Postal 2: Feminist Edition

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Postal 2: Feminist Edition

Post by Intolerant »
Now you may be asking what is this project about? Allow me to enlighten you. This project is simply the end result of all the bullshit that feminists have been trying to pull with video games. They claim sexism in games that have none. So I figured I would make something that genuinly is hostile to women. The game will take place on a series of custom maps and feature all the weapons of postal 2s famous aw7, and eternal damnation mods plus many more custom weapons such as dongles and and dildo launching assault weaponry.

So far this project is in the planning stages and I would love any input on what you would like to see. So far someone has already provided me with day one of the mod which will go as follows:

>new day is created called womanday because why is every other day named after a man? sexist as f**k
>newspaper says something about vasectomy day at the hospital
>wife tells you to go
>you open the door for a woman as you enter
>they go into full on hate mode
>just as you're about to be shot dead the taliban turn up to spread shariah law
>you team up with them to defeat the feminazis
>then the female ragheads come
>durka durka jokes about the head taliban guy being pussywhipped by his obese wife showing he relates to the postal guy
>massive fight ensues
>get access to new weapon: krotchy doll
>works kinda like the voodoo doll in blood where if you pull the chord on the back it says a dongle joke and makes the female go insane and start trying to kill the nearest person be them friend or foe. Ammo is spare batteries
>ending boss is kickstarter bitch
>you have to stop her from getting to the TED talk and getting the game banned


Q: How long will this take?

A: 4-5 months at most I am an experienced modder and most of this is just retexes, i have 99% of resources i need to make this, its mostly just a matter of putting it all together.

Q: How can I contact you?


Q: How long will the game last?

A: A full 7 days with about 7-10 hours of gameplay

Q: Why are you a misogynistic bastard?

A: The word your loooking for is Misanthrope. now go back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich.

Q: Can you put *blank* into the mod?

A:email it to me and I will respond on if its possable or not. I will try to incorporate anything thats funny or bloody.

Q: Lol I bet you have a small dick/other petty insult.

A:nope. Just a psychopath. Plus I look like, act like, dress like, and sound like the postal dude.

Q: Are you gonna do a kickstarter?

A: f**k no. I have no intention of making people pay me for something im gonna do anyway. See the donate button? Me niether.
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Post by odbo »

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An example of how White men are constantly shit on

Post by odbo »

How dare the ZOG prostitutes/engineers who designed this Orwellian crap (Google glasses) wear it without permission of their moral authorities, Blacks, Puerto Ricans and White women!?

The article:,2817,2418415,00.asp

Those poor oppressed women and minorities. This is like Donglegate 2.0!

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