Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by Winston »

Btw Yick and Marcos,

Yes I could have semi-autism. However autistic people usually aren't social and don't like to connect with others. But I do. Maybe I am semi aspie? Who knows. It could be true. Because the way I think and move is different than others. Normal people can walk or drive from Point A to Point B quickly without thinking or stopping and looking confused and wondering what's going on. I cannot do that. That's why I am slow, but very active in thinking about everything. I cannot go from Point A to Point B quickly like a robot or program. I am often confused and stop to wonder what's going on. When people see that, they may think I am weird because I cannot move quickly around without thinking like everyone else can, so they think I'm a creep or weirdo on a different wavelength. That is possible. Maybe I'm mentally ill, or maybe I'm not a program like everyone else, but a real soul in the matrix and hence confused? Who knows.

Maybe people who are autistic are real souls in the matrix who are confused because they don't belong in the matrix and are thus confused since they are not an autobot program like everything else, so they don't have a function in the matrix? After all, aspies do commonly say that they feel like they are in a movie but do not have a script like everyone else. So that would fit the data.

I know I sound batshit crazy and insane saying all this, but what if I am right and what I say is true? What if.......? You don't really know do you? Seriously. Not joking here.

If I am right, just for argument's sake, then it would explain A LOT of mysteries, and I mean A LOT!
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by Gali »

Winston wrote:
September 2nd, 2021, 7:17 am
Gali wrote:
September 1st, 2021, 11:17 pm
Winston wrote:
September 1st, 2021, 3:28 pm
Yes but Alex has a good point that intelligent design and patterns cannot be random or due to unguided forces.

The key question Gali that you didn't answer is: What do you believe is the organizing principle or intelligent design that created the universe and us? If not God then what? I'm sure you know that randomness cannot create patterns or specified complexity or intelligent design, like a machine or computer or program or human body or human DNA. This is the key question you keep dodging. Chance or unguided processes cannot create your computer or car, yet the human body and DNA is infinitely more complex. The discoverer of DNA Francis Cricke said so too. Bill Gates said DNA Is more complex than anything ever developed at Microsoft.

What's your answer to that? This is the important question.

Are you saying that consciousness can be created by complex and high number of synapses? If so then a supercomputer should be conscious and self-aware but it isn't. Where's the evidence that it can? It's an assumption, never been proven. Why do you believe consciousness is an illusion? Are you self-aware? If so, you should know that it's not an illusion.

Why do we dream, have imagination, NDE's, etc? A machine or robot cannot do that, only a conscious being with a soul can, right? Chemicals do not have imagination or dreams or divine experiences.
You and Alex are wasting your and everybodies time with this bullshido. All you do is make people angy and annoyed.period.

Just stop it.
Get a life and maybe an education so you might get some respect and don't have to be annoying to get attention.

I should not write this because it is a waste of time and annoying but here we go

Again Alex and you are talking about stuff you do not anything about. It is mostly losers who ask these questions to look intelligent. If you are intelligent you would be able to solve real life problems or at least put your energy there.

You can not compare synapses to computer. I do not have to bring evidence because I do not care about this question anyway because we can not know about the answer. Even if you are right it would not change your life anyway. It is just stupid coping to try to look intelligent and escapism.

You can talk about the topics if you do it in an artful way. Otherwise you look like a guy who tries to be funny but is not. That is extremely annoying.

Again the divine thinking had it's time it did not change our life so who cares about the divine bullshido? Just live your life without annoying everybody. That is good enough. If you want to be useful solve real life problems and do not practice bullshido. Or at least do not talk about bullshido if people do not like the topic or find the way you talk about it annoying.
So basically, in order to be cool I have to be dumb? lol. That's what you are saying. You are acting like a program in the matrix. You are programmed to shame and ridicule what I say, so you do just that. That's why you believe there is no free will, because you are NPC right? lol. Well I am not, I am a real soul, and maybe one of the few. So that's why the matrix targets me. Makes sense. Notice how you are just following a program, while I am THINKING FOR MYSELF, which you see as a bad thing. Why? You do act like a program, not a real soul. No offense, but your actions DEFINE you.

You dodged all my key questions above, btw. If you were smart, why do you dodge key questions? How come I never do that, but you do?
No I am not saying that you should be dumb. Quite the oppsoite. Put your energy into the right places like SELF IMPROVEMENT. That is INTELLIGENT. This way you become more skilled in life and do not annoy people for no reason. Get classic education that is intelligent.

Actually I know how you feel. I have similar feelings but I do fight it because it is a trap to be unhappy. I dealt with philosophy early in my life but it is important to be balanced and not mix fiction with real life.

How I am dodging questions when I do not have the answers? I just do not know the answer. It is stupid to speculate non stop about that topic.
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by Winston »

Yick and Marcos,
Here is a recent interview Jim Elvidge did with Anthony Peake, so you can see that intellectuals and freethinkers do take my matrix theory seriously. As you can see these two are very smart and outside the box, unlike you (no offense lol).

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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by Winston »

On Where Did the Road Go Radio, Jim Elvidge explains why the scientific evidence every year MORE AND MORE point to a DIGITAL reality that we are living in. It may not be absolute proof but the cumulative data for a digital universe is VERY STRONG he explains. Very fascinating stuff! See below.

So you see, my matrix/A.I. explanation for my "loser status" could be true after all!

His first interview in 2013:

His second interview in 2017:

His third interview in 2019:

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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by Daddy Wu »

Winston wrote:
September 2nd, 2021, 7:13 am
You sound like my dad. All you do is nitpick IRRELEVANT and UNRELATED stuff that is not even true and makes no sense
WINSTON! My insolent son!!

Daddy say "lose weight!"

You don't do that!!

Daddy say "fix ridiculous snore problem, then forget!"

You don't do that!!

Daddy say, "be real man, not silly man!!"


You do only complain and gab-gab! Like silly girl!!!

So you have problem!!!!

How Daddy don't make sense??????!!

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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by yick »

Winston wrote:
September 2nd, 2021, 7:13 am
Yick and MarcosZeitola,

WTF? Are you joking?! Are you even listening? You sound like my dad. All you do is nitpick IRRELEVANT and UNRELATED stuff that is not even true and makes no sense and has NO CONNECTION to anything I say!

FYI, the flat earth movement didn't exist in the 1980s. It only became a hot topic in 2015. DUH! How can you guys miss that???!!! So of course I didn't talk about flat earth in the 80's. I talked about it for a few months in 2015 and after that, not much anymore. Today I rarely talk about it.

As to UFO's and ghosts, duh. It's part of pop culture. Nothing wrong with talking about it. Lots of people are into it. Tons of paranormal videos and movies are hits. It's part of pop culture. Lots of horror movies feature teenagers going to haunted houses and getting in trouble. Even Stephen King's "IT" is like that too. It's part of pop culture. Even Asians like horror movies like "The Ring" and stuff. Talking about that doesn't make people dislike you. DUH! Are you trying to be dumb? Why you saying DUMB things?!

In real life, if someone likes you, you can talk about anything. I'm sure you know that. Are you guys real? Or just AI and NPCs? A real soul would know all this. Aren't you guys just programs in the matrix? No offense. But you seem like you are programmed to ridicule me with fallacious illogical arguments, not serious ones. You are just making fun of me. Your points are IRRELEVANT.

Back in the 80s I was into pop TV shows like AIrwolf, Blue Thunder, Knight Rider, The A-Team, etc. Everyone was. It has nothing to do with common interests. DUH!

In high school you don't have to do anything wrong to be disliked. Even assholes get friends in high school, unlike me.

Btw I never acted arrogant or smart in high school. And even if I did, it would have been normal because in high school everyone acted snobby, arrogant, spoiled, etc. NO ONE was humble or down to earth. So why you BSing me and telling me false BS?

Explain this then: How come even my Christian youth group friends, whom I had something in common with since I was passionate about Jesus and the Bible too like they were, were not that close to me? They tolerated me because it was their Christian duty. But I never felt like they truly liked me or accepted me. They did not love me for me, they only acted nice out of Christian duty. Yet of course we had religion in common. How do you explain that??? BUSTED! See how wrong and dumb you are Yick and Marcos? No offense, but your points are REAL DUMB. NO JOKE!

Also, I am NOT a braggart and I do NOT boast about my "superior intellect". If I were a braggart, like PAG, I would be boasting about all the women I scored and all the money I made, and adding two zeros, 00, to every number in my life. That's what braggarts do! I don't do that. DUH! If I were a braggart I would NEVER start a self-deprecating thread like this! No way. I would be boasting about all my conquests like PAG does! DUH! All I pointed out was an OBJECTIVE FACT, which anyone can see in this thread, which is that I am considering a wide range of possibilities and explanations to explain the mystery of my question, some of which are outside the box, but you guys are NOT. That's a FACT. Nothing to do with bragging or boasting. I am not trying to sound arrogant at all. I swear to God! You got me WRONG as usual! Stop lying please!

Please listen to all the above so you do NOT repeat your mistakes! Otherwise, I will just copy and paste the above again. Why don't you ever listen???!!!

Why can't you just assume that my theory may be right? That there is an A.I. that runs this matrix and once it pegged me as a "loser and reject" then everyone, especially those who are NPCs and just programs in the matrix, treated me accordingly? And maybe some real souls followed suit too, to fit into the crowd. That theory FITS THE DATA. If FITS what I experienced and saw. It may be outlandish, but it FITS THE DATA! Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, remember?

Haven't you studied the simulation hypothesis? Haven't you heard of Philip K. Dick, who wrote the story that turned into the movie "Blade Runner"? He said in the 1970s that we are in a computer simulation. He was the first one. Go to YouTube and type "Jim Elvidge interivew". He has several interviews where he gives valid evidence about why we are living in a simulation that are fascinating and worth listening to. Also see his website:

Also experts from Oxford like Nick Bostrom endorse this theory too. So does the billionaire Elon Musk.

So why can't you consider my theory as a POSSIBILITY at least? Especially since many experts agree with it???!!! WHY???!!! Especially since it FITS the data and FITS what I experienced and saw!!! OPEN YOUR MIND MAN!!!

You're not a 'loser' or a 'reject' let's look at the evidence...

You graduated high school and university.

You had high school girlfriends.

You grew up upper middle class and had trips abroad as a kid and wanted for nothing.

You live the life you choose.

That was an interesting comment about your dad though, you might think he is nagging you but he wants his 40 year old son to be able to stand on his own two feet, the truth is, they won't be around forever and he wants you to make your own way.

I don't think you're autistic or have aspergers - I think you're suffering from depression - it seems you have a view of the world and your lifestyle where you rarely leave the house are the hallmarks of a depressed state. Have you thought about going to the doctor or a shrink and talking your problems through. I am sure your parents are concerned about your future - no parent wants their middle aged offspring lounging around the house without any aim or direction, let alone no job. Even if we take away their cultural mores - in fact, no, let's leave them in - they have been amazing to you if we take that factor into consideration.
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by yick »

Daddy Wu wrote:
September 2nd, 2021, 6:54 pm
Winston wrote:
September 2nd, 2021, 7:13 am
You sound like my dad. All you do is nitpick IRRELEVANT and UNRELATED stuff that is not even true and makes no sense
WINSTON! My insolent son!!

Daddy say "lose weight!"

You don't do that!!

Daddy say "fix ridiculous snore problem, then forget!"

You don't do that!!

Daddy say, "be real man, not silly man!!"


You do only complain and gab-gab! Like silly girl!!!

So you have problem!!!!

How Daddy don't make sense??????!!

Your Daddy
Did you 'spare the rod' a bit too much when he was growing up, Daddy Wu? :lol:
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
September 1st, 2021, 12:19 am
One of the documentaries i saw said that when Berkowitz was 21 he felt that some mysterious force was repelling people from him. See here:

That sounds similar to what I feel too. Because a lot of women do a 180 and dump me for no reason, far beyond what chance would be. And a lot of people are repelled by me too. I've even had dogs bark at me for no reason, even if I'm around others, as if the dog was targeting me specifically, as if there was some dark side or evil in me that others around me don't have.
I wonder if Berkowitz had some demonic forces on him, driving him to kill.

Just to clarify, these dogs barking at you aren't telling you to kill people, are they? Why would you compare yourself to 'son of Sam'?
So you gotta wonder, could that be true of most of us here too? Is that why we don't fit in America and can't find a social clique or normal date?
In my grad school program, I would eat lunch sometimes with a Chinese man who actually had a good career already as a small business owner. He said people like us, me and him, didn't exactly fit in. He was from China and lived for many years in the USA, and he felt like he didn't exactly fit in here, and didn't exactly fit in there. I think I may care less than some others as to whether I fit in. I was probably a bit awkward socially, in some ways, coming back from Indonesia, but didn't care that much about it. In Indonesia, I realize I am a bit foreign. I'll say things in Indonesian in a weird way. But I'm sort of desensitized to it.

Even second generation children of immigrants can come off as a little stiff, awkward, nerdy, etc. if they are caught between two cultures. Sometimes the foreignness is attractive, at least to at least one individual woman. French accents seem to attract some women. Some women like British accents. It seems like awkward white expats are attractive to a lot of Indonesians. Some Asian Americans complain that white women tend not to be as attracted to Asian-American men. I saw a YouTube video a long time ago about this. The Asian-American man was talking about how he met his wife. He said soon after he met her, he took her somewhere where she could see him do martial arts, so he could show that off. That is something masculine associated with his culture.

When I first got to South Korea, it used to bother me if I were crossing the street and a bus stopped while I was waiting on the red light, and every single set of eyes on that bus was staring at me, like something out of a horror movie. I was one of the few foreigners in town, and they were all looking. After a while, I just blocked it out. I think I kind of lost a little bit of that feeling of self-consciousness at that time.

But I don't feel like I have something dark that repels people. I can still connect with people. But since I have a wife and kids, I don't feel the strong urge to have a group of friends to hang out with all the time. I have that a lot. Part of it is my wife being such a social butterfly, which brings more people into our lives that I would probably bring in on my own if she weren't.

If you do get married, then you have that for social interaction and fulfillment. Kids add another dimension. You can have friends on top of that. If you move the family, overseas or domestic, you still have the family to interact with.

You made a comment about men looking like Berkewitz having wives, etc. I tried to do a little consulting project with a fellow in Indonesia. He worked with his brother and this Philippina girl who was quite good-looking. I talked to this woman on the phone before meeting her. She sounded like my mother-in-law, except she spoke in English, so I was surprised to see her looks. She was married to an Indonesian man who did not work in that office.

Anyway, this guy I was talking about was not good-looking. I cannot usually tell if a man is good-looking, but I could tell that this man wasn't. And he had dated the pretty Filipina in the office and brought her over from the Philippines. His mother objected strongly to his marrying her for various reasons. So he did not marry her. She married another Indonesian, but they all worked together.

As I got to know the guy, I could see why he could snag a really pretty girl like that. He was a great conversationalist. If you talk to him, he would listen and give feedback and seem so interested in everything you said. He had a kind of charm when talking to people. My wife met him and made the same comment. I could see how a pretty Filipina should be reassured. I saw online some time later he had gotten married. His wife was nice-looking, not as much as a knock-out as the Filipina had been, but a nice-looking woman.

There may be some conversation skills regular guys can master to get to know women and make them feel special, assured, etc.

I wonder if we have a dark side that normal people don't. Not necessarily an evil side like serial killers have. More like an angry vengeful rage inside us. Perhaps that is what repels people? Because our angry rage side cannot stand the BS or fakery in polite society. Maybe people pick up on that instinctively and so they avoid us and reject us socially? What do you think? I'm not saying that our dark side makes us criminals, it's more like an angry rage inside that hates the world for how it's treated us. I wonder if most misfits and outcasts also sense that there is a mysterious force inside them that repels people, like how Berkowitz felt. If so, it must be some form of curse.

What do you think? Do any of you notice too that some mysterious force in you repels people?
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by Daddy Wu »

Life not easy! Can’t do everything right!

Always in over head!!


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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by Gali »

Daddy Wu wrote:
September 3rd, 2021, 12:19 pm
Life not easy! Can’t do everything right!

Always in over head!!


Your Daddy
Show him videos of real man Daddy Wu. Maybe it is not too late

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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by galii »

I wonder if we have a dark side that normal people don't. Not necessarily an evil side like serial killers have. More like an angry vengeful rage inside us. Perhaps that is what repels people? Because our angry rage side cannot stand the BS or fakery in polite society. Maybe people pick up on that instinctively and so they avoid us and reject us socially? What do you think? I'm not saying that our dark side makes us criminals, it's more like an angry rage inside that hates the world for how it's treated us. I wonder if most misfits and outcasts also sense that there is a mysterious force inside them that repels people, like how Berkowitz felt. If so, it must be some form of curse.
I think this might be true.
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by galii »

Mercer wrote:
March 5th, 2023, 7:48 am
@Winston, we are the rare types of people that literally don't fit in anywhere. One piece of bullshit that people like to claim is that it's because you're into obscure subjects which is a lie because even if you try to talk about mainstream topics with normies they will ignore you when you say it but someone else can say the same thing and they will have a conversation with them. People also naturally always find their own cliques which we are always excluded from no matter what we do. No matter what we do we are told that we don't belong and aren't welcome. People instinctively don't like us even though we've done nothing wrong.
Well maybe I am not a normy but if Winston would not be such a narcissist I think it would be delightful to talk with him but everytime he comes with the same crazy topics. Talks about shit he does not know much about but talks with conviction. This is extremely annoying.

Alex a very intelligent guy we know is another case. He talks about topics in a monologue. It becomes extremly boring. His ideology makes him make wrong and annoying assumptions but otherwise he is a high IQ guy. I think if he would take acting classes and train conversation he would be amazing.

I think even if they know they could work on these things problem is I think past trauma does not allow them to make progress.
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by fschmidt »

Mercer wrote:
March 5th, 2023, 7:48 am
@Winston, we are the rare types of people that literally don't fit in anywhere.
Anywhere? So you have tried everywhere? How many countries have you been to? How many different types of religious service have you been to?

I don't fit in in most places. But at least conservative Mennonites and religious Muslims seem tolerable to me. Have you tried these 2?
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by kukushka »

Winston wrote:
September 1st, 2021, 12:19 am
I don't get something. In the 70s women were a lot more friendly, open, and social. So why was the Son of Sam serial killer Berkowitz unable to get any women? He may not the best looking guy but he looked normal. Plenty of men who look similar to him are able to get wives and friends in America. So it can't be about the looks issue.

One of the documentaries i saw said that when Berkowitz was 21 he felt that some mysterious force was repelling people from him. See here:

That sounds similar to what I feel too. Because a lot of women do a 180 and dump me for no reason, far beyond what chance would be. And a lot of people are repelled by me too. I've even had dogs bark at me for no reason, even if I'm around others, as if the dog was targeting me specifically, as if there was some dark side or evil in me that others around me don't have.

So you gotta wonder, could that be true of most of us here too? Is that why we don't fit in America and can't find a social clique or normal date?

I wonder if we have a dark side that normal people don't. Not necessarily an evil side like serial killers have. More like an angry vengeful rage inside us. Perhaps that is what repels people? Because our angry rage side cannot stand the BS or fakery in polite society. Maybe people pick up on that instinctively and so they avoid us and reject us socially? What do you think? I'm not saying that our dark side makes us criminals, it's more like an angry rage inside that hates the world for how it's treated us. I wonder if most misfits and outcasts also sense that there is a mysterious force inside them that repels people, like how Berkowitz felt. If so, it must be some form of curse.

What do you think? Do any of you notice too that some mysterious force in you repels people?
I think its because of your natal chart. ive been lurking your site for years now and I remember you used to have your natal chart on the site (which I saved to look at later), well anyways your chart shows a lot of things which suggests social problems. ill be happy to elaborate for you over PM or ITT

hope this doesnt come across as creepy, just trying to help out. love your site and your vibe!
Last edited by kukushka on May 18th, 2023, 5:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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