45
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Post by momopi »

One of my cousins in TW married a Ukrainian guy from Canada. In early days her coworkers swooned over her mixed baby daughter and only had good things to say. However, she says that in recent years the tone has changed and the same coworkers who used to comment positively, are now gossiping negatively about her being the type of girl who went to certain bars where local women chase old and ugly foreign men. Personally, I didn't think her husband is bad looking, at 6'1", he's about average in looks and has a decent job working for an international fortune 500 company. Also, you need to be aware of ulterior motives when people speak, as my cousin would prefer to move to Canada.

But anyways, going back to the original topic at hand. The issue on this forum is not just with people posting racist material, but the sheer volume of off-topic crap. It's my understanding that this forum is about visiting, traveling, working, and living abroad (of which dating and social life is one part of). What % of the posts are actually on-topic?

Off-topic discussions like conspiracy theories, religion/spirituality, existence of after-life, American women hate, personal health issues, and various rant should occupy only a small minority of the posts, if at all. These topics only serve as distractions from your goals of visiting or moving abroad.

If you're able to engage in various off-topic discussions and activities, and still accomplish your object on-time, on-target, and on-budget, then by all means, engage in whatever conversations to your heart's content. However, if you're unable to do so after weeks, months, or even years, then you need to look at cutting out the distractions and concentrating on your primary objectives. Look in a mirror and see how you've aged over the years, and think about what you want to do with your life. Regardless of your belief in the flow of time and life after death, the fact remains that in all practical sense, time flows in one direction from birth to 6 feet under, and having worked at a mortuary in my 20's, I have yet to see anyone bounce back after they're dead and buried. So think carefully about what you want in life and how you'd use your remaining time to achieve those goals.
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

davewe wrote:If Winston wants to change the policy on what constitutes free speech or appropriate topics, I would be happy. If not grow a pair and expect the mud to get slung back in your direction. Unfortunately the internet allows anonymous little people to act anonymously. Instead, why not go to any African-American neighborhood in North America, throw around "nigger" a few times and let's see what happens. Visit Jerusalem and call them all "kikes". That would clean up the issue in about 10 seconds and Winston wouldn't have to change a thing. Better still stop being anonymous; post your rants using your correct name and location. Problem solved!
Agreed ^

I have rule where I speak to people on the internet just as how I would speak to them in the street. The only issue I avoid taking about in real life is my belief in the marriage strike, and not having any kids of my own because it's such a taboo subject with nearly just about everyone.

Anyhow, some of derogatory post that I see on this forum just waste space and it should not be tolerated because it lacks any kind of scholarship, or any attempt to be intelligent which subsequently drags down the forum.

As a black guy, I know I'm not going to be accepted by other races, but if you're going to attack my race, at least come to the table with some kind of scholarship and use some references such as the book, The Bell Curve, if you want to make the case that Africans (or any other race) are inferior.
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

momopi wrote:If you're able to engage in various off-topic discussions and activities, and still accomplish your object on-time, on-target, and on-budget, then by all means, engage in whatever conversations to your heart's content. However, if you're unable to do so after weeks, months, or even years, then you need to look at cutting out the distractions and concentrating on your primary objectives. Look in a mirror and see how you've aged over the years, and think about what you want to do with your life. Regardless of your belief in the flow of time and life after death, the fact remains that in all practical sense, time flows in one direction from birth to 6 feet under, and having worked at a mortuary in my 20's, I have yet to see anyone bounce back after they're dead and buried. So think carefully about what you want in life and how you'd use your remaining time to achieve those goals.
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Post by Disillusioned_American »

lone_yakuza wrote:I would agree with this. But the issue is that right now Asians are extremely self-hating, so at least 30% overall actually want Caucasian spouses, especially Asian women. Asian American women want caucasian husbands for the most part (almost 50%). Caucasians should not be worried because marriage statistics in the US show that only something like 7% of white women marry interracially. It just looks like a lot of white women are marrying/dating non-whites... because there are a lot of white people here...

East Asian girls from Asia or without fluency in English, however, are messed up in the head if they are seeking out foreign husbands when there are perfectly suitable men at home. And this is because of Hollywood influence...

SE Asian girls have long had inferiority complexes and want to get rid of their undesirable "tropical traits" like wide noses, wide flat face, flaring nostrils, etc. so that self hatred is part of the reason many throw themselves at white guys. Many Chinese girls and Yayoi Japanese also have similar self hatred or they see the media pairings of Asian girls with white guys everywhere. So I can't really blame them, as Hollywood has a big influence all around the world.
You make some valid points, and I agree that, from observation, many Asian women tend to be self-hating as all hell. When I was stationed in Japan while in the military, over ten years ago now, I noticed that many Japanese youth were wearing t-shirts that had English writing on them. Sometimes the writing would make absolutely no sense, saying something ridiculous, like say: "New York City 1959 Bowling Team," or something totally ridiculous like that, lol. I think it was just the popular trend for them at the time. Another thing that was big back then was for Japanese teenage girls to go to tanning salons to look darker, and to emulate hip-hop culture, and many would try to date thuggish black guys (not that I have a problem with that, necessarily). Seems like they were all just obsessed with American culture and with whatever Hollywood made popular at the time.

Believe it or not, I was actually saddened to see them reject their own traditions, in some ways at least. When I would see Japanese women at the train station wearing kimonos, it was actually very refreshing to me, and I was happy to see that. Also, in mainland Japan, there were definitely some very, very beautiful women, and I did hang out with a few attractive ones, but I never truly "dated" any of them. I just went there because I had to go to wherever I was assigned to go. At that time, I was very naive about the NWO and Western imperialism, and I didn't realize how tragic it was that Japan's territories were being occupied by US forces. Now I wish the US would close all of it's overseas installations, yet I am happy that at least I was given some exposure to foreign cultures overseas early on. I can't explain why, but I just have never had a real "chemistry" towards Asian women, although I love Japanese, Korean, and Thai cuisine, and I have a lot of respect for the cultures of those nations.

Another thing; in E. Europe, I noticed this past year that young people were sporting t-shirts with silly English expressions that made no sense, just as I had witnessed in Japan a decade earlier! I even saw one older guy with a pair of tennis shoes on that were embroidered with: "Motherf*cking Mountaineer!" on them! I KID YOU NOT! I think that this is just the trend right now there, and this guy probably had no idea how stupid it looks to have that on your shoes, lol. Hopefully, this is not a sign that E. Europe is becoming "Americanized," since that would truly suck if it is true. People need to stop worshipping stupid Anglo culture.
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Post by Rock »

lone_yakuza wrote:
Never said anything about wanting you guys to be upset about this. After all this is very much in favor of the white man. Nor am I trying to cock block.

Actually I would encourage more white guys to go to SE Asia and have kids, especially daughters.

I'm kind of prejudiced in that I believe most "tropical people," such as SE Asians, are not as aesthetic due to environment and nutrition but when you bring caucasian genes into the mix.... oh hell yeah baby.

You have the islander/SE Asian exotic factor + caucasian female aesthetics = future generation of young ladies I would totally be after. I would never marry a SE Asian girl and probably not marry an E Asian girl because the majority are simply ugly in my opinion, as well as overly materialistic, shallow, and spoiled.

Flat faces, flat noses, wide noses, flaring nostrils, fatty face/pillow face, overly round or wide head are not appealing to me at all. Most SE Asian and E Asian girls have these characteristics. I have none of those characteristics and like usually attracts like, so I think it would make sense I don't like those characteristics either.

So when I see really good looking white guys with one of them and then they have a daughter... you guys are really taking one for the team. And I really don't understand the white guys with yellow fever going after some of the fugliest Asian girls I have ever seen when they themselves would be objectively an 8. Fortunately your daughters will be extremely beautiful and your sons will be handsome as f**k.

I wouldn't mind at all if E Asians and caucasians/E Europeans intermarried en-masse and created a superrace. Just disappointed that most Caucasian girls do not view Asian guys that way due to media stereotypes.

Hey, it could help solve the dropping European population and help prevent Islam from taking over. Look at most E Asians: they love European culture. I love European culture I don't want to see that disappear!

As I said, I like Caucasian women the best, especially Eastern European or NE European or mixed ones such as Leah Dizon. Not so much white American girls of WEstern EUropean descent or Western European girls, especially if you factor in the overweight/chubby factor.
1. Totally agree w u on race mixing theories. Mixing white blood with Malay race seems to often produce attractive offspring. Same goes w mixing NE Asian blood with them tho.

2. But your ideas about NE Asian girls seems quite different than what I've observed with my own eyes. Sure there's a significant percentage who have some of those distortions you speak of, esp. S. Koreans pre-cosmetic surgery, lol. But there's an even larger percentage who don't have those characteristics to an extent it detracts from their overall aesthetic. You go to the cosmopolitan centers in NE Asia and you just get blown away by the concentration of hotties; and that's by strict standards which would hold water about anywhere. You say that you as a person of NE Asian ancestry don't have those characteristics. Well neither do many of the men and women in urban NE Asia.

3. For some reason(s), white dudes with that yellow (NE Asia) or mud (SE Asia) fever tend to gravitate to that lowest common denominator, taking one for the team as you say. Perhaps one day, if HA abroad becomes some sort of major trend w western guys, parts of SE Asia will evolve into a sort of racial melting pot similar to certain areas of S. America. If that happens, you will be seeing a much higher percentage of beautiful people in SE Asia than what u currently have.
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Post by zboy1 »

lone_yakuza wrote:
Disillusioned_American wrote:
AmericanInMexico wrote:
lone_yakuza wrote:Hey, it could help solve the dropping European population and help prevent Islam from taking over. Look at most E Asians: they love European culture. I love European culture I don't want to see that disappear!
It WILL disappear if the European people all race-mix, since culture comes from race. The only way to prevent European culture from disappearing is for Europeans to continue having kids with each other. Only white people can produce white cultures. Likewise, only Asian people can produce Asian cultures.
Personally, I can sympathize with both points of view. On the one hand, I would like to see the varying races of people in the world survive, and their unique cultures preserved.

On the other hand, I believe that a certain degree of racial mixing is fine, and moreover, I think that it is in fact important in the long run, because it will help strengthen the gene pools of each others' races. Some racially mixed people end up having superior looks, intelligence, athletic abilities, etc. Also, those with mixed-ethnicities are in a unique position to act as ambassadors between each race that they are comprised of, which will be important in the future. I should mention that, discrimination against those of mixed ethnicity - such as what Jester's half-Korean cousin experienced while in S. Korea - makes me very angry indeed.

Perhaps if 10% or so of each nation was allowed to "mix," while the majority stuck with their own kind, then this could be the most ideal compromise. Ironically, I believe it was Odbo who has expressed a similar view in the past. What bothers me about the US is the way that the media constantly encourages certain combinations of lower-class people to race mix; always in our faces, too. Sometimes I wonder if the NWO is simply pushing this agenda in order to ensure that there will be enough pro-athletes and soldiers in the future who will possess the optimum physical/mental characteristics. It is this sort of sh*t that sickens me.

I would agree with this. But the issue is that right now Asians are extremely self-hating, so at least 30% overall actually want Caucasian spouses, especially Asian women. Asian American women want caucasian husbands for the most part (almost 50%). Caucasians should not be worried because marriage statistics in the US show that only something like 7% of white women marry interracially. It just looks like a lot of white women are marrying/dating non-whites... because there are a lot of white people here.

Also, in Europe, white women still largely marry white men. It is only because Arab/Middle Easterners have so many more kids than white people that the white population is decreasing... And also because white women are not having as many children. It isn't the fact that African men are banging European women. In fact, I would say that the European women who like African or Middle Eastern men are in a minority just like it is only a minority that like East Asian guys.

I am one of those types of Asian guys that likes Caucasian girls. But I grew up in 98% white areas and am culturally mostly pacific-northwest/hippy-white American, so that makes sense. You only see the Asian nationalist side of me because it is a defense mechanism against society constantly painting people who look like me in a negative light. My exposure to white girls has also been way higher than my exposure to Asian girls and generally Asian girls are not as laid back, too materialistic, too shallow/superficial in taste, too much like sheeple, and simply not good looking, especially the SE Asian or SE Asian mixed with Chinese girls that tend to be interested in me.

East Asian girls from Asia or without fluency in English, however, are messed up in the head if they are seeking out foreign husbands when there are perfectly suitable men at home. And this is because of Hollywood influence.

SE Asian girls have long had inferiority complexes and want to get rid of their undesirable "tropical traits" like wide noses, wide flat face, flaring nostrils, etc. so that self hatred is part of the reason many throw themselves at white guys. Many Chinese girls and Yayoi Japanese also have similar self hatred or they see the media pairings of Asian girls with white guys everywhere. So I can't really blame them, as Hollywood has a big influence all around the world.

So you Caucasian guys who see doom and gloom have it all wrong. I think it is doom and gloom from your perspective because you see your prestige and influence of Hollywood diminishing and thus you are no longer "at the very top of the pyramid" and are now heading downwards. In reality, the world is re-balancing and all races are now beginning to have a fair chance. But from the white perspective, it is like falling down a cliff because western imperialism has ruled the world for something like 300 years now.
Asian American women are some of the most brainwashed, self-hating bitches on the planet. Avoid at all costs!
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Post by Rock »

momopi wrote:
But anyways, going back to the original topic at hand. The issue on this forum is not just with people posting racist material, but the sheer volume of off-topic crap. It's my understanding that this forum is about visiting, traveling, working, and living abroad (of which dating and social life is one part of). What % of the posts are actually on-topic?

Off-topic discussions like conspiracy theories, religion/spirituality, existence of after-life, American women hate, personal health issues, and various rant should occupy only a small minority of the posts, if at all. These topics only serve as distractions from your goals of visiting or moving abroad.
Could not disagree more. If this forum was that narrow, it would become quite dry, boring, and one dimensional. It may be called HA but as per the personality and thinking of the owner, but its also very much about truth seeking and personal development in a much broader context. Some might say its also an extension of Winston and his personal Google service, lol.

I've learned so much from this forum thanks to it attracting all kinds of deeper thinking types who contribute generously to the often off-the-wall discussions. I've met a lot of interesting characters here too. I've lived the HA lifestyle for awhile so have things to share as well. But if it were the way you are suggesting, I reckon I would have gotten bored long ago and stopped contributing or even visiting. Same probably applies to some others. The way the topics of the forum take a life of their own makes it very interesting and compelling at times. Where else can you go for such free and unbound speech? Of course it's somewhat cyclical and has its down times. But it always seems to bounce back, one way or another.

Dude, this movement is not just about 'objectives'. It also entails personal growth. You've been in the office a bit too long old boy. If you want a more structured and left brained venue for on-topic stuff, visit certain expat sections of ISG. I used to do that but got pretty bored with it. Winston's forum attracts a much more interesting and entertaining collection of contributors.
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Post by lone_yakuza »

Last edited by lone_yakuza on November 20th, 2016, 6:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jester »

Banano wrote:When we gonna start accepting people the way they are, if somebody is racist let them be racist, nobody needs to love anyone,if somebody doesnt like me bc of my race, guess what..i dont give a f**k..can never offend me no matter how hard you try; maybe thats bc Im white so im immune to racism
This is sort of the view I take. I accept people needing to express where they are right now, to sincerely express their views, and to vent.

Hell, I do. I try to reserve some criticism for my own race(s). Some other guys here do too.

The problem is when it is a litany that is intended and designed to bait and to provoke other members here.

Obviously that has to be determined by a mod. An art, not a science, as they say.
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Post by Jester »

davewe wrote:Since Winston asked this question in the context of a personal exchange he had with me, I should say that we have privately spoken several times over the past year+ about the moderation on the forum. This was the latest objection I had but certainly not the only one. Hell, my biggest problem with the forum is what a pain in the a** it is to login or access it in general.

As to the racist remark I was quoted making, that was in the context of a story I told from my childhood. I wanted to use the story to exemplified the stupidity of most stereotypes (in this case the "fact" that "the Jews killed Jesus"). I deliberately used the potentially offending word, first because it was true to the story and 2nd because I knew it would offend some. After all, if free speech here means that some people get to say "nigger, kike and the Jews," then surely free speech ought to allow others to call out "racists, anti-semites, whitey, honky, or - goyim." Fair is fair.

If Winston wants to change the policy on what constitutes free speech or appropriate topics, I would be happy. If not grow a pair and expect the mud to get slung back in your direction. Unfortunately the internet allows anonymous little people to act anonymously. Instead, why not go to any African-American neighborhood in North America, throw around "nigger" a few times and let's see what happens. Visit Jerusalem and call them all "kikes". That would clean up the issue in about 10 seconds and Winston wouldn't have to change a thing. Better still stop being anonymous; post your rants using your correct name and location. Problem solved!

Of course I say the above tongue in cheek (mostly). I've no desire to see some race war based on nonsense spewed on the Internet. Just recognize it for what it is.

I am not here to talk about the Jews, I am here to find the light at the end of the tunnel, and escape.

But we should be clear that referring to Jews as a group is not inherently disrespectful. I'm not sure if you're old enough to have heard the term, "But is it good for the Jews?" in private poitical discussions, but it was universal not that long ago. I'm not saying it is always bad to include a tribal perspective in one's deliberations, I myself have done so before in local affairs here in Glendale.
I am simply saying that Jews, like Whites, are going to get talked about here on HA. I certainly detest when an Asian or Black groups me with the Whites I have fought against and oppose. But I have to just read past it sometimes.

On the other words you mention, we agree.
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Post by Jester »

lone_yakuza wrote:
AmericanInMexico wrote:
lone_yakuza wrote:
AmericanInMexico wrote:
lone_yakuza wrote:Hey, it could help solve the dropping European population and help prevent Islam from taking over. Look at most E Asians: they love European culture. I love European culture I don't want to see that disappear!
It WILL disappear if the European people all race-mix, since culture comes from race. The only way to prevent European culture from disappearing is for Europeans to continue having kids with each other. Only white people can produce white cultures. Likewise, only Asian people can produce Asian cultures.

If culture comes from race why do I meed British Asians who are even more British in manner, dress, hobbies, interests, ideas, etc. than many white British? Why are there white people who speak an Asian language more fluently than me and know Asian culture better than me??
They are imitators. They are not the innovators.
Maybe so but media and globalization has already created mass race mixing. You can't really stop that. And what about white men marrying many women of ethnicity? So basically what you are saying is that you are ok with destroying other cultures as long as white culture is preserved just like America is ok with destroying the world as long as its culture and economy and way of life is preserved.

What a perfect example of a world citizen you are. (sarcasm)

Is white men marrying women of non-white ethnicity not creating LESS innovators of non-white cultures? Funny thing is that usually the woman of ethnicity goes out of her way to make their kids more non-white while the man of ethnicity who marries a white woman does not really care either way. This has been the case in the 80+ mixed race couples I have met.

The kids also tend to look more like their mothers in the long run. In the first year of their lives, they look like the father, but after that, they take on more traits of the mother.

BTW half Chinese are considered fully Chinese in China even if they look very Eurasian/Caucasian. Look at the numerous half white singers/musicians/actors/actresses/models. They fit in with and contribute to Chinese/Asian culture just fine.

Both you guys are making interesting comments.

---Integration for hapas in China = big + for China.

---Mothers determining culture <--- This is why the Jews banned intermarriage. The whole "born of a Jewish mother thing." This was not part of God's Law, it was added by men to keep pure. My favorite example of Old Testament Jewish race-mixing is Solomon's son, Menelik I think, born by Queen Candace of Ethiopia.. He visited his dad, but ended up back home back in Ethiopia as Emperor, where his descendants reigned like 2500 years. yeah, he went with his mom's nationality, as you say.

---Hmmm you like those mixes eh? OK chill out a bit before you can date my daughter!

I know that race determines temperament. And common race gives you almost a telepathy with others - much easier to understand each other, and bonding is faster.

But culture? The way you stated it sounded like something from Spengler, something from 1880-1920, kind of a romantic view of race that was popular back then. Culture as an expression of the soul. I think the Waldorf schools have a gentle worldview that is an outgrowth of this.

Do you really believe this? Even living in Mexico?

They say that Whites in Latin America - where there are probably as many as Whites total as in the U.S. - that they hold almost no patents. In other wrods, they get ahead and grow wealthy through exploitation, estancias, capturing a portion of the wealth that is mined and grown. Versus North Americans who invent, innovate, create, etc. (Or used to).

I had thought that culture and circumstances created this difference.

Your thoughts?

You disagree?
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Post by Jester »

AmericanInMexico wrote:
lone_yakuza wrote:And what about white men marrying many women of ethnicity?
So white people don't count as an ethnicity?
Thank you!

AmericanInMexico wrote:
lone_yakuza wrote:What a perfect example of a world citizen you are.
I am not a world citizen.
Thanks again!
AmericanInMexico wrote:
lone_yakuza wrote:.

BTW half Chinese are considered fully Chinese in China even if they look very Eurasian/Caucasian. Look at the numerous half white singers/musicians/actors/actresses/models. They fit in with and contribute to Chinese/Asian culture just fine.
I have a cousin who is half-Korean. She was born in South Korea to a Korean mother and American father. She is considered white when she goes there. They brought her up in the United States specifically because in South Korea she was constantly being discriminated against and treated as a non-Korean despite speaking the language natively.
Korea is out.
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Post by Jester »

momopi wrote:

....But anyways, going back to the original topic at hand. The issue on this forum is not just with people posting racist material, but the sheer volume of off-topic crap. It's my understanding that this forum is about visiting, traveling, working, and living abroad (of which dating and social life is one part of). What % of the posts are actually on-topic?

Off-topic discussions like conspiracy theories, religion/spirituality, existence of after-life, American women hate, personal health issues, and various rant should occupy only a small minority of the posts, if at all. These topics only serve as distractions from your goals of visiting or moving abroad.

If you're able to engage in various off-topic discussions and activities, and still accomplish your object on-time, on-target, and on-budget, then by all means, engage in whatever conversations to your heart's content. However, if you're unable to do so after weeks, months, or even years, then you need to look at cutting out the distractions and concentrating on your primary objectives. Look in a mirror and see how you've aged over the years, and think about what you want to do with your life. Regardless of your belief in the flow of time and life after death, the fact remains that in all practical sense, time flows in one direction from birth to 6 feet under, and having worked at a mortuary in my 20's, I have yet to see anyone bounce back after they're dead and buried. So think carefully about what you want in life and how you'd use your remaining time to achieve those goals.

Now how do we do that? I usually browse this place by looking at all posts since my last visit.

One could select one geography area on the main index... but my main interest has been COMPARING different areas, which Winston doesn't have, so it gets scattered around.

I guess I am focusing on LA now, so that may help a bit... if I exercise some discipline...

I guess choosng what index areas to read would eliminate some of the "deep discussions"...
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Post by Jester »

Rock wrote:Perhaps one day, if HA abroad becomes some sort of major trend w western guys, parts of SE Asia will evolve into a sort of racial melting pot similar to certain areas of S. America. If that happens, you will be seeing a much higher percentage of beautiful people in SE Asia than what u currently have.

This is what they call a "big idea".

Mail-order Whites...
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Post by Jester »

Rock wrote:
momopi wrote:
But anyways, going back to the original topic at hand. The issue on this forum is not just with people posting racist material, but the sheer volume of off-topic crap. It's my understanding that this forum is about visiting, traveling, working, and living abroad (of which dating and social life is one part of). What % of the posts are actually on-topic?

Off-topic discussions like conspiracy theories, religion/spirituality, existence of after-life, American women hate, personal health issues, and various rant should occupy only a small minority of the posts, if at all. These topics only serve as distractions from your goals of visiting or moving abroad.
Could not disagree more. If this forum was that narrow, it would become quite dry, boring, and one dimensional. It may be called HA but as per the personality and thinking of the owner, but its also very much about truth seeking and personal development in a much broader context. Some might say its also an extension of Winston and his personal Google service, lol.

I've learned so much from this forum thanks to it attracting all kinds of deeper thinking types who contribute generously to the often off-the-wall discussions. I've met a lot of interesting characters here too. I've lived the HA lifestyle for awhile so have things to share as well. But if it were the way you are suggesting, I reckon I would have gotten bored long ago and stopped contributing or even visiting. Same probably applies to some others. The way the topics of the forum take a life of their own makes it very interesting and compelling at times. Where else can you go for such free and unbound speech? Of course it's somewhat cyclical and has its down times. But it always seems to bounce back, one way or another.

Dude, this movement is not just about 'objectives'. It also entails personal growth. You've been in the office a bit too long old boy. If you want a more structured and left brained venue for on-topic stuff, visit certain expat sections of ISG. I used to do that but got pretty bored with it. Winston's forum attracts a much more interesting and entertaining collection of contributors.
Ok I take back what I stated above about self-discipline. ;) Coming here is fun - I agree. You stated it well.

PS But I do need some on-topic stuff for some specific places - what is ISG? Couldn't find a forum by that name.
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