Does True EVIL Exist? Or is it just a perception and label we slap onto others we fear, hate, and see as dangerous?

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Does True EVIL Exist? Or is it just a perception and label we slap onto others we fear, hate, and see as dangerous?

Post by Winston »

I been wondering about something lately. Does true evil exist in the objective sense of being evil for the sake of being pure evil, like Christian theology and movies and pop culture portray? Or is it just a label and perception we slap onto others we hate and fear and perceive as dangerous to us?

I've been mulling over this for a while now, and I don't think evil exists the way it's been portrayed in comics, movies, pop culture, superhero stories, Christian theology, and conspiracy theory literature and media. Here's why: NO ONE SEES THEMSELVES AS EVIL. No one sees themselves as the villain or the bad guy who wants to take over the world and do evil just for the sake of doing evil, like the villains do in superhero cartoons, movies, and comics. Can you think of anyone, even one person, who sees themselves as evil and wanting to enslave everyone? Not even Hitler saw himself as evil, only American war propaganda did, he saw himself as a Savior and victim of Jewish Zionist oppression. Muslim terrorists do not see themselves as evil either, they see themselves as freedom fighters and victims against oppression and injustice done to them and their people. You may see them as evil, but THEY DO NOT. So it's YOUR perception, not theirs.

So you see, no one sees themselves as evil or the bad guy who does evil just for the sake of it. That's only in fiction and religion and in our PERCEPTION. You see, you only call someone evil when their agenda opposes yours, or they do something you don't like which threatens you and your freedom. So it's mostly a PERCEPTION and a label you slap onto others you fear or hate or perceive as dangerous. It's not a label anyone slaps onto themselves. This is a sense is GOOD NEWS because disproves the fearmongering notion in the truth movement that there is an evil group of elites and cabals out there that is conspiring with evil intentions to enslave everyone and create a one world government where everyone's freedoms are gone, just for the sake of being pure evil. That sounds like fantasy and has been around for ages. The notion that "dark forces are coming to take away your freedoms" is a fantasy that has been around for ages, and a paranoid one at that, but it never comes true in the literal sense. And that's good news. Because it's a perception, and one that is not objectively true, because no one sees themselves as an evil villain trying to take away everyone's freedoms. If you think about it, it's all a PERCEPTION, not literal objective fact.

This is good news of course since it means the truther's paranoid fears are mostly imaginary and just a classic Christian style fantasy of good vs. evil which is only in fiction, movies, and religion, not in reality. Because in real life, everyone thinks they are doing what they think is justified and right and doing the best they can. No one thinks they are the bad guy, it's always someone else they see as the bad guy, never themselves. However, even though this is good news, truthers may not want to accept it because their beliefs form their identity and once adopted become deeply ingrained and become a part of them. And besides no one wants to be wrong. As Mark Twain said: "It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they were fooled".

Now I'm not saying that there aren't bad people who do bad things. But that's because they are misguided and twisted, like Hitler was. Or addicted to bad things like greed, corruption, lust, power, violence, etc. Some people are sick. Some are addicted to killing too, like Josef Stalin or Pol Pot or serial killers. If you listen to interviews with serial killers like Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer, they said that they had an addiction to killing people that they could not control. They don't say that they were evil and did evil for the sake of it, like a monster in a horror movie. They merely had dangerous addictions they could not control. That's what they say. Of course we perceive these people as evil and monsters, because from our vantage point, they are, but that doesn't mean they are "evil" in the objective factual sense or in the religious sense that Christians perceive.

Does evil truly exist? It really depends on how you define "evil". If by evil you mean they are bad or dangerous, then yes, that is real. But if by evil you mean someone who loves doing evil for the sake of it and sees themselves as evil for the sake of being evil, then no that doesn't seem to exist. Because no one perceives themselves that way, not even Hitler did. It's a fiction in our minds and in movies. So this is good news because it means that objective evil doesn't exist. But bad people and dangerous people do exist of course. So it really depends on you define evil.

The Christian definition of evil, which is adopted by truthers whether they are Christian or not, seems to be mostly a fiction in their own minds, because no one sees themselves as objectively evil by the Christian definition. Even if Satan existed, he would not view himself as objectively evil either. Just like in the TV series "Lucifer" he would see himself as the victim of an unjust God, not as an agent of pure objective evil that does evil just for the sake of being evil. So Christians have created this false dichotomy of good vs. evil in their own minds. Hence their inner demons are the evil they perceive in others. It's not objective or factual. It's their perception in their minds and is their inner demon. That seems to be the case if you think about it. This appears to be the case with big name truthers like Alex Jones and David Icke, which if you think about it, refute their own claims of a great evil running the whole world, because if their claims were true, they would have been taken out long ago and not allowed to speak publicly. So their claims are in a sense self-refuting, if you think about it.

Now the thing is, this NWO one world government conspiracy could be true in a metaphorical sense, because power does like to centralize its power and maintain its control and consolidate its resources. That is natural, since power corrupts and seeks to preserve itself. But if that's the case, then the world is ALREADY ruled by a one world government in a certain sense and has been for a long time now. So it's not "gradually becoming a one world government", but already is in a sense, because in today's globalist world, everything is interconnected and interlaced. So it's almost like a global government in a sense.

Now if there is a global elite that rules the world, they would not do it openly by creating a one world government and making it official. They would do it by proxy by controlling all major governments on a puppet string, like through the IMF bank, and maintaining the illusion of national sovereignty, which is what people want. They would not openly declare an official one world government, because that would be declaring an open dictatorship and they are not dumb enough to do that. Open dictatorships don't work anymore, they are a thing of the past. No one would welcome it or accept it. It would be too obvious. So the global elite would do go that route of course. They would just control everything or influence everything by proxy, like they have with this Covid pandemic. So it would be far smarter for them to let everyone think their country or local government is sovereign, when in fact they are controlled by proxy and bought up by central bankers or whatever.

I'm speaking hypothetically of course. I don't know if the global elite or top 1 percent of the rich really work together or not, and if so to what extent. That is an open question that remains to be seen. I'm sure at some level they definitely collude and work together for their own mutual shared interests. Sure. That is natural and to be expected. However, that doesn't mean they are involved in an "evil plot" to enslave the world and create a one world Luciferian/Satanic dictatorship where all personal freedoms are gone and everyone is a zombified slave. What would be the point of that? Especially if they already own the world now, in a metaphorical sense, even if by proxy. They have no need to declare an open dictatorship of a one world government and announcing it publicly. That would be foolish and serve no purpose and would only incite rebellion and resistance. It's not like the global elite are going to go on TV and announce:

"Ladies and gentlemen. Today we announce the formation of a one world government. Your rights and freedoms are gone. You are now servants of the state. Resistance is futile. Anyone who resists will be hauled off to a concentration camp. Troops are now being dispatched and on their way to make sure you comply. You now live in an Orwellian dictatorship. There is nothing you can do. Resistance is futile and will be dealt with harshly."

Only in Christian and conspiracy fiction do the global elite make that kind of an official announcement to the world. And in sci fi dystopian movies too of course. Why would the global elite be dumb enough to announce that? Nothing good would come out of it. They aren't that stupid. It'd create mass panic and hysteria and would create a huge backlash. It's not in their interest to create an open Orwellian dictatorship like that. It'd far better for them to create something like "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, where people think they are free but are not, and have many pleasures to distract them. And in fact, some in the Truth movement say that there are two factions of elites - one that wants an Orwellian dictatorship and the other that want a Brave New World soft dictatorship, aka a "scientific dictatorship". I don't know if that's true or not but it's interesting.

Now I'm sure some elite powerful people really do want an Orwellian dictatorship and have wet dreams about it. Look at the Chinese Communist government for example. It seems very Orwellian. But that is because they can get away with it in Asia, since in Asia, people are super conformist and collectivist by nature and culture, so it's easy for the elites there to conduct mass control, which would not work in Western countries. But alas, all dictatorships eventually collapse, because they are not natural, or they gradually wean off. Eventually they self-implode as mass consciousness and awareness arises. Again I'm not saying that there aren't bad people in power doing bad things. Sure they are. But it's not in the manner that Christian and Truther literature/media portray as a cosmic battle of pure good vs. pure evil.

So this NWO conspiracy of an evil elite wanting to enslave the whole world, seems to be a fantasy created by fiction, movies, and the Christian religion and mindset, which sees the world as a cosmic battleground between God and Satan, between 100 percent good and 100 percent evil. Yet we know in real life that no one is 100 percent good or bad, everyone is a mix of both to some degree. We all have a dark side, sure, but no one is 100 percent objectively evil like Christian folklore and theology presumes.

So this extreme dualistic view and polarity seems to be a creation of fiction. But it's not just religion and conspiracy theorists that are to blame, because Hollywood, mythology, legends, fairy tales, and even government propaganda depict this fabricated dichotomy of good vs. evil too. For example, in most movies there is always a group of bad guys or evil villains trying to take over the world, who lust after power and wealth. And in fairy tales, mythology, and legend, there are always villains whom the heros have to fight and defeat, who are evil for the sake of being evil. And during WW2, US government propaganda portrayed the Germans and Japanese as "the forces of evil" and "the bad guys" which was naive and fictitious, but necessary as war propaganda. And today US government propaganda portrays Muslim terrorists as "the forces of evil" too, without ever trying to understand them or asking what they did wrong to cause terrorists to oppose them, as if the US is blind to its own faults and wrongdoing and assumes it is blameless, which is sheer denial of course. So it seems to be human nature, since even governments and media do it too, not just Christians and conspiracy theorists.

Why this is both good news and bad news

So this is good news and bad news. It's good news in that it means that there is no pure evil group out there wanting to enslave you for the sake of being evil. All that was a fiction in your head, fostered by movies, fiction, and religion of course. So you can finally drop it and release it and let go of such a burden in your paranoid fantasies. But it's bad news in that you were wrong (and no one likes to be wrong) and you are not going to "prevail over evil" and extinguish it when Jesus comes back to vanquish evil for all time, or when good ETs come to rescue us, or something like that. Because we all have good and bad traits in our human nature and most likely it will always be like that, so we have to find a healthy balance that keeps both in check and does not allow our dark side or inner demons to run amok, because they are part of us and always will be. We cannot suppress our dark side like a wild beast, so we have to deal with it in a healthy manner or find a proper outlet for them.

Now how do I know that cosmic forces aren't coming to vaniquish evil for all time, like the end times prophecies in the Bible predict? Simple, because it's based on faulty premises. No one sees themselves as evil, as I said, so the whole cosmic battle between good and evil thing was fiction to begin with. But that doesn't mean that some disaster might not come to wipe out the world and reset it again, like what happened with the dinosaurs, or maybe the global deluge that happened in ancient times. That could always happen and has happened in the past, according to archaeologists and paleontologists. But that would just be like a cyclical reset, like what's described in the Indian Hindu Kali Yuga cycle. It would be part of the great year or great cycle, which ancient legends say lasts 25,000 years and then resets, if true that is.

Do you guys agree? What do you think?

The reason I say all this is because the more I think about it the more all this doom and gloom stuff feels like paranoid fiction. Like something thats in our minds and also propagated by religion and movies and fairy tales too. Something feels off about it. Also because doom and gloom naysayers like Taco are always consistently wrong in their predictions. Just like those who talk about End Times prophecies. So it seems all in their head and greatly exaggerated. Also when you think about it no one sees themselves as evil or the bad guy or villain. There are bad people addicted to violence and criminal activity and greed of course. But not the cartoon villain type that wants to enslave the world like in the movies.

I don't doubt that there are powerful people who do bad things and keep it secret and lie about it and cover it up. It's just that real conspiracies don't work the way movies and conspiracy media/literature portray them right? Like a group of villains like the "The Legend of Doom" in Superfriends cartoons. You ever seen that cartoon series? I used to love it.

Now I'm not saying that elite cabals or cartels don't exist. I mean if powerful cabals exist and collude and make plans for their mutual interest, that doesn't mean that they are cartoon villains like in Superfriends right? Not like the "dark forces are plotting to take away all your freedoms" paranoid fantasies that truthers have right? I'm sure powerful people do get together to talk and plan stuff. It's just that they arent cartoon villains like the Legion of Doom in Superfriends cartoons, who are evil just for the sake of being evil. Because no one sees themselves that way. Not even Hitler did. Right? Thats what I mean. What do you all think?

So what do you all think? Do you think true evil exists? Or is it just a label and perception we slap onto others we hate and fear and see as dangerous?
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Re: Does True EVIL Exist? Or is it just a perception and label we slap onto others we fear, hate, and see as dangerous?

Post by Gali »

True evil is wasting so much time with this stuff. On a more serious note as we have no free will it does not really matter. Pragmatically and scientifically you could dwelve into biology, evolution and psychology if you want intelligent answers that needs lots of effort and discipline.
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