My Views on Race

Discuss racial, ethnic and multicultural issues. Warning: The topics here are likely to be taboo, so if you are easily offended, you are better off not participating here.
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My Views on Race

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

"I have no racial identity. Identity is like religion: useful for most, but a barrier to those seeking their own path" - RooshV

Since this forum has taken a marked tilt towards white supremacy, I thought I would address the issue of race one last time before I begin placing the race baiters on my "ignore list."

I, and most others, have more important things to concern myself with than my race and your particular race. If you are Purple, Blue, White, Yellow or Black, big whoop. If that is the only point of pride you have in your life, you are a FAILURE with a capital F. People of any consequence are not all impressed by your race. So if you feel you are somehow better off simply because you are of a certain race, there will come a time in your life when your race will not matter in getting out of some life crisis or danger. Whether the trouble is medical, legal, criminal, or otherwise, relying on your race will further fail you I can assure. In fact, show me the racist and I'll show you a fool whose waiting to be done in by someone of the same race. Oh, hasn't happened yet? Stick around, it will as sure as the sun will rise. Bernie Madoff made billions off of Jews who arrogantly felt themselves superior to the masses because they were accepted into the exclusive Madoff Investment world. Jokes on them because many of them are now working part-time jobs and living hand to mouth because they were so wedded to the idea of Jewish racial identity and exclusivity.

My view is that MOST people, regardless of race, are patently not worth my time. I only respect and focus my energies on LIKE-MINDED PEOPLE who can be of any particular race.

If you take for instance Thomas Sowell (Black), Ann Coulter, (WASP) Ben Shapiro (Jewish) Michelle Malkin (Asian), Dinesh D'Souza (Indian), Dan Pena (Mexican American), Daryush "Roosh" Valizedah (Iranian/Armenian) et cetera, you will see they all are of different races but they are like-minded individuals are are very successful in their respective fields. The person who sees only those from his own race as viable misses out on a plethora of knowledge, expertise, talent, and personal potential for growth. If you want to stay a dwarf vis a vis your contemporaries, stay focused on your race only.

Much of the discussion of race on this board is actually a discussion of ethnicity or tribe misattributed to race. This is where my views are more controversial, but they are nonetheless true from my perspective.

White Men - White men in America have a difficult existence. On the one hand, they are constantly put forward as the most privileged members of society, but upon close examination, they are not. The political left and mass media beat white men over the head with the fact that they are the "oppressor class" of society and because of that, they are obligated to be ever mindful of this status which justifies their mistreatment and discrimination in society. When women deprive white men of wealth, family, and freedom, it is all thought to be justified because they are all part of the oppressor class anyhow. Most white men toil with this "white male burden" and still manage to succeed, yet they live in covert misery as blue pill slaves under the control of white women and her government enforcers (police, family courts, etc). I personally pity white American men who are brainwashed into their subordinate position via this great cultural bamboozle that is played upon them.

As with every group, you have the haves and the haves not. The white American male in this have-not category is truly a lamentable creature. He is an embarrassment to white society and a target of ridicule for all others. "How can this white man have all the privilege in the world, yet still be homeless, poor, uneducated, unemployed, etc." He is thought to be truly a loser who deserves absolutely NO compassion or assistance whatsoever because it must be all his fault since he is a member of the oppressor class and still is a loser. This predicament for the white man down on his luck makes for an almost insurmountable barrier. So when I see white men ranting about white supremacy, it is a sign that they are of this downtrodden group and they are asserting the sentiment of, "I am white and doggone it, I matter too!"

From a personal standpoint, I am personally fond of scant few white men, but this has nothing to do with their race. Since white men have internalized their "Oppressor Class" status, they walk through the world with a false sense of superiority. Anything that pierces that bubble of superiority, destroys the ego of the white male and consumes him with vicious envy. For example:

Since White men are presumed to be the wealthiest men in America, they have visceral and visible disgust when they see blacks or other minorities who are wealthier. Their cognitive dissonance then kicks in with thoughts of the non-whites having benefited from ill-gotten gains, or ethnic clan cheating, or unfair play, or affirmative action, etc. It never occurs to a white man that a black man has simply played the game and managed his affairs better than he has. This is my problem with most white American men.

Since White men are presumed to be the most desirable men in America, they have visceral and visible disgust when they see blacks or other minorities with white women. Their cognitive dissonance then kicks in with thoughts of the non-whites having benefited from mass media promotion of interracial dating, or attributing the attraction solely to the non-white man's wealth, or presuming there is the use narcotics involved in the relationship, or the non-white man used sex to bewilder the poor white woman into a relationship against her best interests. It never occurs to a white man that a black man has more overall value and appeal to a particular white woman than does he. This is my problem with most white American men.

Since White men are presumed to be the most intelligent men in America, they have visceral and visible disgust when they encounter blacks or other minorities who are more intelligent than themselves. Their cognitive dissonance then kicks in with thoughts of the non-whites not being able to match them wit for wit so they will ridicule, dismiss, or fail to acknowledge the expertise or contributions for fear of being shown up or outdone. This is most apparent in the workplace or in business because a black person or minority being more useful and valuable to an institution than a white man is a frontal assault on the white man's ego. This assault must be dealt with immediately if the white man is to preserve his place as the most intelligent man in the room. It never occurs to a white man that a black man has more overall expertise, cerebral talent, or intellectual heft than does he. This is my problem with most white American men.

None of this is to say that all white men are this way, but suffice it to say that most of them exhibit this mindset to one extent or another. It is the RARE white American man who evaluates non-white men on his merits instead of his assignment of tribal characteristics. Those are the white men I can respect and partner with (about 5%).

White Women - White American women represent one of the greatest threats to the well being of the American men. They believe themselves to still occupy the pinnacle of American womanhood as they once did, but they have been supplanted by Asian women if we are to believe the statistics from online dating sites and marriages rates. But nonetheless, many American men still view white women as the woman of choice for dating and marriage, and they will fight for her affections as hard as they fight to earn their wealth.

From a personal standpoint, I have long considered white American women to be juice not worth the squeeze. I would never invest resources or a long-term relationship in them because they are a proverbial black hole. Unfortunately, white American men are still being duped by white women who continuously deprive these men of wealth, their children, and sanity for sport.

Most of my experience with white women has been in the workplace with women who were mostly married to white men. While there was a small percentage of white women who were upstanding and committed to fair play, 95% percent of them were among the below:

Since white women have historically been viewed as the epitome of American beauty, many of them foolishly assume that sexual innuendo or subtle (or not so subtle) flirtation is the means to get what they want. I have always been a single black man in a high-level position and no matter how overweight, old, or unsightly the white women have been, they would often mistake my having any personal interest in them. They would ALWAYS be dumbfounded and perplexed why I would not agree to socialize with them outside of work, or go to lunch with them. What they did not realize is that the women I socialized with outside of work were usually 10 to 20 years younger and quite thin compared to the American overweight beast. If, word ever got out that I dated young women (usually overseas), white American women would go ballistic and call me creepy and have contorted faces of disgust. Of course, none of this ever deterred me, but it did confuse me as to why the ego crush was taking place on account of me as a black man. I guess the thought of my, as a black man, turning down ANY white American woman was too hurtful a thought to bear for them. One thing I did learn is that white American women want you up close and buddy buddy so that any future dispute between you and them can be resolved with a false allegation of sexual harassment which is the trump card of gaining power for American women at work.

Since white American women are all brainwashed with toxic feminism and the "I can do anything a man can do, but better," mindset, they often exhibit this chip on the shoulder at work. Most of them like to hear themselves talk in meetings, and most of them work to prove themselves as women rather than advance the aims of the organization. They often function under "The woman is always right" ethos and they often REFUSE to take no for an answer from a male colleagues. Saying no to a white female can get you disciplined for not being able to work cooperatively with female colleagues. Men know this so they cow-tow. Men like myself would often pay the price for daring to say no to a woman in the workplace when a yes not appropriate or justified. White women rule the American workplace now. In order to succeed, men must pay court to feminist initiatives and support and advance anything from a woman in order to avoid being branded a sexist or discriminatory. White American women, although no longer at the top of the beauty pyramid, are the de jure ruling class in American day to day life in the way whites were under Jim Crow. Men have been jailed, sued, beaten, and killed at the false word of white American women it is only getting worse. Needless to say, I avoid White American women like the plague in the workplace.

There is a class of white women which is particularly toxic, especially in the workplace. These women are the support staff types or clerical types who resent that you as a man, especially a young or non-white man, occupy a higher status/position then they. These women deeply resent that they are in any way subordinate and it manifests itself in undermining everything you do from creating polarizing gossip, to "forgetting" to do important things, or challenging your authority at every step (especially in front of others). It becomes a sport for them to gain oneupsmanship or to subvert your efforts in any way they can. The best thing to do is to work around these types and ensure that they do not work in your vicinity or sections.

This is what 95% of White American women represent in my view. I have no interest, in fact I am repulsed, by white American women no matter how attractive they might be. European women of the Eastern variety are now and shall always be my preference.

Now let me turn to black Americans and why I have little use for them.

Black Americans are often OBSESSED with an almost Marxist view that we are all the same, regardless of race, success, intelligence, status, etc. "You ain't no betta than me!" is a common refrain from black Americans who deep down know the opposite just might be true. But since most blacks dwell toward the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder, it is in their interest to constantly push for "We all the same!" Blacks have historically used the tactic of collective grievance to pressure goodies and concessions from the government. As this tactic becomes less and less effective over time, black militancy will rise unfortunately.

One way this manifests itself is in the crab in the barrel mentality. Black students who are oriented towards academic achievement are ridiculed, demeaned, bullied, and sometimes beaten up if they exhibit traits above their assigned station as downtrodden blacks. But it does not stop there, when blacks venture too far from the Marxist groupthink of black America, the same thing takes place. We can see this in blacks' treatment of black conservatives or blacks freethinkers who are only recognized and valued OUTSIDE of black America.

Black Men - Contrary to popular belief, most black men are not worth my time. It is only the like-minded black man (a rarity indeed) who I seek out for association. As has been stated ad nauseum on this forum, black men DO have a lower IQ, on average, than most demographic groups (although this lower average IQ means nothing in terms of evaluating individual blacks). This lower average IQ manifests itself in quite unpleasant ways.

First, let us understand that most black men were raised by pathological, single, black females, "bitch-made men" if you will. This crippling reality often gives rise to one of two types adult men, an effeminate man or a testosterone-driven thug with the unchecked emotions of the single mother. This latter man is the one who terrorizes society, other blacks especially. If you ever wonder why certain black men rages with vicious anger and violence, understand that he was raised, and likely beaten similarly by a single, black female. We all pay the price for that savagery.

Granted, many black men are at least functional and either had a non-pathological single mother or a two-parent home. Still, the groupthink persists because of social pressure, liberal mass media, and tradition. That groupthink is essentially, "Work to be a success, but don't be TOO successful because that would undermine 'Our Historical Narrative' of blacks being perpetually oppressed which you could damage incalculably by rising too high."

With regard to professional black men, 50% are slackers who see other blacks as an existential threat to their status, and 50% are erudite, seasoned, professionals who cannot be fooled and can identify and cultivate new black talent and networks with the best of them. The trick is to be watchful in the workplace to identity who is who.

So no, I am not a pro-black who takes the side of black men regardless. In fact, THE greatest threat to my life and well-being is the bitch-raised black man-child whose been triggered by my deigning to be different or who feels entitled to take by force what I have earned. Statistically speaking, I am many times more likely to be assaulted or killed by a black man than any other race of man. If that does not underscore my indifference to race identity, nothing else will.

Black Women - Of all the demographic groups that exist, there is no group more deeply vested in impeding the rise of black American men than black American women. There is a book entitled, Negro Wars by a Briton named Babatune Umanah. The author breaks down the truth about black women like I have never seen before.
He gives some commentary on the book in the below video:


Umanah's position, and he is 100% correct, is that the black woman is the root cause of the destruction and decomposition of the black community. His is not a new position as the late, great Daniel Patrick Moynihan wrote in his The Negro Family: A Case for National Action (AKA The Moynihan Report) of the pathologies of black women and how her abusive and destructive ways should be avoided by black men by joining the military or bettering themselves and simply getting away.

My position on black women is as follows. The black American woman deeply hates herself and she projects her hatred of self onto her children and onto the black men in her life. We can see this hatred in her buying fake hair and weaves, we can see it in her abusive treatment of her children, and we can see it in her abusive and disrespectful posture towards black men. I strongly believe black women WANT black men to fail. Why? Because ever since the time of slavery, black females were seen as the glue of their communities and families when men were sold off or killed. When feminism came along, it buttressed this "Black women as leader" malarkey and it has been out of control ever since.

So when a black man improves his station in life, not only is his rise a challenge to this black female supremacy, but it is deeply threatening to black women to see black men leaving the plantation and perhaps winning the affections of non-black women, an unforgivable offense in the eyes of black women. It has been said that black women have absolutely no racial loyalty; however, they often INVOKE racial solidarity whenever they stand to lose access to the black men, wealth, resources, and opportunities to which they feel entitled. The racially-conscious black women is a myth and a charade borne of her self-interest, pure and simple. In other words, black women think, "Black men ain't sh.t, but if you think you white women can just take away my birthright whipping boys, we will raise holy hell!"

On a personal note, black women in the workplace would try every trick in the book to bully, provoke, undermine, ridicule, and undercut me as a senior manager. It never worked because I became adept at recognizing it and neutralizing it, but it would often be intense. Oddly, there was one or two black females of equal rank who where stupendously supportive allies but they were rare indeed. Lower-level black women were uniformly enemies who worked against my interests in feeble attempts to gain or regain power.

Final Thoughts -
One thing I want to point out in all this, the American demographic tapestry is one of COMPETITION, both interracial and intra-racial. Any racialist or race realist or white supremacist is benighted to the fact there will always be people who look like them who are not their allies, white women included. This is why white supremacy will always fail, because their gains will always be undermined or siphoned off by other whites whom they'd never suspect.

So again, like RooshV says, "I have no racial identity. Identity is like religion: useful for most, but a barrier to those seeking their own path." My own path is already successfully forged with the assistance of like-minded white men, white women, European cohorts, and all those of other racial groups (including a smattering of exceptional blacks) who professionally partook in my successes.

"Racialism is but the loser's means to try to better himself." - Contrarian Expatriate
Last edited by Contrarian Expatriate on June 6th, 2017, 2:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: My Views on Race

Post by chanta76 »

what nothing on Asians?

I think being man of color race will be always something on our minds. Being Asian male I think of race often. Wondering was I mistreated because of my race or am I being judged by my race. I do agree that you just have to worry about yourself and be successful .

Still people will use their race if they can if they get an advantage. Black men do it with the BBC stereotype and tries to sleep with many white or non black girls. Go figure.
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Re: My Views on Race

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

chanta76 wrote:what nothing on Asians?

I think being man of color race will be always something on our minds. Being Asian male I think of race often. Wondering was I mistreated because of my race or am I being judged by my race. I do agree that you just have to worry about yourself and be successful .

Still people will use their race if they can if they get an advantage. Black men do it with the BBC stereotype and tries to sleep with many white or non black girls. Go figure.
I am thinking about doing one on Asians and Latinos but those two demographics are EXTREMELY complex. Japanese, Chinese, Filipinos, Thais, Cambodians, Singaporean are all different and I don't have enough personal experience with all the groups to give an accurate and thorough description.

The same thing applies to Latinos but they are even more complex because the factor of class, in addition to national origin, complicates their description.

The point that applies equally to Latinos and Asians from my essay above is so long as they are like-minded, I can be all for them too!
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Re: My Views on Race

Post by Man With a Plan »

I always thought you were a stuck-up Uncle Tom, Contrarian. And while you're still a little anal (and do retain some Tom points for things you said in your post), I've come to find that you're not as insane as most of HA's memberbase. I don't have to say I agree with 99% of the post -- that's obvious. You can spot a loser by how hard he or she clings to racial/ethnic identity. Like those fools who say "x invented y". Which translates to, "we invented y". WE. Yet, they don't know the first thing about whatever it is "they" invented. I'm not against spotting racial dynamics and phenomena, but at the end of the day, like you, I'm not concerned with it. If you don't come with some kind of merit or understanding, I don't want you in my sphere.

It's that simple.

It's about time you ignored the race baiters and let them scream into the void. There are better conversations that need to be had here.
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Re: My Views on Race

Post by fschmidt »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:"I have no racial identity. Identity is like religion: useful for most, but a barrier to those seeking their own path" - RooshV
Spoken like a true sociopath. Only sociopaths have no identity, other than their ego. I have no racial identity, but I most certainly do have an identity based on other things, starting with religion.
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Re: My Views on Race

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

fschmidt wrote:
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:"I have no racial identity. Identity is like religion: useful for most, but a barrier to those seeking their own path" - RooshV
Spoken like a true sociopath. Only sociopaths have no identity, other than their ego. I have no racial identity, but I most certainly do have an identity based on other things, starting with religion.
Roosh, and I by extension, are referring to GROUP identity, the likes of which is used in American identity politics. Everyone has a personal identity, but that distinction was not so clear in his quote.
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Re: My Views on Race

Post by Cornfed »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:It never occurs to a white man that a black man has simply played the game and managed his affairs better than he has.
It never occurs to us because it isn’t so. Other than some performing monkey entertainers, “successful” blacks are the recipients of apeffirmative action handouts. Apeffirmative action presumes by its very nature that blacks as a group are irredeemably worthless pieces of crap and are to be hired on that basis, as evidenced by the fact that there is no time limit or expectation of performance in AA. But you say there are exceptions to the rule who can meet or exceed accepted human standards and you are one of them. Lets assume for the sake of argument that that is true. Even so, you wouldn’t have been hired without AA. Why would anyone go to the risk, unpleasantness and expense of sifting through black applicants when they could just reject the whole lot as stupid apes and be right in ~99.9% of cases? You don’t see many basketball scouts scouring pigmy tribes for players, despite the fact that they could probably find some if they looked hard enough.
It never occurs to a white man that a black man has more overall value and appeal to a particular white woman than does he.
It is obvious to most people that a lot of revolting things have value to debased modern white females such as murdering their unborn children, divorce-raping their husbands and committing bestiality with blacks. Perfectly understandable in the appalling circumstances, just disgusting.
It never occurs to a white man that a black man has more overall expertise, cerebral talent, or intellectual heft than does he.

Of course you get your tall pygmies and short Dutchmen, but one still might make valid generalizations, no?
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Re: My Views on Race

Post by Eric »

fschmidt wrote:
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:"I have no racial identity. Identity is like religion: useful for most, but a barrier to those seeking their own path" - RooshV
Spoken like a true sociopath. Only sociopaths have no identity, other than their ego. I have no racial identity, but I most certainly do have an identity based on other things, starting with religion.

Dude you are the sociopath. You are, nobody else. You are projecting yourself right now. There's nothing wrong with what he said - I have to say that I agree with Contrarian Expatriate's analysis of a lot of things, depressingly so, but I think his analysis that the USA is a dying culture is accurate.
I've had these feelings my whole life, and being stuck here is like being tied to a Titanic. I understand how that feels.
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Re: My Views on Race

Post by Man With a Plan »

Another good thread ruined by stupidity. Sigh.
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Re: My Views on Race

Post by Eric »

Man With a Plan wrote:Another good thread ruined by stupidity. Sigh.

Yours? Anyway, I don't see why any of this is that worth analyzing. This is part of the 'cringe' of living in USA. Such a nasty, downgraded, competitive place. I agree that race is not that important - that culture and values and more importantly a sense of nationalism and cultural values are; that's of course exactly what's been eradicated.
Race doesn't matter, it's about values and your ethics/class and having a culture.
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Re: My Views on Race

Post by zboy1 »

Great analysis, Contrarian.

Your observations on White men and Black people are spot on.
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Re: My Views on Race

Post by Adama »

I think the problem can be summarized by this: Too many people telling other people how they should live their lives (i.e. if you are of this race, you must only do xyz and you are forbidden by made up nonsense from doing otherwise). These people really need to mind their business and keep their opinion to themselves. And the other problem is, if you don't obey them from their nonsensical opinion, because they are so prideful and arrogant, they seek to destroy you with their wrath.

In other words, racist people are so arrogant that they think they have the right to direct the lives of other people. They don't seek peace. And somehow it is their business what other people are doing with their lives. Living their life, because they are prideful, consists of them telling other people how to conduct their lives. But it isn't even stuff that matters. It only stuff that inflates the ego of the racist or things which enrage him.

There's no reason to bother writing an essay on the topic. People's opinions one way or the other really don't matter because you're not talking about people who can be reasoned with. Arrogant people cannot see beyond their arrogance.
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Re: My Views on Race

Post by Traveler »

For the most part, I don't think blacks want to live in a meritocracy. Look at the Obamas, for example, who milked being black for all its worth. Why did Barack pay lawyers nearly a million dollars to keep his school records sealed? What was he trying to hide? Would Michelle have had the opportunity to go to Princeton and Harvard and then make $300,000 a year at a hospital if she had been white? Even she admits her grades weren't that good.
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Re: My Views on Race

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Traveler wrote:For the most part, I don't think blacks want to live in a meritocracy. Look at the Obamas, for example, who milked being black for all its worth. Why did Barack pay lawyers nearly a million dollars to keep his school records sealed? What was he trying to hide? Would Michelle have had the opportunity to go to Princeton and Harvard and then make $300,000 a year at a hospital if she had been white? Even she admits her grades weren't that good.
As I mentioned before, the American socioeconomic system is based on COMPETITION, even the unfair type. So your meritocracy argument applies in even larger measure to white Americans, many of whom advance on things other than meritocracy ie family connections, affinity networks, opportunity sharing, etc.

If America functioned as a meritocracy, ASIANS would rule the corridors of power, wealth, and influence and whites would be a an ever- declining afterthought. That being the case, many whites shudder at the thought of America becoming a true meritocracy (as much as they might maintain otherwise).
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Re: My Views on Race

Post by Moretorque »

I make race jokes a lot and I do identify with races being different but as you stated I do find some blacks to have amazing skills and talents.
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