Ethics & Values

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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by fschmidt »

Outcast9428 wrote:
November 27th, 2022, 7:56 pm

I have great respect for the Bible and the conclusions I arrive to would be biblically supported almost 100%. So there is very heavy overlap. However, I can’t say that the source of my morality and ethics come exclusively from the Bible. I fear that makes me sound like a bad Christian but my sense of morals never actually conflicts with the Bible. It’s just a bit more in-depth I would say. I’m not perfect but if God really hated the life I was living I don’t think he would have blessed me as much as he has. Before I accepted God’s way he did not bless me, and for good reason. Some moral causes I care a lot about are not mentioned in the Bible, like animal rights for example. I believe very strongly in not eating meat. I also am opposed to corporal punishment of children, something not covered by the Bible. The Bible may not cover these topics but I think God would be happy to see people applying ethical reasoning to other situations. I think the main risk comes from people wanting to ignore the rules in the Bible.
I don't know what kind of church you go to but modern Christianity tends to be very superficial. So I encourage you to dig deeper. For Christian history, I recommend The Historic Church: An Orthodox View of Christian History and A Reformation Reader: Primary Texts with Introductions. The only good Christian forum is (Modern Christians are hopeless.) And of course I recommend my weekly scripture readings which usually includes 2 Christians, 1 Muslim, 1 Bahai, 1 agnostic, and me following the Old Testament. (No members of modern culture, of course.)

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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

fschmidt wrote:
November 27th, 2022, 11:04 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
November 27th, 2022, 7:56 pm

I have great respect for the Bible and the conclusions I arrive to would be biblically supported almost 100%. So there is very heavy overlap. However, I can’t say that the source of my morality and ethics come exclusively from the Bible. I fear that makes me sound like a bad Christian but my sense of morals never actually conflicts with the Bible. It’s just a bit more in-depth I would say. I’m not perfect but if God really hated the life I was living I don’t think he would have blessed me as much as he has. Before I accepted God’s way he did not bless me, and for good reason. Some moral causes I care a lot about are not mentioned in the Bible, like animal rights for example. I believe very strongly in not eating meat. I also am opposed to corporal punishment of children, something not covered by the Bible. The Bible may not cover these topics but I think God would be happy to see people applying ethical reasoning to other situations. I think the main risk comes from people wanting to ignore the rules in the Bible.
I don't know what kind of church you go to but modern Christianity tends to be very superficial. So I encourage you to dig deeper. For Christian history, I recommend The Historic Church: An Orthodox View of Christian History and A Reformation Reader: Primary Texts with Introductions. The only good Christian forum is (Modern Christians are hopeless.) And of course I recommend my weekly scripture readings which usually includes 2 Christians, 1 Muslim, 1 Bahai, 1 agnostic, and me following the Old Testament. (No members of modern culture, of course.)
You want to see hopeless go to that phony ass website run by RooshV. Now that's a hopeless platform.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by Outcast9428 »

fschmidt wrote:
November 27th, 2022, 11:04 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
November 27th, 2022, 7:56 pm

I have great respect for the Bible and the conclusions I arrive to would be biblically supported almost 100%. So there is very heavy overlap. However, I can’t say that the source of my morality and ethics come exclusively from the Bible. I fear that makes me sound like a bad Christian but my sense of morals never actually conflicts with the Bible. It’s just a bit more in-depth I would say. I’m not perfect but if God really hated the life I was living I don’t think he would have blessed me as much as he has. Before I accepted God’s way he did not bless me, and for good reason. Some moral causes I care a lot about are not mentioned in the Bible, like animal rights for example. I believe very strongly in not eating meat. I also am opposed to corporal punishment of children, something not covered by the Bible. The Bible may not cover these topics but I think God would be happy to see people applying ethical reasoning to other situations. I think the main risk comes from people wanting to ignore the rules in the Bible.
I don't know what kind of church you go to but modern Christianity tends to be very superficial. So I encourage you to dig deeper. For Christian history, I recommend The Historic Church: An Orthodox View of Christian History and A Reformation Reader: Primary Texts with Introductions. The only good Christian forum is (Modern Christians are hopeless.) And of course I recommend my weekly scripture readings which usually includes 2 Christians, 1 Muslim, 1 Bahai, 1 agnostic, and me following the Old Testament. (No members of modern culture, of course.)
I would be interested in those books as I am a huge history buff. I like reading books about history.

I checked out the forum you posted… For me personally I think it’s not traditional enough. I like 4chan and Happier Abroad better. I saw a lot of people on that forum complaining about “people politicizing every issue.” A lot of people there don’t even vote and think they’re somehow being non-Christian by engaging in politics. I’m sick of people complaining about politics and trying to say that social/cultural issues are somehow separate from politics. Politics and social/cultural issues are the same topic and if you insist on drawing a distinction between the two then you will never succeed at winning when it comes to the cultural issue you are talking about. I also saw a weirdly large number of people saying they were worried about right wing authoritarianism or “conservative governments” and “far right regimes.” Why the hell should any Christian be worried about conservative governments or far right regimes unless they are a half assed traditionalist? I also saw a thread about men and womens place in life. Only 25% of the votes were in favor of patriarchal gender roles. I even saw a lot of people saying things like “this may make me sound sexist” and “I affirm the equality/superiority of women.” Which sounds very feminist. I’ve asked similar questions on 4chan and found that 70% of the users there support patriarchal gender roles. Happier Abroad is a lot like 4chan. Support for patriarchal gender roles is probably just as high on Happier Abroad.

It’s true that HA and 4chan have more degenerates but I’d still rather keep the minority of degenerates but a large number of true, patriarchal conservatives then to have a forum full of half assed, center right conservatives who think they are super traditional because they don’t drink alcohol (even though everybody drank in the traditional past). In my opinion that’s just being super abstinent, not really super traditional.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by kangarunner »

Outcast9428 wrote:
November 28th, 2022, 2:02 pm
It’s true that HA and 4chan have more degenerates but I’d still rather keep the minority of degenerates but a large number of true, patriarchal conservatives then to have a forum full of half assed, center right conservatives who think they are super traditional because they don’t drink alcohol (even though everybody drank in the traditional past). In my opinion that’s just being super abstinent, not really super traditional.
None of us are degenerates. A true degenerate wouldn't give a shit about writing / posting on an internet forum. Plus, I'd rather be around an honest and unapologetic degenerate person than a two-faced normie. At least degenerates know who they are.

This forum is for people who accept that the modern day world is morally and ethically bankrupt. I just don't give a shit anymore.....

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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
November 27th, 2022, 10:33 pm
If Christianity is really part of a grand conspiracy on the part of the Jews to take over the world, then why do the Jews hate Christianity so much? Why are they doing everything in their power to eliminate it?
Two simple reasons:
  • To create enmity between Christianized Gentiles and their own tribe
  • To prepare the Christianized Gentile world for their Noahide laws in the envisioned Messianic Age
But first a little background about Christianity as a Jewish trojan horse conspiracy against the Gentiles.

The Jews would have never been able to infiltrate and take over the nations of Europe if they had never spread Christianity to our lands. Without a religion which exalts them as god's chosen people, they would have had no logical means to convince any Gentile leader or people group to accept them or collaborate with their agenda. You see, Pagan (non-Abrahamic) Gentiles would consider Judaism as merely a bizarre batshit crazy tribal cult on the periphery of the civilized world and would therefore have little time for the Jews and certainly no inclination to entertain their chosen people complex, but once Christianity was spread throughout Europe after being adopted by Rome the same Judaic offshoot sect caused a large part of the European population to adopt the Abrahamic worldview and recognize the Old Testament story of the Jews' divine election. This would ultimately give the Jews the opportunity to worm their way into Gentile societies and have a shot at taking over. Of course, the strategy was by no means fool-proof and many Christianized Gentiles indeed adopted antisemitic views since any sane person would naturally be repulsed by such a supremacist and conniving alien tribe, but the Jews played the long game and eventually gained considerable power and influence within a Christianized Europe which was growing ever more accepting of the so-called "People of the Covenant".

To sum up, Christianized Gentiles buy into the fake biblical backstory of the Jews as god's chosen people, accept the Judaic idea of a Messiah from amidst the Jewish nation, recognize the role of the Jews in the Bible's supposed plan of salvation and are therefore more likely to hold at least some respect for Jews and even trust them and work with them in some circumstances while Pagan Gentiles like myself, Pixel--Dude and Tsar don't respect the Jews at all and will always regard them as an enemy tribe since we have absolutely no regard for the Bible or the Jewish Messiah myth and don't recognize their veracity in any way, shape or form.

Now back to the reasons why Jews attack Christianity.

Even though Christianity caused the Gentiles to adopt an Abrahamic worldview, the Jews still attack it because they want to maintain some level of enmity between themselves and Gentiles. The truth is that Jewish leaders don't want assimilation. They are staunch separatists who want to keep their people separate from host populations and therefore view some degree of antisemitism as necessary for ingroup cohesion. The rivalry between Christianized Gentiles and Jews is useful for this aim. If Jews fear Christians and regard them as an enemy, then Jewish leaders in Christian societies can easily keep their people separate from the host population by playing on invented religious hostilities. Jews always operate on an ingroup vs. outgroup dynamic and seek to differentiate themselves from all Gentile groups. The promotion of hatred against Gentiles and their culture - even if it is adopted from Jewish sources - is a good way to achieve this.

Jews also want to demonize Gentiles and portray us as evil and "antisemitic" so that they as a group may have a justification to scam us and commit all kinds of crimes and injustices against us. After all, if we are just evil Jew-haters anyway, then why not? Since European societies adopted Christianity, Jews were able to play on old absurd religious disputes ("the Jews killed Jesus" vs. "Christianity caused people to hate Jews") and convince the tribe that Christianized Gentiles are part of an evil culture, are universally the enemy of the Jewish people and therefore deserve to suffer for their collective guilt! This gives perverse Jews a strong albeit contrived pretext to do evil things to us under the guise of "righteous vengeance" and to desire our subjugation, enslavement and destruction. Jews see Christianity as the vehicle of Gentile collective guilt and therefore foment hatred against it within their own community.

The Jewish way of thinking is extremely perverse. First, they play the victim, then they convince themselves of the need for vengeance, and finally they use that fanatical desire for vengeance as a justification to harm innocents. That's the Jewish modus operandi.

As for the need to prepare the Christianized Gentile world for Noahide laws, the Jewish religious elite intends to impose a single Noahide religion on all of the enslaved Gentiles in the envisioned Messianic Age. This is something which many Jewish rabbis and Kabbalists talk about and which is viewed as necessary for the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy of all nations being subjected to a single Jewish law upon the arrival of the Messiah. Those same Jews recognize Christianity as the vehicle which Judaized Europe and the Americas but at the same time they have a problem with the Christian trinity doctrine and regard it as a form of idolatry and therefore not Noahide-compliant. They therefore seek to weaken Christianity so that it may be replaced with the Noahide religion which the Jewish religious elite desires for the Gentile slaves who have a place in the Olam ha-Ba. But that doesn't mean that Christianity is right or genuine. It has simply outlived its usefulness to the Jewish elite and now they are willing to destroy it in favor of something else.

Bonus reason: divide and conquer

Now that the Jews also have atheistic Marxism as a vehicle of subversion, they are now able to play Marxists against Christians and cause a lot of ideological conflict and chaos throughout Gentile societies. Marxist intellectuals - either Jewish or influenced by Jewish thought - relentlessly attack Christianity so as to encourage a full-blown culture war between the secular left and the religious right. They want Gentiles all divided and constantly at each other's throats and embroiled in manufactured disputes. It makes us weaker and easier to control and shifts attention away from the JQ and Zionism.
Outcast9428 wrote:
November 27th, 2022, 10:33 pm
The Old Testament is more of a historical document explaining where humanity came from. The Jews understanding of God is definitely perverse, which is why Jesus came to Earth. A major part of why he came was literally to tell everybody "what the Jews are telling you about God is bullshit."
The New Testament is also full of much evil and perverse stuff too even if it is less conspicuous than in the Old Testament. The central rite of Christianity is literally a celebration of a blood sacrifice of the "son of god". It is the same psychotic Jewish claptrap about atonement of sins through the shedding of blood. It is obviously sick and disgusting to anybody who isn't already spellbound by the religion's indoctrination which, as we all know, gets many people from an extremely young age.

The Old Testament (root) is absolutely chock-full of harrowing atrocities and perversions and the New Testament (branch and a Jewish creation) contains perverse and questionable doctrines too, so the logical conclusion would be that both Judaism and Christianity are perverse, but so many Gentiles who have imbibed the Abrahamic worldview would rather lie to themselves and make up all kinds of excuses for that perverse religion. Christianity is just a Jewish death cult superficially dressed up as some kind of paragon of righteousness, but to the more observant its underlying evil is evident.

As for the Old Testament, the core stories of Genesis are actually plagiarized from earlier Sumerian texts, the historical accounts largely consist of atrocities committed by the Israelites at Yahweh's behest, and the prophecy books contain page after page of dark apocalyptic prophecies of chaos and destruction (just like the NT's Book of Revelation). The whole tree is absolutely rotten and so is any branch that derives from it!
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by fschmidt »

The comments about Jews in this thread are so absurd, so completely retarded, that it is beyond belief. I know because I attended orthodox synagogue. Yes Jews hate Jesus. That's because Jesus was Jewish and Jews view him as a traiter. They hate me for the same reason. But they don't hate you dumb goyim. They just view you as animals to be exploited. If some of you goyim beasts interfere with this exploitation, the Jews will just destroy you, but without any real feeling. You are just a beast in the way, to be removed.

Jews are optimized parasites. They can exploit any people, Abrahamic or not, makes no difference. The first case of this is the Book of Esther in the Bible. But since then, the technique has been perfected and recorded in the Talmud. The pathetic moronic white nationalists have no understanding of what they up against, so they don't have a chance of success.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by Lucas88 »

fschmidt wrote:
November 28th, 2022, 8:14 pm
The comments about Jews in this thread are so absurd, so completely retarded, that it is beyond belief. I know because I attended orthodox synagogue. Yes Jews hate Jesus. That's because Jesus was Jewish and Jews view him as a traiter. They hate me for the same reason. But they don't hate you dumb goyim. They just view you as animals to be exploited. If some of you goyim beasts interfere with this exploitation, the Jews will just destroy you, but without any real feeling. You are just a beast in the way, to be removed.

Jews are optimized parasites. They can exploit any people, Abrahamic or not, makes no difference. The first case of this is the Book of Esther in the Bible. But since then, the technique has been perfected and recorded in the Talmud. The pathetic moronic white nationalists have no understanding of what they up against, so they don't have a chance of success.
Well, you've obviously not studied the Kabbalah then. There are Jewish teachers who literally talk on camera about the things that I've written about in my previous post. You are obviously just a low-level synagogue-attending Jewish churl who doesn't have a clue about the more esoteric teachings within Jewish circles (even though you seem to want to make out that you are so "in the know" about religion).

I'm not a White nationalist and agree that most White nationalists are moronic, but I am well aware of how the Jews view us as dumb animals to be exploited. That's why myself and many other Jew-aware Gentiles hate the Jews with a passion and desire their complete destruction. Whether they hate us or simply view us as an exploitable resource is irrelevant. We despise them anyway and seek to relentlessly fight back against those perverse mutant parasites at all costs once enough people catch on to the JQ and there is enough critical mass.

Common, fschmidt! You really think that we're scared of your threat that the Jews will destroy us? You might want to make us think that we can't win against them but we're mentally stronger than that! The Jewish elite might want us to think that they are invincible but we don't believe that they can pull this shit off forever. One day the Jewish tribal mafia will be exposed to enough people and the pogroms will return. That will be a beautiful day!
Last edited by Lucas88 on November 28th, 2022, 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by kangarunner »

fschmidt wrote:
November 28th, 2022, 8:14 pm
The comments about Jews in this thread are so absurd, so completely retarded, that it is beyond belief. I know because I attended orthodox synagogue. Yes Jews hate Jesus. That's because Jesus was Jewish and Jews view him as a traiter. They hate me for the same reason. But they don't hate you dumb goyim. They just view you as animals to be exploited. If some of you goyim beasts interfere with this exploitation, the Jews will just destroy you, but without any real feeling. You are just a beast in the way, to be removed.

Jews are optimized parasites. They can exploit any people, Abrahamic or not, makes no difference. The first case of this is the Book of Esther in the Bible. But since then, the technique has been perfected and recorded in the Talmud. The pathetic moronic white nationalists have no understanding of what they up against, so they don't have a chance of success.
@fschmidt I went to high school with Jewish guys. Most of them are just real nice and normal. The guy I work for right now is Jewish and he's a real normal, down to earth guy. Whenever I read the anti-Jewish posts on here, I have no clue what the f**k anyone is talking about.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by Lucas88 »

kangarunner wrote:
November 28th, 2022, 9:17 pm
fschmidt wrote:
November 28th, 2022, 8:14 pm
The comments about Jews in this thread are so absurd, so completely retarded, that it is beyond belief. I know because I attended orthodox synagogue. Yes Jews hate Jesus. That's because Jesus was Jewish and Jews view him as a traiter. They hate me for the same reason. But they don't hate you dumb goyim. They just view you as animals to be exploited. If some of you goyim beasts interfere with this exploitation, the Jews will just destroy you, but without any real feeling. You are just a beast in the way, to be removed.

Jews are optimized parasites. They can exploit any people, Abrahamic or not, makes no difference. The first case of this is the Book of Esther in the Bible. But since then, the technique has been perfected and recorded in the Talmud. The pathetic moronic white nationalists have no understanding of what they up against, so they don't have a chance of success.
@fschmidt I went to high school with Jewish guys. Most of them are just real nice and normal. The guy I work for right now is Jewish and he's a real normal, down to earth guy. Whenever I read the anti-Jewish posts on here, I have no clue what the f**k anyone is talking about.
Well, there's a difference between the regular Jews who you meet at school or wherever and the organized Jewish elite which holds an unimaginable amount of power for such a small fraction of the population.

Even fschmidt is kind enough to enlighten us on what those elite Jews really think about us (and it ain't pretty) and you can read this stuff for yourself in the Talmud and the Kabbalah, but for some reason you still don't understand why some of us hold anti-Jewish views. :?: :?

I'm not even a racist person, by the way. I just think that it's only logical to hate and be opposed to a supremacist tribe that views everyone else as dumb cattle to be exploited. It's just basic common sense!
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by Outcast9428 »


As far as Jews being unable to gain power without Christianity, this isn't because original Christian theology regards Jews as God's chosen people. Christianity is a universalist religion, and it regards anybody who is Christian and lives a Christian lifestyle as being equally saved by Christ. The idea that the Jews are God's chosen people, is a modern idea that has been slipped into Christian churches and people as a result of Jews having so much power in the United States. Ask your average European Christian a few centuries ago if the Jews were God's chosen people, however, and he would have said the Jews are heretics. Ask a theologian at the time and he would've said that Christ's sacrifice invalidated Judaism. Jews basically represent people who refused to accept Christ and stuck to the old ways.

The reason why Christianity controlling Europe eventually allowed the Jews to take power is because Christianity is a humanitarian religion. Christians do not believe in violence and try to avoid it whenever possible. Christians do not generally believe in slaughtering entire ethnic groups or large numbers of people, even when they are kind of a threat. Although there are some rare cases of Christians committing mass murder in history, these were still pretty rare and nowhere near as common as mass murder was committed by say, the Roman Empire. The Christians in Europe never slaughtered the Jews to the same extent as the Roman Empire slaughtered them. Because Christians do not want to just massacre all of their enemies. This reflects a huge departure from how people thought before Christianity. Before Christianity, every single citizen of a rival nation was considered an enemy to potentially be killed. Julius Caesar bragged in his journals about slaughtering approximately 1.2 million Gaelic civilians. When the Romans took over Carthage, they butchered every last man, woman, and child living in the city. Approximately 500,000 people were killed in a single day. By comparison, the sacking of Jerusalem, the bloodiest massacre of the Crusades, only killed 30,000 people. Most notably, however, the Crusaders still didn't kill everybody. They killed a lot of people, but they didn't kill the entire population of Jerusalem. Ancient Rome actually did. They killed the entire population of both Carthage and Jerusalem.

So yes, if the Pagans had stuck around, they probably would have slaughtered all the Jews at some point and they would have ceased to exist as a people. Thereby, obviously never gaining power. But Christians should not be blamed for trying to be decent people and not act like the murderous savages that our predecessors were. Things were perfectly fine until some Christians realized they could become rich by colluding with the Jews and giving them power. The Jews did not gain power because the Christians were merciful, they gained power because of Christians who wanted to become rich and powerful. Therefore, we should blame the Christians who, in their own greed, have allowed an enemy tribe to take control over what were once our nations and use the very institutions that we created to attack us.

See, its not the Christians with "slave morality" who ruined everything. It was the Christians who implicitly ended up adopting master morality, basically saying f**k it, I want what I want and I don't care if it hurts everybody else, who ruined everything.

You are very much exaggerating the "blood sacrifice" element of Christianity. Nobody is suggesting we actually spill anybody's blood and drink it. That has never been a tradition. Its not a blood sacrifice if the whole thing is purely symbolic and in actuality, people are just drinking wine. The New Testament does not condone animal sacrifices, stoning people, or waging war on enemy nations. Yes the morality of the Old Testament is very questionable, which is why I take the Old Testament with a grain of salt, but the New Testament doesn't really have any of that. The New Testament is all about peace and love.


Viewing us as animals to be exploited isn't really much different from hating us. The result is the same.

Same as Lucas88, I'm not a White nationalist. I am literally racemixing right now, I am committing what White nationalists would consider to be a mortal sin. I am honestly closer to an Asian nationalist then I am to a White nationalist. I have no interest in the success of a White nationalist, or national socialist regime... As they would, without a doubt, ban racemixing. You're not on here as often as everybody else is, but I will not live in a country or support an ideology that would refuse to accept my marriage to an Asian girl.

White people do have good reason to be suspicious of Jews though, because the elite Jews are extremely chauvinistic and think we should be their slaves.


As Lucas mentioned, there's a difference between an every day Jew you meet in school as opposed to the Elite Jews. A co-worker of mine was talking about the Jews a few weeks back and another co-worker said that he felt like what he was saying just applied to "the elites" in general. But the fact is, there is a religious/ideological reason for why the Elite Jews are particularly hostile towards White, Christian men. If the elites were all White, Christian men, we would not be dealing with the problems we are today. The bad elites would be kept in check by the virtuous elites. Just as things were for centuries before the Jews took power.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by fschmidt »

kangarunner wrote:
November 28th, 2022, 9:17 pm
[@fschmidt I went to high school with Jewish guys. Most of them are just real nice and normal. The guy I work for right now is Jewish and he's a real normal, down to earth guy. Whenever I read the anti-Jewish posts on here, I have no clue what the f**k anyone is talking about.
The relationship between the average Jew and the rabbis is like the relationship between the average democrat and the elite. Since I like to get to the bottom of things, I studied Judaism including paying for private weekly classes with my local rabbi. A good video by someone else who has studied Judaism is here:

Also this book: ... 745308198/
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
November 28th, 2022, 10:51 pm
The reason why Christianity controlling Europe eventually allowed the Jews to take power is because Christianity is a humanitarian religion. Christians do not believe in violence and try to avoid it whenever possible. Christians do not generally believe in slaughtering entire ethnic groups or large numbers of people, even when they are kind of a threat. Although there are some rare cases of Christians committing mass murder in history, these were still pretty rare and nowhere near as common as mass murder was committed by say, the Roman Empire. The Christians in Europe never slaughtered the Jews to the same extent as the Roman Empire slaughtered them. Because Christians do not want to just massacre all of their enemies.
Exactly! Christianity is simply a weak cuck religion which suppresses the natural warrior spirit and makes the populace weak and slavish. It beguiled and castrated Europeans with misplaced notions of compassion and universalism and ultimately emasculated them to the point where they would tolerate the Jewish subversion of their societies and hand over power to the enemy tribe. I myself see a parallel between Christianity and the cultural Marxist currents of today. This is one of the reasons why I despise Christians and look upon them with contempt. They abandoned the natural warrior spirit which is absolutely necessary for the survival of one's people and then allowed the Jews to walk all over them, surreptitiously subjugate the nations and plunge us into the mess which our societies have suffered in the last few centuries. Look at what happened once the Jews got complete power in the modern world! Jewish communism, millions massacred in the Soviet Union, Asia and elsewhere; horrific high-tech wars, militarism for profit, entire nations crushed under immense debt and financial ruin, etc. We in the West are no longer safe either. The next Jewish totalitarian communist regime is about to emerge right in the US and Western Europe under the guise of the "Great Reset". Sacrificing the natural warrior spirit for temporary relative peace didn't do us any good in the long run. It only made us susceptible to the worst abuses and tyrannies and resulted in the mass suffering of our people and the rest of the world! While I certainly don't advocate for mindless massacres and support a noble military philosophy of Ahimsa between belligerents in the event that war is necessary and unavoidable, I believe that the Jews are a threat whom ancient Europeans should have utterly obliterated.

I am a European who was never deprived of the natural warrior spirit. Aggression and combat come natural to me and I have absolutely no compassion for evildoers and wouldn't even feel bad about inflicting damage on them. I also have an unquenchable hatred for the assholes who have done this to us. I neither adhere to Christian morality nor am I a universalist. Gentile nations need to recover this same natural warrior spirit if we are to resist the Jew World Order. We need to get militant and defeat the enemy before it's too late. Fcuk the sniveling cowards who kowtow to Jews! Fcuk all of the piece-of-shit Goyim losers who are unwilling to defend their own people! I utterly despise and look down on the masses of weak Gentiles who have allowed and continue to allow the Jewish elite to do a real number on our societies and even think that in a way they deserve what they have gotten through their own pathetic cuckdom! People need to rekindle the natural warrior spirit for the survival of our nations. Take up arms, form local militias, organize politically, train, condition the mind and body, prepare for war! In the objective world, those who are militarily weak perish. Cultivate strength and martial virtue!

I know that I use harsh language sometimes, but this topic infuriates me.
Outcast9428 wrote:
November 28th, 2022, 10:51 pm
So yes, if the Pagans had stuck around, they probably would have slaughtered all the Jews at some point and they would have ceased to exist as a people. Thereby, obviously never gaining power. But Christians should not be blamed for trying to be decent people and not act like the murderous savages that our predecessors were. Things were perfectly fine until some Christians realized they could become rich by colluding with the Jews and giving them power. The Jews did not gain power because the Christians were merciful, they gained power because of Christians who wanted to become rich and powerful. Therefore, we should blame the Christians who, in their own greed, have allowed an enemy tribe to take control over what were once our nations and use the very institutions that we created to attack us.
We should blame both the weak cuck Christians who allowed themselves to be stripped of their natural warrior spirit AND the greedy Protestants who sold out to become rich and powerful. Indeed, if Pagans without Christian slave values and with a pair of cojones had not been slaughtered or forced to convert by the all-so-hypocritical "peace-loving" Christians (yes, Pax Christiana, when all opponents of Christianity are dead!), then the Jewish tribe would almost undoubtedly have been destroyed and we wouldn't have this mess with Jewish world domination today!
Outcast9428 wrote:
November 28th, 2022, 10:51 pm
You are very much exaggerating the "blood sacrifice" element of Christianity. Nobody is suggesting we actually spill anybody's blood and drink it. That has never been a tradition. Its not a blood sacrifice if the whole thing is purely symbolic and in actuality, people are just drinking wine. The New Testament does not condone animal sacrifices, stoning people, or waging war on enemy nations. Yes the morality of the Old Testament is very questionable, which is why I take the Old Testament with a grain of salt, but the New Testament doesn't really have any of that. The New Testament is all about peace and love.
The New Testament is all about being a slavish cuck who "turns the other cheek", "obeys his masters", and "renders unto Cesar" and who worships and blindly submits to a mutilated Jew on a cross exalted as "savior" and "son of God" while threatening any nonconformists with hellfire and damnation all in the name of peace and love. Only a weak, effeminate, diseased mind could ever be seriously into that!

The whole central doctrine of Christianity is the blood sacrifice of Jesus for atonement of the alleged sins of believers. It's just the same perverse Jewish obsession with bloodshed for the remission of guilt repackaged in a (supposedly) more sanitized form. Christianity is really just another sick Jewish death cult made and popularized by people who were depraved and fcuked in the head - scumbags and degenerates like the hook-nosed sociopath Saul of Tarsus.

I don't simply take the Old Testament with a grain of salt; I reject all evil and perverse Abrahamism and instead choose sanity!
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
November 28th, 2022, 10:51 pm
Same as Lucas88, I'm not a White nationalist. I am literally racemixing right now, I am committing what White nationalists would consider to be a mortal sin. I am honestly closer to an Asian nationalist then I am to a White nationalist. I have no interest in the success of a White nationalist, or national socialist regime... As they would, without a doubt, ban racemixing. You're not on here as often as everybody else is, but I will not live in a country or support an ideology that would refuse to accept my marriage to an Asian girl.

White people do have good reason to be suspicious of Jews though, because the elite Jews are extremely chauvinistic and think we should be their slaves.
I see the need for some movement akin to national socialism in order for us to meaningfully rebel against Jewish power, defend our own nations and safeguard the prosperity of our people, but not as the White nationalists envision. I am of the view that White nationalists and other similar groups are actually detrimental to the cause of Gentile resistance. They only serve to foolishly promote further division among Gentiles and alienate more level-headed people with their blatant racism and extremist ideologies. Instead, I support the notion of a pan-Gentile resistance movement that may unite Gentiles of all races against the Jewish elite and the ZOGs of the world. At this point I'm willing to put political and ideological differences aside and cooperate with any worthy Gentiles who are sincere.

I am not a fan of racism among Gentiles. I believe that every Gentile race has its own unique value and is redeemable. The only group whom I regard as a natural enemy is the Jewish tribe - and that is primarily because of its unwavering hostility towards us.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by Outcast9428 »

Lucas88 wrote:
November 29th, 2022, 6:10 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
November 28th, 2022, 10:51 pm
The reason why Christianity controlling Europe eventually allowed the Jews to take power is because Christianity is a humanitarian religion. Christians do not believe in violence and try to avoid it whenever possible. Christians do not generally believe in slaughtering entire ethnic groups or large numbers of people, even when they are kind of a threat. Although there are some rare cases of Christians committing mass murder in history, these were still pretty rare and nowhere near as common as mass murder was committed by say, the Roman Empire. The Christians in Europe never slaughtered the Jews to the same extent as the Roman Empire slaughtered them. Because Christians do not want to just massacre all of their enemies.
Exactly! Christianity is simply a weak cuck religion which suppresses the natural warrior spirit and makes the populace weak and slavish. It beguiled and castrated Europeans with misplaced notions of compassion and universalism and ultimately emasculated them to the point where they would tolerate the Jewish subversion of their societies and hand over power to the enemy tribe. I myself see a parallel between Christianity and the cultural Marxist currents of today. This is one of the reasons why I despise Christians and look upon them with contempt. They abandoned the natural warrior spirit which is absolutely necessary for the survival of one's people and then allowed the Jews to walk all over them, surreptitiously subjugate the nations and plunge us into the mess which our societies have suffered in the last few centuries. Look at what happened once the Jews got complete power in the modern world! Jewish communism, millions massacred in the Soviet Union, Asia and elsewhere; horrific high-tech wars, militarism for profit, entire nations crushed under immense debt and financial ruin, etc. We in the West are no longer safe either. The next Jewish totalitarian communist regime is about to emerge right in the US and Western Europe under the guise of the "Great Reset". Sacrificing the natural warrior spirit for temporary relative peace didn't do us any good in the long run. It only made us susceptible to the worst abuses and tyrannies and resulted in the mass suffering of our people and the rest of the world! While I certainly don't advocate for mindless massacres and support a noble military philosophy of Ahimsa between belligerents in the event that war is necessary and unavoidable, I believe that the Jews are a threat whom ancient Europeans should have utterly obliterated.

I am a European who was never deprived of the natural warrior spirit. Aggression and combat come natural to me and I have absolutely no compassion for evildoers and wouldn't even feel bad about inflicting damage on them. I also have an unquenchable hatred for the assholes who have done this to us. I neither adhere to Christian morality nor am I a universalist. Gentile nations need to recover this same natural warrior spirit if we are to resist the Jew World Order. We need to get militant and defeat the enemy before it's too late. Fcuk the sniveling cowards who kowtow to Jews! Fcuk all of the piece-of-shit Goyim losers who are unwilling to defend their own people! I utterly despise and look down on the masses of weak Gentiles who have allowed and continue to allow the Jewish elite to do a real number on our societies and even think that in a way they deserve what they have gotten through their own pathetic cuckdom! People need to rekindle the natural warrior spirit for the survival of our nations. Take up arms, form local militias, organize politically, train, condition the mind and body, prepare for war! In the objective world, those who are militarily weak perish. Cultivate strength and martial virtue!

I know that I use harsh language sometimes, but this topic infuriates me.
Outcast9428 wrote:
November 28th, 2022, 10:51 pm
So yes, if the Pagans had stuck around, they probably would have slaughtered all the Jews at some point and they would have ceased to exist as a people. Thereby, obviously never gaining power. But Christians should not be blamed for trying to be decent people and not act like the murderous savages that our predecessors were. Things were perfectly fine until some Christians realized they could become rich by colluding with the Jews and giving them power. The Jews did not gain power because the Christians were merciful, they gained power because of Christians who wanted to become rich and powerful. Therefore, we should blame the Christians who, in their own greed, have allowed an enemy tribe to take control over what were once our nations and use the very institutions that we created to attack us.
We should blame both the weak cuck Christians who allowed themselves to be stripped of their natural warrior spirit AND the greedy Protestants who sold out to become rich and powerful. Indeed, if Pagans without Christian slave values and with a pair of cojones had not been slaughtered or forced to convert by the all-so-hypocritical "peace-loving" Christians (yes, Pax Christiana, when all opponents of Christianity are dead!), then the Jewish tribe would almost undoubtedly have been destroyed and we wouldn't have this mess with Jewish world domination today!
Outcast9428 wrote:
November 28th, 2022, 10:51 pm
You are very much exaggerating the "blood sacrifice" element of Christianity. Nobody is suggesting we actually spill anybody's blood and drink it. That has never been a tradition. Its not a blood sacrifice if the whole thing is purely symbolic and in actuality, people are just drinking wine. The New Testament does not condone animal sacrifices, stoning people, or waging war on enemy nations. Yes the morality of the Old Testament is very questionable, which is why I take the Old Testament with a grain of salt, but the New Testament doesn't really have any of that. The New Testament is all about peace and love.
The New Testament is all about being a slavish cuck who "turns the other cheek", "obeys his masters", and "renders unto Cesar" and who worships and blindly submits to a mutilated Jew on a cross exalted as "savior" and "son of God" while threatening any nonconformists with hellfire and damnation all in the name of peace and love. Only a weak, effeminate, diseased mind could ever be seriously into that!

The whole central doctrine of Christianity is the blood sacrifice of Jesus for atonement of the alleged sins of believers. It's just the same perverse Jewish obsession with bloodshed for the remission of guilt repackaged in a (supposedly) more sanitized form. Christianity is really just another sick Jewish death cult made and popularized by people who were depraved and fcuked in the head - scumbags and degenerates like the hook-nosed sociopath Saul of Tarsus.

I don't simply take the Old Testament with a grain of salt; I reject all evil and perverse Abrahamism and instead choose sanity!
Suppressing the warrior spirit was a good thing. Christianity has given us a kind of peace and security that the world never knew before… You just don’t appreciate it because you didn’t have to live in an age where just walking down the street could get you stabbed to death and you regularly have to worry about enemy nations invading and slaughtering everybody you care about. You talk about and glorify the warrior spirit so much because a part of you thinks it’s kind of like a game. But you’ve never seen tens of thousands of people slaughtered in a single day. This is what the world used to look like before we forcibly suppressed the warrior spirit.

Does it occasionally make us weak? Maybe it does. But it’s worth it to enjoy peace the vast majority of the time and not have to put up war and homicidal violence as a daily problem.

We do not need to commit mass murder in order to protect ourselves. Literally all we need to do is just keep virtuous White Christian men in power and don’t let anybody else have power. Things were fine for centuries that way and they will return to being fine again once White Christian men have power again.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
November 29th, 2022, 7:38 am
Suppressing the warrior spirit was a good thing. Christianity has given us a kind of peace and security that the world never knew before… You just don’t appreciate it because you didn’t have to live in an age where just walking down the street could get you stabbed to death and you regularly have to worry about enemy nations invading and slaughtering everybody you care about. You talk about and glorify the warrior spirit so much because a part of you thinks it’s kind of like a game. But you’ve never seen tens of thousands of people slaughtered in a single day. This is what the world used to look like before we forcibly suppressed the warrior spirit.

Does it occasionally make us weak? Maybe it does. But it’s worth it to enjoy peace the vast majority of the time and not have to put up war and homicidal violence as a daily problem.
No! Suppressing the warrior spirit was a disaster! It opened up our people to subjugation and humiliation!

The reason why I consciously cultivate the warrior spirit and encourage its cultivation in the likeminded men and women around me is precisely because I don't want to see my people being slaughtered or downtrodden. Those who wish to preserve their life, freedom and independence must become formidable at war. That is simply a law of the natural world. If you don't become formidable at war, then someone else will!

You don't seem to be able to distinguish between mindless warmongering and the honorable warrior tradition. The honorable warrior doesn't engage in gratuitous violence. He merely valiantly acts to defend his own people and all that is good and lofty. His noble vocation is essential for the continued survival and prosperity of the nation.

Conversely, any nation that doesn't become proficient at war will perish.

You should look into the Hindu tradition. It is much deeper and more sophisticated than Christianity. The Hindu tradition teaches that an Aryan (i.e., noble) nation should be governed by Brahmanas (philosophers and sages) in conjunction with Kshatriyas (the warrior class). The Brahmanas make use of their wisdom to make prudent decisions and guide civilization in a positive direction while the Kshatriyas defend the Aryan nation against all external threats that could undermine its continuation or prosperity. As such, the Aryan nation promotes a strong warrior spirit, but one that is guided by wisdom and prudence and in accordance with the principles of Ahimsa. The ideal leader is held to be the Chakravartin, a king who combines the philosophical acumen of a Brahmana and the courage, martial virtue and military strategy of a Kshatriya.

Eastern thought is much more nuanced and sophisticated than both Greco-Roman and Semitic thought. It gives far greater insights into how to organize a society. It isn't a weak cuck spirituality either. It also has way more philosophical content than any Abrahamic religion.
Outcast9428 wrote:
November 29th, 2022, 7:38 am
We do not need to commit mass murder in order to protect ourselves. Literally all we need to do is just keep virtuous White Christian men in power and don’t let anybody else have power. Things were fine for centuries that way and they will return to being fine again once White Christian men have power again.
You seriously think that we are going to topple the Jewish elite and New World Order by simply placing "virtuous White Christcuck men" in power??? The only way in which we can defeat the longest-running and most tenacious tribal mafia in the history of the world and bring down its nefarious NWO system is through well-coordinated military force and that certainly does require the warrior spirit! The enemy isn't going to give up without a fight!
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