What's everyones opinion of Occupy Wall Street?

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What's everyones opinion of Occupy Wall Street?

Post by zboy1 »

I just want to what everyone's opinion is about the ongoing Occupy Wall Street protests? Will the movement grow or will it be co-opted by the Democrats and George Soros-- like the Tea Party was by the Koch brothers and the Republican Party. I originally supported the Tea Party until the special interests took over and made the movement a joke. Is this protest a sign of the future for our country, a sign of mass riots and discontent that will eventually cause a civil war or will this protest just fizzle out in the end?

I'm really hoping this movement will cause Americans to wake up from their sleep-induced coma, but I really doubt if it will change the course of our present situation-which is the U.S. turning into a Third-World police state. I don't think aything will change until a violent revolution occurs and Americans of all political stripes overthrows our government.
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Commie occupation? No thank you.

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Re: What's everyones opinion of Occupy Wall Street?

Post by oiltradingacademy »

zboy1 wrote:I just want to what everyone's opinion is about the ongoing Occupy Wall Street protests? Will the movement grow or will it be co-opted by the Democrats and George Soros-- like the Tea Party was by the Koch brothers and the Republican Party. I originally supported the Tea Party until the special interests took over and made the movement a joke. Is this protest a sign of the future for our country, a sign of mass riots and discontent that will eventually cause a civil war or will this protest just fizzle out in the end?

I'm really hoping this movement will cause Americans to wake up from their sleep-induced coma, but I really doubt if it will change the course of our present situation-which is the U.S. turning into a Third-World police state. I don't think aything will change until a violent revolution occurs and Americans of all political stripes overthrows our government.

The whole entire agenda is to create massive chaos in every possible way, to pit everyone against each other in hundreds of different ways, without people realizing this. That way when they pull the plug and the entire financial system, all this built of animosity and hatred will boil over and create massive chaos.....

Then these people god is going to step in and bring peace, he will be a gray alien, I know this both mathematically and scientifically, including something much less scientific, this gray alien came to me in a dream and told me he was God, and I screamed at his that he WAS NOT GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But people of this world do not know that, and they will believe this person, because everything has been setup for people to accept it, on a very complex level.

To the Jews most will accept him as God, and I believe most Christians will also accept, the Muslims already know this person is not God and they will not accept him or worship him.....

Most of the world though in my opinion will worship him, unless God wakes people up to it, but I don't think so because the Bible says, "the deception will be so powerful, that if it were possible, even God's elect would be deceived".....

I will not be deceived because I am one of God's elect, and the Muslims won't be deceived, and people who read the Bible won't really be deceived, and Jews who are called by God won't be deceived, but all the normal people of this world, at least as far as I can tell, will be deceived.....

That's why the Bible says blessed are those who make it this first time around, of which the second death has no power over them......

The ultimate test is coming, whether or not you will follow and worship that which is evil, and that which hates the Living God, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of the Bible, the God who is an all consuming fire, a spirit being, this is the true God, not a gray alien, and Christ is NOT God, Christ is the only begotten Son of God, born directly from God's own spirit......
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Re: What's everyones opinion of Occupy Wall Street?

Post by NorthAmericanguy »

zboy1 wrote:I just want to what everyone's opinion is about the ongoing Occupy Wall Street protests? Will the movement grow or will it be co-opted by the Democrats and George Soros-- like the Tea Party was by the Koch brothers and the Republican Party. I originally supported the Tea Party until the special interests took over and made the movement a joke. Is this protest a sign of the future for our country, a sign of mass riots and discontent that will eventually cause a civil war or will this protest just fizzle out in the end?

I'm really hoping this movement will cause Americans to wake up from their sleep-induced coma, but I really doubt if it will change the course of our present situation-which is the U.S. turning into a Third-World police state. I don't think aything will change until a violent revolution occurs and Americans of all political stripes overthrows our government.

It's about time we see some kind of protest in this country. But from my point of view, I believe their time would be better spent moving abroad to find jobs or moving out to the countrysides and creating a community of their own.

I say this because people can protest all they want, but what is it going to do? The government is not going to give them any money, jobs or food; and nobody in the government will step down unless it's through force.
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Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

I consider it the collective venting of entitled crybabies. Where were they in 2008 when Wall Street was most negligent? Why are they not demonstrating against Congress for funding Wall Street's bailout? Are they venting at most Americans that have some stake in the Wall Street game via 401K's and mutual funds?

This Occupy Wall Street nonsense will result in nothing but sympathy for Wall Street in the final analysis. If they don't like Wall Street, simply don't invest there!
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Post by Hook »

Most of them are protesting the wrong people. They should be protesting the government giving their tax money to Wall Street and the Fed that prints money and disrupts the economy.
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Post by jamesbond »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:I consider it the collective venting of entitled crybabies. Where were they in 2008 when Wall Street was most negligent? Why are they not demonstrating against Congress for funding Wall Street's bailout? Are they venting at most Americans that have some stake in the Wall Street game via 401K's and mutual funds?

This Occupy Wall Street nonsense will result in nothing but sympathy for Wall Street in the final analysis. If they don't like Wall Street, simply don't invest there!
Good points. I have seen some of the protesters being interviewed, they were asked why they are protesting and most could not come up with an intelligent answer! :shock:

Then, they said they hate that the US is suppressing them and keeping them hostage to the evils of capitalism.

After listening to these people I am thinking to myself, WTF? :shock:
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Post by MrPeabody »

The protestors are targeting the heart of the problem - the control of the government by financial interests. The last banking crisis was due to massive mortgage fraud and nobody was prosecuted for their crimes. Instead, Obama picks a financial team from the very same criminals who caused the crisis and puts members of Goldman Sachs in his cabinet. They always talk about the right to fail, but they took ridiculous amounts of risk with faulty financial instruments, but they don't suffer for their failure, instead the taxpayers bail them out. As for people having an interest in Wall Street "caring" for their 401(k)s. What a joke. People facing retirement saw their portfolios drop by more than half. Most men here will work until they drop dead.

Some talk about an imminent collapse, as if it is something to fear. Actually, it is something you should hope for. In the system today, you are just worker bees with little vacation time, and you have to work long hours to support the bloodsuckers at the top of the hierarchy taking all the wealth. You are better off without them. One of the few banks in America that wasn't in danger of collapsing was the Bank of North Dakota, which is a state bank. They keep the money at the local level giving out loans to local people and farmers, and don't depend on the Wall Street bloodsuckers. The key to freedom is a collapse. There are still many people left who know how to organize at the local level, and if there is a breakup of the United States, it will result in a higher standard of living and the criminals who have taken control of the top of the pyramid will fall hard, as well as the worthless ideologies that keep them in power. The same goes for Europe - the collapse of the euro would go far to awakening the people.

During the Revolutionary War, the false conservatives (called "torries") who advocated kissing the King's ass were tarred and feathered and run out of the country.
Last edited by MrPeabody on October 13th, 2011, 8:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Enishi »

Admittingly some of the protesters may be motivated over anger that they weren't able to find a job as a LGBT therapist that they went into hundreds of thousands worth of debt to acquire a diploma for.

However, the anger being directed towards Wall Street is very much warranted. These people have been screwing us over for years and the protests are LONG overdue.

I'm probably going to attend an Occupy Detroit protest coming up later this month myself.
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Post by odbo »

I'm sure the protests are being funded by the bankers that run this country.

We need to protest the stupidity of the population!
Protest people who microwave their food.
Protest people who continue to shop at chains.
Protest people watching films starring Jewish "comedians".
Protest internet addiction.
Protest hip-hop.
Protest all the faggotry you see around you.

Protest the criminal government with your feet. Leave the US.
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Post by gsjackson »

Mr. Peabody is right on the money. The US economy has been torpedoed for decades by the financial sector siphoning off the society's wealth away from the real economy of goods and services and from government. Those criminals blow up their asset bubbles and as a consequence we send all our money off to Wall Street as debt service rather than purchasing goods and services and maintaining public services (such as extracurricular activities at schools).

When I returned to the US in August I went through an excruciatingly slow passport control line at Newark that had people working at only 5 of 26 stations even though it was mid-afternoon on a weekday. The Manhattan skyline is prominent through the huge window as you make your way through the line, and I couldn't help but thinking about the connection between reduced government services such as I was experiencing in the slow line and the second homes in Hampton of all the swells across the river who had stolen the nation's wealth.

As evidenced by this thread, most Americans don't have a clue about who the real enemy is. It's the people who own government, and the rest of us too, to the extent we're debt slaves. Apparently Bloomberg and his cops are ready to break the protestors. It will be a major defeat for democracy if they succeed.
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Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

I still say the anger is misdirected. Why are members of Congress getting a free pass from these people? Congress passes or repeals the federal laws like the bailout, the mortgage regulations, and the criminal white collar statutes. Congress also funds the oversight of Wall Street so if the pets are running amok, hold the owners accountable.

Wall street encompasses not only banks, but is is comprised of securities firms, corporate headquarters too. Are we going to boycott Walmart and Charles Schwab too? Why not CNBC and Bloomberg cable networks that dupe people into losing money everyday. They have big roles to play in this malaise too!

This protest is an incoherent "lashing out" from people who do not understand the nature of what is going on in this economy.

How many of them have taken their bank accounts overseas to more responsible banks that pay 5 to 10 times the interest rate of Wall Street banks? How many of them bought multiple iPods and laptops and other expensive gadgets that they do not really need while they were drowning in debt? It seems to me that the protesters should be angry with themselves, not Wall Street.

This whole thing is a deflection of blame. Yes, Wall Street would sell the US down the river for profit or out of self-interest, but who is the fool who expects any different? Globalization and free trade were Wall Street mantras. They profited hugely, but it is Congress that enabled the now chaotic globalization craze and it incurs little wrath. I don't get it.
Last edited by Contrarian Expatriate on October 13th, 2011, 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by gsjackson »

Congress registers approval ratings below 20 percent. But why go after the bagmen when you know who the heads of the criminal syndicate are. Congress is a wholly owned subsidiary (to change the metaphor) of the financial sector. They won't be anything else until the influence of money is rooted out of politics, but the Supreme Court has now declared such efforts unconstitutional.

Protests against Walmart, which destoys local economies, and against firms that try to suck a gullible public into a rigged stock market, would be welcomed here.

Yes, there's some naivete among the protestors. Many of them are students, and they are making considerable efforts to educate themselves about the issues, holding regular tutorials about the relevant issues at the protest site. But there is a well established intellectual edifice undergirding this movement, including the magazine that launched it, Adbusters. If you want a more mainstream source, Paul Krugman and his paper the NY Times, have been right on top of the issues (the Times has been a reliable ally of Wall Street in the past, but the recent change of editorial page editor seems to have led to some enlightenment on these issues).

Americans have been sucked into every bubble the financial sector has created by the full power of the political and media establishment. Most of them got killed when the housing bubble burst, which was a criminal act, pure and simple. To suggest that the victims of this fraud have only themselves to blame is, as Mr P suggests, sort of like being a Tory during the Revolutionary War.
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Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

gsjackson wrote:They won't be anything else until the influence of money is rooted out of politics....
The money in US politics comes from far wider a net than just Wall Street. Lobbyists and corporate institutions and unions, and special interests groups and PAC's collectively give more than Wall Street.
gsjackson wrote: Americans have been sucked into every bubble the financial sector has created by the full power of the political and media establishment. Most of them got killed when the housing bubble burst, which was a criminal act, pure and simple. To suggest that the victims of this fraud have only themselves to blame is, as Mr P suggests, sort of like being a Tory during the Revolutionary War.
I lost some money (about $400,000) on two investment properties too. However, I take the blame for the decisions I made and I did not put the lion's share of my investment portfolio into real estate. Many Americans did treat real estate like their personal bank accounts however. When the bottom fell out, they cried foul.

I do not consider the housing and stock market drops to be frauds, they are both highly-marketed and regulated ponzi schemes that people are naive about. Most people took the housing and stock market marketing lines HOOK, LINE and SINKER without ever trying to mitigate the risks.

If you want to get me on board, focus the protests on CNBC headquarters and Jim Cramer's office. They are the ones that "informed" Americans into their financial demise.

But if all this makes the feel good because they are "doing something," let them have their tantrum time.
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Post by gsjackson »

By all means target CNBC and Cramer, and the rest of the coporate media that shilled first for the "new economy" in the '90s, and then helped blow up the housing bubble.

And be sure to target the rest of the congressional paymasters, which you mention. The allied protestors in Washington are doing just that -- focusing on the Pentagon and defense contractors, and on the US Chamber of Commerce, which represents several large corporations desirous of a strong lobbying presence. Add those two to the financial sector, and you account for over 95 percent of the boodle paid over to Congress.

However inarticulate some of the individual protestors may be, this is a very intellectually sophisticated effort that is aimed precisely at the heart of the country's economic problems.
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