Short story; Divorce and Re Marriage.

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Short story; Divorce and Re Marriage.

Post by traveller »

We have a young married couple, Amanda and Ron. Amanda is a true trophie wife; skinny/athletic build, she looks like Kaylee Ferris at except with more white skin with freckles, strawberry-red hair, and a slightly deeper indentation under the chin (basically, her "under-chin" has more of a high-heel shoe shape when viewed from the side). Basically the type of woman that really makes Ron tremendously horny. Ron is a hard working, God-loving man. Ron is also athletic and well toned, and he is very friendly and outgoing. They live in Chicago's west suburb of Countryside.

One day, Ron goes to work only to find that he has been laid off due to a critical lack of money. Amanda is not happy about it, and despite Ron sending in resume after resume to different companies, and still getting denied work, two weeks later, Amanda divorces Ron because he can not find another job, and then goes and cheats on Ron.

Ron is devastated and crushed. Five months later, he meets another woman. The relationship is sort of off-and-on for a few weeks until Ron reads something that crushes him even more. First, it's Matthew 5:32 that states that anyone who divorces his wife causes her to become an adultress and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery. Then a series of religious websites, including a website called "Cadz," that confirm his thoughts that, by divorcing him, Amanda caused Ron to become an adulterer, and if Ron marries someone else, he lives in a continuous, nonstop state of adultery.

Suddenly, Ron gets word that his ex wife Amanda is marrying another man, Steve. Worse, Ron hears that Steve is a hardened criminal, and he is also a multimillionaire from all his armed robberies, car jackings, drug dealings, and such, and that Amanda allready moved into Steve's house in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood.

On the day of the wedding, Ron arrives with what looks like a massive wheeled chest full of rose petals with three sparklers attached to the top. Amanda first thinks her ex husband is congratulating her for her second marriage. But unbenounced to the guests, beneath the rose petals is a thin sheet of Saran wrap holding in 55 gallons of gasoline. As the vows are exchanged, Ron lights the sparklers, and suddenly tips the entire vat over onto the altar. The saran wrap rips open, spilling the gasoline onto the altar and over the sparklers, creating a monstrous, 75 foot fireball that engulfs Amanda, Steve, the reverend, and the entire altar. At the top of his voice, Ron screams out; "Burn in hell, you (censored) partners in adultery!" Immediately, there is a mad rush for the exit as the gigantic fireball races across the ceiling of the church, igniting wedding decorations and setting the entire church ablaze. Ron then flees in his car and isn't seen again. Some 60 people from Amanda's wedding are also hospitalized for smoke inhalation.

Amanda survives, though horribly burned over 60 percent of her body, as does the reverend except with more extensive burns. However, Steve dies of his burns two hours later at Cook County Hospital. The church is a total loss. The roof has collapsed and only the badly charred brick walls are standing, for the gasoline had spread a sheet of flame across the entire altar and about 75 percent of the rest of the sanctuary room, igniting everything flammable in it's way.

After regaining consiousness, Amanda calls the police and tells them that her ex-husband Ron had caused the gasoline explosion at her wedding and killed Steve. Ron is tracked down and arrested for arson and second-degree homicide. In court, Ron faces Amanda again; this time, Amanda's eyes show only terror, hatred, and fear as they glance on Ron again. Ron sees her once beautiful face, arms, and legs now scarred and full of skin grafts. It is also revealed that Amanda is dating Steve's brother, Harry, who has a rap sheet that includes firearm attack on/attempted first-degree murder of a police officer, as well as fleeing/eluding police. Ron charges Amanda, knocking her out of her seat and knocking the prosecutor's table over, and is promptly tackled and restrained by six correctional officers. After a while, trial resumes again. This time, Ron is handcuffed, chained, and belted to a wheeled restraint chair and also has a spit mask over his face. Ron is found guilty and sentenced to life without parole.

Right after sentencing, Amanda then makes a public statement to Ron.
Amanda; (to Ron) "I was freaked out when I first saw you entering the church during my marriage to Steve. And I knew I was right when I saw that huge wall of flame coming at me and burning up the church. But I want you to know that I am much stronger than you are and can guarantee that you will never harm me, my new husband, or any woman again---"

Ron; (interrupting) "How the (censored) can you do this to me!? We had a great time during our marriage and now you're throwing it all away! And especially how can you divorce a God-fearing guy like me and go marry someone who has Satan in his heart!? Also, you do know, do you not, that your marriage to Steve or Harry is an adulterous marriage!? You are condemning yourself to Hell by marrying someone else who is not your original spouse! By marrying someone else, you are living in a perpetuating, nonstop state of adultery! Any marriage between you and someone other than me is an adulterous marriage! And adulterers will never, ever inherit the kingdom of Heaven! And whoever doesn't inherit the kingdom of Heaven goes to Hell! Either you get out of that adulterous marriage and come back to me, or you'll burn forever in Hell! Worse, by divorcing me, you caused me to become an adulterer, and to refuse to reconcile with me is to condemn me into having to choose between living the rest of my life in broken isolation and depression or spending my eternity burning in Hell!"

Amanda; "Good! Go burn in Hell, Ron! Also, it's my choice if I want to go to Hell or not! Ron, I hate you, you terrify me, you are creepy, you make me want to puke, and when you die, I hope and pray that your piece of (censored) soul burns for all eternity in Hell! I also hate your God/Jesus, too! They are sick, twisted freaks just like you are! I hate their so called "commands" and their way of life! And if I want to follow Satan, it's my (censored) choice! Besides that, you're never getting married ever again, because you'll be spending the rest of your entire life in prison! I even ought to have you isolated from all women permanently!" (to judge) "Your honor, is it possible that Ron can also be sentenced to remain permanently isolated from all females? Perhaps by at least 250 feet? I'm really scared and extremely terrified for any women who might be near him or who might cross his path."

Judge; "As you wish, Amanda." (to Ron) "You, Ron, are additionally sentenced to remain permanently within no less than 250 feet of all females for the rest of your life. Amanda is scared to death of you, and she is scared and terrified to death for all female persons who might cross your path, come near you, and/or that you approach. If you ever approach and/or are present within less than 250 feet of any female person ever again, you will be required to undergo surgical castration and will be required to register as a sex offender every three months for the rest of your life, and you will also face a further 50 years in prison plus 25 to 35 years of solitary confinement."

Ron breaks down and cries as he is hauled away, still handcuffed, leg ironed, and chained to the restraint wheel chair, never to see Amanda or any woman again, for he knows the former love of his life has officially chosen the dark side and the wide path to eternal destruction. Plus Ron knows he's lost everything on the Earth, as he will never be a free man ever again and will never ever see another woman for the rest of his life per the judge's orders.

Five years later, Amanda is married to Harry and has three children. Amanda also is addicted to cocaine and heroin and is a member of Harry's gang, the Gangster Disciples. Ron is a preacher serving his life sentence at Stateville Correctional Center, having also done his first three years in solitary confinement due to outbursts, and he preaches especially on the book of Revelation. He also warns all single guys in prison that when they get out, to never ever try to date Illinois women at all. Basically, Ron says to all guys who are never married and are awaiting release; "Stay the heck away from all females in the State of Illinois. They will reject you, they will hurt you, they will dump you and divorce you. So stay away from them. Go to another state if you want a relationship!" Ron has also never seen anymore women since his sentencing, as Stateville is a men's prison, Ron has been placed in the cell block farthest from the prison visitor's room, and per the judge's orders, all female guards are ordered to stay at least 100 feet away from the building that contains Ron's cell block at all times (only male guards are allowed), and Ron is strictly forbidden to have any female visitors at all; only male visitors are allowed to visit Ron at any time.
Last edited by traveller on August 25th, 2015, 11:30 am, edited 18 times in total.

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Re: Short story; Divorce and Re Marriage.

Post by Adama »

traveller wrote:We have a young married couple, Amanda and Ron. Amanda is a true trophie wife; skinny/athletic build, she looks like Kaylee Ferris at except with more white skin with freckles, strawberry-red hair, and a slightly deeper indentation under the chin (basically, her "under-chin" has more of a high-heel shoe shape when viewed from the side). Basically the type of woman that really makes Ron tremendously horny. Ron is a hard working, God-loving man. Ron is also athletic and well toned, and he is very friendly and outgoing. They live in Chicago's west suburb of Countryside.

One day, Ron goes to work only to find that he has been laid off due to a critical lack of money. Amanda is not happy about it, and despite Ron sending in resume after resume to different companies, and still getting denied work, two weeks later, Amanda divorces Ron because he can not find another job, and then goes and cheats on Ron.

Ron is devastated and crushed. Five months later, he meets another woman. The relationship is sort of off-and-on for a few weeks until Ron reads something that crushes him even more. First, it's Matthew 5:32 that states that anyone who divorces his wife causes her to become an adultress and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery. Then a series of religious websites that confirm his thoughts that, by divorcing him, Amanda caused Ron to become an adulterer, and if Ron marries someone else, he lives in a continuous, nonstop state of adultery.

Suddenly, Ron gets word that his ex wife Amanda is marrying another man, Steve. Worse, Ron hears that Steve is a hardened criminal, and he is also a multimillionaire from all his armed robberies, car jackings, drug dealings, and such, and that Amanda allready moved into Steve's house in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood.

On the day of the wedding, Ron arrives with what looks like a massive wheeled chest full of rose petals with three sparklers attached to the top. Amanda first thinks her ex husband is congratulating her for her second marriage. But unbenounced to the guests, beneath the rose petals is a thin sheet of Saran wrap holding in 55 gallons of gasoline. As the vows are exchanged, Ron lights the sparklers, and suddenly tips the entire vat over onto the altar. The saran wrap rips open, spilling the gasoline onto the altar and over the sparklers, creating a monstrous, 75 foot fireball that engulfs Amanda, Steve, the reverend, and the entire altar. At the top of his voice, Ron screams out; "Burn in hell, you (censored) partners in adultery!" Immediately, there is a mad rush for the exit as the gigantic fireball races across the ceiling of the church, igniting wedding decorations and setting the entire church ablaze. Ron then flees in his car and isn't seen again. Some 60 people from Amanda's wedding are also hospitalized for smoke inhalation.

Amanda survives, though horribly burned over 60 percent of her body, as does the reverend except with more extensive burns. However, Steve dies of his burns two hours later at Cook County Hospital. The church is a total loss. The roof has collapsed and only the badly charred brick walls are standing, for the gasoline had spread a sheet of flame across the entire altar and about 75 percent of the rest of the sanctuary room, igniting everything flammable in it's way.

After regaining consiousness, Amanda calls the police and tells tham her ex-husband Ron had caused the gasoline explosion at her wedding and killed Steve. Ron is tracked down and arrested for arson and second-degree homicide. In court, Ron faces Amanda again; this time, Amanda's eyes show only terror, hatred, and fear as they glance on Ron again. Ron sees her once beautiful face, arms, and legs now scarred and full of skin grafts. It is also revealed that Amanda is dating Steve's brother, Harry, who has a rap sheet that includes firearm attack on/attempted first-degree murder of a police officer, as well as fleeing/eluding police. Ron charges Amanda, knocking her out of her seat and knocking the prosecutor's table over, and is promptly tackled and restrained by six correctional officers. After a while, trial resumes again. This time, Ron is handcuffed, chained, and belted to a wheel chair and also has a spit mask over his face. Ron is found guilty and sentenced to life without parole.

Right after sentencing, Amanda then makes a public statement to Ron.
Amanda; (to Ron) "I was freaked out when I first saw you entering the church during my marriage to Steve. And I knew I was right when I saw that huge wall of flame running me down and burning up the church. But I want you to know that I am much stronger than you are and can guarantee that you will never harm me or my new husband again---"

Ron; (interrupting) "How the (censored) can you do this to me!? We had a great time during our marriage and now you're throwing it all away! And especially how can you divorce a God-fearing guy like me and go marry someone who has Satan in his heart!? Also, you do know, do you not, that by divorcing me, you made me an adulterer and you are also committing adultery by marrying Steve or Harry!? You are condemning me to having to choose between a life of loneliness or an eternity in Hell! You are also condemning yourself to Hell by marrying someone else who is not your original spouse! By marrying someone else, you are living in a perpetuating, nonstop state of adultery! And adulterers will never, ever inherit the kingdom of Heaven! And whoever doesn't inherit the kingdom of Heaven goes to Hell!"

Amanda; "Good! Go burn in Hell, Ron! Also, it's my choice if I want to go to Hell or not! Ron, I hate you, you terrify me, you are creepy, you make me want to puke, and when you die, I hope your soul burns right up in Hell! I also hate your God/Jesus, too! They are sick, twisted freaks just like you are! I hate their so called "commands" and their way of life! And if I want to follow Satan, it's my (censored) choice!"

Ron breaks down and cries as he is hauled away, never to see Amanda again, for he knows the former love of his life has officially chosen the dark side and the wide path to eternal destruction. Plus Ron knows he's lost everything on the Earth, as he will never be a free man ever again.

Five years later, Amanda is married to Harry and has three children. Amanda also is addicted to cocaine and heroin and is a member of Harry's gang, the Gangster Disciples. Ron is a preacher serving his life sentence at Stateville Correctional Center, and he preaches especially on the book of Revelation. He also warns all single guys in prison that when they get out, to never ever try to date Illinois women at all. Basically, Ron says to all guys who are never married and are awaiting release; "Stay the heck away from all females in the State of Illinois. They will reject you, they will hurt you, they will dump you and divorce you. So stay away from them. Go to another state if you want a relationship!"

Let her go. The man isnt in continuous adultery. God says IF the person remarries, then they can not go back to the first husband. God still considers the second marriage to be valid. That indicates to me that the first time the person is remarried that may be the only act of adultery, and every act of sex thereafter with the new spouse should be okay.

Did this man honestly believe that murdering innocent people is the same as adultery?

By the way, I need to inform you again, that salvation is the free gift of god. A gift by definition isnt earned. Neither can it be taken away. It is eternal by definition once given by God and accepted through faith by the individual. No one who has ever believed will be cast into the Lake of Fire. And you don't have to be an adulterer to go to hell. You can tell one white lie, and if you don't believe that Jesus did all the work to get you to heaven, then you'll be judged by your works, and anyone who is judged by their works will be sent to the Lake of Fire. No one who believes will be judged by their works, because Jesus Christ washed them clean with his blood. But if someone believes in their own works, he will not wash away their blood, cause they are trusting in their works rather than in him.

Ephesians 2:8-9
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
John Chapter 10
28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

30 I and my Father are one.
Good luck, my friend.
A good man is above pettiness. He is better than that.
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Re: Short story; Divorce and Re Marriage.

Post by traveller »

Adama wrote:

Let her go. The man isnt in continuous adultery. God says IF the person remarries, then they can not go back to the first husband. God still considers the second marriage to be valid. That indicates to me that the first time the person is remarried that may be the only act of adultery, and every act of sex thereafter with the new spouse should be okay.

Did this man honestly believe that murdering innocent people is the same as adultery?

By the way, I need to inform you again, that salvation is the free gift of god. A gift by definition isnt earned. Neither can it be taken away. It is eternal by definition once given by God and accepted through faith by the individual. No one who has ever believed will be cast into the Lake of Fire. And you don't have to be an adulterer to go to hell. You can tell one white lie, and if you don't believe that Jesus did all the work to get you to heaven, then you'll be judged by your works, and anyone who is judged by their works will be sent to the Lake of Fire. No one who believes will be judged by their works, because Jesus Christ washed them clean with his blood. But if someone believes in their own works, he will not wash away their blood, cause they are trusting in their works rather than in him.

Ephesians 2:8-9
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
John Chapter 10
28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

30 I and my Father are one.
Good luck, my friend.
Well then why does Revelation 20:13 say that every person would be judged by their works? Even James says that faith without works is dead.
Elite Upper Class Poster
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Post by Ghost »

Last edited by Ghost on February 11th, 2020, 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Short story; Divorce and Re Marriage.

Post by Adama »

traveller wrote:
Adama wrote:

Let her go. The man isnt in continuous adultery. God says IF the person remarries, then they can not go back to the first husband. God still considers the second marriage to be valid. That indicates to me that the first time the person is remarried that may be the only act of adultery, and every act of sex thereafter with the new spouse should be okay.

Did this man honestly believe that murdering innocent people is the same as adultery?

By the way, I need to inform you again, that salvation is the free gift of god. A gift by definition isnt earned. Neither can it be taken away. It is eternal by definition once given by God and accepted through faith by the individual. No one who has ever believed will be cast into the Lake of Fire. And you don't have to be an adulterer to go to hell. You can tell one white lie, and if you don't believe that Jesus did all the work to get you to heaven, then you'll be judged by your works, and anyone who is judged by their works will be sent to the Lake of Fire. No one who believes will be judged by their works, because Jesus Christ washed them clean with his blood. But if someone believes in their own works, he will not wash away their blood, cause they are trusting in their works rather than in him.

Ephesians 2:8-9
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
John Chapter 10
28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

30 I and my Father are one.
Good luck, my friend.
Well then why does Revelation 20:13 say that every person would be judged by their works? Even James says that faith without works is dead.
The dead will be judged by their works. Who are the dead? Well anyone who believes has eternal life, right? So the dead are the ones who die and go straight to hell (because unbelievers are condemned already, the judgement comes after the 1000 year earthly reign of our Lord). The saved go straight to heaven upon death. There is no judgement until after the 1000 year reign of Christ.

So the ones who are judged by their works are the ones who never believed. They died and went straight to hell (the one that is beneath or feet, not the Lake of Fire). They are considered to be dead by God. The dead will be raised from hell to face judgement. Because they didnt believe, they are judged by their works. Had they believed in Jesus (instead of on their works) they would never go to hell, cause Jesus paid the price for their sin for all those who believe in him. But since they believed that entry into heaven was based on works rather than trusting on our Lord to save them alone, they get to be judged by their works.

In other words, they trusted on their own abilities to get to heaven, and when you trust in your own abilities (works), you will fall short, because the only person who has that ability on his own is Jesus Christ. The works based salvation believer really only believes in himself. He doesnt believe Jesus.

Go back and re read revelation and you will see it says the DEAD were raised from hell to face judgement. Believers face judgment at the Bema seat. But that isnt a matter of going to hell or heaven. That is a matter of how great your reward will be in heaven.

Here is the order:

Upon death, unbeliever goes to hell. Time continues until the 1000 year reign of Christ is over. Then the dead are raised from hell to face Judgement at the Great White Throne. All of these people will be judged by their works, but that probably only determines the degree of punishment in hell. They never believed so they are going to the Lake of Fire anyway. It is just a matter of how bad it will be for them.

Upon death, the believer goes straight to heaven. When Christ returns, they will return with him in the clouds. We will all live an earthly existence with Christ for 1000 years. After Christ returns the Kingdom to the Father, there is the Bema Judgement Seat. We are already in heaven. The only thing which must be determined is the degree of riches (based upon your good works).
Last edited by Adama on July 22nd, 2015, 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A good man is above pettiness. He is better than that.
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Re: Short story; Divorce and Re Marriage.

Post by Adama »

Faith without works is dead.

What about dead works? Your works are dead without faith.

You see, if your faith is dead, you still have faith. It is there. You just arent doing anything with it.

Likewise if you had good works but do not believe (no faith) then your works are dead before God. He only counts the good works of those who already believe in Jesus.

Dead works were still done though, right? I mean you did do those dead works. It is just that God considers works without faith to be dead.

Likewise, you still had faith, but because you weren't keeping the law, your faith is considered to be dead. Your faith exists. How can something be dead if it doesnt exist?

If I say that a dog is dead, are you going to tell me that dog doesnt exist? The dog is dead because there is no life in it, but it definitely exists. It just isnt alive. At one point it was alive though.

Don't get it twisted though. You must believe in Jesus Christ by faith alone. That gives you the free gift of everlasting life. At that point, the good works you do increase your treasure in heaven.

But if you do not believe, you could give all your possessions away and do all the good work you want, it still would not matter. Why? Cause you still have sin, because no one is perfect except Jesus Christ. You will still have sin in your life. Because you will always have sin in your life, the only way to get to heaven is by belief in Jesus. You can not work your way into heaven. You can only work your way into hell. It doesnt matter how good you are. You will never be a good person by God's standards because God is pure. When you believe, he washes you clean and makes you pure. But you will never be pure on your own.

Go back to the other thread and watch those sermons I linked you to. That pastor will get you saved. Just watch it over and over again until it clicks for you.
A good man is above pettiness. He is better than that.
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Re: Short story; Divorce and Re Marriage.

Post by traveller »

Adama wrote:[
Let her go. The man isnt in continuous adultery. God says IF the person remarries, then they can not go back to the first husband. God still considers the second marriage to be valid. That indicates to me that the first time the person is remarried that may be the only act of adultery, and every act of sex thereafter with the new spouse should be okay.

Did this man honestly believe that murdering innocent people is the same as adultery?

By the way, I need to inform you again, that salvation is the free gift of god. A gift by definition isnt earned. Neither can it be taken away. It is eternal by definition once given by God and accepted through faith by the individual. No one who has ever believed will be cast into the Lake of Fire. And you don't have to be an adulterer to go to hell. You can tell one white lie, and if you don't believe that Jesus did all the work to get you to heaven, then you'll be judged by your works, and anyone who is judged by their works will be sent to the Lake of Fire. No one who believes will be judged by their works, because Jesus Christ washed them clean with his blood. But if someone believes in their own works, he will not wash away their blood, cause they are trusting in their works rather than in him.

Ephesians 2:8-9
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
John Chapter 10
28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

30 I and my Father are one.
Also, it seems that the apostle Paul said that anyone who gets divorced must either remain permanently single or reconcile with the spouse, and that only the death of that spouse gives the surviving spouse the right to marry someone else. According to Paul, that would mean a second marriage with someone else when the first marriage spouse is still alive would be a nonstop state of adultery.
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