To All Fellow Asian Men: Please Share Success Stories with White Slavic Women

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To All Fellow Asian Men: Please Share Success Stories with White Slavic Women

Post by GoldenStud »

Let me first start off by saying that I originally intended to post a series of photos, links, and videos of East Asian men and Eastern European Slavic women couples, but since this site is a little paranoid about spam and I don't have the time or the patience to come up with 3 new topics just so I could finally post pics, links, and videos, I thought I just might cut to the chase:

The reason I wanted to post these photos and links was not only to provide more encouragement for East Asian men seeking potential Slavic wives, but to also debunk some of these dubious negative claims being made in this site about East Asian men, Slavic women, and the whole AMWF dynamic that binds them.

As someone of Chinese descent who's traveled all over Eastern European Slavic lands, I got the chance to interact with many of the local people. The overwhelming majority of them were very warm, open, and friendly to me, especially in Russia which many of you in this forum claim are racist against Asian men. I found this claim to be VERY untrue and it totally contradicts my own personal experiences in Eastern Europe. As an East Asian guy, I actually felt more home and appreciated there than the entirety of my existence growing up in America. In case you didn't know, Slavic people and Asian people share a long history that goes back almost a thousand years starting with the Mongol invasions which reshaped much of the demographics and culture of Central Asia and Eastern Europe. There's East Asian-looking people like the Kazakhs, Kalmyks, Uzbeks, and other native Asiatic people that live all over Russia and Eastern Europe. There's Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, and a growing number of Southeast Asians like the Vietnamese that live there as well. All of these Asian groups have been interacting with Slavic people for hundreds of years, so it shouldn't surprise anyone that most Slavic people in general would be more open and friendly to Asian people compared to other races.

I'd also like to point out that Slavic women actually do like East Asian men! I was shocked when I read some of the posts in this site claiming that "Russian girls aren't into Asian guys". This claim is also NOT true at all! Slavic women are probably the easiest non-Asian women for East Asian men to attract. And in terms of compatibility, East Asian men and Slavic women are like a match made in heaven! I can't even begin to tell you the countless Slavic girls that I went out with when I visited Eastern Europe! And I'm not just talking about myself either. Plenty of my Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and even Filipino friends scored big with Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, and other Slavic women -- with many of them having already married!

All this nonsense about Eastern European women being shallow gold-digging whores is also just a complete myth! I can say from personal experience that the Slavic women I were with had almost no interest in money. They were naturally attracted to East Asian men and many of them would prefer to marry an East Asian man over other races. And if you don't believe me, there's plenty of videos on youtube and all over the internet of Ukrainian and Russian women saying they prefer East Asian men because of their exotic features and that they make better husbands. (You can also check out the links I posted in the SHOUTBOX).

East Asian men marrying Slavic women isn't even a new phenomenon either. As I already said in a previous paragraph, Asians and Slavs have been interacting for hundreds of years and a lot of that interaction involved East Asian men with Slavic women! Mongols and Central Asian men have been marrying Russian and other Slavic women for centuries. And starting around the 18th century, many Chinese and Korean men began marrying Slavic women as well. For example, the late Chinese President, Chiang Ching-kuo had a Russian wife. The former President of Mongolia, Yumjaagiin Tsedenbal also had a Russian wife. Viktor Tsoi, the most popular and influential musician in Russia's history was the product of an AMWF Korean/Russian marriage. The list goes on and on.

The fact is, AMWF isn't as rare as many of you think. If you take into account all the East Asian men dating and marrying Slavic women around the world, AMWF is probably the most common interracial pairing in the world!

Anyways, I'm not here to try to convince anyone of anything. I'm merely trying to put out a different experience from what looks like the status quo of this forum. For those East Asian guys out there who are bitter and disappointed with their experiences with Slavic women and their travels to Eastern Europe, I'm sorry that you had to go through all that. Believe me! As an East Asian man who grew up in America, I know what its like being marginalized and treated like shit on a constant basis! That's why Eastern Europe is the best place for an East Asian man. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's going to be paradise or anything like that. There's going to be some people that are going to be racist and not all the girls there are going to like you, but compared to anywhere else, Eastern Europe is where the Yellow Asian man "reigns king"!

The only practical advice that I can give to an East Asian guy looking for a Slavic girl is to just be more confident. Shake off all those negative stereotypes that have been plaguing our demographic for decades. Slavic women aren't as influenced by the Anti Asian male media in the West, so they'll be easier to approach and attract. Contrary to what many of you have said, Slavic women aren't as concerned about physical appearance as you might think. Sure many find the Asian look attractive and exotic, but that's only secondary compared to personality and how well you carry yourself. If you have an amazing, attractive, charming personality and not a cocky son of a bitch like a lot of White men are, I think Slavic girls in general would go for East Asian men in a heartbeat -- even if you looked like the nerdy types like some of my East Asian friends who managed to attract Slavic women.

There you go! I'd be really interested to hear from other East Asian guys of their own success stories with Slavic women. It doesn't necessary have to be your own either, they could be successful stories you heard from other people.

Also as a final note, you can check out the links and photos that I was originally going to post in my topic. Just go to the SHOUTBOX at the "Board index" section and look for my name "GoldenStud". You might have to scroll down since I posted a lot of pics and links.
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Re: To All the Fellow East Asian Men. Please Share Some Successful Stories with White Slavic Women.

Post by Winston »

First of all, you are not paranoid if your fears are real. As everyone knows, forum spam is real. We've all seen it and had too much of it in the past. The definition of paranoia is "irrational fear of something that doesn't exist". That doesn't apply to forum spam of course, since we all know it's real. So you used the word word and definition, technically speaking.

Second, I didn't say you had to start three forum topics to be able to post links. I said you have to have three approved posts. So for example, you could post merely one sentence below in this thread, such as "Hello my name is GoldenStud", and that would count as one post.

If you like I can activate you to regular member now. Or you can just post a simple short sentence below, and after that you can post links. It only takes a few seconds. Surely you can't be too lazy to do that. :P
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Re: To All the Fellow East Asian Men. Please Share Some Successful Stories with White Slavic Women.

Post by Winston »

I assume you came here because of this article of mine right? ... tible.html


Btw, there's a counter thread to it, similar to yours, claiming that asian men and white women are naturally compatible. See here:


Let me make a few key points:

1. First, are you sure you understood my article correctly? Did you read it all the way through? I said Eastern Europe and Russia were an exception, as I experienced too. Haven't you seen my photos and videos? (see the links in my signature) White girls in Eastern Europe and Russia are definitely more open and sociable in general, not just with Asian men. But not North America. Western Europe is slightly better for Asian men, but Eastern Europe is the best. And if you go further East in Russia to Siberia and beyond, it may even be better for Asian men, I hear.

2. In any case, still the fact is that MOST white women prefer white men. That's true of women of any race, they prefer their own race. Sure there may a small percentage of White women that like Asian men, but they are still a MINORITY, not majority. So of course you can cherry pick the ones that are the minority. Very easily. Let's say there are 100 million white women, and 5 percent or less like Asian men. That's like 5 million white women you can choose from or post photos of with their Asian partners. 5 million is a lot of people! Anyone can focus on that and take photos of them. However, they are still the MINORITY, NOT THE MAJORITY. Do you understand?

Even in Eastern Europe and Russia, where Asian men do better, still MOST white women there prefer white men. How do I know this? Because they TOLD me so, both with their ACTIONS and WORDS. And if you go to Poland, virtually all white women there will tell you they only like white men. Everyone in Poland knows that. Again, there are always exceptions, but exceptions do not debunk a general rule or pattern or tendency or preference. So if you don't believe me, you can poll all the white women you want and tell them to be 100 percent honest. Most will tell you that they prefer white men of their own race. Of course, we all know that there are many white women that will try to be politically correct and sound non-racist by saying that they are open to dating Asian men, but in reality, they won't actually date any. Actions speak louder than words, after all.

Now I know things are changing, and white women today are more open to Asian men than before. But I was speaking of the era before today, such as the early 2000's, the 1990's and prior. Today white women/asian male couples may be more common than before, but they are STILL a minority.

3. Here's an easy proof and test for you to validate my claim: If you don't believe me, go outside and see. Out in public, you see VERY FEW asian male/white female couples, if any at all. No matter how many photos you post of asian men and white women, still the fact is, OUT IN PUBLIC you see VERY VERY FEW. And that speaks volumes. It says it all. Even in Europe and Russia, you do not see many either. Now Siberia or Eastern Russia may be another matter of course. I haven't been there so I can't comment. But I heard the women in Eastern and Central Russia are the most open to Asian men.

Here's another experiment you can try: Go to and look at the many white American women profiles on there. You will notice that under racial preference, over 90 percent of them list that they only want white men. Over 90 percent is a clear majority of course. Likewise, if you go to, you will notice something similar. It is one of the few Russian bride sites that allow women to list their racial preferences, so we gotta commend Elena Petrova for her honesty regarding this, because that decreases business from male clients, and hence why most Russian bride sites don't allow racial preferences to be listed. Anyhow, what you will notice is that MOST Russian women also state that they prefer white men too. I went there and saw it. So even in Russia, where Asian men do far better, still most white ladies there prefer white men. You can try this for yourself and see that I'm right. You see, a white woman may lie to you and tell you she's not racist and open to asian men, in order to appear non-racist, but she's not as apt to lie on her dating profile about racial preferences.

4. Also, do you understand the difference between being friendly and sociable vs. being romantically interested? Lots of white women in foreign countries may find us asian men to be a novelty and may be curious about us. They may hang out with us, go out with us, show us around their town, have dinner and drinks with us, have culture exchange with us, show us hospitality, etc. But it's purely platonic only. It doesn't mean they are romantically interested. I met many girls, hundreds, in Russia and Eastern Europe who were friendly and sociable to me, in ways that would never happen in North America. See my photos and videos (linked in my signature) for proof. But being romantically interested in you is another matter. Sure sometimes I can seduce them and get kisses from them. But in the end, if they aren't interested they will pull away. Being romantically interested or in love is a totally DIFFERENT matter. Do you understand?

So just because there are photos of Asian men and White women going out together, doesn't mean they are a couple. They could be hanging out as friends. They could have a platonic relationship. She could just be showing him around out of hospitality. Etc. Happens all the time. Romantic chemistry does not come easy at all.

Did you know that European and Russian culture are different in many ways? Well one difference is that the women in those countries are not "all or nothing". They do not mind going out with a guy they are not attracted to, as only a friend. Whereas in America, it's all or nothing, in that a typical American girl will not go out with a guy they are not romantically interested in, even as a friend, and will never stay friends with their exes (even if they claim to, which we all know), European and Russian women do not have that uptight mentality. In their mind, going out with a guy as a friend without any romantic interest is perfectly normal to them. They are cool with it and don't have hang ups against it, like their American counterparts do. Anyone that's familiar with women there know what I mean. So again, just because you see white women and asian men together in Slavic countries or European countries, doesn't mean they are a couple.

Do you understand my points? Hopefully that clarifies my position.
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Re: To All Fellow Asian Men: Please Share Success Stories with White Slavic Women

Post by Winston »

Here are the links GoldenStud wanted to show you all but was too lazy to post below because he didn't want to wait to have 3 posts approved first before he could post links. So he posted them in the chatbox instead. However, the chatbox messages expire after one month, so I'll just paste them below so we can have a permanent record of it. I'll try to embed his images and videos too.


By the way, you're totally wrong about Russian women. They and other Slavic women do LOVE East Asian Men!

Ukranian girl prefers Asian men:

Tons of Russian/Ukranian women married to East Asian men


Korean men with their Russian wives


Chinese/Ukrainian Marriages


Korean Men with their Russian girlfriends:



Asian men with their Russian girlfriends


Chinese guy with his Russian wife


Chinese men with their Russian wives


Some testimonies:


Slavic women prefer East Asian men:


Asian guy gets amazing results with Slavic women:

Image ... marriages/

Asian men are treated better in Russia compared to other races:


Chinese guy in Ukraine!

Chinese men and Russian women clubbing together:


Chinese dude with his Russian girlfriend:


Early 1900's photo of a Korean man with his Russian wife:


Early 1900's photo of a Korean man with his Russian wife:


Chinese man and his Russian wife:


Chinese guys at a Russian club!


Russian Girls in China with a Chinese guy:


Chinese guy and Russian girl getting married.


Inspiring story of a Chinese man and Russian woman married couple.

Korean guy and his Czech wife: ... zUw/videos
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Re: To All Fellow Asian Men: Please Share Success Stories with White Slavic Women

Post by Winston »

Alright GoldenStud. That's nice. Real nice. Looks very inspiring, I'll give you that. I'll share your links, images and videos above with my mailing list and Facebook group too. However, I've always said that Asian men will do best in Slavic countries like Eastern Europe and Russia. And perhaps Eastern Russia is best from what I heard. However, even then, still, the fact is most white women still prefer white men, even in that area. Some of your images of posts above even admit that.

But hey, either way, your content above does show that Asian men who like White women, have a decent chance in FSU countries after all. Or at least the best chance there. So we can agree on that at least. I hope it will inspire other Asian males here.

Btw, do you mind if I post my "success story" with my Russian girlfriend too? lol. Since after all, that is what you requested in the thread title. You can add it to your collection above. lol



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Re: To All Fellow Asian Men: Please Share Success Stories with White Slavic Women

Post by Winston »

Check out this interview with an Asian American guy named Robert, who talks to Mark Davis about his experiences in Eastern Europe of girls being a lot more open, friendly and authentic than in America. During the interview, photos of him with Slavic girls are displayed in the video. This is very inspiring to Asian American guys as well as guys in general. Robert also mentions me at 19:30 in the video. I wonder why Robert never joined this forum or if he has before. He certainly would fit in well here.

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Re: To All Fellow Asian Men: Please Share Success Stories with White Slavic Women

Post by re85with »

Some Ukrainian, Russian, and other white Slavic women (I would admit) do prefer certain men.

But, do you really think that most of these women care about race, skin color, etc. after working long and unpleasant hours at their jobs, earning less money, competing with other attractive women for any men, raising children by themselves, and being ignored, rejected, or mistreated by society?

The women I have dated in Odessa, Ukraine really do not care that I am black.

They have been more concerned about who I am as a man and human being.

In fact, I even have one Ukrainian woman getting upset with me because I have not asked her for a second date.

If you truly want to find many white women who prefer only white men, go to United States, Canada, South Africa, or any other Westernized country.

In my WordPress blog "Foreign Love Web", I defend most women in Ukraine, Russia, Colombia, Thailand, and other third world countries because I know that there are many haters and ignorant people out there.
Please visit my and Elizabeth's YouTube channel "Foreign Chat Web" and subscribe, like, dislike, comment, share videos with others, etc. :D
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Re: To All Fellow Asian Men: Please Share Success Stories with White Slavic Women

Post by waylon mercy »

im not trying to sound harsh but....I really dont understand why asian men have an obsession with trying to land a white woman its as if thats the ultimate goal so you feel as if you made it.
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Re: To All Fellow Asian Men: Please Share Success Stories with White Slavic Women

Post by MatureDJ »

I remember being in Kherson, and this small Vietnamese-American man was telling me about how even the single mommies there were turning him down.

I don't think a "robust" Chinaman like Winston has this problem.
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Re: To All Fellow Asian Men: Please Share Success Stories with White Slavic Women

Post by zboy1 »

waylon mercy wrote:
December 19th, 2018, 10:32 am
im not trying to sound harsh but....I really dont understand why asian men have an obsession with trying to land a white woman its as if thats the ultimate goal so you feel as if you made it.
Absolutely! White woman are a bit overrated anyway. There are plenty of Latin, Black, Asian or Indian/Middle Eastern chick willing to date Asian men than White woman.

I read somewhere that only 10 percent of White woman on dating sites date outside their race, so why bother? :roll:
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Re: To All Fellow Asian Men: Please Share Success Stories with White Slavic Women

Post by Guhji »

zboy1 wrote:
January 5th, 2019, 4:39 am
waylon mercy wrote:
December 19th, 2018, 10:32 am
im not trying to sound harsh but....I really dont understand why asian men have an obsession with trying to land a white woman its as if thats the ultimate goal so you feel as if you made it.
Absolutely! White woman are a bit overrated anyway. There are plenty of Latin, Black, Asian or Indian/Middle Eastern chick willing to date Asian men than White woman.

I read somewhere that only 10 percent of White woman on dating sites date outside their race, so why bother? :roll:
Because white girls are, on average, the best looking. Pretty, long legs, big breasts, shapely bums. Many black girls possess these characteristics, minus the attractive face.
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Re: To All Fellow Asian Men: Please Share Success Stories with White Slavic Women

Post by chanta76 »


Any luck with white girls? If I remember your in the west coast.
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Re: To All Fellow Asian Men: Please Share Success Stories with White Slavic Women

Post by Guhji »

chanta76 wrote:
January 7th, 2019, 8:49 pm

Any luck with white girls? If I remember your in the west coast.
Chanta, actually I'm in the midwest, Chicago to be exact. I have also lived in Las Vegas. And no, I've had zero success with white girls (and not much success with Asian girls either).
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