Inner Ethnicity vs. Biological Ethnicity Mismatch and Vibes that don't match one's Nationality

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Inner Ethnicity vs. Biological Ethnicity Mismatch and Vibes that don't match one's Nationality

Post by Lucas88 »

In a post about his experience growing up as a Taiwanese American in California @Winston wrote about the concept of "inner ethnicity" as opposed to one's biological ethnicity and expressed his belief that he was always more White on the inside and therefore sought to act more American and less Asian. This, he tells us, was one of the reasons why he wanted to date a White girl rather than a fellow Asian.

I too can relate to Winston's concept of inner ethnicity or an ethnicity of the soul if you will. Even though I am ethnically English, I have never felt any affinity for English culture and have always felt more like a Mediterranean or a Latino in the core of my being. In fact I actually feel great aversion towards English culture and my own national identity. I don't feel comfortable with English people and have never fit in here. People perceive me as different and exclude me from their social circles. It's as though they instinctively know that I'm not one of them. I began studying Spanish when I was 17 years old and reached a high level of fluency and now overwhelmingly prefer it to my native language. I act more like a passionate and free-spirited Mediterranean or Latino than a cold, uptight, nerdy, repressed Brit. I don't know how to act British at all and just feel completely out of place. I'm sure that my inner ethnicity is distinct from my actual nationality.

I don't think that my soul gives off a British vibe at all. Most British people perceive me as different and don't know how to take me. Many foreigners likewise don't perceive me as British at first and confuse me for some other nationality. I can recount many instances of this.

The first example that comes to mind was the time when I was addressed in Spanish by an American airhostess on a US flight from Monterrey to Houston. Now this was before I began to use Melanotan for accelerated tanning and so I looked like a typical pale-ass gringo but for some reason the American airhostess who spoke Spanish as a second language simply assumed that I was a Spanish speaker and approached me in Spanish despite White USicans making up the majority of the passengers. I wondered why she chose to address me in Spanish as opposed to her native English. Could she maybe sense that I have a much more Latin vibe and am energetically different from USicans and presumably British people too?

On numerous occasions I have been misidentified as a foreigner by British tourists while in Spain. I remember that I was approached by a Scottish tourist who asked for directions in the city. I told him how to reach his desired destination in English but afterwards he thanked me with a decently pronounced "gracias", indicating that he thought that I was Spanish. A similar thing happened years later when some English football hooligans asked me how to get to the stadium for the match and likewise thanked me in Spanish. I always thought that people of the same nationality were able to intuitively recognize their own but those tourists didn't have a clue that I was British too despite my then still pale pre-Melanotan appearance. Maybe they too perceived a totally different vibe like the American airhostess in the previous example.

Then I've been confused for other nationalities by various Spaniards and Latinos. One Spanish dude thought I was Chilean until our mutual acquaintance corrected him. Maybe it's due to the way I speak Spanish. A Spanish escort thought I was Mexican. After I told here that I was from the UK she was extremely surprised. Various other people have confused me for being Mexican or some other kind of Latino and conversely in Latin America some Latinos thought that I was Spanish and even used the Iberian second-person plural "vosotros" form with me and my Peruvian girlfriend. I've also been confused for other nationalities such as Bulgarian and Russian. People just seem to perceive me as something different.

British people often don't realize that I'm one of their own (at least officially) and many Latinos and Spaniards don't perceive me as a gringo/guiri. Could these instances of misidentification be indications that I really do have a different vibe compared to typical British people and even a different "inner ethnicity" as Winston puts it?
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