Horrible 2 weeks!

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Horrible 2 weeks!

Post by magnum »

this is literally just to vent my frustration.

2 weeks ago I had gotten the flue from my roomate, not the end of the world....but the problem is she wont tell her boss that he needs to come up with a anti-sick child clause so that sick kids no longer attend her place of work, as kids tend to be sick quite a bit, i don't think it's unreasonable to at least bring up the subject, and seeing as I love with my roomate, I think it's vary aggravating she wont bring it up, even in passing.

I take my health seriously but it looks like i"m held hostage by a person who not only eats horrible doesn't exercise but constantly gets sick, resulting in me having to risk being sick.

That would be fine but when I get sick, I tend to lose muscle mass from not exercising, I don't know why my body reacts this way, but I saw a physical difference after almost 2 weeks out of the gym.

So yesterday my first official day back at the gym, I got a conversation going with this guy with a common interest in asian women and how we both agree foreign women treat you better ect, we exchanged stories about fitness ect, we got on the subject of parkour, so naturally he wanted to see me do a front flip, having had done parkour all day in L.A the day before my legs were a bit sore but I figured I was up to the task.

So we go to the dance room in the gym, and what do you know.... I land on my feet, but fall back and land directly on my tail bone, resulting in my ass being in pain from just laying down on a bed, not to mention sitting in a computer chair!

rant is almost over!

So today on my way to work, distracted by not only the pain of my tail bone, but getting to work in a timely manner, I ended up slamming in to the back of this old womans car, completely my fault, first time I've ever had a accident, but now my car makes this annoying sound when driving and looks even more ugly then it already did.

So someone shows up fixes my truck on the street for me, great fantastic 2 hours late for work, whatever life moves on, but then they wave me down to pull over for a moment to tell me something, so I pull over and turn my car off, but the ironic thing is, now the ignition in my car won't allow me to turn the key to get my car running again, nothing to do with the electrical, but it had to do with the mechanics of the steering, so.....I had to get dropped off at work even later.

Now I am without a truck, sore tail bone and hurt pride, and a higher insurance bill, and in slightly worse shape then before.

I have 2700$ saved up...but that's not even enough to afford a decent motorcycle, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do, to fix the truck would cost about 600$, not worth it as i couldn't sell the thing for 800$
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Post by C.J. »

Hmm. Seems like you've had an interesting couple of weeks!

I know you probably don't want advice, but it seems to me you need to re-evaluate your routine a little. When I hear about people getting sick from other people, it's usually because their defenses aren't very strong. I usually don't get sick from others and on the rare chance I do, the condition never lasts for more than 48 hours. People always talk about getting germs a lot too, as if they can get a STD from touching an unclean surface! The problem IMO people need to work on, is their OWN internal defense against sickness.

I'd suggest getting some chlorella(not that expensive), drinking a little water(not too much;distilled is better than tap also). Oh, and DON'T use any public restrooms or most any public areas if you can help it! These places are disgusting, and breeding grounds for sickness. The more people that frequent the area, the more likely you'll get sick, especially in the US.

Also, exercise can be a great way to tell if you have hidden health problems when you're over-working your body with cardio and stuff like that. If you're looking to lose weight, I'd suggest going on a strict diet more than crazy exercise.
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Post by magnum »

Oh I don't mind advice at all, thanks.

As for public restrooms ect I avoid them if I can, I HATE them, always under kept and just no...

Diet and exercise are on key believe me.... I don't know if you have seen my other posts, but I used to be 300 lbs, now I'm 170 lbs and in shape, fitness and nutrition is probably the one thing I know the most about, I've been thinking of getting a personal trainer certification, might as well get something out of my self education right?

I see what your saying, but viruses get you no matter what if ingested right?

By the way, your image rocks, I love devil may cry!
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Post by C.J. »

You lost a bunch of weight! Great job. :)

I took the lazy way out. Fasted, exercised and kept my thyroid in tip top shape. Lost 120 lbs. in a year. Only thing I had to watch out for is my stomach, as at the time I was highly likely to incur gastritis or some other gas related problem due to my stomach being so small.

While virii(?) and other organisms will eventually make their way into your body, your body's defenses will naturally render them useless. Some foods and drinks will shut it down temporarily though. When you live in America, being healthy is almost impossible.

Yeah, I love DMC too. The games were hard, but dope.
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Re: Horrible 2 weeks!

Post by NorthAmericanguy »

magnum wrote: That would be fine but when I get sick, I tend to lose muscle mass from not exercising, I don't know why my body reacts this way, but I saw a physical difference after almost 2 weeks out of the gym.
Depending on how long you have been training, you don't loose muscle mass in 2 weeks. It's psychological magnum.

magnum wrote:but the ironic thing is, now the ignition in my car won't allow me to turn the key to get my car running again, nothing to do with the electrical, but it had to do with the mechanics of the steering, so....
Mechanics of the steering rarely if ever fail unless it something to do with the power steering. Is the key old and worn out? If so that might be why your truck won't start. Get a new key made and try that.
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