
Discuss racial, ethnic and multicultural issues. Warning: The topics here are likely to be taboo, so if you are easily offended, you are better off not participating here.
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Post by Adama »

Yes, how does a (Greek) Jew become the leader of a gentile nation? And what is with his decree that the French people need to interbreed with Muslims? Jews dont believe in the same for their people. I have nothing against intermarriage myself. Just I am against the directive of the international banksters that people must. As I said elsewhere earlier, it is simply because they want to make their crimes against people less visible. They want to decrease ethnic pride and solidarity so that if they are ever identified for the crimes they commit, they will not be rounded up and dealt with criminally.

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Bobby Fisher

Post by odbo »

Look how the liars spin things:

The truth is Anti-Semitic and the truth tellers are "self-hating".

More Bobby Fisher on here: viewtopic.php?t=10416
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Post by fschmidt »

Sarkozy is hardly Jewish. He is 1/4 ethnically Jewish and not culturally Jewish at all. But posting about Sarkozy helps answer the question posed in this thread. A lot of ignorant paranoid people are looking for some group to blame for the world's problems.

On the other hand, Bobby Fischer was 100% Jewish.
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Post by odbo »

Oh ya? Check out this youtube comment on that video
First of all, Sarkozy is Jew, all his friendsa and girlfriends were and are jewish, second he is a zionist jew and confirmed Sayanim (mossad agent), third he is a judaist as he supported circumstition of his new born family members ... thus Sarkozy is a rat and a traitor
What now!

While it is true people like to blame others instead of changing themselves to actually get something accomplished, the criticism Jews receive is well warranted. Seeing as how about 95% of the damage to humanity and the world is done by (even if it's not planned or beneficial to) the Jews, they don't get called out nearly enough. And the ones who do tend to be reactionary redneck/white-supremacist idiots. I have a better perspective on their level of guilt having plenty of Jewish blood and Jewish "characters" in my family and seeing as how I've been fighting off these dirty rats since childhood. If you only knew what I saw.. but you can't. Words can't describe the cold-hearted nature of this minority group and you get your opinions from the Jewish run media/education system.

Jew is a generic term and can refer to many different types people. While I don't view being an Orthodox Jew as a particular smart way to spend your life, these Torah thumping unthinking sheeple are not who everyone has a problem with. The culture for most Jews revolves around subverting the system, getting their own to the top, and above all stealing whether legally or illegally. Some are involved in much worse things. A normal person is incapable of comprehending the evil they commit. Your brain begins to shut down to block it out. I haven't had this luxury. I had the "joy" of living among the scum of the earth, and observed the population being oblivious to their actions. Jews simply don't have the same values (nor the morals) of other ethnicities. They don't care about being happy, they don't care about being good-natured, they care about the agenda, about their own and nothing else. They are the slave race for the psychopaths who run the world. They are like termites. You have to monitor them or you'll be very sorry.. Except termites will destroy your home. Jews will destroy your home, call themselves the victim and send you the bill. :|
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Only in France ... "The antisemite", the first com

Post by Mr S »

"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor and stoic philosopher, 121-180 A.D.
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Post by ladislav »

The majority of people on Earth do not hate the Jews and do not even know who they are. No one hates Jews in India, Nepal, China, Mongolia, Cambodia or Thailand, for example, because their religious establishments are far more tolerant. In European Protestant countries, also, they live normal lives and are not hated.
So, when you make such a broad statement as "the Jews are hated", you need to qualify as to "by whom".

Mainly the countries/groups that do are Muslim and Catholic and Orthodox Christians. Their religious establishments in the old times hated anyone who was not of the same religion. That also went for non Jews who did not adhere to the teachings of their main religion. Anyone who challenged/did not follow the main religious authority - read the source of power, money and control was hated. That is why you had massacres and persecutions of minority ethnic and religious groups all the time. Jews were only one of them.

The difference was that say, Arabs in Spain who were hated by the Christians, or Orthodox Christians in Poland who were hated by the Catholics, had countries to go back to, whereas Jews did not. So, they were kicked out from one country after another as they refused to convert and thus they were denied basic rights to employment and to tilling the land, etc. But the nobility of those countries kept them for money lending and tax collecting and threw them out when they no longer needed them. All other professions were denied to them. They could not work the land, did not have citizenship ( born there but stateless) and could not join trade guilds.

In many Muslim countries, same thing, basically, but once they would convert to Islam as well as in Europe in the Middle Ages , once they converted to Catholic Christianity or Orthodoxy they were in, so no more problem. There was no freedom of religion there, thus, all the problems.Those Jews who became Muslim or Catholic or Orthodox now had 95% equal rights. But few did it because they were too religious and afraid of their God.

The Churches, both Catholic and Orthodox taught that Jews were guilty of the killing of Christ and in Islamic countries- of going against Allah and Mohammed. These were their main crimes and the populace would be taught that and to hate them at religious services from the pulpit of the preacher for many many centuries. What can be worse than killing God or going against God and Mohammed? Then every time there were problems such as the Black Plague or economic problems, the churches/governments would spread rumors against the Jews and the population would be unleashed upon them killing them leaving the kings and queens alone.
( The Protestant church did not teach that the Jews killed Christ, though hence is Sweden, Denmark and Finland, Jews were not hated).

The same thing happened in Japan against the Koreans and in Indonesia against the Chinese. Pogroms, killings, etc. Some 100,000 Koreans were killed in Japan after an earthquake in the beginning of the last century- they were all accused of poisoning the water supply. In Indonesia, after the Asian financial crisis, the people did a Kristallnacht against the local Chinese- these were not Muslims, too, so it was sanctioned by Allah to kill/rape them. Do you see parallels?

Many Jews went to China where they were welcome. They intermarried and disappeared into the Chinese mainstream. So, once they were out of the Catholic, Orthodox or Muslim lands, the hatred mainly stopped.

And the way the Indonesians/Malays describe the Chinese is exactly the way Jews are described- greedy, money lenders, smart in a bad way, stingy. Well, this is how a minority behaves when they have no rights whatsoever. In Africa, it is the Lebanese and the Indians who are the Jews. Look at what happened in Uganda when Idi Amin kicked out all the Indians. Who were born there, by the way. And now the Chinese who are investing in Africa are going to be the new Jews. Watch out for anti Chinese pogroms next.

In Latin America, Northern Arabs, such as Lebanese, Syrians and Jordanians/Palestinians are the ones who are into all this control thing. Carlos Slim - the richest man in the world is a Mexican of Arab blood. Just a second generation in the country. The reason they are not hated is that : a) native born ones have citizenship and are as Mexican/Argentinean as anyone else ( whereas in Europe place of birth does not matter) b. most are Christians so no problem.

And in USA, they did not like anyone who was not a blond WASP and again, most doors were closed to the Jews ( and also other non WASPs in other areas), except Law, publishing, medicine and later, film. The difference in the US, is that once you are American-born, you are a citizen and as American as anyone else. No one will call you a foreigner. In the US, the hatred again came from other immigrants who were Catholic or the elite. But once the Jews got assimilated and had money, no more problem.

Thus, the Jews were never kicked out of the US. And then, they erased themselves as a Hebrew ethnicity from censuses, became legally 'white' - in Europe they were Asiatics to the people- and started putting as ancestry "Russian", "Polish", "German" etc. But they were kicked out of those countries for not being Russian Polish or German. However, an average American is too unaware of history to understand that.

Looking at it from any minority perspective, when your main rights are denied, you develop the sneaky qualities necessary for survival, become selfish and smart in a not so good way and just work hard to live in the midst of a hostile environment. Hence, the arrogant, selfish character that people complain about.

Same with Gypsies. Again, in Europe nobody wanted them and kicked them out from one country after another. These very innocent Indians became the sneaky deceiving vagrants trying to survive any way they knew how. Because even if they tried to settle down, go to "college" etc, they would never be accepted or given work.

So, the environment and the way the surrounding nations, governments and religious establishments treat/see you are a huge variable in the process of the formation of your ethnic character.

One also needs to keep in mind that the Jews are not as hated as they used to be because now in the globalization times, there are so many new arrivals everywhere that they are the ones getting the flak and the anti-Semitism is no longer a serious political force. At least not to the extent it used to be. It seems that way because many Jews own movie studio and can churn out one pro Jewish movie after another, whereas Chinese in Indonesia cannot.
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Post by MrPeabody »

ladislav wrote:The majority of people on Earth do not hate the Jews and do not even know who they are. No one hates Jews in India, Nepal, China, Mongolia, Cambodia or Thailand, for example, because their religious establishments are far more tolerant. In European Protestant countries, also, they live normal lives and are not hated.
So, when you make such a broad statement as "the Jews are hated", you need to qualify as to "by whom".

Mainly the countries/groups that do are Muslim and Catholic and Orthodox Christians. Their religious establishments in the old times hated anyone who was not of the same religion. That also went for non Jews who did not adhere to the teachings of their main religion. Anyone who challenged/did not follow the main religious authority - read the source of power, money and control was hated. That is why you had massacres and persecutions of minority ethnic and religious groups all the time. Jews were only one of them.

The difference was that say, Arabs in Spain who were hated by the Christians, or Orthodox Christians in Poland who were hated by the Catholics, had countries to go back to, whereas Jews did not. So, they were kicked out from one country after another as they refused to convert and thus they were denied basic rights to employment and to tilling the land, etc. But the nobility of those countries kept them for money lending and tax collecting and threw them out when they no longer needed them. All other professions were denied to them. They could not work the land, did not have citizenship ( born there but stateless) and could not join trade guilds.

In many Muslim countries, same thing, basically, but once they would convert to Islam as well as in Europe in the Middle Ages , once they converted to Catholic Christianity or Orthodoxy they were in, so no more problem. There was no freedom of religion there, thus, all the problems.Those Jews who became Muslim or Catholic or Orthodox now had 95% equal rights. But few did it because they were too religious and afraid of their God.

The Churches, both Catholic and Orthodox taught that Jews were guilty of the killing of Christ and in Islamic countries- of going against Allah and Mohammed. These were their main crimes and the populace would be taught that and to hate them at religious services from the pulpit of the preacher for many many centuries. What can be worse than killing God or going against God and Mohammed? Then every time there were problems such as the Black Plague or economic problems, the churches/governments would spread rumors against the Jews and the population would be unleashed upon them killing them leaving the kings and queens alone.
( The Protestant church did not teach that the Jews killed Christ, though hence is Sweden, Denmark and Finland, Jews were not hated).

The same thing happened in Japan against the Koreans and in Indonesia against the Chinese. Pogroms, killings, etc. Some 100,000 Koreans were killed in Japan after an earthquake in the beginning of the last century- they were all accused of poisoning the water supply. In Indonesia, after the Asian financial crisis, the people did a Kristallnacht against the local Chinese- these were not Muslims, too, so it was sanctioned by Allah to kill/rape them. Do you see parallels?

Many Jews went to China where they were welcome. They intermarried and disappeared into the Chinese mainstream. So, once they were out of the Catholic, Orthodox or Muslim lands, the hatred mainly stopped.

And the way the Indonesians/Malays describe the Chinese is exactly the way Jews are described- greedy, money lenders, smart in a bad way, stingy. Well, this is how a minority behaves when they have no rights whatsoever. In Africa, it is the Lebanese and the Indians who are the Jews. Look at what happened in Uganda when Idi Amin kicked out all the Indians. Who were born there, by the way. And now the Chinese who are investing in Africa are going to be the new Jews. Watch out for anti Chinese pogroms next.

In Latin America, Northern Arabs, such as Lebanese, Syrians and Jordanians/Palestinians are the ones who are into all this control thing. Carlos Slim - the richest man in the world is a Mexican of Arab blood. Just a second generation in the country. The reason they are not hated is that : a) native born ones have citizenship and are as Mexican/Argentinean as anyone else ( whereas in Europe place of birth does not matter) b. most are Christians so no problem.

And in USA, they did not like anyone who was not a blond WASP and again, most doors were closed to the Jews ( and also other non WASPs in other areas), except Law, publishing, medicine and later, film. The difference in the US, is that once you are American-born, you are a citizen and as American as anyone else. No one will call you a foreigner. In the US, the hatred again came from other immigrants who were Catholic or the elite. But once the Jews got assimilated and had money, no more problem.

Thus, the Jews were never kicked out of the US. And then, they erased themselves as a Hebrew ethnicity from censuses, became legally 'white' - in Europe they were Asiatics to the people- and started putting as ancestry "Russian", "Polish", "German" etc. But they were kicked out of those countries for not being Russian Polish or German. However, an average American is too unaware of history to understand that.

Looking at it from any minority perspective, when your main rights are denied, you develop the sneaky qualities necessary for survival, become selfish and smart in a not so good way and just work hard to live in the midst of a hostile environment. Hence, the arrogant, selfish character that people complain about.

Same with Gypsies. Again, in Europe nobody wanted them and kicked them out from one country after another. These very innocent Indians became the sneaky deceiving vagrants trying to survive any way they knew how. Because even if they tried to settle down, go to "college" etc, they would never be accepted or given work.

So, the environment and the way the surrounding nations, governments and religious establishments treat/see you are a huge variable in the process of the formation of your ethnic character.

One also needs to keep in mind that the Jews are not as hated as they used to be because now in the globalization times, there are so many new arrivals everywhere that they are the ones getting the flak and the anti-Semitism is no longer a serious political force. At least not to the extent it used to be. It seems that way because many Jews own movie studio and can churn out one pro Jewish movie after another, whereas Chinese in Indonesia cannot.
Not so fast.

Jewish conspiracy theories popular in Asia. ... -semitism/
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Post by fschmidt »

odbo wrote:While it is true people like to blame others instead of changing themselves to actually get something accomplished, the criticism Jews receive is well warranted.
odbo, how are you changing yourself to get something accomplished? And I don't just mean accomplished selfishly for yourself, I mean accomplishing things for other people, any other people who you relate to.

I spend a lot of time looking groups where people really help each other and have the strength to stand up to feminism. In the end, I only found two; Orthodox Judaism and Anabaptist Christianity. I picked Orthodox Judaism because it is a better fit for me. I have recently been studying the Chabad movement and I am impressed at how selfless these people are in helping other Jews. I have respect for any group that sticks together. I have no respect for people who can't work together and then complain about the success of groups that can work together.
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Post by Think Different »

fschmidt wrote:
odbo wrote:While it is true people like to blame others instead of changing themselves to actually get something accomplished, the criticism Jews receive is well warranted.
odbo, how are you changing yourself to get something accomplished? And I don't just mean accomplished selfishly for yourself, I mean accomplishing things for other people, any other people who you relate to.

I spend a lot of time looking groups where people really help each other and have the strength to stand up to feminism. In the end, I only found two; Orthodox Judaism and Anabaptist Christianity. I picked Orthodox Judaism because it is a better fit for me. I have recently been studying the Chabad movement and I am impressed at how selfless these people are in helping other Jews. I have respect for any group that sticks together. I have no respect for people who can't work together and then complain about the success of groups that can work together.
I understand that the Mormons also look out for their own, too. Did you consider them?
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Post by odbo »

Last edited by odbo on July 3rd, 2011, 12:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by ladislav »

Chinese/Japanese antisemites? Oh, this is a very recent phenomenon and it is a few isolated individuals who have been reading Western books and these have limited influence on the masses of billions of Chinese/Japanese/Koreans/Mongolians, etc.

Nothing compared to the millennia old indoctrination of hundreds of millions of people from cradle to grave in Europe or the Muslim world. There are no Buddhist/Taoist/Hindu monks/yogi standing up in temples and ashrams and delivering sermons about the killers of God and telling the people from the pulpit that these are "the devil's tribe" and they must be killed. As was done in churches and is still done at mosques.

Plus an average Oriental person has a different taxonomy in his mind. When a Chinese person like this


sees a Jew like this:


he will call him a laowai-a foreign uncle or a gweilo- a foreign devil. He will not be identified in a Jew category.

When a Thai man like this:


sees a Jew like this:


He will call him a farang- a whitey.

When a Japanese man like this:


Sees a very Semitic looking, big eyed, long nose Jew like this:


He will just say' Ah! Gaijin da! Gaijin da!" Foreigner ( Westerner). Not a Yudayajin da!

And a Filipino will smile and say: Amerikano!

And a Malaysian would call him "matsale"- a white man. And an Indonesian would call him a "bule"- an albino. Even in such Muslim countries, if the Jews do not walk around in religious clothes, the locals do not have the eye to identify them as Jews.

Now if this was in E. Europe or Russia, these people would stand out like a sore thumb and identified as " kikes". On sight!

When a Russian man like this:


Sees a Jew like this


He immediately says : "Zhid"- a kike

Not in the Orient. They just can't tell!

There, the Jews would be put in other categories and labeled as members of other "groups" that these Orientals may not like too much but they would not get violent with them.
Last edited by ladislav on July 3rd, 2011, 12:26 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by fschmidt »

Think Different wrote:I understand that the Mormons also look out for their own, too. Did you consider them?
Yes I considered them. I took my family to their church here. The first problem is that my wife didn't like them on an emotional level, but I really don't understand why. Second problem is that they don't have segregated seating for men and women. (Both Orthodox Jews and Anabaptists do have segregated seating.) Third problem is that I have heard mixed reviews about the effectiveness of Mormons to control feminism. For example, this. Or google "mormon divorce rate" to get conflicting reports. It is will known that divorce rates are very low for Orthodox Jews and Anabaptists. And lastly, all of Christianity is based on belief and faith which is somewhat of a problem for me being an atheist. Judaism is mostly based on action.
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Post by odbo »

I don't agree with converting to some strict and idiotic religion just to not lose your wife to feminism. The natural order of things was that men were in control, and women tended to be treated like shit. Jesus addressed this, I don't remember the exact quote/bible verse. It seems the cabal in power traditionally viewed women simply as vessels for carrying children. The religions they created (i.e. Synagogue of Satan) mirror this. I don't think keeping your wife in the doghouse is what you really want. You need to find a place on this earth which organized Jewry hasn't subverted yet. Check out belozer's blog, he lives in a farm town in the Ukraine. Men are men, women are women, and neighbours and family help eachother out. If you go to Latin America you will find happy people, and there are no problems keeping the women in line without treating them like pets.

Find meaning and find strength in your family unit, not some stupid religious sect.
I would tell you who's been actively trying to destroy the nuclear family but you can probably infer.
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Post by fschmidt »

odbo wrote:I don't agree with converting to some strict and idiotic religion just to not lose your wife to feminism.
Actually it's for my whole family including me. I want to deal with people I can trust. Of my 2 best friends, one killed himself and the other tried to have sex with my wife. I don't need this crap anymore. I have no more interest in people from corrupt cultures. And I want to give my kids exposure to a decent culture.
The natural order of things was that men were in control, and women tended to be treated like shit.
Not really. The natural order of things is the men try to maintain control with force, and women tend to be treated like shit, but women end up cheating on men and men end up screwing over their friends. This is how it works in Mexico today, and probably in most other less developed countries.
Check out belozer's blog, he lives in a farm town in the Ukraine. Men are men, women are women, and neighbours and family help eachother out.
I haven't been to Ukraine, so I can't comment. But I have looked at illegitimacy rates around the world. Compare Ukraine to Israel. Why does Ukraine have such a high illegitimacy rate? When I see pictures of how women dress in that part of the world, I get an idea of why. You can't expect wives to be faithful when they walk around half naked.
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Post by odbo » wrote:This is what Trotsky, a Jew,was preparing for the Russians for the implementation of Communism, which Marx based on the Babylonian Talmud for Gentiles: "We should turn Her (Russia) into a desert populated with white Niggers. We will impose upon them such a tyranny that was never dreamt by the most hideous despots of the East. The peculiar trait of that tyranny is that it will be enacted from the left rather than the right and it will be red rather than white in color. Its color will be red literally because we would spill such torrents of blood that they will pale all human losses of the capitalist wars and make the survivors shudder."

"By way of terror and blood baths we will bring the Russian intelligentsia into a state of total stupor, to idiocy, to the animal state of being. So far our young men dressed in leather ~ the sons of watch repair men from Odessa and Orsha, Gomel and Vinnitza ~ oh, how beautifully, how brilliantly do they master hatred of everything Russian! With what a great delight do they physically destroy the Russian intelligentsia ~ officers, engineers, teachers, priests, generals, agronomists, academicians, writers!" ~ Secret Forces in History of Russia. U.K. Begunov 1995, p 148
http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.c ... -star.html

Have fun sleeping with the enemy. I prefer to recognize the damage they have done, and work to mend it. When I'm not feeling as lazy I'll post some writings which bring out the truth Jewish character. But that requires effort.. seeing as how I grew up around these people, I don't need external evidence to convince me they are shit. The Jews you speak of may not be engaged in Zionism and Satanism, using these religions as excuses for subversion and cruelty, but Jews unilaterally defend other Jews. Jews lie for other Jews. It's inexcusable. This brotherhood that you see as a strength I see as a cancer on the world.
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