I decided I'm going to lay over 100 women ;)

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I decided I'm going to lay over 100 women ;)

Post by WilliamSmith »

I've been thinking about it *very* maturely, and I've decided I'm going to nail over 100 women.

Some other veteran womanizers gave me the idea.
Some older gents I've been talking to, and guys like Casanova have done that, and after putting some thought into it, I think it's a good idea for me to do it too.
We even have one on here on Happier Abroad with a 100+ count: @E Irizarry R&B Singer.
Thanks for the extra inspiration man. :)

I've got a brutal hangover (again), but I'm in a good mood, and am so horny I can barely think straight, even though my vision's kinda blurry.
But I don't want to have to keep going on these intermittent intemperate Mel Gibson-ish outbursts because of being so upset from watching warmongering sexually perverted satanic jews and homosexuals turn everything into a world of shit, and have to feel bad about it so much.

So I decided to make a really good decision and commit to a much better alternative: I'm going to nail over 100 women, instead of just lazily having 2-3 girlfriends and friends with benefits types.

It's going to be fun. :D

Also, if I have any sons at some point, then I can teach them everything I know so they know what they're doing with women, even if they don't want to go after the women as much as me.

For me, no "p4p" allowed though (I get it a lot of you guys who go for that are just horny and that's OK but I don't like it, and I worry too much about the women and could just never stick it in a woman who was being paid rather than one who actually wanted me to jump her bones), I'll have to only bag the chicks who actually want to jump in the sack with me, same as now.

Also, I'm of Scottish heritage and no way in hell am I going for any of this "sugar daddying" nonsense or SMV BS either.

I like romance the best, but I still want to lay a lot of women. I love one of my girlfriends (she loves me too) and I'm willing to stay together indefinitely if she wants, but I still want more women on the side even if we do.

Women, women, women!!!
*maniacal laughter*

I was already obsessed with women and sex, but gotta admit I wasn't really shouldering my fair share of the burden when it comes to laying the women in quantity, and I decided that needs to change. Especially with so many MGTOW going into "monk mode" and so many formerly hetero men turning into a bunch of mentally and physiologically screwed up homos and trannies, all those millions of ovulating women who desperately want a real man inside them bad are just going to be getting more and more desperate, frustrated, and neurotic in these times, so it's time I stepped up and gave more of them what they all want.

I was also joking that I wished I'd been more of a "Don Juan" when I was younger now that I know what a bunch of horny sensuality-addicted little monsters women love to be if they can get away with it without everyone being mean to them, LOL, so working my way up toward 100+ should help me put my $$ where my mouth is there and actually become more of a genuine ladies' man who really has an even more smooth and relaxed sense of total confidence leading the women and giving 'em what they all want. :mrgreen:
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Re: I decided I'm going to lay over 100 women ;)

Post by WilliamSmith »

I'm not in any real hurry, but let me think here.... How would the timeframes work to achieve that goal....

It isn't important to me to reach some specific # (notch count is totally meaningless to me, in and of itself), but 100 women is a nice round #, and a specific quantifiable target.
Like so many goal/achievement nuts have said ever since the "SMART" goal concept was introduced in the 1981 issue of Management Review, it helps if your goals are "Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound."

Let's say I go with 100 new women (rather than 100 total counting my modest current notch-count):

Like I said, I'm not in a hurry, but if I only bagged 4 new women per year, it'd take 25 years, so I'd be in my mid-60s by the time I reached 100 new women laid...
That's fairly doable, but I think it might be good to try to increase those annual #s until I'm close enough that it's pretty smooth sailing.

If I bagged just 1 additional babe per year, that'd cut 5 years off the timeframe.

10 women per year would cut the timeframe down only 10 years.

I've never really attempted PUA stuff with this kind of a goal in mind before, so 10 new women per year sounds like a lot right now when I just think about it, but it might not be, depending on location. I know some guys who have gone way, way over that just from being old-fashioned retro alpha male types with that warm sense of relaxed confidence women love so much (and that is in America too, and whether I can make MGTOW believe it or not, it was definitely not "SMV" that worked for those guys, LOL).

I'll bet boat life in a marina relatively near some adequately nice venues for taking women on dates is going to be a pretty good way to handle the logistics to get the women horny and feeling great on our date, and then take them back to my lair while they're still in heat and in the mood for love...

Women, women, women!!!
*maniacal laughter*
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Re: I decided I'm going to lay over 100 women ;)

Post by WilliamSmith »

Who else has similarly noble aspirations as these, anyway, besides me and Mr Irizarry who's way ahead of me on this? @Lucas88 how about you?

Lucas88 has an awesome Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men, so he's the other obvious character who probably wants to...

@Pixel--dude are you interested in this? I know you have hard work taking care of your child right now, but you sounded like you'd probably be freer later on. (Not to mention you can still land a lot of women while you're a parent, but time might be an issue...)

Up until recently I couldn't care less about notch count and just wanted girlfriends so I could have enough sex (and ideally also some nice romance), but I feel better having set a somewhat more ambitious goal.
I'm !@#$ing sick of negativity, I want to be positive and have fun!!!!!
So I've got the perfect solution: Screwing the brains out of dozens and dozens more horny women over the years until I hit 100 total (or better yet, 100 new ones like I used to do easier math above).

I'm definitely going to need to stay in good shape, already a priority for me, but even more important now so those women don't put me in an early grave greedily devouring all my masculine vital energies as I indulge their exotic female passions....
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Re: I decided I'm going to lay over 100 women ;)

Post by Lucas88 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 26th, 2022, 5:15 pm
Who else has similarly noble aspirations as these, anyway, besides me and Mr Irizarry who's way ahead of me on this? @Lucas88 how about you?

Lucas88 has an awesome Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men, so he's the other obvious character who probably wants to...
This is an awesome thread and one that's also freaking hilarious! :lol:

I've never cared about "notch count" either. I've always preferred to live in the moment and enjoy encounters with big butt Latinas whenever they occur spontaneously.

Since the early 2010s I did however have the semi-serious idea of travelling through every country in Latin America and laying at least one babe from each of them. My goal would be to start in Mexico and then work my way through Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay and finish in Brazil. I even spoke about this idea with a Latino friend of mine who grew up in Spain but he ended up getting back with his girlfriend and so the idea has remained merely a fantasy. Maybe I'll really do it some day if I rekindle the adventurous spirit that I used to have and find the right travel partner for the adventure.
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Re: I decided I'm going to lay over 100 women ;)

Post by gsjackson »

Such modest ambitions in the younger generations. Have you never heard of the great role models of old, e.g., Wilt Chamberlain with a claimed 20,000? It was easier back in the day ('70s to early -80s) when American females went to bars with the intention of getting a "date," as they quaintly put it. God knows what sort of mind games you'd need to go through to bed one out of a night spot these days. Back in the day 100 would have been the work of a moderately industrious year for an ambitious swordsman. We're talking just two a week. Any hamburger can (or could) manage that.
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Re: I decided I'm going to lay over 100 women ;)

Post by WilliamSmith »

gsjackson wrote:
August 26th, 2022, 6:21 pm
Such modest ambitions in the younger generations. Have you never heard of the great role models of old, e.g., Wilt Chamberlain with a claimed 20,000? It was easier back in the day ('70s to early -80s) when American females went to bars with the intention of getting a "date," as they quaintly put it. God knows what sort of mind games you'd need to go through to bed one out of a night spot these days. Back in the day 100 would have been the work of a moderately industrious year for an ambitious swordsman. We're talking just two a week. Any hamburger can (or could) manage that.
Yes @gsjackson , you're right: A mere 100 women is nothing at all by the standards of PUAs, but I've never aspired to be one of those where notch count is concerned, so to me it still sounds like rather a lot. But I'm in a good mood thinking about it now.

I hadn't thought of breaking it down to get 100 new women with only 2 new ones per week, definitely doesn't seem like much put that way, but it's a start. Perhaps I'll set a more ambitious goal later on....

Wilt Chamberlain's 20,000, though! How would he even keep track of them all to remember there'd been that many... I wonder if guys like him and Errol Flynn actually used a record keeping system to keep track.

Errol Flynn I believe claimed 10,000+
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Re: I decided I'm going to lay over 100 women ;)

Post by gsjackson »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 26th, 2022, 6:44 pm

Yes @gsjackson , you're right: A mere 100 women is nothing at all by the standards of PUAs,

Oh, I doubt if the self-described PUA's get laid much at all. I'm just talking about the average American guy out on the town each weekend back in the '70s. In those days (when The Joy of Sex was a best-seller) American women had this notion that sex was healthy, good for you. Then came the emissaries of 'sex = death,' preeminent among them one Anthony Fauci, newly-appointed czar of infectious diseases, who began his empire-building by pushing the AIDS fraud and trying to convince women that men were dangerous.
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Re: I decided I'm going to lay over 100 women ;)

Post by WilliamSmith »

gsjackson wrote:
August 26th, 2022, 7:04 pm
WilliamSmith wrote:
August 26th, 2022, 6:44 pm

Yes @gsjackson , you're right: A mere 100 women is nothing at all by the standards of PUAs,

Oh, I doubt if the self-described PUA's get laid much at all. I'm just talking about the average American guy out on the town each weekend back in the '70s. In those days (when The Joy of Sex was a best-seller) American women had this notion that sex was healthy, good for you. Then came the emissaries of 'sex = death,' preeminent among them one Anthony Fauci, newly-appointed czar of infectious diseases, who began his empire-building by pushing the AIDS fraud and trying to convince women that men were dangerous.
Oh, some definitely do! Whether they'd describe themselves as "PUAs" or not, but I just mean guys who have put a lot of conscious thought, study and practice into scoring with women.

The thing is, the ones I know of who have credibility are in fact almost all from the older generations: Man's men who gained their confidence in the 1980s or 1980s (though some didn't get going until later on), but not all of them have any kind of an actual warrior background at all. I can't think of any particular titles to gave a rave review to off the top of my head, but I've probably read dozens of their books, and some of it has some good knowhow in there.

However, there's actually an opportunity there for the younger guys to study those older generations of masculine men: I wasn't 100% agreeing with all her stuff but that Kezia Noble chick from UK who has a pretty nice set of hooters and seems to give fairly solid advice to men about scoring with women (at least compared with PC/woke hogwash) and likes the old-time alphamale bonds and so on, mentioned this younger generation of guys glued to their "devices" and phones will act too wussy on dates, but then do something like send a flagrantly pornographic text message to her afterward... To me this seems bass-ackwards (more sexual tension on date is good, gentlemen via text is how I'd do it, though I admittedly have not even tried going for lays with any of these girls from the current smartphone/tiktok/etc generation).

But she specifically mentioned how guys from older generations actually seem to understand the concept of keeping up actual chemistry and sexual tension throughout the interaction better than the more recent smartphone/device generation...

I never used any of those dating app things or tried online dating, I wonder if I will end up trying it. Not too crazy about the idea, but it is theoretically admittedly a theoretically efficient shortcut to land first dates without wandering around hitting on women, even if that can be a lot of fun.
By the way, anyone ever seen Body Heat? One of my favorites, LOL!. ("You can talk to me all you want, just don't talk about the heat!" :lol: )
I need to find my hard copies of that movie, and good stuff like "City of Women" by Fellini, among others.

Anyway, some of the younger generation of PUAs I am not too crazy about (though disclaimer I haven't engaged much reading their stuff, so it could theoretically be a bit better than I think), but they're not that bad. They at least lay a lot of college-age party girls, so it's not just a "scam," though it's not the approach I want to use.

They just don't have that quality I think is worth aspiring to where you combine a gentlemanly masculinity with that edge you can see in guys like the Connery and Dalton Bonds, which almost all heterosexual women love and eat up, even if they espouse some conflicting ideology on the surface. 8)

Finding good alpha male movie actor role models really helped me turn a huge corner when I was an inexperienced mixture of Travis Bickle tendencies and being "eligible" as potential catch, but with the danger of lacking experience and knowhow, a lot of which successful ladies' men can teach, even if practice as well as knowledge is needed.....
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Re: I decided I'm going to lay over 100 women ;)

Post by WilliamSmith »

Lucas88 wrote:
August 26th, 2022, 6:10 pm
WilliamSmith wrote:
August 26th, 2022, 5:15 pm
Who else has similarly noble aspirations as these, anyway, besides me and Mr Irizarry who's way ahead of me on this? @Lucas88 how about you?

Lucas88 has an awesome Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men, so he's the other obvious character who probably wants to...
This is an awesome thread and one that's also freaking hilarious! :lol:

I've never cared about "notch count" either. I've always preferred to live in the moment and enjoy encounters with big butt Latinas whenever they occur spontaneously.

Since the early 2010s I did however have the semi-serious idea of travelling through every country in Latin America and laying at least one babe from each of them. My goal would be to start in Mexico and then work my way through Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay and finish in Brazil. I even spoke about this idea with a Latino friend of mine who grew up in Spain but he ended up getting back with his girlfriend and so the idea has remained merely a fantasy. Maybe I'll really do it some day if I rekindle the adventurous spirit that I used to have and find the right travel partner for the adventure.
Yeah, same here, I still don't care about notch count, in theory, but for some reason am feeling particularly positive looking forward to the next 100 women. :lol:

I like your idea of the quest to lay one babe in each country, so perhaps you'll go through with it and enjoy it.

Not sure I'd do it that way....

I'm not in Outcast9428's standard of purity and respectfully disagree with him that laying a lot of horny women counts in any way as "degeneracy" when its all just healthy consensual heteros jumping each other's bones and making each other happy, but I will be a little cautious about not being too disruptive to the local cultures where I'm travelling and going after the women there. Actually I wish I could get some kind of hologram cloaking technology and disguise myself as a local man's ethnicity and overall appearance so the women could still see me being 6'2" but the local men wouldn't be upset with me for laying so many women....

Wherever the women are the easiest and as few people in the surrounding environs seem to give a damn would probably be best. Not 100% sure where that'd be....

It will be interesting to see whether I get rolling and hit the first 100 while I'm still working on making my final break from the jewnited states, or if the "Happier Abroad" dynamic will come into play even to hit my modest goal of 100 new women. I think it's past time to get out of dodge re the ussa political scene, but personally don't dislike American women the way some of the others do, though admittedly the new globohomo generations are way more messed up... But enough negativity, I'm sick of it, LOL! I'm turning over a new leaf.

If the first 100 stack up too quickly, maybe I'll set a new objective:

100 Black women
100 Latinas
100 Cantonese women
100 South Vietnamese... I think, anyway: that's one where I'll have to observe the local culture respectfully a bit first to see how angry they'd be at me if they noticed me taking a lot of tiger women home...

I don't want them to be upset with me if they notice me discretely taking home a lot of tiger women. The Vietnamese women I knew before were very nice pleasant sort of soft-spoken women, but I've noticed noisier ones.

@Kangarunner also loves Vietnam too, and I recall some story he posted of scoring on Tinder and having a Vietnamese tiger woman take him to a hotel room and scream at him that he was a slut and she was going to rape him or something along those lines, LOL. Sounds like fun! So what I was saying earlier about thinking I saw potential promise in loud South Vietnamese women might have something to it...

Reminded me of an odd only vaguely related story: My Japanese buddy and I back in the day drove his Dodge hotrod (LOL) out to get lunch at a Vietnamese place and for some reason the older woman running the place who waited on us scowled at us in a completely unfriendly manner the whole time and seemed to dislike us even though we were both nice, polite, cleanly dressed. We still enjoyed the food.
I had a leather jacket, but it's not like it was a fancy dress place, it catered to college kids...
People usually don't dislike me on sight, so in retrospect I wonder if she thought two young men having lunch without any chicks wiht us were a couple of faggots even though we weren't acting even slightly like homos, LOL?! We weren't, I assure you. :lol:
Even back in the mid-2000's I just never thought about it that much because homosexuals were a known thing but they weren't all over the place in the streets recreating the goddamn fuckin' Weimar republic in every major city of the world where anyone's dumb enough to let them in...

But enough about them! Let's stay focused on the next 100 new women here....
gsjackson isn't impressed with that modest starting #, but I'm not going to hit that target # any quicker with yet another 100 more thundering polemics and tirades about satanic jews and homosexuals. :lol:
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Re: I decided I'm going to lay over 100 women ;)

Post by Pixel--Dude »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 26th, 2022, 5:15 pm
Who else has similarly noble aspirations as these, anyway, besides me and Mr Irizarry who's way ahead of me on this? @Lucas88 how about you?

Lucas88 has an awesome Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men, so he's the other obvious character who probably wants to...

@Pixel--dude are you interested in this? I know you have hard work taking care of your child right now, but you sounded like you'd probably be freer later on. (Not to mention you can still land a lot of women while you're a parent, but time might be an issue...)

Up until recently I couldn't care less about notch count and just wanted girlfriends so I could have enough sex (and ideally also some nice romance), but I feel better having set a somewhat more ambitious goal.
I'm !@#$ing sick of negativity, I want to be positive and have fun!!!!!
So I've got the perfect solution: Screwing the brains out of dozens and dozens more horny women over the years until I hit 100 total (or better yet, 100 new ones like I used to do easier math above).

I'm definitely going to need to stay in good shape, already a priority for me, but even more important now so those women don't put me in an early grave greedily devouring all my masculine vital energies as I indulge their exotic female passions....
Some bold and noble aspirations there, my dude. I would definitely be on board with that. Hahaha. If I didn't have to spend so much time working and providing for my daughter I could invest more time into getting on broads, or at least attempting it.

Time is definitely an issue for me. Time management was always a source of contention between myself and my Polish lady friend. She wanted me to be 100% devoted to her etc, but my kiddy comes first.

Now that I'm a single dude I think it's definitely time to dust myself off and get back on the horse. I think over hundred women is definitely doable. Do escorts count?
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Re: I decided I'm going to lay over 100 women ;)

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

Ive already banged at least over 100 women. Tbh I lost count after so many
If we are talking notches on the bedpost then my bedpost would be like match sticks!!!
Time to settle down now and get myself the perfect Thai bride Ive always wanted
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Re: I decided I'm going to lay over 100 women ;)

Post by WilliamSmith »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
August 27th, 2022, 1:10 am
Some bold and noble aspirations there, my dude. I would definitely be on board with that. Hahaha. If I didn't have to spend so much time working and providing for my daughter I could invest more time into getting on broads, or at least attempting it.

Time is definitely an issue for me. Time management was always a source of contention between myself and my Polish lady friend. She wanted me to be 100% devoted to her etc, but my kiddy comes first.

Now that I'm a single dude I think it's definitely time to dust myself off and get back on the horse. I think over hundred women is definitely doable. Do escorts count?
Oh, go right ahead and count escorts if you like, my good man! :)

My own strict ban on "p4p" and ardent insistence on disqualifying myself from any status/SMV games is just a personal preference.

I am totally uncomfortable with the sex industry despite being a shameless horny bastard about sex with non-pros, not out of prudishness, but concerned about more or less the human rights controversies where a bunch of girls end up in the sex trade, either as a decision made by economic need that they regret later, or the even more problematic case of all those girls in brothels at a WAY too early age in their teens (or worse), in SEA for example. But I'm sure none of that wouldn't likely apply to the escorts you'd be looking at.

I've also known (not as a customer) some types of sex industry women who actually like it and claim they make good money, some even claiming they actually like the sort of sex-therapist role it puts them in to help their "clients."

Personally, I'd date a woman who was involved in the sex industry, but wouldn't shell out any $$'s for sex in a million years, but that's just me, a mixture of Scottish heritage penny-pinching + the even stronger craving to be actually desired by sexual women.
Other way around is OK though: I don't think I see myself becoming the next American Gigolo quite, but if women want to give me some $$ to reward me for showing them a good time, that's fine.
I don't give a damn about most tradpill stuff or trying to tell women to be subservient in the home, but I also like it when they make me some food, especially if she's half-naked or wearing provocative lingerie while doing so. :lol:
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Re: I decided I'm going to lay over 100 women ;)

Post by WilliamSmith »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
August 26th, 2022, 8:46 pm
WilliamSmith wrote:
August 26th, 2022, 5:00 pm
I've been thinking about it *very* maturely, and I've decided I'm going to nail over 100 women.
Good luck, brother! I am now entering my early thirties and I have to admit to my shame, my overall "notch count" is not all that impressive; I'm in the low twenties, half of which in Europe and the other half in the Philippines. I will say, however, that most of the girls I have had sex with have been reasonably attractive, a few even exceptionally so: I am quite picky when it comes to my lays. I can also say, not without pride, that I have never paid for sex with a pro, all my hook-ups, flings and relationships have taken place "organically".

In the last year or so I've sort of stepped up my game. Life is beautiful. And when you're having sex with a beautiful woman, or women, it seems the colors of all trees and plants are brighter, greener. The sun shines more brilliantly. Everything is more wonderful, somehow. I love it. I can recommend it to anyone. And I don't think I'll ever stop.

I need a wife at home, a family, something to keep my grounded. But I need a conquest, too, every once in a while. Some young beautiful thing to entice me, to worship my body like a temple and to keep me young. It's... everything. You can't really live a great life without some high quality ladies and high quality sexual encounters in it.
I share a lot of those sentiments, very much so!
And I also think that being a ladies' man is not incompatible with potentially having a real loving romance with one special woman (maybe even more than one), as long as she's OK with understanding that I am not one of nature's own classical monogamists.

When I was younger I used to think laying a lot of women was ethically questionable because of the societal programming claiming that you have to be somehow "seducing" a woman against her own best interests in some way to land her in bed quick (which is rarely actually the case, unless it's in a culture and location where there's a strong taboo against casual sex that might create problems for her, but I'm not likely to go to such a place), or the similar common falsehood that wracking up a lot of lays happens because the men have been making false promises of love, romance, or commitment.
(Some men probably unfortunately do that, but it is totally unnecessary since there's no many horny women out there who want sex bad, some even specifically wanting it with no-strings attached. And sometimes if the guy they want it from wanted a relationship on his side, she might actually reluctantly turn him down as an option for the sex. )

Having some of my friends' girlfriends repeatedly trying to get me in bed behind my friends' (their boyfriends') back helped red pill me about women's sexual voracity fairly early in my teen years: I did not do anything to them even though I wanted to real, real bad (since I didn't want to be a shameful betrayer of my own good personal friends), but those experiences, and later further reading, research, and experience enlightened me about women's extremely high levels of outright carnal sexual desire.

But I didn't realize how much dramatically better I'd feel after actually making this rather humorous (a cynic might even call it "adolescent") commitment. I still don't care about "notch count" in theory, yet my entire physiology seems to be engaging in a rather uproarious celebration anticipating this many more new women, which I didn't actually expect. :lol:
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Re: I decided I'm going to lay over 100 women ;)

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Oh, go right ahead and count escorts if you like, my good man! :)

My own strict ban on "p4p" and ardent insistence on disqualifying myself from any status/SMV games is just a personal preference.

I am totally uncomfortable with the sex industry despite being a shameless horny bastard about sex with non-pros, not out of prudishness, but concerned about more or less the human rights controversies where a bunch of girls end up in the sex trade, either as a decision made by economic need that they regret later, or the even more problematic case of all those girls in brothels at a WAY too early age in their teens (or worse), in SEA for example. But I'm sure none of that wouldn't likely apply to the escorts you'd be looking at.
I don't have any issues seeing a sex worker based on moral grounds or anything like that. The way I see it. Both myself and the prostitute have needs that have to be fulfilled and I see it as nothing other than a transactional thing. Of course though I would rather have a passionate fling with a girl who genuinely likes me rather than a prostitute who is only doing it because she needs the money.

I only have issues with prostitution if she is forced into the work through the black market or something. I don't condone that and I think it is pretty shit that sort of thing happens. This is why I'd only see an independent escort who has her own place rather than visit a brothel.
I've also known (not as a customer) some types of sex industry women who actually like it and claim they make good money, some even claiming they actually like the sort of sex-therapist role it puts them in to help their "clients."

Personally, I'd date a woman who was involved in the sex industry, but wouldn't shell out any $$'s for sex in a million years, but that's just me, a mixture of Scottish heritage penny-pinching + the even stronger craving to be actually desired by sexual women.
Other way around is OK though: I don't think I see myself becoming the next American Gigolo quite, but if women want to give me some $$ to reward me for showing them a good time, that's fine.
I don't give a damn about most tradpill stuff or trying to tell women to be subservient in the home, but I also like it when they make me some food, especially if she's half-naked or wearing provocative lingerie while doing so. :lol:
I've heard this as well and heard stories of independent escorts who drive around in sports cars etc. I suppose there is potential for them to make a shit ton of cash through their profession as in our current society there will always be a comodified need for sex by incel men who can't get laid.

Would you date a sex worker? I actually had a dream once where I was in love with a sex worker and she was in love with me too, but still worked as a prostitute. In real life I don't know if I could deal with my woman getting plowed by other men as her job.
You are free to make any decision you desire, but you are not free from the consequences of those decisions.
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Re: I decided I'm going to lay over 100 women ;)

Post by Outcast9428 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
August 27th, 2022, 4:19 pm

Having some of my friends' girlfriends repeatedly trying to get me in bed behind my friends' (their boyfriends') back helped red pill me about women's sexual voracity fairly early in my teen years: I did not do anything to them even though I wanted to real, real bad (since I didn't want to be a shameful betrayer of my own good personal friends), but those experiences, and later further reading, research, and experience enlightened me about women's extremely high levels of outright carnal sexual desire.
More like extremely high levels of selfishness and disloyalty. I know what having a very high sex drive is like and there is nothing about having a high sex drive that compels one to cheat. I have no sympathy for cheaters. Cheaters are scumbags, they don't do it because they "just have too!" They do it because they are selfish pricks who just want to do whatever they feel like. Cheating is related to being an unthinking beast who has no consideration for the person they chose to be with. One can have a very high sex drive and handle him or herself in a civilized manner.

What you describe is why so many men nowadays have contempt for modern, Western women. And why men feel like they have to be "mean to them for expressing themselves sexually" so to speak. At least half of them if not more have turned into spoiled brats who insist on being able to do whatever they want no matter how unethical and immoral and they expect men to go along with it because they are women. It is honestly repulsive how mindless, amoral, and impulsive this group of women is.


Shame, I read your old post on "faux traditionalists" and was proud of you for pointing that out. But having "side adventures" while you were married is very faux traditionalist. There is no "mostly faithful." You are faithful or you're not.
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