Just Got my 3rd (Booster) Shot

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Re: Just Got my 3d ( Booster) Shot

Post by gsjackson »

publicduende wrote:
November 25th, 2021, 5:45 am
Yohan wrote:
November 25th, 2021, 3:09 am
Winston wrote:
November 25th, 2021, 2:38 am
Already the latest studies show that those vaccines are not safe.
Which studies? Which vaccine? There are several of them used worldwide and more are coming...research is going on...

Here in Japan almost 100 million people got at least one shot - and see the result of a large vaccination campaign during the last months - acute cases are down from more than 230.000 - the latest count of today is only 1232 patients.

Covid19 almost disappeared in Japan, it will be soon a part of the past....

USA with its horrible anti-vaxx movement has so far 798.245 deaths, while Japan reports only 18.352 ...since February 2020.
To eradicate the corona virus, delta variant, you need at least 80 percent of the entire population fully vaccinated, and this is now the case in Japan.

It is better you are vaccinated for sure, but nobody care about that in Japan, as people are showing up for vaccination by themselves in very big numbers - you don't come for vaccination in Japan, nobody cares anyway, up to you, your choice.
ICU beds with oxygen supply are ready ... enjoy your stay!
Don't want to speculate on something we don't know - mainly because nobody dares writing about it - but...could it be that Covid-19 was just meant to disappear within 2 consecutive winters, pretty much like every flu season that ever existed in human history?

Look no further than some Eastern European countries like Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. Vaccination rates at less than 20% in non-urban areas and we have yet to see the fearmongered million of corpses piled up on the streets. The whole of Africa has less than 20% vaccination rate and is faring far better than us first-worlders....

Unbiased statistics coming from the US said that, everything considered, more people dies "of Covid" in 2021, the year where vaccines were introduced and mass vaccination pushed on to the populace, than 2020, the year of hopeless lockdowns and no medical solution in sight.

Doesn't the idea graze you that maybe, just maybe, there has been a deliberate intention to portray the virus as the "World War Z mass killer" it isn't to advance a global(ist) agenda that has nothing to do with world's health, nothing to do with the greater good and everything to do with mass control and a forced soft landing for an economy based on debt and unsustainable consumption?
Yes, I do think the economic explanation is probably more likely than, say, a mass culling of the population. But I also think there's an intent to get rid of as many pensioners as possible, because pension funds around the world are about to go kaput. Since pensioners tend to be obedient and compliant, good little boys and girls who always do what they're told, a combination of the clot shots, stress and continual de-oxygenation through face diapers will probably dispatch many of them to their rewards sooner than otherwise.
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Re: Just Got my 3d ( Booster) Shot

Post by Cornfed »

Tsar wrote:
November 25th, 2021, 8:43 am
Are you sure that it's the vaccine responsible for low deaths and controlling the virus to reduce it's spread and the infection rate?

Japanese are some of the healthiest people in the world. They don't shake hands. Obesity rates are low. Their food quality is equal to the EU and Europe. They have excellent hygiene. Face masks were used even before COVID-19 to protect against illness and flu because of the very high population density in the major cities and any city.
More importantly, since most of the old people have taken the death shot anyway and they have had a low birth rate for generations, there is probably no need for more virus bullshit to thin their numbers at this time, although they will need something to blame when they start dying in more noticeable numbers.
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Re: Just Got my 3d ( Booster) Shot

Post by Yohan »

Tsar wrote:
November 25th, 2021, 8:43 am
Are you sure that it's the vaccine responsible for low deaths and controlling the virus to reduce it's spread and the infection rate?

Japanese are some of the healthiest people in the world. They don't shake hands. Obesity rates are low. Their food quality is equal to the EU and Europe. They have excellent hygiene. Face masks were used even before COVID-19 to protect against illness and flu because of the very high population density in the major cities and any city.
All what you mention helps too, of course, but it is not enough to bring the virus down and to reduce significantly the number of deaths and patients in ICU care.

Generally there is the opinion in South Korean and Japanese research centers, that for the aggressive covid-19 delta variant you need at least a 80 percent - better 90 percent -fully vaccinated population to interrupt it to jump over in big numbers from humans to humans.

This is now almost the case in Japan, if you look at the vaccination data. (sorry, only in Japanese) - almost 100 million people out of 125 million received at least 1 shot of mostly Pfizer vaccine. Vaccination rate of elderly people 65+ is 91.8 percent.

Vaccination campaign still continues, with younger people, still not vaccinated, 3rd shot starting for medical personnel, and with flu vaccine for everybody.

https://vdata.nikkei.com/newsgraphics/c ... ne-status/
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Re: Just Got my 3d ( Booster) Shot

Post by Cornfed »

Yohan wrote:
November 25th, 2021, 9:00 am
Generally there is the opinion in South Korean and Japanese research centers, that for the aggressive covid-19 delta variant you need at least a 80 percent - better 90 percent -fully vaccinated population to interrupt it to jump over in big numbers from humans to humans.
So they generally disagree with Kill Gates and Fraudci then, who are now saying that the clot shot isn't having the desired effect in reducing transmission and have hilariously concluded that more boosters are required.
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Re: Just Got my 3d ( Booster) Shot

Post by Winston »

Yohan wrote:
November 25th, 2021, 8:33 am
Winston wrote:
November 25th, 2021, 6:00 am
Also Yohan. Didn't u hear that the Taiwanese government said that more people died from the covid vaccine than from covid itself? How do u explain that? The vaccine deaths reached over 800, making them slightly outnumber the covid deaths. This was admitted in public data. How do you explain that?
What kind of covid-19 vaccine was used? Any link please.
https://www.polygraph.info/a/fact-check ... 21527.html

On October 13, the Falun-Gong-affiliated New Tang Dynasty Television ran a report on deaths among those vaccinated against the coronavirus.
The report insinuated that the vaccine was more harmful than COVID-19.

The implication that vaccines might kill more people than COVID-19 is false.

For starters, the numbers cited in the New Tang report aren’t reliable. They come from a system set up by Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that merely gathers unverified reports of potential side effects caused by vaccines.
Full text link above.
It was Moderna or Pfizer, one of the US ones. I don't have links but it's all over social media. Didn't you know about it?

One website that denies something doesn't mean anything. Anyone can deny anything. Denying something doesn't make it false if it is in fact true. A website can deny the conspiracy in the JFK assassination or the moon landing, but that doesn't change the fact that it was a conspiracy. Or a site can deny that 2+2=4 too, but that doesn't make it true. You can find anyone who will deny anything. You seem to only trust official sources. Why? Do you believe that authority can lie and be corrupt and cover up stuff? It certainly did on 9/11 and the JFK assassination and the moon landing hoax. That's for sure. Any honest research reveals that to impartial people. But if you don't wanna believe something, no amount of evidence, even a mountain of proof, will matter to you.
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Re: Just Got my 3d ( Booster) Shot

Post by Winston »

Yohan wrote:
November 25th, 2021, 8:38 am
Winston wrote:
November 25th, 2021, 5:57 am
I just posted two big studies in science journals. One from Nature and one from the American Heart Association. Didn't you see them in the risks of covid vaccine thread? Or did you see them but your mind blotted them out due to cognitive dissonance?
First of all I want to ask you if you are in general against ALL kind of vaccination or if you are only against covid-19 vaccination?
This is not clear to me, what do you think about flu vaccine and pneumonia vaccine for example?

About American Heart Association, I have not seen such articles, link please.

But I see the following articles:
https://newsroom.heart.org/news/top-hea ... -hospitals

https://www.heart.org/en/coronavirus/co ... accination
Questions About COVID-19 Vaccination
Are there serious side effects from the vaccine?
Very rarely, a severe, dangerous allergic reaction called anaphylaxis can occur shortly after your shot. Symptoms of anaphylaxis include a swollen throat, a rash that can itch, wheezing or other trouble breathing, and passing out. If you think you are having such a severe reaction after you leave your vaccination site, call 911 immediately.

Early research has found that among almost 1.9 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine administered in December 2020, just 21 cases of anaphylaxis were reported. Over 70% of these happened within 15 minutes of when the shot was given — that's why there's a short waiting period, with health care workers standing by, after your vaccination.

You could also have a less severe allergic reaction within four hours of your shot, with symptoms such as hives, swelling and wheezing. If you have either of these allergic reactions, the CDC recommends you not get a second shot of that type of vaccine.

In addition, public health experts are monitoring vaccine safety and side effect data for cases of rare heart-related complications, myocarditis or pericarditis, after receiving the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. (Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, while pericarditis is inflammation of the heart's outer lining.)

As of mid-October 2021, officials had confirmed 945 reports nationwide of myocarditis or pericarditis out of nearly 400 million doses given of the two vaccines. Cases were more common in adolescent males and young adults.

The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association urges all U.S. adults and children 12 and older to receive a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible, noting that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the rare, possible risk of heart-related complications. Learn more here.
I think vaccines should be a choice, not mandated. Personally I don't need vaccines. They are artificial, unnatural, and unnecessary. Better to boost your immune system with natural means, like echinacea, vitamin D, astralgus, gingseng, etc. I took a flu shot long ago in the early 1990s and it made me feel very sick. I vowed never to take one again after that. So my position is that it's your choice, and should not be forced, but I personally don't like them and don't need them and don't believe they are necessary.

Anyone can lie and tell you that vaccines save lives. But governments have lied all the time. Yet you still trust them why? If your friend lied, would you trust him or her? No of course not. So why do you trust government when it lies? You never answered this. The reason is because you are programmed to trust authority and you have a need to believe that authority is right and is a kind caring parent. It's in your DNA. Has nothing to do with truth. Do you realize that? You are under hypnosis and don't even know it. You don't own your mind. You are not free mentally. Your mind is not your own.

I posted the link to the American Heart Association Journal and Nature yesterday in the other thread. Did you see it? Click here: viewtopic.php?&p=364347#p364347
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Re: Just Got my 3rd (Booster) Shot

Post by flowerthief00 »

Lol comparison to moon landing conspiracy theories isn't a great way to persuade a person on a scientific matter.

But conspiracy theories aside... I'm not completely sold either on the notion that vaccinations deserves the credit for Japan's success. At the least it seems there would have to be other factors. As has been said by others, some of the most vaccinated places on Earth are getting hammered, including South Korea which has a similar or higher vaccination rate (albeit with fewer boosters).

This vid explores several alternative explanations for Japan's recovery. I'm not saying I know myself (and neither does he) which of these explanations if any is legit.

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Re: Just Got my 3rd (Booster) Shot

Post by flowerthief00 »

I highly recommend this Norman Fenton lecture, which looks at covid vax statistics in the UK, that ought to make us skeptical of the conclusions so often drawn from these kind of statistics.


Major points:

1. Should be an obvious fact by now but often forgotten that we never know the real number of cases. In the UK when case numbers spiked it was at the same time that mass PCR testing was being done. Well when you're doing lots of testing you're gonna find lots of cases. Additionally, the data was skewed by more tests having been administered to unvaccinated than to vaccinated.

2. As for mortality figures, the issue of what counts as a "covid death" can be avoided by comparing all-cause mortality in the vaccinated with all-cause mortality in the unvaccinated. When the numbers are counted in this way, they don't support the claim of covid-19 vaccines having been effective in the UK.

3. The statistics apparently showed a spike in non-covid deaths among the unvaccinated, which has no rational explanation and, he concludes, is simply impossible.

"The data provides no real evidence that the benefits of vaccines outweigh the risks."
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Re: Just Got my 3d ( Booster) Shot

Post by Yohan »

ladislav wrote:
November 25th, 2021, 3:27 am
And my intuition is telling me soon we won't be able to travel without the booster shots. All the happier abroad thing will come to a halt.
This will be likely the future for all these people in many countries who refuse vaccination against covid-19. Up to them, I don't care.

I do not say they will not be allowed to travel at all, but they will face frequently costly restrictions if they want to travel abroad, facing quarantine of two weeks on arrival at their own expenses or even refused to allowed to board an international flight.

They might also face some domestic restrictions, like to join some events or check into certain hotels, facing troubles even with their jobs if related to customer services, even not allowed to leave their own house etc.

It depends on those governments, what kind of restrictions they will implement. We will see. Which countries are willing to receive unvaccinated international tourists is a good question.
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Re: Just Got my 3rd (Booster) Shot

Post by Taco »

We’re not dying at the rate that they need it to. That’s why they came up with the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh vax shots, because they need to keep injecting into us until it "works". - Cliff High

The “vax pass” will not work anymore in France if you don’t take a third dose by January 15
https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/the ... anuary-15/
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Re: Just Got my 3rd (Booster) Shot

Post by Winston »

I told Alex about this thread. He said that in Italy people are just as vaxxed as in Japan, but the cases are still high, allegedly. So these stats make no sense and jump to conclusions. Also in India, Covid is under control and on the green list now, but not because of vaccines, but because they use good treatments there that eliminate Covid easily. Fortunately, India is more spiritual and not as controlled by liars and corrupt forces like the US is, that's how India can get away with doing the right thing, unlike the US and other controlled and nonspiritual countries.

Keep in mind folks, that statistics and data can easily be manipulated to say anything you want. We all know the tobacco companies manipulated statistics for years to claim that smoking does not cause cancer. So you can't trust statistics to tell you anything, nor can you know which sources are clean and unbiased. Anyone can lie easily, especially if their job depends on it. There are many documented examples. It's almost faith based at this point who you decide to trust. Don't just trust authority because it's in your genes. Many are hardwired to never believe something unless authority says so, no matter how much proof you have, they cannot accept it unless authority officially declares it to be so. That's very limiting of course, but many people are authority worshippers by nature. It's automatic, not something they think about or question. Most are like bees and ants in a hive.

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Re: Just Got my 3rd (Booster) Shot

Post by Gali »

1,2 Billion dose of vaccines already been shot to Indians
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Re: Just Got my 3rd (Booster) Shot

Post by Yohan »

Winston wrote:
November 28th, 2021, 4:33 am
I told Alex about this thread. He said that in Italy people are just as vaxxed as in Japan, but the cases are still high, allegedly. So these stats make no sense and jump to conclusions.
Statistics make sense, but in case of covid19 they are not clear, as information is missing.
Cases are high in Italy, but who are these people infected? People who had already 2 x vaccine shots at least 3 weeks ago?
Or people who are refusing to be vaccinated at all?

Another difference can be clearly seen in the way of life-style. It's not all about vaccination either.

Japanese people are not very communicative in general, do not shake hands or are not into hugs, wash their hands in any shop they enter with alcohol, using a face-mask is almost 100 percent within buildings or public transport, including all children - there are differences which have to considered too.

In contrast to Japan, Italy has a very militant anti-vaxx movement. Another serious issue in Italy is the permanent transit route of ountless illegal immigrants from Africa into Europe etc.
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Re: Just Got my 3rd (Booster) Shot

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
November 28th, 2021, 4:33 am
Fortunately, India is more spiritual and not as controlled by liars and corrupt forces like the US is, that's how India can get away with doing the right thing, unlike the US and other controlled and nonspiritual countries.
I suppose that is a matter of opinion. I would consider India's native religion to mainly be 'negative spirituality'-- detracting from true spirituality. The caste system, which illegal now, has affected the nation quite negatively and has been rather oppressive. I have not been there, but my understanding is the city has piles of dung all over the place, and there are human turds along the sides of the river in some of the cities. The use of cow dung as a treatment for COVID-19 might have some ties to traditional Hindu beliefs. I wonder if their religion has a lot to do with the presence of dung in their society.

I did read a little article that showed that the originators of the transgender surgery, the idea of men having a 'feminine side', and some of the transgenderism philosophy has roots in Hinduism.

Anyway, if India has fewer COVID cases and the people are experiencing more freedom, I am happy for them.

In some of the developed countries, shutting down work to prevent what is basically three to five times the danger of a regular flu seems irresponsible to me. People can die of starvation just like they can die from the flu.
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Re: Just Got my 3rd (Booster) Shot

Post by Taco »

Every time there is a new "variant" you'll be required to get a booster shot to travel.

Paranoia is just having the right information. - William S. Burroughs
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