Why it's folly for men to focus on overly young women

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Why it's folly for men to focus on overly young women

Post by WilliamSmith »

OK I weighed in on the topic of how I think men who are foolishly interested in overly young women (e.g. 18-21 year olds, or even worse if the perverts are after even younger ones than that, which they shouldn't be!) are being dumbasses, over in this thread:

I'm now making a whole thread about how if you guys want younger women, you should at least only go for ones who are at least around 25 years old at the youngest, for reasons I'll explain below.

What I had to say before recapped with a lot more added:

Dumbasses who are attracted to teenage girls are clueless with women, otherwise they'd know perfectly well they were cruisin' for a bruisin' by idiotically lusting after teenage girls, since teenage girls may be wonderful human beings with a great future ahead of them, but are still on the borderland of growing into adulthood but frankly aren't there yet, and have objective biologically lower levels of cognitive development (as do teenage boys, I might add, so this is not misogyny talk picking on the women as mentally inferior, it's just that they are too young, duhhh).

Cognitive development reaches actual biological maturity at around the age of 25 years, and there's almost certainly going to be enormous changes in almost all teenage broads who are any younger than that, so even if you want younger women and are interested in monogamy and are even 5 years older than these chicks, you still shouldn't even think about trying to bag a chick who is any younger than around 25 years old at the youngest.

Even if you yourself are younger than 25 years, I'd seriously consider postponing any actual marriage plans until you and your woman have both passed that 25+ age threshold.

Some of the men foolishly lusting after 18 year old (or worse) broads may not necessarily be evil people, but if he is doing that, he basically proves he's f***ing clueless about young women, and the divorce stats of dumbasses who stupidly try to marry these teen broads under the delusion they're supposedly going to shape and mold them into "tradwives" and take away their smartphones and shit to stop them from being corrupted by social media etc etc and other silly-ass delusions I've seen posted by 2020s "repdill"/"tradcon" betas all prove my point:
Almost anyone stupid enough to try this bullshit ends up with their 18-21 year old wives changing their minds about pretty much everything, and then divorce their frustrated angry older husbands who were stupid enough to try to shack up with teenage girls to begin with when they were under the delusion they could make these "overly young women" do whatever they want, which they can't. :roll:

Also to burst the bubble of the guys under the delusions young women are supposedly bastions of virginal purity: I never messed with 18-19 year old chicks except when I was either younger than them or the same age as them myself (and never would), but I've known all kinds of teenage girls since I was a teenager myself too (in fact, since earlier when I was actually a much younger boy and observing teenage and adult women's behavior, LOL), and teenage girls are absolutely the most out of control sexually active "sluts" there are: They're almost always going crazy on wild undisciplined outbursts of impulsive sexual behavior and cheating on their boyfriends (or husbands when/if men are dumb enough to actually marry them when they're that young), regardless of if they have up some virginal front to keep up their image if they're from an uptight demographic.

So if men are actually decent caring men who want "tradwives," I'm not holding it against delusional betas fantasizing about some young girl as a bastion of virginal purity, but seriously those guys have it bass-ackwards:
If you want a woman who actually is ardently interested in settling down and monogamy that'll actually work, your best bet is women who are over 30 years old because a lot of times they often start going into hardcore "provider-hunter" mode after that point and want to bag a husband.
I've noticed that 30+ year old women also become way more of a pain in the ass to get into the sack as fast as women in their mid-20s, but IMO it's worth the effort since a lot of times the 30+ women make better girlfriends, and for you hodlers who actually want monogamy that's definitely the demographic you should be looking at if you want to make your relationship work.

Personally, I think love and romance make life worth living but am still not sold on lifetime monogamy (bit of an understatement there), and I love easy women and don't care if they're "sluts" and will even date "pros," "strippers," etc, but I'm tellin' ya:
Older men supposedly seeking "tradwives" and trying to get teenage girls are clueless, and you're just going to find out that I'm right about this the hard way if you insist on wasting your time obsessing over teenage broads. This is my opinion. :mrgreen:
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: Why it's folly for men to focus on overly young women

Post by Pixel--Dude »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 1:16 am
OK I weighed in on the topic of how I think men who are foolishly interested in overly young women (e.g. 18-21 year olds, or even worse if the perverts are after even younger ones than that, which they shouldn't be!) are being dumbasses, over in this thread:

I'm now making a whole thread about how if you guys want younger women, you should at least only go for ones who are at least around 25 years old at the youngest, for reasons I'll explain below.

What I had to say before recapped with a lot more added:

Dumbasses who are attracted to teenage girls are clueless with women, otherwise they'd know perfectly well they were cruisin' for a bruisin' by idiotically lusting after teenage girls, since teenage girls may be wonderful human beings with a great future ahead of them, but are still on the borderland of growing into adulthood but frankly aren't there yet, and have objective biologically lower levels of cognitive development (as do teenage boys, I might add, so this is not misogyny talk picking on the women as mentally inferior, it's just that they are too young, duhhh).

Cognitive development reaches actual biological maturity at around the age of 25 years, and there's almost certainly going to be enormous changes in almost all teenage broads who are any younger than that, so even if you want younger women and are interested in monogamy and are even 5 years older than these chicks, you still shouldn't even think about trying to bag a chick who is any younger than around 25 years old at the youngest.

Even if you yourself are younger than 25 years, I'd seriously consider postponing any actual marriage plans until you and your woman have both passed that 25+ age threshold.

Some of the men foolishly lusting after 18 year old (or worse) broads may not necessarily be evil people, but if he is doing that, he basically proves he's f***ing clueless about young women, and the divorce stats of dumbasses who stupidly try to marry these teen broads under the delusion they're supposedly going to shape and mold them into "tradwives" and take away their smartphones and shit to stop them from being corrupted by social media etc etc and other silly-ass delusions I've seen posted by 2020s "repdill"/"tradcon" betas all prove my point:
Almost anyone stupid enough to try this bullshit ends up with their 18-21 year old wives changing their minds about pretty much everything, and then divorce their frustrated angry older husbands who were stupid enough to try to shack up with teenage girls to begin with when they were under the delusion they could make these "overly young women" do whatever they want, which they can't. :roll:

Also to burst the bubble of the guys under the delusions young women are supposedly bastions of virginal purity: I never messed with 18-19 year old chicks except when I was either younger than them or the same age as them myself (and never would), but I've known all kinds of teenage girls since I was a teenager myself too (in fact, since earlier when I was actually a much younger boy and observing teenage and adult women's behavior, LOL), and teenage girls are absolutely the most out of control sexually active "sluts" there are: They're almost always going crazy on wild undisciplined outbursts of impulsive sexual behavior and cheating on their boyfriends (or husbands when/if men are dumb enough to actually marry them when they're that young), regardless of if they have up some virginal front to keep up their image if they're from an uptight demographic.

So if men are actually decent caring men who want "tradwives," I'm not holding it against delusional betas fantasizing about some young girl as a bastion of virginal purity, but seriously those guys have it bass-ackwards:
If you want a woman who actually is ardently interested in settling down and monogamy that'll actually work, your best bet is women who are over 30 years old because a lot of times they often start going into hardcore "provider-hunter" mode after that point and want to bag a husband.
I've noticed that 30+ year old women also become way more of a pain in the ass to get into the sack as fast as women in their mid-20s, but IMO it's worth the effort since a lot of times the 30+ women make better girlfriends, and for you hodlers who actually want monogamy that's definitely the demographic you should be looking at if you want to make your relationship work.

Personally, I think love and romance make life worth living but am still not sold on lifetime monogamy (bit of an understatement there), and I love easy women and don't care if they're "sluts" and will even date "pros," "strippers," etc, but I'm tellin' ya:
Older men supposedly seeking "tradwives" and trying to get teenage girls are clueless, and you're just going to find out that I'm right about this the hard way if you insist on wasting your time obsessing over teenage broads. This is my opinion. :mrgreen:
I absolutely agree with you. As a father, if my daughter at 18 brought a man twice her age home or a man who was old enough to be her father I would absolutely break his nose! I think most fathers would react the same way.

The argument posed by these tradcons is that biologically these girls are women by the age of consent. In some countries the age of consent is 14, which in my opinion doesn't make it okay for a guy in his 30's to go hunting there. What these guys fail to realise is that even if a girl is theoretically "Well developed" physically by that age their cognitive development is still in infancy.

I was once at my friend's house. Her daughter is 18 years old and objectively a beautiful looking girl. I'm not saying that in a pervy way, you can think someone or something is beautiful without wanting to f**k it :lol: but when she talks with her mum (my friend) she just reminds me of a bratty little kid.

How can someone want to settle down with that kind of mentality? That's the issue here. The mentality of girls under 25 just isn't fully developed. My friends daughter was doing my f***ing crust in before I'd even finished my cup of tea during my visit. If I was in a relationship with her she would drive me absolutely f***ing bonkers! I would place a bet that half these fantasist tradcucks would lose their marbles if they ever got their ideal "youthful virgin" girl.

Another thing you got bang on the money is that these traditionally minded people who advocate for marrying young women is that they don't understand that (at least speaking about modern women) girls are more sexually promiscuous at a younger age. Very few women maintain their virginity into their twenties.

For me, I wouldn't date a woman younger than 25 for the reasons we already discussed. My prerequisite for a relationship isn't based on age. It's based on their looks and personality. I just want someone I'm attracted to who isn't a complete asshole. :mrgreen:
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Re: Why it's folly for men to focus on overly young women

Post by WilliamSmith »

I'm taking the liberty of replying to your post here over on this thread I made on this topic:
MarcosZeitola wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 12:14 am
It depends entirely on what a man is after. While I think it is deeply unwise for any man to chase girls below the age of 18 for reasons of both legality as well as morality, a girl aged around 18 or 19 with an "undeveloped and naive" brain, might be beneficial to some men who seek to enslave her in a life of domestic servitude. She'll be more easy to mold in the type of wife, mother, partner you look for. Whereas a 'fully formed' 25+ year old brain, with baggage, past life experiences and such, may be ill-suited for that same type of domestic bliss.

If you're looking for hot women to bone, being a virile man such as yourself, it's of no consequence; you're after sex, romance, conquest, and you have no interest in marrying some young bride in a traditional setting. Hence you view this argument a bit differently, but on some level I definitely see where @Cornfed is coming from. And it makes sense, actually.
Ahh, what you say is indeed logical and so "makes sense," and yet from what I've seen it is still usually factually wrong in practice even if it's logical, because the man-logic doesn't play out when delusional tradpill betas get it into their heads they can shape and mould teenage or overly young women at all:

I've now expounded upon this topic at length in the post above.

I also consider "men who seek to enslave her in a life of domestic servitude" morally repugnant, but even if the moral angle was totally overlooked just for the sake of discussion:
The divorce stats of dumbasses who try to marry teenage chicks with that aim anyway still prove I'm right, because the teenage broads always change their mind about everything and the marriages end up dissolving, usually in a reasonably short span of time. Sometimes this takes place in an atmosphere of very high drama, but anyone who also knows about women (especially younger women) knows a lot of times they often pretty much thrive on creating drama on purpose (at least until they get older), so that shouldn't come as any real shock, right? :lol:

Of course, if you have any actual experiences contrary to this, I'm all ears, but when it comes to angry "incels" and frustrated "redpill" types who are just reading internet theories and delusionally imagining they can use strategies from the 1950s to score with virginal young women and then "put all their eggs in that basket and guard that basket," my opinion is they're cruising for a bruising and are just going to end up more and more frustrated. :D
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/

Re: Why it's folly for men to focus on overly young women

Post by MarcosZeitola »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 1:39 am
Ahh, what you say is indeed logical and so "makes sense," and yet from what I've seen it is still usually factually wrong in practice even if it's logical, because the man-logic doesn't play out when delusional tradpill betas get it into their heads they can shape and mould teenage or overly young women at all:

I've now expounded upon this topic at length in the post above.

I also consider "men who seek to enslave her in a life of domestic servitude" morally repugnant, but even if the moral angle was totally overlooked just for the sake of discussion:
The divorce stats of dumbasses who try to marry teenage chicks with that aim anyway still prove I'm right, because the teenage broads always change their mind about everything and the marriages end up dissolving, usually in a reasonably short span of time. Sometimes this takes place in an atmosphere of very high drama, but anyone who also knows about women (especially younger women) knows a lot of times they often pretty much thrive on creating drama on purpose (at least until they get older), so that shouldn't come as any real shock, right? :lol:

Of course, if you have any actual experiences contrary to this, I'm all ears, but when it comes to angry "incels" and frustrated "redpill" types who are just reading internet theories and delusionally imagining they can use strategies from the 1950s to score with virginal young women and then "put all their eggs in that basket and guard that basket," my opinion is they're cruising for a bruising and are just going to end up more and more frustrated. :D
I do have some relevant experience contrary to this. That said, I would agree that you are largely correct; a ton of under-25 women are childish and immature as hell. But on the other hand, so are plenty of older women, too. Childishness and immaturity is culturally baked into Western and Westernized women to a large degree. Whereas a woman in a more conservative, traditional society typically matures far sooner than a Western woman. A seventeen year old from, say Afghanistan or rural India or the Philippines may be a lot more mature mentally than a 28 year old spoiled millennial in an American or British city.

A woman from a deeply traditional, primitive society will typicall do as she's told. Men in such a society are held to different standards, allowed to get away with far more. They're served and treated as Kings by their wives. This is already no longer the case in a lot of third world countries; in the Philippines, for instance, a woman will not usually "serve her man" in such a fashion. Still the way gender roles play out is typically very different than it is in Western countries, especially in rural places. In Africa, the Middle East and India, things are even more extreme.

To some men, men who aren't after a lot of conquests and who may not believe variety is the spice of life, such an arrangement is ideal. Some men are happy under different circumstances than others. I would say that pursuing a teenager or young under-25 girl in a first world country is, by definition, a foolish endeavour doomed to fail. But there are still quite a few places in this world where one can pull this off. It is for this reason that Arab and Indian men, even after having lived in the West for many years, will still often "fly in" brides from their home countries. They then get to "have their cake and eat it too" in the West, with their whole life being westernized and modern, yet their home life being positively medieval.

You refer to "clueless incels and betas" in your OP, dreaming of "tradwives" in a misguided fantasy of "bringing back the 1950" and being awaited at the door after work by their cute pretty pie-baking wife and a gaggle of kids... of course, these people are clueless! They're Americans, after all. And as is often the case with Americans, they don't REALLY think outside of the box; they just think backwards at the 'good old days', not realizing that even in those days, other cultures already had it far better than them.

I'm neither a "clueless beta" nor am I, or ever have been, 'incel'. And yet I understand the appeal of some of these concepts. It's just that it takes a certain type of man, in a certain type of culture, to pull this off. And I have seen cases in which men have essentially 'groomed' much younger womne/girls and ended up together in the long run, happily. One such man is a Filipino friend of my former father-in-law. When he was in his thirties, he 'courted' a girl who was sixteen. Fast forward ten years, they're happily married and have a son. She's absolutely gorgeous, way out of his league. But he wasn't a "beta" or "incel" type, either... he was a successful businessman, masculine, a deep-voiced tough-talking son-of-a-bitch who could drink anyone under the table.

It takes a certain type of man, to pull this sort of deal off. Most men cannot, nowadays. Because if you want a girl who's essentially "from the past", you got to be the sort of "man of the past" that used to pull these girls. Most men dreaming of such things, these days, aren't of that caliber. Which is why their plans almost always backfire.
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Re: Why it's folly for men to focus on overly young women

Post by WilliamSmith »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 1:36 am
I absolutely agree with you. As a father, if my daughter at 18 brought a man twice her age home or a man who was old enough to be her father I would absolutely break his nose! I think most fathers would react the same way.
All right! :D
Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 1:36 am
The argument posed by these tradcons is that biologically these girls are women by the age of consent. In some countries the age of consent is 14, which in my opinion doesn't make it okay for a guy in his 30's to go hunting there. What these guys fail to realise is that even if a girl is theoretically "Well developed" physically by that age their cognitive development is still in infancy.
Yes, I agree, and in some countries it's even worse, and not only is their cognitive development still not ready, it causes a lot of psychological trauma to these teenage (or even younger) girls in countries where religious hysteria prizes a fantasy take on virginity while demonizing female sexuality, and so actually monstrously allows grown men to marry such young girls that are even pre-pubsecent in some extreme cases. This evil pedophilia should never be tolerated anywhere.
Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 1:36 am
I was once at my friend's house. Her daughter is 18 years old and objectively a beautiful looking girl. I'm not saying that in a pervy way, you can think someone or something is beautiful without wanting to f**k it :lol: but when she talks with her mum (my friend) she just reminds me of a bratty little kid.

How can someone want to settle down with that kind of mentality? That's the issue here. The mentality of girls under 25 just isn't fully developed. My friends daughter was doing my f***ing crust in before I'd even finished my cup of tea during my visit. If I was in a relationship with her she would drive me absolutely f***ing bonkers! I would place a bet that half these fantasist tradcucks would lose their marbles if they ever got their ideal "youthful virgin" girl.
LOL, yeah, this is the problem with it when their ideology is based so much on theory vs the reality. Often teenage boys are even bigger cognitive infants than teenage girls (who sometimes mature earlier in some respects in comparison). But still, girls that young are almost inevitably going to be changing in all sorts of ways and are often very flighty even if they're really nice charming young ladies in many respects, and the fact most of those marriages end up running aground and failing in embarrassingly short timeframes obviously supports our point. :)
Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 1:36 am
Another thing you got bang on the money is that these traditionally minded people who advocate for marrying young women is that they don't understand that (at least speaking about modern women) girls are more sexually promiscuous at a younger age. Very few women maintain their virginity into their twenties.

For me, I wouldn't date a woman younger than 25 for the reasons we already discussed. My prerequisite for a relationship isn't based on age. It's based on their looks and personality. I just want someone I'm attracted to who isn't a complete asshole. :mrgreen:
Yeah, like we said, they are often wildly sexually promiscuous at those younger ages, and it's too bad "tradcon" guys who are potentially worthwhile despite their ignorance don't realize this is the case so they could avoid wasting enormous amounts of time and energy fantasizing about overly young women. :roll:

A lot of older women who are a lot more conservative but feel accepted by you will open up even without prompting saying ***gasp*** that they once had a very promiscuous or "slutty" phase when they were in their teens or early 20s (ohh, you could've knocked me over with a feather, what a shocking revelation, LOL!).

Of course, there are sometimes women who are way, way more conservative (or sometimes just involuntarily inexperienced, female incels pretty much), but if the tradcon crowd was smart and had their money where their mouth is (so to speak), they'd wait until these women had crossed into at least their 25+ range, because those would actually be the real prized women for tradcon types (vs just a bunch of "faux-traditionalist" hornyboy incels improperly lusting like dirty satyrs after overly young women).
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: Why it's folly for men to focus on overly young women

Post by WilliamSmith »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 2:00 am
I do have some relevant experience contrary to this. That said, I would agree that you are largely correct; a ton of under-25 women are childish and immature as hell. But on the other hand, so are plenty of older women, too. Childishness and immaturity is culturally baked into Western and Westernized women to a large degree. Whereas a woman in a more conservative, traditional society typically matures far sooner than a Western woman. A seventeen year old from, say Afghanistan or rural India or the Philippines may be a lot more mature mentally than a 28 year old spoiled millennial in an American or British city.

A woman from a deeply traditional, primitive society will typicall do as she's told. Men in such a society are held to different standards, allowed to get away with far more. They're served and treated as Kings by their wives. This is already no longer the case in a lot of third world countries; in the Philippines, for instance, a woman will not usually "serve her man" in such a fashion. Still the way gender roles play out is typically very different than it is in Western countries, especially in rural places. In Africa, the Middle East and India, things are even more extreme.

To some men, men who aren't after a lot of conquests and who may not believe variety is the spice of life, such an arrangement is ideal. Some men are happy under different circumstances than others. I would say that pursuing a teenager or young under-25 girl in a first world country is, by definition, a foolish endeavour doomed to fail. But there are still quite a few places in this world where one can pull this off. It is for this reason that Arab and Indian men, even after having lived in the West for many years, will still often "fly in" brides from their home countries. They then get to "have their cake and eat it too" in the West, with their whole life being westernized and modern, yet their home life being positively medieval.
Even though I think it's morally objectionable (speaking as the forum's alleged "radical feminist," as Cornfed once accused me of being, LOL) this is certainly true enough about how men can get away with marrying and potentially sustaining a marriage to under-25 girls in what you termed "primitive societies." But it's also a common loud complaint from men in places like that who got it into their heads that this is a good idea to do that (or feel entitled to it) that the moment the women taste more freedom they commonly rebel against that kind of arrangement completely, so I still think they're going against the healthier biological instincts of trying to build man-woman partnerships as opposed to treating women like livestock just because they can get away with it in more primitive societies.

Of course, that also depends a little on how you'd define "primitive societies," because in barbarian days of "hunter-gatherers" and so on there was often more of a partnership with men and women working together in more of a partnership based on natural biological differentiation and mutual strengths rooted in nature where men and women would join forces for survival. I still think that's the better basis of doing things vs the later models where agricultural societies introduced weird concepts that started subjugating women too much and trying to treat them like livestock rather than gender-opposite counterparts...
MarcosZeitola wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 2:00 am
You refer to "clueless incels and betas" in your OP, dreaming of "tradwives" in a misguided fantasy of "bringing back the 1950" and being awaited at the door after work by their cute pretty pie-baking wife and a gaggle of kids... of course, these people are clueless! They're Americans, after all. And as is often the case with Americans, they don't REALLY think outside of the box; they just think backwards at the 'good old days', not realizing that even in those days, other cultures already had it far better than them.

I'm neither a "clueless beta" nor am I, or ever have been, 'incel'. And yet I understand the appeal of some of these concepts. It's just that it takes a certain type of man, in a certain type of culture, to pull this off. And I have seen cases in which men have essentially 'groomed' much younger womne/girls and ended up together in the long run, happily. One such man is a Filipino friend of my former father-in-law. When he was in his thirties, he 'courted' a girl who was sixteen. Fast forward ten years, they're happily married and have a son. She's absolutely gorgeous, way out of his league. But he wasn't a "beta" or "incel" type, either... he was a successful businessman, masculine, a deep-voiced tough-talking son-of-a-bitch who could drink anyone under the table.

It takes a certain type of man, to pull this sort of deal off. Most men cannot, nowadays. Because if you want a girl who's essentially "from the past", you got to be the sort of "man of the past" that used to pull these girls. Most men dreaming of such things, these days, aren't of that caliber. Which is why their plans almost always backfire.
I was admittedly thinking of it from a more or less "Western" perspective, and what I said certainly holds there, because there's all these angry men and "incels" ranting about women because they're using these outdated notions of screening for virginal overly young women and trying to put all their eggs in that basket and guard it (hodlers, as I call them). Doing that is preventing them from even getting the ball rolling in many cases since they're acting like male versions of 30+ year old angry women who show up for a first-date with a giant checklist of demands about what they want in their prospect, and then after they can't get their prospects to match their huge list of up-front demands rather than getting to know someone and having fun, then they're getting mad and complaining that there's supposedly no good prospects at all (which isn't true).
Like I think I mentioned though, women sort of have an understandable excuse for acting that way when they're 30+ since the clock is ticking and the sands in the hourglass are running out if they want to have a husband and children too much further past that age. But their biology is different from ours, so men shouldn't act like that (which you obviously haven't since you've been all over the place scoring with women and having a ton of kids, LOL, but just addressing the overall point here):
If men get their ass in gear and stop being so neurotic, we can actually still have healthy kids even into our 60s (or beyond that in some cases, like some of the infamous movie actors who are in their f-ing 80s and still popping out new kids with 30-40 year-old girlfriends, LOL).

But of course this being HA it did make sense for you to point out the standards are very different elsewhere. :)
Still, even though I personally think marriage and sexual ages of consent should be raised far above the age of 16, what you described sounds like an exceptional case of a legit alpha male who actually treated his young bride well in addition to being masculine and financially successful (making it no surprise why sure it worked out OK for him and his family), but all of that is pretty much the opposite of all the manginosphere misogynists and incels fixated on the notion of trying to poach overly young women, while overlooking that they lack pretty much every quality in that Filipino alpha male you just mentioned (and often are even preventing themselves from getting valuable experience that'd otherwise help them if they could lighten up).... :)

Tangent: That image of the Filipino you described reminded me of that guy from Istanbul in "From Russia With Love" who the Connery Bond interacted with and partnered with for a period of time, and he had a huge family and lots of loyal sons by tons of different women... :mrgreen:
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: Why it's folly for men to focus on overly young women

Post by Cornfed »

So as a practical matter the idea is that the highest quality females should be fodder for negros and criminals. Just what the world needs.

Re: Why it's folly for men to focus on overly young women

Post by MarcosZeitola »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 3:26 am
Even though I think it's morally objectionable (speaking as the forum's alleged "radical feminist," as Cornfed once accused me of being, LOL) this is certainly true enough about how men can get away with marrying and potentially sustaining a marriage to under-25 girls in what you termed "primitive societies." But it's also a common loud complaint from men in places like that who got it into their heads that this is a good idea to do that (or feel entitled to it) that the moment the women taste more freedom they commonly rebel against that kind of arrangement completely, so I still think they're going against the healthier biological instincts of trying to build man-woman partnerships as opposed to treating women like livestock just because they can get away with it in more primitive societies.

Of course, that also depends a little on how you'd define "primitive societies," because in barbarian days of "hunter-gatherers" and so on there was often more of a partnership with men and women working together in more of a partnership based on natural biological differentiation and mutual strengths rooted in nature where men and women would join forces for survival. I still think that's the better basis of doing things vs the later models where agricultural societies introduced weird concepts that started subjugating women too much and trying to treat them like livestock rather than gender-opposite counterparts...
I don't think you're a "radical feminist", you're just someone who views women like equal partners, as human beings with complex thoughts, feelings and desires. That's actually a pretty fair take to have, and it's reasonable. Other men merely see women as a piece of ass, a servant, a plaything or a broodmare to pump out babies and keep the household running. Depending on which side of the argument a man finds himself on, that may make a man either a "decent dude" or a "radical feminist". Personally, I'm kind of torn... I've done love, deep passion, a more equal partnership. In the end, it left me rather broken. Now I'm a much more practical man. Since I have only one life, I cannot afford to let feelings get too much in the way of things. One's mileage may vary.
WilliamSmith wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 3:26 am
I was admittedly thinking of it from a more or less "Western" perspective, and what I said certainly holds there, because there's all these angry men and "incels" ranting about women because they're using these outdated notions of screening for virginal overly young women and trying to put all their eggs in that basket and guard it (hodlers, as I call them). Doing that is preventing them from even getting the ball rolling in many cases since they're acting like male versions of 30+ year old angry women who show up for a first-date with a giant checklist of demands about what they want in their prospect, and then after they can't get their prospects to match their huge list of up-front demands rather than getting to know someone and having fun, then they're getting mad and complaining that there's supposedly no good prospects at all (which isn't true).
Like I think I mentioned though, women sort of have an understandable excuse for acting that way when they're 30+ since the clock is ticking and the sands in the hourglass are running out if they want to have a husband and children too much further past that age. But their biology is different from ours, so men shouldn't act like that (which you obviously haven't since you've been all over the place scoring with women and having a ton of kids, LOL, but just addressing the overall point here):
If men get their ass in gear and stop being so neurotic, we can actually still have healthy kids even into our 60s (or beyond that in some cases, like some of the infamous movie actors who are in their f-ing 80s and still popping out new kids with 30-40 year-old girlfriends, LOL).

But of course this being HA it did make sense for you to point out the standards are very different elsewhere. :)
Still, even though I personally think marriage and sexual ages of consent should be raised far above the age of 16, what you described sounds like an exceptional case of a legit alpha male who actually treated his young bride well in addition to being masculine and financially successful (making it no surprise why sure it worked out OK for him and his family), but all of that is pretty much the opposite of all the manginosphere misogynists and incels fixated on the notion of trying to poach overly young women, while overlooking that they lack pretty much every quality in that Filipino alpha male you just mentioned (and often are even preventing themselves from getting valuable experience that'd otherwise help them if they could lighten up).... :)

Tangent: That image of the Filipino you described reminded me of that guy from Istanbul in "From Russia With Love" who the Connery Bond interacted with and partnered with for a period of time, and he had a huge family and lots of loyal sons by tons of different women... :mrgreen:
Exactly... the problem is men looking at things from a Western perspective. I guess even on a site called "Happier Abroad", there's an old saying I just made up that always seems to be true: "You can take the Westerner out of the West, but you cannot take the West out of the Westerner". :lol: Which is why Western men often fail to get away from this mental prison, in which all success is measured by Western measuring sticks, and relationships are viewed through this (limited) prism.

I don't think the way a Western man things... I think more akin to an Ottoman ruler of yore, a Genghis Khan, an Attila the Hun. That's why I get the appeal of more 'exotic arrangements', even though such arrangements would be derided by actual feminists, and by these beta males and incels alike. They just have dreams, and huge lists of inane criteria, but they lack the cojones to truly abandon the culture of their birth and make things happen. All they do is rant impotently on the internet, but they don't actual steps to realize their dreams.

I'm a dream realizer. I want a young wife, I get one. I want a young girlfriend, I get one. I want to make children by them, I will do so. I want sons and daughters, I make sons and daughters. I want to build my little international transracial kingdom, a clan of my own making, and I make it. I care little for ideology; man is an organism and the only truly successful members of our species are those who leverage whatever Mother Nature has endowed them with to the maximum of their sexual and reproductive success.

In a sense, we're not too different, you and I. We just have a bit of a different approach to things. And I do value youth in a sexual and romantic partner. Simply because the children of women in their twenties are far healthier with lower risks of genetic defects than the offspring a man fathers by women that are 30+, so it's all rooted strictly in science for me. And I won't lie, I do like how a much younger woman usually is a lot more pliable. Virginity or past sexual experience has little to do with it for me. I just want top-tier genes, and I want them for my offspring. A girl could be a virgin, or a non-virgin, and top-tier genes would still be top-tier genes. It's literally all I'm after. That, and their young, supple bodies.
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Re: Why it's folly for men to focus on overly young women

Post by publicduende »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 1:36 am
I absolutely agree with you. As a father, if my daughter at 18 brought a man twice her age home or a man who was old enough to be her father I would absolutely break his nose! I think most fathers would react the same way.

The argument posed by these tradcons is that biologically these girls are women by the age of consent. In some countries the age of consent is 14, which in my opinion doesn't make it okay for a guy in his 30's to go hunting there. What these guys fail to realise is that even if a girl is theoretically "Well developed" physically by that age their cognitive development is still in infancy.

I was once at my friend's house. Her daughter is 18 years old and objectively a beautiful looking girl. I'm not saying that in a pervy way, you can think someone or something is beautiful without wanting to f**k it :lol: but when she talks with her mum (my friend) she just reminds me of a bratty little kid.

How can someone want to settle down with that kind of mentality? That's the issue here. The mentality of girls under 25 just isn't fully developed. My friends daughter was doing my f***ing crust in before I'd even finished my cup of tea during my visit. If I was in a relationship with her she would drive me absolutely f***ing bonkers! I would place a bet that half these fantasist tradcucks would lose their marbles if they ever got their ideal "youthful virgin" girl.

Another thing you got bang on the money is that these traditionally minded people who advocate for marrying young women is that they don't understand that (at least speaking about modern women) girls are more sexually promiscuous at a younger age. Very few women maintain their virginity into their twenties.

For me, I wouldn't date a woman younger than 25 for the reasons we already discussed. My prerequisite for a relationship isn't based on age. It's based on their looks and personality. I just want someone I'm attracted to who isn't a complete asshole. :mrgreen:
I think that is one of the problem a man has to go through if they have the problem (and boy, it's a quality problem to have, sometimes!) of hooking up with a girl who is too young and immature, and I mean not relatively to the man's age, but in absolute terms.

Here in the Philippines many women might be uneducated simpletons but their exposure to the hardship of life will have given them a level of maturity that girls the same age in the spoiled West couldn't even begin to imagine. Despite coming from a middle class family, my Mom went through a lot of hardhip growing up. Her Mom would often ask her to do things that would be commonplace for a woman 10, or 20 years older.

Aged 9 or 10, she would wake up at 4 in the morning, do her homework, sometimes bake bread, prepare breakfast for her parents and all of her siblings, clean up the house. Then, at 7:30, she was ready to go to school. I used to think of my Mom as an incomparable example of virtue and willpower, until I came here to the Philippines and realised that, especially in the large families who inhabit the rural areas, that is exactly what every girl in the 15-25 age range does, especially if they are not the "ate", the elder girls. They basically do that until they get married and leave the parental home.

Those girls, however young, will be worthy of long-term relationship because they already come "pre-trained", so to speak, to take care not just of a man, but an entire family and household. Of course, many of their behaviours might betray their age.

The problem happens when you fall for a cutie pie who is 18 or 19 but hasn't learned anything from life, in fact quite the opposite: being pretty will have given them the false perception that they can just spread their legs in front of a few generous men, and they will be set for life.

I happened to fall for one such girl and, I have to say, I had a few months of mental short circuit. I experienced some of the best sex ever in my life (her body was gorgeous, and she could do "stuff"!) and, at the same time, some of the most frustrating moment of a relationship. Sometimes I really had the impression that I had to be there as a father, to prevent a child from being in trouble.

I still remember we had a trip in Manila (I was still living in Davao at the time) and we were in a mall. We walked into one of myriads of phone shops, I walk out and I literally lose her sight for 10 minutes. All of a sudden, I see what appears to be a shop clerk rudely escorting her out, holding her by the arm. I immediately approach the guy to "claim" her and push him off, looking quite upset. That is, until I find out what she did...she took a selfie on each and every one of the phones on the displays (there must have been 20 or 30) and put it as the phone background. Nothing hurtful or permanent, but I can feel the hassle the shop clerk would need to go through, to reset all the phones :-)

That was the first and perhaps last time I was with a young "makulit" (playful/mischievous) girl. They are good for sex, but not for anything else. I also had other similar experiences, but this time I chose to steer away from anything that looked like commitment or love.
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Re: Why it's folly for men to focus on overly young women

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 1:36 am
WilliamSmith wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 1:16 am
OK I weighed in on the topic of how I think men who are foolishly interested in overly young women (e.g. 18-21 year olds, or even worse if the perverts are after even younger ones than that, which they shouldn't be!) are being dumbasses, over in this thread:

I'm now making a whole thread about how if you guys want younger women, you should at least only go for ones who are at least around 25 years old at the youngest, for reasons I'll explain below.

What I had to say before recapped with a lot more added:

Dumbasses who are attracted to teenage girls are clueless with women, otherwise they'd know perfectly well they were cruisin' for a bruisin' by idiotically lusting after teenage girls, since teenage girls may be wonderful human beings with a great future ahead of them, but are still on the borderland of growing into adulthood but frankly aren't there yet, and have objective biologically lower levels of cognitive development (as do teenage boys, I might add, so this is not misogyny talk picking on the women as mentally inferior, it's just that they are too young, duhhh).

Cognitive development reaches actual biological maturity at around the age of 25 years, and there's almost certainly going to be enormous changes in almost all teenage broads who are any younger than that, so even if you want younger women and are interested in monogamy and are even 5 years older than these chicks, you still shouldn't even think about trying to bag a chick who is any younger than around 25 years old at the youngest.

Even if you yourself are younger than 25 years, I'd seriously consider postponing any actual marriage plans until you and your woman have both passed that 25+ age threshold.

Some of the men foolishly lusting after 18 year old (or worse) broads may not necessarily be evil people, but if he is doing that, he basically proves he's f***ing clueless about young women, and the divorce stats of dumbasses who stupidly try to marry these teen broads under the delusion they're supposedly going to shape and mold them into "tradwives" and take away their smartphones and shit to stop them from being corrupted by social media etc etc and other silly-ass delusions I've seen posted by 2020s "repdill"/"tradcon" betas all prove my point:
Almost anyone stupid enough to try this bullshit ends up with their 18-21 year old wives changing their minds about pretty much everything, and then divorce their frustrated angry older husbands who were stupid enough to try to shack up with teenage girls to begin with when they were under the delusion they could make these "overly young women" do whatever they want, which they can't. :roll:

Also to burst the bubble of the guys under the delusions young women are supposedly bastions of virginal purity: I never messed with 18-19 year old chicks except when I was either younger than them or the same age as them myself (and never would), but I've known all kinds of teenage girls since I was a teenager myself too (in fact, since earlier when I was actually a much younger boy and observing teenage and adult women's behavior, LOL), and teenage girls are absolutely the most out of control sexually active "sluts" there are: They're almost always going crazy on wild undisciplined outbursts of impulsive sexual behavior and cheating on their boyfriends (or husbands when/if men are dumb enough to actually marry them when they're that young), regardless of if they have up some virginal front to keep up their image if they're from an uptight demographic.

So if men are actually decent caring men who want "tradwives," I'm not holding it against delusional betas fantasizing about some young girl as a bastion of virginal purity, but seriously those guys have it bass-ackwards:
If you want a woman who actually is ardently interested in settling down and monogamy that'll actually work, your best bet is women who are over 30 years old because a lot of times they often start going into hardcore "provider-hunter" mode after that point and want to bag a husband.
I've noticed that 30+ year old women also become way more of a pain in the ass to get into the sack as fast as women in their mid-20s, but IMO it's worth the effort since a lot of times the 30+ women make better girlfriends, and for you hodlers who actually want monogamy that's definitely the demographic you should be looking at if you want to make your relationship work.

Personally, I think love and romance make life worth living but am still not sold on lifetime monogamy (bit of an understatement there), and I love easy women and don't care if they're "sluts" and will even date "pros," "strippers," etc, but I'm tellin' ya:
Older men supposedly seeking "tradwives" and trying to get teenage girls are clueless, and you're just going to find out that I'm right about this the hard way if you insist on wasting your time obsessing over teenage broads. This is my opinion. :mrgreen:
I absolutely agree with you. As a father, if my daughter at 18 brought a man twice her age home or a man who was old enough to be her father I would absolutely break his nose! I think most fathers would react the same way.
I don't expect my 18-year-old or other teenager to be interested in a 40-year-old man. But if there were a decent in in his late 30's or early 40's, they weren't sleeping together, and were showing respect to me as a father, I might consider a match like that. One of my daughters is in college and our rule is no dating until you are old enough to get married, or just shy of it.

I don't think it is immoral to marry a womam whose brain hasn't fully developed at 25, whatever that means. Do men's brains develop completely before 25? Our society accepts 18 as the age of majority. Why is brain development the cut off? And since our brains change-- adding knowledge, deteriorating, etc., then they don't get locked into some final state at age 25. Who said that about age 25 anyway?
The argument posed by these tradcons is that biologically these girls are women by the age of consent. In some countries the age of consent is 14, which in my opinion doesn't make it okay for a guy in his 30's to go hunting there. What these guys fail to realise is that even if a girl is theoretically "Well developed" physically by that age their cognitive development is still in infancy.
Of course not infancy. Other than Mormon or Muslim polygamists and posters on here in the past who were obsessed with 'jailbait' and teen polygamy compounds (were they even trad cons), I don't think I've heard of any trad-cons who would go for 14-year-olds.
I was once at my friend's house. Her daughter is 18 years old and objectively a beautiful looking girl. I'm not saying that in a pervy way, you can think someone or something is beautiful without wanting to f**k it :lol: but when she talks with her mum (my friend) she just reminds me of a bratty little kid.

How can someone want to settle down with that kind of mentality? That's the issue here. The mentality of girls under 25 just isn't fully developed.
It depends on the girl. My girls bring their church friends over for different things we put on at our house. Some of them are home schooled. They tend to be conservative, sweet, and well-behaved. If I had never married and a girl like that were interested, and her parents would go for it, it might not be too bad. She probably wouldn't now how to cook, clean manage a household or make life decisions. But if the girl is submissive and trusts her husband's judgment, it can work. The young girl bride thing can work if the girl has good morals and embraces the idea of respecting her husband and submitting to him.

But if she acts like an immature teenager, or even some of the girls in their early 20's with bad attitudes, that would be an awful match.

Prime marrying age for a girl with decent upbringing and good values is probably somewhere in her 20's.
My friends daughter was doing my f***ing crust in before I'd even finished my cup of tea during my visit.
What does do your crust in mean?
Another thing you got bang on the money is that these traditionally minded people who advocate for marrying young women is that they don't understand that (at least speaking about modern women) girls are more sexually promiscuous at a younger age. Very few women maintain their virginity into their twenties.
That's not what they are looking for. They are looking for that needle-in-a-haystack virgin girl. I met my wife in Indonesia, and the non-virgins might have been the needles and he virgins the hay among girls in their early 20's. That was my impression.
For me, I wouldn't date a woman younger than 25 for the reasons we already discussed. My prerequisite for a relationship isn't based on age. It's based on their looks and personality. I just want someone I'm attracted to who isn't a complete asshole. :mrgreen:
My wife was younger than that when she married. I can think of some naive and wrong thinking she had at 25 or later. A switch doesn't flip at 25. It's a slow process to develop wisdom and maturity. My thinking wasn't as mature back then as it is now, either.
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Re: Why it's folly for men to focus on overly young women

Post by Cornfed »

MrMan wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 1:25 pm
One of my daughters is in college and our rule is no dating until you are old enough to get married, or just shy of it.
Just hook ups until she is in sight of hitting the wall then. Makes sense.
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Re: Why it's folly for men to focus on overly young women

Post by MrMan »

Cornfed wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 1:30 pm
MrMan wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 1:25 pm
One of my daughters is in college and our rule is no dating until you are old enough to get married, or just shy of it.
Just hook ups until she is in sight of hitting the wall then. Makes sense.
No hookups. Virginity until marriage.
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Re: Why it's folly for men to focus on overly young women

Post by Cornfed »

MrMan wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 5:55 pm
Cornfed wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 1:30 pm
MrMan wrote:
August 28th, 2023, 1:25 pm
One of my daughters is in college and our rule is no dating until you are old enough to get married, or just shy of it.
Just hook ups until she is in sight of hitting the wall then. Makes sense.
No hookups. Virginity until marriage.
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