90 percent of Australian and American women are a piece of

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90 percent of Australian and American women are a piece of

Post by jrigole »

Ninety percent of Australian and American women are a piece of crap.

An American (US born) woman with a Italian born mother told me that 90 percent of Australian and American women are a piece of crap. She told me that Australian women are as bad as American women. Some people would say that Australian women are worse than American women, but I can’t verify this. She became a naturalized Australian citizen before she moved back to the United States. She has a better relationship with her mother than most American women have and is better behaved than most American women. She also has a very good relationship with her American father because her Italian mother is still married to her American father. This is very common among American woman who are raised by European mothers (this is more common than you think).

I have seen a US born women that was raised by an Italian born women that is a piece of crap, according to the same American women that became a naturalized Australian citizen before she moved back to the United States and could not live in Europe with her behavior and mentality. Normally she should have the skill to live in Europe but there are some women (that are born in the United States) that have a European born mother that can’t do that.

An Italian born mother told me that, ninety percent of American women can not be trusted (can not properly present them selves abroad). Ninety percent of European women (for example, Belgian, Italian and Swedish) can be trusted and properly present them selves abroad. An Italian man was aware of this since the late 1960s (the time of the Beatles) because his parents explained to him almost 45 years ago. That is what he told me. Most US born women who are raised by a European born mother can be equally be trusted as their European born mother and should have the skills to live in Europe. They generally have a better relationship with their European born mother and grand mother, and are better behaved than most American women and men who are raised by American mothers. The first and sometimes second generation should see no American influence. Amanda Leigh "Mandy" Moore (born April 10, 1984) is a primarily example of this, with her English-born maternal grandmother. They can normally be equally trusted as their European born mother and grand mother. That is what the same Italian born women told me. There are always exceptions to the rules.

You also have to be very careful with women in Australia, Canada, New Zeeland and the United Kingdom. Those countries have copied the same corrupt, family court and child support system as the United States. You have to follow the same rules regarding women Australia, Britain, Canada, and New Zeeland. The percentage could be different in Britain, Canada and New Zeeland, than in the Australian and the United States. I do not know the percentage for Britain, Canada and New Zeeland.
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Post by Revelation »

Not sure about the 90 percent but I'll agree that there is a general tendency for women growing up in a Westernized Feminized Liberal (which all the countries you mentioned fit under) society to become selfish and narcissistic as there is a focus in those cultures on individual self reliance/ vs. the importance of the family unit.
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Post by fschmidt »

I haven't been to Australia, but I think 90% is too low for America. Of course I would add that at least 90% of American men are also crap.
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Re: Ninety percent of Australian and American women are a pi

Post by Voice of Reason »

jrigole wrote: Some people would say that Australian women are worse than American women, but I can’t verify this.
Australian women are trash. Whatever is said about AW in this forum apples to Australian women as well, and most probably all other western women.

Many Australian women behave like this:


Australia has slutwalks too, so their still exists the same vitriol against men:


Revelation wrote:Not sure about the 90 percent but I'll agree that there is a general tendency for women growing up in a Westernized Feminized Liberal (which all the countries you mentioned fit under) society to become selfish and narcissistic as there is a focus in those cultures on individual self reliance/ vs. the importance of the family unit.
There is not a single woman in Australia who has not been influenced by the vitriol of feminism.

Women are a product of the media, and the Australian media is gynocentric as hell. Even the women who "think for themselves" still believe in "equal rights" for women (but not men).

Even the female Australian Prime Minister (who wouldn't be where she was if not for quotas and affirmative action) was allowed to have an outburst in parliament using the words "misogynist" and other feminist drivel, and people applauded her:

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Post by getmyazzouttahere »

Italians are vile. I'd sooner deal with a planeload of the worst Aussie bogans any day of the week.
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Post by zboy1 »

getmyazzouttahere wrote:Italians are vile. I'd sooner deal with a planeload of the worst Aussie bogans any day of the week.
Italian Americans are even worse...

You say Italians (not Italian Americans) are worse than bogans? Really? In my experience, Aussies tend to be some of the worst people in the world. How could Italians be worse than them?
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Post by getmyazzouttahere »

zboy1 wrote:
getmyazzouttahere wrote:Italians are vile. I'd sooner deal with a planeload of the worst Aussie bogans any day of the week.
Italian Americans are even worse...

You say Italians (not Italian Americans) are worse than bogans? Really? In my experience, Aussies tend to be some of the worst people in the world. How could Italians be worse than them?
I was actually referring to the ones in Europe. I myself am Italian American. I could respond to you in kind with a few unflattering things about East Asians, believe me...

The ones in Europe are notorious for highly racist treatment of Nigerian, Arab and Romani residents. They make open fun of the Sept. 11th victims every time that they dislike some action of the US government abroad. They live in filth and don't clean their city streets. They strut around doused in high-end perfumes to disguise the lack of daily bathing hygiene. Notorious corruption problems and lots of petty cheating and theft is encouraged in their culture. They take advantage of their Italian American descendants and screw with our right-of-return laws while bending over backwards to allow in our Argentine counterparts, for no particular discernible reason. Their guys treat women like complete doormats, justify it under bullsht cultural excuses, and just generally make loud, hyper-patriotic asses of themselves while traveling in Spain, the UK and elsewhere. Wherever they go, a trail of litter and idiot youths pissing openly against ancient buildings and monuments, etc., follows.

What was worth salvaging of Italy, already came to Ellis Island 50-100 years ago. What stayed behind was dysfunction incarnate.
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Post by polya »

I don't know of any Wetern country where the women are worth it. In New Zealand, women are more sexually active than men (they're whores) and young males have the highest suicide rate in the world. Maybe they're the herbivores suiciding themselves??
"Woman is a violent and uncontrolled animal... If you allow them to achieve complete equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters." Cato the Elder
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Post by jrigole »

I am ashamed to watch American tourists in Europe and especially and often the women are the worst. They are loud and demanding and totally unaware of the fact that they are a guest in our country. They expect service immediately as they were used to in the states and they are often ill mannered and ungrateful when they get it.

The real subject of this is how the family life shapes children to become either "the embarrassment of the United States of America by their ignorant citizens traveling and living abroad" or how a good upbringing can help to create a more self-controlled and educated individual that would be considered by all to be an American to look up to. As an ex-patriot, I can attest to these facts.

The difference between the US and Europe is the way that womens rights have developed over the past 50 years and the decisions that were made to do that. In the US women saw men as having more rights and decided that they wanted to be more like men. In Europe women simply wanted to have the same rights and opportunities as men but did so without trying to take on masculine traits. This is why European women retain their femininity whereas American women see femininity as being from an era when they were treated as second-class citizens. Hence, when I am at a business lunch its always a women that screams ' I am paying' and when I do sports its always a woman who is shouting the loudest. They view aggressiveness and what they perceive as manly characteristics as a route to equality for women. In Europe these things (femininity and rights) are more separated.

Basically the issue in he US is that women are willfully taking on the negative aspects of men as they see it as a route to equality, and men don't like it. Men are in the position that if they advise a woman on her masculine characteristics that he is then attacking her rights.

A possible side effect from a capitalistic economy such as the United States, the child support system has become a good source of revenue for civil courts, attorneys and parents. It has been argued that United States Child Support laws encourage parents into a legal "tug-of-war" which results in a severe loss of time and income first from both parents (such as legal fees, court costs, and time off work), and finally to the parent who loses in court (typically the father). The premise of the law is to protect the children. In actuality, it is argued, the children are hurt the most by the system due to the alienation of the non-custodial parent. It has been recognized by various government committees that parents are alienating each other both from themselves and from their children. Non-custodial parents feel they are nothing more than a bank account to the family and can get pushed out due to increased hours at work or having to accept a second job to pay support money. This leaves little or no time for the non-custodial parent to focus on time spent with the children.

Attorneys and judges may not want to forfeit the revenues from such a lucrative "business" and there is a pejorative label given to non-custodial parents who resist the child support. They're labeled as "dead beat dads".

Trends from within the United States today are pushing for an adjusted system. Many groups are demanding a more hands-off approach where government does not micromanage the family. These trends may encourage change in local and Federal laws.
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Post by jrigole »

An Italian women told me a European man that 90 percent of American women not be trusted (can not properly present them selves abroad) live and work outside the United States (in Europe) with there behavior and mentality. Most girls that are born in the United States that raised by a European born mother, when she is an infant/toddler/child can be equally trusted as there European born mother and should have the skills to live and work in Europe. For example a US born girl (and in some cases a second generation grand daughter) that is raised by a Belgium born mother/grand mother born when she is an infant/toddler/child, if she were to walk the streets in Belgium and speak Dutch every body in Belgium would think she is born in Belgium, and it should be impossible to tell that she is born in the United States. She can normally be equally trusted has her mother/grand mother. She could have American and Belgium passports. You are a European or American based on how you are raised by your parents when you are an infant/toddler/child, not if you are born in Europe or the United States. An Italian man was aware of this since the late 1960s (the time of the Beatles) because his parents explained to him almost 45 years ago. That is what he told me.
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Post by jrigole »

What an American man who is married to a Dutch woman in the United States told me.

I have had American man explain this to me who was married to a Dutch woman for more than 30 years. He always refers to his US born and raised daughter as a European not an American and hates American women. He has a better relationship with his daughter than most Americans have and can thank his Dutch wife for that. His Dutch wife’s three European brothers married American women and all three American women divorced them, interfered with there parental rights moved out of state and made them pay child support in the corrupt US family court system. The only way to get child support in the USA is to drive the fathers out there children’s lives and that is why most American women do this. He explained to his American son & me a European man that if you do not want to deal with those ugly divorces and participate in Glenn Sacks Internet Archive Wayback Machine version director of (Fathers & Families Internet Archive Wayback Machine version) and his Have Anti-Father Family Court Policies Led to a Men’s Marriage Strike Internet Archive Wayback Machine version, than you must stay away from American women and stick to European women. His daughter married an Italian national and his grand son that he sees every day is raised Italian. It is very rare to find an Italian/European man marry an American women. This is how it usually goes if an American man were to marry a European woman. This is because a European woman raises her American children the same way she was raised and make sure they comply with the official Euro requirement.

The same American man who was raised by Dutch/European parents confirms that this story is usually correct. Most girls who are born in the United States that have a European born mother have a better relationship with there European mother and are better behaved than most girls who have an American mother and have the skills to live in Europe as easily as there European mother can. They can usually be equally be trusted as their European born mother. This is why it is very common to find European man marry US born women who are raised by European born mothers.

This is because a European born mother raises her American daughter/son the same way she is raised. This is because European born mothers expects her American daughter/son to have the skills to live in Europe (be trusted), as easily as she can, and do not tolerate that they behave like Americans and have American mentality. She would expect the same for her grand children. Her daughter in this case married an Italian man. Her grand son is raised by an Italian born man and speaks Italian.

The same American who was raised by European parents told me that if an American man has US born daughter/son with a European born women he will generally have a better relationship with his daughter/son and they would generally better behaved than most American man who have a daughter/son with an American women. But if his daughter/son were to visit Europe, most people in Europe would think they are born in Europe/Netherlands and behave like a European not American, even if they are born in the United States. They should also have the skills to live and work in Europe just like their European born mother and it should be impossible to tell that they are born in the United States other than the fact they speak English with an American accent. For example an American man married a Belgium women, his two sons that are born in the United States speak Dutch and have Belgium passports. When his two American sons (born in the USA) walk the streets in Belgium and speak Dutch every body thinks they are born in Belgium and it should be impossible to tell that they are born in the United States based on the way they are raised and behave and still have European mentality. This would apply to male and female children, who are born and raised in the United States by European born mothers. The children of Tiger Woods are a primary example of this. This American knows why Tiger Woods has two children with a European born woman, not an American woman.

The son of an Italian born women, that is born in the United States in the 1980’s and has lived his entire live in the United States, married an European born women, because his Italian mother told him to never go out with American women. She told her son that if he wants to have sex with girls and not pay court ordered child support and deal with American women in US family court/corrupt child support system, than he should only have sex with European women and stay away from American women. Her US born European raised (not American raised) son speaks Italian and can be equally be trusted as his Italian born mother (has the skills to live and work in Europe) and has an Italian passport. His Italian born mother has a very negative opinion of American women and made this clear to me a European man, because she wants to protect me. She also had to explain to her son that 90 percent of American women can not be trusted. Ninety percent of the children (both male and female) that are born in the United States cannot be trusted. Most children (both male and female) that are born in the United States that raised by a European born mother can be equally trusted as there European born mother.

The same American knows several American man that are married to European women that also find any American women a piece of crap that an average European considers a piece of crap and hate American women. It is very common to find American men that are married to European born women that hate American women. Many US born girls who are raised by a European born mothers have the same negative opinion of American women as their European born mother have. The same Americans says, that it was very dumb for those three European men to marry American women. European man in the United States should only marry European women, and European women should only marry European man. The only problem is that it is very difficult to find European women in the United States. You have to go to Europe to find European women.

I'm an American Citizen but my parent's are European, I was born in America, but I was raised as I would be if I lived in Europe. So. You decide. Americans who are raised by European parents get some thing extra from our European parents 100 percent because of our upbringing that Americans who are raised by American parents do not get. That is that when we walk the streets in Europe every body thinks we are born in Europe we can behave like a typical European speak our parents native language (some only speak English) just as easily as our European parents can (still have European mentality) and it is impossible to tell that we are born in the United States and that we are Americans. It would appear that we are born in Europe not the United States even if we are born in the United States. When I visit Europe and speak English every body in Europe thinks I was born in the Netherlands, but I was born in the United States and have lived my entire live I the United States. My mother was born in the Netherlands. Eastern women who hate American women/men think that I was born in the Netherlands, and this is the only reason why they like me. This is 100 percent because of the way I is raised by my Dutch (the Netherlands) born mother when I was an infant/toddler/child. This applies to both male and female children/adults who are raised by Dutch (the Netherlands) born mothers.
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Post by polya »

fschmidt wrote:I haven't been to Australia, but I think 90% is too low for America. Of course I would add that at least 90% of American men are also crap.
Who cares about American men, let them figure this out for themselves...or not. Regarding women, in time 100% of them will turn into fat, ugly cows, so marriage is a waste of time for men. Men should just date many girls and settle down with no-one IMO.
"Woman is a violent and uncontrolled animal... If you allow them to achieve complete equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters." Cato the Elder
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