Why Taiwan SUCKS in all areas except food & safety

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Re: Why Taiwan SUCKS in all areas except food & safety

Post by kangarunner »

Winston wrote:
September 8th, 2021, 7:41 pm
Everything is better in Thailand. More fun and positive vibe and soul, not bland and square and repressed like Taiwan, which feels like a repressed monastery with NO FUN at all. Sorry if that offends anyone but it's true and you all know it."
LOL...funny stuff.
Winston wrote:
September 8th, 2021, 7:41 pm
Everything is better in Thailand. More fun and positive vibe and soul, not bland and square and repressed like Taiwan
Seriously, very good wording of Thailand. The LOS really is a magical place.
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Re: Why Taiwan SUCKS in all areas except food & safety

Post by Gali »

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Re: Why Taiwan SUCKS in all areas except food & safety

Post by Winston »

Some texts I sent to a Canadian guy I met in Taiwan, who was shocked that I spoke fluent English and said things no Asian ever dares to say:

Btw I forgot to mention. I dont mind being a loner. I been one for much of my life and childhood. So I'm used to it. However what i can't stand is being surrounded by negative creepy vibes. Everywhere i go i sense that the Taiwanese collective consciousness Or oversoul is telling me telepathically that i am NOT allowed to be myself or express myself or have fun. Otherwise i will be seen as a creep, pervert and criminal. Its god awful. I even have trouble just going to the grocery store. Thats how bad it is. Beyond words. The vibes feel creepy like that to me. It suppresses my true self 24/7. Totally suffocating. I dont get how others tolerate it.

And to make matters worse i cant talk about it because its taboo to say stuff like that. Youre only allowed to be politically correct and say everything here is great. U can complain about the food or weather or politics. But u definitely cannot say what i say. No way. Total taboo. People are horrified if u say the stuff that i say even if swear on the Bible that its all true. There's no virtue in truth or honesty.

Just saying that "the emperor has no clothes" will weird people out and get you ostracized and seen as a freak. Theres a cult of political correctness nowadays that does not allow honesty or depth as u know. But again its taboo to talk about it so no one does.

My website is unique because we talk about a lot of stuff no one else dares to talk about. So its a truth seeiers haven. If u browse my forum u will see how brutally honest everyone there is. You either love it or hate it. No in between. Lol

Funny music video of me in Russia created by one of my fans. Lol


See how the right location makes all the difference? Notice in the video how i can be as wild and open as i want in Russia with no restrictions or taboos. Theres no way in hell i can act like that in Taiwan. Not even 1 percent. Never. lol

What i noticed is that in most countries outside NE asia and north america u dont need to join a clique to meet people or have fun. It happens naturally just like u see in the movies. My videos and photos prove that.

But in taiwan or hong kong or north america u pretty much gotta join an exclusive clique to have fun or have a good social life. I hate that because cliques dont usually accept me because im nonconformist and too much of a freespirit. Unless of course ur a good looking girl in which case any country will be friendly to u. Lol. But not if ur a guy. Hell no. No way.

You know what i mean?

Btw. When i said earlier that i feel drained and used like a battery i meant like the movie The Matrix with Keanu reeves. Have u seen it? In that movie the humans are used as batteries by the matrix A.I. program. After many years of truth seeking and searching i believe that theory is the closest to the truth about why we are here. To be used as a battery. Thats why this world contains so much suffering, much of which is engineered and unnecessary. Google "false light trap" for more info. Or see www.unicusmagazine.com or www.trickedbythelight.com.
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: Why Taiwan SUCKS in all areas except food & safety

Post by Winston »

Why Taiwan is very Antisocial, Anti-Truth, & Anti-Fun - 8 Reasons Why It's a Social Hell - Taboo truths that no one dares to say!

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Jiddu Krishnamurti

"The men the American public admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth." - H. L. Mencken

"Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth." - Gandhi

* Note: I do not use the word "antisocial" the way western psychologists and criminologists do. They use it to describe dangerous psychopaths and violent deviants. But I use it to describe people who are not socially open to meeting new people or making new friends and have a total lack of interest in it. I believe my definition is more accurate if you think about it, because the root words "anti" and "social" mean "not social" or "against being social". It does not mean to be violent or dangerous. So I believe Western psychology and criminology have their terminology wrong, not me. Sorry to you conformists out there, but the establishment is not always right.

* Note 2: If you hate truth and honesty and wish to bash me and tell me that "the problem must be you" then please see the last two sections below, and my video links below too.

Taiwan is obviously very ANTISOCIAL and ANTI-TRUTH for obvious reasons, which are taboo to talk about of course since political correctness rules Taiwan. Allow me to elaborate:

1. No one in Taiwan is interested in making friends or meeting people. There is no social openness at all, not even a little. Go there and you will see. Everyone has that "mind your own business, leave me alone" vibe, attitude, and body language. They act like they wanna repel others like a magnet repelling other magnets. If you stand near them, especially women, you will feel this strong repellant force. You can't miss it. And everyone is super square, prudish, and collectivist, so if you are a freethinker or freespirit, Taiwan will be hell for you, guaranteed. This is especially true down south in Chiayi. Taipei at least has a little social scene since it's a cosmopolitan city, but it's still dead and boring with no fun available compared to other capital cities in Asia. But Chiayi has zero social life and is probably the most antisocial city in all of Asia. It's the kind of place you have to grow up in and have friends from school, but if you are an outsiders, you will be totally ignored like a ghost, especially if you are a single male. In other words, super cliquish to the extreme.

One simple question that always easily STUMPS Taiwan lovers is this: "If Taiwan is so friendly then why does no one want to be your friend?" So far, no Taiwanese locals or Taiwan lovers among foreigners have ever been able to answer that. It stumps them everytime like an obvious question that refutes their illusions and makes them look stupid, and exposes their cult like brainwashing. For some reason Taiwanese are overly patriotic and think they are "the best" to try to make up for the lack of confidence and self-esteem, which they have zero of, and even Americans have more confidence and self-esteem than Taiwanese do. It's all very fake and contrived and makes me sick.

Ask yourself this: Have you ever met a Taiwanese person that said "I want to make new friends"? I certainly have never heard them say that. Not even the Taiwanese in the USA say that. I might have heard them say that in the 1980s and 1990s, but post 2010 NEVER. No way. Totally antisocial to the extreme. I swear. Has nothing to do with me, it's about THEM, not me. So don't blame the messenger of truth.

I've never understood one thing. Why is it that if you tell the truth in Taiwan and say: "No one is open to making friends in Taiwan. Everyone is cold and closed and antisocial. That's why I don't have friends there." you feel like a freak and weirdo and anomaly, even though what you say is VERY TRUE? How can that be? Isn't that the biggest IRONY? How can telling the truth make you feel like a freak? When you say that people look at you like you're from Mars or something. I don't get that. Very bizarre. Believe it or not, I've had instances where I've walked into a restaurant in Taiwan alone, and the waitress looks at me oddly and asks me "Why are you all alone? Where's your companions?" Then when I proceed to tell her the above, she looks at me as though I were a Martian. Well what does she expect me to say? It's not like she's interested in being my friend either. Fortunately, waitresses in big cities don't ask such rude questions, but in small cities like Chiayi they sometimes do. It's very awkward.

Taiwanese also appear to have "friendliness" confused with "politeness". They are not the same thing, but they think they are. To me, friendliness means one is OPEN to making new friends and meeting people and enjoys having real conversations and connections with others. It's an enthusiasm toward interacting with others and learning from new and interesting people, which Taiwanese have NONE of at all, sadly. Taiwanese for sure are totally NOT open to that, not even a little. Sad but true. I swear to God. So this is one of the main fallacies of Taiwanese people, to confuse friendliness with politeness. China may not be as polite, but it is friendlier and more social, which I've experienced first hand. (See the blog comment below.) However, Taiwanese will NEVER let you know about that of course, they will only say mainland Chinese are more rude, but they will NEVER tell you that they are more social, authentic, and human than Taiwanese are. Only I will. So please appreciate my openness and honesty.

2. Taiwan is also very ANTI-TRUTH too, because the above is taboo to talk about even if obvious. If you bring up the above, Taiwanese will tend to dismiss it and say something like "Nonsense. Taiwan is full of good kind people. You just haven't met the right people yet." However, I never meet the right people and no one can show me any. Everyone in Taiwan conforms to the above. No one deviates from the norm in Taiwan, that's why it's so safe (but not alive). Everyone is controlled and robotic and standardized, like the droid soldiers in "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace". As one person wrote in my blog comments section:

https://blog.happierabroad.com/2013/01/ ... 9674759839
June 14, 2016 at 9:08 PM
I grew up in Taiwan and lived in Taiwan for more than 30 years. So, I think my comment to this article can be objective. This article is god damn right. I think the real situation in Taiwan may be worse. Taiwan is like a huge factory. It treats human being as product, so the most important thing is to standardize every human being. If you are not standardized well, you will be treated as a defected product. Eventually, for these defected product, either they leave Taiwan or take antidepressants whole live living in Taiwan. I am not exaggerating. The real situation is worse.
Therefore, truth is definitely a taboo in Taiwan. Not a virtue. Taiwanese hate the truth, just like Americans do. It's not a culture where you can say "the emperor has no clothes". If you do, you will be seen as a freak and ostracized, because Taiwanese are big on being "normal" and only like "normies". (more on that below) Hence Taiwan has no social freedoms, only political freedoms. That's a key point that people miss. Taiwan is definitely big on political correctness, which is far more important than the truth. Being a truth seeker at heart, I hate that of course, because it doesn't allow me to be honest or who I am.

For sure, Taiwan is definitely NOT a place for blunt people who are no-nonsense and call a spade a spade (like me). No way jose. In Taiwan, you are expected to conform to the cult of pro-Taiwanism and are not allowed to say anything negative about it, even if obviously true, like the statements in this article. For some reason, most Taiwanese and Taiwan lovers have this cult like brainwashing that makes them say "Everything in Taiwan is good. Everything in China is bad." which they follow to a T if you listen to them. Anything they say about Taiwan will be positive or biased, and everything about China will be negative and biased in the negative, often exaggerated too. Others have noticed this too, such as this comment in my blog:

https://blog.happierabroad.com/2013/01/ ... 9674759839
October 26, 2015 at 10:22 AM
This blog post seems to come from a very biased way of thinking, however i do agree with some points.
especially with the "it's a taboo to say people are unfriendly". every single taiwanese person i meet tells me how taiwanese people are the nicest people in asia (usually followed by "not as rude as mainland chinese" because people here seem to hate mainland china a lot) which, at least judging from my own experiences is by far not true. I had much better experiences in china or korea, and it was certainly a lot easier to meet people and make friends there than it was here in Taiwan.
3. To make matters worse, even when you meet people in Taiwan it feels very awkward. And even if you have friends or a girlfriend it feels awkward too. Because the vibe is extremely repressed and there's always this creepy feeling lingering above you that tells you telepathically, "If you try to be yourself or express yourself you will be seen as a creep and pervert and criminal. You must always subdue and repress your natural self." So in that sense there is a totalitarian vibe, which is far stronger than China has. Its very god awful and creepy. It's as if being yourself is ILLEGAL in Taiwan or at least feels illegal. Simply put, everything feels weird and UNNATURAL in Taiwan. Even going to the grocery store does. That's how BAD and AWFUL it is, which is beyond words and hard to put into words. I'm sure some of you who agree with me know what I mean. Because awkward feelings are hard to verbalize or articulate.

4. It's also impossible to have connection or chemistry with people in Taiwan, especially women. As my Chinese friend Henry King said "Taiwanese women tend to be brainless and shallow and obsessed with political correctness." So very true and sad. How do you connect with that or have chemistry with that, especially if I am not "brainless and shallow" myself? It's impossible isn't it? And it feels awkward to even try, like going against the grain or walking upstream against the stream flow in a river.

Frankly, I've NEVER met any Taiwanese who could hold real conversations, especially meaningful ones about life. Maybe older Taiwanese can hold conversations sometimes, but younger ones NEVER can at all. Asians in general are too practical and never philosophize (I'm an exception of course) as you know. Only white people are able to have deep intellectual conversations as they sit around the campfire and talk about GLU topics (God, Life, and the Universe). I never see Asians have any proclivity for that. At least mainland Chinese women can hold some type of basic conversation with me, and Filipina women can have lighthearted flirtatious conversations with me for hours, even if they are uneducated. But Taiwanese women are NEVER able to have any conversation with me at all, for some odd reason. If any of you can show me any young Taiwanese (not older or elderly which sometimes can) who can hold a real meaningful conversation about life (not about quantum physics or anything like that) I'll give them $100. It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack, perhaps even harder. No joke.

Not to sound like a loser, but I've never understood how Taiwanese make friends or get married or find a romantic partner. No one I've asked can tell me either. Even the most experienced expats in Asia cannot explain that to me. The only thing I can conclude is that most people are part of a hive mind, like bees are part of a hive. They do not need to think or make things happen, the hive mind they belong to arranges everything for them - their job, their duties, their function, their role, their spouses, etc. So the average person does not need to think or try to make things happen, just like bees in a hive do not need to think. Their life is arranged according to the human hive. Just like the Borg Collective in Star Trek: The Next Generation. I know this sounds like sci fi, but it's the only logical explanation. For some reason people like me who are freespirits and freethinkers are not part of the hive or Borg Collective, so we have no role or function in the matrix except to be liberated and create our own purpose. That's why we are attracted to New Age spirituality. Or maybe people like me have Asperger's Syndrome? After all, aspies tend to say that they feel like they are in a movie where everyone has a script except them. So who knows.

5. Even if you do make friends in Taiwan, they are not your real friends, more like acquaintances. Here's an easy way to prove it: Tell them something taboo or politically incorrect, or forward them this article and tell them you agree with it. Then watch them drop you like hot potatoes. Because they are big on NORMIES. Anyone who is not a normie weirds them out. Yes they ARE that judgmental and shallow. Very sad but true. Taiwan is clearly a haven for normies. This means anyone who is eccentric or a misfit or a freethinker with an independent mind is ostracized, outcast, and avoided. I've seen many Taiwanese and Cantonese (from HK) gossip and talk shit about anyone eccentric behind their backs, even in the US. They simply HATE anyone unique and independent minded or too expressive. I'm not kidding. Hence they are not your true friends, only acquaintances, because as you know, your real friends you can talk about anything with, no matter how taboo or politically incorrect. But with Taiwanese, one little offense and they avoid you forever like the plague. Hence they are not your real friends, so again you lose.

Don't blame me for telling the truth, it's not my fault they are like this, but they definitely are. They are super shallow like that, which is another reason why I never vibe with them. They too easily hate people and have a penchant for it, especially the women. Very sad but true. I wish it weren't true of course. I don't like bad mouthing my native people like this, and many will hate me for it, but the truth is the truth and a spade is a spade, and it is not badmouthing to expose the truth about them.

6. Not surprisingly, Taiwan is also very ANTI-FUN and ANTI-HUMOR too. Even if you have friends to hang with, they are always super shallow, bland, and obsessed with being square and normal. They will NEVER party hard or have fun or seek to do something wild and crazy and new. Their idea of fun is to go to the night market and try some street food. Blah. Boring! All they will do is have polite conversations with you with no real connection. It's like trying to have fun with a bunch of nuns and monks in a Catholic convent or Buddhist monastery. They cannot have fun because they are extremely SERIOUS, REPRESSED, and INHIBITED by nature and afraid to let go. They are also HUMORLESS and never laugh loudly like people in other countries do. When I laugh loudly in Taiwan and try to enjoy myself, I feel like a freak. That's why no comedy clubs exist in Taiwan and Taiwanese TV shows are always super corny and hokey and never funny by Western standards. Try telling a Taiwanese person a joke and you will see how flat it falls on a blank wall. They are way too SERIOUS by nature and cannot laugh wholeheartedly or let themselves go. Jim Carrey would be super depressed in Taiwan for sure.

Look at any Taiwanese face and you will see nothing but super seriousness and uptight inhibition. No one truly lives or feels alive in Taiwan. No one has a soul or can hold any authentic meaningful conversation. You NEVER feel like you are talking to a true soul in Taiwan, only fake superficial polite people. It's totally meaningless. No fun at all. Probably, Taiwan is the WORST place in Asia when it comes to having fun and is totally devoid of it. Try to have fun in Taiwan and you will see how awkward and out of place it is. It's like looking for water in the desert. No joke. Taiwan must be the most boring place in Asia. No offense, but it's true. Fun is NEVER in the blood of any Taiwanese. Even in the SF Bay Area where I grew up, every Taiwanese I've met has always been super SQUARE and is NEVER any FUN to be with.

7. I'm not the only one who feels this way. In my experience, people online may flame me and deny what I say, but in person and offline about 1/3 of foreigners who have been to Taiwan agree with me, another 1/3 agrees with me partially, and the other 1/3 totally disagrees with me and thinks Taiwan is wonderful and friendly for some odd reason. So if at least 2/3 of foreigners agree with me about Taiwan, then obviously there is truth and substance in what I say. Even if I sound like I'm exaggerating, what I say is definitely 100 percent true of Chiayi City in Taiwan. Just go down there if you dare, and you will see what I mean. Sociality there is absolute zero. You cannot even make male friends there. Literally everyone there is brainless, shallow, and soulless to the extreme. Like a horror movie, but worse, because at least flesh eating zombies in horror movies acknowledge your existence as they attack you, whereas Taiwanese do not. lol. I often feel like the last surviving human in the movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" there. This is not a metaphor, but literal truth when it comes to Taiwan. No joke!

8. Many don't get that Taiwan may have political freedoms but no social freedoms, and China is the inverse, lacking in political freedoms but ok in social freedoms. The average liberal lemming thinks freedom is all about political freedoms, just like the moronic US media claims. However, social freedom is a bigger factor because it affects you directly everyday. It's common sense but programmed people cannot see that. Nothing is worse than not being allowed to be yourself, which you cannot be in Taiwan, Singapore, or Hong Kong, which are super repressed and cliquish cultures. If you cannot be yourself, you have no freedom, regardless of what type of political system you live under. The stupid media, both maintream and alternative media, never get that and never tell you that, even though it's a basic obvious truth. All they talk about are political freedoms, which don't even matter. Being free to be yourself and come out of your cafe, is the REAL definition of freedom. It has nothing to do with voting or electing BS talking politicians like the imbecile US media claims.

To see proof of what I mean, see this funny music video of me in Russia created by one of my fans. Lol


See how the right location makes all the difference? Notice in the video how I can express myself and be myself and be as wild and open as I want in Russia with no restrictions or taboos. There's no way in hell I can act like that in Taiwan. Not even 1 percent. Never. lol.

To see mountains of more proof, see my 40 hours of raw video footage in Russia here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... WpIi6UMSiF or my video series "Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind" here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... AMy16VuJlu

What I noticed is that in most countries outside NE Asia and North America you dont need to join a clique to meet people or have fun. It happens naturally just like you see in the movies. My videos and photos on HappierAbroad.com prove that. But in Taiwan or Hong Kong or North America you pretty much gotta join an exclusive clique to have fun or have a good social life. I hate that because cliques dont usually accept me because im nonconformist and too much of a freespirit. Unless of course you're a good looking girl in which case any country will be friendly to you. Lol. But not if you're a guy. Hell no. No way.

To critics who say the problem must be me:

Before you flame and tell me that the problem is me, or that I lack social skills, let me tell you that that cannot be. Because I've been to 14 countries and many US states and have met THOUSANDS of people, and I do NOT have these social complaints everywhere. Only in countries like Taiwan, Hong Kong, and West Coast USA, all of which are super cliquish, antisocial, stuck up, and not truly friendly or open at all. So the problem must be the location, NOT me. For proof, see the photos and videos on my website HappierAbroad.com and the video links I posted above.

Also, I am outgoing and social and confident and have good conversation skills. I can relate with people of all ages, including children and elderly people. I've worked in many sales and marketing jobs too. So I have excellent communication skills and am very articulate, as you can see in my articles such as this. I am also NOT afraid to talk to strangers or make eye contact with strangers, unlike Taiwanese who are super cold and reptilian and NEVER make eye contact with others, especially their women. So if I am not the one who is closed and antisocial, how can the problem be me? Think about it. I've met thousands of people and know people in many different countries too, so I am very social and conversant. Only Taiwan and a few other places are an exception.

If you don't believe me, I invite you to meet me in person or on Skype, and you will see that I do not lack social skills or conversation skills at all. Ask any of my good friends who know me in person. They will vouch for this and tell you I am very personable, approachable, good-natured, intelligent, honest, and conversant. And I radiate good vibes too, according to my friends. So I am definitely NOT the problem. It MUST be Taiwan. Sorry. The evidence speaks for itself. You can see for yourself. Go to Taiwan and if you are honest, aware, insightful, and observant, you will see all that I say. Overall, it's a very UNHAPPY place that makes everyone feel WEAK and REPRESSED. Thus it's TERRIBLE beyond words. Not my fault. It is what it is, and I am not afraid to tell the truth about it.

Moreover, social skills are a myth and irrelevant to friendships and relationships. Here's why:

Social skills are only relevant if the other side is WILLING to engage. If they aren't, it doesn't matter even if you have the greatest social skills in the world. Everyone knows that. Let me ask you this: If you met someone with good social skills but didn't like him or her, would it matter? You would avoid them right? It doesn't matter how good their social skills are, if you don't like them, you avoid them. Ask anyone. They would do the same.

Social skills only matter if you are an ambassador, diplomat, or working in public relations or customer service and have to be very tactful, diplomatic, and sensitive with others. It has nothing to do with making friends. Friends are about RESONANCE. If you don't resonate with someone, there's no friendship, it doesn't matter if you both have good social skills. If you don't resonate and have nothing in common, then social skills don't matter and are moot. This is obvious. Making friends isn't supposed to be like rocket science or fixing a car. If it doesn't happen naturally, then it's not meant to be. Duh.

If only people with good social skills had friends, then shy people and strong silent male types would have no friends, but that's not true. Average people with little or no social skills have friends too, if they resonate well and bond well with them. Social skills is not like putting on a show for entertainment. That has nothing to do with human relationships. Even if you could make friends with good social skills, those aren't real friends, just temporary acquaintances, because if there's no resonance, chemistry or connection, then there's no real friendship. Very simple. Why do stupid people try to turn this into rocket science?

No real friendship is gained from social skills or rocket science formulas. Let me ask you this: When you and your best friends met, did you need social skills or formulas to bond or get along? Or did you get along naturally, like flowing water? Of course the latter. Duh.

Therefore, this "social skills" thing is a myth, totally fictional, and meant only to SHAME others by finding BS reasons to explain things that can easily be explained by simple things like resonance, chemistry, connection, synergy, etc. It has no substance, basis, or reality.

Why being a misfit does not make me a "loser" as shallow judgmental pricks claim:

Also, just because I'm a misfit doesn't make me a loser. For example, if you put an audio file of Beatles music in a folder full of rap music on your computer, it will not fit there and be out of place. But that doesn't mean the Beatles music is bad, it's just in the wrong folder and belongs in a folder full of Beatles songs or oldies songs. See what I mean? Misfits are not always defective, just out of place. If you put a lion in a pack of hyenas, the lion will not fit in or resonate with the hyena pack either. Not because the lion is a loser, far from it, but because they don't resonate together. As you know, like attracts like, and if you are in a wrong flock of birds, it doesn't mean you are a loser, just that you are in the wrong flock. That's a simple lesson that you shallow judgmental pricks who are quick to call others "losers" need to learn.

Unfortunately, those who are attracted to Taiwan tend to be shallow, brainless, nonintellectual types which tend to label any misfit as a "loser" with a kneejerk reaction, because like attracts like. So I expect that kind of reaction from many pro-Taiwan folks. But I have nothing to lose by telling the truth anyway, since I don't vibe with Taiwanese and have no precious Taiwanese "friends" to risk losing anyway since they are not real friends anyway, as explained above. Hence I have nothing to lose by telling the truth and saying that "the emperor has no clothes". I do this out of passion for truth, not profit, because I hate lies and BS and wish to expose them, and because truth is in my blood so I have to follow it.


In conclusion, Taiwan is definitely highly Antisocial, Anti-Truth, and Anti-Fun. It's also the most boring, lifeless, miserable, dead, sterile place in all of Asia, if not the world. Even Japan and Korea have more interesting culture. The country is a very miserable depressing place. You cannot have fun, you cannot meet people, and there's nowhere to go and nothing to do. Everything is DULL as hell, even Taipei is. No energy, no life, no aliveness, no good vibe, nothing. Even if you're alone in Bangkok, Thailand at least there is good energy and dynamic vibes to keep you feeling alive and energized. Not so in Taipei or Taiwan at all. It's gotta be the most BORING country in the whole world, I swear. Boring, dead, lifeless, sterile, soulless, etc. That's why it may be totally safe, but dead, lifeless, sterile, soulless, so is it worth it?

If you wanna see a real life version of the movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" go to Chiayi, Taiwan. That is a REAL LIFE version of the movie, not a metaphor, but a LITERAL example! No joke. Go there and see. You are not aloud to have a soul, have emotions, be alive, be normal, etc. It's a total SOCIAL HELL for sure. Feels like a PRISON. You cannot live or be yourself or express yourself. You can't do nothing. It's the same as being in JAIL or PRISON. How can anyone stand that? How do expats in Taiwan stand that? It feels awkward to even talk to them, because socializing feels taboo and illegal in Taiwan. How do local Taiwanese not just kill themselves? Their country is god awful and the most miserable and depressing place I've ever been to. How can anyone like that? It's like being in prison. I don't get that. You gotta wonder. No offense to anyone out there, but the truth is the truth and I will swear to it on the Bible. It's about time someone exposed the truth about the god awfulness of Taiwan.

Thanks for reading. For your inspiration, here are some profound quotes below.

"Men have been taught that it is a virtue to agree with others. But the creator is the man who disagrees. Men have been taught that it is a virtue to swim with the current. But the creator is the man who goes against the current. Men have been taught that it is a virtue to stand together. But the creator is the man who stands alone." - Ayn Rand

"The sick individual finds himself at home with all other similarly sick individuals. The whole culture is geared to this kind of pathology. The result is that the average individual does not experience the separateness and isolation the fully schizophrenic person feels. He feels at ease among those who suffer from the same deformation; in fact, it is the fully sane person who feels isolated in the insane society - and he may suffer so much from the incapacity to communicate that it is he who may become psychotic." - Eric Fromm, Swiss Psychologist (The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness)
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: Why Taiwan SUCKS in all areas except food & safety

Post by Guhji »

"Taiwan is obviously very ANTISOCIAL and ANTI-TRUTH for obvious reasons, which are taboo to talk about of course since political correctness rules Taiwan. Allow me to elaborate:"

That's how it is in most first world countries. If you feel uncomfortable in Taiwan, you'd better not visit South Korea or Japan. You're really going to get the cold shoulder in these countries.
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Re: Why Taiwan SUCKS in all areas except food & safety

Post by Winston »

Guhji wrote:
September 30th, 2021, 12:44 pm
"Taiwan is obviously very ANTISOCIAL and ANTI-TRUTH for obvious reasons, which are taboo to talk about of course since political correctness rules Taiwan. Allow me to elaborate:"

That's how it is in most first world countries. If you feel uncomfortable in Taiwan, you'd better not visit South Korea or Japan. You're really going to get the cold shoulder in these countries.
But some of the comments in my blog said that even Japan and Korea was friendlier than Taiwan. Remember? One girl said that in the comments above.
October 26, 2015 at 10:22 AM
This blog post seems to come from a very biased way of thinking, however i do agree with some points.
especially with the "it's a taboo to say people are unfriendly". every single taiwanese person i meet tells me how taiwanese people are the nicest people in asia (usually followed by "not as rude as mainland chinese" because people here seem to hate mainland china a lot) which, at least judging from my own experiences is by far not true. I had much better experiences in china or korea, and it was certainly a lot easier to meet people and make friends there than it was here in Taiwan.
Believe it or not, someone told me that even Singapore was better than Taiwan.

Also Japan and Korea have real culture that is fascinating. Taiwan does not. Japanese culture also teaches bravery. That's why Kamikaze pilots gave their lives during WW2. And Japanese Samurai are taught courage and bravery. But Taiwanese culture never teaches that. It always teaches you to be weak and repressed and live in fear. All Taiwanese families in the SF Bay Area teach that too.

Btw, not all first world countries are the same. I could make some friends in Sweden or Switzerland or France. People there have decent social skills and can hold intelligent conversations, like me, so at least I could make some friends. I can connect with them much better. Even in the US I can. You also forget that European women are far better than Asian women at holding intelligent conversations too. I know from firsthand exprience. But in Taiwan I've never met anyone who can hold any intelligent conversation at all. Rock promised to introduce me to some, but he keeps breaking his promise and backing out. All talk and no action.

So no, not all first world countries are the same. Also I can fit into French culture or Swiss culture, but not Taiwanese culture, for all the reasons described above. In Taiwan everything feels awkward and illegal. I would not feel like that in all first world countries such as France or Italy or the UK.

Again you are wrong as usual. Can you try to be right sometimes? Your error rate is way too high. If your IQ is below 80 you should not be here. No offense. You also sound shallow as f**k too. I don't like that.
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Re: Why Taiwan SUCKS in all areas except food & safety

Post by Guhji »

Winston wrote:
September 30th, 2021, 12:51 pm
Guhji wrote:
September 30th, 2021, 12:44 pm
"Taiwan is obviously very ANTISOCIAL and ANTI-TRUTH for obvious reasons, which are taboo to talk about of course since political correctness rules Taiwan. Allow me to elaborate:"

That's how it is in most first world countries. If you feel uncomfortable in Taiwan, you'd better not visit South Korea or Japan. You're really going to get the cold shoulder in these countries.
But some of the comments in my blog said that even Japan and Korea was friendlier than Taiwan. Remember? One girl said that in the comments above.
October 26, 2015 at 10:22 AM
This blog post seems to come from a very biased way of thinking, however i do agree with some points.
especially with the "it's a taboo to say people are unfriendly". every single taiwanese person i meet tells me how taiwanese people are the nicest people in asia (usually followed by "not as rude as mainland chinese" because people here seem to hate mainland china a lot) which, at least judging from my own experiences is by far not true. I had much better experiences in china or korea, and it was certainly a lot easier to meet people and make friends there than it was here in Taiwan.
Believe it or not, someone told me that even Singapore was better than Taiwan.

Also Japan and Korea have real culture that is fascinating. Taiwan does not. Japanese culture also teaches bravery. That's why Kamikaze pilots gave their lives during WW2. And Japanese Samurai are taught courage and bravery. But Taiwanese culture never teaches that. It always teaches you to be weak and repressed and live in fear. All Taiwanese families in the SF Bay Area teach that too.

Btw, not all first world countries are the same. I could make some friends in Sweden or Switzerland or France. People there have decent social skills and can hold intelligent conversations, like me, so at least I could make some friends. I can connect with them much better. Even in the US I can. You also forget that European women are far better than Asian women at holding intelligent conversations too. I know from firsthand exprience. But in Taiwan I've never met anyone who can hold any intelligent conversation at all. Rock promised to introduce me to some, but he keeps breaking his promise and backing out. All talk and no action.

So no, not all first world countries are the same. Also I can fit into French culture or Swiss culture, but not Taiwanese culture, for all the reasons described above. In Taiwan everything feels awkward and illegal. I would not feel like that in all first world countries such as France or Italy or the UK.

Again you are wrong as usual. Can you try to be right sometimes? Your error rate is way too high. If your IQ is below 80 you should not be here. No offense. You also sound shallow as f**k too. I don't like that.
"Btw, not all first world countries are the same."
-I said "most".

"Rock promised to introduce me to some, but he keeps breaking his promise and backing out. All talk and no action."
-I wonder why?

"But some of the comments in my blog said that even Japan and Korea was friendlier than Taiwan."
-I have visited Japan and Korea, not Taiwan. I have met and befriended many Taiwanese in America, both guys and girls, and I have to say they were all pretty nice, pretty open. Maybe the natives are different? Or maybe it's just YOU. Both Korea and Japan are a short flight away from where you're at. Visit and find out for yourself. Pretty sure you'll be disappointed and no doubt posting about your negative experiences.

"If your IQ is below 80 you should not be here"
-I don't know what my IQ is. It may very well be 80 or even below 80. Are you saying I can't be here because my IQ isn't as high as yours? That's being very judgmental and exclusionary, and you expose yourself as the prideful narcissist that you REALLY are. God punishes the prideful. You will have your just desserts, in due time. That much is certain.
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Re: Why Taiwan SUCKS in all areas except food & safety

Post by Winston »

Guhji wrote:
September 30th, 2021, 1:16 pm
"Btw, not all first world countries are the same."
-I said "most".

"Rock promised to introduce me to some, but he keeps breaking his promise and backing out. All talk and no action."
-I wonder why?

"But some of the comments in my blog said that even Japan and Korea was friendlier than Taiwan."
-I have visited Japan and Korea, not Taiwan. I have met and befriended many Taiwanese in America, both guys and girls, and I have to say they were all pretty nice, pretty open. Maybe the natives are different? Or maybe it's just YOU. Both Korea and Japan are a short flight away from where you're at. Visit and find out for yourself. Pretty sure you'll be disappointed and no doubt posting about your negative experiences.

"If your IQ is below 80 you should not be here"
-I don't know what my IQ is. It may very well be 80 or even below 80. Are you saying I can't be here because my IQ isn't as high as yours? That's being very judgmental and exclusionary, and you expose yourself as the prideful narcissist that you REALLY are. God punishes the prideful. You will have your just desserts, in due time. That much is certain.
Because Taiwanese aren't interested in making new friends or meeting new people. They have an unusual AVERSION to it. Sorry but that's the truth. Not my fault. Just telling the truth. I never lie. Stop trying to spin everything against me. It's sick and evil and immoral. It's trollish behavior too. Even my friend Henry King noticed that Taiwanese never have any interest in making new friends. They aren't social. That's the truth. Deal with it.

Nothing you say has any credibility. You are not honest or credible at all. All you do is argue and shit on people. You try to bring out the worst in people and are 100 percent negative. I don't believe anyone you meet wants to make friends with you. Truly you are a loser and your social skills suck. Far worse than mine. It's obvious.

I told you, I don't mind being a loner as long as I am not surrounded by negative creepy vibes. I explained that in detail already. So I would not mind Japan as long as it doesn't have a negative or awkward vibe. Most people do not like Korea btw.

I am not being judgmental. I am tired of your stupid posts and comments which are trollish and where you simply shit on everything I say without discernment. Most forums would not tolerate that. So why should I? Everything you say is 100 percent negative. No balance at all. It means you are a shit personality with shit social skills. If you are retarded and never understand anything and always LIE, why should we put up with that? Even Spencer is more balanced than you. Yet people wanna get rid of him because his posts sound dumb. So yes, being too dumb can get you banned. It's not being judgmental. I simply don't have the time to fix every error you make. You are not even serious. You're just a troll with no credibility who enjoys pushing my buttons. I am reaching the limits of my tolerance. I am not full of pride. I simply have no time or patience to deal with TROLLS like you who just shit on people and have no credibility or worth or honesty.
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Re: Why Taiwan SUCKS in all areas except food & safety

Post by Winston »

Also Guhji, FYI the problem is not me because:

Copied and pasted from above for convenience:

To critics who say the problem must be me:

Before you flame and tell me that the problem is me, or that I lack social skills, let me tell you that that cannot be. Because I've been to 14 countries and many US states and have met THOUSANDS of people, and I do NOT have these social complaints everywhere. Only in countries like Taiwan, Hong Kong, and West Coast USA, all of which are super cliquish, antisocial, stuck up, and not truly friendly or open at all. So the problem must be the location, NOT me. For proof, see the photos and videos on my website HappierAbroad.com and the video links I posted above.

Also, I am outgoing and social and confident and have good conversation skills. I can relate with people of all ages, including children and elderly people. I've worked in many sales and marketing jobs too. So I have excellent communication skills and am very articulate, as you can see in my articles such as this. I am also NOT afraid to talk to strangers or make eye contact with strangers, unlike Taiwanese who are super cold and reptilian and NEVER make eye contact with others, especially their women. So if I am not the one who is closed and antisocial, how can the problem be me? Think about it. I've met thousands of people and know people in many different countries too, so I am very social and conversant. Only Taiwan and a few other places are an exception.

If you don't believe me, I invite you to meet me in person or on Skype, and you will see that I do not lack social skills or conversation skills at all. Ask any of my good friends who know me in person. They will vouch for this and tell you I am very personable, approachable, good-natured, intelligent, honest, and conversant. And I radiate good vibes too, according to my friends. So I am definitely NOT the problem. It MUST be Taiwan. Sorry. The evidence speaks for itself. You can see for yourself. Go to Taiwan and if you are honest, aware, insightful, and observant, you will see all that I say. Overall, it's a very UNHAPPY place that makes everyone feel WEAK and REPRESSED. Thus it's TERRIBLE beyond words. Not my fault. It is what it is, and I am not afraid to tell the truth about it.
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Re: Why Taiwan SUCKS in all areas except food & safety

Post by Winston »

Also Guhji, I do not even know if Rock's friends in Taiwan even exist. He makes a lot of claims that are contradictory and never supported. Some guys do that. They make claims that are inconsistent and contradict basic logic and you never get to the bottom of it. Not everyone is as consistent or honest as I am. In Taipei we only met his ex, but no other friends. He says that Taiwan is a paradise and Shangri La, but he never spends much time there and is only there to take care of business. That makes no sense because if Taiwan is a paradise he should be able to have fun there, but he never does. There's no one to have fun with and no place to have fun with either. Everyone is always busy and repressed. Even if you have friends, you don't have any real fun either, because:

Copied and pasted from above for convenience again:

6. Not surprisingly, Taiwan is also very ANTI-FUN and ANTI-HUMOR too. Even if you have friends to hang with, they are always super shallow, bland, and obsessed with being square and normal. They will NEVER party hard or have fun or seek to do something wild and crazy and new. Their idea of fun is to go to the night market and try some street food. Blah. Boring! All they will do is have polite conversations with you with no real connection. It's like trying to have fun with a bunch of nuns and monks in a Catholic convent or Buddhist monastery. They cannot have fun because they are extremely SERIOUS, REPRESSED, and INHIBITED by nature and afraid to let go. They are also HUMORLESS and never laugh loudly like people in other countries do. When I laugh loudly in Taiwan and try to enjoy myself, I feel like a freak. That's why no comedy clubs exist in Taiwan and Taiwanese TV shows are always super corny and hokey and never funny by Western standards. Try telling a Taiwanese person a joke and you will see how flat it falls on a blank wall. They are way too SERIOUS by nature and cannot laugh wholeheartedly or let themselves go. Jim Carrey would be super depressed in Taiwan for sure.

Look at any Taiwanese face and you will see nothing but super seriousness and uptight inhibition. No one truly lives or feels alive in Taiwan. No one has a soul or can hold any authentic meaningful conversation. You NEVER feel like you are talking to a true soul in Taiwan, only fake superficial polite people. It's totally meaningless. No fun at all. Probably, Taiwan is the WORST place in Asia when it comes to having fun and is totally devoid of it. Try to have fun in Taiwan and you will see how awkward and out of place it is. It's like looking for water in the desert. No joke. Taiwan must be the most boring place in Asia. No offense, but it's true. Fun is NEVER in the blood of any Taiwanese. Even in the SF Bay Area where I grew up, every Taiwanese I've met has always been super SQUARE and is NEVER any FUN to be with.
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Re: Why Taiwan SUCKS in all areas except food & safety

Post by Winston »

After years of silence on the matter, my friend Monkro finally admitted that Taiwan is not social. Another victory for truth.


"I cannot comment on other foreigners’ experiences of Taiwan. I can only comment on my own.

In my experience, I generally don’t think Taiwan is socially open and engaging place. It’s reserved.

Taiwan has a somewhat similar social reservedness of Northern Europe. It’s not open and engaging as Southern Europe.

Is that a downside? Yes, it is a downside for people who crave that social atmosphere.

Another downside about Taiwan: Two local Taiwanese guys told me that they don’t think Taipei is great for dating because they think there are more men than women in Taipei. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but two different local guys who don’t know each other said that.

I’m very scared of COVID-19, so I haven’t really tried to meet and date girls since I arrived here early last year.

Another downside: The current air quality and previous chemical pollution that still endangers some parts of Taiwan.

Another downside: Governmental agencies can have a lot of bureaucracy that is frustrating to deal with. I’m not talking about politics, and this has absolutely nothing to do with politics. It’s only about the lack of efficiency due to too much bureaucracy in certain agencies.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Please don’t lump me into the same category as people who criticize you for your views on Taiwan. They don’t speak for me and I don’t speak for them.

I am here in Taiwan because I am a geek who enjoys studying Mandarin with traditional characters and likes the niche tech stuff in Taiwan."

My reply to Monkro:

Yes thats true monkro. Also Taiwan is very anti-truth too. Because if u say anything negative about taiwan no matter how true, the people quickly deny it. They seem unusually patriotic to make up for their lack of confidence. Its very fake and like a cult. Definitely truth is a taboo in Taiwan, not a virtue at all.

Therefore not only is Taiwan antisocial but also very anti-truth as well.

Did u notice that in mainland China people are a lot more normal and human? More authentic too? And more social as well. Rock cannot admit this though because hes programmed to say that everything in taiwan is good and everything in china is bad. Like most taiwanese are. Very weird. Definitely rock is not a freethinker or truth seeker when it comes to taiwan. He never defies his programming which is obvious from the outside but he does not see that hes programmed of course. Since the brainwashed do not realize they are brainwashed. Its the same in any cult.

Have u also noticed monkro that only elderly and older people are sometimes chatty with strangers. But never young people? The young people especially young women are like total duds. Zero personality. Totally bland, soullness, brainless and shallow. They are all political correctness too and zero thought. Total zombies for sure. If a nuclear bomb blew them up i wouldnt care, it'd be like shooting those droid bots in the disney movie "the black hole" or "star wars the phantom menace". Lol

Also monkro i dont know if u feel this way too. But even when u meet people in taiwan it feels very awkward. And even if u have friends or a girlfriend it feels awkward too. Because the vibe is extremely repressed and theres always this feeling above u that tells u "if u try to be yourself or express yourself u will be seen as a creep and pervert and criminal. You must always subdue and repress your natural self." So in that sense there is a totalitarian vibe, which is far stronger than china has. Its very god awful and creepy.

Rock doesnt get that taiwan may have political freedoms but no social freedoms, and china is the inverse. He thinks freedom is all about political freedoms, just like the moronic US media claims. He cannot see what i mean or refuses to. Social freedom is a bigger factor because it affects u directly everyday. Its common sense but programmed people cannot see that for some reason.
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Re: Why Taiwan SUCKS in all areas except food & safety

Post by Winston »

I don't understand something. Why is it that if you tell the truth in Taiwan and say: "No one is open to making friends in Taiwan. Everyone is cold and closed and antisocial. That's why I don't have friends there." you feel like a freak and weirdo and anomaly, even though what you say is VERY TRUE? How can that be? Isn't that the biggest IRONY? How can telling the truth make you feel like a freak? When you say that people look at you like you're from Mars or something. I don't get that. Very bizarre.

Believe it or not, I've had instances where I've walked into a restaurant in Taiwan alone, and the waitress looks at me oddly and asks me "Why are you all alone? Where's your companions?" Then when I proceed to tell her the above, she looks at me as though I were a Martian. Well what does she expect me to say? It's not like she's interested in being my friend either. Fortunately, waitresses in big cities don't ask such rude questions, but in small cities like Chiayi they sometimes do. It's very awkward. In the US, I can sense waitresses are thinking something like that when they see me go to restaurants alone, but they don't say it of course, because it's unprofessional. But they do give me odd awkward looks, because people in the US do not dare going to restaurants alone, it makes them look like losers.

I also don't get how Taiwanese do not just kill themselves. The country is a very miserable depressing place. You cannot have fun, you cannot meet people, and there's nowhere to go and nothing to do. Everything is DULL as hell, even Taipei is. No energy, no life, no aliveness, no good vibe, nothing. Even if you're alone in Bangkok, Thailand at least there is good energy and dynamic vibes to keep you feeling alive and energized. Not so in Taipei or Taiwan at all. It's gotta be the most BORING country in the whole world, I swear. Boring, dead, lifeless, sterile, soulless, etc. That's why it may be totally safe, but dead, lifeless, sterile, soulless, so is it worth it?

If you wanna see a real life version of the movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" go to Chiayi, Taiwan. That is a REAL LIFE version of the movie, not a metaphor, but a LITERAL example! No joke. Go there and see. You are not aloud to have a soul, have emotions, be alive, be normal, etc. It's a total SOCIAL HELL for sure. Feels like a PRISON. You cannot live or be yourself or express yourself. You can't do nothing. It's the same as being in JAIL or PRISON. How can anyone stand that? How do expats in Taiwan stand that? It feels awkward to even talk to them, because socializing feels taboo and illegal in Taiwan. How do local Taiwanese not just kill themselves? Their country is god awful and the most miserable and depressing place I've ever been to. How can anyone like that? It's like enjoying being in prison. I don't get that. Can anyone explain?
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Re: Why Taiwan SUCKS in all areas except food & safety

Post by Spencer »

We see 9 years proofs taiwan sucks in socialiety for wiseton insideman wit taiwan dna yet soul hi status ariscat euroman so he know 2 sides

read and kno it proof taiwan badcuntry no fun no smile no date jus sicman place hav darky vibes

all aborder who read now kno taiwan not aborder cuntry jus same pergtory so why any argue for wiseton prov point 100%
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Re: Why Taiwan SUCKS in all areas except food & safety

Post by Yohan »

Winston wrote:
October 2nd, 2021, 6:22 am
.... I've had instances where I've walked into a restaurant in Taiwan alone, and the waitress looks at me oddly and asks me "Why are you all alone? Where's your companions?" Then when I proceed to tell her the above, she looks at me as though I were a Martian.
It was a waitress (female) and not a waiter (male) asking you this. I wonder what a local waiter in Taiwan would reply to you if you show up with your arguments.

Of course for a female it is in such countries like Taiwan (and South Korea too) much easier to find male and female friends than for a man, Chinese or not makes no difference I guess.

Taiwan is not a bad place otherwise for me, but I do not remember any friendly women there during my short visits.
I never made it up to any friends from Taiwan either.

Japan is a little bit better I would say, but not so much. This is because the country is wider, people are polite and helpful, and it is not the same if you are on an island with 23 million people or 125 million people.
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Re: Why Taiwan SUCKS in all areas except food & safety

Post by Winston »

Guhji wrote:
September 30th, 2021, 1:16 pm
"Rock promised to introduce me to some, but he keeps breaking his promise and backing out. All talk and no action."
-I wonder why?

"But some of the comments in my blog said that even Japan and Korea was friendlier than Taiwan."
-I have visited Japan and Korea, not Taiwan. I have met and befriended many Taiwanese in America, both guys and girls, and I have to say they were all pretty nice, pretty open. Maybe the natives are different? Or maybe it's just YOU. Both Korea and Japan are a short flight away from where you're at. Visit and find out for yourself. Pretty sure you'll be disappointed and no doubt posting about your negative experiences.
If Rock was ashamed to introduce me to them, why would he offer to? He would not offer to at all if he didn't intend to. He often doesn't follow through on stuff. And perhaps his friends are not interested or busy or have nothing in common with me. Taiwanese are not into making new friends, that's just how they are. It's not about me. Also his friends are into real estate and stocks, so would have almost nothing in common with me most likely. He also does not have many friends in Taiwan, as far as I can tell. So maybe he just made up that he has some. Who knows. It wouldn't be the first time that he made up something out of whole cloth. He's not an angel you know.

Also, the friend he was referring to was a man, and men do not become friends unless they have something in common.

Btw, just because you met some Taiwanese who were "open and nice" doesn't mean anything. Anyone can act nice. But the point is, they are NOT interested in being buddies or hanging out or partying with you. They don't invite you to do stuff. They aren't like that. That's not how they are. Not my fault. It's just how they are. Very antisocial. Trying to make friends with Taiwanese feels like crossing the line, like a violation or sin or crime. Very creepy. Try to be their friend or buddy and invite them to hang out, and see what happens. You'll see what I mean. If you are not a cute girl, they won't bother.
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