Are Dinosaurs a Hoax? Did they ever exist? Shocking facts!

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Re: Are Dinosaurs a Hoax? Did they ever exist? Check this ou

Post by Adama »

droid wrote:
Adama wrote:Bones are found at elevation because there was a flood which destroyed all the life on this earth during the days of Noah.
Let me stress again, they're not bones, they're mineral imprints.
Are you saying the flood took live sea creatures and/or their remains 1,000 miles inland and to an elevation of 7,000 feet?
How did water-borne life "die" in the flood?

Also, excuse my ignorance, but where did all the water come from to cover over the mountains up to 20,000+ feet? Where did it go afterwards? Dit it fall off the edge of the earth?(lol sorry, I couldn't help it)
Come to think of it, how would the edge of the flat earth contain 20,000+ feet of water, is there a giant wall around the edge? wouldn't the inhabitants of Chile or Australia be able to see it?

Because God separated the waters which are above from the waters which are below. As in, just as there is water on earth, there is also water up there in the firmament somewhere. That's probably where the water comes from.

Okay then. Not bones, mineral imprints. Fine. The statement stands though.

I'm not asking you to believe it. I'm just putting it out there for your review.
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Re: Are Dinosaurs a Hoax? Did they ever exist? Shocking fact

Post by Adama »

fschmidt wrote:Is reality a hoax? Did it ever exist? Or is the secret all-powerful conspiracy just manipulating your mind, making it see a reality that isn't there?
No, but you do not see things as they truly are. Reality is real, but your perception is off because there is such a thing as a mass cultural delusion. The minds of those who do not believe have been blinded by Satan. You think you can see clearly, that you can perceive things clearly in your mind, and that you think clearly. Unfortunately, a person can not see, perceive or think clearly without Christ. He is the light of men, the way, the truth and the life.
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Re: Are Dinosaurs a Hoax? Did they ever exist? Shocking fact

Post by Winston »

Damaging quotes about the dinosaur industry:

Former Paleontology student Michael Forsell claimed on a radio interview with leading paleontologist Jack Horner, that he was “a total fraud, fabricating evidence and perpetuating the myth of dinosaurs.” He continued on saying, “I started my career in the field of paleontology, only to leave my studies once I realized the whole thing was a sham. It’s nonsense, most of the so-called skeletons in museums are actually plaster casts. They even do it openly on documentaries now, preserving the bones my ass! I struggled as a student, mainly because I could not tell the difference between a fossilized egg and an ordinary rock, and of course there is no difference. I was treated like a leper when I refused to buy into their propaganda, and promptly left the course. Dinosaurs never existed, the whole shebang is a freak show, they just grab a couple of old bones and form them into their latest Frankenstein’s monster-like exhibit. If dinosaurs existed they would be mentioned in the Bible. We are all being fooled and it’s wrong, but together we can stop it.”

“In 1999, National Geographic magazine was busted when they presented, in a colorful and fancily presented article, the missing link. An Archeoraptor dinosaur, which was supposed to support the basic tenet of evolutionary theory, that dinosaurs had slowly developed over millions of years. Their proof consisted of a fossil, where carefully arranged bone imprints gave the impression of a creature half dinosaur and half bird. The scam was discovered during a CT scan which uncovered unnatural bone links. National Geographic magazine was later forced to admit, when pressured, that the fossil was man-made!” - Robbin Koefoed, “The Dinosaurs Never Existed”

“The paleontological establishment can control which hypotheses will be constructed through textbooks and the curriculum. In this way, students are brainwashed into a pseudo-reality controlled by the text material and the teacher’s authority. A short practical example; a random dental bone is found at an excavation site and from this dental bone, the rest of the skeleton is guessed at. We are not kidding about this. The entire dinosaurian field of the paleontological program is a sham.” - Robbin Koefoed, “The Dinosaurs Never Existed”

“During the nineteenth century a new world view of evolution was being pursued by then influential people such as Darwin and Marx. During this era of thought the first dinosaur discoveries were made. Were these discoveries ‘made’ to try to make up for inadequacies in the fossil record for the theory of evolution? The following issues raise red flags as to the integrity of the dinosaur industry and cast doubts as to whether dinosaurs ever existed: (1) dinosaur discoveries having occurred only within the last two centuries and in huge unusual concentrated quantities going against the laws of nature and probability; (2) dinosaur discoverers typically and generally not being disinterested parties without a vested interest; (3) the nature of public display preparation, calling into question the integrity and source of fossils, and allowing for the possibility of tampering and bone substitution, and the possibility of fraudulent activities on a systemic basis; (4) existing artistic drawings and public exhibits showing off-balance and awkward postures that basic physics would rule out as being possible; (5) very low odds of all these dinosaur bones being fossilized but relatively few bones of other animals; (6) implications of dinosaur discoveries to the theory of evolution and the belief that man was created in God's image, suggesting possible hidden and subtle political or religious agendas served on a naive and unsuspecting public; and, (7) a lack of funding for organizations and people questioning or being skeptical of each and every discovery and public display. The possibility exists that living dinosaurs never existed. The dinosaur industry should be investigated and questions need to be asked. I am unaware of any evidence or reason for absolutely believing dinosaurs ever were alive on earth. The possibility exists that the concept of prehistoric living dinosaurs has been a fabrication of nineteenth and twentieth century people possibly pursuing an evolutionary and anti-Bible, anti-Christian agenda. Questioning what is being told instead is a better choice rather than blindly believing the dinosaur story. ‘O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called.’ (1 Timothy 6:20). The choice between believing the word of man, the evolutionists, or the word of God, the Bible, is a matter of faith.” - David Wozney, “Dinosaurs: Science or Science Fiction”

Eric Dubay put forth some great unanswered questions here about the dinosaur industry. ... isted.html

"Even if dinosaurs did evolve into birds to fill their evolution gap, it does not explain how something like the common housefly could have evolved. Flies flap their wings simultaneously 500 times per second, even the slightest dissonance in vibration would cause them to lose balance and fall, but this never happens. How could they “evolve” such an amazing and specialized ability? Why were dinosaurs never discovered before the evolutionist renaissance in the mid-19th century? Why do paleontologists think they can reconstruct an entire species of ancient animal from a few teeth? Why have so many dinosaur “discoveries” turned out to be hoaxes? Why are all “authentic dinosaur fossils” kept under tight lock and key away from any independent analysis? Why has erosion and weathering not destroyed all these supposed prints and fossils that are allegedly millions of years old? If dinosaurs were supposedly wiped out by a meteor impact or other such global catastrophe, why is it that all the other various animal species that exist today were not similarly wiped out? There are many more questions which need to be answered before anyone in their right-mind should consider the existence of dinosaurs anything but a convenient evolutionist myth."

The reason for the dinosaur hoax, Dubay says, is this:

"One of the main reasons that evolutionists “needed” the existence of dinosaurs was to answer the complicated problems present in the theory of evolution including: sea-dwelling animals evolving into land-dwellers; reptiles evolving wings, feathers, flying and becoming birds; as well as other reptiles evolving warm-blood, live births, breasts and becoming mammals. Through their imaginary multi-million-year timeline and a variety of supposed transitional dinosaur forms, the paleontological establishment has been promoting various sea-dinosaur, reptile/birds and reptile/mammals to bridge these gaps. Many professionals and experts in the field have disputed such findings as often as they have been presented, however. Dr. Storrs Olson, a Smithsonian Institute Scientist, wrote, “The idea of feathered dinosaurs and the theropod origin of birds is being actively promulgated by a cadre of zealous scientists acting in concert with certain editors at Nature and National Geographic who themselves have become outspoken and highly biased proselytizers of the faith. Truth and careful scientific weighing of evidence have been among the first casualties in their program, which is now fast becoming one of the grander scientific hoaxes or our age.”"
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Re: Are Dinosaurs a Hoax? Did they ever exist? Shocking fact

Post by HouseMD »

Winston wrote:Damaging quotes about the dinosaur industry:

Former Paleontology student Michael Forsell claimed on a radio interview with leading paleontologist Jack Horner, that he was “a total fraud, fabricating evidence and perpetuating the myth of dinosaurs.” He continued on saying, “I started my career in the field of paleontology, only to leave my studies once I realized the whole thing was a sham. It’s nonsense, most of the so-called skeletons in museums are actually plaster casts. They even do it openly on documentaries now, preserving the bones my a**! I struggled as a student, mainly because I could not tell the difference between a fossilized egg and an ordinary rock, and of course there is no difference. I was treated like a leper when I refused to buy into their propaganda, and promptly left the course. Dinosaurs never existed, the whole shebang is a freak show, they just grab a couple of old bones and form them into their latest Frankenstein’s monster-like exhibit. If dinosaurs existed they would be mentioned in the Bible. We are all being fooled and it’s wrong, but together we can stop it.”

“In 1999, National Geographic magazine was busted when they presented, in a colorful and fancily presented article, the missing link. An Archeoraptor dinosaur, which was supposed to support the basic tenet of evolutionary theory, that dinosaurs had slowly developed over millions of years. Their proof consisted of a fossil, where carefully arranged bone imprints gave the impression of a creature half dinosaur and half bird. The scam was discovered during a CT scan which uncovered unnatural bone links. National Geographic magazine was later forced to admit, when pressured, that the fossil was man-made!” - Robbin Koefoed, “The Dinosaurs Never Existed”

“The paleontological establishment can control which hypotheses will be constructed through textbooks and the curriculum. In this way, students are brainwashed into a pseudo-reality controlled by the text material and the teacher’s authority. A short practical example; a random dental bone is found at an excavation site and from this dental bone, the rest of the skeleton is guessed at. We are not kidding about this. The entire dinosaurian field of the paleontological program is a sham.” - Robbin Koefoed, “The Dinosaurs Never Existed”

“During the nineteenth century a new world view of evolution was being pursued by then influential people such as Darwin and Marx. During this era of thought the first dinosaur discoveries were made. Were these discoveries ‘made’ to try to make up for inadequacies in the fossil record for the theory of evolution? The following issues raise red flags as to the integrity of the dinosaur industry and cast doubts as to whether dinosaurs ever existed: (1) dinosaur discoveries having occurred only within the last two centuries and in huge unusual concentrated quantities going against the laws of nature and probability; (2) dinosaur discoverers typically and generally not being disinterested parties without a vested interest; (3) the nature of public display preparation, calling into question the integrity and source of fossils, and allowing for the possibility of tampering and bone substitution, and the possibility of fraudulent activities on a systemic basis; (4) existing artistic drawings and public exhibits showing off-balance and awkward postures that basic physics would rule out as being possible; (5) very low odds of all these dinosaur bones being fossilized but relatively few bones of other animals; (6) implications of dinosaur discoveries to the theory of evolution and the belief that man was created in God's image, suggesting possible hidden and subtle political or religious agendas served on a naive and unsuspecting public; and, (7) a lack of funding for organizations and people questioning or being skeptical of each and every discovery and public display. The possibility exists that living dinosaurs never existed. The dinosaur industry should be investigated and questions need to be asked. I am unaware of any evidence or reason for absolutely believing dinosaurs ever were alive on earth. The possibility exists that the concept of prehistoric living dinosaurs has been a fabrication of nineteenth and twentieth century people possibly pursuing an evolutionary and anti-Bible, anti-Christian agenda. Questioning what is being told instead is a better choice rather than blindly believing the dinosaur story. ‘O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called.’ (1 Timothy 6:20). The choice between believing the word of man, the evolutionists, or the word of God, the Bible, is a matter of faith.” - David Wozney, “Dinosaurs: Science or Science Fiction”

Eric Dubay put forth some great unanswered questions here about the dinosaur industry. ... isted.html

"Even if dinosaurs did evolve into birds to fill their evolution gap, it does not explain how something like the common housefly could have evolved. Flies flap their wings simultaneously 500 times per second, even the slightest dissonance in vibration would cause them to lose balance and fall, but this never happens. How could they “evolve” such an amazing and specialized ability? Why were dinosaurs never discovered before the evolutionist renaissance in the mid-19th century? Why do paleontologists think they can reconstruct an entire species of ancient animal from a few teeth? Why have so many dinosaur “discoveries” turned out to be hoaxes? Why are all “authentic dinosaur fossils” kept under tight lock and key away from any independent analysis? Why has erosion and weathering not destroyed all these supposed prints and fossils that are allegedly millions of years old? If dinosaurs were supposedly wiped out by a meteor impact or other such global catastrophe, why is it that all the other various animal species that exist today were not similarly wiped out? There are many more questions which need to be answered before anyone in their right-mind should consider the existence of dinosaurs anything but a convenient evolutionist myth."

The reason for the dinosaur hoax, Dubay says, is this:

"One of the main reasons that evolutionists “needed” the existence of dinosaurs was to answer the complicated problems present in the theory of evolution including: sea-dwelling animals evolving into land-dwellers; reptiles evolving wings, feathers, flying and becoming birds; as well as other reptiles evolving warm-blood, live births, breasts and becoming mammals. Through their imaginary multi-million-year timeline and a variety of supposed transitional dinosaur forms, the paleontological establishment has been promoting various sea-dinosaur, reptile/birds and reptile/mammals to bridge these gaps. Many professionals and experts in the field have disputed such findings as often as they have been presented, however. Dr. Storrs Olson, a Smithsonian Institute Scientist, wrote, “The idea of feathered dinosaurs and the theropod origin of birds is being actively promulgated by a cadre of zealous scientists acting in concert with certain editors at Nature and National Geographic who themselves have become outspoken and highly biased proselytizers of the faith. Truth and careful scientific weighing of evidence have been among the first casualties in their program, which is now fast becoming one of the grander scientific hoaxes or our age.”"
Yeah, heavily biased, religious nutjobs totally carry the same weight as physical evidence and centuries of fossils. We've had dinosaur fossils since long before methods to artificially create skeletons existed, and since long before evolution was even a theory.
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Re: Are Dinosaurs a Hoax? Did they ever exist? Shocking fact

Post by droid »

Winston wrote:Damaging quotes about the dinosaur industry:

Former Paleontology student .. and promptly left the course.
If dinosaurs existed they would be mentioned in the Bible.
:roll: :roll:
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Re: Are Dinosaurs a Hoax? Did they ever exist? Shocking fact

Post by Adama »

droid wrote:
Winston wrote:Damaging quotes about the dinosaur industry:

Former Paleontology student .. and promptly left the course.
If dinosaurs existed they would be mentioned in the Bible.
:roll: :roll:
Yeah, that is a sweet statement, isnt it? I happen to like that statement.
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Re: Are Dinosaurs a Hoax? Did they ever exist? Shocking fact

Post by Adama »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
Adama wrote:Yeah, that is a sweet statement, isnt it? I happen to like that statement.
It's also a nonsense statement, as a great many things that exist in the world are never mentioned in the Bible. I never saw Giant Pandas mentioned in the Bible but I sure as hell saw one on the television yesterday.

I didnt say it was accurate. I just said it was sweet. Especially seeing as Droid obviously thinks it is a ridiculous statement, as an atheist (or whatever he'd call himself).
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Re: Are Dinosaurs a Hoax? Did they ever exist? Shocking fact

Post by cdnFA »

Considering creationists usually claim man and dino walked the earth together in a desperate attempt to make reality fit their book, if there really was a case for dinosaurs not existing then I am sure the local creationist museum [yes my small town of 50K has one] wouldn't have a kid shoving his head into a dino head on their brochure. [Kid being real, the head being an exhibit.
If there was any merit to the no dino idea those people would jump on it in two seconds flat. That loonies like that still go with dinos and man coexisted idea shows how even more without merit the no dino idea really is.
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Re: Are Dinosaurs a Hoax? Did they ever exist? Shocking fact

Post by Winston »

Ghost wrote:This thread is pure Adama bait. Hahaha.

I don't know much about dinosaurs, but considering the scale of time, doesn't it make sense that not many fossils are found? Don't fossils only form under certain ideal conditions?

And I'm pretty sure I've heard stories of "regular people" finding dinosaur bones too.
Sure. But then whats the proof that dinosaurs roamed the earth for millions of years? The theory came before the fossils and bones were found. So it looks like it was borne out of an agenda. And what a coincidence that it came at the same time that Darwinian evolution was being promoted. Not.

Also why arent any independent researchers allowed to examine the alleged dinosaur fossils or bones? Or allowed to do any tests on them? Given that dozens of evolutionists have been caught engaging in fraud and hoaxes, it wouldnt be a surprise if dinosaur paleontologists were involved in fraud as well.

Remember that truth does not fear investigation, only lies do.

If regular people found dinosaur bones by accident, they are rare. They could be shills or plants, or they could have found something not knowing what it was, only to have paleontologists declare it to be a dinosaur artifact.

Did you know that the Smithsonian institute has received many unusual artifacts that contradict official history which have conveniently disappeared? It appears that the Smithsonian institute is not a truth seeking institution, but one with an agenda of tight censorship.
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Re: Are Dinosaurs a Hoax? Did they ever exist? Check this ou

Post by Winston »

droid wrote:Not to hijack the thread, but I just want to add a side note here,
If those insanely huge timescales are real, I think it is very possible there have been some -if not many- other civilizations waaayy before ours, probably not even in human form as we know it.
Have you explored this subject winston? Are there any evidences of this? What about that undersea pyramid in japan?
Sure its possible and probable too. Michael Cremo has done a lot of research into that in his forbidden archaeology books. Remember the legends about Atlantis and Lemuria. Plato wasnt the only one to talk about Atlantis. Other cultures have myths about it too, according to Michael Tsarion's research.

As to the underwater pyramid near Japan, thats a rumour perpetuated in dubious alternative news and fringe websites. I dont know how credible that story is. Theres a story about an underground pyramid under Antarctica too. There are even reports of giant pyramids under mountains in China, which the Chinese government has restricted access to.
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Re: Are Dinosaurs a Hoax? Did they ever exist? Shocking fact

Post by Winston »

Adama wrote:Winston, BTW, have you checked into Dubay's theory of the nuclear hoax? Especially the old footage of the houses blowing up while the camera is unaffected? Like the space program, the footage of the destruction of nuclear weapons they showed the world is fake. It is also said that the two Japanese cities were leveled by regular bombs instead of by a nuclear bomb, similar to the way they killed the people of Dresden and Berlin Germany.
No i havent. But i read about it online on other sites. There are YouTube videos about it too. How do you explain the videos of mushroom clouds from Trinity testing site in New Mexico and Japan, if they were just regular bombs?

Ive always wondered how they could detonate an atomic bomb in New Mexico without anyone knowing.

The nuclear hoax theory is that nuclear bombs use solar energy to detonate and can only be detonated at specific sun cycles. Those who say that claim they can predict with accuracy when nuclear testing will be done, and are always right. Thats what i remember about it. Their theory is that nuclear weapons dont work as alleged by splitting the atom but have an entirely different mechanism. If so then Robert Oppenheimer must have been in on it, i guess.
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Re: Are Dinosaurs a Hoax? Did they ever exist? Check this ou

Post by Winston »

droid wrote:
Adama wrote:Bones are found at elevation because there was a flood which destroyed all the life on this earth during the days of Noah.
Let me stress again, they're not bones, they're mineral imprints.
Are you saying the flood took live sea creatures and/or their remains 1,000 miles inland and to an elevation of 7,000 feet?
How did water-borne life "die" in the flood?

Also, excuse my ignorance, but where did all the water come from to cover over the mountains up to 20,000+ feet? Where did it go afterwards? Dit it fall off the edge of the earth?(lol sorry, I couldn't help it)
Come to think of it, how would the edge of the flat earth contain 20,000+ feet of water, is there a giant wall around the edge? wouldn't the inhabitants of Chile or Australia be able to see it?
According to the Bible, God opened the floodgates of heaven to allow water to come crashing down to the earth. Ive always taken that to be symbolic that the clouds simply produced rain continuously until the earth was flooded. But since the book of Genesis says that God created a firmament in the heavens that divided the upper waters from the lower waters, it seems that above the domed structure of the sky, there is water that he can let down into the earth? I dont know.

Some flat earthers believe the earth is enclosed in a dome with an unbreachable wall. If so, then the flood waters would be encased within the dome wall on the sides of it.

Other flat earthers believe that there is an infinite plane beyond the ice wall of Antarctica, where other worlds may lie, with their own sun, etc. In fact, in Admiral Byrd's secret diary, he mentioned that he visited exotic lands beyond the south pole that had vegetation and unusual life forms and giants and its own sun, during his flights over Antarctica. His secret diary says he was brought down by UFOs whose inhabitants told him he was not meant to be there, and was allowed to return home.

If this story was true, then it could mean that Byrd flew to another world beyond the edge of the earth and past the Antarctica ice ring around our world. You can look into it.

Either way, the Antarctica treaty of 1959 disallows anyone to explore Antarctica independently. So you arent allowed to venture beyond the ice wall of Antarctica. The treaty was signed by many nations and is awfully suspicious. You gotta wonder why they would quarantine an entire continent? Especially if there was nothing to hide except ice and snow? Why isnt Siberia quarantined too for that matter?
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Re: Are Dinosaurs a Hoax? Did they ever exist? Check this ou

Post by droid »

Winston wrote:
droid wrote:Also, excuse my ignorance, but where did all the water come from to cover over the mountains up to 20,000+ feet? Where did it go afterwards? Dit it fall off the edge of the earth?(lol sorry, I couldn't help it)
Come to think of it, how would the edge of the flat earth contain 20,000+ feet of water, is there a giant wall around the edge? wouldn't the inhabitants of Chile or Australia be able to see it?
According to the Bible, God opened the floodgates of heaven to allow water to come crashing down to the earth. Ive always taken that to be symbolic that the clouds simply produced rain continuously until the earth was flooded. But since the book of Genesis says that God created a firmament in the heavens that divided the upper waters from the lower waters, it seems that above the domed structure of the sky, there is water that he can let down into the earth? I dont know.

Some flat earthers believe the earth is enclosed in a dome with an unbreachable wall. If so, then the flood waters would be encased within the dome wall on the sides of it.
So how was the water taken out? If I remember well it is just mentioned that the waters receded, but it is not mentioned that they were sucked back up into the dome. Otherwise I think evaporation alone would've taken much much longer than even noah's life. Perhaps there are secondary floodgates on the edge of the dome that allow for flushing, is this mentioned somewhere?
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Re: Are Dinosaurs a Hoax? Did they ever exist? Check this ou

Post by HouseMD »

Winston wrote:
droid wrote:
Adama wrote:Bones are found at elevation because there was a flood which destroyed all the life on this earth during the days of Noah.
Let me stress again, they're not bones, they're mineral imprints.
Are you saying the flood took live sea creatures and/or their remains 1,000 miles inland and to an elevation of 7,000 feet?
How did water-borne life "die" in the flood?

Also, excuse my ignorance, but where did all the water come from to cover over the mountains up to 20,000+ feet? Where did it go afterwards? Dit it fall off the edge of the earth?(lol sorry, I couldn't help it)
Come to think of it, how would the edge of the flat earth contain 20,000+ feet of water, is there a giant wall around the edge? wouldn't the inhabitants of Chile or Australia be able to see it?
According to the Bible, God opened the floodgates of heaven to allow water to come crashing down to the earth. Ive always taken that to be symbolic that the clouds simply produced rain continuously until the earth was flooded. But since the book of Genesis says that God created a firmament in the heavens that divided the upper waters from the lower waters, it seems that above the domed structure of the sky, there is water that he can let down into the earth? I dont know.

Some flat earthers believe the earth is enclosed in a dome with an unbreachable wall. If so, then the flood waters would be encased within the dome wall on the sides of it.

Other flat earthers believe that there is an infinite plane beyond the ice wall of Antarctica, where other worlds may lie, with their own sun, etc. In fact, in Admiral Byrd's secret diary, he mentioned that he visited exotic lands beyond the south pole that had vegetation and unusual life forms and giants and its own sun, during his flights over Antarctica. His secret diary says he was brought down by UFOs whose inhabitants told him he was not meant to be there, and was allowed to return home.

If this story was true, then it could mean that Byrd flew to another world beyond the edge of the earth and past the Antarctica ice ring around our world. You can look into it.

Either way, the Antarctica treaty of 1959 disallows anyone to explore Antarctica independently. So you arent allowed to venture beyond the ice wall of Antarctica. The treaty was signed by many nations and is awfully suspicious. You gotta wonder why they would quarantine an entire continent? Especially if there was nothing to hide except ice and snow? Why isnt Siberia quarantined too for that matter?
You can easily explore Antarctica independently if you're not from one of the 59 treaty signatory nations. And even if you are from one, you aren't prohibited from going there, you're just prohibited from military or commercial ventures involving Antarctica.

Why don't you just take a damn flight over it? They cost 1.2k, and you're so backwards seeing something with your own eyes is the only way to believe it.
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Re: Are Dinosaurs a Hoax? Did they ever exist? Shocking fact

Post by Adama »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
Adama wrote:I didnt say it was accurate. I just said it was sweet. Especially seeing as Droid obviously thinks it is a ridiculous statement, as an atheist (or whatever he'd call himself).
Well it is rather ridiculous in it's lack of accuracy. I heard the following statement before from a Christian: "Dinosaur bones and fossils are fake and have been put in the soil by Satan to confuse people and make them disbelief the Bible. Dinosaurs do not exist as they are not mentioned in the Bible".

Literally heard that. So I apply this to Giant Pandas: "Giant Pandas are fake and have been put on the earth by Satan to confuse people and make them disbelief the Bible. Giant Pandas do not exist as they are not mentioned in the Bible".

The Bible is not supposed to be some sort of Encyclopedia of Human Knowledge is it? It's not f***ing Wikipedia, lol. Just because something is not written in the Bibe does not make it fake, that would be preposterous.
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