Rich wall street trader can't get a decent woman

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Post by anamericaninbangkok »

Honestly, if it weren't for my kids, I'd be living on an island somewhere with the wife in a bungalow. She hates it when I say it but my dream is to have a bungalow on the beach, tricked out inside, of course. Wake up every morning, have sex, eat fruit for breakfast on the front porch, go for a swim in the ocean, write, have lunch, exercise, hang out at a little Tiki bar for an hour or two late evening and have a drink or two, go home with the wife, have sex, go to sleep...repeat. Minimal fundage needed but I'm not one of those who feels I need to take my millions and make more. Just live within my means, live comfortably, and be smart about things.
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Post by kai1275 »

fschmidt wrote:
Adama wrote:If he is looking for a Jewish woman with those traits I doubt he could find her anywhere, unless he becomes Hasidic. Just look at Fschmidt.
I didn't look for a Jewish woman. I really don't care about race. Anyway, if this guy wants a Jewish woman, he should look in Israel, not America. American women are the worst in the world, regardless of race, color, or creed.
Stole my thunder. If he went to Israel, he could find everything he wanted times a 1000! Jewish women there are HOT and traditional! Shit maybe he could retire there instead of NY and enjoy that alot better. He could actually be a citizen there unlike us.

What a tool. He should know better than this. I wonder if he is just wanting attention....
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Post by kai1275 »

anamericaninbangkok wrote:
Dark_Sol wrote:
Rayn wrote:Precisely. Many people have been saying that out here in the West oh you got to be an Alpha Male cause 80% of females sleep with 20% of males, blah, blah, blah, like you have to be a some kind of a millionaire-playboy model-nuclear physicist-basketball player in order to get the quality women you really want.

The real kick to the curb, is of course, that even if you -are- the cream of the crop it STILL wouldn't make a difference. You still are stuck with shitty women, with your chances of getting quality ones still up to luck just the same as the more ordinary men out there.

There's another great example. Fabio Lanzoni - loved quoting him a lot. He's muscular, he's rich, he know several languages, he's really tall (yeah, American bitches love height), and he rides a motorcycle and he's also a cover man for many romance novels. And guess what? Pushing 50 and he's still fails to find a suitable wife. As quoted by him "New York Women don't marry out of love" and "they only care what you have and what can you do for them"
I have a better opinion of Fabio and it makes sense why he is single. Women are to materialistic, they want, but never give. They base people on looks, if you ain't looking like a model, no chance. Women now have reached the point where they have unrealistic expectations. Even if you have both looks and money, they want more.
Their expectations being too high is the root of all evil. I can understand where women want a successful man. I want a successful woman. However, when they EXPECT their man to be perfect, everything falls apart.

I have no problem being polite and a gentleman, however, if women are feminists, if they start getting arrogant, or they act like they're better than, that's when I can get brutal. I have no problem calling a woman a c**t to her face, I have no problem knocking a woman out if she punches me, I have no problem being domineering if they try to dominate me. Relationships are a two way street. If a woman acts with respect, she gets respect.

Is it any wonder why mongering is so popular?

I don't have a problem being decent to anyone at all, no matter what their status. But when I start being treated less than, either by a man or woman, that's when I get rude and crude.

Think about it this way...of all these women going after men for their money. WHY DON'T YOU MAKE YOUR OWN MONEY!? I have complete respect for a millionaire woman looking for a decent, millionaire man who doesn't want HER money. But women who are incapable or too lazy to try to better themselves so they don't NEED a man are nothing more a mating machine.

If I were like Fabio Lanzoni, I would have several women bang buddies who I could be friends with, nothing more. Eventually you will find one you can at least be friends with. You don't have to marry her though.

Giving a guy a hard time simply because he's looking for a decent partner is ridiculous. Men need to rise up and stop allowing women and the media to dictate how WE SHOULD BE. Rubbish. I am how I am and if you don't like me f**k off bitch.

I'll never forget...I was ringside at Lumpini boxing stadium here in Bangkok. Many years ago, I had a press card and used to take photos and go to the stadium all the time. Anyway, women are not allowed to touch the ring. It's Thai tradition. They have their own stadium and even that pisses the hardcore Thais off. A British girl comes up to me and asks if she can take photos. I told her she can take photos but not touch the ring. She had to stay off the ring. Now I'm lying down on the ring and she wants to do the same. She keeps trying to come on to the ring and the Thais are shaking their heads saying, "no, no, no." Finally, one of the refs who spoke English came up and told her, "If you go on to the ring, we will throw you out of the stadium." She started getting pissy and came up to me and says, "That's discrimination, why can a man do this but a woman can't?" Her face is red and she's absolutely livid. "This is their country, not yours," I said. "If you don't like it, why are you here? Why should they change for you?" She had no response.

Why should men change for women? Do women change for men? This is my point, if there's an acceptable median where both genders can agree, fine. But from what I've seen, men in the US cow down to women because they fear the repercussions. I had my fair share of women in the US, most were decent women who simply wanted to make a living and live their lives. My last GF was a real cutie...blonde hair, nice a**, good looking. She would beg me to go down on her, literally, and yet she refused to give head. WTF? I took a trip to Thailand and asked if she wanted to come along (my mistake). "Why would I want to go there? It's dirty and they don't speak English." I took my trip, had a threesome the night I arrived and my life was never the same. I dumped her shortly thereafter. There's no need to settle and the last thing I wanted to do was be with a woman the rest of my life who wouldn't give a blowjob.
That is funny but not surprising. Western women are too into entitlement little princess attitudes burned into them from here. Those western women in India that got raped/killed are the biggest examples of that. Hollywood even makes movies and shows with the pretty white girl getting killed because she was too curious, adventurous, naive, etc. but instead of scaring these women, they laugh at these films depicted as "stereotypes" that are not real with feminist fervor. Then they fall into real life traps all too easily.....

Too bad they are too dumb to understand that life imitates art....or the illuminati at least.
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Post by C.J. »

I don't think it was the women, it was his expectations and delusions. He can still and has gotten many women. However, he's clearly not grounded in reality. The Wall Street devil's scheme will do that to you. :D

If you're not some blue-eyed aryan, a dark-ass chocolate person or whatever else they have conditioned foreign women in certain countries to like, you're gonna have to make some compromises to find someone, that's a rule in ALL dating realities around the world.
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Post by Adama »

fschmidt wrote:
Adama wrote:If he is looking for a Jewish woman with those traits I doubt he could find her anywhere, unless he becomes Hasidic. Just look at Fschmidt.
I didn't look for a Jewish woman. I really don't care about race. Anyway, if this guy wants a Jewish woman, he should look in Israel, not America. American women are the worst in the world, regardless of race, color, or creed.
Somehow I doubt the women in Israel are better wife material. They are much more attractive than AW. I doubt the mindset is better.
A good man is above pettiness. He is better than that.
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Post by kai1275 »

Adama wrote:
fschmidt wrote:
Adama wrote:If he is looking for a Jewish woman with those traits I doubt he could find her anywhere, unless he becomes Hasidic. Just look at Fschmidt.
I didn't look for a Jewish woman. I really don't care about race. Anyway, if this guy wants a Jewish woman, he should look in Israel, not America. American women are the worst in the world, regardless of race, color, or creed.
Somehow I doubt the women in Israel are better wife material. They are much more attractive than AW. I doubt the mindset is better.
Dude! Have you seen their versions of "homemakers/housewives"? I don't know what exactly to google, but those Orthodox guys there live in those settlements with decent to super pretty wives and kids. The man works, the wife does the wife and mother stuff. Besides, unless he married one of those Jewish feminists, which probably have weak weak power there, maybe none, that is a woman HE can easily handle. He got the money, power, etc.
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Post by anamericaninbangkok »

Women everywhere are a pain in the ass, it doesn't matter where they come from, eventually they'll get on your nerves. For every man with a smoking hot chick, I'll show you a man who is bored of her. It's simply of how long it takes before you get bored and want to dump her.

That said, I met some Israeli chicks here in Thailand a while back. I told em I had the suite at this guest house and they just about boned me on the spot. They couldn't believe I was spending a whopping $12 a night when I could have paid $4. These were the same women who complained about paying $40 for a visa run. I was like, "How much is acceptable for a visa run?" They didn't have a clue what to say. Cheap twats, the lot of them.
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E Irizarry R&B Singer
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Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

anamericaninbangkok wrote:...Why should men change for women? Do women change for men? This is my point, if there's an acceptable median where both genders can agree, fine. But from what I've seen, men in the US cow down to women because they fear the repercussions. I had my fair share of women in the US, most were decent women who simply wanted to make a living and live their lives. My last GF was a real cutie...blonde hair, nice a**, good looking. She would beg me to go down on her, literally, and yet she refused to give head. WTF? I took a trip to Thailand and asked if she wanted to come along (my mistake). "Why would I want to go there? It's dirty and they don't speak English." I took my trip, had a threesome the night I arrived and my life was never the same. I dumped her shortly thereafter. There's no need to settle and the last thing I wanted to do was be with a woman the rest of my life who wouldn't give a blowjob.
Are you sure she wasn't Black with a blonde hair-hat jasmine yakki weave on?
Only Black women did me like that: a 68 and she owes me one if you get my drift!!!
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Post by kai1275 »

anamericaninbangkok wrote:Women everywhere are a pain in the a**, it doesn't matter where they come from, eventually they'll get on your nerves. For every man with a smoking hot chick, I'll show you a man who is bored of her. It's simply of how long it takes before you get bored and want to dump her.

That said, I met some Israeli chicks here in Thailand a while back. I told em I had the suite at this guest house and they just about boned me on the spot. They couldn't believe I was spending a whopping $12 a night when I could have paid $4. These were the same women who complained about paying $40 for a visa run. I was like, "How much is acceptable for a visa run?" They didn't have a clue what to say. Cheap twats, the lot of them.
You dont seem to have alot of patience, LOL! Typical guy or just old and cranky haha. Israeli women being cheap? Come on, what did you expect them to be? LOL, besides those are the rich ones, obviously.
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