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What are your views on racemixing?

Discuss racial, ethnic and multicultural issues. Warning: The topics here are likely to be taboo, so if you are easily offended, you are better off not participating here.
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Re: What are your views on racemixing?

Post by willymonfrete »

I think it's awesome in any case.

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Re: What are your views on racemixing?

Post by WilliamSmith »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
August 29th, 2023, 6:38 am
Eleven is a fine number, @WilliamSmith and I'm glad you now have similar aspirations to my own. It's rare for a man nowadays to embrace his inner Genghis Khan like that.
Thanks @MarcosZeitola, yes I like the number 11 as a good # of offspring to aim for.
I was originally planning to wait until later for various reasons to get started building a family, but... you know how it is, LOL. :mrgreen:

But the "Gengis Khan" honors belong to you, not me, because I'm not planning to spread my progeny far and wide all over the world. Planning to be way more clannish while still having a large family in the long-run. :D
MarcosZeitola wrote:
August 29th, 2023, 6:38 am
I, too, have a good relationship with most of my children. I say most, because my four European children are by a mother who explicitly wanted to raise the children alone; all she wanted was my DNA. So I see the kids every now and then and we exchange pictures but I'm not super actively involved with them, for now. That can change in the near future, or any time they choose.

Then there's three kiddos I had within marriage, and I'm close to all three as I actively raise them. Then there's the son I have my current girlfriend, he's just a few months old now but doing great and I'm very much involved, albeit from a distance for the time being. And then there's another daughter by an ex-girlfriend I fathered last year; she's great and a cutie who I love to death, but due to issues between her mother and me, I can't see her for now. I have seen her photos and would love to meet her when things settle down a little between me and her mother. But time will tell how that little saga ends.

I plan on having more children, in the future. For now, I have to be mindful of my financial situation. Four of my kids do not require my financial imput because their mother has no need for it and her family is kind of well-off. Then there are five for whom I am responsible, and I take that responsibility seriously... I don't "pump and dump" and abandon my flesh and blood. Although to be fair, there have been a lot of ladies and I *may* have impregnated others that I'm not aware of, it's not impossible.

Anyway, I love family. And I love having a large and growing family. I hope my children will all get along fabulously in the future with their many siblings and half-siblings, and I hope to continue my family for many years to come, as long as I have life and juice left in me. :D
Ah, interesting, now I have more perspective into how you managed to have that many offspring. Congratulations to you, and may you and your whole family prosper in the future. :)
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :

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