'Bronx Ghetto Tours' Make Fun of the Poor

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'Bronx Ghetto Tours' Make Fun of the Poor

Post by zboy1 »

What a disgusting story and a sad commentary of the United States:

Tourists Encouraged to Gawk At, Mock Poor in Horrifying "GHETTO" Bus Tour in Bronx
A Bronx bus company is offering tours billed as a “a ride through a real New York City ‘GHETTO.’"

http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politi ... tour-bronx


Politicians furious over Bronx bus company's 'Ghetto' tour

http://m.nypost.com/p/news/local/bronx/ ... GXNYDrth7L


Some user comments from the article:

"If you've never traveled abroad you will not know that the tour is full because the rest of the world considers us failures even as we claim the term exceptional as our own. Look to the utter dysfunction of DC to know why we're where we are at today."

"I think this country is very to each borough as well as detroit phila chicago la sending 'tributaries' like in 'the hunger games'. prob very close except without high speed rail in the movie which brought the 'tributaries' to compete. They will just call it 'patriot' games like the other movie and dum* amerikans will eat it up mindless!y."

"It is not surprising that the poor are looked down upon as lesser than others. Living in a super materialistic world where money (Mammon) is the chief deity, we can expect this crass behavior from businesses where the ONLY edict is profit. What's next? Pelting the poor with vegetables from a double decker bus as it traverses through the South Bronx and Harlem."

"Just as Aldous Huxley described in "A Brave New World"

"As long as American society is so deeply penetrated by greed and corruption, and the rich are glorified as "makers" and the poor and middle class vilified as lazy, this will be the norm."

And best of all, this gem of a comment about racist Italian Americans (which I find true from my own experiences):

"Battaglia; probably an Italian American. Who's ancestors had to be treated for lice, parasites and malnutrition at Ellis Island, before being accepted into the general population. By the way the New York Plutocratic Defense, aka NYPD is staffed by these racist Italian American "stop and friskers", who refer to minorities as 'mutts'. When the Petro Dollar ceases to be the exclusive currency, acceptedby OPEC in exchange for Petroleum; this whole Country maybe the Globes Ghetto."
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Post by Cornfed »

Not a new idea. They had Hashbury tours in San Francisco in the 60s. A funny thing there was hippies running alongside the busses holding up a mirror. Perhaps that could be done here.
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Post by gsjackson »

When some friends from Denmark visited me in New Orleans they wanted to see some authentic American poverty -- the real United States of Inequality, as they called it. We drove by some of the projects (now gone after Katrina), and they were quick to roll the windows up and lock the doors. I think they were suitably impressed.
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Post by Cornfed »

There was a feeling in a lot of places in the past that Japanese tourists were there to gawk at their poverty. Here is a joke for you. A man is kneeling at the edge of a cliff and crying his eyes out. Another man walks up and asks "Why are you crying?" The first man answers "A busload of Japanese tourists just drove over this cliff!" The second man says "Yeah, OK, but why are you crying?" The first man responds "There were six empty seats!".
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Post by Moretorque »

I don't know weather people understand this gig or not yet, President James A Garfield made the utterance in a speech that who ever issues the medium of exchange in a society is absolute master, he was shot and killed 2 weeks later. The whole system works by the stupidity of the herd not being able to comprehend it.

I do not want to sound like a broken record but people need to understand, America the republic went bankrupt over 80 years ago. The founding document's stated no state shall make anything other than gold or silver for payment, and that is where they got us. The people who are the receivers of the bankruptcy are just using our founding document's to conquer us through legal fiction they create then use that fiction to put a template over the old republic and then tell you your nation still exist when it has actually been sold and taken over and pulled out from underneath you.

The guy's who did this are pretty smart! and they are armed with the idiot card and it's very formidable because most people are well, IDIOTS!

People do not realize the whole country should have collapsed long ago but is being held afloat by the social engineer's, that is why they call it Socialism, GET IT! The Planet is saying hey mother Fuc ker I do not work like that and you have got to live within the means of your local eco system and I am going to clip your a$$ down.

It's happening world wide right now, all of us let it happen. The Social engineer's are just making the problem worse by pushing their plan through so they probably know they need to hit the reset button to stop the planet from dying or man is finished. Unless of course Jesus comes and saves us, but I for one do not believe in Angels!

We have been waiting for the founding document's since 1215 and the Magna Carta to try and protect the masses from ruling overlord's, they do not want you to understand this, America must be promoted as a failed experiment by our ruler's so they can say that only a top down dictatorship will work.

The whole country has been socially engineered afloat and then driven off a cliff on purpose by our ruler's controlling the credit monopoly. You are a # on a spread sheet to be managed and disposed of by them as they see fit.
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Post by C.J. »

I was hoping they would stay on! The ghetto vermin need to shape up, or die. The elite are already spraying ghetto areas all over the country.
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