Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by MrMan »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 11:18 am
MrMan wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 11:12 am
WilliamSmith wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 10:44 am
Lucas88 wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 9:29 pm
MrMan wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 6:59 am
Possibly the most dangerous (and disturbing), type of homosexual is the kind who thinks of himself as masculine because he is in the dominant (arsenokoite) roll, and not the feminine (malakos) role, who is also violent. That is the kind you wouldn't want to be put in a prison cell with. MMA doesn't cleanse the soul of sin.
Man, I assumed that @Shemp was just trolling when he accused you of being a repressed homo but now you've got me thinking that what he says could be true since I notice that the topic of homosexuality seems to trigger you way more than it does most other people. Something just seems a bit off if you don't mind me saying, although I'm not a judgmental person and your sexual orientation really isn't any of my business.
Yeah, I was going to chime in there too to say even though I'm completely against transgenderism, men simply aren't in the same category as a "homosexual" even if they go with transformers who look and act just like real biological women so you literally can't tell the difference between one and a real woman.
I'd personally be totally horrified if a transformer tricked me and I thought she/he/it was a real biological woman until it was "too late." :o :shock:
What I was responding to, partly, was the lack of the shock and horror. I don't agree with fornicating, but I can understand it. It is natural for a man to be grossed out by homosexual behavior. The LGBT folks probably use 'homophobia' to shame those who feel this natural feeling. A man not feeling the shock and horror if he'd been tricked by a transexual is something I would not be able to relate to.

There was this terrible incident many years ago where a guy had some kind of oral encounter with a trans Filipino who was pretending to be a woman. The drunk blowee (maybe an American? memory is fuzzy on this) beat the gay trans guy to life, and the jury either acquitted him or slapped his wrist. He got off rather light. I guess they understood that it would be a fairly common reaction for a man to beat the living daylights out of an individual who'd tricked him into gay sex, especially if he's drunk. I don't know if the Philippines as a 'reasonable man' standard that doesn't allow for drunkenness as a defense. It was a terrible thing, and I don't condone violence, but I think the aversion to that is fairly normal.

And not caring if a supposed girl is a girl or a guy seems a little gay. I'm not saying he does gay stuff. It just struck me as odd.

But I was also responding to the idea that MMA purged men of 'faggotry.' I'm more repulsed by the idea of either side of homosexual sex than with a man not being macho enough.

Seeing a man dressed like a woman has always been repulsive to me, too. I think it even repulses some women based on some conversations I've had. My parents took me to see 'The Apple Dumpling Gang' on my 7th birthday. The men dressed in drag to escape the bad guys in the saloon or something like that. My mom commented she didn't know that was going to be in there. I remember seeing that and thinking how gross it was. I had the visceral reaction to it then. I find the whole trans thing-- male to female-- to be disgusting. I have also seen some individuals who seemed to not be totally developed gender wise, like androgenous people who didn't have help from the doctor, like a man whose testosterone didn't kick in during adolescence. That doesn't gross me out, but seeing a man in drag does a bit.

I'm not the only one, am I?
But men who go with these kind of transformers are frankly in a different category: It's not quite the same as a purist hetero who is horrified by the idea of touching a transformer because she wasn't born female and all the cells in her/its body will never actually be the same as a woman's, yet there's a vast difference between a transformer with a vagina who looks and acts exactly like a real women vs an actual homosexual who for some bizarre reason actually lusts for other men's bacteria-filled back door (should be exit only for !@#$'s sake, not for entry!!) or other inherently masculine traits.
If they don't know, that's a different story. I think most of them probably have masculine traits. How would they get hips, anyway? But if they know and still go for it, then that's pretty gay. The vagina is what? Some whole behind the testicles the doctor dug and filled with a bisected penis? It's something weird like that. It's not a vagina. It's probably another man's disfigured penis he's doing it with. That's pretty nasty.

We had these neighbors when I was a kid, and the two brothers would constantly want to pick fights with my brother and me and the way home from the bus stop. The little tiny one always wanted to fight my brother. When he through him in the ditch, he said, "No fair!" like he was playing a game. The bigger kid who wanted to fight me didn't treat it as a game. He went to school with some evidence of the fight on his face one time. Eventually, we settled things and they stopped fighting. But that little boy was like Scrappy Doo, a little tiny thing with his fists up saying, "Let me at 'em" in a rather dull later version of the Scooby Doo cartoon.

Years later, that little scrappy boy apparently went trans. I haven't seen him since he was 5 or 6 maybe. My cousin was hanging out with some guys from that area, and mentioned that boy going trans. One of them got very worried. He'd apparently dated the man without knowing that he was really a man. Who knows what he'd done. I'd imagine gay trans guys would be a lot more aggressive about doing stuff than your average real female.
I remember I saw the first pic when looking up Thailand and I just thought off-hand, "Oh, that's a glamorous looking Asian chick," and then I found out later somehow when I saw the pic again in an article about trannies that this same woman is apparently a famous Thai transformer born male!! That Latin... uh, well here that stupid "Latinx" term most Latinos and Latinas hate actually makes sense, the second one doesn't look.
My point: I'd never touch one of these because I don't like transgenderism even if I'm not hostile to these people, but it doesn't hold up that some of the men on here who'd actually go with one are the same as homosexuals who cornhole each other, yuck.
I find the trans thing more horrifying and repulsive. It's pretty easy to avoid some dude's back end. But imagine if you are dating and some trans dude actually could pull off looking and acting like a woman and had medical help in the deception, and could trick you.
Another danger of them though is that I saw an article where a male jew in israel got literally half his lower body converted by surgery, while keeping the revolting male upper half the same, and then actually gave birth to a baby by another man using the "trans" female lower half. Even if they're not jews like he was, doing this weird unnatural shit, they can't actually be sane if they do things like this. I'm not bearing any hostility toward their innocent children who didn't cause this mess, but this just can't be healthy and these perverts are probably going to be passing down hereditary issues with perversion and insanity on to the children....
Are you sure it wasn't a woman who got her breasts removed and got herself made to look male? I did read a prophecy once that doctors would learn to transplant wombs into men so that gay men could give birth to children. I feel bad for the poor kids. It's bad enough to find out you were conceived in a test tube. All the men I read about that gave birth to women were really men.
I definitely want to get in an area where globohomo and trans is outlawed so my own children won't be around these insane people, even if they're not all inherently evil or perverted (though many frankly are, people into this gender bending and non-binary stuff often are wallowing in perversion, not just trying to transform and be the opposite gender for otherwise normal hetero man/woman action).
There is research about high trans suicide rates and how social support supposedly lowers the chances of it. But how many kids get directed on this suicide-inducing path by all this propaganda? I would imagine a reasonable percentage of Boomers, Gen X, etc. kids at one time said, "I wish I was a boy" or 'I wish I was a girl." The three-year-old sees girls painting their faces with make-up or the girl sees boys climbing trees and won't let her play or whatever. Then the parents used to tell the kids its good for them to be a boy or girl. Now, the liberal parents might start talking about gender reassignment, hormone blockers, and all that evil child abuse trans garbage. How many more kids get sent down the suicidal route because of this evil propaganda and brainwashing we see from the media and schools?
On a slightly more optimistic note:
Guys like me who strongly prefer curvy women have some advantage in dodging convincing transformers, because it'd take even more effort and cost to load themselves with implants to simulate the curves real XL curvy women have. The only super XL curvy transformer I saw so far was some guy who looked way off and had a dangerous level of saline implants, sheesh...
Maybe so. I'd imagine female hips of a thin woman would be hard to pull off also, with the ones who 'convert' later. That's another good reason to outlaw any kind of trans hormones before age 18, about the time kid's bones stop growing.
....Damn men can get pregnant???? I've never heard about this, usually it's just a female to male trans person, which doesn't even count. But if an actual man can have children, damn that's crazy. :shock: :shock: :shock: I learned something new today. I remember I read an article where it said Baphomet was transgender and that trans people are incarnations of Baphomet. But I don't know if it I even believe this, sounded creepy as hell though. I do think some men here underestimate trans people too much though. I've seen some of them with attractive girlfriends before, no lie. So there are women out there that will get involved with these people if they felt curious enough. It's not just men who might have an interest in them, sometimes (though rarely) women will be attracted to them also. It's just that the majority of trans people prefer to be involved with men rather than dating women or other trans people. At least it seems like this to me.
I don't know if a man actually bore a baby or not. I haven't followed the story.

I'd imagine most of the trans who are actually men might be homosexuals, so they want to be with men.

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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by WilliamSmith »

Lucas88 wrote:
July 12th, 2022, 11:55 am
Gym Maxxing

I don't want to use an incel term but the name expresses this particular strategy succinctly. For me getting into phenomenal shape through weight training or other forms of physical exercise such as MMA is perhaps the best way to make ourselves attractive to women. This is because most women are turned on by physical fitness and primal masculinity. These things tap into their primal female instincts. This strategy is particularly good because it ensures that the women who you pursue are attracted to you sexually. They will favor you for a passionate sexual encounter over another guy who simply offers male utility.

I think that gym maxxing is far superior to money maxxing. It is not my intention to insult anybody here but I find men who are only able to attract women through their wealth and material luxuries quite pitiable. Most of the women who go with those kinds of guys aren't really attracted to them. They only want them for their money and the practical benefits that they have to offer and would rather be getting f***ed by a more in-shape and more primally masculine guy such as an athlete or a muscled-up gym instructor. In fact there are plenty of women who do get taken to orgasm by these kinds of primally masculine men while their hardworking yet boring beta provider husbands are toiling at work for their high saleries.
First up, just to encourage guys who are still learning the ropes: You definitely DON'T have to have an impressive physique to score like crazy with women if you learn how to get good with them, and I've seen tons of guys who had crappy physiques do great after learning, or the best PUA types were often more masculine older guys who were often rather fat too, and not tall either, LOL.
But otherwise, yes, @Lucas88 is preaching truth here where I'm concerned: If you're just looking to get a lot of sex from professional women, that's one thing (definitely not my thing), but if you want romantic chemistry involved at all or are looking for a relationship that has romance as well as sexual heat: !#@$ "money maxxing," most of the SMV theory is a trap to get completely degrading ideas into your head IMO. Not only that but some of the unstoppable old-timers would often deliberately emphasize "disqualification" and lie claiming they had crappy jobs, were unemployed, cleaned toilets, or repaired disposable cigarette lighters, so they'd weed out any gold diggers and only focus on where they're actually escalating some genuine attraction with the women. No buying women drinks allowed either! :) That's a way to lose $$$ and stand around while a woman gets some alcohol, even if she had no interest in you from the start. (After you're already having sex it might be another story, sure you might go with a gentlemanly approach of paying for some things or buy her a drink, though I'd rather get one of those drinks with straws and share it with her rather than buy her her own...)
But whether you go with trying to get physically beefed up or not (which I do like too, and certainly adds to primal masculinity attracting primal femininity), I strongly agree: None of this "SMV" BS, no trying to look like you've got a lot of money or other status signals, it should be about attraction dynamics (and personally I always ideally want it rather romantic too, if possible, but if that's not really in the cards then nailing some horny chicks so we both get to have fun is certainly an acceptable compromise).

And at risk of being redundant, I keep tub-thumping about how frustrated guys who got into the PUA/seduction literature learn how to do this with nil "SMV" or trying to act like they have money or status (unless "status" was redefined as just signaling archetypal attractive male qualities, but I mean economic/societal status as what we want to disqualify out of), and so if they can go from frustrated beta types (sometimes angry ones too!) into successful ladies men, it shows it can be done. :)
Lucas88 wrote:
July 12th, 2022, 11:55 am
I'm of the view that if a guy has to offer money and material luxuries to women in order to get them to enter a sexual relationship with him then that guy's a "loser" from a sexual standpoint and a poor sap at the very least. Please note that here I'm talking about actual sexual relationships and not about guys who simply go with prostitutes out of convenience. If you can only be "loved" for your money then your situation as a man sucks. A truly desirable man is able to get women wet with his athletic body and his primal masculinity alone or perhaps with these things in conjunction with some well-polished charm and charisma. If you develop your body through weight training and physical exercise you can more easily get women to like you for the pure sexual attraction that you inspire. You don't have to barter for sex by being a pitiable cash cow.

You don't need to be rich to attract women for sex. You don't even need to be hardworking or have a good career (that condition is just for the betas). If you wish to truly make yourself attractive to women your time would be best invested in frequent gym sessions, combat sports training, a good diet and suppliments. Once you become a chiseled masculine beast and freak of nature you'll have women wanting to sleep with you out of sexual desire and attraction alone. You won't even have to offer anything in return since you're already way more desirable to most women than the regular beta bucks chumps. This is just a fact of life: women are genuinely attracted to men who are in shape and look the part.
I wouldn't myself go as far as to call guys who try to signal status or money as "losers," but otherwise I definitely agree.
To me emphasizing the SMV BS or money/status displays to try to get women that way would be a major bummer where you seriously miss out on having a way more fulfilling satisfying life by the revelation that they actually CAN learn how to attract women.
This will give you a lot more confidence regardless. I'm not a Don Juan or a 100+ notch count guy like Irizarry, but honestly would feel pretty confident I could get some women even if I was living in a cardboard box if I got really down on my luck. (Certainly not having that problem yet, but if the Great Reset crowd actually manages to institute global central bank digital currencies and eliminate the bank savings of rebellious men like me who won't take their clot shot or get micro-chipped or whatever, who knows, I might end up living in a driftwood shack in some remote tropical nation state like a castaway pirate or something. :lol: But I'm pretty sure I'd be able to at least be able to get some nice woman to let me live in her shack with her.)

Also, I agree on being into the muscle stuff, but even guys who are funny looking with no physical SMV learn to do this. Charisma is a learnable thing, for sure. Women can actually do this too. (Marilyn Monroe was known for an ability to turn on/off the "Marilyn" attract mode, where she'd become practically invisible on trains in Norma Jean mode, then turn it on and be drawing attention around her.)
There's some books I have on this that I should re-read and share some outline stuff on here sometime, but I'm already spending too much time here lately, heheh.... but I'll come back to it.

Even if you're not into muscle building, it is true the more of a hard edge to you (even if you're kind, a gentleman despite the hard edge), the better. Lance Henriksen comes to mind as just one visual example of a guy like that who I don't think is that muscle but definitely has an edge to him, and I heard women going gaga over him a few times, LOL.
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 7:37 pm
WilliamSmith wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 4:36 pm
That was a neat story about Peru, I remember you writing that in a different thread. I agree about the part about ignoring the haters who say the women are easier in some areas only because of supposed green card hunting or gold-digging, etc. I understand their frustration because no men want to see foreigners swarming in and stealing the women too much, but I noticed a lot of Asians bitch about white men supposedly getting their women because of perceived status, but that's just flat-out untrue much of the time.
I've only ever encountered the green card/gold-digging accusation from negative people in the Anglosphere both in real life and on the internet, particularly from jealous incels and frustrated guys who have poor dating options here but refuse to go abroad and also from resentful Anglo women who can't stand that more men are choosing Latin American and other types of foreign women over them. I've never heard it from an actual Latin American, either from a man or a woman. When I was in Latin America nobody ever made a big deal out of me dating local women. The men just saw it as normal since everybody there dates the local women and Latinos generally have no problem with dating people of other races or nationalities. Some of the women even encouraged it even telling me that I should find myself a good girlfriend from their country, often giving me all of the reasons why females of their nationality are the best. I never had any problem with angry local men pissed off about a foreigner "taking their women". Literally nothing negative was ever said about it.

The green card/gold-digging accusation is not true for the most part, by the way. Most Latin American women don't even want to leave their home country and not all of them are poor. There's a strong middle class in many parts of Latin America and plenty of people are doing fine economically and have many of the same amenities that we have in Western Europe and the US. Gold-diggers exist like they do in all countries and are often outright prepagos and can be identified by their large silicone titties and other bodywork but most Latin American women are normal females who simply find Caucasian men attractive and would happily enjoy a raunchy bonk with us if the opportunity arose. They have sexual preferences and exotic fantasies just like everybody else. It is usually rare for them to encounter a White dude and so they often take a deep interest in us when they meet us.

I was once in a supermarket in Mexico with my Peruvian girlfriend. While my girlfriend wasn't looking, a female store assistant who was a Milf in her 30s took the opportunity to ogle me in the most lascivious manner imaginable. It was obvious that she wanted to approach me. This Mexican woman had hips and a big booty too. She was certainly what there they call a caderona. Of course, this made my girlfriend mad. But I loved the attention and felt like a stud. But getting ogled and hit on by women was even more frequent in Peru. Peruvian women seemed a lot more forward and proactive than Mexican women or at least Mexican women from Nuevo León. And in countries like Peru and Bolivia a Caucasian dude with a decent level of Spanish proficiency is literally playing the dating game in god mode!
WilliamSmith wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 4:36 pm
My personal view is that it makes great sense where women like the type of guy you are, but it's better to minimize emphasis on "SMV" or "status" because I noticed a lot of guys (not you Lucas88, by the way) who are naysayers against PUA/seduction skills but then expected to be able to impress women by displays of status or spending money, which I see as a bad idea.
Some of the guys who propound that kind of an idea even admit they don't even have a girlfriend and get some kind of "p4p" fix from getting handjobs, so I'm not trying to pick on them, but give my view here that "SMV" and status mind games and theories are the wrong thing to focus on.
I'm personally not too concerned with "SMV" and other RedPill "truths". While those guys do make some accurate observations and are well aware of the abysmal state of the dating scene in the West they also hold some rather self-limiting beliefs and become fixated on nonsense such as height limitations, six figure incomes, etc. I agree with you. Learning how to get women to react to us sexually and how to make them feel comfortable with us is a much better way to go about things. That in conjunction with fitness training and the projection of an image of primal masculinity. I might have to check out those 80s and 90s bodice ripper novels which you've talked about a lot. I had never heard of them until I came across some of your posts about them on the forum. Your approach to women seems a lot more natural and "based" as they say nowadays than the SMV-obsessed RedPill stuff (I'm a millennial so the expression "based" is quite new to me too). In fact a lot of what you say about how to get women coincides with what my Spanish wrestling instructor who has four different women on rotation has to say on the subject. For the record my wrestling instructor is a short dude and not particularly handsome either.
WilliamSmith wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 2:38 pm
As long as it's healthy guy/girl action I don't think there's actually anything inherently degenerate about getting laid a lot either. Some men surprise me by genuinely seeming more interested in stuff like NASCAR or golf or sports than in women and sex, but I just can't fathom how such men tick.
There's nothing degenerate about having a high sex drive and wanting to get laid with a lot of different women. It's just the way nature made some men and we are only following our natural masculine instincts. It's only a problem for the prudish types who are either resentful incels or semi-incels themselves or who otherwise have their own hang-ups pertaining to sexuality. Those types wish to impose unnatural moralistic notions upon nature and condemn anything that doesn't align with their idealized view of the world as "degeneracy" or "sin".
I was going to say something on this but I rather just let it pass. I honestly don't agree with any form of fornication with multiple people. It's the whole reason why everything is the way that it is now in the West with women who are also permecious or however the hell that word is spelled.
Last edited by WanderingProtagonist on July 15th, 2022, 7:10 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

@WilliamSmith So these are the type of Latinas that I accost savagely in public places
and online forums such as dating apps. Dude, what are you trying to do? Make me jizz all over the screen?
She is so hawt! She reminds me of 4 Latina girlfriends I had!!!! Chubby, cute af, nice olive complexion, and "meaty" af too. :twisted::lol::lol:
Those are the types I accost hence my high body count of Latinas I had! I don't get the 8s, 9s, and 10s, but
I get 5s-7s like this one!!!!!!!
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by WilliamSmith »

I'm really enjoying this thread, working post-by-post through the original post, and I pretty much dropped the ball on my original plan for today, which was to clean up my mancave to use to try out my new Oculus Quest to try VR Boxing, since I finished trading early. Self-employment is the greatest. :mrgreen:
Lucas88 wrote:
July 12th, 2022, 11:55 am
Milf Hunting

It is often hard to score with young women in their early 20s because they know that they're highly desirable and therefore have high standards but it usually isn't that hard to get with a hot milf in her late 30s who keeps herself in shape and still looks relatively good. I've even encountered women in their early 40s who do fitness training and things like Jiujitsu and Kickboxing and still have impressive physiques because of it. Some milfs even get fake titties and other cosmetic surgeries and therefore look considerably more youthful than their actual age. Many of these women are divorced and have money and are interested in having some hot passionate fun with a younger guy with a good body. If you're a young guy who's an athlete or into the fitness lifestyle you can easily get into a friends-with-benefits type arrangement with these milfs. Some of them will even become your "sugar mommy" and provide you with certain material benefits too.

With milf hunting both parties benefit substantially. The younger guy gets to knock boots with a still reasonably attractive lady with life experience and mental maturity while the milf gets to be f***ed by an athletic young man with an abundance of sexual vigor and made to feel desired as a female. The guy might even enjoy certain perks like getting to use her car or being invited out with her paying all of the expenses. In this case the roles are reversed. The woman pays for the man rather than the man paying for the woman as is customarily the case.
I was just going to give my opinion (not the same as advice, because I understand that can't apply to everyone out there, just share opinions and what's worked for you), but my philosophy definitely is:

If anyone is doing any gold-digging, it had better be you, NOT the women coming after your $$$!
This has nothing to do with a cynical or negative philosophy about women in general, but IMO you want to avoid gold-diggers just the same as a woman would want to avoid an exploitative or abusive men. Women going after $$$ isn't necessarily bad or exploitative (it's their life, so if what they want in a man is money, fine, but obviously we're under no obligation to try to impress them and let them spend our $$$).
It's completely different if you end up in a real serious relationship with a girl and/or got her pregnant or something and then wanted to step into more of a leading masculine provider role, but earlier on, I think attraction dynamics is what to focus on.

The problem is some guys lack the mixture of self-image/self-confidence and objective knowhow about scoring with women, so they put the SMV and $-fixated BS first, as though it's the top thing to focus on, instead of looking for women who give you some signals you're at least in their yes/maybe category, and then escalating from there. :)
Also, even in this day and age some guys don't get how !@#$ing horny most women (especially curvy ones) actually are, though there's some cognitive dissonance there since a lot of men's rights types are screeching about how women are "sluts" (I don't criticize them for this myself) for having too much sex. I realize negative manipulative oligarchs promote "hyper-sexualization" to an excess on purpose, but those of us who are naturally rather fixated on women, sex, and romance have always still existed even if there were higher standards of public and media decorum. But in the old days you'd hear completely BS slogans like "men want sex, and women want security," leaving me wondering if that was supposedly true, why are they constantly reading romance novels with some big strapping swashbuckling hunk tearing their clothes off then?? :o
See here she is not being able to get enough of that "security" that women keep running back for more and more of:

But back to the older women / affluent women discussion: If she thinks you're a hunk (or at least attractive) and she's got the $$$, having her pay for you because she likes your romantic company + getting nailed, great!

Personally the concept of "sugar daddying" makes me uncomfortable (I want it to be romantic and sexual, not as though she's somehow economically benefiting and putting out in exchange, even if she otherwise wouldn't be), but I have no problem with a more affluent woman keeping me comfortable in exchange for my "companionship." At 40 I'm a little old for the "young hunk" + affluent "MILF" dynamic, but it can be a good time and a win-win for her and you, that's for sure. :)

This dynamic of women with strong careers or leadership roles who are horny as hell can sometimes have a big cultural side to it: For example, in some countries where there's strong gender roles and norms when it comes to money and careers, I've seen frustrated women who actually wanted to be with a man but (in China, for example) the men don't want the women to earn more $$$ than them because they feel it's a loss of face in their culture (or maybe even personally, because of their own psychology).
So I wouldn't mess with other peoples' relationships, but if you find a frustrated woman with a high-powered career and she has good money but she's surrounded by men who don't want her to have higher earnings or economic/social status than they do, that's awesome if you don't give a @!#$ about any of that and can step into the role of an exotic hunk banging her brains out, and also letting her treat you to nice surroundings since she already has the $$'s to afford a nicer lifestyle. 8)
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by WilliamSmith »

E Irizarry R&B Singer wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 1:50 pm
@WilliamSmith So these are the type of Latinas that I accost savagely in public places
and online forums such as dating apps. Dude, what are you trying to do? Make me jizz all over the screen?
She is so hawt! She reminds me of 4 Latina girlfriends I had!!!! Chubby, cute af, nice olive complexion, and "meaty" af too. :twisted::lol::lol:
Those are the types I accost hence my high body count of Latinas I had! I don't get the 8s, 9s, and 10s, but
I get 5s-7s like this one!!!!!!!
Yeah that little hottie is absolutely perfect for the ideal Latina for me, from Dominican Republic. I have never scored one with that eye-poppingly big a chest as this little babe (I think the only woman I saw with that big of juggs and that thickness level were white women), but otherwise you said it: "Chubby, cute af, nice olive complexion, and "meaty" af too."
I was originally thinking I was thinking with my trousers in considering Dominican Republic as a potential expat country because of seeing some girls from there before I even knew where it was, but after researching it, I think it's a good contender, they had a pretty good reaction to being way less NWO nazis on covid, and it's an interesting country... I'll definitely sail there at minimum and check it out.

But back to the chicks:

Short women aren't necessarily what I look for specifically unlike @Lucas88 who particularly likes that, but it's true these kind of girls tend to be short but if they' re also confident, happy and outgoing (as opposed to seeming too timid, in which case being short makes me slightly nervous because I'm tall), then it's true they're totally adorable and watching the little women walk around with their big butts bouncing makes me horny as hell.

But here we go with the numeric ratings again, LOL, you're actually saying she's a "5-7" to you?! I still won't use 1-10 # scores, but she'd get a way higher score if I did. :mrgreen:
To me there's just a "would never get tired of nailing her again and again" level of attractiveness, and she'd be one of those for sure. Some skinnier women I could give plenty of compliments to and appreciate them, but if we were together for the long haul I'd be slightly concerned I might not be entirely satisfied... but I'd never get tired of one of these even if I like the blackest women the most.
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by WilliamSmith »

E Irizarry R&B Singer wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 4:53 pm
White and European men overall kill it in Peru. Peruvians are the S. Asian Indians of South America with their "weirdness" of pro-chromatic but anti-dark skin and anti Black diaspora kind of sentiments.
Ah, another memory of reading your much older posts: I think I remember you calling it "Gringolandia," which cracked me up at the time. I never heard that term before I read that post. :lol:

@E Irizarry R&B Singer, do you have any impressions of how the racial animosity is in the Caribbean and the Latin American countries you've been to if they see a white man with a black woman in those, compared with the USSA?

To me the Caribbean looks good as a place to set sail for. (I'm also a bit curious about Africa, but leaning toward Caribbean.)
You've just informed us that white guys can get laid easy in Peru corroborated by @Lucas88's experience, but said they don't like blacks much there, which isn't really ideal since I'm likely to be bringing at least one black American woman down there with me, and more importantly isn't ideal if I have half-black kids later and people look down on them there, LOL.

Well it's a good thing I'll be living aboard a boat, but still curious if you have any impressions? :mrgreen:
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

WilliamSmith wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 3:03 pm
E Irizarry R&B Singer wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 4:53 pm
White and European men overall kill it in Peru. Peruvians are the S. Asian Indians of South America with their "weirdness" of pro-chromatic but anti-dark skin and anti Black diaspora kind of sentiments.
Ah, another memory of reading your much older posts: I think I remember you calling it "Gringolandia," which cracked me up at the time. I never heard that term before I read that post. :lol:
Hahhaaa you are a student of the game I see! Kudos, cheers, and all that good stuff! Check out some of ContrarianExpatriate's wisdom, too. Super intelligent...super-useful.
WilliamSmith wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 3:03 pm
@E Irizarry R&B Singer, do you have any impressions of how the racial animosity is in the Caribbean and the Latin American countries you've been to if they see a white man with a black woman in those, compared with the USSA?
Meh just meh! White and EUropean women go to the Caribbean to accost (yeah strong word) dark-hued West-Indian men, and usually they turn the other cheek. Western Jamaica has nude/swinger resorts with members of all races and Western nationalities that don't give a flying fcuk about miscegenation nor IR dating; they care about the money getting the bag. I never been to Jamaica, but that's what I heard. The only parts of the West Indies/Caribbean that I only been to: Corn Island, Nicaragua which is part of the West Indies although owned by a Latin American-Central American country. That's the only part of the Caribbean i've been to. Didn't like it although the waves crashing into the island were too awesomely lovely.
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

@WilliamSmith, Europeans have been going to Africa for eons, man. This is no secret. Check it out. Tanzania (Zanzibar where the late Freddy Mercury was born and raised as an extremely young child before relocating to Great Britain and the rest is history) has tourists, but it's very very safe there and they are relaxed. They never bothered with wearing "face diapers" in public during the plandemic.
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by Lucas88 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 2:33 pm
But here we go with the numeric ratings again, LOL, you're actually saying she's a "5-7" to you?! I still won't use 1-10 # scores, but she'd get a way higher score if I did. :mrgreen:
To me there's just a "would never get tired of nailing her again and again" level of attractiveness, and she'd be one of those for sure. Some skinnier women I could give plenty of compliments to and appreciate them, but if we were together for the long haul I'd be slightly concerned I might not be entirely satisfied... but I'd never get tired of one of these even if I like the blackest women the most.
That's another point to add to this thread - willingness to date average women.

Some of the Latinas who turn me on the most are pretty average by mainstream beauty standards. I'm attracted to many regular Latinas as long as they are thick and have big booties. I'm not one of those guys who only like supermodel types and have unrealistically high standards.

In fact I'm even into Latinas who are borderline overweight or the kind of girls who in Spanish are known as gordibuenas. A short Latina with hips, booty, thick thighs and a nice phat belly just sends me crazy. I just love phatness on a chick and can't stand skinny chicks at all. I don't care if the girl is even heavier than me as long as she has good feminine curves. She can weigh 200lbs and I'm still thinkin' about stickin'! I wouldn't even be ashamed either. I'd proudly date a Latina that thick out in public. If anybody said anything I'd just tell them that I'm man enough to handle such an enormous booty and a lady with curves!

I also like phat Black women too. I'm talking almost BBW level.

Hubba hubba hubba!!!

Gordibuena latina

Look at those hips and booty! :o
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

Gordibuenas...mamasotas....mujeronas.....all the same game never lame! :twisted: :twisted: :lol:
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by Lucas88 »

E Irizarry R&B Singer wrote:
July 17th, 2022, 5:04 am
Gordibuenas...mamasotas....mujeronas.....all the same game never lame! :twisted: :twisted: :lol:
Dude, that sounds like it could be a line from your music! :lol:

Have you made any songs about the delights of gordibuenas, mamasotas and mujeronas? I'd listen to them for sure. I love R&B music.
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by WilliamSmith »

E Irizarry R&B Singer wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 10:10 pm
WilliamSmith wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 3:03 pm
E Irizarry R&B Singer wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 4:53 pm
White and European men overall kill it in Peru. Peruvians are the S. Asian Indians of South America with their "weirdness" of pro-chromatic but anti-dark skin and anti Black diaspora kind of sentiments.
Ah, another memory of reading your much older posts: I think I remember you calling it "Gringolandia," which cracked me up at the time. I never heard that term before I read that post. :lol:
Hahhaaa you are a student of the game I see! Kudos, cheers, and all that good stuff! Check out some of ContrarianExpatriate's wisdom, too. Super intelligent...super-useful.
WilliamSmith wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 3:03 pm
@E Irizarry R&B Singer, do you have any impressions of how the racial animosity is in the Caribbean and the Latin American countries you've been to if they see a white man with a black woman in those, compared with the USSA?
Meh just meh! White and EUropean women go to the Caribbean to accost (yeah strong word) dark-hued West-Indian men, and usually they turn the other cheek. Western Jamaica has nude/swinger resorts with members of all races and Western nationalities that don't give a flying fcuk about miscegenation nor IR dating; they care about the money getting the bag. I never been to Jamaica, but that's what I heard. The only parts of the West Indies/Caribbean that I only been to: Corn Island, Nicaragua which is part of the West Indies although owned by a Latin American-Central American country. That's the only part of the Caribbean i've been to. Didn't like it although the waves crashing into the island were too awesomely lovely.
Yeah, with apologies to the native men about the Karens jumping on the young men, that's what I've heard so far too: Unfortunately that's true there's sex resorts for foreign pervs to they can take their $$$ (not that I don't want Jamaicans to get the money, just wish they could get it without having to let jewish and white perverts into Jamaica).
But last time I checked homosexuality was still illegal in Jamaica (which is good), even though they allow some perverted tourists in so they can take their $$$ before sending the pervs packing.

Some of them do better: I read a cruise ship full of homos got turned away from the Cayman Islands even though that's not one of my multiple passport prospects (LOL), but a lot of Caribbean island nations are still quite homophobic and their laws reflect that too, which is good.

Hopefully the Anal Empire of the jewnited states will collapse before they can keep lobbying to force globohomo into the rest of the Caribbean and African countries that still have homosexuality and transgenderism rightly outlawed.

I am going to live full time on a boat by the time I permanently cut ties with the USSA (renounce citizenship), but my list I will be checking out, ranked by highest ratings for homophobia including outlawing most key pillars of globohomo (same-sex marriage, transgenderism, homos adopting innocent kids, etc):
Saint Lucia
Antigua and Barbuda
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Vincent and Grenadines

Some other places down there will be nice to visit too even though I wouldn't want to live there because they're still dependencies of homo European nation states run by jews, or the US Virgin Islands where that POS Epstein even bought poor "Little Saint James" island and turned it into his own satanic pedophile island. I guess that little island is for sale again now. Wouldn't want to buy it personally after those jews Epstein and his satanic karen "partner" Maxwell who was the daughter of the Israeli spymaster Robert Maxwell...

Anyway, back to my curiosity about where the good people of the Caribbean or Africa will or won't get mad if they see a big 6'2" gentlemanly but decisively white gringo with a black woman:
Unlike the bad US neighborhoods where you have to worry about getting shot at in ghettos sometimes, those countries usually don't want to let the locals kill off tourists because they want tourist revenue for their local economies even if they justifiably aren't too crazy about whites. :lol:
Some of them though seem friendly because they don't have "oligarchs" funding and promoting hostility like up here.

This reminds me:
I was curious about the Dominican Republic police because of natives from there mentioning issues with being mugged by the police, but I've read since then that those police might periodically ask Westerners for a "donation" of $20-40 or something like that, but otherwise are more concerned with preventing locals from jacking tourists so it won't create bad press to mess up tourist revenues.
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by WilliamSmith »

E Irizarry R&B Singer wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 10:13 pm
@WilliamSmith, Europeans have been going to Africa for eons, man. This is no secret. Check it out. Tanzania (Zanzibar where the late Freddy Mercury was born and raised as an extremely young child before relocating to Great Britain and the rest is history) has tourists, but it's very very safe there and they are relaxed. They never bothered with wearing "face diapers" in public during the plandemic.
Yeah, I know, I'm in the minority of people who are positive about some countries in Africa. :)

But I am not coming from the ass-kissing virtue signaling white lib cucks side of "positivity" about Africa that makes @WanderingProtagonist so mad, I just am not as negative about blacks and am more contrarian in thinking they might have a nice future in some of those countries:

WanderingProtagonist has fired back at me a lot about it as though I'm crazy, and he called Africa "the most f***ed up country" or something like that, and said "that place has been hell forever," and he thinks the whole place will be owned by the Chinese (an interesting side topic, but I'm already a bit off topic). But I am still interested in seeing some of those countries.

Of course there's some bad areas to watch for like where entire subpopulations of whites were trying to live in there, like South Africa or Zimbabwe where billionaire jews financed a kill whitey campaign in both and there's still lots of violence. (South Africa is even expected by some forecasts to become a failed state by 2030, but I'm not sure, just know that's not on my list.)

But if I had the chance to travel there on some kind of fantasy trip, I'd like to go see:
Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire)
Sao Tome and Principe
The Gambia

Oh, and I noticed your older thread sounding a bit frustrated in Uganda, but thanks for posting it anyway, it was fun to read. :lol:

Some other guy also posted a fun one on Jamaica and said a chick there started throwing ice cubes at him when he didn't want her to sit with him at the bar, LOL. I am probably looking at these countries with a "bring your own women" plan when we get out of the USSA, but if I ended up wandering around chasing women at various ports of call, then that travel report about Jamaican women throwing ice cubes at you if you reject them sounds encouraging. (Though if it'd been me, I probably would've let her sit with me.) :mrgreen:
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
July 16th, 2022, 3:42 am
WilliamSmith wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 2:33 pm
But here we go with the numeric ratings again, LOL, you're actually saying she's a "5-7" to you?! I still won't use 1-10 # scores, but she'd get a way higher score if I did. :mrgreen:
To me there's just a "would never get tired of nailing her again and again" level of attractiveness, and she'd be one of those for sure. Some skinnier women I could give plenty of compliments to and appreciate them, but if we were together for the long haul I'd be slightly concerned I might not be entirely satisfied... but I'd never get tired of one of these even if I like the blackest women the most.
That's another point to add to this thread - willingness to date average women.

Some of the Latinas who turn me on the most are pretty average by mainstream beauty standards. I'm attracted to many regular Latinas as long as they are thick and have big booties. I'm not one of those guys who only like supermodel types and have unrealistically high standards.

In fact I'm even into Latinas who are borderline overweight or the kind of girls who in Spanish are known as gordibuenas. A short Latina with hips, booty, thick thighs and a nice phat belly just sends me crazy. I just love phatness on a chick and can't stand skinny chicks at all. I don't care if the girl is even heavier than me as long as she has good feminine curves. She can weigh 200lbs and I'm still thinkin' about stickin'! I wouldn't even be ashamed either. I'd proudly date a Latina that thick out in public. If anybody said anything I'd just tell them that I'm man enough to handle such an enormous booty and a lady with curves!

I also like phat Black women too. I'm talking almost BBW level.

Hubba hubba hubba!!!

Gordibuena latina

Look at those hips and booty! :o
...Thats nothing but damn fat....If you want that, just stay in America.
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