Amanda Knox - Is she guilty or innocent of murder in Italy?

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Do you think Amanda Knox is innocent or guilty?

She is guilty as sin!
She is innocent and wrongly accused.
She didn't commit the murder but was probably involved at some level and isn't telling everything she knows.
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Re: Amanda Knox - Is she guilty or innocent of murder in Italy?

Post by publicduende »

gsjackson wrote:
October 2nd, 2021, 12:24 pm
Very interesting, PD. Since you have some knowledge of these occult societies, any thoughts on who's ultimately behind the scamdemic? Who are Fauci, Gates, etc. working for?

Edit: Reading up on Franceschetti, it looks like he fingers the usual suspects. It says he identifies recurring themes of Judaism in the ritual murders. Who could have guessed? Also up your alley -- as a City of London vet.
Thanks, but I don't have a lot more knowledge than what I can remember from reading Mr Franceschetti above, and a few more blogs and books. Most of this was quite a few years ago, during a time of intense personal suffering, and most of it has faded away.

I don't think Franceschetti is blaming the Jews. I think it's a bit more complicated than that. The question is: what's the meaning, esoteric (covert) and exoteric (overt), of these ritual murders and who is benefiting from them?

I would imagine that the "prime movers" of all this are the real elites ruling the world with this complex systems of symbols, some of which trace back to the Sumerians and the Babylonians. There might be a few Jewish families involved, like the Rothschild, but I would believe that the majority are connected to the world's ancient aristocracy, with DNA and legacy going back hundreds of years.

As for the City of London, it's actually not 100% accurate. The historical seat of the British Freemasonry is closer to Covent Garden and Holborn. ... 0.1214914

By the way, the large street where these buildings stand is Great Queen Street, and not to honour Queen Elizabeth, but Semiramis, Queen of Babylon. Who, surprise surprise, the Jewish Freemasons who created Columbia Pictures placed as their icon...


Queen Semiramis is traditionally represented by a bird...a dove. Columba, in Latin.

The Statue of Liberty is another representation of Queen Semiramis, donated by the French Freemasons to the nascent American Republic. Just next to New York, the city designated as the new center of the York Rite, aka the American Rite. The Dutch used to call it New Amsterdam, so that name change isn't random.


Just checked on Wikipedia, it looks like Queen Semiramis, or Columb(i)a was chosen to represent American personified.

Just to give you guys the strongest possible esoteric reminder of who has been in charge, ever since...
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Re: Amanda Knox - Is she guilty or innocent of murder in Italy?

Post by gsjackson »

I've read the theory that the Statue of Liberty is not a chick at all, but rather Helios, the sun god. Here he is as the Colossus of Rhodes: ... ajaxserp=0

Now I'll go get the Statue of Liberty for comparison: ... K1XoNyeVnM
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Re: Amanda Knox - Is she guilty or innocent of murder in Italy?

Post by Winston »

Yes that's fascinating PD. Whether one believes in conspiracies or not, logic alone should tell you that if nothing stacks up and the evidence is inconsistent, that means a third party was involved or there is an X factor involved that isn't being accounted for. Especially since Amanda and Raffael are sketchy about what happened the night of the murder.

However, I still don't get something. What would be the point of such an occult ritual murder? Why are they necessary? Who benefits from them?

If your theory is correct, then it would explain other bizarre murders and abductions that were never explained, such as the JonBenet Ramsey case, the Madeleine McCann case, etc. If high level people were involved, then they cannot be solved.

But why the media circus and publicity? If I was an elite and wanted to kill someone I would not have the media cover it. I'd keep it discreet and tell the media to ignore it. Is it because the media needs to spread fear of murder and violence to keep people in fear? That's the impression I get.

I've come to suspect that we live in a PURGATORY here, that's why there is so much suffering and only a few pleasures. Because suffering feeds the matrix, so it has to be engineered and brought out as much as possible. It's like a tax we pay for being here, so we all have to suffer to some degree, even if we are rich and have a comfortable life. Because the purpose of purgatory is to suffer, so we all gotta pay our fare share of it. If that's so, then these occult ritual killings may be a form of feeding the purgatorial matrix? That's the impression I get. It would explain a lot if true. Very disturbing though.

This would also explain Murphy's Law and why there seems to be a perverse force that likes to skew things against you in a consistent manner that chance alone cannot account for, as if it were deliberately trying to maximize your suffering. That's why life and this world contain a lot of UNNECESSARY and EXCESSIVE suffering, pain, disappointment, and bad luck, much more than would be needed if this matrix were just a learning environment or training school for the soul. This perverse force must be controlled by some AI or automated system, like the kind that regulates all the cells and organs in your body, or like the automated system that runs computer servers. Its purpose is to extract more suffering, stress, fear, anger, and frustration from us than we would like, in order to feed the purgatorial matrix which feeds on suffering. That's why this world and all life on it, seem to be parasitic in nature. Because it's all designed for suffering and this matrix itself is a giant organism that feeds on suffering and pain. I know all this is grim, but it would explain a lot of things in general about life and this world.

Also, how could Kercher's father be involved? No man would want his own daughter to be killed right? Was he a sociopath or was he sucked into it? Why didn't Kercher's family know about his connections to the Masons?

Since Amanda's DNA wasn't at the crime scene, and Guede's was, it seems Amanda may not have been there and was framed. And Guede was in a trance or hypnotized, so he may not remember anything. But why would all them keep quiet and not disclose the cult connections to this?

Also, why would Amanda Knox wanna sit in jail for several years and waste her life? What would she get out of that? Why didn't she expose this cult? Maybe she had no knowledge of it and was just framed as a patsy for the media circus?

The fact that Kercher's phone was thrown into the bushes to be found later by a woman in her backyard is suspect too. What are the odds of that? And why would the killer throw her phone in the bushes rather than put it somewhere where it could not be found at all? Or just throw it in the trash?

What about the prosecutor Mignini? He posited that Satanic cults were involved in the Kercher case and the Monster of Florence murders. So if he was part of the cover up, why would he draw attention to Satanic cults?

Either way, if this kind of theory is true, it is very disturbing. It means there is a big dark underground world we don't know about. Why would so many people be involved in it?

Btw, your article that you posted supports my theory that we are controlled by invisible forces. See below. ... tr_pto=nui
Most human beings are moved by impulses that are not theirs: behind the external events there are spiritual forces . Only by applying this vision is it possible to truly understand the mechanisms of power : the characters we see in power, in fact, are puppets of non-human entities , just as behind the news cases there are forces that push people to commit murders and other crimes.
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Re: Amanda Knox - Is she guilty or innocent of murder in Italy?

Post by Winston »

gsjackson wrote:
October 2nd, 2021, 1:40 pm
I've read the theory that the Statue of Liberty is not a chick at all, but rather Helios, the sun god. Here he is as the Colossus of Rhodes: ... ajaxserp=0

Now I'll go get the Statue of Liberty for comparison: ... K1XoNyeVnM
I thought the Statue of Liberty is a woman? She is called Lady Liberty right? I heard that she is based on Mithras of Mithraism. There are images of Mithras that look like the Statue of LIberty and its crown of rays too. Lots of figures probably could fit the bill. But the crown has run rays so it probably is connected to sun worship. It's designer was a French Freemason too.

Supposedly, District of Columbia, Columbia Pictures, and Space Shuttle Columbia are all named after this goddess. But isn't a goddess a good thing, like a symbol of the divine feminine and of nurturing and compassion, like the Virgin Mary? Why would it be something bad?
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Re: Amanda Knox - Is she guilty or innocent of murder in Italy?

Post by Winston »

Here is Paolo Franceschetti's article on the Meredith Kercher murder: ... to-meredi/

Some key excerpts from it: (translated by google)
I've been dealing with ritual crimes for a few years now. I was able to see that the same elements always recur in them:

- lack of the murder weapon;

- lack of a serious established motive;

- contradiction (or even "falsity") of the testimonies collected;

- contradictory scientific evidence;

- esoteric symbology relating to the date, place and time of the crime.

The lack of the murder weapon then unites the Meredith crime with other crimes in Italian judicial history: Erba, Cogne, the crimes of the Monster of Florence and those of the Beasts of Satan, Garlasco, and many others.

In this case, the lack of motive is clearly indicated in those "futile reasons" which constitute the aggravating circumstance of the murder for which Knox, Sollecito and Guedé were sentenced in the first instance. Now, that a single killer can kill for futile reasons is plausible; but that three people can kill for no reason becomes quite unlikely , unless it is proven that they have long been hardened killers.

Another feature common to this process as to many others I have dealt with is the total, absurd, insane, lack of collaboration between the various parts of the process .

Let me explain.

If Raffaele Sollecito and Amanda Knox are truly innocent, one wonders why their families do not collaborate with Meredith's to seek the truth in common, because they do not exchange information, collaborations, results, which would be to the full advantage of speed. results, and research efficiency.

Unfortunately, the answer is sadly known to me.

Whoever organizes these crimes has every interest not to bring out the truth and to confuse the waters as much as possible.

This design includes the work of pitting everyone against everyone, so that, in the end, the only real winner in this affair is the one or those who organized the crime .

If everyone really worked together for this purpose, the search for truth would become easier, because only the murderer would be left to lie.

I cannot therefore say who is responsible for this crime, if the culprits indicated are really such or not, if there are other culprits and how many. What I hear with certainty, however, is that the truth is different, compared to the confused and contradictory one that emerged in the various degrees of the process . And I feel I can say that this truth will never come to light, until the police and judiciary decide to use other approaches with this type of crime , and until the so-called ritual killings are finally studied and deepened , and until a defensive culture emerges. that sees the lawyer not at the service of the lie and "against" the prosecutor and the families of the victims, but at their service in the search for the truth.
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Re: Amanda Knox - Is she guilty or innocent of murder in Italy?

Post by publicduende »

Winston wrote:
October 2nd, 2021, 1:50 pm
Yes that's fascinating PD. Whether one believes in conspiracies or not, logic alone should tell you that if nothing stacks up and the evidence is inconsistent, that means a third party was involved or there is an X factor involved that isn't being accounted for. Especially since Amanda and Raffael are sketchy about what happened the night of the murder.

However, I still don't get something. What would be the point of such an occult ritual murder? Why are they necessary? Who benefits from them?
That's everybody's question. Nobody knows. We can only speculate that these murder have the purpose of entertaining the top echelons of these elites, or perpetuate their power or strength via some complex magic machinery.

The thing that is certain is that every single one of these murders, at least the ones Paolo Franceschetti pointed a light on, have recurring elements which are easily spotted once you know the basic symbology of occult societies like the Order of the Red Rose.
Winston wrote:
October 2nd, 2021, 1:50 pm
If your theory is correct, then it would explain other bizarre murders and abductions that were never explained, such as the JonBenet Ramsey case, the Madeleine McCann case, etc. If high level people were involved, then they cannot be solved.
There have been literally thousands of ritual murders all over the world. For some reason, Italy seems to be a privileged stage for these events.
Winston wrote:
October 2nd, 2021, 1:50 pm
But why the media circus and publicity? If I was an elite and wanted to kill someone I would not have the media cover it. I'd keep it discreet and tell the media to ignore it. Is it because the media needs to spread fear of murder and violence to keep people in fear? That's the impression I get.
The media circus built around it is an integral part of the ritual. It's the exoteric, or overt, visible to all, part. The guys at the top of the media networks are all associated to these societies and are either trained to recognise a ritual murder, or purposely instructed to act in a certain way.

Franceschetti believes this esoteric vs exoteric is consistent with the way the occult societies have acted throughout history, from Babylon onwards: always giving the public something easy they can chew, while brewing something deeper and usually more sinister that is encoded or hidden away from public sight, only accessible to their members.
Winston wrote:
October 2nd, 2021, 1:50 pm
I've come to suspect that we live in a PURGATORY here, that's why there is so much suffering and only a few pleasures. Because suffering feeds the matrix, so it has to be engineered and brought out as much as possible. It's like a tax we pay for being here, so we all have to suffer to some degree, even if we are rich and have a comfortable life. Because the purpose of purgatory is to suffer, so we all gotta pay our fare share of it. If that's so, then these occult ritual killings may be a form of feeding the purgatorial matrix? That's the impression I get. It would explain a lot if true. Very disturbing though.

This would also explain Murphy's Law and why there seems to be a perverse force that likes to skew things against you in a consistent manner that chance alone cannot account for, as if it were deliberately trying to maximize your suffering. That's why life and this world contain a lot of UNNECESSARY and EXCESSIVE suffering, pain, disappointment, and bad luck, much more than would be needed if this matrix were just a learning environment or training school for the soul. This perverse force must be controlled by some AI or automated system, like the kind that regulates all the cells and organs in your body, or like the automated system that runs computer servers. Its purpose is to extract more suffering, stress, fear, anger, and frustration from us than we would like, in order to feed the purgatorial matrix which feeds on suffering. That's why this world and all life on it, seem to be parasitic in nature. Because it's all designed for suffering and this matrix itself is a giant organism that feeds on suffering and pain. I know all this is grim, but it would explain a lot of things in general about life and this world.
We could live in a much better world if every man, woman and child on this planet were educated to see the big picture, connect dots to spot the many patterns that reveal the agendas that these occult powers have had for centuries, and are getting closer and closer to achieve.
Winston wrote:
October 2nd, 2021, 1:50 pm
Also, how could Kercher's father be involved? No man would want his own daughter to be killed right? Was he a sociopath or was he sucked into it? Why didn't Kercher's family know about his connections to the Masons?
If he was not directly involved, he was certainly aware of the meaning of his daughter's murder. Was he the ultimate target? Maybe the Scottish Rite (the "red rose") had some reason to inflict punishment on the "white rose", the York/American Rite?
Winston wrote:
October 2nd, 2021, 1:50 pm
Since Amanda's DNA wasn't at the crime scene, and Guede's was, it seems Amanda may not have been there and was framed. And Guede was in a trance or hypnotized, so he may not remember anything. But why would all them keep quiet and not disclose the cult connections to this?
Because that means death. An Italian singer-songwriter who was very popular in the 70s, Rino Gaetano, started to hint at elements and even making names of occult societies members in his songs. He died at 30, while his career was still ongoing, by a car accident. He died mysteriously in an ambulance because several hospitals in Rome refused to take him in, with the excuse that their ERs were full.
Winston wrote:
October 2nd, 2021, 1:50 pm
Also, why would Amanda Knox wanna sit in jail for several years and waste her life? What would she get out of that? Why didn't she expose this cult? Maybe she had no knowledge of it and was just framed as a patsy for the media circus?
Amanda, Raffaele and Rudy were just puppets. Rudy was chosen as the folk devil and Amanda and Raffaele bounced around the Italian judicial system, facing judges who absolutely knew this was "one of those cases" and knew what to do

All I know is Raffaele lost 10 years of his life. I think I told his dad is a respected urologist and my dad's acquaintance. They lost more than 2 million Euros in legal expenses and Raffaele still owes more than 500K Euros to his legal team, headed by Giulia Bongiorno, one of Italy's superstar lawyers.

The good thing is he's moved on. I have him as a LinkedIn contact and just checked him out: he has a respectable job as a full-stack software developer. He asked the Italian government for millions of Euros of reparation costs but there's no guarantee he will have any money, ever.
Winston wrote:
October 2nd, 2021, 1:50 pm
The fact that Kercher's phone was thrown into the bushes to be found later by a woman in her backyard is suspect too. What are the odds of that? And why would the killer throw her phone in the bushes rather than put it somewhere where it could not be found at all? Or just throw it in the trash?

What about the prosecutor Mignini? He posited that Satanic cults were involved in the Kercher case and the Monster of Florence murders. So if he was part of the cover up, why would he draw attention to Satanic cults?

Either way, if this kind of theory is true, it is very disturbing. It means there is a big dark underground world we don't know about. Why would so many people be involved in it?
The entire picture doesn't make sense and is created to maximise confusion and entertainment value for the masses. This is how it's always been played. It's part and parcel of the mechanics.
Winston wrote:
October 2nd, 2021, 1:50 pm
Btw, your article that you posted supports my theory that we are controlled by invisible forces. See below. ... tr_pto=nui
Most human beings are moved by impulses that are not theirs: behind the external events there are spiritual forces . Only by applying this vision is it possible to truly understand the mechanisms of power : the characters we see in power, in fact, are puppets of non-human entities , just as behind the news cases there are forces that push people to commit murders and other crimes.
If you read between the lines, Franceschetti repeats what David Icke used to say and write about. These demonic forces don't control everyone. They are purposely summoned by members of these occult elites using rituals and other symbolism. Icke also believes that there is some DNA-based affinity that creates a generational connection with these entities.

We as an unwitting population may be ruled by these elites, all more or less possessed by these supernatural forces. That doesn't mean every single one of us is possessed, or it's easy to be possessed.
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Re: Amanda Knox - Is she guilty or innocent of murder in Italy?

Post by Winston »

One thing I never understood. Why would the killer throw Kercher's phone in the bushes nearby? Why not toss it in a public trash can where it would never be found if turned off?

Check out these new Roberta Glass podcasts about Amanda Knox. They are very incriminating. Apparently there is a ton of evidence against Knox, both physical and psychological evidence.

Amanda Knox lies for 3 hrs on the Joe Rogan Show

Summary lists of the evidence for Amanda's guilt in the comments section:
In order to believe that Knox and Sollecito are innocent, you have to overlook the following:

Knox's accusation against her employer, a claim she made after less than TWO HOURS of being interviewed (not 40, like Team Knox would have you believe - this is a proven fact) and stuck to for 3 weeks, letting her innocent boss rot in jail all the while.

The fact that Meredith Kercher’s blood was found mixed inside Knox’s fresh DNA in 5 different spots in the bathroom.

The fact the Knox was bleeding on the day of the murder, and left blood smeared in the bathroom, blood which she herself admits was not there the day before.

Sollecito’s DNA on Meredith’s bra clasp – with a 16 loci match, the probability that the DNA belongs to someone else is one in a trillion, and with only ONE other DNA trace of him in the cottage (cigarette butt) the idea of contamination is near impossible.

Knox’s DNA on the handle of the murder weapon and Meredith’s on the blade. Sollectio tried to explain this by saying he had accidentally pricked Meredith with his knife while she had been at his house. She had never been there.

The THREE sets of bloody footprints, one a match for Guede, one a match for Sollecito, and one in Knox’s size, in her own DNA, mixed with Meredith’s.

The single bloody footprint on the bathmat, which is a perfect match for Sollecito, and also, being the only bloody footprint with no others around it, is undisputed proof a clean up happened.

The blatantly staged crime scene, with glass on TOP of the clothes strewn around, a near impossible window entry point, and not a single trace of Guede anywhere in that room, not to mention the fact Knox and Sollecito ‘knew’ nothing had been taken before anyone had even looked.

The fact that Guede’s footprints lead right out Meredith’s room out the front door and he has an alibi for the rest of the night, meaning we KNOW it wasn’t Guede who returned to the scene hours later, staged a burglary, cleaned up and moved the body.

The fact that Knox’s lamp was found in Meredith’s room with no fingerprints whatsoever – more proof of a clean up.

The incredible amount of changes in her account before, during, and after she was arrested.

Total lack of alibi after multiple attempts, and then Sollecito withdrawing his alibi for her.

Her dubious account of her activity the morning after the murder, including her lies about Meredith’s locked door, her reaction to the blood, and the contradictions to this she makes in her testimony, email home, and in her book.

The fact Knox knew several details about her murder she could not possibly have known: cause of death, position of body, that there had been more than one attacker, that Meredith had been assaulted etc.

The frantic call she made to her mother in the middle of the night that she ‘forgets’ making.

The witness who saw her and Sollecito by the cottage on the murder night.

The shopkeeper who saw her when she claimed to be in her bed sleeping.

Her overall behaviour after the murder.

And I can go on, and on, and on. My point is that, whatever opinion people have as to their guilty or innocence, there is enough evidence to convict, and however many times those claims of “no evidence" are repeated, it doesn't make it true.
1 Why did Knox blame an innocent man of rape & murder in around 45 mins?
2 How did she know a black guy assaulted Meredith two days before autopsy report released?
3 Why is her DNA mixed with Meredith's in 5 samples in 3 areas of crime scene including staged burglary room?
4 Why is Meredith's dna on the blade of the murder weapon?
5 Why is Amanda Knox's dna on the handle of the murder weapon?
6 Why did Sollecito lie in his diary re how Meredith's dna got on the murder weapon found at his apartment?
7 Why did Knox attempt to delay discovery of Meredith's body by lying she always locked her door even for a shower?
8 Why did both lie consistently & repeatedly to investigators?
9 Was Sollecito recently denied compensation for lying consistently & repeatedly to investigators?
10 Why are their bare bloody footprints in luminol?
11 Why is Sollecito's dna in a 17 loci match on Meredith's bra clasp?
12 Why is his bare bloody footprint on a bathmat?
13 How did Knox know Meredith had been moved after her murder?
14 Why was Knox outright evasive on the stand as to how she knew Meredith had been moved?
15 Why was Guede not charged with burglary?
16 Does Guede have any previous convictions for burglary or anything else prior to Meredith's murder?
17 How does the bra clasp lying in a sealed crime scene increase the possibility of contamination?
18 How come 2 samples of dna used to convict Guede (Meredith's sweatshirt & purse) was accepted by the courts despite lying in same sealed crime scene for same amount of time?
19 Please cite the worldwide international body which regulates forensic dna gathering & profiling to ensure they adhere to "International standards"
20 Please provide a list of these "international standards as set forth by this so far unnamed international worldwide body for forensic dna profiling/gathering
21 Did Carla Vechiotti admit under cross examination by prosecutor Manuela Commodi that contamination couldn't have occurred in Dr Stefanoni's lab due to her six day delay between testing?
22 Why did the SC view evidence when they're only mandated to view cases on points of law?
23 Why did SC view case on law points for the black guy?
24 Why did the SC contradict.. themselves when they contradicted Chieffi SC?
25 Why did the SC contradict.. themselves again when they contradicted Giordano SC?
26 Was the evidence submitted to a jury by the SC when acquitting Knox & Sollecito (again simple yes/no will suffice here)
27 Does mere possibility trump evidence submitted to court?
28 If so can mere possibility be applied to all cases wrt trumping evidence submitted in courts?
29 Is it the purpose of an impartial appellate court to moot a new defence for defendants which their own defence hasn't mooted? (again yes or no answer will do)
30 Why has Knox allowed repugnant attacks on the Kercher family on her own creepy & rather disturbing blog which she moderates ergo approves such comments?
31 Did Amanda Knox admit on said blog that she'd previously staged a burglary in Seattle as "a prank"?
Website about the case against Amanda Knox.

It looks like @Contrarian Expatriate might have been right after all about Knox's guilt.
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Re: Amanda Knox - Is she guilty or innocent of murder in Italy?

Post by Winston »

Amanda Knox is returning to Italy again to try to overturn her slander conviction and clear her name. Yeah right. Regardless of what happens, most Italians and half of Americans still think she is guilty or at least involved and knows more than she is telling.

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Re: Amanda Knox - Is she guilty or innocent of murder in Italy?

Post by Winston »

New video analysis by Deception Detective of the Amanda Knox case. What he finds is very incriminating and contains many red flags.

Part 2

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Re: Amanda Knox - Is she guilty or innocent of murder in Italy?

Post by josephty2 »

Guilty or not, blame it on Giorgio Napolitano and his wife.

His wife, the first lady of Italy from 2006 to 2015: She received a degree in law from the University of Naples

Labor law is kinda difficult to understand, especially if the school color is: ● #0b395f color description : Very dark blue.

Amanda made a mistake and didn't leave early enough. Returning home early from an exchange program is permitted. Again, this require(s) gut. It matters less if she did murder or not.
Then again, some people go all the way (cognitive dissonance/fallacy of incomplete evidence).

Eat dates.

The problem is iphones.
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Re: Amanda Knox - Is she guilty or innocent of murder in Italy?

Post by Winston »

Wow here's what @publicduende told me about the Amanda Knox case based on Italian authors who think this was a ritualistic killing, which if true would explain a lot. Don't forget that this murder took place on Halloween which is an occult holiday, which is probably not a coincidence. I've noticed that bad things and bad energy occurs on Halloween.

Can't add much about the Meredith killing, other than a few specialist researchers and lawyer, including a Paolo Franceschetti, have sustained the idea that this was a ritual murder, as there have been a few more in the past in Italy.

Here's a summary from Paolo Franceschetti, translated into English by ChatGPT.

I've been dealing with ritual crimes for several years now. I've been able to observe that they always involve the same elements:

– Lack of the murder weapon;

– Lack of a serious established motive;

– Contradictions (or even "falsehoods") in the collected testimonies;

– Contradictory scientific evidence;

– Esoteric symbolism related to the date, place, and time of the crime.

Let's start with this last characteristic. Even in Meredith's murder, the first thing that catches the eye (and the only thing that is always overlooked by the investigators) is the symbolism. The date of the crime (the day of the dead), the theosophical sum of the date (13, the number of death), the victim's name (Meredith Susan Care; Susanna is the Hebrew name indicating the rose and the lily), the names of the alleged murderers (Amanda calls to mind the basic concept of Rosicrucian philosophy and belief: love).

We could go on for quite a while, but the truth is that from a judicial point of view such elements are of little use; however, they should serve as a guideline, indicating right from the start that behind events like this there is, very likely, much more than what appears on the surface. The absolute ignorance of the police and judiciary in the field of ritual crimes means that these clues are completely overlooked, causing irreparable damage to the investigations.

The absence of the murder weapon is another common feature in Meredith's case, along with other cases in Italian judicial history: Erba, Cogne, the crimes of the Monster of Florence and those of the Beasts of Satan, Garlasco, and many others.

The lack of a motive is another recurring element. The motive, in legal terms, is that motivation for the crime which, although it does not precisely indicate the perpetrator, constitutes a piece in the overall reconstruction and in attributing a crime to a given perpetrator.

In the various ritual crimes of Italian judicial history, we always find absolutely improbable motives (the mother of Cogne who kills the child because he has a big head; the spouses of Erba who, to preserve the peace of their home, choose the singular method of exterminating the whole family; Alberto Stasi who, motivated by an unproven "jealousy", decides to kill his girlfriend for no apparent reason; and so on).

In this case, the lack of motive is clearly indicated in those "trivial reasons" that constitute the aggravating factor of the murder for which Knox, Sollecito, and Guede were convicted in the first instance. Now, it is plausible that a single murderer may kill for trivial reasons; but it becomes quite unlikely that three people can kill without a reason, unless it can be proven that they were already hardened killers.

The testimonies, like the defendants' depositions, are often contradictory and confused for a simple reason. The person who organizes the crime ensures (directly or more often indirectly) to convince witnesses or defendants to lie about certain circumstances, convincing the person that it is in their interest not to suffer greater procedural damage.

This, however, has the sole purpose of shaking up certain procedural positions and making the overall picture more confused.

Another common characteristic to this trial and many others I have dealt with is the total, absurd, insane lack of collaboration between the various parties to the trial.

Let me explain.

If Raffaele Sollecito and Amanda Knox are truly innocent, one must wonder why their families do not collaborate with Meredith's to seek the truth together, why they do not exchange information, collaborations, results, which would be of great advantage to the speed of results, and efficiency in research.

The answer, unfortunately, is sadly known to me.

Those who organize these crimes have every interest in keeping the truth from emerging and in muddying the waters as much as possible.

In this plan, the work of setting everyone against everyone fits in, so that, in the end, the only real winner in this affair is he or they who have organized the crime.

In this misdirection, lawyers play an essential role. People forget - everyone forgets, even taking for granted the opposite - that the lawyer, according to the code of ethics, should have the duty to seek the truth, together with the police and the judiciary and, of course, with the relatives of the victims.

If everyone really collaborated for this purpose, the search for the truth would become easier, because only the murderer would be left to lie.

So I cannot say who is responsible for this crime, whether the indicated culprits are really such or not, if there are other culprits and how many. What I feel I can say with certainty, however, is that the truth is different from the confused and contradictory one that emerged in the various stages of the trial. And I feel I can say that this truth will never come to light, until the police and judiciary decide to use other approaches with this type of crime, and until the so-called ritual murders are finally studied and understood, and until a defensive culture emerges that sees the lawyer not serving the lie and "against" the prosecutor and the victims' relatives, but serving them in the search for the truth.

Finally, a quick response to the charges of incompetence leveled by the American press at the Italian judiciary. The fact that our judiciary is incompetent is a fact; but in America, they are not doing better, because when I delved into American judicial affairs, I noticed that they follow the same patterns and procedures as us. Indeed, from this point of view in America, the number of ritual murders with the consequent identification of ad hoc scapegoats is exactly the same as ours (from the case dating back to Charles Manson, to the more recent case of Damien Echols, released just two years ago as innocent after being sentenced to death).
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Re: Amanda Knox - Is she guilty or innocent of murder in Italy?

Post by publicduende »

Winston wrote:
November 20th, 2023, 6:49 am
Wow here's what @publicduende told me about the Amanda Knox case based on Italian authors who think this was a ritualistic killing, which if true would explain a lot. Don't forget that this murder took place on Halloween which is an occult holiday, which is probably not a coincidence. I've noticed that bad things and bad energy occurs on Halloween.
To add to that, all three Meredith, Amanda, and Raffaele were students at Perugia's "University for Foreigner", Italy's top recruiting ground for elite Freemason labour.
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