Was Hitler actually the good guy? Is he wrongly demonized/vilified?

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Post by gsjackson »

Winston wrote:Check this out. What do Lincoln and Hitler have in common? They both tried to print their own currency interest free, rather than borrowing it from the central bank at interest. Hitler did the same with Germany, which angered the central bankers that funded his rise to power. Could this be why they vilified him?

More info below:

The book, Web of Debt, criticized in the piece you link, is the most eye-opening book I have read in many years. It will answer many of the questions you have posed about the fractional reserve system.
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Post by OutWest »

gsjackson wrote:
Winston wrote:Check this out. What do Lincoln and Hitler have in common? They both tried to print their own currency interest free, rather than borrowing it from the central bank at interest. Hitler did the same with Germany, which angered the central bankers that funded his rise to power. Could this be why they vilified him?

More info below:

The book, Web of Debt, criticized in the piece you link, is the most eye-opening book I have read in many years. It will answer many of the questions you have posed about the fractional reserve system.

So with Hitler, vilification by bankers is what created our impression of him, and not for example, the millions of Germans who oppossed him and bore witness to his evil? The hypocrisy of the west of course was to support Stalin and oppose Hitler.

There is an attempt to rehabilitate both of these despots, rather than expose the extent to which many Western elites supported them and millions of Americans were sympathizers. At one point, as the German war machine ran short of tetra-ethyl lead for aviation fuel used in the bombardment of England, Rockefeller's Standard Oil provided a rush shipment of 500 tons so they could stay in business.
Before they war, polls showed about a third of the US population as supportive of Hitler.

Despotic regimes were the ruin of Europe and will be the ruin of the US as well.

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Post by MrPeabody »

Do some research of World War II propaganda, and you will see that Japanese were characterized as being sub humans. After the war the propaganda went away and now nobody remembers. However, the propaganda and distortions against the German regime continue untouched because it provides a convenient deflection for the Anglo plutocracy. A symbol of evil that they defeated is useful for them. In Germany historians are serving prison sentences for trying to find the truth. This is proof that powerful people don't want to change the prevailing view. The Anglo establishment was determined to foil Germany which was turning into an advanced technical society and viable competitor to the British Empire. Hence the unjust Treaty of Versailles which drove millions of Germans into poverty and hyperinflation of currency. Hitler brought full employment in less than five years which is why the Germans appreciated him. He cared about his people. Today we are ruled by a plutocracy that has no face and cares only about the increase of their power. We are being turned into a multicultural blob with no identity and hence no way to organize a leader that represents us. It's all quite intentional.
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Post by Winston »

This freethinker on YouTube seems to be very aware and know a lot about what's going on. Here he explains why what we've been told about Hitler is mostly false propaganda and lies. He makes a lot of good points with supporting examples.

See more freethinking videos on his channel:

Last edited by Winston on April 11th, 2013, 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Winston »

So is there any real evidence that Hitler wanted to conquer the world, or even Europe, and wipe out the Jewish race? Or is that all fiction? What does it say in Mein Kampf, and is it all in his original words?

Btw, check this out:


http://lovkap.blogspot.com/2011/05/why- ... -jews.html
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Post by Winston »

ladislav wrote:He killed people in my family. People who did not do anything bad to him.
The US military did not kill people in my family. Also, it has not killed some 20,000,000 people.
And the US is seen as the Devil by those whose people had been killed by it. It is not seen as the Devil by those who did not suffer on account of it.
The US does bad but it also does a lot of good for the world. And it is loved by those to whom it does good.

Hitler did not do anything good for the world except for Germany.
Our race is the Master Race. We Jews are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." - Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset quoted in Begin and the Beasts," New Statesman, June 25, 1982 by Amnon Kapeliouk
A lot of such quotes as well as passages from Talmud are fake. Plus the Jews do not refer to themselves as a race. Very rare. Never in public speeches.
How exactly did the Nazis kill members of your family? Did they just go into their homes and shoot them for no reason? Or was it in retaliation for something or during a battle? Why would they just shoot people for no reason?

Is it your belief that Hitler was a mass murderer who wanted to take over the world? How do you know that? Do you believe everything you hear? Have you ever heard his side of the story or listened to what he actually said, rather than what you were told he said?

Do you believe that Jews were 100 percent innocent and that Hitler had zero basis for hating them?
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Post by Winston »

So why is Hitler the most demonized person in history? Does he really deserve that?

Why aren't other dictators as demonized? Isn't it because of the Jewish factor?
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Post by ladislav »

How exactly did the Nazis kill members of your family? Did they just go into their homes and shoot them for no reason? Or was it in retaliation for something or during a battle? Why would they just shoot people for no reason?
They came, rounded people up, took them to a ravine on the outskirts of town and shot them. Thiers was a policy of ethnic extermination of unarmed groups. They rounded up and shot gypsies, Jews and homosexuals. All of them. This is how things used to be done in Europe. With religious and ethnic minorities. This group- all out. It is called ethnic cleansing.

During battles you fight armies under a certain flag. If you go and kill unarmed civilians because of race/religion/ethnicity, that is genocide.

Do you believe that Jews were 100 percent innocent and that Hitler had zero basis for hating them?

He should not have generalized and he had no business going to countries around him and rounding up shoemakers, taylors and kids and shooting them because they belonged to this or that race.

Europeans think in terms of groups, and punish people collectively for the perceived fault of a few.

I will answer your question with an example. Let's say in the Philippines there are many ethnic Chinese who are money lenders and who run factories. Suddenly, a charismatic leader comes and declares to all Filipinos- and to Thais, Malaysians and all people around SE Asia that thier problems are because of the ethnic Chinese. All the ethnic Chinese are rounded up, many women are raped, stores are burnt, most are taken to extermination camp and shot. Oh, by the way you are also put into a cattle cart with other Chinese and your son is also taken into a camp to be shot. He is half Chinese. All of you die. Your guilt? You are of Chinese blood.

Now, let me ask you this question- were the Chinese 100% innocent and the leader was 100% a monster? You are crying in front of your son who has a bullet in his head and you are next to get a bullet. You did not do anything bad, did not lend money, did not suck anyone's blood.

Well, you see, in the charismatic leader's hometown, there was a Chinese store owner and he treated his father bad and fired him. Therefore, now all the millions of ethnic Chinese in SE Asia are guilty with kids and all. The rich, the poor everyone. See my drift?

Actually something like that already happened in Indonesia in 1998.
So why is Hitler the most demonized person in history? Does he really deserve that?

Why aren't other dictators as demonized? Isn't it because of the Jewish factor?
Because he caused a lot of foreign deaths, more that any other person. Is it like 40 million? The USSR lost like 27 million people. And what about Poland, Czech, etc. The Jewish factor is also a factor because Hollywood movies are often made by Jews, but you still have to admit that as far as killing people not of his own race, he was #1.

Stalin and Mao supposedly killed more but they did it with their own people without invading other countries. So, it stayed contained.
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Post by Winston »

Here is the website of a German historian and military officer who dug into the original historical archives and discovered that Hitler did not really start WWII as we were all taught, but tried his best to prevent it.


It's in German but you can translate it with Google Translate at:


If you are on Google Chrome browser, it will ask you automatically if you want to translate it.
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Post by Winston »

Ok I just saw this documentary that Mr S recommended and posted that presents the other side of WWII that we were never told:

Hitler's War: What the Historians Neglect to Mention

And checked out this website by a German historian who found out from the historical archives that we were not told the truth about WWII:

Wow that was very eye opening. Apparently, WWII isn't what we've been told it was. We've been taught that Hitler was a cartoon villain who wanted to take over the world, while the Allies were good guys who were fighting for freedom and liberation. But according to the facts of the film:

- Hitler didn't actually start a world war and never intended to either. He only attacked Poland because of irreconcilable border disputes over land in Poland occupied by German immigrants there who were being treated badly. He only intended the war to be between Germany and Poland.

- It was France and Britain who declared war against Germany first, not the other way around. In response, Hitler tried to avoid fighting them by asking for a peace negotiation. He even offered to pull out of Poland as long as he could keep the land in dispute. But France and Britain refused his peace negotiations and were dead set on war with Germany for some reason. I wonder why. Why were they so set on destroying Nazi Germany? Were they or their elites threatened by it?

What this means is that it was FRANCE and BRITAIN who turned Hitler's war with Poland into a WORLD WAR, by declaring war on Germany and doing everything they could to escalate a world war. In other words, Hitler wanted peace, but the Allies didn't. Isn't that shocking? Doesn't it go against everything we've been taught?

- So we gotta wonder, if France and Britain wanted to attack Germany for invading Poland, what was their motivation? If it was moralistic or altruistic (as they would have you believe) then why didn't they attack Russia for invading Eastern Europe at the same time that Hitler invaded Poland? In fact, why don't they attack every invading country in the world, including the USA (for invading Vietnam and Iraq)? Why did they single out Germany?

The Allies' logic is not consistent. It seems that something else was going on. But what? Here is a conspiracy theory I heard. It goes like this:

Hitler was brought up and funded by the international banking elite. He was funded by US corporations after all. Otherwise, there's no way his orating skills alone could bring Germany from bankruptcy to super power. Western historians never mention this and erroneously attribute German's rise to world super power on Hitler's orating skills alone, which is nonsensical and unrealistic. But that's all Western historians know for some reason.

But somehow, he betrayed this international banking cartel (mostly run by Jews) by issuing currency through German banks rather than borrowing from the banksters to put Germany in debt, which is what the banksters wanted. Hitler cared more about the German people and about being virtuous, not corrupt. So he did what he felt was best for the German people, and ended corruption in his country as well. Furious and feeling betrayed, the banksters decided to take him out and make an example out of him. Hitler and his ways which made Germany successful in economics and societal life, were a threat to the banksters, who feared that other countries may follow the successful example of Nazi Germany. In fact, Hitler was even named "Man of the Year" in Time magazine for what he did for Germany.

So these banksters started a plot to take out Hitler and end Nazi Germany. Since they owned the politicians and government in Britain, France, and the USA, they pulled their levers in these countries so that they would be aiming to start a world war against Hitler to take him and his shining role model society out. They also tried to manipulate Stalin into attacking Germany as well. So, the Allies, under control of the banksters, did everything they could to bait Hitler into attacking Poland so that they would have an excuse to start a war with him. In fact, in some of Hitler's speeches that are available on video archives, he even said that the Allies had a tendency to bait him into fighting, and that he preferred peace and saw war as a waste of his time and resources. Hitler said he preferred to build his society rather than fight wars.

In engineering WWII, these banking elites accomplished several goals that helped consolidate their power:

1. They took out Hitler who was a threat to them and whom they felt betrayed them. And they made an example out of him. How dare he defy them!
2. They profited from the war which forced governments to borrow money from the international bankers and put themselves in debt. And from military industrial profits as well.
3. They created chaos in Europe and Asia, which they then provided the solution for after the war in the formation of the United Nations, which consolidated their power by giving them more control over more countries. Thus, power went into fewer hands after WWII, just as was intended with the League of Nations after WWI (but which failed for some reason). This is known in conspiracy research and coined by David Icke as "problem, reaction, solution", which works like this:

a) They (the banking elite) first create the problem by engineering a conflict or war.
b) Then the public cries for help and solutions from their leaders, who in turn provide the solution which works in their interests and escalates their hidden agenda (possibly for a New World Order).

4. If the elites and their secret societies (Illuminati, Freemasons) do in fact worship demons, Satan, reptilians, aliens, or occult entities, as theorized, then wars also serve as mass sacrifice rituals for them. Plenty of research has been done to show that these elites are into occult symbolism, which is embedded into every fabric of society - from words, meanings, traditions, and the architectural designs of Washington DC, London and the Vatican. So it does seem that they are into occult practices, symbolism and numerology. Based on that, wars could be a mass sacrifice event for them to appease their "gods" or whatever they worship, in order for them to keep their power and get help in what they want done.

I know that sounds out there, but intellectual conspiracy researchers/gurus like David Icke, Michael Tsarion, Jordan Maxwell and others, have done a lot of published research on this. It would also explain why the elites that run Britain and America love war so much and always seem to want to escalate it, using any excuse they can, which they've been doing for over a century. In fact, America has been involved with more wars than any other country has, and very often, has started them or escalated them. And in doing so, has lied about the reasons for escalating these wars as well. So you gotta ask: Why does the USA want war so badly? Why does it constantly go looking for it? Why is it so gun ho on finding excuses to start wars, that it even has to lie about them?

Surely you don't believe that the reasons are moralistic or altruistic do you? War is never a good thing and never benefits the common people, only the elites, who never even fight in them but always send peasants to fight them.

So what do you all think? Is this how WWII really started and why it was engineered? Or is there another theory that better fits the data?

How many of you believe the official portrayal of WWII that we've been fed, about the Nazis being evil cartoon villains who tried to take over the world and wipe out the Jewish race, for no reason other than hate, lust, greed, and warped ideologies? Is that realistic? Is history, humans or reality ever that black and white? If so, what is the data you have to support this version of WWII? And how do you know it's not been propagandized or distorted to fit the agenda of the victorious? Isn't there a famous quote that says: "History is the propaganda of the victorious"? If so, how do you know if all the propaganda that you've been fed is the actual truth? Especially when you've never even heard from the other side (as the above documentary presents). After all, aren't there two sides to every story? If so, why do you assume that only one side has the whole truth? Haven't you falsely believed that "authority=truth" simply because that's how you were programmed and conditioned?

What's the truth here?
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Post by Hero »

terminator wrote:I've been thinking a lot about this. I see little difference in America invading country after country and Hitler doing it.
The USA has been very generous to the countries that it's occupied, including Germany. Germany just plundered the countries that it occupied.
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Post by Hero »


Hey Winston, here's a theory: Hitler was misunderstood. As a vegetarian, he was fanatical about the fact that whole fruits and vegetables were superior to their juices. So one day he said "I really hate juice. Get rid of all juice." Unfortunately somebody heard "Jews" instead of juice, and the rest is history :(
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Post by Winston »

Hero wrote:
terminator wrote:I've been thinking a lot about this. I see little difference in America invading country after country and Hitler doing it.
The USA has been very generous to the countries that it's occupied, including Germany. Germany just plundered the countries that it occupied.
Like it's been generous to Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam? Like the US didn't plunder Iraq or Afghanistan or install oil lines? Yeah right.

Germany liberated Austria and was greeted by the Austrians with open arms. Same with Ukraine. It didn't attack a country unless it was provoked.

What you said didn't address any of the questions or issues in this thread. Nor have you provided evidence for what you say.
Hero wrote: http://hipsterhitler.com/category/comics/

Hey Winston, here's a theory: Hitler was misunderstood. As a vegetarian, he was fanatical about the fact that whole fruits and vegetables were superior to their juices. So one day he said "I really hate juice. Get rid of all juice." Unfortunately somebody heard "Jews" instead of juice, and the rest is history
Humor doesn't address any of the questions or issues in this thread. Nor does it shed light on any truth. Nor does it reveal any facts.
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Post by fschmidt »

Winston wrote:Humor doesn't address any of the questions or issues in this thread. Nor does it shed light on any truth. Nor does it reveal any facts.
Humor is an appropriate response to absurdity.
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Post by Cornfed »

Hero wrote:
terminator wrote:I've been thinking a lot about this. I see little difference in America invading country after country and Hitler doing it.
The USA has been very generous to the countries that it's occupied, including Germany.
Yep, the way they starved two million German civilians to death and killed hundreds of thousands of captured Germans soldiers by freezing and starvation in open air prision camps was so freaking generous.
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