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The Nature of Reality

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The Nature of Reality

Post by Pixel--Dude »

What is the nature of reality?
There are many conceptions of the nature of reality and ontology. In this thread I’d like to discuss some of those conceptions, propose my own and ask of yours as well.
The one thing we can all agree is that we are here. The how and why are the pertinent questions.
First, let’s go over some of the more common conceptions of reality and their ontological meanings:

The Christian conception of the nature of reality and ontological meaning is fairly simplistic. There is a clear cut dichotomy between good and evil and our purpose is to live a life as much in alignment with God’s edicts as possible to achieve ever lasting life in heaven. God obviously created the universe and everything in it and there can be no question. @MrMan is our most prominent resident Christian as far as I am aware.

The atheist conception is even more simplistic. @CaptainSkelebob fashioned himself as the champion of atheism in the thread about Christianity vs Spirituality vs Atheism viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=45751 in this model the universe miraculously created itself from nothing and we evolved from the same matter that makes up the rocks and planets etc. Ontologically speaking, there is no definable purpose to our lives or existence on earth. The only conceivable reason for being is to be here in the here and now. To appreciate life while you have it because once you’re gone you’re gone.

I don’t subscribe to either of these conceptions of the nature of reality or ontological meaning. I find them to be a false dichotomy as @Winston has said himself before. Both are life denying in their own way. Endless servile passivity and weakness or nihilistic materialism which promotes a solipsistic life?

I’d like to share my own conception of reality, based on my research into philosophical works and through the experiences I’ve had with psychedelics, which revealed to me several philosophical concepts found in Hermeticism without me ever having looked into them myself. This cemented into my mind that the Hermetic philosophy is accurate and the 7 Hermetic principles are the underlying basis of reality. So, let’s take a look:

1. Mentalism
”The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.”

The All is the Hermetic name for the intelligent creator of our universe. This is the western version of the Hindu idea of Brahman. Both the All and Brahman are both described as a kind of consciousness from where we originate as individuated units as consciousness.

We are all part of Brahman’s dream. Part of its quest for evolution and growth, which is the goal of every living thing on the planet. Everything strives to grow and to flourish, to reach its maximum potential. I think Brahman is not a perfect creator, but flawed and experimental with its creations. This is why some species die out or evolve to survive in changing environments. Adaptability and will are key to surviving in the natural world.

As human beings I think our purpose within this material world is to grow through our experiences. I think Brahman grows through its creations and this is why we exist as a means for Brahman to grow through our growth and spiritual evolution. This is our purpose.

The physical world around us that we experience through our senses are interpreted through our consciousness. Without consciousness we cannot experience anything around us. In this sense the first principle of Hermeticism is correct. The universe is indeed mental “I think therefore I am.”

Mind over matter.

Here is an interesting experiment which further proves that consciousness is the foundation of all reality. The double slit experiment shows electrons fired at a screen through two slits form a wave interference pattern instead of forming two lines on the board. Demonstrating that the particles fired are simply potentials rather than fixed in reality. The particle becomes a wave and creates a wave interference pattern instead. It is only when observed by a conscious being that the particles choose one slit or the other and form two lines of particle patterns. Check out the video below:

In conclusion: The All/Brahman is the intelligent creator. It is a universal conscious mind capable of creating physical reality though thought alone and conscious perception. Also, consciousness affects matter when the matter is observed.

2. Correspondence
"As above, so below; as below, so above."

The principle of correspondence can be seen all throughout the natural world. The macrocosm, which is the very large or the totality, and the microcosm, the very small and individual units that comprise the whole, are reflections of one another. As above, so below; as below, so above.

Here are some images to illustrate this point:



As we can see with the images above, there is a direct correlation between the macrocosm and the microcosm. The principle of correspondence is directly linked to the first principle of mentalism in the sense that Brahman, or the All, is the macrocosm, the totality and supreme consciousness and we are the microcosm, individuated units of consciousness and individual parts derived from the whole.

This is a principle which also correlates with spirituality and layers of reality, each with varied frequencies. I explained in a thread about spiritual anatomy linked here: viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=46686 that our spiritual anatomy and the functioning of the chakras directly corresponds with our physical and mental health as well. I also explain in this thread how society is designed to block the natural functioning of our spiritual anatomy with life denying ideologies and restrictive economic systems which are nothing short of indentured servitude.

3. Vibration.
"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."

This principle states that everything, both physical matter and spiritual energy, hold a certain vibration. Science tells us that particles are in constant motion, as is the universe at large. Again, the microcosmic and the macrocosmic.

Everything has its own vibration and frequency. Our hearts are in constant motion. As they beat in varying rhythms they give off different vibrations depending on our emotional state.

Even inanimate objects have their own vibration and resonance. Take a gong or a drum for example and hit it and you hear a noise. That's the object's frequency and resonance. Here's a video of some tibetan singing bowls to illustrate this point.

I've talked before about the study of cymatics, which is the study of sound and vibration, and how some experiments show that different vibrations and frequencies can directly affect matter. Here are some videos to show this is true:

This is an awesome clip by the way. If you can't be arsed with the other videos I've posted at least check this one out.

This shows how different frequencies affect matter. The frequency of the vibration changes the physical reality. This is why some behaviours can be seen as objectively good. They raise the frequency. More on this in my thread on ethics and morality: viewtopic.php?style=11&f=32&t=46815

This is why in some cases you may take an instant disliking to someone, because on a vibrational level their frequency could be something that makes the two of you energetically incompatible as you're both vibrating at different frequencies.

In a psychedelic experience I saw that we exist across different levels or layers of reality, each subtle body vibrating at different frequencies. Our consciousness is fixed on this frequency of material reality, like a radio on a fixed channel. Our purpose is to bring the vibration of all our subtle bodies to the same frequency so we may raise the Kundalini and achieve divinity. The ultimate resonance and harmony. Perfect balance.

Here is a link to my psychedelics thread if anyone is interested in reading more about this: viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=45587

4. Polarity
"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." 

This principle is another one that can be seen throughout the natural world and all of its many components. Seemingly opposites are often just the same thing but at varying degrees. Temperature is an example, cold is just an absence of heat, both are polar opposite degrees of the same value. Both are temperature. Love and hate are both polar opposite degrees of the same thing. Pleasure and pain etc.

Ideologies of today are exactly the same. Feminism and MGTOW are both two extremes of the same toxic value. Left and right wing ideology. Etc etc. Like with the political spectrum and other such polarisation of various values what can be ascertained is that nothing is ever truly in black and white terms. There are always nuances in everything which must be considered to find the objective truth. Some people don't understand nuances at all, or fail to grasp the complexity of various nuances and polarities and where they meet in the middle. Everything is a dichotomy to some people.

Physical matter and spiritual energy are essentially the same thing, as I kind of alluded to in the principle of vibration. With dense physical reality at one end of the spectrum and pure spirit at the opposite polarity. Spiritual energy vibrating at such a high vibration it cannot be perceived by our physical senses.

This is the foundation of alchemy, or the ability to "transmute" your experiences at will. @WanderingProtagonist this is kind of what I was trying to explain in a thread @WilliamSmith made about you. Transmuting feelings of negativity towards the world around you into something more positive, like an appreciation for nature for example. Any time a lower vibrational emotion is bringing you down the best thing to try and do is to recognise it, feel it, and try to transmute it into a more positive one.

5. Rhythm.
"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates." 

Closely related to the principle of polarity, the fifth principle states that between the opposing poles, there exists an inherent rhythm. The tides move in and out. We inhale and exhale. Everything is in motion. Nature has its seasons and so, too, do we.

Understanding and ultimately accepting this principle helps us to understand the natural rhythm of the universe and of our own lives... so that we may work with them and not have them work against us.

Nothing lasts forever and things are ever-changing. Understanding this law of nature and the inevitable rhythm of life, will help you to work with your own emotional states to avoid a dramatic pendulum-swing of feelings.

Life and death are part of the natural rhythm of life. As are astrological eras. Different astrological eras have their own energies and I want to go more in depth about this and about Kali Yuga and Satya Yuga in a different thread. Though I'm not sure if @Lucas88 had intended to write this thread instead. It is something we talked about in person recently.

6. Cause & Effect
"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law."

Everything is connected through cause and effect, for each cause of one thing is simply the effect of another going back to the very beginning.

This principle is all about acknowledging our thoughts and behaviour and how we may change them to bring about more positive effects.

Do we want to keep sitting on our asses and acquiesce whilst the global elite keep subjugation us to this life of misery and endentured servitude? Do we want to be the miserable effect of a slave system? Or do we want to f***ing fight like badass warriors to instill our own noble values of freedom, love and compassion? Do we want to be the cause of something greater?

Many times, we find ourselves reacting to the world around us, trapped in a back-and-forth of reacting to our circumstances rather than forging our own path. When we take action to get the effect we want, we move from feeling like a victim to feeling empowered.

7. Gender
"Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes."

Gender is the seventh and final principle. It is inherent in reality and everywhere. Not only in humans and animals, but plants as well. Everything has its male and female principles. This is one of the reasons I get so mad about the globohomo agenda and the fact that all way through covid I was encouraged to follow the science, but then when it comes to biological gender the science goes out of the window.

The principle of gender is something we associate with physical gender, which is a true manifestation of these energies, but also on a spiritual level we all hold both energies. I've had a lengthy debate before with @MrMan about the Lingam and Yoni, the Hindu version of the Chinese Ying and Yang. These energies are metaphysical and in no way an indication of whether or not you've got a spiritual vagina, for those who don't understand the idea :roll:




These two energies exist everywhere and the unity of these energies is essential for creation. It's important to understand that balance in all is key to self-mastery. The balance of the masculine and feminine; of the heavenly and Earthbound; of the body, the mind and the spiritual anatomy of our souls. When we can achieve this balance within ourselves we can harness the lessons of the Hermetic principles to make our lives better and to make ourselves strong from within!

Some others who might enjoy this thread:
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by fschmidt »

I follow the Old Testament. This view rejects the concept of truth and replaces it with trustworthiness which means trusted to meet expectations. The goal of life is evolutionary success. Any belief system that produces evolutionary success is considered good, and any belief system that produces evolutionary failure is considered bad. The Old Testament proposes a belief system that it considers to be optimal for evolutionary success.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Pixel--Dude »

fschmidt wrote:
December 15th, 2022, 1:09 pm
I follow the Old Testament. This view rejects the concept of truth and replaces it with trustworthiness which means trusted to meet expectations. The goal of life is evolutionary success. Any belief system that produces evolutionary success is considered good, and any belief system that produces evolutionary failure is considered bad. The Old Testament proposes a belief system that it considers to be optimal for evolutionary success.
This philosophy is substantiated with empirical data, which I provided in the thread. You should look into it with an open mind instead of accepting the word of a single book with dogmatic and obsolete edicts passed down by a tyrannical cosmic nut job..

Your view sounds more like a synthesis of Abrahamic faith and atheism, asserting talking points of evolution and genetic evolution as the ontological purpose of life :roll:

I think you are confused. My philosophy is embracing the concept of truth and promotes evolution of the self in both the sense of physical improvement through exercise, martial arts and a healthy diet as well the mental sense with erudition and a spiritual sense through occultic practices such as yoga and meditation.

Not only that, but my philosophy promotes better values and ethics such as love and compassion for everyone and not just for those I personally deem as genetically superior to others.

The old testament promotes nothing but fear and weakness and blind servility to authority figures. I see nothing evolutive or conducive to growth in this ideology for slave souls :roll:

But whatever floats your boat, my dude :wink:
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Lucas88 »


Wow, this is an excellent thread!

The nature of reality is a fundamental question of metaphysics - the branch of philosophy which deals with the first principles of things such as being, identity and time -, yet most people either go no further than the obvious observation that "we are here" or simply accept extremely simplistic conceptions of the reason for our existence such as the Darwinian worldview with its notion of random mutations and its denial of any teleology or some form of religious creationism based on the myths of a purported holy book without asking any further questions. But this is a false dichotomy. It doesn't have to be either one or the other. There can be other options which go beyond these contrived simplistic accounts.

I myself subscribe to the same spiritual conception of reality as you do. I believe that the most logical assumption is that there exists as the foundation of reality a transcendental intelligence or consciousness that underlies all material phenomena and shapes the evolution of the universe, worlds, ecosystems and living beings in accordance with some preconceived blueprint. The contrary notion that particles simply organize themselves into coherent forms through completely random and purposeless processes just makes no sense whatsoever. The sheer complexity and coherent arrangement of things is indicative of intelligent design and therefore a deeper metaphysical intelligence in the cosmos and beyond - a deeper metaphysical intelligence with its own awareness and capacity for decision making. For me, that deeper metaphysical intelligence that underlies and informs all of Creation is the Divine Creative Force, albeit not necessarily like the anthropomorphic god of the Abrahamic religions, but rather more like the Transcendental Absolute of Brahman in Hinduism and Eastern philosophy or the concept of The All in Hermeticism.

I too assume that the fundamental goal of the Divine Creative Force and its Creation is its own evolution and expansion through creative experimentation. Conscious experience is central to this goal. Indeed, the Divine Creative Force itself is pure conscious experience which experiences itself through its own multifarious creations and thereby creates a feedback loop and evolves itself as a result, constantly increasing the complexity of its manifested worlds and lifeforms. Intelligent humanoid creatures like ourselves are the pinnacle of the Divine Creative Force's creative experimentation. Our own individual consciousness is a fragment of the transcendental divine consciousness and incarnates into material bodies within the created physical worlds in order to live varied experiences and thereby evolve. Indeed, the created physical worlds are realms of action and experience. This conception of consciousness is parallel to the Hindu concept of the individual Atman being identical to Brahman, albeit different in scale and in a different place in the hierarchy of being. The Divine Creative Force is like the ocean and our souls are like the waves.

Because the transcendental consciousness of the Divine Creative Force is fundamental and ontologically prior to matter (which is simply a densification thereof) and our own individual consciousness is a fragment of that same preexisting spiritual entity, our consciousness is able to transcend bodily death and then reincarnate into another body at a later time in order to continue its own experience of material reality and evolution. What spiritual people call soul evolution takes precedence over biological evolution in the greater scheme of things. The continuity of consciousness and the ontological priority of spirit and the spiritual realms can be seen in the phenomenon of near-death experiences. The experiencer momentarily catches a glimpse of the wider reality beyond the physical world and then comes back retaining some knowledge of those more fundamental dimensions beyond. To use a modern analogy, we are souls living unique experiences and seeking to continue to evolve here on Earth like avatars in a MMORPG. Only this game is for real and is part of the Divine Creative Force's universal plan for evolution.

I've arrived at this conception of reality through my own philosophical reflection, intuition, analysis of phenomena including those of a paranormal nature, and study of metaphysical concepts from the mystery religions and esoteric philosophies. I've also seen a lot of this stuff myself in my own mystical experiences under the effects of psilocybin and Ayahuasca. I believe that it is possible for an evolved soul to momentarily experience itself as pure consciousness and then tap into sources of higher information concerning the nature of reality and consciousness itself through the likes of meditation and the use of entheogens among other things. Since both fundamental reality and ourselves are consciousness, under the right conditions we are able to experience a mystical union - the lesser merging with the greater - and thereby directly experience and behold the deeper workings of existence.

I know that @Winston sometimes talks about the world as a "matrix" as a creation of the corrupt demiurge Yahweh as per Gnostic belief, but I personally don't believe that this world is really a botched creation of Yahweh. I do indeed believe that Yahweh is a real being and an impostor but I don't believe that he is in any way the creator of the Earth or the material world. Rather he is nothing more than an intruder, a malevolent extraterrestrial or lesser god from elsewhere in the cosmos who has invaded our planet along with his evil clique of "angels" and subjugated our souls after defeating and exiling Enki and our original Pagan gods (supremely evolved humanoids who seeded intelligent life on Earth) during the last celestial war. Yahweh didn't create anything of substance. What people call the "matrix" is simply the world of illusion and spiritual enslavement and the astral soul trap which he has superposed upon our natural reality. Yahweh and his evil clique created the Abrahamic religions with their doctrines of submission and redemption through blood sacrifice as a program of deception and world subjugation. He even installed the Jews as his "chosen people" to carry out the plan of Jewish world domination and Gentile enslavement which is known today as the New World Order and outlined thoroughly throughout the Old Testament.

@Winston is also fond of the topic of NPCs/organic portals. As a souled human his intuition is good. According to my understanding, what we call souled humans are true fragments of the universal consciousness of the Divine Creative Force who derive directly from the original spiritual source and were incarnated on Earth by Enki via Adapa as a brilliant soul group destined for greatness and supreme divine evolution through the knowledge of the Kundalini and the alchemical Opus Magnum for our future transmutation into higher immortal godlike beings. However, the tyrant Yahweh (Enki's biological father and then king of the Anunnaki) opposed our enlightenment since he and his faction regarded us as a lowly species worthy only of slavery and therefore decided to evict Enki and subjugate our world. After his successful conquest, Yahweh began to incarnate millions of his own manufactured lesser counterfeit souls. These constitute the all of the slavish conformist NPC-like people whose only conception of life is slavishly submitting to one of the Abrahamic religions, or atheistic materialism, or the system of whatever country they were born into. They are the majority of the world population, the many inferior NPC souls with no higher spiritual faculties or instincts and whose only goal is to conform, pursue material wealth and fcuk women - either for pleasure or reproduction (not that fcukin' women or reproduction are bad things, but that's usually the extent of thought of most manufactured NPC souls). Only a small minority of us are actually true human souls with higher spiritual faculties and the potential for godhood. The rest are simply alien entities and many have a degree of hostility.

The impostor Yahweh has invaded our natural habitat and turned it into a prison for us and also into his own perverse playground. He has denatured this whole localized world and taken it away from its natural state. That's why our world for many millennia has been in a state of immense corruption and degeneration and even in a state of involution. The Hindus call this age the Kali Yuga. The impostor Yahweh is not only an invader and spreader of evil and chaos in our world but also an usurper of sorts. As an absolutely twisted and insane entity, he seeks to usurp the status of the Divine Creative Force and thereby become the creator god himself, hence his megalomania and psychopathic cruelty expressed abundantly throughout the Bible.

But those of us who are indeed true human souls and who descend from the higher spiritual reality of the primordial consciousness of the Divine Creative Force instinctively know that the likes of Christianity, Islam and Judaism are programs of deception and false light (I myself always perceived that something was a bit "off" about Christianity). We also naturally have strong spiritual instincts and therefore rarely gravitate towards atheistic materialism. Rather we are inherently spiritual, intuit the existence of a deeper spiritual reality from a young age, naturally conceive life as an opportunity for our own soul evolution, and value freedom and the pursuit of wisdom as well as our own virtue and excellence.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by WilliamSmith »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 15th, 2022, 12:45 pm
This is the foundation of alchemy, or the ability to "transmute" your experiences at will. @WanderingProtagonist this is kind of what I was trying to explain in a thread @WilliamSmith made about you. Transmuting feelings of negativity towards the world around you into something more positive, like an appreciation for nature for example. Any time a lower vibrational emotion is bringing you down the best thing to try and do is to recognise it, feel it, and try to transmute it into a more positive one.
Fascinating stuff here, just thought I'd pop in to say thanks since I'm not going to be able to get into a full detailed read and response until after New Year. :)
But on the quoted part above, I'm trying to make a huge improvement in this big shift toward positivity as well.
The 2020s were chaos (though highly stimulative), but now I've finally narrowed my list way down to the places I would most like to go permanently in the long-run, now I'm trying to get pumped up more and stay in excellent health from here on, and try to spend as little time as possible on negative subjects now that I actually have a full list of positive short and medium/long run goals that are all going to take up tons of time.
I'll have to allow at least some "antisemitism" and homphobia perhaps as often as one a month, because, you know, it's me, but I'll try to stop spewing invective and name-calling so much and stay constructive or informational even there. But otherwise I'm definitely trying to heavily shift toward the positive and constructive. :D
Negative thoughts actually cause a lot of problematic physiological reactions in the body as well, even though we sometimes can't help it (and expressing some anger can be better than "suppressing" it, which I've heard frequently causes worse feelings of depression).
The adrenaline stimulation caused by a sense of "righteous anger" can admittedly give you some more ferocity (I've noticed that back when punching my Wavemaster BOB punching bag) which is OK, but it's playing around with "the dark side of the force," so to speak.
I also believe in the spiritual and vibrational side of the thing too, but I'll read everything you posted in more detail first before I say more on that. :)
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 15th, 2022, 12:45 pm
What is the nature of reality?
There are many conceptions of the nature of reality and ontology. In this thread I’d like to discuss some of those conceptions, propose my own and ask of yours as well.
The one thing we can all agree is that we are here. The how and why are the pertinent questions.
First, let’s go over some of the more common conceptions of reality and their ontological meanings:

The Christian conception of the nature of reality and ontological meaning is fairly simplistic. There is a clear cut dichotomy between good and evil and our purpose is to live a life as much in alignment with God’s edicts as possible to achieve ever lasting life in heaven. God obviously created the universe and everything in it and there can be no question. @MrMan is our most prominent resident Christian as far as I am aware.

The atheist conception is even more simplistic. @CaptainSkelebob fashioned himself as the champion of atheism in the thread about Christianity vs Spirituality vs Atheism viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=45751 in this model the universe miraculously created itself from nothing and we evolved from the same matter that makes up the rocks and planets etc. Ontologically speaking, there is no definable purpose to our lives or existence on earth. The only conceivable reason for being is to be here in the here and now. To appreciate life while you have it because once you’re gone you’re gone.

I don’t subscribe to either of these conceptions of the nature of reality or ontological meaning. I find them to be a false dichotomy as @Winston has said himself before. Both are life denying in their own way. Endless servile passivity and weakness or nihilistic materialism which promotes a solipsistic life?

I’d like to share my own conception of reality, based on my research into philosophical works and through the experiences I’ve had with psychedelics, which revealed to me several philosophical concepts found in Hermeticism without me ever having looked into them myself. This cemented into my mind that the Hermetic philosophy is accurate and the 7 Hermetic principles are the underlying basis of reality. So, let’s take a look:

1. Mentalism
”The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.”

The All is the Hermetic name for the intelligent creator of our universe. This is the western version of the Hindu idea of Brahman. Both the All and Brahman are both described as a kind of consciousness from where we originate as individuated units as consciousness.

We are all part of Brahman’s dream. Part of its quest for evolution and growth, which is the goal of every living thing on the planet. Everything strives to grow and to flourish, to reach its maximum potential. I think Brahman is not a perfect creator, but flawed and experimental with its creations. This is why some species die out or evolve to survive in changing environments. Adaptability and will are key to surviving in the natural world.

As human beings I think our purpose within this material world is to grow through our experiences. I think Brahman grows through its creations and this is why we exist as a means for Brahman to grow through our growth and spiritual evolution. This is our purpose.

The physical world around us that we experience through our senses are interpreted through our consciousness. Without consciousness we cannot experience anything around us. In this sense the first principle of Hermeticism is correct. The universe is indeed mental “I think therefore I am.”

Mind over matter.

Here is an interesting experiment which further proves that consciousness is the foundation of all reality. The double slit experiment shows electrons fired at a screen through two slits form a wave interference pattern instead of forming two lines on the board. Demonstrating that the particles fired are simply potentials rather than fixed in reality. The particle becomes a wave and creates a wave interference pattern instead. It is only when observed by a conscious being that the particles choose one slit or the other and form two lines of particle patterns. Check out the video below:

In conclusion: The All/Brahman is the intelligent creator. It is a universal conscious mind capable of creating physical reality though thought alone and conscious perception. Also, consciousness affects matter when the matter is observed.
The experiment doesn't prove your conclusion, that some Hindu deity represented by the various idols of Hinduism is the creator. Some Christians cast supposed Hindu 'gods' out in exorcisms.

Nor does it prove the theory that the scientist observing makes a difference. It could be the Creator causes the particles to behave differently, acting specifically at each scientific experiment at the subatomic level. Or other intelligent entities might interact with the experiment. The results are so weird, those are just as likely of explanations as the observation idea. The idea that human observation changes electron behavior is no less off-the-wall that spirits moving the particles around different ways.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Pixel--Dude »

The experiment doesn't prove your conclusion, that some Hindu deity represented by the various idols of Hinduism is the creator. Some Christians cast supposed Hindu 'gods' out in exorcisms.
The experiment demonstrates that matter is influenced by a conscious observer. This is the very essence of the principle of mentalism. I feel like the point flew right over your head.

The idea of Brahman in Eastern Hindu philosophy and the All in western Hermetic philosophy make the same claims that we are all individuated units of consciousness derived from the same cosmic source. Obviously Brahman and All or Life are just all epithets given to the same supreme being which is responsible for all creation. And the foundation of everything is consciousness.
Nor does it prove the theory that the scientist observing makes a difference. It could be the Creator causes the particles to behave differently, acting specifically at each scientific experiment at the subatomic level. Or other intelligent entities might interact with the experiment. The results are so weird, those are just as likely of explanations as the observation idea. The idea that human observation changes electron behavior is no less off-the-wall that spirits moving the particles around different ways.
But what you are stating here is nothing but speculation which has no relevance at all. We are talking about the empirical facts the experiment demonstrates. The experiment demonstrates that matter changes its behaviour when watched by a conscious observer. Everything else is your own conjecture for which there is no empirical evidence at all.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Pixel--Dude »

WilliamSmith wrote:
December 16th, 2022, 1:50 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 15th, 2022, 12:45 pm
This is the foundation of alchemy, or the ability to "transmute" your experiences at will. @WanderingProtagonist this is kind of what I was trying to explain in a thread @WilliamSmith made about you. Transmuting feelings of negativity towards the world around you into something more positive, like an appreciation for nature for example. Any time a lower vibrational emotion is bringing you down the best thing to try and do is to recognise it, feel it, and try to transmute it into a more positive one.
Fascinating stuff here, just thought I'd pop in to say thanks since I'm not going to be able to get into a full detailed read and response until after New Year. :)
But on the quoted part above, I'm trying to make a huge improvement in this big shift toward positivity as well.
The 2020s were chaos (though highly stimulative), but now I've finally narrowed my list way down to the places I would most like to go permanently in the long-run, now I'm trying to get pumped up more and stay in excellent health from here on, and try to spend as little time as possible on negative subjects now that I actually have a full list of positive short and medium/long run goals that are all going to take up tons of time.
I'll have to allow at least some "antisemitism" and homphobia perhaps as often as one a month, because, you know, it's me, but I'll try to stop spewing invective and name-calling so much and stay constructive or informational even there. But otherwise I'm definitely trying to heavily shift toward the positive and constructive. :D
Negative thoughts actually cause a lot of problematic physiological reactions in the body as well, even though we sometimes can't help it (and expressing some anger can be better than "suppressing" it, which I've heard frequently causes worse feelings of depression).
The adrenaline stimulation caused by a sense of "righteous anger" can admittedly give you some more ferocity (I've noticed that back when punching my Wavemaster BOB punching bag) which is OK, but it's playing around with "the dark side of the force," so to speak.
I also believe in the spiritual and vibrational side of the thing too, but I'll read everything you posted in more detail first before I say more on that. :)
The lesson of transmuting negative emotions into positive emotions is something I've been trying to master myself as an initiate into the lessons of the occult and esoteric practice.

@Lucas88 and myself had a conversation about something earlier where I told him something personal that was upsetting and worrying me. Without sharing too much personal information I talked to Lucas about how I have a positive outlook on things regardless of how hopeless some things may seem. I'd be happy to give more context on this, but not in public.

To summarise I think this is a helpful lesson to master. To be in control and have mastery over your own emotions is of great benefit. Otherwise you become a slave to your own negative emotions. I think everyone should strive towards positivity.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Lucas88 wrote:
December 16th, 2022, 1:30 pm

Wow, this is an excellent thread!

The nature of reality is a fundamental question of metaphysics - the branch of philosophy which deals with the first principles of things such as being, identity and time -, yet most people either go no further than the obvious observation that "we are here" or simply accept extremely simplistic conceptions of the reason for our existence such as the Darwinian worldview with its notion of random mutations and its denial of any teleology or some form of religious creationism based on the myths of a purported holy book without asking any further questions. But this is a false dichotomy. It doesn't have to be either one or the other. There can be other options which go beyond these contrived simplistic accounts.
Yes. I agree. To understand the nature of reality means to shed yourself free of the shackles of narrow-minded dichotomous thought. @Winston has spoken before about the false dichotomy of Atheism and Christianity and I absolutely agree with his assessment, and your own demonstrated here.

In my opinion there is no reason to believe in one over the other when it comes to Atheism or Christianity. Both are based on nothing but faith and have very little empirical data to substantiate one over the other. It always makes me laugh when a so-called free thinker or true intellectual blindly subscribes to these equally life-denying ideologies. :lol:
I myself subscribe to the same spiritual conception of reality as you do. I believe that the most logical assumption is that there exists as the foundation of reality a transcendental intelligence or consciousness that underlies all material phenomena and shapes the evolution of the universe, worlds, ecosystems and living beings in accordance with some preconceived blueprint. The contrary notion that particles simply organize themselves into coherent forms through completely random and purposeless processes just makes no sense whatsoever. The sheer complexity and coherent arrangement of things is indicative of intelligent design and therefore a deeper metaphysical intelligence in the cosmos and beyond - a deeper metaphysical intelligence with its own awareness and capacity for decision making. For me, that deeper metaphysical intelligence that underlies and informs all of Creation is the Divine Creative Force, albeit not necessarily like the anthropomorphic god of the Abrahamic religions, but rather more like the Transcendental Absolute of Brahman in Hinduism and Eastern philosophy or the concept of The All in Hermeticism.
Absolutely! Brilliant points mentioned here! I admit that out of the two groups of dogmatic know-it-alls I find Atheists to be the most intolerable. They always claim that their personal views are in alignment with science and anything else which falls outside of their narrow paradigm is simply delusional. In actual fact their religion of antireligion is equally based on nothing but faith, as though these dumb materialist scientists could possibly know all the secrets and mysteries of the universe :lol:

Christians piss me off as well. Their dogmatic ignorance is infuriating. Especially when you consider the fact that these fools don't examine their own belief system with a critical mind and simply accept the word of the bible because "God said so" :lol: But as we've said in the past. At least these people have some proclivity towards the spiritual. Even though its misguided.

Still, when compared to the ignorant know-it-all attitude of atheists, Christians aren't so bad. Intelligent design can indeed be seen everywhere throughout the natural world with the golden ratio and what not. But atheists will ignore things like that as it goes against their religion :mrgreen:

The philosophical views of the Hermetics and ancient Hindus are far more in depth than either of the aforementioned narrowly conceived views on the nature of reality. Most people dismiss the notion of spirituality as absolute rubbish without even looking into it and then claim they know all the answers, even though they have never investigated an alternative. Such people are not truth seekers. They are ignorant fools who arrogantly believe they have the right answers because the bible or the word of a scientist suits their own personal prejudices. It's f***ing stupid. :roll:
I too assume that the fundamental goal of the Divine Creative Force and its Creation is its own evolution and expansion through creative experimentation. Conscious experience is central to this goal. Indeed, the Divine Creative Force itself is pure conscious experience which experiences itself through its own multifarious creations and thereby creates a feedback loop and evolves itself as a result, constantly increasing the complexity of its manifested worlds and lifeforms. Intelligent humanoid creatures like ourselves are the pinnacle of the Divine Creative Force's creative experimentation. Our own individual consciousness is a fragment of the transcendental divine consciousness and incarnates into material bodies within the created physical worlds in order to live varied experiences and thereby evolve. Indeed, the created physical worlds are realms of action and experience. This conception of consciousness is parallel to the Hindu concept of the individual Atman being identical to Brahman, albeit different in scale and in a different place in the hierarchy of being. The Divine Creative Force is like the ocean and our souls are like the waves.

Because the transcendental consciousness of the Divine Creative Force is fundamental and ontologically prior to matter (which is simply a densification thereof) and our own individual consciousness is a fragment of that same preexisting spiritual entity, our consciousness is able to transcend bodily death and then reincarnate into another body at a later time in order to continue its own experience of material reality and evolution. What spiritual people call soul evolution takes precedence over biological evolution in the greater scheme of things. The continuity of consciousness and the ontological priority of spirit and the spiritual realms can be seen in the phenomenon of near-death experiences. The experiencer momentarily catches a glimpse of the wider reality beyond the physical world and then comes back retaining some knowledge of those more fundamental dimensions beyond. To use a modern analogy, we are souls living unique experiences and seeking to continue to evolve here on Earth like avatars in a MMORPG. Only this game is for real and is part of the Divine Creative Force's universal plan for evolution.
From an ontological perspective this makes absolute sense. I've never understood how the self proclaimed all powerful god of the Christian Bible needs to create humanity so he can become the ultimate object of love. Or why we bother to exist at all if we can just end everything in an instant.

Also, both of these ideologies both promote the same kind of life-denying bullshit. With Atheism only the continuation of the species and genetics is what matters and the individual is completely irrelevant. With Christianity we are indoctrinated with the bullshit that we are inherently evil and must atone for our evil nature, even though we are supposedly made in the image of a perfect and all loving God. :roll:

With our conception of reality, derived from years of study and research into various philosophical currents, ancient texts, occultism and esoteric writing we can ascertain that this conception of an imperfect creator growing through its creations is what makes most sense from an ontological perspective. The other conceptions I've mentioned, the false dichotomy, just don't resonate.

I think the idea that we are individuated units of consciousness derived from the same cosmic source is something congruent with Hermetic philosophy as mentioned in my original post. The idea of the macrocosmic, which is Brahman or the totality and the microcosmic, which is individuated units of consciousness. A vast ocean comprised of several drops.
I've arrived at this conception of reality through my own philosophical reflection, intuition, analysis of phenomena including those of a paranormal nature, and study of metaphysical concepts from the mystery religions and esoteric philosophies. I've also seen a lot of this stuff myself in my own mystical experiences under the effects of psilocybin and Ayahuasca. I believe that it is possible for an evolved soul to momentarily experience itself as pure consciousness and then tap into sources of higher information concerning the nature of reality and consciousness itself through the likes of meditation and the use of entheogens among other things. Since both fundamental reality and ourselves are consciousness, under the right conditions we are able to experience a mystical union - the lesser merging with the greater - and thereby directly experience and behold the deeper workings of existence.
My journey has been the same. Entheogens have provided me with many philosophical and introspective insights which have helped me vastly understand the nature of reality and even my own nature as well. I'll always speak highly of entheogens because of how they have helped me personally and how much insights I have gained through my experiences. Even though I fully understand that they might not have the same beneficial effects for everyone.

I have wondered if human souls can tap into things like the Akashic Records and deeper spiritual realms without the use of entheogens. Because our brains naturally produce DMT. Perhaps the poisoning of our food and water and even the air contribute to the calcification of our pineal gland, which makes us less susceptible to higher levels of reality.
I know that @Winston sometimes talks about the world as a "matrix" as a creation of the corrupt demiurge Yahweh as per Gnostic belief, but I personally don't believe that this world is really a botched creation of Yahweh. I do indeed believe that Yahweh is a real being and an impostor but I don't believe that he is in any way the creator of the Earth or the material world. Rather he is nothing more than an intruder, a malevolent extraterrestrial or lesser god from elsewhere in the cosmos who has invaded our planet along with his evil clique of "angels" and subjugated our souls after defeating and exiling Enki and our original Pagan gods (supremely evolved humanoids who seeded intelligent life on Earth) during the last celestial war. Yahweh didn't create anything of substance. What people call the "matrix" is simply the world of illusion and spiritual enslavement and the astral soul trap which he has superposed upon our natural reality. Yahweh and his evil clique created the Abrahamic religions with their doctrines of submission and redemption through blood sacrifice as a program of deception and world subjugation. He even installed the Jews as his "chosen people" to carry out the plan of Jewish world domination and Gentile enslavement which is known today as the New World Order and outlined thoroughly throughout the Old Testament.
I somewhat agree with Winston. Though I don't believe Yahweh is any kind of authentic creator and is simply a psychotic imposter god who usurps the title of creator. In reality this psycho is part of the creation himself. Yahweh opposes the spiritual evolution of humanity and instead he believes we should be kept as his slaves.
@Winston is also fond of the topic of NPCs/organic portals. As a souled human his intuition is good. According to my understanding, what we call souled humans are true fragments of the universal consciousness of the Divine Creative Force who derive directly from the original spiritual source and were incarnated on Earth by Enki via Adapa as a brilliant soul group destined for greatness and supreme divine evolution through the knowledge of the Kundalini and the alchemical Opus Magnum for our future transmutation into higher immortal godlike beings. However, the tyrant Yahweh (Enki's biological father and then king of the Anunnaki) opposed our enlightenment since he and his faction regarded us as a lowly species worthy only of slavery and therefore decided to evict Enki and subjugate our world. After his successful conquest, Yahweh began to incarnate millions of his own manufactured lesser counterfeit souls. These constitute the all of the slavish conformist NPC-like people whose only conception of life is slavishly submitting to one of the Abrahamic religions, or atheistic materialism, or the system of whatever country they were born into. They are the majority of the world population, the many inferior NPC souls with no higher spiritual faculties or instincts and whose only goal is to conform, pursue material wealth and fcuk women - either for pleasure or reproduction (not that fcukin' women or reproduction are bad things, but that's usually the extent of thought of most manufactured NPC souls). Only a small minority of us are actually true human souls with higher spiritual faculties and the potential for godhood. The rest are simply alien entities and many have a degree of hostility.
I agree! And if we take the concept of reincarnation into consideration then we have to ask where the influx of souls has come from! How can the population be growing exponentially if reincarnation is true. In my opinion this is because NPC souls have been flooded into the planet like a swarm of locusts to consume all the resources, create scarcity and outnumber souled humans in phony democratic systems.

I will go into more detail about NPCs and the nature of various types of souls in a new thread I am wanting to write. But this will be at a later time.
The impostor Yahweh has invaded our natural habitat and turned it into a prison for us and also into his own perverse playground. He has denatured this whole localized world and taken it away from its natural state. That's why our world for many millennia has been in a state of immense corruption and degeneration and even in a state of involution. The Hindus call this age the Kali Yuga. The impostor Yahweh is not only an invader and spreader of evil and chaos in our world but also an usurper of sorts. As an absolutely twisted and insane entity, he seeks to usurp the status of the Divine Creative Force and thereby become the creator god himself, hence his megalomania and psychopathic cruelty expressed abundantly throughout the Bible.
I've seen this in a psychedelic experience and I agreed with you in my previous response. Yahweh is indeed an evil god. The atrocities he commits are evident throughout the entire Bible. Yet Christians want to continously make excuses and justify Yahwehs actions as morally justified. Usually these excuses range from "its all gods plan" to "well, we belong to God he can do what he wants with us." I find such shallow justification absolutely reprehensible.

We should talk about Kali Yuga more in depth in a new thread about the Astrological Eras where we can go into more detail about Kali Yuga and Satya Yuga.

[/quote]But those of us who are indeed true human souls and who descend from the higher spiritual reality of the primordial consciousness of the Divine Creative Force instinctively know that the likes of Christianity, Islam and Judaism are programs of deception and false light (I myself always perceived that something was a bit "off" about Christianity). We also naturally have strong spiritual instincts and therefore rarely gravitate towards atheistic materialism. Rather we are inherently spiritual, intuit the existence of a deeper spiritual reality from a young age, naturally conceive life as an opportunity for our own soul evolution, and value freedom and the pursuit of wisdom as well as our own virtue and excellence.

Exactly. Not just for ourselves, but for all humanity as a whole. Our spiritual evolution is our natural birthright and Yahweh has stolen it from us, expelling our true benefactors from the planet and slandering them as demons in the Goetia!!

It is the natural purpose of every living thing on Earth to grow and to flourish. That is the nature of life. And we are no different. Even though these dumbass Christians want to keep us all down and subservient to slave morality. Truly sickening :roll:
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Pixel--Dude »


I've been thinking about the Hermetic Principles and how some of them are subverted in modern society. All of this is by design, similar to how society is designed to attack your chakras and prevent them from functioning properly. I wrote about this in my thread about Society and Spiritual Anatomy which you can read here: viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=46686

The Principle of Mentalism is subverted by society promoting this nihilistic notion that we are nothing. That we are soulless automatons or meat puppets and consciousness is a byproduct of several sections of the brain all mechanically working in conjuction with each other.

Under this nihilist belief system we are dismissed as accidents and only the continuation of the species matters and the individual is completely irrelevant. This is obviously pushed to convince people they have no purpose, how can you in an accidental and mechanical universe. The reason they want to make us feel like we have no purpose is so that they can determine our purpose for us. And what they decide is that our purpose is to work for various companies.

The Principle of Correspondence is subverted as this idea of interconnectedness is destroyed in modern society. In modern society we are alienated from nature as well as each other. From school we are instilled with this dog eat dog ethos and brainwashed with toxic individualism. Not only that, but we have somehow reached this idea that humanity is separate from nature and not a part of it.

The Principle of Polarity is subverted through the promotion of toxic ideologies which cause further division. Take radical feminism and these toxic MGTOW incels like @88jose88. Feminism and MGTOW are just two opposites of the same toxic mindset which blames all societies issues on the opposite sex.

Left and right wing ideologies are just as toxic with idiotic snowflakes from the left and stupid idiots from the right who want to cry and complain about immigrants and hating nigs and all that other boring shit. I'm not surprised @yick puts these idiots in their places. This forum has become a f***ing tampon for all these big babies to cry and complain about women and blacks. It's tedious as f**k.

The Principle of Cause and Effect is subverted through the shift of blame constantly moving from one group of people to another. This is one thing I wanted to say to @fschmidt who always talks about hoe much he hates modern scum, whilst giving praise to evil "philanthropists". It seems to elude him that modern scum are the effect and so we must identify and rectify rhe cause in order to mend the almost irreparable damage done to society.

The system we live in is toxic and wrong. Shit rolls downhill and it all seems from these assholes at the top. The banks, corporate CEOs, "philanthropists" and world leaders (puppets of the aforementioned assholes) these cunts who meet at Davos every year who pass legislation to make our lives worse in order to make themselves richer.

These are the people who are the cause of the modern scum effect in society. It isn't in human nature to be so solipsitic and evil. This is learnt behaviour indoctrinated through their education system.

I don't understand why some people refuse to acknowledge the truth and see these villains for what they really are. @MrMan.

The cause and effect principle also applies to immigration and ghetto "nigs" who cause problems. These things are the effect! But people tend not to look much further than that. This is what I explained to @WanderingProtagonist in another thread.

The Principle of Gender is subverted through the recent left wing extremist bullshit being pushed right now. Particularly onto our children. Fathers like myself, MrMan and @MarcosZeitola find this extremely concerning....

It isn't Hinduism that is to blame, as MrMan likes to say. The Hindu idea of Lingam and Yoni are not the same as gender, they are merely masculine and feminine energies and do not mean a man who has high Yoni energy is a woman. They are just like Yin and Yang.

I wonder what people who supported the "science" during covid now think of the recent wave of gender confusion making Big Pharma millions in profit at the expense of young and confused school kids being encouraged to have hormone blockers and gender reassignment surgery. It's something that makes me sick! @HouseMD @CaptainSkelebob2

So what do you all think of my reflections?
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by Tsar »

I think you're right. The Elites who govern this world want to be worshipped as gods, control the minds, and deprive people of their true potential.

One of my theories is that the human body is a host for a soul and that soul isn't necessarily human. We exist as humans but we may not be humans. I will be writing a book all about this to possibly be a masterpiece about spirituality.

Also, cause and effect is not always true. Sometimes there is no causality from our world explainable by science.

I have experienced things beyond this world. They have no causality from our world or dimension or plane.

Our understanding is also being limited because research into metaphysics isn't funded when it should be.

I assume this has to do with Jewish control and the Abrahamic control matrix. Atheism is just another part of that control. They don't want true spirituality, non-Abrahamic religions and spirituality, or a true awakening to paganism and other true beliefs.

That's why I have slowly been piecing together things and applying my divine abilities to unlock the secrets of reality. What we have been told by the system is a total lie.

I know for a fact that I am a deity in human form and when I die, I will go to one of the worlds of Norse mythology welcomed by my true family. The Demiurge has sabotaged my mortal form.

This world is controlled by evil and of negative souls inhabit some humans, they are ruling this world and destroying it.

When I am in Europe, that's where I tap into the most powerful energies because I am spiritually bound to Europe. Then I have some connection to the Atlantic Circle.

If history of our planet truly has Master Civilizations, the some humans are also possibly connected to the survivors of ancient bloodlines.

We can't trust almost anything the Elites tell us because science, religion, and history are all corrupted. They even changed the frequency of music and language isn't the beautiful ancient languages. We need to restore the world to it's pagan glory.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by 88jose88 »

Nigs and liberated women are systenic problems in society which can be measured by their toxic effects.

You just summarized the principle of polarity,so it's clearly good vs evil or the sun vs the moon and masculine sun should dominate.

My problem with negeos,is that they're stupid,violent and ugly so I don't want them soiling superior races with their genes or presence.

my issue with liberated women is they're npcs,f**k like rabbits and hate superior civilizational men and deny men sex unless top 1%.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by 88jose88 »

My roommate saw laura gonzalez miss universe and said I looked like her twin brother,I am a situational incel not a real one.

today a 11 year old girl stopped me on the street to tell me she liked my looks.

I need money and a apartment to get a girlfriend,and due to my mental disabilities I live in a group home,and I don't have a state ID to get a job training and job.

I live off 35 dollars a week spending money.ANYone would be 'incel'in my position.

I am not mgtow.I am mgtow regarding western women unless they're unicorns but I'd still pump and dump em.

You have a bias against me because I disdain to blacks,and you have a black gf.that's all it is.You're biased.

I never said you were a bad person or morally evil for having the opposite opinions to me and worshipping the devil(Enki),but you are so narrow minded like all progressives and npc new agers that anyone that doesn't agree with you is evil.tolerant only towards absolute 'tolerant'cucks.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by 88jose88 »

Yick is a 50 year old loser that takes pride in his afrointreoductions matches and doesn't even get fuckable ethiopians off there like I do.

he's a bully that is hiding his massive failure to have kids and a family already at his age.he hasn't put anyone in his place at all,he just repeats the same shit about me balding and being short,which is not true except the short part and that is because I was born 3 months early.

alot of women prefer short guys anyway.and even if they did not,looks aren't everything like hsi shallow latino culture thinks despite most of them needing bbl's,ass injections and provacative clothes to look good.only the spaniard elite look good naturally.northern american natives are much better looking than the typical men of mestizo extraction are laughing jokes to women,yet like asians they are the first to be judgemental despite being subhuman on average.
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Re: The Nature of Reality

Post by fschmidt »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
March 1st, 2024, 5:08 am
The Principle of Cause and Effect is subverted through the shift of blame constantly moving from one group of people to another. This is one thing I wanted to say to @fschmidt who always talks about hoe much he hates modern scum, whilst giving praise to evil "philanthropists". It seems to elude him that modern scum are the effect and so we must identify and rectify rhe cause in order to mend the almost irreparable damage done to society.

The system we live in is toxic and wrong. Shit rolls downhill and it all seems from these assholes at the top. The banks, corporate CEOs, "philanthropists" and world leaders (puppets of the aforementioned assholes) these cunts who meet at Davos every year who pass legislation to make our lives worse in order to make themselves richer.

These are the people who are the cause of the modern scum effect in society. It isn't in human nature to be so solipsitic and evil. This is learnt behaviour indoctrinated through their education system.

I don't understand why some people refuse to acknowledge the truth and see these villains for what they really are. @MrMan.

The cause and effect principle also applies to immigration and ghetto "nigs" who cause problems. These things are the effect! But people tend not to look much further than that. This is what I explained to @WanderingProtagonist in another thread.
You are the one who gets cause and effect totally wrong. The cause of the global elite is the passivity and stupidity of the masses. Richard Nixon was as bad as any of them, but back then the masses weren't moronic scum, so they removed Nixon from office.

What turned the masses into moronic scum? Not the elite and not immigration. It was the failure of religion which led to dysgenics and immorality. See ... p2004.html for details.
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