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Why are the Nazis considered the bad guys?

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Re: Why are the Nazis considered the bad guys?

Post by Winston » ... 47723182X/

The Myth of German Villainy
by Benton L. Bradberry

As the title "The Myth of German Villainy" indicates, this book is about the mischaracterization of Germany as history's ultimate "villain." The "official" story of Western Civilization in the twentieth century casts Germany as the disturber of the peace in Europe, and the cause of both World War I and World War II, though the facts don't bear that out. During both wars, fantastic atrocity stories were invented by Allied propaganda to create hatred of the German people for the purpose of bringing public opinion around to support the wars. The "Holocaust" propaganda which emerged after World War II further solidified this image of Germany as history's ultimate villain. But how true is this "official" story? Was Germany really history's ultimate villain? In this book, the author paints a different picture. He explains that Germany was not the perpetrator of World War I nor World War II, but instead, was the victim of Allied aggression in both wars. The instability wrought by World War I made the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia possible, which brought world Communism into existence. Hitler and Germany recognized world Communism, with its base in the Soviet Union, as an existential threat to Western, Christian Civilization, and he dedicated himself and Germany to a death struggle against it. Far from being the disturber of European peace, Germany served as a bulwark which prevented Communist revolution from sweeping over Europe. The pity was that the United States and Britain did not see Communist Russia in the same light, ultimately with disastrous consequences for Western Civilization. The author believes that Britain and the United States joined the wrong side in the war.
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Re: Why are the Nazis considered the bad guys?

Post by Moretorque »

Mr. Wu you are a very persistent man, Fschmidt will probably be receiving papers on how to deal with you and your type. :(
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Re: Why are the Nazis considered the bad guys?

Post by Winston »

Check out this shocking pamphlet called "Germany Must Perish!" that US historians and textbooks never tell you about. Even Wikipedia has an entry on it.!

Germany Must Perish! is a 104-page book written by Theodore Newman Kaufman, and self-published by him in 1941. The book advocated the genocide through sterilization of all Germans and the territorial dismemberment of Germany. Kaufman founded the Argyle Press in Newark, New Jersey, United States, in order to self-publish this book. He was the sole proprietor of the Argyle Press and it is not known to have published any other works.

The National Socialist German Workers Party used the book, written by a Jewish author, to support their argument that Jews were plotting against their country.[1]
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Post by Yohan »

Jonny Law wrote:Nazis are considered bad guys because they were.
During that time it was kill or be killed.
This is true, for sure the other side, the Russians under Stalin were nothing better.

The same can be said about the Japanese. The bad is always the one who lost the war.

But after the end of WWII, without any Japanese military even existing, there was no peace and wars were going on nevertheless, the Korean War took place without a single Japanese in combat. The result is a divided Korea up to today.

The Japanese had nothing to do with the Vietnam War either or did they have anything to do with internal conflicts, like the Cambodian genocide or China's Great Leap Forward, which was ending with millions of dead.
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Re: Why are the Nazis considered the bad guys?

Post by Blue Murder »

History is written by the victors.
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Post by Vegascook »

Winston wrote:Why is it that when Hitler kills a lot of people, it's considered an atrocity and evil crime, but when the US kills a lot of people, like in Vietnam or Iraq, it's considered just an honest mistake? Isn't that a humongous double standard?
Simple it's a blatant double standard referred to as "American Exceptionality" within the political science community. "The American Creed Does It Matter Should It Change" by Michael Lind essentially sums up this concept in his essay with the quote "The United States, compared to other countries, is unusually good." The US government can kill millions of people across the world because most Americans want to believe that our nation is simple better than every other nation in human history. Much can be condoned with an attitude of supremacy combined with ignorance and delusion. People in the US are willingly ignorant of both American History and the history of every nation we have ever waged war with. Hitler killed several million people through his military and concentration camps, however he killed far fewer people than FDR or Churchill. About 100 million people died in WWII and Hitler is considered evil mostly because he was on the losing side of the war. Through his leadership a broken, defeated nation rose up out of a world-wide depression and resumed its place as an innovative center for commerce and industry. He is demonized mostly because liberals fear the appeal of fascism as well as the results it often achieves. Under wise leadership fascist regimes have strengthened formerly weak nations, nothing is more feared by liberal pantywastes than people who achieve results no matter what. Vietnam for example started out as a "policing action" when liberals wanted to aid people fighting for their freedom and then degenerated into an undeclared war because cowards were allowed to second guess the soldiers. According to American Exceptionality the Vietnam War can't be an American crime because liberals are never evil and America doesn't commit evil. Hitler was a small fry compared to America, we're more responsible for genocide than any other nation in human history, but the average American is delusional about it. Vietnam and Iraq could never be truly called mistakes because both wars were willful acts against undeserving opponents. Ho Chi Minh sent diplomatic messages to America seeking peace and the offer of neutrality in the Cold War. Saddam Hussein was just some stupid jackass who pissed off the Bush family by trying to have have George Bush Sr. assassinated and then the halfwit son sought revenge under the WMD excuse. America is different because we're led by fools who lie to even bigger fools and tell them what they want to hear. The US government will continue to commit mass murder until it destroys itself in an ever increasing series of completely incompetent domestic and foreign policy decisions. Armchair generals and social engineers will eventually push their BS so far that even the biggest half-wit in this nation will no longer eat the honey laced manure dispensed served on the daily "news."
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Re: Why are the Nazis considered the bad guys?

Post by droid »

liberals fear the appeal of fascism as well as the results it often achieves. Under wise leadership fascist regimes have strengthened formerly weak nations, nothing is more feared by liberal pantywastes than people who achieve results no matter what.

...Armchair generals and social engineers will eventually push their BS so far that even the biggest half-wit in this nation will no longer eat the honey laced manure dispensed served on the daily "news."
^^And This
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Re: Why are the Nazis considered the bad guys?

Post by Adama »

Cornfed wrote:Some claim the Nazis were installed in power as part of a conspiracy to bring about a war to end the racial and cultural aspirations of the German people, in which case they would be the bad guys along with everyone else. If on the other hand they were on the level, I don't see how such a belief can be maintained, given post-war events. Surely, taken at face value, they were the last non-traitor regime in Europe, arguably the last Europeans. In just six years they raised Germany from crushing poverty to probably the richest country in the world and eliminated unemployment, largely by standing up to the global bankster system. They made corporations spend a lot to improve the condition of workers and society in general and spread a culture of extended family all-in-this-togetherness. If they had won the war then Europe would be without all the social pathologies currently infesting it - no feminism, nihilism, cultural Marxism, self-loathing, mass immigration of third world genetic trash, depopulation, debt slavery to Jewish banksters etc. Tragically the banksters won, with the men most likely to stand up to them on both sides being killed, and look at the mess we have now.

Because they removed the false tribesmen from positions of power, eliminating their control and fascist grip on Germany and its people. That must be punished severely. Also, the 6 million number got penned on them. So most people honestly believe the Germans are and were evil enough to burn 6 million people. I dont think the truth of this will ever come out. It is too heavily protected by the powerful people of the world, and most regular people do not want to accept truth. They just want to believe what is told to them by powerful people. If people start to love the truth, then they will search it out.
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Re: Why are the Nazis considered the bad guys?

Post by Winston »


Finally, a book that brings justice and fairness to Hitler's side of WW2. A must read for any truth seeker and historian. The pictures of Hitler on the front cover of the book (above) sure make him look very kind and caring. Wow I never knew such positive photos of Hitler existed. ... 511696206/

Mein Side of the Story: Key World War 2 Addresses of Adolf Hitler


*145 Pages / 100 Illustrations*
Our system of justice grants 'prima facie' murderers, rapists and serial killers the opportunity to speak, does it not? Indeed, convicted killers like Charles Manson, David ‘Son of Sam’ Berkowitz, Richard Speck, Jeffrey Dahmer and others have done televised interviews. Even the erroneous and dangerous ranting of Karl Marx is taught, no, glorified, in American Universities.

So, what is so gosh-darn dangerous about merely presenting the opinion of Hitler’s Germany? If that opinion is as evil and as fallacious as it is said to be, then why not present the full story, and then logically refute it? Truth is its own defense, so what is there to fear about simply hearing “the other side”? Do we really believe in “free speech” and “academic freedom” or do we not? Are we like retarded little children that need to be shielded from mere words? Or is somebody hiding something? Hmmm?

In the purportedly American belief that no one has the right to deprive you of access to information, the purpose of putting together 'Mein Side of the Story' is merely to present Germany’s version of the events in regard to the great catastrophic bloodbath known as World War II. This is Hitler’s side of the story, revealed in his own spoken and written words. Only the brief ‘Mein Side’ blurbs and captioned illustrations have been added. A pair of wartime addresses by German Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop and one from Japanese Emperor Hirohito are also included.

The speeches and writings are all 100% authentic. Some have been slightly abridged in order to avoid redundancy and to keep the booklet to a brief length. Modern “court historians” and journalists do not deny the content of these addresses. They can’t. Instead, they simply ignore them, childishly denouncing anyone who does attempt to resurrect them as “Nazi”, or “anti-Semitic”.

The common theme that runs throughout these addresses is that Germany, and also Japan, believed that World War II was imposed upon them. You don’t have to agree with that assessment. You don’t have to like it. In fact, you can even laugh at it. But it is their point-of-view, or at least, their stated point-of-view. It is a position that, until now, you have not been permitted to even hear. Indeed, it is only via the miracle of the Internet that these documents have again become accessible to those willing to snoop around and dig them up from the memory hole of buried history.

Do with these words as you will. Just don’t shoot your humble messenger for putting these highly interesting addresses together for your consideration.
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Re: Why are the Nazis considered the bad guys?

Post by Winston »

On Red Ice Radio, Benton Bradberry explains why the Nazis were not the bad guys and the true story of how and why WW1 and WW2 started. He is the author of "The Myth of Germany Villainy". I've read his book and it's very scholarly and informative.

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Re: Why are the Nazis considered the bad guys?

Post by starchild5 »

Red Ice Radio from Sweden has been ousted as CIA many many times...BE CAREFUL with that guy...Henrik Palmgren.
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Re: Why are the Nazis considered the bad guys?

Post by Moretorque »

starchild5 wrote:Red Ice Radio from Sweden has been ousted as CIA many many times...BE CAREFUL with that guy...Henrik Palmgren
Very rarely is any of their content worth a $hit, occasionally he surprises with a good topic and guest.

That guy is legitimate as well as MS King but too often Henicks show does nothing but flame racial division and hatred..........

The other show with the girl host he promotes is even worse than Red ICE.
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Re: Why are the Nazis considered the bad guys?

Post by Eric »

What about Tsarion? Is he CIA too?
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Re: Why are the Nazis considered the bad guys?

Post by Winston »

Moretorque wrote:
starchild5 wrote:Red Ice Radio from Sweden has been ousted as CIA many many times...BE CAREFUL with that guy...Henrik Palmgren
Very rarely is any of their content worth a $hit, occasionally he surprises with a good topic and guest.

That guy is legitimate as well as MS King but too often Henicks show does nothing but flame racial division and hatred..........

The other show with the girl host he promotes is even worse than Red ICE.
How is henrik palmgren a CIA shill? Come on. Hes just an angry jaded guy from sweden who hates the system. You can sense his hatred in his voice. Hes very alternative and anti establishment and like me, has a penchant for talking about unconventional stuff.

But yeah the problem is that he has no solution to anything. And when i contacted him about the HA solution he was totally closed off to it. Perhaps they dont want solutions. They just want to wallow in paranoia.

He is also more american than european. Europeans do not have the same view as american patriots or truthers or conspiracy buffs. They do not subscribe so much power and control to government or blame government for everything like all their freedom depends on it. Government paranoia is an american thing.
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Re: Why are the Nazis considered the bad guys?

Post by Winston »

Eric wrote:What about Tsarion? Is he CIA too?
Not CIA. His specialty is more in the occult and secret societies. So some have alleged that he may be an insider into the occult secrets of such secret societies. He seems to know too much about them. But he claims that you can learn about it all from whistleblowers and primary sources if you do the digging and research for years as he has.
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