Customers are "randos"

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Re: Customers are "randos"

Post by droid »

Once again, fantastic observations Nailer, you keep nailing it. I'm outside the chumpzone so care little about it anymore but you're spot on on the money with these things.
Nailer wrote:
Nailer, will your current work schedule allow for you to get a second part-time job in a sandwich shop?
I am considering something of this nature.
If you're still considering school, go into nursing, biology or marketing, avoid engineering math etc
If that's out of the question, why not just get into a situation where attractive women are in your social circle, like join some kind of club, association, etc.?
What club has attractive women and isn't a complete sausagefest with ten men for every decent looking girl? Please tell me, I have never heard of this. I only know of clubs full of fat baby boomers.
Exactly. Whoever has this information could heavily monetize it.
What matters to women? Status, looks, and money, in that order, and money is a very distant third. Social status is king, so it makes sense to have a good social status in the subculture with the best looking women...which happens to be the food service industry, for some weird reason. On the west coast every shitty chain restaurant has at least one 9.0 waiting tables. You will never see the amount of good-looking young girls in the richest Manhattan circles as you see working at Cheesecake Factory on the west coast.
People confuse the concept of status with "money" sometimes, so it should be clarified it's not.
Money is a very distant fourth or fifth after social-statement "type", rapport-lucker etc. I don't get some guys' drivel here about money.
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Re: Customers are "randos"

Post by Shemp »

First of all, grown men who are trying to engage in meaningful discussion don't use terms like "9". If you want to say "top 10% of girls age 18-25", say that, so we can understand what you mean. The HB scale is deliberately confusing, because it was invented by and mainly used by circle jerkers, who have no interest in anything but impressing the other jerkers with their dick size.

Now, as regards where the pretty young girls are, it's obvious. (If droid wants to monetize what I'm about to reveal by sending me money, I'll see if I can set up a paypal account for this purpose.) Yoga studios are the opposite of sausage fests. p***y fests? 10 young women or more, many of them hotties, for every guy. Want to impress the girls? Master the arm balances poses, which tend to be harder for women than men due to their lack of shoulder strength. The free-standing handstand, in particular. Ask the girls for help with splits and other poses men normally have difficulty with in exchange for helping them with handstands.

The only thing which trumps money is physical force, assuming that is allowed. "Status" is like a will o the wisp, you can't ready define what it is much less give clear instructions for how to obtain or hold it. "The high status people are the ones whose status is high". Furthermore, you lower yourself in seeking status. To seek fame is to seek the applause of fools, as Samuel Johnsin put it. Whereas money is real. Grown men can be made to go to work each day for money and the effect is even more powerful on women. Not everyone is corruptible, but the corrupting power of money, which more positively could be termed the persuasive power of money, should not be underestimated.

Rest assured, if you have money and are reasonably physically attractive and pleasant acting, beautiful women are easy to obtain. Go to, set your location to a big city (pickings can be slim in smaller cities) and look around. Yes there are ugly girls and old women asking absurd amounts, scroll past these. Yes many of the girls turn out to flakes--you eventually figure out how to screen effectively. What you are left with is an abundance of very pretty young women, including many college students, who are quite ready to be corrupted by money into feeling enough love that you will feel there is a true relationship. You could also go straight P4P, and get the most beautiful women in the world with enough money, but that is somewhat cold for my tastes.

Only those who don't have money or don't know how to use money deny its power (to reiterate, second only to physical force, put a gun to someone's head and then you really have power over them).

I'll grant that looks is important, and you should maximize that, but once maximized, what can you do if you're not beautiful? So no point worrying about it.

I'll also grant that some young women are too stupid to be properly influenced by money, at least at first. You have to learn to ditch them ruthlessly when they misbehave. Let them taste poverty again for a while before giving them a second chance. If the girl is rich herself, then she is probably incorruptible. Most young women are not rich, however, so this is a minor issue.
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Re: Customers are "randos"

Post by droid »

retiredfrank wrote:First of all, grown men who are trying to engage in meaningful discussion don't use terms like "9". If you want to say "top 10% of girls age 18-25", say that, so we can understand what you mean. The HB scale is deliberately confusing, because it was invented by and mainly used by circle jerkers, who have no interest in anything but impressing the other jerkers with their dick size.
Top 10% on what measure? Once again, you can't have a distribution without some kind of metrics first, even if just implied.
It's like saying to fishermen you want to buy the 10%'er fish from their catch, without defining whether it's based on length, weight etc.

The HB might be subjective but it's the only thing available, before even making at attempt at defining a distribution.
retiredfrank wrote:Now, as regards where the pretty young girls are, it's obvious. (If droid wants to monetize what I'm about to reveal by sending me money, I'll see if I can set up a paypal account for this purpose.) Yoga studios are the opposite of sausage fests. p***y fests? 10 young women or more, many of them hotties, for every guy. Want to impress the girls? Master the arm balances poses, which tend to be harder for women than men due to their lack of shoulder strength. The free-standing handstand, in particular. Ask the girls for help with splits and other poses men normally have difficulty with in exchange for helping them with handstands.
Hey that has some value, it never occurred to me *actually* performing bend-over-backwards "game".
Did you try enhancing that with some dildo-up-the-ass, sexual kung-fu moves? Please share some of the results.

Joking aside, this might be something to try for some of the guys still stuck there, I always though it might be just a bunch of old ladies etc.
retiredfrank wrote:"Status" is like a will o the wisp, you can't ready define what it is much less give clear instructions for how to obtain or hold it. "The high status people are the ones whose status is high". Furthermore, you lower yourself in seeking status. To seek fame is to seek the applause of fools, as Samuel Johnsin put it. Whereas money is real.
the relative social, professional, or other standing of someone or something

It is real, but it may or may not be related to money; or rather, in some cases money may be an after-the-fact. I guess that's why people confuse it. It's not just one particular attribute in one domain.
Like Nailer has said, if you are the DJ of the week etc, it works for you, even if you really are a nobody druggie etc. Heck even your yoga moves, if correctly executed, will increase your status in the given setting.
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Re: Customers are "randos"

Post by Cornfed »

retiredfrank wrote:Now, as regards where the pretty young girls are, it's obvious. (If droid wants to monetize what I'm about to reveal by sending me money, I'll see if I can set up a paypal account for this purpose.) Yoga studios are the opposite of sausage fests. p***y fests? 10 young women or more, many of them hotties, for every guy.
I might actually try this. Is it an idea to have a ready made excuse for why you are doing girly exercises? I imagine saying you were recovering from injury an needed to get in shape in a low stress way would be good, and would have the advantage of being true in my case.
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Re: Customers are "randos"

Post by Shemp »

droid wrote: Top 10% on what measure?
The HB might be subjective but it's the only thing available, before even making at attempt at defining a distribution.
Prettiest 10%, what else did you think I meant? HB is for circle jerkers because of this nonsense that less that 20% of the women are 9 and 10 on a 1-10 scale. The idea is to put down guys who say they are screwing 10s. 10s are actually common. Universities are full of them. Also, any attempt cut things finer than by chunks of 10% is absurd. Line up the girls on a college campus and you will find yourself constantly shuffling them back and forth as your mood changes, much less try to get all the men to agree on a ranking. But some agreement is possble, which is why sayi g top 10% of prettiness is okay. Specifying age is necessary because otherwise 50%'or more of the girls 18-25 will be too 10% to compensate for all the women 60+. When a circle jerker says a girl is an 8.3 without even specifying or implying age, its all about impressing the other circle jerking men, womwn are far from such a guy's mind.

In addition to yoga studios, salsa dancing in most cities is full of pretty young Hispanic women. Some old hags too, of course.

If you plan to play the status game, then you better break out all the PUA books and study them carefully. Get your clown act down. Just like a really charismatic English school owner might convince you to work for free, likewise a guy with lots of charm can get p***y for free. And just as no one wants to work for a guy who is an abusive jerk, no girl wants sex with guys with rotten personalities, like Cornfed. Extremes are outliers and tell us little about the vast middle ground, which where money comes into play, men whose personality and looks is pleasant enough but not mesmerizing. Girls who go for broke DJ of the week or sandwich bar worker are stupid skanks. If they are top 10% in looks now, it sure wont last long. Meanwhile, the quality pretty girls are there for the taking by guys with money who KNOW HOW YO USE IT.
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Re: Customers are "randos"

Post by Cornfed »

retiredfrank wrote:And just as no one wants to work for a guy who is an abusive jerk, no girl wants sex with guys with rotten personalities
This is wrong. Young sluts now exclusively want to have sex with scum because scum have a reproductive advantage, as I’ve explained at length. Of course if you are an older guy paying for sex in one way or another then you could not be expected to know this.
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Re: Customers are "randos"

Post by Kradmelder »

retiredfrank wrote:
droid wrote: Top 10% on what measure?
The HB might be subjective but it's the only thing available, before even making at attempt at defining a distribution.
Prettiest 10%, what else did you think I meant? HB is for circle jerkers because of this nonsense that less that 20% of the women are 9 and 10 on a 1-10 scale. The idea is to put down guys who say they are screwing 10s. 10s are actually common. Universities are full of them. Also, any attempt cut things finer than by chunks of 10% is absurd. Line up the girls on a college campus and you will find yourself constantly shuffling them back and forth as your mood changes, much less try to get all the men to agree on a ranking. But some agreement is possble, which is why sayi g top 10% of prettiness is okay. Specifying age is necessary because otherwise 50%'or more of the girls 18-25 will be too 10% to compensate for all the women 60+. When a circle jerker says a girl is an 8.3 without even specifying or implying age, its all about impressing the other circle jerking men, womwn are far from such a guy's mind.

In addition to yoga studios, salsa dancing in most cities is full of pretty young Hispanic women. Some old hags too, of course.

If you plan to play the status game, then you better break out all the PUA books and study them carefully. Get your clown act down. Just like a really charismatic English school owner might convince you to work for free, likewise a guy with lots of charm can get p***y for free. And just as no one wants to work for a guy who is an abusive jerk, no girl wants sex with guys with rotten personalities, like Cornfed. Extremes are outliers and tell us little about the vast middle ground, which where money comes into play, men whose personality and looks is pleasant enough but not mesmerizing. Girls who go for broke DJ of the week or sandwich bar worker are stupid skanks. If they are top 10% in looks now, it sure wont last long. Meanwhile, the quality pretty girls are there for the taking by guys with money who KNOW HOW YO USE IT.
Age is always important. If you pool all women obviously young ones will rate high and the 40+ below 5. If you rate young ones only against each other their ranking mostly comes down except the top few. And a 40 yo can be a 10 to another 40yo. To a 60 yo man, she will be hot while he is not interested in a 20 yo.

Race can also factor in. No asian or a darkie can ever be a 10 or any rank to me. But they could be a 10 to an Asian Man or a darkie. Like darkies like fat arses. I don't. For some men however, race doesn't feature.

With age personality features. A young woman may go for a dj or waiter or a man with no money or job. A woman looking to start a family or an older one will not.

For men as well. In your 20s a hot body is the basis of rating. As you mature, body is one thing amongst many. Maybe when we are old body doesn't matter at all and the rating is only on personality. Like will a 70 you care about body? He wants a woman that is a nice companion.

With hindsight, the 8+ women i pomped would be less than a 5 now and not desirable as they were rotten people and they have aged. I would not look at them now even if they were the same age or still had a hot body. They make your life hell. Why would I want that now? That is a lesson for young men to learn.

So the whole rating scale is nonsense unless age at least factors in. What a teenager finds hot and a 10 I would not be interested in unless I were a pedophile. My rating of women I am interested in has changed so how can I compare notes with a 21 yo man. We want different things.
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Re: Customers are "randos"

Post by droid »

retiredfrank wrote:
droid wrote:Top 10% on what measure?
The HB might be subjective but it's the only thing available, before even making at attempt at defining a distribution.
Prettiest 10%, what else did you think I meant? HB is for circle jerkers because of this nonsense that less that 20% of the women are 9 and 10 on a 1-10 scale. The idea is to put down guys who say they are screwing 10s. 10s are actually common
I love all your contrar'isms but who's gonna say who belongs to that 10%? They will base that opinion on some internalized scale anyway, no way around that.

otherwise 50%'or more of the girls 18-25 will be too 10%

wait what,
that's the problem of trying to use a distribution if you won't even admit a scale.
Let's toss out the fat girls etc as well so your distribution better matches your view.

10s are actually common. Universities are full of them

This is true to an extent and it somewhat answers Nailer's questions. I wouldn't say full of them, but there are plenty of females nowadays. But you have to be in the right majors or be campus-employed, otherwise you're back to cold-approaching closed groups, ie. the OP.

I don't know when was the last time you actively participated in classes. But in my experience people would pretty much stick to themselves and before the instructor could finish a closing commentary, they would rudely slam their books shut and hurry out god knows where. Only by forcibly having to share in some project on the same major would people be forced to open up and start some bonding. It's been quite a while in my case so things might actually be better nowadays for some reason.
retiredfrank wrote:In addition to yoga studios, salsa dancing in most cities is full of pretty young Hispanic women. Some old hags too, of course.
Perhaps it's better out in Bakersfield or what not, more money on your paypal account.
I don't know if you last did it in the 80's or something. Not trying to offend age wise, just saying again, you and Krad have old school perspectives.
retiredfrank wrote:If you plan to play the status game, then you better break out all the PUA books and study them carefully. Get your clown act down.
Status has nothing to do with PUA, just like brushing your teeth. They might try to fake some aspects of it but it's unrelated.
You're claiming you can't see status like MrMan claims he can't see a good looking man LMAO
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Re: Customers are "randos"

Post by Nailer »

retiredfrank wrote:
In addition to yoga studios, salsa dancing in most cities is full of pretty young Hispanic women. Some old hags too, of course.
The fact you stated an obvious oxymoron completely invalidates your opinion. Any non-white female can only be a 5 at best in my book.
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Re: Customers are "randos"

Post by Adama »

Just because you're an insider, that doesn't mean you'll be included in the clique either. Just like school.
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Re: Customers are "randos"

Post by Nailer »

Adama wrote:Just because you're an insider, that doesn't mean you'll be included in the clique either. Just like school.
I will be, I am.

If you struggled in high school, your first struggle after that will be getting back into "high school". Then you can worry whether you are cool enough.

So far this approach has only given me a higher frequency of disappointment. I got hit on by a 24-year old 9.0 who was one of those real-life girls better looking than any movie star, but of course it didn't work out. I didn't do anything wrong, I just can't win here. She made a beeline for me and actually approached me. I played all my cards right, and still lost. Like f***ing always.
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Re: Customers are "randos"

Post by droid »

Nailer wrote: I got hit on by a 24-year old 9.0 who was one of those real-life girls better looking than any movie star, but of course it didn't work out. I didn't do anything wrong, I just can't win here. She made a beeline for me and actually approached me. I played all my cards right, and still lost. Like f***ing always.
Be more specific

1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
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Re: Customers are "randos"

Post by Nailer »

I was the shiniest object in her immediate vicinity, until I wasn't.

Being a male 8 is tough because any women in your league are on a 24/7 attention-fueled dopamine rush. I tend to do better with the extremely good-looking girls, I guess because I have access to that league that most other guys don't. I don't know.

My approach is probably going to be to put myself in highly visible positions from now on and let them hit on me. It's easier because I don't have to make any effort to create a ridiculously high turnover. It doesn't matter if 90% of them flake because there's always another one who thinks she's special. I'll get more opportunities in one night than a month of cold approaching girls who don't want to talk to me.

While I'm in the U.S., I'm basically just going to be the girl. :?

I don't buy the PUA stuff. The guys who are into that come off as extremely awkward and stunted. Those guys are basically trying to become enough of a personality to compensate for the lack of personality of the person they are talking to. They are trying to be both partners in the conversation at once. You can't carry a conversation entirely on your own. You can't add more personality to yourself to compensate for her lack of social skills and humor. Some of the dialog I have heard them quote is painfully awkward.
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Re: Customers are "randos"

Post by MrMan »

retiredfrank wrote:First of all, grown men who are trying to engage in meaningful discussion don't use terms like "9". If you want to say "top 10% of girls age 18-25", say that, so we can understand what you mean. The HB scale is deliberately confusing, because it was invented by and mainly used by circle jerkers, who have no interest in anything but impressing the other jerkers with their dick size.
I'm wondering why your posts are peppered with accusations of gay sounding stuff some guys have to look up online to know what you are talking about.
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Re: Customers are "randos"

Post by Adama »

Nailer wrote:I was the shiniest object in her immediate vicinity, until I wasn't.

Being a male 8 is tough because any women in your league are on a 24/7 attention-fueled dopamine rush. I tend to do better with the extremely good-looking girls, I guess because I have access to that league that most other guys don't. I don't know.

My approach is probably going to be to put myself in highly visible positions from now on and let them hit on me. It's easier because I don't have to make any effort to create a ridiculously high turnover. It doesn't matter if 90% of them flake because there's always another one who thinks she's special. I'll get more opportunities in one night than a month of cold approaching girls who don't want to talk to me.

While I'm in the U.S., I'm basically just going to be the girl. :?

I don't buy the PUA stuff. The guys who are into that come off as extremely awkward and stunted. Those guys are basically trying to become enough of a personality to compensate for the lack of personality of the person they are talking to. They are trying to be both partners in the conversation at once. You can't carry a conversation entirely on your own. You can't add more personality to yourself to compensate for her lack of social skills and humor. Some of the dialog I have heard them quote is painfully awkward.
Which highly visible environments do you have in mind? I agree with most of what you said, but I think the man still has to do the initial introduction often times. But after that, it is all on the woman to advance the relationship. She has to voluntarily give her heart to the man, which basically means the relationship proceeds at her will until she becomes the man's woman. This rather than pushing the woman, which is essentially begging, and this is how many women see it.

And when you put yourself in the submission position of asking and begging, it opens the door to emotional manipulators who just want to know that you want them, for the sake of their ego boosts.

It is a shame that American women tend to be this way. Years ago when I was complaining about women flaking, I had two male coworkers tell me that 9 out of ten women will flake. But I think it may vary depending, up to 99 or 100 out of 100.

American women have this thing where flirtation is sport for some of them. They just want to make you jump through all the hoops to get them, and when you've done so, they enjoy rejecting you brutally, pulling the rug and hope out from under you (which can turn some men into callous beasts). And if you are especially unlucky, they will even blame you for them rejecting you, as part of their hatred of you (for no reason other than they're sick creatures who live for ego). And if they are really cruel, they will turn you into a public spectacle to embarrass and humiliate you to further destroy your spirit, by telling everyone around you how you're so unworthy of love.
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