Musk, Big Tech, Dems and Election Interference

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Musk, Big Tech, Dems and Election Interference

Post by MrMan »

Elon Musk dumped a bunch of Twitter documents that apparently indicate that the Democrats corresponded with Twitter to have them take down stuff they didn't like.

The Democrats made a big deal about supposed Russian interference in the elections. Maybe they have tried. I suspect it was not substantial.

A while back former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard said when she was running for the nomination for president, hers was the most searched name on Google, but the searches stopped working for several days, causing her to lose momentum. Then Hillary Clinton accused her of being a Russian asset.

I can see why she got so much attention. She actually sounded like someone with some sense. I don't care for some aspects of her politics, but she wasn't politically crazy to the extent of a lot of left wingers. I wouldn't be surprised if Google shut her down.

I wonder if Elon Musk is just so sick of the interference from big tech and he so rich now that he just decided he would buy Twitter to expose this garbage and clean up Big Tech a bit. Fox is saying that many other news outlets aren't covering this big story. It sounds like more media collusion with the Democrats, just like Big Tech does. The the government does not directly control the media, as far as I can tell, but groups of people with the same ideology seem to have an explicit agreement to 'make the news' be what they want and to ignore stuff that doesn't fit with the narrative that fits their evil political agenda.

We have polarized specialized news, where right wingers watch Fox, NewsMax, or crazy Q-Anon forwards on smaller social media platforms. Then the bigger channels are run by liberals who tell people what to think. So the country is split, with people having totally different concepts of the political reality.

I hope this news story is just so big that the liberals realize they have to cover it.

I don't know if any laws have been broken unless one can make that case that Democrats used the power of their office to censor. Maybe laws I am not aware of have been broken. Musk thinks this is a violation of the first amendment. The first amendment keeps the the government from censoring speech. It doesn't give someone a right to put a sign in my yard, so I don't see how it forces Twitter not to censor. If Twitter was willfuly in collusion with Democrats to conspire to reach a common (evil) objective, I do not see how that is against our laws.

Normally, I do not think bigger government is the solution to most problems, but in this case, I think we need legislation to regulate tech companies when it comes to political speech. Companies that are publicly traded could fall under some restriction, or companies with over so many employees or so many million users could be restricted in what they allow.

I think a legal structure that allows privately owned businesses, especially sole proprieterships, but also one owner corporations or family-owned corporations freedom from various restrictions is good. For example, if you own your own wedding cake shop, you should be allowed not to make the gay wedding cake. They should even let you deny service for other protected categories, since the sole proprietorship is legally an individual doing business, and it doesn't get corporate protections. If it were against someone's religion to eat in the same room with Muslims, or Gentiles, or Hindus, or whatever, they should be able to ban them. Let the racists do the same and customers can vote with their feet. With social media, they wouldn't make a lot of money anyway. But if I had to buy a wedding cake for one of my kid's weddings, I'd prioritize the shop that doesn't do gay weddings. They could extend this freedom to small LLC's which have one or a few owners.

They could also allow privately owned social media sites that have censorship, etc. Just the larger, publically traded ones that have a chance of tipping the scales in an election should be highly regulated. Also, the protections of free speech could go to users of sites that benefit from the government's artificially created corporate protections that enable the ability to trade stocks on a market.
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