Dispelling viewpoints on homosexuality

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Mr. Mistoffelees
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Dispelling viewpoints on homosexuality

Post by Mr. Mistoffelees »

Heeeey y'all!

I know coming into this forum initially that there would be some homophobia and possibly bad attitudes towards me for simply being a homosexual man...

Where I can find this a little frustrating, I can't say I'm too surprised ¯\_(⊙︿⊙)_/¯ I can't help being gay anymore than certain alpha bros can help being stupid...

C'est la vie...

Anyway, I thought I would try to dispel some of the judgemental opinions on homosexuality and try to convince some of the more obtuse minded of us here that their position is unreasonable. As I said in my thread about why do we hate, it would seem that a lot of opinions held by the more virulent homophobes, or the alpha bros as I call them, are based on nothing but pure hatred with no logical basis at all.

"Homosexuals are evil" this is not true! I'm a very kind and gentle person. I try to treat everyone with courtesy and respect. Even though many users here have said I should burn with fire or treated me with derision I maintain my respectful attitude, or try to. I believe I am a good wholesome person and I think God will see that and accept me into the kingdom of Heaven. ┗(・ω・;)┛

"Homosexuals are filthy and disease ridden" This is such an ignorant viewpoint that it is laughable. The hypocrisy in which straight people accuse homosexuals of being responsible for the spread of disease is stupid. Plenty of straight people spread disease through sex as well.

Furthermore, homosexuality is not something contagious that you can catch just by interacting with a gay person. There's no need to act like someone like me is going to infect you with gay or something, it's a ludicrous way of thinking (´-ι_-`)

"Homosexuals support LGBTQ" No! No, No, No! I am not a part of their movement! I recognize that free speech is important! Though some people here need to recognize the difference between free speech and hate speech, y'all. As I said in my introduction, I think the LGBTQ has been co-opted by large corporations for profit. As such it isn't an authentic movement interested in rights for gay people.

"Homosexuality is a choice" This is something some of the virulent homophobes don't seem to understand... Being gay isn't a choice. You are what you are! Life is a giant act of theatre and we don't get to determine what roles we play.

"Homosexuals want to f**k every man they see." Question you virulent homophobic dummies of the forum, do you wanna have sex with every woman you see?? Or could it be that maybe some are just not your type?? As a gay man, I don't want to sleep with everyone I meet. I'm a virgin and I've never had sex with anyone before. But I do have a proclivity towards men and that is just how it is. Even so, I have standards and I don't want to sleep with every man I encounter. So huge sigh of relief you homophobes (‿!‿) ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)
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Re: Dispelling viewpoints on homosexuality

Post by fschmidt »

I am not a homophobe, I am a humanphobe.
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Re: Dispelling viewpoints on homosexuality

Post by MrPeabody »

fschmidt wrote:
November 4th, 2023, 8:48 pm
I am not a homophobe, I am a humanphobe.
In a recent interview, Elon Musk said that George Soros hates humanity.
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Re: Dispelling viewpoints on homosexuality

Post by mahayana »

There's no such thing as "homophobia" because I don't have a "phobia" of homosexuals as I'm not scared of them. I'm DISGUSTED by them.

@Mr. Mistoffelees, you better get conversion therapy because homosexuals are NOT allowed into the kingdom of heaven.
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Re: Dispelling viewpoints on homosexuality

Post by MrPeabody »

LGBTQ is a corporate movement with massive funding by the elites. I suspect that they could care less about average homosexuals.
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Re: Dispelling viewpoints on homosexuality

Post by MrMan »

Mr. Mistoffelees wrote:
November 4th, 2023, 3:28 pm
Anyway, I thought I would try to dispel some of the judgemental opinions on homosexuality and try to convince some of the more obtuse minded of us here that their position is unreasonable. As I said in my thread about why do we hate, it would seem that a lot of opinions held by the more virulent homophobes, or the alpha bros as I call them, are based on nothing but pure hatred with no logical basis at all.

"Homosexuals are evil" this is not true! I'm a very kind and gentle person.
The gay ideology has no real logical basis.

You also have to keep in mind that people are operating with different definitions of 'homosexual'. For most people influenced by the LGBT ideology and by academia 'homosexual' means someone who has same-sex attraction. For some older folks and conservative religious people, it means those who do same-sex acts.
I try to treat everyone with courtesy and respect. Even though many users here have said I should burn with fire or treated me with derision I maintain my respectful attitude, or try to. I believe I am a good wholesome person and I think God will see that and accept me into the kingdom of Heaven. ┗(・ω・;)┛
I don't think you understand the Christian faith. The Bible teaches 'There is none righteous, no not one.' We are not able to pay for our sin which we have committed against God. It through God's grace, and through faith in God who raised Jesus from the dead after He died for our sins, that we can be forgiven and reconciled to God. But God is also calling all men to repent. Jesus wants us all to be disciples. No matter what your desires and inclinations are, a Christian should live a holy life, empowered by God's grace to do so.

The options for a Christian are set forth in I Corinthians 7-- let every man have his own wife and let everyone woman have her own husband, or else celibacy. Romans 1 describes the lusts you are talking about,

"26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due."

Even if you have strong real feelings, that doesn't make this kind of activity okay. David may have had real, strong feelings for Bathsheba. A lot of adulterers do. David had desires. Could he blame God and say, "I was born this way." Bathsheba was pretty. He was a man. Did his desire make it okay? Lust does not justify sin.

It is possible to have desires that are not righteous. For a lot of us men, those desires are for women. For a relative few men, it goes in other directions. Your having feelings, even from a young age, don't exempt you from doing what is right before God. It doesn't change nature. It doesn't change the rules. It doesn't make wrong right.
Furthermore, homosexuality is not something contagious that you can catch just by interacting with a gay person. There's no need to act like someone like me is going to infect you with gay or something, it's a ludicrous way of thinking (´-ι_-`)
Bad company corrupts good morals. How many men went down this path because they were molested, or when they got just a bit older, they were recruited or enticed? The well-established answer in psychological literature before it became taboo to provide an abnormal psychology type solution was that this is what happened to _some_ men who did not properly bond with their fathers or father figure. So they eroticize masculinity or male affection.
"Homosexuality is a choice" This is something some of the virulent homophobes don't seem to understand... Being gay isn't a choice. You are what you are! Life is a giant act of theatre and we don't get to determine what roles we play.

What you do with a body is a choice, absent any act of violence. How you think of yourself is a choice to a large extent. The New Testament, in Romans 6, tells Christians to 'reckon yourselves dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God.' So why would you label yourself after a desire to commit sin, to engage in ungodly sexual acts. You even say, "I'm a virgin and I've never had sex with anyone before." So why make your identity 'gay'? Why call yourself that? Before I married, I'd never had sex. I had to keep my mind focused, and eyes also, to keep from ogling women from time to time. I was attracted to women. But I didn't call myself a 'fornicator Christian.' If a woman caught my eye and I found out she was married, I didn't call myself an 'adulterer Christian.' If that were the case, I immediately lost interest, but, realizing married women were off limits and not potential spouses.

If a man is attracted to his mom or sister, his attraction doesn't make it okay. Do you think a man should act on it if he is only attracted to his father and brothers? Is that wrong in your opinion?

Submit yourself to the teaching of the word of God. If you reckon yourself as dead indeed unto sin, and alive unto God, you are not going to label yourself after a sin you might commit. Your identity will not be all wrapped up in that proclivity to sin.
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