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Hitler was the Antichrist

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Hitler was the Antichrist

Post by pandabear »
...The Beast does not look what he is. He may even have a comic moustache." ["The Antichrist", written by Soloviev, quoted by Trevor Ravenscroft, "Spear of Destiny", p. 106, published in 1897 ]

From the beginning, Hitler was backed by Satanic power! When these words were penned in 1897, young Adolf was only 8 years old! Obviously, he had not even thought of growing a moustache yet. This is a great example of the little known fact that, where God does not act to specifically prohibit, Satan and his demons are capable of limited foreknowledge.

After Adolf was released from the defeated German Army following World War I, he joined the Satanic Secret Society, the Thule Society, directed at that time by Dietrich Eckart. Before Eckart ever met Adolf, he received a vision from his guiding spirit, telling him that he was going to meet the young man who was destined to become history's Antichrist. Eckart was told to spare no effort in training Hitler in the deepest areas of the occult, preparing him for his historic role. Eckart accomplished this goal very well, as both history and Trevor Ravenscroft, writing in "Spear of Destiny" demonstrate. As Eckart lay dying, he was ecstatic! He had accomplished a unique training of a unique occultist, who would capture the world. Hitler had the training; he had the power; he had a unique demonic presence within him that would carry him to the heights of power in Germany and beyond, and would nearly capture the leadership of the world! Listen to Eckart as he lay on his deathbed:

"Follow Hitler! He will dance, but it is I who have called the tune! I have initiated him into the Secret Doctrine, opened his centres in vision, and given him the means to communicate with the powers . Do not mourn for me: I shall have influenced history more than any other German." [Satanist, Dietrich Eckart, from his deathbed, December, 1923, quoted by Trevor Ravenscroft, "Spear of Destiny", p. 91]

Few people understand how completely Adolf Hitler was controlled by Satan. Hitler was totally taken over by the demonic host by the early 1920's; in fact, Eckart regularly held specialized rituals in which he and every other member of the Thule Society called for the Spirit of Antichrist to enter him. When Hitler began his quest for power, he was assured of success, even against the seemingly impossible odds facing him. While History records this success, almost no historian comprehends Hitler because he does not understand, or even believe in, the power of Satan.

Hitler captured the minds and imaginations of a huge majority of Germans because he was demonically possessed. His power over the people was unparalleled, and will remain unparalleled until the real Antichrist arises. Therefore, we are going to begin a study of Adolf Hitler as a type of the coming Antichrist. We are going to study what Hitler thought, what he planned, and what he actually accomplished, because Antichrist will do the very same things, only on a global scale. Remember former Illuminist Satanist, Doc Marquis' words: "The Illuminati does not do anything on a large scale without first trying it out on a limited scale first". Satan did not intend Hitler to be the actual Antichrist; he intended him to be the guinea pig first, to demonstrate that the plans for the New World Order would succeed once implemented. Therefore, we can learn a lot about the actual Antichrist by studying the plans, purposes, and actions which Hitler implemented in order to prepare Germany to enter into the New World Order.

Hitler's Criticism of Christianity:
  • Christianity is a religion that defends the weak and the low
    It is purely Jewish and oriental in origin
    It forces people to bend their backs to the sound of church bells and crawl to the cross of a foreign god
    It began 2000 years ago among sick, exhausted, and despairing men who had lost their belief in life
    The Christian tenets of forgiveness of sin, resurrection, and salvation are plain nonsense
    The Christian of mercy is a dangerous, un-German idea
    Christian love is a silly concept because love paralyses men
    The Christian idea of equality protects the racially inferior, the ill, the weak, and the crippled
...In 1936, Hitler established a new pagan church, which he termed as "Positive Christianity". Only Nazi approved ministers and preachers were allowed to "minister" to this congregation. Listen to some of the tenants of this church.

The National Reich Church demands an immediate stop to the printing and sale of the Bible in Germany. The National Reich Church will remove from the altars of all churches the Bible, the cross and religious objects.

On the altars there must be nothing but My Struggle, [Mein Kampf] and to the left of this a sword.
Do to others as you are ordered!
Love only your neighbour who is like yourself!

What god has separated, let no person unite!
"..... Jesus was a cowardly Jewish lout who had certain adventures during his years of indiscretion. He uprooted his disciples from blood and soil, and, at the wedding at Cana, loutishly flared up at his own mother. At the very end he insulted the majesty of death in an obscene manner ..." [Excerpt from an article in Sigrune (1937), the Faith Movement's journal]
"... The crucifixion figures as the first instance of Jewish ritual murder ..." [The crucifixion according to Julius Streicher's Stormer] This unbelievable statement correctly portrays the occult belief that the Jews killed Jesus Christ because they were practicing a brand of the occult, an "evil, wicked" occultism. Of course, the Roman Catholic Church has blamed the Jews for many centuries for killing Jesus, thus sparking many instances of murderous campaigns against them, resulting in several millions of Jewish deaths.]

"The Jewish Old testament as well as parts of the New testament are not suitable for the new Germany." [Hatred for God's Word will be fully part of the Antichrist's agenda.

"Christ was not Jewish but a Nordic martyr put to death by the Jews, a warrior whose death rescued the world from Jewish influence. [New Age lore has similarly re-identified Jesus Christ as Aryan. Once they have "captured" Jesus for their side, they can then turn against whomever they want to blame for his death. Thus, they can justify the genocidal campaign against this targeted group. In the case of Antichrist, he will immediately use this tactic against Fundamental Christians, using it as a tool to begin our martyrdom. He will not immediately use this argument against the Jews, because he will be busy convincing them he is their Messiah, for the first 3 1/2 years of the Great Tribulation.]

"Adolf Hitler is the new messiah sent to earth to save the world from the Jews." [Antichrist will also present himself as the "New Messiah" sent to earth to save the world. This is one of the most striking parallels between Hitler and Antichrist, which is why we highlighted it in red.]

"The swastika succeeds the sword as the symbol of German Christianity." [Some New Age texts suggest that the Antichrist will replace the Christian Cross with the old, pagan Swastika. After all, the Swastika is merely a twisted Cross!]
"German land, German blood, German soul, German art -- these are the sacred assets of German Christians." [While the Antichrist will not display this distinct German flavor, he will display all the occultism which the Germany of Hitler's day exhibited, beginning with the old Nordic legends. I find it very interesting that several Christmas Santa Clause shows were aired this 1998 Christmas Season, emphasizing the old Nordic legends. Hitler's Satanism was deeply based upon the old Nordic legends].
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Re: Hitler was the Antichrist

Post by fschmidt »

Maimonides was the Antichrist, my absolute least favorite person in all of history. A racist lying asshole who wrote the most repulsive garbage I have ever read. His "Guide for the Perplexed" is the worst thing I have ever read, just a heaping pile of pompous bullshit.

Hitler's main problem was that he was misguided, but comparing his writing to that of Maimonides, there is no question that Hitler was the better of the two.
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Re: Hitler was the Antichrist

Post by pandabear »

fschmidt wrote:Maimonides was the Antichrist, my absolute least favorite person in all of history. A racist lying asshole who wrote the most repulsive garbage I have ever read. His "Guide for the Perplexed" is the worst thing I have ever read, just a heaping pile of pompous bullshit.

Hitler's main problem was that he was misguided, but comparing his writing to that of Maimonides, there is no question that Hitler was the better of the two.
Have you any quotes of Maimonides, to compare against those of Hitler? Did Maimonides target Christians? If not, then he can't be the anti-Christ.
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Re: Hitler was the Antichrist

Post by fschmidt »

Hitler did not target Christians. The stuff you quoted is as bad a reference as the anti-jewish garbage posted to this site. You can pick one Hitler quote and I will show you it is wrong.

Of course Maimonides didn't target Christians either, his racism was similar to Hitler's but worse. Here are some quotes:

“…Such are the extreme Turks that wander about in the north, the Cushites who live in the south, and those in our country who are like these. I consider these as irrational beings, and not as human beings; they are below mankind, but above monkeys, since they have the form and shape of man, and a mental faculty above that of the monkey.” ... ack-etrog/

“As for Gentiles with whom we are not at war … their death must not be caused, but it is forbidden to save them if they are at the point of death; if, for example, one of them is seen falling into the sea, he should not be rescued, for it is written: ‘neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy fellow’ – but [a Gentile] is not thy fellow.”

In particular, a Jewish doctor must not treat a Gentile patient. Maimonides – himself an illustrious physician – is quite explicit on this; in another passage he repeats the distinction between ‘thy fellow’ and a Gentile, and concludes: ‘and from this learn ye, that it is forbidden to heal a Gentile even for payment…’

However, the refusal of a Jew – particularly a Jewish doctor – to save the life of a Gentile may, if it becomes known, antagonize powerful Gentiles and so put Jews in danger. Where such danger exists, the obligation to avert it supersedes the ban on helping the Gentile. Thus Maimonides continues: ‘ … but if you fear him or his hostility, cure him for payment, though you are forbidden to do so without payment.’

The 14th century Arba’ah Turirn and Karo’s Beyt Yosef and Shulhan ‘Arukh.19 Beyt Yosef adds, quoting Maimonides: ‘And it is permissible to try out a drug on a heathen, if this serves a purpose’; and this is repeated also by the famous R. Moses Isserles. ... 2-minutes/

(And this guy was a doctor.)
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Re: Hitler was the Antichrist

Post by pandabear »

Okay, here is an article: ... 013/11/15/
... there are huge differences between our views of Islam and of Christianity—the former generally considered a fine religion for gentiles, the latter considered, essentially, idol worship. My source for those statements, which most yeshiva-schooled Jews are familiar with, is Maimonides....while we consider both Islam and Christianity to be merely stepping stones in humanity’s path to true Divine enlightenment, we do not treat the two of them equally. We recognize a higher capacity for abstract worship in Islam, while Christianity remains mired in embarrassing paganism. However, the discussion of our Torah is permitted only with Christians, who accept its validity, and not at all with Muslims, who see it as a Jewish forgery.
Maimonides was born in Cordoba, when it was under Islamic control. So, of course he is going to be careful to be less critical of Islam than of Christianity. And, at least until modern times, Muslims were nicer to Jews than Christians were.

But, he is just a medieval Jewish philosopher, for Jews and some Christian and Muslim theologians to read. He had a low opinion of Christians, but didn't advocate wiping them off the face of the Earth.
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Re: Hitler was the Antichrist

Post by fschmidt »

Maimonides was an opportunist who sucked up to Muslims because it was in his interest to do so. The idea that Christianity is idol worship while Islam isn't is simply absurd. The Quran is a literal idol for Islam, considered co-existant with God. The Quran is a man-made object that is worshipped, which is the definition of an idol. Christianity's Christ is not a man-made object, so can't be an idol.

Maimonides was a bigger racist than Hitler because he refused to recognize any other race besides Jews as having any value. Hitler at least just hated those races whose members had made him mad. Maimonides advocated lying while Hitler was fairly honest.

Of course for me personally, my biggest problem with Maimonides was that he ruined Judaism. Judaism was already headed in the wrong direction with the Talmud, but Maimonides was the nail on the coffin, ruining Judaism forever.
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Re: Hitler was the Antichrist

Post by pandabear »

Now that I've read some of the material--it does seem a bit absurd for the USA to be defending Israel against Muslims, and, especially, for Christians to be doing charity work in Israel. Israelis must regard John Hagee as a big fat idiot.

To be fair, the Catholics do use idols in worship. In Maimonides' life time, the Reformation hadn't yet hit.
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Re: Hitler was the Antichrist

Post by pandabear »

But, if you feel that your religion has been ruined, you can always leave. No big deal.

At least compared to starting a war that destroys tens of millions of lives and leaves a continent in ruins.
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Re: Hitler was the Antichrist

Post by fschmidt »

pandabear wrote:But, if you feel that your religion has been ruined, you can always leave. No big deal.

At least compared to starting a war that destroys tens of millions of lives and leaves a continent in ruins.
It's not so easy because most religions suck, but I am looking.

The thing that is so depressing about Judaism is that it started out with the best book ever written, the Old Testament, and managed to completely ruin it. Other religions are less depressing because they had nothing to ruin in the first place.

As far as the Holocaust goes, I blame the Talmud first for violating the Torah and thereby causing the Holocaust. Second I blame the Muslims for rejecting a Jewish state and for suggesting the Holocaust, as Netanyahu has explained. And I only blame Hitler and the Nazis third.
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Re: Hitler was the Antichrist

Post by pandabear »

fschmidt wrote:It's not so easy because most religions suck, but I am looking.
I've heard of Jews taking up Buddhism. Atheism has its advantages.
As far as the Holocaust goes, I blame the Talmud first for violating the Torah and thereby causing the Holocaust.
Most Jews that I've known have been decent people. I don't think that people deserve death just for violating the Torah.
Second I blame the Muslims for rejecting a Jewish state and for suggesting the Holocaust, as Netanyahu has explained.
I would have to look that up. So, Hitler wanted to relocate his Jews to Palestine, but some Muslim said "No, thanks. Just kill them instead?" I know that Jews had a hard time finding places to go, but, if Hitler had been a decent person, he would have laid off on the murder spree.
And I only blame Hitler and the Nazis third.
I would blame Hitler and the Nazis first. Like Elliot Rodger. The case could be made that Feminism was responsible (and, of course, by extension, the Jews), but I don't think that Mr. Rodger should be able to duck agency so easily. Same with the Nazis.
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Re: Hitler was the Antichrist

Post by fschmidt »

pandabear wrote:
fschmidt wrote:As far as the Holocaust goes, I blame the Talmud first for violating the Torah and thereby causing the Holocaust.
Most Jews that I've known have been decent people. I don't think that people deserve death just for violating the Torah.
Arguing about who deserves what is just a waste of time. The point is that that the Holocaust would not have happened if Jews followed the Torah instead of the Talmud. The Torah says to cut of those who violate the sabbath, and the liberal Jews who Hitler hated did not keep the sabbath, so if Jews followed the Torah and cut off these liberal scum, Hitler would have had nothing against Jews.

All liberals are scum, jewish or not. And I grew up surrounded by liberal jews...

Second I blame the Muslims for rejecting a Jewish state and for suggesting the Holocaust, as Netanyahu has explained.
I would have to look that up. So, Hitler wanted to relocate his Jews to Palestine, but some Muslim said "No, thanks. Just kill them instead?" I know that Jews had a hard time finding places to go, but, if Hitler had been a decent person, he would have laid off on the murder spree.

Murdering alien people is pretty standard in history when there is no obvious alternative. Joshua was a lot worse than Hitler in this regard. Hitler's big mistake wasn't murder, it was thinking racially instead of culturally. If he had thought culturally, he would have recognized the value of an alliance with non-liberal jews. Of course Judaism today is just as racist as Nazism, and so guilty of exactly the same crime.
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Re: Hitler was the Antichrist

Post by pandabear »

fschmidt wrote:Arguing about who deserves what is just a waste of time. The point is that that the Holocaust would not have happened if Jews followed the Torah instead of the Talmud.
How do you figure that?
fschmidt wrote: The Torah says to cut of those who violate the sabbath, and the liberal Jews who Hitler hated did not keep the sabbath, so if Jews followed the Torah and cut off these liberal scum, Hitler would have had nothing against Jews.
I don't think that keeping the sabbath was one of Hitler's issues.
fschmidt wrote:All liberals are scum, jewish or not. And I grew up surrounded by liberal jews...
Not a single one was a decent person?
fschmidt wrote:Murdering alien people is pretty standard in history when there is no obvious alternative.
German Jews weren't aliens in Germany. An obvious alternative would have been to leave them alone.
fschmidt wrote: Joshua was a lot worse than Hitler in this regard.
Well, similar.
fschmidt wrote: Hitler's big mistake wasn't murder, it was thinking racially instead of culturally. If he had thought culturally, he would have recognized the value of an alliance with non-liberal jews.
Were the non-liberal Jews willing to go along with a murder of liberal Jews?
fschmidt wrote: Of course Judaism today is just as racist as Nazism, and so guilty of exactly the same crime.
Well, modern Jews have been quite so bloodthirsty. Israel only executed two persons in its history. The Nazis executed people every day.
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Re: Hitler was the Antichrist

Post by fschmidt »

pandabear wrote:
fschmidt wrote:Arguing about who deserves what is just a waste of time. The point is that that the Holocaust would not have happened if Jews followed the Torah instead of the Talmud.
How do you figure that?
fschmidt wrote: The Torah says to cut of those who violate the sabbath, and the liberal Jews who Hitler hated did not keep the sabbath, so if Jews followed the Torah and cut off these liberal scum, Hitler would have had nothing against Jews.
I don't think that keeping the sabbath was one of Hitler's issues.
You are missing the point. Hitler hated liberalism, which he called Marxism. Hitler saw that many liberal organizations had many jews at the top. Hitler also hated international bankers, many of whom were jews. I feel exactly as Hitler did towards liberals and international bankers.

The Old Testament clearly explains that the reason to get rid of those who don't follow the sabbath is to "purge the evil from you". So getting rid of those who don't keep the sabbath would have gotten rid of the liberals and the international bankers. Hitler knew nothing about Orthodox Jews. So if judaism had followed the Torah and thrown out those who don't keep the sabbath, judaism would have purged the evil from the group and then Hitler would have had nothing against jews.
fschmidt wrote:All liberals are scum, jewish or not. And I grew up surrounded by liberal jews...
Not a single one was a decent person?
It has nothing to do with individuals, but rather what they stand for. There were probably more decent individual Nazis than decent liberal Jews, but I condemn both groups anyway.
German Jews weren't aliens in Germany. An obvious alternative would have been to leave them alone.
I don't know how you are defining "alien". Nationality is irrelevant, only culture matters. Were any Jews part of traditional German culture? I don't know, but if any, they were few. Most were either culturally jewish, or, worse, liberals.
Were the non-liberal Jews willing to go along with a murder of liberal Jews?
Unfortunately not. But all Hitler wanted was to have a pure German culture, so he could have just turned the liberal Jews over to the non-liberal Jews and sent them all to Israel which would have solved his problem. This would have been his optimal strategy.
Well, modern Jews have been quite so bloodthirsty. Israel only executed two persons in its history. The Nazis executed people every day.
Israel has killed plenty of people, even if not officially called "execution". But more interesting is that the basic concept of Israel itself is almost perfectly described in Mein Kampf. Just replace "German" with "Jew", "fatherland" with "homeland", "slav" with "Palestinian", "Jew" with "anti-semite". Then you have a perfect description of Zionism including the law of return in detail and general internal policies.

If you really want to understand all this, here is your reading list:

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Re: Hitler was the Antichrist

Post by pandabear »

fschmidt wrote:You are missing the point. Hitler hated liberalism, which he called Marxism. Hitler saw that many liberal organizations had many jews at the top. Hitler also hated international bankers, many of whom were jews. I feel exactly as Hitler did towards liberals and international bankers.
Hitler hated a lot of people. But, if you decide that you want to have a conservative totalitarian state, then things might not end up going exactly as you would have preferred. After that, it is too late. Liberal democracy is okay for me.
fschmidt wrote:The Old Testament clearly explains that the reason to get rid of those who don't follow the sabbath is to "purge the evil from you". So getting rid of those who don't keep the sabbath would have gotten rid of the liberals and the international bankers. Hitler knew nothing about Orthodox Jews. So if judaism had followed the Torah and thrown out those who don't keep the sabbath, judaism would have purged the evil from the group and then Hitler would have had nothing against jews.
The Orthodox Jews ended up being easy targets in Poland. And, they had absolutely nothing to do with liberalism and banking. Do you forget about Generalplan Ost? He wanted to depopulate Eastern Europe of especially Jews, but also Russians, Slavs, Poles, Baltic people, etc, and repopulate with Aryans. Hitler killed liberal Germans, but, in the East, it was a racial thing.
It has nothing to do with individuals, but rather what they stand for. There were probably more decent individual Nazis than decent liberal Jews, but I condemn both groups anyway.
If you want to live in a place where Conservatism rules, maybe try Saudi Arabia?
I don't know how you are defining "alien".
If they were born in Germany, and had German citizenship, then they were not alien.
Nationality is irrelevant, only culture matters. Were any Jews part of traditional German culture?
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Re: Hitler was the Antichrist

Post by pandabear »

fschmidt wrote:
pandabear wrote: Second I blame the Muslims for rejecting a Jewish state and for suggesting the Holocaust, as Netanyahu has explained.
I would have to look that up. So, Hitler wanted to relocate his Jews to Palestine, but some Muslim said "No, thanks. Just kill them instead?" I know that Jews had a hard time finding places to go, but, if Hitler had been a decent person, he would have laid off on the murder spree.[/quote]

The beginning of your article states
...Prime minister tells World Zionist Congress that Hitler only wanted to expel the Jews, but Jerusalem's Grand Mufti convinced him to exterminate them, a claim that was rejected by most accepted Holocaust scholars.
Most Holocaust scholars reject blaming the Muslims. I can understand the Grand Mufti not wanting his country being taken over by alien, European Jews. But, if you want the Jews to leave Europe, then where do you want them to go?

Old Maimonedes may have sucked up to the Muslims. Mr. Netanyahu would seem to be sucking up to the Christians at this point.
Of course Judaism today is just as racist as Nazism, and so guilty of exactly the same crime.
Well, I probably wouldn't go that far. The Israelis did accept Ethiopian Jews. No way would the Nazis have accepted people claiming to be Ethiopian Germans. One may enjoy a pleasant conversation with Jews. Not so with Nazis.
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