Best Solution to the World's Problems - Rule by Spiritual Elite - The Ancient System of Governance

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Best Solution to the World's Problems - Rule by Spiritual Elite - The Ancient System of Governance

Post by Winston »


You guys wanna know something interesting? There's actually a simple and natural solution for the problems in America and the world. It was how ancient societies ran things during the Golden Ages before the fall. But it's something that runs so contrary to our fake modern materialistic world, that it could never be enacted or even considered, at least not in our level of consciousness. Wikipedia does not even have a term for it. However, it was common place during ancient times during the Golden Age Era before the Fall of Humanity into the Iron Age of the Kali Yuga. It's been featured in fantasy books and movies too, including Star Wars. And in Plato's classic work "The Republic" and in ancient India before the caste system was corrupted. It's something that easily trumps any modern political system such as Democracy, Republic, Socialism, Monarchy, or Communism. Because it's wise and makes sense if you think about it. It's common sense in fact.

Forget about democracy or socialism or a bloodline or monarchs. None of that works and democracy is the worst of them all, because it is mob rule and rule of the mediocre, since most people are mediocre, not wise or enlightened. Democracy can only work if the majority are virtuous, intelligent, wise, and rational. But the majority are never like that. Switzerland is closer to that ideal than America, which is why democracy works well in Switzerland, but not in America. Even if America went strictly by the Consitution and the vision of the Founding Fathers, it would still never work unless the majority were virtuous and wise, as John Adams said.

There is one simple ancient system that trumps all this. It is the most sensible and sound system, without corruption, politics or the evils of human nature. And that simple solution and system is this:

Take the wisest and most spiritually advanced in any given population, put them into a Council of Elders, and put them in charge of everything and have them fix all the problems in society. Intelligence is not enough, they need to be wise and spiritually advanced and closer to enlightenment than the average person. So you would take people like Gandhi, Buddha, the Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa, maybe Deepak Chopra too, and put them into a Council of Elders to be in charge of everything. Such a rulership system would solve most problems for sure, especially if they ran society with spiritual values rather than fostering a system of competion with selfish motives driven by profit, greed, and ego. That's how wise ancient societies did it when they lived for spiritual advancement, not money. Like during the supposed Golden Age of Humanity that Michael Cremo and Graham Hancock talk about.

This makes sense if you think about it. If you put the wisest and most enlightened people into a group and have them decide everything amongst themselves without greedy corrupt interests getting in the way, they could solve almost anything, or at least provide the best solutions. They would solve everything in the most holistic manner too. It would be the most perfect system possible, without any major flaws. I would be glad to bow down and submit to such a council of spiritual elders, if such a system existed.

If you read Plato's "The Republic" you will read about Socrates talking about the ideal society reflecting the ideal inner constutition of a man. In his ideal society, the wisest and most virtuous would be the elite. This is analogous to a man being ruled by his wisdom and virtue aspect, and all his other traits being governed by it. So Plato's ideal system described by Socrates is very similar to what I'm talking about.

In ancient India, the Brahma class was comprised of the most spiritual and wise people too, before the caste system was uncorrupted. This Brahma class was a priest class that gave advice to kings and nobles, and served as counselors. Everyone was casted according to their skills and abilities or spiritual levels. Not by bloodline. This made sense, but was later corrupted I heard. But the original intent was a wise one, with each serving society according to their natural gifts and talents. See here:

In the Star Wars prequel movies, you will also see a wise Council of Jedi presiding on the planet Coruscant, before the Imperial Empire took over. The Jedi Council was composed of master Jedi such as Yoda, Mace Windu, etc. They shared power with the Senate of course. But here again you can see that original good healthy societies had a system of spiritual elites presiding over governing affairs. That's how societies were meant to be governed. In any Golden Era of peace, harmony and abundance, that's how the world would be run. This is a common theme in fantasy novels and films too.


Also, in Native American tribes, the chief elder of the tribe was usually the wisest and most learned man in the tribe. Because tribes that were in harmony with nature and Mother Earth knew that this was the ideal system. If you look up the ancient Celts in Britain, Ireland, and France, you will see that the Celts were ruled by a priest class called the Druids, who were the most spiritually advanced class. So you see this in ancient Britain as well, before the Romans took over. Supposedly, the Merlin character in the King Arthur legends, was a Druid priest, which is why he was chief advisor to King Arthur.


Many authors who talk about ancient advanced lost civilizations on Coast to Coast AM and Gaia TV -- such as Graham Hancock, Michael Cremo, David Wilcock, Gregg Braden, Anthony Peake, etc. -- also mention that ancient societies who were in harmony with Gaia or Mother Earth and with true spirituality (not a control system of fear like Christianity), had a governing system where the wisest and most spiritually advanced were in charge. They acknowledge that this made the most sense too.

However, you could never have such a system in America of course, because America is too much a materialistic and competitive culture of every man for himself, where everyone thinks they are the boss and focused on self-interest, without virtue or spiritual values, and technology has progressed faster than spirituality. Such a system is too far outside the box for America and never even considered. But if such a system were implemented, most if not all problems, could be solved, or at least greatly improved. It's an easy solution that makes sense, but cannot be implemented unfortunately, at least not in our state of consciousness. Wikipedia does not even have a term for this, that's how far out of the box it is. The closest that Wikipedia has is "Theocracy" but that's not what I'm talking about of course, since Theocracy is rule by religion, like the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages. That has nothing to do with this though, since that religion is a hierarchical control system of fear, via religious dogma, not by natural spiritual principles of the ancient world.

In contrast, the American political system in Washington DC consists of a scumbag cesspool of politicians for sale to the highest bidder. Corruption is rampant and disguised as BS, which you hear on the daily news everyday. No matter who you vote for, things don't change, except for superficial changes they give you once in a while as breadcrumbs. But the core system doesn't change, nor does major policy. America is not even a democracy run by the people, but by corrupt oligarchs and corporations. That's why it's frequently called a corporatocracy or plutocracy. There are no values or virtues, just BS. That's why the news is not even worth watching. It's just the same BS everyday without end, and without substance. There is no spiritual elite. Just lobbyists with money and self-interest. It's all about money. A hopeless cause. What's the point of voting? It's just a charade.

Even if America were a true democracy, it would be mediocre, because the majority are mediocre or below, so rule by the mediocre would only result in a mediocre society at best, not a great one. As the saying goes, "Most people in the masses have more in common with Nero than with Marcus Aurelius". So no matter what system America implements, it will never solve its problems. It's way too corrupt and comprise of nothing but BS all day. If you look at the face of Joe Biden, you will see a skank with nothing but BS all day everyday, not a genuine authentic human being.

I don't understand why the Truther community claim that the Illuminati themselves claim that they are wise and spiritually enlightened, according to alleged Illuminati whistleblowers like Svali. That makes no sense. America is definitely not run by a spiritual elite. No way jose. A spiritually wise elite would not want to microchip everyone and dumb them down and turn them into an enslaved population of zombies with no privacy or freedom, where their every move is monitored. Like in Orwell's 1984 novel or sci fi dystopia movies. Who would want that, let alone a spiritually advanced elite? Such a dystopia could never last anyway, neither could pure Communism as Karl Marx envisioined, because humans are not ants by nature. Maybe Asians can live as ants in a hive mind since they are so compliant, but Westerners definitely cannot.

Most likely these dystopia scenarios are fiction from the paranoid mindset of the American Conspiracy Subculture and Christian Community folklore about "the last days before the Antichrist" and "the coming of a Luciferian New World Order" looming over us blah blah blah. Because such theories make no sense and are self-contradictory. For the last 2,000 years every generation has thought of itself as a "special generation living in the last days" so this Apocalypse and dystopian scenario is nothing new. While it may be true that the NSA does abuse its power, that doesn't mean that the whole world is gonna turn into Orwell's 1984 in a literal sense. That's jumping the gun. Such novels are a metaphor, like the Bible. They cannot be literally true, not in the extreme sense because extremes never last.

The good news in all this is that what goes down must come up. So the down cycle we are in has to come up at some point. It can't keep going down forever. Everything in the universe runs in cycles, from days to seasons to epochs. It's called the "law of return and recurrence" in Gnosticism, Hinduism, and Tibetan Buddhism. (See the Gnostic YouTube channel called AGEAC for more info) So things have to pick up again at some point. The Indian Kali Yuga system and cycle says we are in the Iron Age but coming out of it now and heading toward the Bronze Age, though no one knows the exact timeline. If this ancient wisdom is true, then perhaps maybe we will return toward the Golden Era again when the world will again be run by a Spiritual Elite again. Who knows. Only time will tell.

What do you all think?

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Re: An Easy Fix for the World's Problems - Rulership by Council of Spiritual Elders and Wise Virtuous Elites

Post by Winston »

Here are some images and graphics about the Brahma class in Ancient India and the caste hierarchy. As you can see the concept is very similar to the wise spiritual elite in Plato's "The Republic", which is also analogous to the inner constitution of the ideal man too. ... tem-6.html





The ideal political system is also represented in the inner constitution of the ideal man too. This makes sense and is also outlined in Plato's "The Republic" too. See below.


Illustration of the hierarchy system in Plato's "The Republic" which is based on similar principles. Why can't America implement this? America must know about this since its part of basic foundational philosophy. All philosophy majors at universities learn about this. So why is it never discussed in America?

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Re: An Easy Fix for the World's Problems - Rulership by Council of Spiritual Elders and Wise Virtuous Elites

Post by Winston »

Some stupid ignorant responses to my question about this on Quora. ... government ... ted-States

They claim such a system has never been implemented, but it has. That's how all socieities were run during the Golden Age when mankind was in harmony with Mother Earth and natural spirituality, not the fear based control systems like modern Western religions are.
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Re: An Easy Fix for the World's Problems - Rulership by Council of Spiritual Elders and Wise Virtuous Elites

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
July 29th, 2021, 5:25 am
Some stupid ignorant responses to my question about this on Quora. ... government ... ted-States

They claim such a system has never been implemented, but it has. That's how all socieities were run during the Golden Age when mankind was in harmony with Mother Earth and natural spirituality, not the fear based control systems like modern Western religions are.

Was that before Sauran took over and made the rings and the orcs?

Do you have any evidence for society being run like this?
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Re: An Easy Fix for the World's Problems - Rulership by Council of Spiritual Elders and Wise Virtuous Elites

Post by Winston »

Hey. Haven't you heard that Tolkien got his Lord of the Rings story from the Vatican library archives, which are sealed from the public? If that's true then maybe his story was the true history of Europe? You should look into it.

The evidence is that all ancient cultures talk about it. Look up the ancient Celts. Their Druid priest class was comprised of the most spiritually advanced. So we know the Celts were run like that.

Also the caste system in ancient India was run like that too. Huston Smith the great religion scholar, mentions this in his book. Look up Brahmin class. Im talking about the pure caste system that was uncorrupted. Not the bad system you hear about in western media which lies about stuff all the time.

What do u propose MrMan? That the world be run by a Christian elite with the Bible as the law? Lol. Like it was in medieval Europe? Lol
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Re: An Easy Fix for the World's Problems - Rulership by Council of Spiritual Elders and Wise Virtuous Elites

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
July 29th, 2021, 4:26 am
However, it was common place during ancient times during the Golden Age Era before the Fall of Humanity into the Iron Age of the Kali Yuga.
It's been featured in fantasy books and movies too, including Star Wars.
Star Wars is fiction. The Jedi, in the story, were not above political maneuvering for their own benefit. An army of clones was made to fight other planets.
And in Plato's classic work "The Republic"
The implementation of it would be a nightmare. A bunch of gay or bi snobs who think they are smart and sit around an intellectualize trying to run everything. We have universities now, which may be the most similar thing as a modern equivalent to the philosophers. And internal politics and governance in universities can be very frustrating. Democratic structures in universities can be very inefficient.

Forget about democracy or socialism or a bloodline or monarchs. None of that works and democracy is the worst of them all, because it is mob rule and rule of the mediocre, since most people are mediocre, not wise or enlightened.
Whatever the US has, a republic, not truly a 'democracy', at the national level, 'works.' It has a lot of problems. It may fall apart, but the US has reached the apex. It became recognized as the de facto leading country in the world with the most wealth of any country in the world by a number of metrics. It may not stay there forever. The system may eventually fall apart if the trend continues. But it 'works' in a sense.
Democracy can only work if the majority are virtuous, intelligent, wise, and rational. But the majority are never like that.
Having a Republic as opposed to a Democracy is supposed to shield against that a little bit. The US' morality has been taking a nose dive for some time, and that has affected the leadership.
Take the wisest and most spiritually advanced in any given population, put them into a Council of Elders, and put them in charge of everything and have them fix all the problems in society. Intelligence is not enough, they need to be wise and spiritually advanced and closer to enlightenment than the average person. So you would take people like Gandhi, Buddha, the Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa, maybe Deepak Chopra too, and put them into a Council of Elders to be in charge of everything.
Yuck, that sounds awful. Mother Theresa might be okay if there were a more diverse group... back when she was alive... if she was responsible for social programs or something like that. But what would she know about governing anyone? Lamas can be extremely oppressive, especially toward Tibetan Christians. Gandhi had head of state experience. The Dalai Lama allows himself to be worshipped as a god. He should be disqualified. And Hindu/New Age gurus as national leaders? No way.

Hinduism has already contributed enough garbage and nonsense to our culture. The gender confusion issue messing up the thinking of the left, and being dumped into the minds of vulnerable and gullible teens, may have had its roots in Hinduism.

If you picked the best, most spiritual, leaders, what do they know about running a country or the world?

The problem with your theory is who is going to pick out the leaders? Who would agree on who the most spiritual people are?
This makes sense if you think about it. If you put the wisest and most enlightened people into a group and have them decide everything amongst themselves without greedy corrupt interests getting in the way, they could solve almost anything, or at least provide the best solutions.
Fictional Jedi and real live Hindus have greedy corrupt interests, too. India of today has been cleaned up a lot by contact with western Christian culture, a civilizing force. Newly widowed women often used to burn on their husbands' funeral pyre until Christian missionaries played a role in civilizing that society. I have never been to India, but look up some videos. Look at how nasty and unhygeinic India is. They poop all over the place and it gets in the Ganges River. The Ganges River is so contaminated with human waste and germs from decaying bodies, but the people think the water is holy and want to bathe in it. In large cities, there are big piles of poop every so many feet. There have been some reforms and a tech boom as India moved away from some of its bad traditions. Btw, there is also a long tradition of human sacrifice in India.

Filth, squalor, a terrible human rights record, and human sacrifice are part of the legacy of Hinduism. The caste system is oppressive. Their religion even has a goddess for prostitution. You may think that is great, but imagine being born to a prostitute there? It must not be too good for girls born to prostitutes in a caste system. Why would you want Hindus on your council.
In ancient India, the Brahma class was comprised of the most spiritual and wise people too, before the caste system was uncorrupted. This Brahma class was a priest class that gave advice to kings and nobles, and served as counselors. Everyone was casted according to their skills and abilities or spiritual levels. Not by bloodline. This made sense, but was later corrupted I heard.
The version I heard was that the Aryans conquered the Dravidians, subjugated them, and gave the Aryan conquerors and their descendants the priest and warrior roles and gave the Dravidians lower roles. There is a caste that, for maybe thousands of years, has had to carry poop around in baskets in India.
In the Star Wars prequel movies, you will also see a wise Council of Jedi presiding on the planet Coruscant, before the Imperial Empire took over. The Jedi Council was composed of master Jedi such as Yoda, Mace Windu, etc. They shared power with the Senate of course. But here again you can see that original good healthy societies had a system of spiritual elites presiding over governing affairs. That's how societies were meant to be governed. In any Golden Era of peace, harmony and abundance, that's how the world would be run. This is a common theme in fantasy novels and films too.
Would your council of spiritual leaders have light sabres, too? The problem is, the people you pick are human, too, and they might be open to corruption. Your picks have philosophies that would be damaging to the world.
Also, in Native American tribes, the chief elder of the tribe was usually the wisest and most learned man in the tribe. Because tribes that were in harmony with nature and Mother Earth knew that this was the ideal system.
Which tribe? There were lots of them? There were also kings among native Americans. Maybe some of the tribes selected rulers the way you describe, but still fought wars with each other. There are those who think the plains Indians would have hunted themselves into extinction.

If you are counting the whole Americas, there was also a monarchy in what is now Mexico City that dominated the region, and apparently practiced human sacrifice and cannibalism.
If you look up the ancient Celts in Britain, Ireland, and France, you will see that the Celts were ruled by a priest class called the Druids, who were the most spiritually advanced class.
Archeological evidence suggests Druids practiced human sacrifice and cannibalism, too. Maybe you are getting your ideas from King Arthur and Star Wars movies.
So you see this in ancient Britain as well, before the Romans took over. Supposedly, the Merlin character in the King Arthur legends, was a Druid priest, which is why he was chief advisor to King Arthur.
Except most of the stories of the King Arthur legend came from a much earlier period. There might have been a Celtic hero at the base of it, but it is mostly just fiction that evolved over time as authors added bits to it.
Many authors who talk about ancient advanced lost civilizations on Coast to Coast AM and Gaia TV -- such as Graham Hancock, Michael Cremo, David Wilcock, Gregg Braden, Anthony Peake, etc.
Not sure about, but I have heard Coast to Coast a few times. It does not sound like a reliable source, at all. It's kind of like that old newspaper in the 1980's, the 'Weekly World News', the black and white tabloid with 'out there' stuff on it. It showed a picture and said aliens endorsed Bush. Another may have said aliens endorsed Ross Perot. One headline showed aliens shaking hands with George HW Bush.
-- also mention that ancient societies who were in harmony with Gaia or Mother Earth and with true spirituality (not a control system of fear like Christianity), had a governing system where the wisest and most spiritually advanced were in charge. They acknowledge that this made the most sense too.
True spirituality comes through Christ, not 'Mother earth' religions. But it sounds like you are getting your arguments from fantasy and conspiracy theory type sources, and idealized historical fiction.
The closest that Wikipedia has is "Theocracy" but that's not what I'm talking about of course, since Theocracy is rule by religion, like the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages. That has nothing to do with this though, since that religion is a hierarchical control system of fear, via religious dogma, not by natural spiritual principles of the ancient world.
Hindus, Druids, and Native Americans have ruled or had a strong position of influence in kingdoms before contact with 'western civilization.' If it were implemented in your lifetime, you'd just have to make sure you aren't in one of the groups that gets offered up as a human sacrifice. Maybe you could figure out how to eat the human tacos, instead of being a filling. That may be an overgeneralization. I am not sure if Hindus ate anyone, but human sacrifice was a part of the religion. Certain Native Americans (the Aztec/Mejico) may have had cannibalism. Apparently they had human sacrifice at the top of the pyramids.
In contrast, the American political system in Washington DC consists of a scumbag cesspool of politicians for sale to the highest bidder. Corruption is rampant and disguised as BS, which you hear on the daily news everyday. No matter who you vote for, things don't change, except for superficial changes they give you once in a while as breadcrumbs. But the core system doesn't change, nor does major policy. America is not even a democracy run by the people, but by corrupt oligarchs and corporations. That's why it's frequently called a corporatocracy or plutocracy. There are no values or virtues, just BS. That's why the news is not even worth watching. It's just the same BS everyday without end, and without substance. There is no spiritual elite. Just lobbyists with money and self-interest. It's all about money. A hopeless cause. What's the point of voting? It's just a charade.
You can say a lot of things about our system, and much of it may be true, but many of the ancient systems you would want to go back to are worse.
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Re: An Easy Fix for the World's Problems - Rulership by Council of Spiritual Elders and Wise Virtuous Elites

Post by Winston »

The problem is that you believe in too much Christian propaganda. You assume that propaganda = truth. Especially if it fits your beliefs and views. Of course the Christians tried to make you think that all primitive and pagan tribes did human sacrifice, that's their excuse and justification for taking over their culture and trying to "civilize them". That's an old lie. Most people realize this by now. I'm surprised you still fall for that. You are brainwashed, you think everything outside of Christianity is evil or false. That's so delusional and wrong and unenlightened. I realized this in 1992, how is it that you still fall for that propaganda?

Btw, mainstream historians now do not consider the Druids to have practiced human sacrifice. They say that that was propaganda by the Romans to have an excuse to conquer them and "civilize them" so they could be under Roman control. You can hear historians discussing this for yourself on BBC Radio below.

You ask for evidence. What do you want me to do, take you back in time with a time machine? Read some ancient mythology man. If you believe the Bible, why don't you believe ancient mythology? If all ancient cultures say something, there's probably some basis for it.

Star Wars may be fiction, but it has a lot of spiritual archetypes and wisdom. Yoda represents a Buddhist guru. And Luke Skywalker has Egyptian connections. George Lucas was a student of Joseph Campbell and an insider. How did Lucas know that one of the moons of Jupiter looked like the Death Star with the same dish shaped circle on it? Movies contain a lot of hidden inside info.

Isn't the Bible fiction too? lol

The Jedi may not have been perfect, but they were more spiritual and wise than the average person. That's the point. Better they be in charge than the average man. Agreed?

You said: "The implementation of it would be a nightmare. A bunch of gay or bi snobs who think they are smart and sit around an intellectualize trying to run everything. We have universities now, which may be the most similar thing as a modern equivalent to the philosophers. And internal politics and governance in universities can be very frustrating. Democratic structures in universities can be very inefficient."

WTF do you mean by that? lol. You've lost the plot man. I'm talking about a SPIRITUAL ELITE, not a bunch of gays and bi snobs. Who said anything about liberals and academics? Academics are not philosophers or spiritual people. University academics tend to be atheist, didn't you know that? I'm sure you know that. They are very anti religion and anti-Christianity and if they had their way, there would be no religion in the world, and everyone would be atheist. lol. That's not the kind of "elite" I'm talking about. Come on. I'm talking about a spiritual elite class like the Brahmins or Druids, who are in tune with NATURAL spirituality and the natural laws of the divine universe and cosmic consciousness. Not atheistic academics who believe in Evolution and that we are all machines without a soul. And who also spread lies such as their dogma that "macroevolution is a proven fact" etc. Scientism dominates academia today. I'm sure you know that. That has NOTHING at all to do with the spiritual elite we are talking about. Man you have really lost the plot! LOL

What do you mean the American system "works"? lol. Works for who? It's all a bunch of lies. Sure it's stable and has lasted for 250 years. So what? The Roman Empire lasted 900 years. Does that mean their system was good because it lasted so long? And the Catholic Church ruled Europe for almost 1000 years. Does that mean Theocracy works? lol. What do you mean by "it works"?

Honestly, we all know America is a plutocracy, which means it is ruled by the rich. Do you honestly think that's better than ruled by the wise and spiritual? Come on, there's no comparison. Think about it.

The US may work for business, but it doesn't work for happiness or wisdom or spirituality. It depends on what metric you are using.

The US Republic you refer to was gone in 1871, when the US became incorporated as a corporation and no longer a country. It then became a corporatocracy. Haven't you noticed?

Lamas are not oppressive toward Christians. That's propaganda. You are believing anything that's anti-spiritual. The Dalai Lama has said many times in his talks that all religions are ok to him. Buddhists don't preach that there is only one way. Evangelical Christians do that.

What qualifications? What qualifications does Obama have? Or Joe Biden? US politicians are not natural leaders. They are just puppets and BSers. At least monarchs are raised to be good leaders, unlike Washington politicians.

Why do you blame Hinduism for liberalism? I don't see the connection. Lots of new agers are into Eastern spirituality, because it provides something that Christianity doesn't. A lot of Westerners feel that way. Even the Beatles did. You see everything in black and white.

You said: "If you picked the best, most spiritual, leaders, what do they know about running a country or the world?

The problem with your theory is who is going to pick out the leaders? Who would agree on who the most spiritual people are?"

Well they would have to be trained to govern of course. Sometimes you learn as you go along. That's better than having greedy scumbags run the world, like the Rockefellers or Rothschilds. Come on.

Again, this has been the ancient system for thousands of years during the Golden Age, so it must have worked.

Who is going to pick out the leaders? I guess the people are. They would have to be vouched for and pass some tests of course to prove that they are intelligent and wise and virtuous. Haven't you read Plato's Republic? In it he explains how the elite will be chosen and all the details, etc. Get an education man! lol

What's your ideal system then? Christians should run the world based on the Bible? lol. Or banking cartels and corporations? Or Luciferians and the NWO? lol. What's your ideal system?

More later.
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Re: An Easy Fix for the World's Problems - Rulership by Council of Spiritual Elders and Wise Virtuous Elites

Post by Gali »

All these systems got their ass kicked. period.
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Re: An Easy Fix for the World's Problems - Rulership by Council of Spiritual Elders and Wise Virtuous Elites

Post by Winston »

To continue on:

MrMan, you said:
Fictional Jedi and real live Hindus have greedy corrupt interests, too. India of today has been cleaned up a lot by contact with western Christian culture, a civilizing force. Newly widowed women often used to burn on their husbands' funeral pyre until Christian missionaries played a role in civilizing that society. I have never been to India, but look up some videos. Look at how nasty and unhygeinic India is. They poop all over the place and it gets in the Ganges River. The Ganges River is so contaminated with human waste and germs from decaying bodies, but the people think the water is holy and want to bathe in it. In large cities, there are big piles of poop every so many feet. There have been some reforms and a tech boom as India moved away from some of its bad traditions. Btw, there is also a long tradition of human sacrifice in India.

Filth, squalor, a terrible human rights record, and human sacrifice are part of the legacy of Hinduism. The caste system is oppressive. Their religion even has a goddess for prostitution. You may think that is great, but imagine being born to a prostitute there? It must not be too good for girls born to prostitutes in a caste system. Why would you want Hindus on your council.
Says who? Christian propaganda? I had an Indian friend before, he told me those were lies and that in real life if you go to the Ganges River, it's clean, not like they show in the media.

How do you know the West and British Empire aren't the ones that messed up Indian culture? Ask @starchild5. He's Indian and had a lot to say on that when he was here posting before.

Regardless, I'd rather have Deepak Chopra run society than George Soros. Don't you think?

You said: "Would your council of spiritual leaders have light sabres, too? The problem is, the people you pick are human, too, and they might be open to corruption. Your picks have philosophies that would be damaging to the world."

I didn't say anyone was perfect. But spiritually advanced people are certainly better than average people. The average person has more in common with Nero than Marcus Aurelius. Remember? Again, what do you suggest? That Christians run the world?

As to lightsabers, sure why not? If they can use them responsibly and wisely, why not? lol. Don't you think Yoda was wise and used his lightsaber responsibly? lol

You said: "Except most of the stories of the King Arthur legend came from a much earlier period. There might have been a Celtic hero at the base of it, but it is mostly just fiction that evolved over time as authors added bits to it."

But isn't that true about Jesus and the Gospel stories too? lol

Of course Coast to Coast AM has a lot of fluff and non-credible guests, but it has a lot of credible brilliant people as well. What do you expect? It's there for entertainment, but that doesn't mean it's all false. Some of the guests are very credible and back up all their claims with evidence and reason.

You said: "True spirituality comes through Christ, not 'Mother earth' religions. But it sounds like you are getting your arguments from fantasy and conspiracy theory type sources, and idealized historical fiction."

Again, you are sticking to Christian propaganda. I already explained in other threads why it's not true and is an ARTIFICIAL system of fear and control. Not natural religion. You keep forgetting that. You are desperate to paint all non-Christian religions as false and demonic, and only your faith as true. Huge fallacy. I explained many times why it isn't so and is not justified or reasonable.

Even if Christ was legit, it doesn't mean he's the only way, or that the Evangelicals have the correct interpretation of Christ. Christ is an archetype with a meaning far deeper than you can understand.

You are exaggerating about human sacrifice. That was invented to demonize older religions. It's way exaggerated. Historians agree now. They were not as common as you think. You are focusing on the worst examples, like Aztecs. Ancient systems were not worse than the American system. That is propaganda, just like the US media makes you think all foreign countries are bad and dangerous, but real travelers know that's not true.
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Re: An Easy Fix for the World's Problems - Rulership by Council of Spiritual Elders and Wise Virtuous Elites

Post by Winston »

Gali wrote:
July 29th, 2021, 12:08 pm
All these systems got their ass kicked. period.
By hierarchical control systems of dominance and control, sure. We all know the winners write history, so what you hear today about ancient cultures is mostly propaganda. Everything runs in cycles. Eventually the Golden Era of the past will slowly return. Look up Kali Yuga cycle.
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Re: An Easy Fix for the World's Problems - Rulership by Council of Spiritual Elders and Wise Virtuous Elites

Post by MrMan »

Fictional Jedi and real live Hindus have greedy corrupt interests, too. India of today has been cleaned up a lot by contact with western Christian culture, a civilizing force. Newly widowed women often used to burn on their husbands' funeral pyre until Christian missionaries played a role in civilizing that society. I have never been to India, but look up some videos. Look at how nasty and unhygeinic India is. They poop all over the place and it gets in the Ganges River. The Ganges River is so contaminated with human waste and germs from decaying bodies, but the people think the water is holy and want to bathe in it. In large cities, there are big piles of poop every so many feet. There have been some reforms and a tech boom as India moved away from some of its bad traditions. Btw, there is also a long tradition of human sacrifice in India.

Filth, squalor, a terrible human rights record, and human sacrifice are part of the legacy of Hinduism. The caste system is oppressive. Their religion even has a goddess for prostitution. You may think that is great, but imagine being born to a prostitute there? It must not be too good for girls born to prostitutes in a caste system. Why would you want Hindus on your council.
Says who? Christian propaganda? I had an Indian friend before, he told me those were lies and that in real life if you go to the Ganges River, it's clean, not like they show in the media.
Maybe he lives near the source. I don't know if that is clean since other rivers come together.

I doubt pollution in the Ganges is just Christian propaganda.

This is a quote from 'Pollution of the Ganges', a Wikipedia article:
"Pollution of the Ganga , the largest river in India, poses significant threats to human health and the larger environment.[1] Severely polluted with human waste and industrial contaminants, the river provides water to about 40% of India's population across 11 states,[2] "

" The levels of fecal coliform bacteria from human waste in the river near Varanasi are more than a hundred times the Indian government's official limit.[10] "
How do you know the West and British Empire aren't the ones that messed up Indian culture? Ask @starchild5. He's Indian and had a lot to say on that when he was here posting before.
This is a complicated topic, but there were some very money-motivated businessmen who were in control of many of the interests in India. It was not all benevolent or religious in nature. But there were some aspects of human dignity lacking in Indian culture, particularly when it came to women and valuing their lives.

I am not one to say that a culture is thoroughly bad. There are good things in all cultures as far as I know.
Regardless, I'd rather have Deepak Chopra run society than George Soros. Don't you think?
That would be a terrible choice. Some people blame Soros for allegedly funding some of our social problems.
What kind of experience does Chopra have that would give him any competence?
I didn't say anyone was perfect. But spiritually advanced people are certainly better than average people.
I wouldn't assume Deepak Chopra was more advanced spiritually than the average man on the street.
The average person has more in common with Nero than Marcus Aurelius. Remember? Again, what do you suggest? That Christians run the world?
One day after Christ returns, He may delegate to some of His saints as He chooses. In this current age, I am not in favor of one small group running the whole world. That would be a rather dangerous idea.
As to lightsabers, sure why not? If they can use them responsibly and wisely, why not? lol. Don't you think Yoda was wise and used his lightsaber responsibly? lol
Invent the lightsaber first, and we'll talk. Let me have or buy one if you do, because that would be cool. We could cut meat and cook it at the same time.
You said: "Except most of the stories of the King Arthur legend came from a much earlier period. There might have been a Celtic hero at the base of it, but it is mostly just fiction that evolved over time as authors added bits to it."

But isn't that true about Jesus and the Gospel stories too? lol
Not the Biblical gospels. If you are using Gnostic gospels like the Gospel of Thomas, yes, but the gap in time between the real person being written about and the author would probably be much later for the King Arthur legends, if Arthur existed. If I remember right, the King Arthur legend existed for centuries before Lancelot was invented and added to the story, and there may not have been 'French' people, exactly, at the time.
Again, you are sticking to Christian propaganda. I already explained in other threads why it's not true and is an ARTIFICIAL system of fear and control. Not natural religion. You keep forgetting that.
Forgetting that you say that? You have a lot of threads on your religious opinions. I do not agree with your religious perspective.
You are desperate to paint all non-Christian religions as false and demonic, and only your faith as true. Huge fallacy. I explained many times why it isn't so and is not justified or reasonable.
You have not given a logical reason why this would be a 'fallacy.' There is one most high God, one creator God, and a number of other spirits that want men to worship them that do not deserve it.
Even if Christ was legit, it doesn't mean he's the only way, or that the Evangelicals have the correct interpretation of Christ. Christ is an archetype with a meaning far deeper than you can understand.
Christ is a Man.
You are exaggerating about human sacrifice. That was invented to demonize older religions. It's way exaggerated. Historians agree now. They were not as common as you think.
Look up the examples I gave. National Geographic ran an article about how historians used to dismiss several references to Druid cannibalism as Roman propaganda and exaggeration, but archeological evidence was discovered that may indicate it was the case. I took a couple of Latin American history cases with a couple of specialists at a state university. They did not consider the Spanish accounts to be mere propaganda. The Aztecs were quite bloody. Hinduism did have human sacrifice, and there may be a small revival of it. It may not have been something every Hindu encountered at the time, but it was part of the religion.

I have not heard of North American tribes as brutal as Aztec society. But they were not perfect, either. Some people have a romanticized idea about them.
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Re: An Easy Fix for the World's Problems - Rulership by Council of Spiritual Elders and Wise Virtuous Elites

Post by Winston »

Dude. lol. Let's get to the bottom line and meat ok? We can bicker over ancient history and cultures all we want. But I'm sure you know that no one can know for sure what happened in the past. Historians cannot know either. All they can do is take educated guesses and make approximations based on evidence and primary source documents from first hand sources. That's all they can do, and they admit it.

Let me ask you a simple hypothetical question: Suppose you were stranded on a desert island with 100 people for an indefinite period of time. And you all had to find a way to survive and elect a leader. Now would you select as leader:

1. The strongest man physically?
2. The richest man in terms of money?
3. The best smooth talker and BSer?
4. The most attractive man?
5. Or the man with the most WISDOM and VIRTUE?

This is a no-brainer isn't it? Isn't this common sense? Naturally everyone knows the WISEST man is the best to select for the leader. Ask your heart. You know this deep down. So you see, that's the point. This is the ideal. Deep down we all know it.

Rather than someone spiritual and wise, do you prefer some scumbag skank like Nancy Pelosi or Joe Biden to be your leader? They are just corrupt politicians, they have no leadership ability. They could not lead any group to victory or survival on a deserted island. Think about it.

Do you even know who Deepak Chopra is? Have you heard his lectures or audiobooks? Geez. There is no question he is WAYYYYY more spiritual than the average person. Come on. Get real. You are being dishonest here. The average person is a very low bar. Even you are probably more spiritual than the average person. Sheesh.

Why do you hate new agers so much? You seem to have an extreme bias toward them, as if there is nothing good about them. Chopra may not be perfect and may not be a saint. Sure. Who is perfect? Even Jesus was not perfect. (contrary to what you think) But for sure Chopra is a lot more spiritual than the average guy. And definitely more than Nancy Pelosi or Joe Biden. Come on. Get real.
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Re: An Easy Fix for the World's Problems - Rulership by Council of Spiritual Elders and Wise Virtuous Elites

Post by Winston »

Btw MrMan,

You said: "One day after Christ returns, He may delegate to some of His saints as He chooses. In this current age, I am not in favor of one small group running the whole world. That would be a rather dangerous idea."

Dude, someone has to run the world. There cannot be chaos and anarchy. Even in the US, someone runs the world, whether openly or in the shadows. Do you think the American people run the world? lol. Napoleon once said: "There will always be kings, even if we don't call them that." Today's kings are hidden in the shadows, not in the open. The elite figured that's better. Just change the talking puppet every few years, like Joe Biden or Obama, as show.

One group doesn't have to rule the world, but someone has run each country and each state. Not as dictator, but as leader or admin or manager. What's wrong with each state or each country putting up the most wise and spiritual elite as their leader? That would naturally be best, as explained earlier.

You said: "Invent the lightsaber first, and we'll talk. Let me have or buy one if you do, because that would be cool. We could cut meat and cook it at the same time."

Dude there already is a real lightsaber in real life. Didn't you know? lol. See below.

It needs to be attached to a power chord to work though. It's not gonna work unattached like in the movies.

You said: "Not the Biblical gospels. If you are using Gnostic gospels like the Gospel of Thomas, yes, but the gap in time between the real person being written about and the author would probably be much later for the King Arthur legends, if Arthur existed. If I remember right, the King Arthur legend existed for centuries before Lancelot was invented and added to the story, and there may not have been 'French' people, exactly, at the time."

Dude, the four canonical gospels were written after 70 AD. They were not written anywhere near Jesus' time, if he existed of course. That is official and agreed upon even by Christian scholars. Look up the top Bible scholar, Dr. Bart Ehrman. He can explain all that with his professional scholarly knowledge.

None of this matters anyway. All the gospels are subjective. You gotta pick what resonates with you. That's what everyone does, including you. If you think there is only one truth, tell me why and how you can prove that?

You said: "Forgetting that you say that? You have a lot of threads on your religious opinions. I do not agree with your religious perspective."

But you did not answer any of my questions about why the Bible is God's word, which wasn't even put together until the 1600s. Or why Jesus is the only way to God. Or why Jesus and the Bible are perfect, etc. I asked you these things many times. You dodged all my questions.

You said: "You have not given a logical reason why this would be a 'fallacy.' There is one most high God, one creator God, and a number of other spirits that want men to worship them that do not deserve it."

Why is it a truth that there is only one God, the Christian God of the Bible, and all others are false? It's a fallacy because you believe in it without basis. And because there's no basis to one religion only being true. That's fundamentalism. None of the great comparative religion scholars agree with you. Such as:

Joseph Campbell
Huston Smith
Alan Watts
Manly P. Hall
Carl Jung
Rudolf Steiner

None of these brilliant great legendary geniuses of religion agree with you that there is only one way. The wiser you are, you the more you see that that's a fallacy. For many good reasons. In another thread, I gave 5 or 6 reasons why Jesus is not the only way. Did you read it?


Did you know that Hinduism and Egyptian religion were not polytheistic really? All their deities were different faces and emanations of one God. So in a sense both monotheism and polytheism are true. But you are too simple to understand that. You see everything in black and white.

You said: "Christ is a Man."

Yes but he's an archetype too. Regardless of who he was or if he even existed, his role in religion today is as an archetype. Do you know what Christ or KRST originally means? It's deeper than you think. See below.

How would you prove the Druids did human sacrifice? By testing human blood on ancient stones? That doesn't prove anything. The blood could have gotten on the stone in many ways. And you cannot tell who or what put the blood on the stone. It could have been some crazy Celts or Romans.

Btw MrMan, have you ever doubted Christianity or questioned your faith? If so, why? If not, why not? I heard that most Christians when they reach college age, turn from their faith, or "backslide" in Christian terms. How come you didn't? Or did you for a while? Were you born as a Christian?
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Re: An Easy Fix for the World's Problems - Rulership by Council of Spiritual Elders and Wise Virtuous Elites

Post by Winston »

Btw MrMan.

Paganism isn't bad. It's natural and makes more sense than organized religion. Because u can see the sun, the moon, and nature. But u can't see the God of the Bible. Most of what u hear about Paganism is propaganda from its enemies.

Watch this documentary on Wicca and Paganism by Raymond Buckland. It explains what real Paganism is and debunks Christian myths about it. Not the Christian propaganda version of it. It makes sense and resonates and is natural, not artificial like Christianity. It fits the flow of nature and is not a man made control system of fear and authoritarianism like Christianity and Catholicism is.

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Re: An Easy Fix for the World's Problems - Rulership by Council of Spiritual Elders and Wise Virtuous Elites

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
July 30th, 2021, 9:14 am
Btw MrMan.

Paganism isn't bad. It's natural and makes more sense than organized religion. Because u can see the sun, the moon, and nature. But u can't see the God of the Bible. Most of what u hear about Paganism is propaganda from its enemies.

Watch this documentary on Wicca and Paganism by Raymond Buckland. It explains what real Paganism is and debunks Christian myths about it. Not the Christian propaganda version of it. It makes sense and resonates and is natural, not artificial like Christianity. It fits the flow of nature and is not a man made control system of fear and authoritarianism like Christianity and Catholicism is.

I don't have an hour to spend or the interest in the video. If you have something to say, why not say it yourself?
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