Why do some guys claim to experience no suffering?

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Re: Why do some guys claim to have no problems or suffering?

Post by marklambo »

Winston wrote:I just talked to a guy here in Vegas and he told me that he has zero problems in his life in America and zero suffering. He acts like he has no vulnerabilities too. Is that possible? Why do some guys claim this?

Do they have some secret that leads to the cessation of suffering? Something that Buddha missed? lol.

If so, why don't they capitalize on it and sell their secret and make a fortune? lol

Or are they just BSing and in denial? I find it hard to believe that a guy has no problems, and does not suffer. He also says that he experiences no social disconnection in America either. How can that be, since he is quiet and reserved and less outgoing than me? I'm more outgoing and talkative than average yet I can't find any social connection in America. What's wrong with me?

Plus he is afraid to cold approach any girls here, even if you offer him money. In fact, every guy in Vegas bails if you ask him to cold approach girls. The attitude of the girls here is the worst in the US, so it's no surprise. Any guy can claim to make friends easily and get dates easily. But they can't prove it or demonstrate it for some reason. If you ask them to, they always give you an excuse.

I don't understand. Why do some guys make the unrealistic and implausible claim that they have zero problems in life, zero suffering, and zero weaknesses? That's hard to believe. I thought he was genuine and down to earth too. So why make this claim which sounds INHUMAN?

Guys who make such claims do not seem authentic or human. So why do they do it? Why can't they just be honest and real?

And how come I suffer endlessly in comparison? Do some guys just have a thicker skin and are incapable of suffering? Why is he better than me? I don't get it. Is he inhuman or is he in denial?

Or does he live in a totally different universe where his own feelings are in a different dimension than mine?

Buddha said that life is suffering. So how can some guys be exempt? Doesn't everyone suffer? Or are some guys too cool to suffer?

I guess some guys just don't like to open up too much about their inner vulnerabilities, while others, like me, are too open about them and rant endlessly.

Either way, some guys sure do ACT like they don't suffer or have problems. Or they just don't talk about them. Even some guys here on the forum are like that. They never admit to having any problems or experiencing suffering or having any vulnerabilities.

Have you also noticed that most western guys, no matter how honest, will NEVER admit when they have money problems or dating problems?

What do you think? When you meet guys who claim to have zero vulnerabilities, doesn't it make you wonder what's wrong with you?
First off, I don't think it is mature that you make false claims and lies about me if you don't even really know me. You only met me 2 times for like maybe 2-3 hours total and you assume I'm quiet and less outgoing than you? Maybe your personality and my personality don't mesh as well so it appears a different way to you. You are throwing everything way out of proportion. So what if I don't have any major problems in my life...a man can't be happy overall with his life? Just because he's happy, he's in denial? That's ridiculous. Every man must live a life of sadness and misery? Not everyone is unhappy and miserable Winston. I never once said that I don't have vulnerabilities, everything you say here is all made up in your mind. Perhaps some envy? I don't know. It's obvious people all have at least some "problems" in their lives, but small problems come and go. I'm in good health, I have a great girlfriend overseas and we plan on getting married in the near future, I don't have financial problems, I have plenty of friends in Las Vegas, California, and New Jersey from where I was from, I have a great family that I speak to on a daily basis that care a lot about me. Is it a crime to be a happy person overall? My goodness Winston, not everyone lives a life of misery you know.

As for me being scared to cold approach girls? LMAO, you have to be kidding me. If you really knew me and hung out with me on a daily basis, especially when I go to clubs, you would not be saying what you're saying. You send me messages on my phone willing to bet me money that I won't cold approach girls and I simply told you that I have no interest in doing it anymore. I've stopped approaching American women because they are a waste of time. I'm also in a committed relationship and I wouldn't want to do that to her anyway. Why are you so obsessed about me trying to prove silly things to you? I don't like American women and I simply have no desire to speak to them anymore. The moment I started interacting with foreign women, I never once turned back. These are such stupid and ridiculous claims about me.

I NEVER said that I can get dates anytime I want easily. I simply said that I don't have problems getting dates...overall. I never once claimed that I don't get shut down if I try, every guy does. But it's a numbers game and everyone knows it. As for making new friends...well I will tell you that I really don't have problems with that either. Making friends in Las Vegas is very easy, especially if you hang out at night. Maybe it's easier for me than you because we have completely different personalities. As for finding "quality" friends here....ok, well that's obviously harder...and that goes for any state. But to just meet people and become friends is very easy here, at least for me it is.

It's really hilarious how you claim that I assume I'm not human and I'm totally invincible lol. I never said I have no weaknesses. Everybody does. These are all thoughts you create in your mind. You take what I say and completely throw it out of proportion and then you make a thread about me? That's really immature. I don't go around making threads about you based on many of the private messages you send me. What you say to me is private and as a decent man, I respect it and I don't make a public deal about it. On top of that...I don't twist things around like what you're doing.

True happiness in life starts from within the individual. I'm sorry that I'm not the "miserable" person you want me to be. If you asked me 10 years ago, I would tell you otherwise because I was miserable 10 years ago and went through some major problems in life. But as of "today", my life is overall good. Is it without any random small problems? of course not...everyone deals with random small issues, that's life. But "overall" I'm happy with no problems "overall". The fact that you have to create a full blown thread about me really shows how miserable you are. I even have tried to talk to you with some advice many times to help you but this is what I get in return? I suppose it's a sin to be a happy person as a whole.
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Post by Winston »

Hi Mark,
I thought we put that behind us. Why are you bringing it up again? I didn't even name you in this thread. I just said "some guy". You came out and named yourself.

I apologize if this thread was insulting to you. If you read my OP, you will see that I did not use any antagonistic tone. I merely asked honest skeptical questions. That's all.

You can say what you want. But I know what I see. You definitely do not look happy in America at all. Your face does not look happy at all. You are definitely not vibrant and full of energy and life here. That says a lot more than your words does.

Maybe you aren't aware of that. But that's what I see plain and clear. It's crystal clear.

Maybe you can cold approach girls in a club with a group of guys. But I doubt you can cold approach alone or during daytime. Very very few guys even attempt cold approach in America. There is no reason to believe that you are better at it than anyone else. 100 percent of guys in America chicken out when asked to cold approach girls. It's not appropriate here.

I posted this because I felt invalidated by you. You acted as if there was something wrong with me for feeling social disconnection in America. We all feel that here. I assumed you did too. Maybe I was wrong. If so, then you are more like mainstream Americans than like me. Anyhow, I felt like you were denying my true feelings and experiences.

You do seem more aware than the average American. You said that American culture was diseased and toxic remember? The average guy here would not dare say that. But still, maybe you are more like mainstream Americans than like us here.

Maybe you can explain to us how you are supposed to connect with Americans? Anyone here can find guy friends if we want, but they will be older or lower quality. So what? That doesn't cure social disconnection or isolation.

You know it's true that people here are disconnected and huddle in cliques. They don't talk to strangers and neighbors don't talk to each other. We all know that. So do you. We all agree on that. So I didn't understand why you were debating that. Maybe I misunderstood you?

Mainstream Americans are on a different wavelength. Theirs is more superficial/fake/soulless. Ours is more deep/authentic/real/direct/honest. So even if I'm very outgoing and social, it doesn't help because my wavelength is on a different frequency than that of Americans. This is why I can be outgoing in Russia and it will pay off and fit the flow of things there, because the average Russian is on a deeper/authentic wavelength than the average American.

Haven't you ever gone to a party with young people where everyone acted fake and degenerate and talked about stupid shit and smoked pot? You can't connect with anyone, and then you leave feeling weird and invalidated and wonder "What's wrong with me? Why couldn't I connect with anyone?"

I don't know Mark. If you have a way of curing loneliness in America and not feeling isolated and disconnected, maybe you can share it with us? I'm sure a lot of us would like to know your secret. Maybe you aren't as sensitive as many of us are? I don't know.

But anyhow, are you claiming that you experience no suffering in life currently? Everyone suffers in some way. If you are exempt, I'd like to know how you do it and makes you different from others.

Anyway, I did not mean to insult you. I just asked honest skeptical questions here, as any truth seeker does. I did not even name you here. So I apologize if you felt insulted by this thread.

So when are you going to post your trip report to Ukraine? :)
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Post by marklambo »

Winston wrote:Hi Mark,
I thought we put that behind us. Why are you bringing it up again? I didn't even name you in this thread. I just said "some guy". You came out and named yourself.

I apologize if this thread was insulting to you. If you read my OP, you will see that I did not use any antagonistic tone. I merely asked honest skeptical questions. That's all.

You can say what you want. But I know what I see. You definitely do not look happy in America at all. Your face does not look happy at all. You are definitely not vibrant and full of energy and life here. That says a lot more than your words does.

Maybe you aren't aware of that. But that's what I see plain and clear. It's crystal clear.

Maybe you can cold approach girls in a club with a group of guys. But I doubt you can cold approach alone or during daytime. Very very few guys even attempt cold approach in America. There is no reason to believe that you are better at it than anyone else. 100 percent of guys in America chicken out when asked to cold approach girls. It's not appropriate here.

I posted this because I felt invalidated by you. You acted as if there was something wrong with me for feeling social disconnection in America. We all feel that here. I assumed you did too. Maybe I was wrong. If so, then you are more like mainstream Americans than like me. Anyhow, I felt like you were denying my true feelings and experiences.

You do seem more aware than the average American. You said that American culture was diseased and toxic remember? The average guy here would not dare say that. But still, maybe you are more like mainstream Americans than like us here.

Maybe you can explain to us how you are supposed to connect with Americans? Anyone here can find guy friends if we want, but they will be older or lower quality. So what? That doesn't cure social disconnection or isolation.

You know it's true that people here are disconnected and huddle in cliques. They don't talk to strangers and neighbors don't talk to each other. We all know that. So do you. We all agree on that. So I didn't understand why you were debating that. Maybe I misunderstood you?

Mainstream Americans are on a different wavelength. Theirs is more superficial/fake/soulless. Ours is more deep/authentic/real/direct/honest. So even if I'm very outgoing and social, it doesn't help because my wavelength is on a different frequency than that of Americans. This is why I can be outgoing in Russia and it will pay off and fit the flow of things there, because the average Russian is on a deeper/authentic wavelength than the average American.

Haven't you ever gone to a party with young people where everyone acted fake and degenerate and talked about stupid shit and smoked pot? You can't connect with anyone, and then you leave feeling weird and invalidated and wonder "What's wrong with me? Why couldn't I connect with anyone?"

I don't know Mark. If you have a way of curing loneliness in America and not feeling isolated and disconnected, maybe you can share it with us? I'm sure a lot of us would like to know your secret. Maybe you aren't as sensitive as many of us are? I don't know.

But anyhow, are you claiming that you experience no suffering in life currently? Everyone suffers in some way. If you are exempt, I'd like to know how you do it and makes you different from others.

Anyway, I did not mean to insult you. I just asked honest skeptical questions here, as any truth seeker does. I did not even name you here. So I apologize if you felt insulted by this thread.

So when are you going to post your trip report to Ukraine? :)
Yes, we did put this behind us but when you sent me a private message 2 days ago, it felt as if you were bringing it back so I replied. As for cold approaching in the daytime...it is actually a lot easier than in the night clubs. In the night clubs, girls have their guards up way more. In the daytime, they don't have their guards up as high and they are more approachable. And for the record, I never said or assumed I'm better than anyone else. But we all are entitled to our opinions of others, even if they are true or false.

As for suffering, I don't know what you consider suffering but I personally don't feel any suffering as of now. Maybe it's my mindset but it's mainly just my current lifestyle as of now. A lot of it also has to do with the fact that I have an awesome gf. I think when people find someone they can truly connect with, it can definitely change a lot of things.

But anyways, let's not get back into this again since we put it behind us. It's all good and I accept your apology Winston. It's best to just leave it behind and move forward. No hard feelings at all.

As for Ukraine. I should have posted something about it earlier while my mind was fresh. But when I find the time to do it, I'll consider putting something up about it. It was indeed a great trip and I'll be going back again in a few months...but this time it will be considered Russia.
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Post by Bitch_Slapper »

Uh... Winston, the guy said he's engaged to be married, so understandably he's not going to cold approach girls.
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Post by Winston »

Bitch_Slapper wrote:Uh... Winston, the guy said he's engaged to be married, so understandably he's not going to cold approach girls.
You dumbass. He's recently engaged. I asked him to cold approach long ago. Every guy cops out when u ask them to do it. Try it and you will see. Very few guys cold approach women or even dare to try. So no surprise there.
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Post by Bitch_Slapper »

Winston wrote:
Bitch_Slapper wrote:Uh... Winston, the guy said he's engaged to be married, so understandably he's not going to cold approach girls.
You dumbass. He's recently engaged. I asked him to cold approach long ago. Every guy cops out when u ask them to do it. Try it and you will see. Very few guys cold approach women or even dare to try. So no surprise there.
OIC. You wanted him to walk his own talk. Why not just take him at his word? Some guys (due to being of a certain type) just happen to be more successful than others in attracting AW. Very similar to Taiwanese girls, in that regard. Or girls from any other country, for that matter. I think that makes sense.
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Post by marklambo »

I've been there done that with all the cold approaching. The moment I got sick of AW was the day I stopped. I don't feel I need to prove to anyone. I can care less if anyone believes me or not but the fact is that any friend that has known me for years can easily vouch for what I say. But again, I don't have anything to prove or anyone to prove to because I've been done with AW for years. What good use is it if someone is able to cold approach AW or not? They are not quality women and a total f***ing waste of time. I don't understand why it's such a big deal. They're AW....garbage...bottom of the barrel. Who cares?
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Post by SilverEnergy »

marklambo wrote:
Winston wrote:Hi Mark,
I thought we put that behind us. Why are you bringing it up again? I didn't even name you in this thread. I just said "some guy". You came out and named yourself.

I apologize if this thread was insulting to you. If you read my OP, you will see that I did not use any antagonistic tone. I merely asked honest skeptical questions. That's all.

You can say what you want. But I know what I see. You definitely do not look happy in America at all. Your face does not look happy at all. You are definitely not vibrant and full of energy and life here. That says a lot more than your words does.

Maybe you aren't aware of that. But that's what I see plain and clear. It's crystal clear.

Maybe you can cold approach girls in a club with a group of guys. But I doubt you can cold approach alone or during daytime. Very very few guys even attempt cold approach in America. There is no reason to believe that you are better at it than anyone else. 100 percent of guys in America chicken out when asked to cold approach girls. It's not appropriate here.

I posted this because I felt invalidated by you. You acted as if there was something wrong with me for feeling social disconnection in America. We all feel that here. I assumed you did too. Maybe I was wrong. If so, then you are more like mainstream Americans than like me. Anyhow, I felt like you were denying my true feelings and experiences.

You do seem more aware than the average American. You said that American culture was diseased and toxic remember? The average guy here would not dare say that. But still, maybe you are more like mainstream Americans than like us here.

Maybe you can explain to us how you are supposed to connect with Americans? Anyone here can find guy friends if we want, but they will be older or lower quality. So what? That doesn't cure social disconnection or isolation.

You know it's true that people here are disconnected and huddle in cliques. They don't talk to strangers and neighbors don't talk to each other. We all know that. So do you. We all agree on that. So I didn't understand why you were debating that. Maybe I misunderstood you?

Mainstream Americans are on a different wavelength. Theirs is more superficial/fake/soulless. Ours is more deep/authentic/real/direct/honest. So even if I'm very outgoing and social, it doesn't help because my wavelength is on a different frequency than that of Americans. This is why I can be outgoing in Russia and it will pay off and fit the flow of things there, because the average Russian is on a deeper/authentic wavelength than the average American.

Haven't you ever gone to a party with young people where everyone acted fake and degenerate and talked about stupid shit and smoked pot? You can't connect with anyone, and then you leave feeling weird and invalidated and wonder "What's wrong with me? Why couldn't I connect with anyone?"

I don't know Mark. If you have a way of curing loneliness in America and not feeling isolated and disconnected, maybe you can share it with us? I'm sure a lot of us would like to know your secret. Maybe you aren't as sensitive as many of us are? I don't know.

But anyhow, are you claiming that you experience no suffering in life currently? Everyone suffers in some way. If you are exempt, I'd like to know how you do it and makes you different from others.

Anyway, I did not mean to insult you. I just asked honest skeptical questions here, as any truth seeker does. I did not even name you here. So I apologize if you felt insulted by this thread.

So when are you going to post your trip report to Ukraine? :)
Yes, we did put this behind us but when you sent me a private message 2 days ago, it felt as if you were bringing it back so I replied. As for cold approaching in the daytime...it is actually a lot easier than in the night clubs. In the night clubs, girls have their guards up way more. In the daytime, they don't have their guards up as high and they are more approachable. And for the record, I never said or assumed I'm better than anyone else. But we all are entitled to our opinions of others, even if they are true or false.

As for suffering, I don't know what you consider suffering but I personally don't feel any suffering as of now. Maybe it's my mindset but it's mainly just my current lifestyle as of now. A lot of it also has to do with the fact that I have an awesome gf. I think when people find someone they can truly connect with, it can definitely change a lot of things.

But anyways, let's not get back into this again since we put it behind us. It's all good and I accept your apology Winston. It's best to just leave it behind and move forward. No hard feelings at all.

As for Ukraine. I should have posted something about it earlier while my mind was fresh. But when I find the time to do it, I'll consider putting something up about it. It was indeed a great trip and I'll be going back again in a few months...but this time it will be considered Russia.
You are so right!

I have cold approached in the day time and it's MUCH better than in night clubs.

It's not that hard to cold approach in the day time just as long as you keep it casual and light.

Dudes try too hard with their verbal game in the day time and that's why they fail at day game.

If you're in shape and dressed right, cold approaching during the day can work.

There are better ways to meet women but day game isn't impossible.

It also depends on where you are approaching women at.

Try coffee shops and libraries for day game or places where many people are walking around.

Dudes are just scared to death of trying it.

Paul Janka and Roosh V wrote some good material on day game.
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Post by Mystery Writer »

Winston, it appears you don't understand something: painting everything in black and white doesn't work in the real world. I read through this thread and found you trying to say the guy you spoke to said he had "zero suffering" and the like.

Look, many (if not most) of us don't 'suffer'. That's because momentary pain and the like don't rule our lives. I roasted a turkey yesterday. Got a few blisters on my fingers. That's not suffering, that's normal, given that I am human and fallible.

Wanna know what your problem is? You have an addictive personality. You, yourself, admitted that here: viewtopic.php?p=61982#61982

Some indications of an addictive personality include:

- Impulsive behavior, difficulty in delaying gratification, an antisocial personality and a disposition toward sensation seeking.

- A high value on nonconformity combined with a weak commitment to the goals for achievement valued by the society.

- A sense of social alienation and a general tolerance for deviance.

- A sense of heightened stress.

- A tendency to reframe situations, ideas and concepts in black-and-white terms, without allowing for subtleties.

Just because others don't see the world the way you do doesn't make them wrong. It just makes them different.

Truth, Free Speech and Free Thought mean just that. Not buying into your worldview is just me, exercising my right to do so.
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Post by Winston »

SilverEnergy wrote: You are so right!

I have cold approached in the day time and it's MUCH better than in night clubs.

It's not that hard to cold approach in the day time just as long as you keep it casual and light.

Dudes try too hard with their verbal game in the day time and that's why they fail at day game.

If you're in shape and dressed right, cold approaching during the day can work.

There are better ways to meet women but day game isn't impossible.

It also depends on where you are approaching women at.

Try coffee shops and libraries for day game or places where many people are walking around.

Dudes are just scared to death of trying it.

Paul Janka and Roosh V wrote some good material on day game.
Can you elaborate? What happened when you cold approached in the US? Did they go out with you or flake out? Did they answer your calls or screen out your calls? What did you say to them? What was your opening line?

You ought to try it in Seattle or Bellingham. lol. They will sometimes call the cops or security on you there. It's happened to me there and is quite embarrassing. In the Northwest hitting on girls or flirting with them is very vilified and seen as harassment.

But look, we've been over this thousands of times already. Sure you can start conversations with girls in coffee shops or parks. I've done it many times. But so what? After 10 minutes she will simply say "Well I gotta go now. It was nice meeting you."

If you ask for her number, she will say that she has a boyfriend. If she gives you her number, she will screen out her calls and not return your calls if you leave a message. Etc.

It's a zero sum game and a no-win situation. Many of us here have experienced the same thing.

I deluded myself for many years thinking that I could pick up girls cause everyone said it was easy and the TV sitcoms made it look easy.

Also, AW are on a fake wavelength. If you aren't too, it will be hard to clique with them. They don't like to connect with others either, not even with other female strangers. They prefer to keep to themselves. It's taboo to hit on girls in the US. Everyone knows that. They give off a paranoid creepy vibe if you try to talk to them.

If day game works, why does no one do it? Go outside and look around. Do you see any guy in any public place cold approaching girls or hitting on them? No you don't. Everyone is minding their own business and communication is only for business only.

The only talk you get is from cashiers asking you "How are you doing today?" and then "Have a great day" when you leave.

To meet people in the US, you gotta join a clique. Then that clique has to hold a party or invite you to one. Then you meet people at the party and are supposed to try to get dates that way. If there are girls there, they will all be taken or too young and act super fake. Chubby girls will be friendlier. But not the good looking ones. No way. If you want hot girls that are down to earth, you gotta go to Russia, Ukraine or Europe.

We all know all this. Don't you?
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Post by Winston »

marklambo wrote:I've been there done that with all the cold approaching. The moment I got sick of AW was the day I stopped. I don't feel I need to prove to anyone. I can care less if anyone believes me or not but the fact is that any friend that has known me for years can easily vouch for what I say. But again, I don't have anything to prove or anyone to prove to because I've been done with AW for years. What good use is it if someone is able to cold approach AW or not? They are not quality women and a total f***ing waste of time. I don't understand why it's such a big deal. They're AW....garbage...bottom of the barrel. Who cares?
True. AW are trash. Most of them are at least. I've done cold approach since 1992 and given up now. It's not worth the effort. All the nervousness I had to conquer didn't pay off with any reward. And the thrill or excitement of approaching girls doesn't feel positive anymore.

But sometimes you will see decent looking girls that look more wholesome and normal. What then? It's still a taboo to approach them. They will have a shield around them. They won't expect you to talk to them and won't welcome it. You're supposed to mind your own business here. Everyone keeps to themselves, and you are expected to do the same.

Immediately they will be on their guard when you approach. If you are approaching them for business or to sell them something, it's more acceptable since America is a purely business culture. But if you're doing it to try to pick them up, it'll be unwelcome. Flirtation is a taboo. You know that. We all know that. It's in their vibes. You can feel it.

Even if you strike up a conversation, it will only last for 5 or 10 minutes before she says "Well I gotta go. Nice meeting you." Where is the romance in that? How do you get a date? lol

Also, Vegas is not a friendly town. There are fake smiles yeah. But people are not warm, sociable or inclusive here at all. It's one of the fakest towns in the US. Down to earth women are almost nonexistent here. Warmer friendlier women are more common in other states.

Go to the strip or downtown or the most crowded areas. Do you see any guys cold approaching girls? No. I've never seen any. There's a reason for that.

You also have to be hot for cold approach to work. Having PUA doesn't work. AW strongly judge by looks.
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Post by jamesbond »

Winston wrote:You ought to try it in Seattle or Bellingham. lol. They will sometimes call the cops or security on you there. It's happened to me there and is quite embarrassing. In the Northwest hitting on girls or flirting with them is very vilified and seen as harassment.

But look, we've been over this thousands of times already. Sure you can start conversations with girls in coffee shops or parks. I've done it many times. But so what? After 10 minutes she will simply say "Well I gotta go now. It was nice meeting you."

If you ask for her number, she will say that she has a boyfriend. If she gives you her number, she will screen out her calls and not return your calls if you leave a message. Etc.

It's a zero sum game and a no-win situation. Many of us here have experienced the same thing.

I deluded myself for many years thinking that I could pick up girls cause everyone said it was easy and the TV sitcoms made it look easy.

Also, AW are on a fake wavelength. If you aren't too, it will be hard to clique with them. They don't like to connect with others either, not even with other female strangers. They prefer to keep to themselves. It's taboo to hit on girls in the US. Everyone knows that. They give off a paranoid creepy vibe if you try to talk to them.

If day game works, why does no one do it? Go outside and look around. Do you see any guy in any public place cold approaching girls or hitting on them? No you don't. Everyone is minding their own business and communication is only for business only.

The only talk you get is from cashiers asking you "How are you doing today?" and then "Have a great day" when you leave.

To meet people in the US, you gotta join a clique. Then that clique has to hold a party or invite you to one. Then you meet people at the party and are supposed to try to get dates that way. If there are girls there, they will all be taken or too young and act super fake. Chubby girls will be friendlier. But not the good looking ones. No way. If you want hot girls that are down to earth, you gotta go to Russia, Ukraine or Europe.
Yes, in America, striking up conversations with women in bookstores and grocery stores is considered "creepy" for some reason. :roll:

The only real way to meet women is through your friends. Even then, you are at the mercy of whatever girls your friends introduce you to. The girls you meet through your friends might be fat or ugly or single mothers. :shock:
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Post by Winston »

Mystery Writer wrote:Winston, it appears you don't understand something: painting everything in black and white doesn't work in the real world. I read through this thread and found you trying to say the guy you spoke to said he had "zero suffering" and the like.

Look, many (if not most) of us don't 'suffer'. That's because momentary pain and the like don't rule our lives. I roasted a turkey yesterday. Got a few blisters on my fingers. That's not suffering, that's normal, given that I am human and fallible.

Wanna know what your problem is? You have an addictive personality. You, yourself, admitted that here: viewtopic.php?p=61982#61982

Some indications of an addictive personality include:

- Impulsive behavior, difficulty in delaying gratification, an antisocial personality and a disposition toward sensation seeking.

- A high value on nonconformity combined with a weak commitment to the goals for achievement valued by the society.

- A sense of social alienation and a general tolerance for deviance.

- A sense of heightened stress.

- A tendency to reframe situations, ideas and concepts in black-and-white terms, without allowing for subtleties.

Just because others don't see the world the way you do doesn't make them wrong. It just makes them different.

Truth, Free Speech and Free Thought mean just that. Not buying into your worldview is just me, exercising my right to do so.
I do not paint things in black and white. When have I done that? I do identify patterns and describe them. Yeah. Patterns exist. But I don't see things in black and white. No way. I'm the farthest from that.

What do you mean most people don't suffer? That's not what all the great religions and philosophers said. Haven't you heard that every man lives a life of quiet desperation? How could Buddha be wrong and you right?

I never said that momentary pain such as getting blisters on your fingers is suffering. That's a dumb analogy. It's your analogy, not mine.

There are many forms of suffering: regret over the past, loneliness, social disconnection, sexual deprivation, frustration, life going nowhere, practical problems, hating where you live, hating your job, health problems, anxiety about the future, always being dissatisfied, always seeking future fulfillment rather than being in the present moment, etc. The list is endless.

Are you claiming that you are not suffering any of the above right now in any way? If so, what is your secret? lol. If you have the solution to end suffering, you can make a lot of money you know?

In this case, we were talking about social disconnection and isolation in America. Most guys here say that they experience social disconnection in America because they don't fit in. That's the norm at HA. Guys who are deep, authentic, and freethinking tend not to fit in in America.

I am not a nonconformist just for the sake of being a rebel. If I was in a society I liked that made me feel comfortable and validated me and had people I clique with, I would be happy to be a conformist. Jester made a similar comment.

We are nonconformists because we don't fit in, not because we enjoy being rebels and contrarians just for the sake of it.

Yes I might have addictive personality disorder. I didn't know there was such a thing. Is it in the psychiatry manual? I will Google it sometime. I do get addicted easily to a lot of things to the point where it becomes almost an instinct to follow the addiction. I can even be addicted to places I don't like, so that my mind makes excuses to stay when I'm trying to get out. That may be the source of my "invisible wall" problem that doesn't allow me to go where I want to.

Astrology books say that my sun sign of Pisces is especially prone to addiction, so Pisceans should avoid alcohol, drugs and cigarettes.

Also, when you think way too much like I do, you tend to confuse yourself with contradictory thoughts and you find reasons to be unhappy or angry. Thoughts can create problems and suffering if you think too much. An overactive mind can be a curse and a blessing at the same time.

I've always thought I had OCD. But OCD usually refers to specific rituals like washing hands for hours or checking the oven over and over again. I don't have specific rituals like that. It's more of a generalized addiction and obsession with symmetry and making sure things don't go wrong, fueled by anxiety. Perhaps I have a neurotic personality and some narcissistic personality traits too.

But I'm not out of touch with reality. No way. The stuff I say tends to be very accurate, logical, deep and insightful. Anyone can see that from my articles.

It's a pity that people don't appreciate honesty that much. As soon as you admit your flaws, people pounce on you like wolves, taking advantage of it. People here will do that. But I don't get enough credit for honesty, when the majority of guys are bullshitters and never admit their flaws.
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
Mystery Writer
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Post by Mystery Writer »

I'm just speaking truth to bullshit, Winston. Want to end suffering? Take control of your mind. The only things in life you have complete control over are your thoughts and your attitudes.

Thoughts arise spontaneously, but you don't have to 'think about your thoughts'. That's objective thinking, which can be controlled.

Your attitude is your problem, not someone else's. You can have 100% control over your attitude. It takes work. Nobody can do it for you.

As for your assertion that you don't paint things in black and white, :lol: ! Go back and find examples (not just here, in this post) of where you declare that everybody here is a nonconformist, agrees with you and buys into your HA (Hate America) rants. Honestly, all-or-nothing is black and white.

Perhaps if you focus your attention on succeeding in life, according to a business plan, your results may be better. You pour a lot of work into this forum, but it's a time-consuming pursuit with no end goal in your favor. A shift to a SMART plan might be better:

• Specific
• Measurable
• Actionable
• Realistic
• Timed

Most importantly, you need a Mission Statement with a positive thrust. "America Sucks" ain't it. Work on that and you might find you will be Leaving Las Vegas, not by suicide (like the guy in the movie), but because you can actually afford to get the health care you say you need abroad.

I consider this forum a useful tool for my research into retiring to the Philippines. It is by no means the only source of information on the subject. I'm attracted to the Philippines and Filipinos because of those I have met here, in the USA. They were affable, well-spoken and generally successful in life. Some relocated here. Some were here for higher education. Two were the children of Governors. None of them were 'provincial'.

I want to move there because I like the tropics, I like Filipinos and I like the idea of a pretty, well-spoken young woman loving me devotedly. I have plans for helping locals improve their lot in life through a specific tool that I won't discuss here (it's irrelevant to this discussion).

What's your plan?
Devil Dog
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Post by Devil Dog »

Mystery Writer wrote:I'm just speaking truth to bullshit, Winston. Want to end suffering? Take control of your mind. The only things in life you have complete control over are your thoughts and your attitudes.

Thoughts arise spontaneously, but you don't have to 'think about your thoughts'. That's objective thinking, which can be controlled.

Your attitude is your problem, not someone else's. You can have 100% control over your attitude. It takes work. Nobody can do it for you.

As for your assertion that you don't paint things in black and white, :lol: ! Go back and find examples (not just here, in this post) of where you declare that everybody here is a nonconformist, agrees with you and buys into your HA (Hate America) rants. Honestly, all-or-nothing is black and white.

Perhaps if you focus your attention on succeeding in life, according to a business plan, your results may be better. You pour a lot of work into this forum, but it's a time-consuming pursuit with no end goal in your favor. A shift to a SMART plan might be better:

• Specific
• Measurable
• Actionable
• Realistic
• Timed

Most importantly, you need a Mission Statement with a positive thrust. "America Sucks" ain't it. Work on that and you might find you will be Leaving Las Vegas, not by suicide (like the guy in the movie), but because you can actually afford to get the health care you say you need abroad.

I consider this forum a useful tool for my research into retiring to the Philippines. It is by no means the only source of information on the subject. I'm attracted to the Philippines and Filipinos because of those I have met here, in the USA. They were affable, well-spoken and generally successful in life. Some relocated here. Some were here for higher education. Two were the children of Governors. None of them were 'provincial'.

I want to move there because I like the tropics, I like Filipinos and I like the idea of a pretty, well-spoken young woman loving me devotedly. I have plans for helping locals improve their lot in life through a specific tool that I won't discuss here (it's irrelevant to this discussion).

What's your plan?
Your opinions will mostly fall on deaf ears on HA. Personal accountability and personal responsibility are avoided at all costs by Winston and the majority on HA. Do not mess with their victimhood.
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