Dating experts agree, internet dating doesn't work!

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Dating experts agree, internet dating doesn't work!

Post by jamesbond »

Many dating experts have come to the conclusion that internet dating not only doesn't work for men but also even if you do meet any women, most of them will be fat or ugly. Dating expert Don Steele says. "your not going to find any good looking women on the internet, if the woman was good looking, she would not be using the internet." How true this is! Most of the women you see on the profiles are either fat or ugly or a comination of being fat and ugly! :shock: I wouldn't touch those women with a ten foot pole! LOL :lol:

Most people who use internet dating are men. In fact, 80% of people who use internet dating are men and only 20% are women! The odds are really stacked in the womans favor. Another dating expert, Dennis Neder has said, "people that don't have a life use internet dating websites, you need to meet women face to face and not hide behind a computer to try to meet women." Dating guru Ross Jefferies has said, "only losers use internet dating, to all those people who are using internet dating, you need to get a life!" Even Mystery himself (the popular dating expert who had his own reality show on tv) has said, he would never use the internet to meet women because it's not a "normal way to meet people" and dating websites are "packed with losers."

The bottom line is you need to meet women face to face and forget internet dating crap. In the US, only 3% of the population has gotten into a relationship with someone they met through a dating website. You will never find the "perfect person" through the internet, and there is no way in hell you will ever meet an attractive woman through the internet, at least not using dating websites based in the US.

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Post by Adama »

Online dating was good back before 2003 or so. I guess this is when the internet and personal computers became more affordable. I am not elitist, but I do think there was a better caliber of women on the internet back between 1999 and 2002. I was really young back then, but I was able to hook up with attractive women in other states. (Never any women in my home state of NJ-NY cause these are the worst women on Earth.)

Fast forward to the decrease in price of computers and the internet (AOL used to be on a per minute basis vs the $24.95 per month, drastically lowering the price), all the fat, worthless, angry women who cant get attention in real life are on there... ALL DAY LONG. Literally. They are online 16 hrs a day many of them. They are so mean that they have run of the decently attractive women. And lets not forget that each one of those fat women wants The Rock (tm).
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Post by tom »

Internet dating is out and does not work at all. Perhaps you are right there was a short period maybe 10 years ago where you could get some quality but that has long past. Because the recession is going good now this will change prospects some. But again if this is actually happening you will do better meeting in person live. The worse the recession gets and longer it last will have a direct effect on the availability of chicks. Still you are far better off going abroad. And if more man hating laws are passed which is highly likely with Obama things will only get worse.
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Re: Dating experts agree, internet dating doesn't work!

Post by SNS »

jamesbond wrote:. Dating expert Don Steele says. "your not going to find any good looking women on the internet, if the woman was good looking, she would not be using the internet.".
Absolutely. All the good looking girls are not on the internet, they instead are in the night clubs, joined at the hips with their girlfriends and telling guys to f**k off or playing them for suckers.

Another reason for any man who wants to have a sane love life to get out of femerikka.
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Re: Dating experts agree, internet dating doesn't work!

Post by IraqVet2003 »

jamesbond wrote:
August 26th, 2009, 4:11 pm
Many dating experts have come to the conclusion that internet dating not only doesn't work for men but also even if you do meet any women, most of them will be fat or ugly. Dating expert Don Steele says. "your not going to find any good looking women on the internet, if the woman was good looking, she would not be using the internet." How true this is! Most of the women you see on the profiles are either fat or ugly or a comination of being fat and ugly! :shock: I wouldn't touch those women with a ten foot pole! LOL :lol:

Most people who use internet dating are men. In fact, 80% of people who use internet dating are men and only 20% are women! The odds are really stacked in the womans favor. Another dating expert, Dennis Neder has said, "people that don't have a life use internet dating websites, you need to meet women face to face and not hide behind a computer to try to meet women." Dating guru Ross Jefferies has said, "only losers use internet dating, to all those people who are using internet dating, you need to get a life!" Even Mystery himself (the popular dating expert who had his own reality show on tv) has said, he would never use the internet to meet women because it's not a "normal way to meet people" and dating websites are "packed with losers."

The bottom line is you need to meet women face to face and forget internet dating crap. In the US, only 3% of the population has gotten into a relationship with someone they met through a dating website. You will never find the "perfect person" through the internet, and there is no way in hell you will ever meet an attractive woman through the internet, at least not using dating websites based in the US.
Good post!!!
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Re: Dating experts agree, internet dating doesn't work!

Post by Zambales »

Are these dating "experts" for real? While I agree that meeting someone offline is a better idea and the majority of females online are unworthy candidates, it's still possible to meet attractive women from a dating site. I've done it myself. Think about it. And I'm referring to paid sites here. If all women were fat and ugly, how many men would part with their money? Exactly!

The comment about people being losers for using dating sites sort of shit some fourteen year old kid off Facebook would invent.

Scenario#1 Business Owner

Spends long hours and most days running his business and has little time to socialize but wants a partner. Does he a) Hold up his secretary at gunpoint and demand for her to be his girlfriend b) Join a dating site

Scenario#2 Resident of a small town

Knows most people there and socializes regularly at the local haunts but not all women are single. The ones that are available are neither in his age bracket or not his type. Does he a) Settle for his sister b) Join a dating site

Scenario#3 City worker recently located

New to town so knows few. Only his colleagues so his social options are limited. Seeks a chick.

Does he a) Emulate Dan Cilley b) Join a dating site
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Re: Dating experts agree, internet dating doesn't work!

Post by flowerthief00 »

^ Each of those types have a third option:

c) He purchases a realistic love doll and begins enjoying their life together, cuddling in bed, dressing her up in whatever outfits appeal to him, and having sex whenever the hell he wants to.
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Re: Dating experts agree, internet dating doesn't work!

Post by Yohan »

jamesbond wrote:
August 26th, 2009, 4:11 pm
Most people who use internet dating are men. In fact, 80% of people who use internet dating are men and only 20% are women! The odds are really stacked in the womans favor.
This is a very old thread, but nothing changed to the better, it is getting more and more worse.

It is not 4 men vs. 1 woman anymore, plenty of female profiles are either fakes or showing up with strongly misleading information.

Especially bad is dating with women in Western countries, but also international dating is getting worse with plenty of so-called gold-diggers from poorly developed countries.

Not such a long time ago, international dating using the internet was a fairly good tool to introduce yourself to women you could not meet otherwise, and after you got on an airplane you had already some destinations with a few women waiting for you to meet you the first time.

Best way to meet foreign women is still to go there, spend some vacation in a region of your choice and try to talk directly to people - to people of any kind - and I am sure some women will show up - of course some will be gold-diggers, other ones useless bar girl trash, but some might be serious and honest. If you fail, it was still a nice trip when you are board the airplane going back home.
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Re: Dating experts agree, internet dating doesn't work!

Post by dancilley »

Zambales wrote:
June 24th, 2019, 2:06 pm
Emulate Dan Cilley
When I started accosting women in Downtown Los Angeles and recorded it with a camera from my point of view, it was extremely stressful, with haters popping up seemingly around every corner, trying to intervene and interfere. All I was trying to do was make progress toward sexual reproduction, in a healthy way. I was happy. I was being myself. But it seemed "myself" was not acceptable to society; that myself was bad; that I was a bad person.

I know that is not true. I am a great person.

I have never tried cigarettes/tobacco in my life.
I have never tried alcohol in my life.
I have never tried weed in my life.
I have never tried any recreational drugs in my life.
I have never taken psychiatric medication in my life.
I am a nice person who listens to people and never interrupts them when they are speaking.
I have almost never name-called a person.

In response to all the rejections I endured by American women (not tourist women from other countries), even though I am a nice, decent, good-looking person who is white, 6'3", etc., I have developed a serious goal to truly make American women great again.

We are going to attempt to save the sinking ship.

We are going to understand exactly what has been causing American women to be so toxic, disrespectful, etc. and we are going to at least create a small geographical area wherein everyone is healthy, happy, and functional, and hopefully our lifestyle will be copied in other locations, and the entire world will follow suit.

I have initiated the process with experienced businessmen to build a gated community of at least one square mile, wherein the ratio of women to men will be 100 to 1, so that every man can be 100% expressive, joyful, romantic, etc. because of having no fear of loss of any one woman, because he has so many. It's a place where a man can truly be himself, and be masculine and in charge, the leader, etc. all the time.

Mark my words. This gated community will be completed by January 29, 2036, when I turn 50 years old. It will be contained by a wall that is exactly like the Great Wall of China which will attract tourists to the wall, whom will pay a high price to walk on the top of the wall.

If you have the money, and are approved to live there, then you will be one of the lucky few. The outcome is to have about 50 polygamous families living in the community; each family is composed of one man, as many women as the man wants, and the women produce as many babies as possible.

Every man is married to each woman (non-legally); only then do they engage sexually; the women must be carefully vetted prior to engaging physically/sexually. Every woman is a great woman, whom strives to please her man, and she is committed to her man, for life, and maintains her productivity and cooperation continuously.

Each man is extremely ripped and has huge muscles and is addicted to exercising, but also engages in all the sex he wants, every day. He gets to have sex how he wants, 100%, and each woman loves being an object of pleasure for her man. He gets to make the sounds he wants to make, perform the sex exactly how he wants, etc.

The general goal for each man is to impregnate as many women as possible, as many times as possible, and produce as many children as possible, so that the world is populated with as many new great people as possible, but also because reproduction is what people need to engage in, to be as happy as possible.

The reason why the women (and everyone) in the community are great people is because they are healthy and do not overstimulate their brain with drugs and drug-like foods, and are not indoctrinated with information that is adverse to their health and happiness; they are not confused; they are confident, and committed, to producing greatness, 24/7.

Their beliefs are aligned with their (health-promoting) behavior. Everyone is super healthy and happy, all the time.

No one uses the Internet as a primary source of stimulation; they primarily use it to upload content that will educate people around the world. They prefer to engage with their family. The men have women sexually available to them whenever they want, so the men engage sexually with women, primarily. The women are surrounded by children, so are constantly engaged with them, and the women prepare three meals per day at the same times every day; so the women are occupied and never are exposed to attention from other men.

The men have sex all day long, eat food, play with the kids, etc. The women take care of the kids, cook, clean, eat, etc. Everything is recorded live 24/7, so people around the world can know what the family is doing all the time, know that it's all real and not fake, and learn as fast as possible how to Live The Best Life Possible.

No one in the community smokes, smokes weed, does drugs, eats animal products, refined foods, or drinks alcohol.

No one has tattoos, piercings, or wears clothing that communicates emphasis of sexual activity while simultaneously disregarding the process of forming a cooperative relationship. Arousing a man's lust in public is wrong.

And every woman craves to produce as many babies as possible because the women eschew modern forms of stimulation, such as junk food, coffee, chocolate, alcohol, drugs, etc. TV, and smartphones, and also we have created an awareness that childbirth is not painful at all, but rather, a profoundly joyful experience; ecstatic. This is primarily due to the mother-to-be not consuming any animal protein, which overgrows the developing fetus to a size of more than seven pounds, which is supposed to be the maximum size/weight that the body can successfully pass out of the body. Rather, when the right diet is consumed for nine months, the baby arrives at a weight somewhere in the range of five and seven pounds. It's a great experience every time, and the women rave about it, and women around the world are obsessed with it, and know that it is what a healthy, good woman should be focused on.

Through getting to know a woman over a period of weeks, and not engaging in any physical contact with her, a great mental relationship can develop. When you know a woman extremely thoroughly, and believe she loves you unconditionally, when you have sex the experience can be insanely pleasurable, seemingly literally out-of-this-world. I am not exaggerating. You can experience a heavenly amount of pleasure and feel as though you are in heaven, actually, or seemingly actually. I have experienced this before, with a girl who was a virgin, so she was extremely focused on me, and not comparing me to anyone else. And I got to know her for five months before having sex with her.

When I was having sex with her, I felt that she and I were one soul. We were one soul, far from Earth. And I could feel nothing except pure ecstasy and optimism, and this feeling obliterated 100% of any sadness, loneliness, anger, etc. I usually was conscious of. I was not a human anymore, but just energy, and I was blasting pure, erotic ecstasy and optimism throughout all space and time, to every thing in the entire universe now and forever.

So, in this gated community we are attempting to prolong this feeling of absolute ecstasy, so that everyone gets to do what makes them happy, all the time. There are no adverse forces, ever, that are against you; rather, everyone is with you and cooperating with you perfectly.

If I have made love with such a woman in real life, then much more should be possible, if we focus. And the girl was not good looking at all, and not good smelling. Despite that though, she and I were able to harmonize. What if we could find hundreds of women to harmonize with like that? What if we could understand the process and science behind it? What if people could create heavenly pleasure with each other 24/7?

I am attempting to do so. It's pretty simple actually. We just have to do the work to communicate these ideas to women and ask them to join the community, when it is built and ready, and then everyone has to not use the Internet how they do now (by passively watching videos, social media, etc.), and they have to eat the right foods and avoid all drugs an alcohol.

Until then, I am going to be building a polygamous family of my own, and I am going to obtain a house in which to live. My life is going to get better and better. I am moving to Colorado City, Arizona, which is the polygamous capital of the U.S.A.

I am also coming out with a coaching program, online and in person, that will transform men into the best men possible, and women into the best women possible.

Right now we also have our own social networking website, that appears to the user similar to Facebook, but the goal is to only include health-promoting content that gets everyone on track toward Living The Best Life Possible. It also allows health-promoting sexual content. The goal is to program people to become healthy, happy, family-oriented, polygamous, etc. The website is at

And maybe, just maybe, eventually, toxic, feminist American women will realize their toxicity and dysfunction and will totally change their appearance and lifestyle in order to fit into the new mainstream society that Lives The Best Life Possible; but better yet, they will think for themselves and come to appreciate the wisdom of it; that it makes sense, and it is the right way to live, that drugs, alcohol, weed, coffee, anti-depressants, tattoos, nose rings, etc. are bad, and that clean air, exercise, fresh plant foods, sex and reproduction are good.
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Re: Dating experts agree, internet dating doesn't work!

Post by Cornfed »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 10th, 2019, 1:11 am
dancilley wrote:
July 10th, 2019, 12:48 am
I know that is not true. I am a great person.
I'm sure you're a great guy, but lets not deny the fact that you are severely mentally ill.
Yeah the plan is completely idiotic and obviously no-one will go for it.
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Re: Dating experts agree, internet dating doesn't work!

Post by dancilley »

Cornfed wrote:
July 10th, 2019, 1:28 am
MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 10th, 2019, 1:11 am
dancilley wrote:
July 10th, 2019, 12:48 am
I know that is not true. I am a great person.
I'm sure you're a great guy, but lets not deny the fact that you are severely mentally ill.
Yeah the plan is completely idiotic and obviously no-one will go for it.
We are also in the process of transforming Skid Row into a thriving community.

We are going to clean up all the trash within the boundaries of Skid Row, which includes 3rd to 7th Streets (north to south) and Main to Alameda Streets (west to east). People will clean up the streets every morning.

We are going to purchase every single property within Skid Row and make them all smoke-free and alcohol-free.

We are going to deliver the freshest fruits and vegetables to each building, every single day.

We are going to hire security guards who will make the drug dealers, tent-dwellers, etc. uncomfortable, so they will be displaced out of Skid Row.

We are going to stop selling cigarettes and health-damaging foods at the convenience stores.

All the weed accessories stores will be removed.

All the missions will be destroyed.

Everything will be remodeled or demolished, then rebuilt better.

The streets will be redone. The rats will be gone.

It will be a gated community where only good people are allowed inside.

Everyone living there will be paying the true market rent.

Right now, there is a campaign to "Bring Back Broadway" (to revitalize Broadway and its theaters); removing bad people from the area is the only way to truly make Broadway attractive and something seriously successful. Skid Row begins only two blocks from Broadway. In general, bad people from Skid Row mix with the good people from the big buildings westward, near Figueroa St., and the entire Downtown L.A. is made mediocre. That's how it is.

In order for a place to be great, you must eliminate negative emotion, poor people, homeless people, etc. from the environment. But for some reason, people think to the contrary, that it's good to live around dysfunctional people, beggars, etc.
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Re: Dating experts agree, internet dating doesn't work!

Post by Shemp »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 10th, 2019, 1:11 am
dancilley wrote:
July 10th, 2019, 12:48 am
I know that is not true. I am a great person.
I'm sure you're a great guy, but lets not deny the fact that you are severely mentally ill.
PUAs would say Dan has "strong inner game" aka self-confidence. And doesn't everyone always say women are attracted to confident men?
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Re: Dating experts agree, internet dating doesn't work!

Post by Shemp »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 10th, 2019, 5:42 am
...[snip bunch of boring stuff from Marcos]...I don't have anything against Dan, but seriously? There are a lot of guys on this forum who are whacky and who you would be uncomfortable to have around. And then there's Dan Cilley.
Hey Dan, don't let the haters get you down. You go guy!
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Re: Dating experts agree, internet dating doesn't work!

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 10th, 2019, 5:42 am
Shemp wrote:
July 10th, 2019, 4:01 am
PUAs would say Dan has "strong inner game" aka self-confidence. And doesn't everyone always say women are attracted to confident men?
While many women are quite dull, most of them can tell when a guy's aura is "off", as in he has a form of (undiagnosed?) mental illness that's quite obvious from the moment they meet him. I've seen some of Dan Cilley's videos where he stalks women in the street and he has that sort of aura. His weird and unrealistic polyamorous fantasy of "strong muscular men living in a gated community with hundreds of women at their beck and call with the intent to impregnate as many of them, to fill the world with superior people" is a clear example of this mental illness. What he is describing above is some sort of re-branded version of the Nazi's Lebensborn project, with a nice little dash of autism.

I don't have anything against Dan, but seriously? There are a lot of guys on this forum who are whacky and who you would be uncomfortable to have around. And then there's Dan Cilley.
Is this the same guy?

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Re: Dating experts agree, internet dating doesn't work!

Post by Shemp »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
July 10th, 2019, 6:06 am
MarcosZeitola wrote:
July 10th, 2019, 5:42 am
Dan Cilley.
Is this the same guy?
Yep, that's him. Boring news clip BTW. Dan's own videos are way more interesting, as are the cringe collections excepted from Dan's videos.
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