Is the White race superior? Consider the historical facts...

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Re: Is the white race superior? Consider the historical fact

Post by Wolfeye »

Got to ask: Where's the chick in the yellow at the top?
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Re: Is the white race superior? Consider the historical fact

Post by droid »

pandabear wrote:Jews cum in a variety of flavours. Not just vanilla.
I'm sure you know that first hand :lol: :lol:
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: Is the white race superior? Consider the historical fact

Post by pandabear »

droid wrote:
pandabear wrote:Jews cum in a variety of flavours. Not just vanilla.
I'm sure you know that first hand :lol: :lol:
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Re: Is the white race superior? Consider the historical fact

Post by pandabear »

The people who have it best might be black albinos.


All of the advantages that cum with fair skin, PLUS that irresistible BBC.
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Re: Is the white race superior? Consider the historical fact

Post by jamesbond »

Kradmelder wrote:Image
Come on Kradmelder, don't you know that according to liberals, all white people are racists? Even mother Teresa was a racist! :lol:
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: Is the white race superior? Consider the historical fact

Post by Kradmelder »

jamesbond wrote:
Kradmelder wrote:Image
Come on Kradmelder, don't you know that according to liberals, all white people are racists? Even mother Teresa was a racist! :lol:
I'm happily racist then. To use liberal jargon, racists are also people. We bleed red, and need to be celebrated in the cause of diversity. :D
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Re: Is the white race superior? Consider the historical fact

Post by Kradmelder »

pandabear wrote:The people who have it best might be black albinos.


All of the advantages that cum with fair skin, PLUS that irresistible BBC.
The only reason black albinos exist is so that darkies could see how ugly they would be if they were white, and so they see that it is not only about colour but race and behaviour.
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Re: Is the white race superior? Consider the historical fact

Post by pandabear »

Kradmelder wrote: The only reason black albinos exist is so that darkies could see how ugly they would be if they were white,.
Really? I thought that albinism was due to genetics--a complete lack of melanin. Here are four siblings:

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Re: Is the white race superior? Consider the historical fact

Post by Wolfeye »

What DO black albinos act like, generally? I gather that a lot of blacks feel pressured to act a certain way (more or less like Riley from The Boondocks), and that they're not "acting black enough" if they don't. Kind of a "be one of us, run off the cliff." I'd think they could get a "pass" by having the light skin & all.
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Re: Is the white race superior? Consider the historical fact

Post by BlackGuyFromEngland »

Boner_Jones wrote:Don't misunderstand... I'm not trying to be a troll... i don't hate anybody or races but... i try to be an honest dude so I have to be fearless... just like Winston...

so... here goes. another poster said in another thread that whites are superior... yeah I think that might be true cause... I mean.. look at America.. in Europe or austrailia... and then look at Africa.. or haiti or India... sorry no offense to anyone... I have black and indian friends and they are smart and nice but... I think individuals are different than groups...

Asia well... they're smart too. I admire the Japanese... they are rich but i don't know... they are different... I think those countries got rich cause they copied America and europe. I mean... we didn't get rich and developed copying the japanese or chinese.. everyone copied us... cause whites explored, invented and discovered everything...

yeah whites did some bad things but... well everyone did bad things in history... so it doesn't matter in the long run... and anyway they've done some great things too.. look how much better we are living today. Ok we have pollution,materialism and feminism, yes that is bad but... there are tradeoffs in life. And anyway i think whites will fix these problems too cause whites are good problem solvers... no one will care in 100,000 years that white people weren't nice all the time back in the 21st century...

So... if whites are superior... well... this question is gonna sound really bad, pls don't take this the wrong way but... what are the other races for? Sorry no offense to other races... i have friends from different nonwhite races and i treat them like i want to be treated. i think individuals are different than groups so I don't think i'm superior to them, hell some of them are even smarter than me...
The most important inventions have come from Africa take (Agriculture and Metallurgy) They were both developed, independently in West Africa. Humans spent 10's of thousands of years as hunter gatherers before somebody figured out that if you plant seeds in the ground, irrigate and take care of them, you can settle in one area and not have to wander about looking for food. Seems pretty obvious, but if nobody explained it to you, you’d have no idea how it works.

Iron industry, in both smelting and forging for tools and weapons, appeared in Sub-Saharan Africa by 1200 BCE. The increased use of iron and the spread of iron-working technology led to improved weaponry and enabled farmers to expand agricultural productivity and produce surplus crops, which together supported the growth of urban city-states into empires.

Agriculture and iron smelting were two of the most important things man ever discovered

They create a foundation for so many other things.

Now I could end what I say right here. But you goaded me and I've bitten.

More black inventions ?

The writing language ? Maths ? Physics ? Modern Cities ? Government ? Law ? Astronomy ? But you see this is very hard for you to stomach because if you are a told that black people were the first to study all these disciplines’ which laid the foundation for everything that was to come.

What would that say ?

Languages ? Right off the top of my head ? Chromatographic Edo Script, Nsibidi, are three African writing systems among a number, that pre-date the arrival of Europeans on the continent.

Since we are now on the subject, what your ancestors were doing when the nubians were building pyramids or those guys in Timbuktu were collecting one of the biggest library in the world, or those guys in present day Zimbabwe were trading with gold and silver and building castles from stone ?

You know that Africans were doing this all the while the English men bathed perhaps once or twice a year ?

You do know that the perfume industry was created to cover up the rampant diseases in the court of the Sun Kig of France back in the late 1600′s because the smell of rottening felsh, infections, and other of such since they did not havea single toilet in Versailles nor used baths ? Never mind that Africans had have their perfumes for centuries by then and washed almost daily were ever water was available.

You do know that in 1700′s absolute majority of the white Europeans could not read or write ? Majority of the white Europeans could not read or write in first half of the next century either.

You do know that there were massive famines in Europe in 1800′s ?

You do know that it was only in 1800′s that the white Europeans realised that it could be a good idea to wash hands before helping at child birth or surgical operations or at all ?

You do know that the White Man had no say so in most parts of Africa until 1800′s? The funniest thing is that they died in there and could not live there because they had no idea how to survive there. The crucial point came when they realised that perhaps they should learn something from the natives, like kinine, the only working medicine against malaria, which by the way, the Africans had used and known for centuries by then. And this happened in late 1800′s, not before.

So if you want to take in all of human history, that is the 100 thousand years modern man has been on the planet, not just the last 300 years where Northern white Europeans have got their act together and not just the bit we live in, then the Egyptians and Moors are by far the most inventive. They invented stuff like, oh, civilization. They have been on top for 40% of human history, more than twice as long as whites.

And here is the thing.

I don't deny white people their inventions. Sure white people have invented good things,. Happy now ?

But at the same 99.9999999% of white people have invented nothing.

Also notice the double standard

When white people do good like inventions ?

They don't try to find others who have invented (Well maybe the odd token Asian)

When white people do something bad like slavery ?

They try to find other people who have done bad, hence the "African sold slaves" "Arabs sold them"

White people want to claim and take pride in the good things from their past – inventions made, battles won, rights fought for, etc – but then act as if the bad things have nothing to do with them – like slavery, genocide and rights not fought for. But you cannot have it both ways.

Likewise, if the good inventions are proof of the intelligence of whites, then slavery and genocide are proof of the great evil of whites. You cannot claim one without the other.

Or: If slavery and genocide came about through the workings of human nature under a particular set of circumstances – if anyone else would have done the same thing – then the same goes for the inventions too.

Given that China and India now produce at least twice as many engineers as America and the UK, no one will be making the white inventor argument in a hundred years. Instead they will be making the Chinese inventor argument.

Chinese and Indians kids will probably go around bragging how their gang is the smartest and most inventive.

Going back even further in the Palolithic era, apart from spear and flute in Germany and canoe in Australia. The major inventions were almost all from Africa including cooking and mining. From 10000 to 1000 BC, the list is dominated by India ( Indus Valley ), China , Egypt and the Middle-East( Mesopotamia ).

Barely any European name is there.

Since 1000 BC Greece and Rome starts to appear on the list. It is also important to note the nature of the inventions. Indian inventions included toilet, bathroom, drainage, plastic surgery, cataract surgery, early form of chess.

Chinese inventions included trebuchet, gunpowder, compass, suspension bridge, rotary fan, paper, printing press, gun.

Egyptian inventions ? (Where do I begin ?) Included metal block printing, fountain pen, astrolabic quadrant, hand cannon, explosive, sciences, maths, chemistry, government and an emphasis of the kind of tools used in architecture.

Black Moorish inventions included street lighting, talc, libaries, police force.

Middle Eastern inventions included various lamps, pharmacy and various astronomical, optical and medical instruments. Pinhole camera, magnifying lens and inhalation anaesthetic.

I could spend several thousand words referring you to the evidence on this subject, compiled by African and European scholars alike, which demonstrates both the racism and absurdity of your arguments.

But if you are truly interested in this material you would be better served to seek out the information yourself, seeing as how it will be far more adequately presented therein than I could do here.

You can begin by googling the books of Cheikh Anta Diop, Molefi Asante, and Walter Rodney, Ivan Van Sertima among others; and for you whose racism will most likely lead you to dismiss black scholars on these subjects, you can always examine the writings of Basil Davidson: one of the most respected Africa scholars in modern history, who is decidedly both white and British.

Ever heard of Jagadish Chandra Bose from India ? This is a guy who got zero attention for works on radio transmission. More names of non-whites would have appeared in the list of inventors.


You choose which facts you wishes to believe in. It is part of how your racist delusion works. If you are going to overlook whatever facts of history that do not suit your argument, then it is pointless to say anything to you. You are locked in your own self-delusion and nothing I say will make any difference.

You are taught from a white Euro-centric point of view then you argue from the Eurocentric point as fact

“Where are the black scientists / inventors “ you will scream.

It is not about who invents, but who gets the ownership and thus claim it for oneself. It is about who gets the patent first. US and UK companies and business people have done it for ages. They see an idea, invention, something which is common somewhere else, go back home, patent it and claim the rights. After that they become the inventors and OWNERS of the said product, no matter how many centuries it has been used by other people in their culture
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Re: Is the white race superior? Consider the historical fact

Post by Traveler »

BlackGuyFromEngland wrote:
Boner_Jones wrote:Don't misunderstand... I'm not trying to be a troll... i don't hate anybody or races but... i try to be an honest dude so I have to be fearless... just like Winston...

so... here goes. another poster said in another thread that whites are superior... yeah I think that might be true cause... I mean.. look at America.. in Europe or austrailia... and then look at Africa.. or haiti or India... sorry no offense to anyone... I have black and indian friends and they are smart and nice but... I think individuals are different than groups...

Asia well... they're smart too. I admire the Japanese... they are rich but i don't know... they are different... I think those countries got rich cause they copied America and europe. I mean... we didn't get rich and developed copying the japanese or chinese.. everyone copied us... cause whites explored, invented and discovered everything...

yeah whites did some bad things but... well everyone did bad things in history... so it doesn't matter in the long run... and anyway they've done some great things too.. look how much better we are living today. Ok we have pollution,materialism and feminism, yes that is bad but... there are tradeoffs in life. And anyway i think whites will fix these problems too cause whites are good problem solvers... no one will care in 100,000 years that white people weren't nice all the time back in the 21st century...

So... if whites are superior... well... this question is gonna sound really bad, pls don't take this the wrong way but... what are the other races for? Sorry no offense to other races... i have friends from different nonwhite races and i treat them like i want to be treated. i think individuals are different than groups so I don't think i'm superior to them, hell some of them are even smarter than me...
The most important inventions have come from Africa take (Agriculture and Metallurgy) They were both developed, independently in West Africa. Humans spent 10's of thousands of years as hunter gatherers before somebody figured out that if you plant seeds in the ground, irrigate and take care of them, you can settle in one area and not have to wander about looking for food. Seems pretty obvious, but if nobody explained it to you, you’d have no idea how it works.

Iron industry, in both smelting and forging for tools and weapons, appeared in Sub-Saharan Africa by 1200 BCE. The increased use of iron and the spread of iron-working technology led to improved weaponry and enabled farmers to expand agricultural productivity and produce surplus crops, which together supported the growth of urban city-states into empires.

Agriculture and iron smelting were two of the most important things man ever discovered

They create a foundation for so many other things.

Now I could end what I say right here. But you goaded me and I've bitten.

More black inventions ?

The writing language ? Maths ? Physics ? Modern Cities ? Government ? Law ? Astronomy ? But you see this is very hard for you to stomach because if you are a told that black people were the first to study all these disciplines’ which laid the foundation for everything that was to come.

What would that say ?

Languages ? Right off the top of my head ? Chromatographic Edo Script, Nsibidi, are three African writing systems among a number, that pre-date the arrival of Europeans on the continent.

Since we are now on the subject, what your ancestors were doing when the nubians were building pyramids or those guys in Timbuktu were collecting one of the biggest library in the world, or those guys in present day Zimbabwe were trading with gold and silver and building castles from stone ?

You know that Africans were doing this all the while the English men bathed perhaps once or twice a year ?

You do know that the perfume industry was created to cover up the rampant diseases in the court of the Sun Kig of France back in the late 1600′s because the smell of rottening felsh, infections, and other of such since they did not havea single toilet in Versailles nor used baths ? Never mind that Africans had have their perfumes for centuries by then and washed almost daily were ever water was available.

You do know that in 1700′s absolute majority of the white Europeans could not read or write ? Majority of the white Europeans could not read or write in first half of the next century either.

You do know that there were massive famines in Europe in 1800′s ?

You do know that it was only in 1800′s that the white Europeans realised that it could be a good idea to wash hands before helping at child birth or surgical operations or at all ?

You do know that the White Man had no say so in most parts of Africa until 1800′s? The funniest thing is that they died in there and could not live there because they had no idea how to survive there. The crucial point came when they realised that perhaps they should learn something from the natives, like kinine, the only working medicine against malaria, which by the way, the Africans had used and known for centuries by then. And this happened in late 1800′s, not before.

So if you want to take in all of human history, that is the 100 thousand years modern man has been on the planet, not just the last 300 years where Northern white Europeans have got their act together and not just the bit we live in, then the Egyptians and Moors are by far the most inventive. They invented stuff like, oh, civilization. They have been on top for 40% of human history, more than twice as long as whites.

And here is the thing.

I don't deny white people their inventions. Sure white people have invented good things,. Happy now ?

But at the same 99.9999999% of white people have invented nothing.

Also notice the double standard

When white people do good like inventions ?

They don't try to find others who have invented (Well maybe the odd token Asian)

When white people do something bad like slavery ?

They try to find other people who have done bad, hence the "African sold slaves" "Arabs sold them"

White people want to claim and take pride in the good things from their past – inventions made, battles won, rights fought for, etc – but then act as if the bad things have nothing to do with them – like slavery, genocide and rights not fought for. But you cannot have it both ways.

Likewise, if the good inventions are proof of the intelligence of whites, then slavery and genocide are proof of the great evil of whites. You cannot claim one without the other.

Or: If slavery and genocide came about through the workings of human nature under a particular set of circumstances – if anyone else would have done the same thing – then the same goes for the inventions too.

Given that China and India now produce at least twice as many engineers as America and the UK, no one will be making the white inventor argument in a hundred years. Instead they will be making the Chinese inventor argument.

Chinese and Indians kids will probably go around bragging how their gang is the smartest and most inventive.

Going back even further in the Palolithic era, apart from spear and flute in Germany and canoe in Australia. The major inventions were almost all from Africa including cooking and mining. From 10000 to 1000 BC, the list is dominated by India ( Indus Valley ), China , Egypt and the Middle-East( Mesopotamia ).

Barely any European name is there.

Since 1000 BC Greece and Rome starts to appear on the list. It is also important to note the nature of the inventions. Indian inventions included toilet, bathroom, drainage, plastic surgery, cataract surgery, early form of chess.

Chinese inventions included trebuchet, gunpowder, compass, suspension bridge, rotary fan, paper, printing press, gun.

Egyptian inventions ? (Where do I begin ?) Included metal block printing, fountain pen, astrolabic quadrant, hand cannon, explosive, sciences, maths, chemistry, government and an emphasis of the kind of tools used in architecture.

Black Moorish inventions included street lighting, talc, libaries, police force.

Middle Eastern inventions included various lamps, pharmacy and various astronomical, optical and medical instruments. Pinhole camera, magnifying lens and inhalation anaesthetic.

I could spend several thousand words referring you to the evidence on this subject, compiled by African and European scholars alike, which demonstrates both the racism and absurdity of your arguments.

But if you are truly interested in this material you would be better served to seek out the information yourself, seeing as how it will be far more adequately presented therein than I could do here.

You can begin by googling the books of Cheikh Anta Diop, Molefi Asante, and Walter Rodney, Ivan Van Sertima among others; and for you whose racism will most likely lead you to dismiss black scholars on these subjects, you can always examine the writings of Basil Davidson: one of the most respected Africa scholars in modern history, who is decidedly both white and British.

Ever heard of Jagadish Chandra Bose from India ? This is a guy who got zero attention for works on radio transmission. More names of non-whites would have appeared in the list of inventors.


You choose which facts you wishes to believe in. It is part of how your racist delusion works. If you are going to overlook whatever facts of history that do not suit your argument, then it is pointless to say anything to you. You are locked in your own self-delusion and nothing I say will make any difference.

You are taught from a white Euro-centric point of view then you argue from the Eurocentric point as fact

“Where are the black scientists / inventors “ you will scream.

It is not about who invents, but who gets the ownership and thus claim it for oneself. It is about who gets the patent first. US and UK companies and business people have done it for ages. They see an idea, invention, something which is common somewhere else, go back home, patent it and claim the rights. After that they become the inventors and OWNERS of the said product, no matter how many centuries it has been used by other people in their culture
Do you actually expect people to believe all this black supremacy BS?
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Re: Is the white race superior? Consider the historical fact

Post by Kradmelder »

The black invention myth bs again. The fact that blacks still to peddle it confirms the the IQ results
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Re: Is the white race superior? Consider the historical fact

Post by chanta76 »

If white people are so superior than why are white women so effed up!! You got plane loads of white guys heading to Asia or South America and slowly killing off the white race by race mixing.
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Re: Is the white race superior? Consider the historical fact

Post by Kradmelder »

chanta76 wrote:If white people are so superior than why are white women so effed up!! You got plane loads of white guys heading to Asia or South America and slowly killing off the white race by race mixing.
Some do. The vast majority of whites, including me, will never race mix. Not even with asians. I only pomp, and have ever pomped white women.

Why do so many Asian women race mix and kill off their race by not having Asian kids?

But yes white women are farked up in mindset. Many of them anyways.
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Re: Is the white race superior? Consider the historical fact

Post by BlackGuyFromEngland »

Kradmelder wrote:The black invention myth bs again. The fact that blacks still to peddle it confirms the the IQ results
If you are trying to ground IQ as a genetic product of race the very first thing you NEED to do is offer up a genetic or biological definition of race,

Something no one has not done nor has any study. But I always, sit back, invite guys like you to me give such a definition. Mainly because their fumbling attempts to define race point out just how subjective such definitions are.

In close to a decade of debating race and IQ and genetics.

I have yet to see any one of them, no matter what their scientific c credentials, offer up an acceptably neutral definition of race.

No-one has shown that human variation is great enough to account for differences of IQ, nor has anyone established the veracity of IQ as a legitimate measurement.

No one has provided an inextricable link between genetics, race, and IQ outside of methodologically flawed correlations. They make the claim, then they prove the claim.

The fact that they or you are incapable of doing so makes my life very easy.

Which are those “races” then, purely scientifically speaking and in clear text ? What are the precise genetic criteria for making this classification ?

Those questions can obviously only be answered in arbitrary dimensions which are man-made constructs according to human perception alone. However you twist it, you will run in circles and eventually spiral back into concepts based on human perception alone.

Do you even know what a scientific fact is ?

A scientific fact is that rain water freezes at 0°C at a pressure of 1 bar.

There’s no human choice involved. It’s observable and reproducible anywhere by anybody in the exact same way. Now a scientific fact, peer-reviewed, confirmed and approved, can have political consequences. Using the simple water example, it means that public administration, set into function by politics, orders winter road service to get ready once the temperatures fall below 0°C and the roads are wet.

But yet you throw around concepts that have no constant repeatability everywhere you try to reproduce the experiment or apply the theoretical claim.

In natural science, only one single significant deviation is enough to render the claim at least disputable, at worst invalid.

The reality is that there is not only one but a multitude of deviations that those “scientists” choose to ignore. You are trying to make an absolutist claim by using extremely relative variables – variables, which (as should be obvious by now) they can’t even be bothered to define in relativist fashion.

Your argument works (to the extent that it works) on the force of rhetoric alone simply because so many people naturalize race and can’t conceive that such an important thing could be constructed by anything other than transhuman divine providence (or Mother Nature, take your pic)

In neurology no one takes IQ seriously. It is archaic and only really useful to social scientists. Neurologists who have a better understanding of how the brain works because they spend decades of their lives studying it have little to no use for it, but to the public at large it is so important.

Why is that ?

I mean - Serial Killer (Ted Bundy) supposedly had an IQ off the chart. But would it be correct to say that a guy who used to slit women from their vagina to their neck was intelligent ?

Alfred Binet created IQ test’s to see which children weren’t profiting from the Parisian school system, not so that they could be labelled stupid but so new educational programs could be created to help those children.

I think he was physic because he was afraid that his tests would be misused for nepharious reasons and he could not have been more right, because once the certain people got a hold of it, it took on a whole new meaning.

And you talk about black people like me or Beyoku having fragile ego's. Are you being serious ?

If there is one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s this: truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing or superior they are.

They just go out, do the work, and demonstrate their excellence silently. They need no cheerleaders. Those who publicly proclaim how smart or great they are; are almost always trying to convince themselves. And given you're persistence, you're finding the job harder than you imagined.

We never really drill down to the nuts and bolts that need to be asked of guys like you, and you kind of like that.

Because you never have to actually put your ideas out there on the line to be scrutinized. You can always claim ideological martyr status for being shouted down as being iconoclasts in the public square.

Let’s have the debate on HBD (Human Bio-Diversity)


Let’s see how the HBDers intend to address the problems of our time and indeed things they see as problems. But to honest. I don't think they will because the reason you and others believe HBD is because you need a new theory of racism that allows you to separate yourselves from the blue collar stormfronters.

So you come up with this high sounding “Scientific” theory.

You have invested too much in this and accepting the truth now would mean accepting that, all along, you have not been a “dispassionate scientist” but an ignorant fool.

And that, you cannot accept of yourself.Therefore, you will continue to bow down before the HBD altar, beating your chest, shaking your beads, and making your sacrifice to the false god of false science.
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