Proven strategies for scoring with women: For those of us who can get women, how do you do it? :)

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Proven strategies for scoring with women: For those of us who can get women, how do you do it? :)

Post by WilliamSmith »


I want to get into the subject of helping the lost younger generations of young men learn how to score with women and learn how to be more confident in themselves so they can actually lead a worthwile fulfilling life.

The older I get, the more weird shit and disinfo I'm seeing amongst reasonably promising young men who have it in their heads they supposedly can't get women... They're wrong. They CAN get women if the put in the effort and find a workable strategy that suits their personality and circumstances.
So we need to get more seriously into this discussion about practical and well proven strategies to get the women: There's a lot of ways to do it, even for people who have highly conservative views (for example, seeking a monogamous wife only).

Seriously: Social skills, charisma, influence, attracting women, being great in the sack (pleasing the women): It's ALL learnable.

I'm not saying I'm a grandmaster at all of it, but I'm not just pulling this !@#$ out of the air.
I have known quite a few "ladies' men" over the decades and learned how they did it.
(I also have rather large "libraries" I could perhaps consult to vet this stuff out...)

But the modern-day ideas about "incels" and "SMV" and "blackpill" is twisted and seems like a psy-op to me, though I have not researched that topic (just an impression from seeing the whacko !@#$% modern-day males are saying, mostly online).

Back to the constructive side:

For those of us who can get women, how do you do it?
@MarcosZeitola talked recently about wanting to teach his sons how to get the women: I feel that is great, and practically a moral imperative to us as fathers (or as role models, older brothers, etc) so our sons don't end up lost and miserable due to their misguided notion they supposedly can't get women.

As far as I know there's these well-known methods, which won't be ideally for each individual, but definitely do work:

+ Direct approach methods (@gsjackson and me apparently both prefer this)

+ Social / community networks: That might be great for traditionalists into religion because they have church-related groups maybe, but it also works if you know a bunch of sluts (intended as a compliment from my personal POV, LOL, since I like "easy" women :lol: ) after you get a rep and they know you're not a pyscho nor "needy" and also are at least decent in the sack. :lol:
Also, for guys who are really high sex-drive, I know some guys mix "social circle" approaches with clubs and night-life, but I have always disliked that environment, so have minimal personal xp there.

+ Online dating apps: I don't do it, but I know (from friends, acquaintances, etc) that this definitely does work. I've heard this has almost become normal (?) for a lot of people in this day and age... (You'd still have to have solid "dating" skills on top of that though, because the guys I know who use this to bag ludicrous #s of women obviously still have to set up at least something like a drink date...)

+ Nightlife... A bit hard to pin down because the venues will vary... The higher-energy places full of young people on drugs I'd personally avoid like the plague (e.g. loud venues, dance clubs, etc), but sometimes I've been in pleasant low-lighting environments in comparatively "modest" areas by chance, and had "cougars" practically jump on you, LOL. (Fine by me.) I've never studied it systematically though...

By the way, here is the discussion between gsjackson and @Tsar that made me want to start this thread:
gsjackson wrote:
February 8th, 2023, 4:49 pm
Tsar wrote:
February 8th, 2023, 4:54 am
gsjackson wrote:
February 8th, 2023, 4:27 am
Tsar wrote:
February 7th, 2023, 8:07 pm
gsjackson wrote:
February 7th, 2023, 7:59 pm
I've more or less been doing it since 2009 -- most of the year in the U.S., at least three months (and as many as 14) in Europe. And I'm giving thought to doing it full-time in HA-caliber locations -- six months in Bulgaria and six months next door in Romania (the two lowest jab compliance countries in Europe). The cost of living would be lower by getting a Bulgaria visa and staying there all the time, but Bucharest is the best place I've been for females.
How do you meet females in Bucharest or Romania? Assuming that I go to Romania.
Strike up conversations, obviously. All the ones in your target age group speak English and are usually friendly enough. You get a very odd mixed bag of results from older ones who either don't speak it at all or aren't comfortable speaking it.
Yes, but how could I go up to an 18 or 19 year old girl and randomly talk with her? Also, some girls look 18 but are actually younger, and I wouldn't be comfortable approaching a girl that's under 18 in a public place and asking her out sometime.

I would need to be charismatic enough and impress both the girl and her friend. I haven't tried cold approaching since my first year of college. That was almost half a lifetime ago. I started handing out notes to girls to avoid having to talk.

Would giving notes work?

Most girls always seem busy with friends or busy going somewhere.

That's why I haven't ever wanted to actually talk with girls anywhere.

1. I need to impress her friend.
2. Interrupt her at a mall or sidewalk. She's going somewhere or shopping with friends.
3. I'm not charismatic or a smoothe talker. I can't speak well.
4. She probably has a boyfriend. Almost all girls have a boyfriend when they're 18 years old. Most men will specifically choose 18 as the minimum age for a young girlfriend but not go any lower. This effectively means 18 years old is more popular than other ages.
5. I don't think most girls would automatically give me much of a chance unless they had incentives to do so and I start out not desiring them, so I make it seem like I liked them later. There would also be an age difference. She would need to be okay with that.

I am very anxious about speaking with people anywhere. I wanted to buy I tell myself reasons why I shouldn't and also that I would just humiliate myself and get rejected if I do.

Maybe you can give me some tips so I feel less anxious?

@MarcosZeitola How about you? Do you have any tips for me?
At some point you're going to have to put aside all the planning and theorizing and actually talk to a girl. Or not. There's no way to overcome your anxiety other than to do it a few times. It's not unexpected in a place like Romania, where women are still mostly women, and the men are, in my opinion, not by and large the most strenuous competition you could face. Remember what I told you years ago -- to get with women you need to -- as soon as possible -- lock eyes, get inside her personal space and keep your mouth shut. Conversation should be for the purpose of getting you to that position as soon as possible. If your rap isn't smooth, neither is theirs because they're speaking in a second language. So speak the universal language of physical attraction.

Why would you rule out going to bars? The places are designed for these kinds of interactions, and in Europe they aren't populated mainly by lowlifes like in the U.S. Since you aren't driving you can get sloshed with impunity and roll on up to any chicks who strike your fancy.

The alternative is to develop a social circle -- join organizations, make friends and such, and hope a girl you like materializes naturally in this environment and you hit it off. But here also you have to actually talk to people a bit. Not much, just a little bit and then do a lot of listening. They'll think you're smart. And as I told you before, if you want to develop a social circle, a good way to start (and save money) is to scrap your privacy concerns and stay in a hostel.
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Re: Proven strategies for scoring with women: For those of us who can get women, how do you do it? :)

Post by MrMan »

Marry her and unless something is seriously wrong with her, she'll probably sleep with you.
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Re: Proven strategies for scoring with women: For those of us who can get women, how do you do it? :)

Post by WilliamSmith »

MrMan wrote:
February 11th, 2023, 5:53 pm
Marry her and unless something is seriously wrong with her, she'll probably sleep with you.
You misunderstood what I meant by "scoring with women" -> All methods I included above apply just as much to tracon hodlers who are interested exclusively in monogamous marriage (except that of course they might be a bit less inclined to look for "tradwives" using a nightlife based approach, for example, but ultimately it would all depend on the cultural environment).

Even you shouldn't dispute this, since you even said you were approached by women various times yourself (hence, other tradcon squealers such as Outcast cannot be correct in stating that the "direct approach" methods "don't work," regardless of whether they personally succeeded with such methods or not).

You already gave perfectly reasonable answers before in other threads, more or less recommending the "network" approach for tradpill hodlers of getting involved in some church or community group and asking around for recommendations. I think @Yohan did the same and succeeded with getting a wife that way (but for a non-religious social circle since I believe he said he's a non-religious atheist). That network approach is perfectly OK and can work, which is why I listed social circle / network based approaches as one of the many proven ways to get women.

I'd assume that approach especially makes sense for religious men, since they presumably aren't going to be satisfied with women who have too heavily divergent of values from their own...

I must also point out, that even if you and Outcast are exceptional by tradcon standards in putting a lot of emphasis on giving your tradwives / prospective tradwife gfs big orgams, that is NOT typical for TMM hodlers, and one of the key reasons that TMM marriages tend to fail disastrously is that the husbands have the wife's sexual attraction from them drop off a cliff anywhere from 6 months to a few years into the marriage, after which she repeatedly keeps withholding sex from them and causes the marriage to either become a miserable pointless sexless waste of time while the man indulges in porn or prostitution while the wife cheats (making the TMM exterior on the surface an even more sordid amoral sham than both had just been enjoying mutually enjoyable FWB arrangements with peopel they actually like), or else ends in divorce.

So your erroneous statement that "unless something is seriously wrong with her, she'll probably sleep with you" only holds at the beginning / early phase of the relationship.
Not to mention a lot of tracon types are so clueless they don't even know how to screen out gold-diggers, so a lot of times what they mistake for a "tradwife" is only putting out prior to wrapping her beta provider husband into her black widow web and then laying the grounds for a divorce to lay claim on his financial assets. Nut I've had enough of stating the obvious for now. :)
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Re: Proven strategies for scoring with women: For those of us who can get women, how do you do it? :)

Post by fschmidt »

When I was single... Pay prostitutes. Worked every time.
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Re: Proven strategies for scoring with women: For those of us who can get women, how do you do it? :)

Post by WilliamSmith »

I posted this in response to all the whining "incels" and tradcon types who have got it into their head there's supposedly societal and political reasons for why they've convinced themselves it's impossible to even get a woman to begin with ( which is not the case, no matter how much your current country sucks).
So if they buy into this disinfo, they underwrite the mistaken notion that they can't even get a woman who would consider marrying them in the first place (which is wrong.) So then they refuse to even try to learn anything (partly because they're believing some of the "black pill" and tradcuck lies that it's supposedly impossible to learn skill with women), and instead let humorous but malicious little jewish trolls like Mercer post stuff like "PUA is a scam" and "Self improvement is a scam," etc etc to try to convince these "incels" that they supposedly can't even succeed with women using any methods at all, unless some kind of loopy theocratic political revolution takes place, which is not the case.

Hey, by the way... @Lucas88, how did you bag your women? I recall his Peruvian girlfriend not only was willing to be in a longterm relationship with him (but he decided not to), but also propositioned him to be a baby daddy. (I've had that too, LOL.)
Then I recall he had a Mexican girlfriend too... Did you meet them directly, use apps, etc?
@Pixel--dude, what about you?

Hodlers like MrMan, @Outcast9428 and @Yohan all mentioned network-based approaches worked for them, which to me makes tons of sense for them because they aren't going to be satisfied with women who have too divergent of values from their own. In fact I think @MarcosZeitola also liked a social-circle based approach, but he can correct me if I'm wrong.

Me and @gsjackson like directly approaching women, from what I've read. I can go into the details on why I personally prefer that method later, but I was never telling everyone else they should use my preferred approach, just that it can work. Sounds like it's the same for gsjackson.

Tons of people use those app things. I don't use those and really am not too crazy about the concept personally, but I KNOW those can work, even though I don't use them myself. I know that for 2 reasons:
#1) I know people who are on the more 'introverted' side who have used them to actually find someone as a "partner" (i.e. not just "hook-ups"), which makes sense because more introverted or conservative types who lack their own social / community / church network circles might be able to make connections this way.
#2) For the people who are into "hook-ups," they use them to get ludicrous amounts of lays by having the mindset where they don't mind sending out very high #s of openers and then setting up something like a drink date and getting the women they like into bed pretty fast a lot of times.
But the point is that's one more method that can work for both highly conservative marriage/relationship oriented people, and also people looking for more casual relations.

P.S. I'm not including that cringe "sugar daddy game" bullshit in the approaches I listed above. If you want me to show up next month mercilessly making fun of guys who use "sugar-daddy game" you can post your own threads, and I'll gladly make fun of you there, LOL.

I noticed that guy @ContrarianExpat (who I initially mistook for a class act, until I saw pages and pages of infantile hateful trolling BS against black women, LOL) had also posted another cringe thread promoting that sugar daddy nonsense, making it even worse by recommending paying the females an "allowance" (which I've read has resulted in an amazing # of the young women mysteriously claiming to be "too busy" to meet up with the old halfwits "sugar daddies" paying this "allowance," since if they are already receiving a fixed stipend then the less they "give him some sugar," the better, from their POV, LOL :lol: ).

Sure, if you're a decadent old sexpat like @Shemp who wants to be "sugar-daddying" Pinays who are only putting out because of your distributions of funds, go ahead, (or like CE talking !@#$ about himself being "high status" despite being in the f-ing Ukraine poaching feeble-minded slavic hogoblins by paying them an "allowance," despite his apparently inability to stop posting hateful comments about dark-skinned women), but all that and "p4p" don't belong on a list of legit ways to actually get the women either for mutually desired FWB relationships or more seriously romantic relationships or marriage.
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Re: Proven strategies for scoring with women: For those of us who can get women, how do you do it? :)

Post by fschmidt »

The worst possible thing that a decent guy can do is to try to get laid. Modern women are attracted to scum, so in order to get laid, one has become more like scum. Decent men should use prostitutes and then get married.
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Re: Proven strategies for scoring with women: For those of us who can get women, how do you do it? :)

Post by WilliamSmith »

fschmidt wrote:
February 12th, 2023, 8:41 pm
When I was single... Pay prostitutes. Worked every time.
LOL, well I seem to be one of the few who actually finds your Arkian stuff intellectually stimulating despite disagreements on various foundational assumptions (which we'll get to discussing later).

Point 1: I already explained in the post before yours how all methods I approached can also work for alleged "traditionalists" interested only in exclusive monogamous relationships, not just to get sex.
Re: your shitpost I see got in above mine: "Decent men should use prostitutes and then get married." --> If you "use prostitutes" you are NOT a "decent man," and you never have been and never will be!

Point 2:
However, if you were actually a supposedly "traditionalist" then you never would have had sex with a prostitute in your life. I never have, never would!

@MrMan, don't you agree on that point?
Do you think supposedly morally virtuous "traditionalists" should be having sex with prostitutes?
Is it supposedly morally virtuous for someone's daughter / sister / mother etc to be working as a prostitute to put out for loser men who are such a bunch of pathetic creeps that they refuse to even try to learn the skills necessary to get their own women? Obviously from the way I put this, my answer is: "No."

I have absolutely no respect for the faux-traditionalist argument that nice high-sex drive women are "sluts" who supposedly deserve to be shamed or abused, whereas a bunch of losers who call themselves "traditionalists" still seem to think it's OK for them (as opposed to the women) to indulge their sexual needs on women who are penned up like humanoid livestock in some evil brothel.
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Re: Proven strategies for scoring with women: For those of us who can get women, how do you do it? :)

Post by fschmidt »

WilliamSmith wrote:
February 12th, 2023, 8:52 pm
Point 1: I already explained in the post before yours how all methods I approached can also work for alleged "traditionalists" interested only in exclusive monogamous relationships, not just to get sex.
I didn't read this because getting laid and finding a wife have little in common.
Point 2:
However, if you were actually a supposedly "traditionalist" then you never would have had sex with a prostitute in your life. I never have, never would!

@MrMan, don't you agree on that point?
Do you think supposedly morally virtuous "traditionalists" should be having sex with prostitutes?
Is it supposedly morally virtuous for someone's daughter / sister / mother etc to be working as a prostitute to put out for loser men who are such a bunch of pathetic creeps that they refuse to even try to learn the skills necessary to get their own women? Obviously from the way I put this, my answer is: "No."

I have absolutely no respect for the faux-traditionalist argument that nice high-sex drive women are "sluts" who supposedly deserve to be shamed or abused, whereas a bunch of losers who call themselves "traditionalists" still seem to think it's OK for them (as opposed to the women) to indulge their sexual needs on women who are penned up like humanoid livestock in some evil brothel.
My family is in Cancun, so I guess I have time to debate this silly subject.

Prostitution is extremely traditional. Every successful traditional society had prostitution. On the other hand sluts should probably be exterminated for the good of society. Prostitution helps prevent women from becoming sluts by providing a safe sexual outlet for men. A relative small number of prostitutes can service the male population, leaving the other women chaste to be come wives.
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Re: Proven strategies for scoring with women: For those of us who can get women, how do you do it? :)

Post by WilliamSmith »

fschmidt wrote:
February 12th, 2023, 8:59 pm
WilliamSmith wrote:
February 12th, 2023, 8:52 pm
Point 1: I already explained in the post before yours how all methods I approached can also work for alleged "traditionalists" interested only in exclusive monogamous relationships, not just to get sex.
I didn't read this because I reject the premise that getting laid is good.
Not relevant, because I already explained the "getting laid" is NOT a necessary condition for "scoring" / "getting" the women using methods I posted in the 1st post: If both the man was a tradcon hodler and the woman a "chaste tradwife," then they could connect using those methods without ever having premarital sex. :wink:
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Re: Proven strategies for scoring with women: For those of us who can get women, how do you do it? :)

Post by MrMan »

fschmidt wrote:
February 12th, 2023, 8:59 pm
Prostitution helps prevent women from becoming sluts by providing a safe sexual outlet for men. A relative small number of prostitutes can service the male population, leaving the other women chaste to be come wives.
They are the same thing except a lot of sluts offer 100% off the price.
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Re: Proven strategies for scoring with women: For those of us who can get women, how do you do it? :)

Post by WilliamSmith »

fschmidt wrote:
February 12th, 2023, 8:59 pm
Prostitution is extremely traditional. Every successful traditional society had prostitution. On the other hand sluts should probably be exterminated for the good of society. Prostitution helps prevent women from becoming sluts by providing a safe sexual outlet for men. A relative small number of prostitutes can service the male population, leaving the other women chaste to be come wives.
If having our mothers, sisters, and daughters penned up in brothels for the sake of loser creeps like you us "traditional," then !@#$ "traditionalism."

Faggots and kikes SHOULD "probably be exterminated" for the good of society, but prostitution should be outlawed for the protection of women and children.

And a bunch of mentally twisted misogynistic omega males who are terrified out of their wits over female sexuality, and yet also deluding themselves that they're acting from a position of moral superiority, should probably also be exterminated for "the good of society" as well.
Unless they get their ass in gear and learn how to actually do something worthwhile with their lives, including getting the women via any methods listed above (which can include no pre-martial sex).

!@#$in' A, @CaptainSkelebob, you were right though! These guys really would be better off cornholing trannies and ladyboys! God help the female population from every and all nations in the world from these mentally twisted screwballs who have got it into their warped minds that they're supposedly morally superior "traditionalists!" Come on bro, teach these schizo little faggots how to score with all those ladyboys like you have!!
Last edited by WilliamSmith on February 12th, 2023, 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Proven strategies for scoring with women: For those of us who can get women, how do you do it? :)

Post by WilliamSmith »

MrMan wrote:
February 12th, 2023, 9:05 pm
They are the same thing except a lot of sluts offer 100% off the price.
They are NOT the same!!!!!!!!!
I have nothing against the way you did it in getting a traditional wife.
However, the "sluts" who I've loved over the years would never give it up to these f***ing twisted degenerates delusionally imagining themselves to be "traditionalists" in a MILLION YEARS! (Which is probably 90+% of why these twisted little shits hate women so much, but if they dropped their hysterical fear of sexual women and learned a thing or two per my 1st post then they probably never would've gotten themselves into that condition. )

"Sluts" (who tradcucks are terrfied of) and prostitutes are NOT the same.
As for me vs these tradcuck psychopaths*
Even though he's a hook-nosed nose gremlin, Michael Douglas' character said it in "Falling Down":
"We are NOT the same. I'm an American. You're a sick asshole!"

* (Not you MrMan: You're more or less OK, I think, despite worshipping the satanic jews who openly despise Jesus. :wink: )
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Re: Proven strategies for scoring with women: For those of us who can get women, how do you do it? :)

Post by WilliamSmith »

Mercer wrote:
February 12th, 2023, 9:25 pm
Getting women is not a skill and there are no "strategies" to get women other than being born with the right genetics. If you're good looking then women will want to f**k you but if you're not then women will ignore you and treat you like shit. Average looking men have to betabuxx and have resources in order to get boring starfish sex from their bitter, obese, post-wall wives who treat them like shit.

@Cornfed was also right about @WillamSmith being a feminist based on the Feminazi propaganda he's pushing above.
All part of my organized campaign to "subvert the right!" Speaking as a "giga-chad" with superior genetics, I actually have just spent my whole life sitting around slouched in a chair with a beer in my hand and a pair of retro mirrored-sunglasses, so I never had to learn !@#$ about approaching or conversing with women or giving them orgasms at all, that's true: I just sit there in a chair and wait for them to leap on me and start fornicating like rabid animals. It's all based on my genetics and "blackpill" realities.
P.S. Mercer: How much are you getting paid to troll this forum on behalf of our secret espionage agencies that Happyguy exposed us for working for viewtopic.php?p=389733#p389733)?
@kangarunner and I have been open about being secret agents on the forum, but we haven't actually compared our monetary compensation.
I wasn't insincere in needing to travel for a month (so I won't be back after tonight until mid-march), but came back to post some particular things... but then I started getting concerned that I might be getting the short end of the stick when it comes to pay-rates for trolling the forum to "subvert the right..."
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Re: Proven strategies for scoring with women: For those of us who can get women, how do you do it? :)

Post by fschmidt »

WilliamSmith wrote:
February 12th, 2023, 9:09 pm
If having our mothers, sisters, and daughters penned up in brothels for the sake of loser creeps like you us "traditional," then !@#$ "traditionalism."

Faggots and kikes SHOULD "probably be exterminated" for the good of society, but prostitution should be outlawed for the protection of women and children.

And a bunch of mentally twisted misogynistic omega males who are terrified out of their wits over female sexuality, and yet also deluding themselves that they're acting from a position of moral superiority, should probably also be exterminated for "the good of society" as well.
Unless they get their ass in gear and learn how to actually do something worthwhile with their lives, including getting the women via any methods listed above (which can include no pre-martial sex).

!@#$in' A, @CaptainSkelebob, you were right though! These guys really would be better off cornholing trannies and ladyboys! God help the female population from every and all nations in the world from these mentally twisted screwballs who have got it into their warped minds that they're supposedly morally superior "traditionalists!" Come on bro, teach these schizo little faggots how to score with all those ladyboys like you have!!
Well you should be happy in modern culture which is full of sluts. We don't have to live in the same society. Rather than exterminate sluts, I would be just as happy driving them into exile, into your society which should please you.

I have debated this topic too many time to be willing to do it again. The lesson for me is to stick with Mennonites and Muslims. Proverbs 9:7-9 applies.
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Re: Proven strategies for scoring with women: For those of us who can get women, how do you do it? :)

Post by Outcast9428 »

@fschmidt is right, prostitution was present in most traditional societies. It was legal during the entire middle ages, and it also remains legal in the more traditional Asian nations. And yes, you really do sound like a feminist. You really seem to have it out for the average guy and are angry at the idea that a normal man who isn't particularly confident with women or sexually dominant can walk into a brothel and get his needs met. Why do you have no sympathy for these men when you yourself confessed that simply going one night without a woman made you unusually angry and go off on a lot of people on this forum? Well, how do you think all those men feels having to go months, years, or even a lifetime without sex? You can't stand to go even one night without sex, but you seem perfectly happy to condemn large swaths of men to a lifetime with no sex all for the sake of women's empowerment and all you can tell them in response is that they are twisted, creepy psychopaths for protesting the idea that they deserve to be lonely and sexless because they're not good enough for women? There's just as many women as there are men, women are not more special or deserving of a quality partner then men are. If a woman is average then she deserves an average partner. Average women do not deserve access to handsome, rich, and charming men.

The reason why people keep saying you are a feminist is because you don't seem to have any sympathy for average guys who aren't really anything special, which by the way, is most men. You want them to run a constant treadmill of being better for women as if women's standards aren't high enough these days. This mentality is exactly the same as feminists who seem to really hate the idea that average men expect to be treated like human beings who need love and intimacy too. If prostitution is legal, then an average guy who hasn't felt the touch of a woman in six months can save up enough money to keep himself sane, and possibly find a wife later so he doesn't have to keep going to prostitutes. But you absolutely need prostitutes or those men will simply boil in rage and depression.

Prostitution exists to keep average men sane. If men go too long without sex, it f***s with their mental health, and then they'll either become suicidal or they'll become dangerous to society and turn into some kind of criminal.

There is a difference between prostitutes and sluts. Prostitutes simply say "I want money, and you want sex." Its a simple contract, there is no ambiguity, no room for claims that the sex was non-consensual. Everything is explicitly agreed upon, and there are equal benefits to both the man and the woman. Traditional girls have sex with a man because they seek love, protection, and to be provided for. Sluts, on the other hand, get off on the idea of men fighting over them. They want to be won over. They like the idea of men competing over who gets access to her, and they get off on a system that necessitates having winners and losers.

So yeah, a lot of men think sluts are kind of shitty people.
Last edited by Outcast9428 on February 12th, 2023, 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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