I Wish Wu and the Cultural Consultant were on more often

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Post by Redd_Hitler »

Dr. Atuw wrote:
gmm567 wrote:ah, and he did better than you didn't he?
I think you've lost the plot on this one.
He's lost the plot big time. Hard to believe this guy has travelled to Russia 5 times and some other European destinations and still doesnt have a clue.

Engaged, living in Hawaii with his missus. His missus can go to the Philippines or the US and live with him. Stefan also make a very nice living and own his own home.

Pregnant girlfriend, doesnt have decency to get engaged. Regularly cheats on her. Lives in a cheap run down apartment. Has no source of income except what his daddy provides him with. Has to beg for everything in his life. Unable to get his girl to the US. Under pressure from family to do right thing by Dianne.

Yes, Wienie has it all over Stefan NOT!
Q. Why does Winston like to play his video’s of his whore exploits backwards?

A. Because he likes to see the whore’s giving him money.
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Post by I_PatriaTexefor_efl »

Redd_Hitler wrote:
Dr. Atuw wrote:
gmm567 wrote:ah, and he did better than you didn't he?
I think you've lost the plot on this one.
He's lost the plot big time. Hard to believe this guy has travelled to Russia 5 times and some other European destinations and still doesnt have a clue.

Engaged, living in Hawaii with his missus. His missus can go to the Philippines or the US and live with him. Stefan also make a very nice living and own his own home.

Pregnant girlfriend, doesnt have decency to get engaged. Regularly cheats on her. Lives in a cheap run down apartment. Has no source of income except what his daddy provides him with. Has to beg for everything in his life. Unable to get his girl to the US. Under pressure from family to do right thing by Dianne.

Yes, Wienie has it all over Stefan NOT!

Don't you know about Winston's fabulous bachelor pad in Angeles?? I now give you Winston's direct words: "It's a very modern place with tiles and walls." You see?? According to Winstonian logic, you have been fully debunked. In addition, there is also no further need to debate the issue!

All that can be said is, "AAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!" Even thinking like Winston brings on a headache.

If anything, Winston is bound to have a new home when Auntie Shirl comes barreling into Angeles this December :twisted:

OJ Simpson got away with murder, but he couldn't outrun KARMA.................
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Re: Consultants

Post by Winston »

Dr. Atuw wrote:Anyone who answers one of Winston's many questions is automatically a "consultant". As usual, the terminology that is used exaggerates by orders of magnitude the real facts of the matter.

I am sorry that you have nothing better to do than wo wait for the wise words of Winston and his 'consultants'!
W: Not anyone. You have to be wise, knowledgeable and make sense.

You certainly are not qualified. YOu can consult on computer issues, but your nasty temper disqualifies you.

Stefan, why don't you confess that if it wasn't for my consultant, you would never have met your fiancee. He was the one who referred you to the website you met her at, http://www.asiancammodels.com

You didn't even give us a thanks for that.

You traitor.
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Post by Winston »

Redd_Hitler wrote:
Dr. Atuw wrote:
gmm567 wrote:ah, and he did better than you didn't he?
I think you've lost the plot on this one.
He's lost the plot big time. Hard to believe this guy has travelled to Russia 5 times and some other European destinations and still doesnt have a clue.

Engaged, living in Hawaii with his missus. His missus can go to the Philippines or the US and live with him. Stefan also make a very nice living and own his own home.

Pregnant girlfriend, doesnt have decency to get engaged. Regularly cheats on her. Lives in a cheap run down apartment. Has no source of income except what his daddy provides him with. Has to beg for everything in his life. Unable to get his girl to the US. Under pressure from family to do right thing by Dianne.

Yes, Wienie has it all over Stefan NOT!
W: Have you seen Stefan's home Fuller? It's worse than mine. It looks like a run down shack that needs to be bulldozed over. Hardly attractive. It's dirty and insects crawl around. He doesn't even have any carpets. But walks barefoot on the basement floor.

But when a Filipina truly loves you, she follows you to the ends of the earth.

Stefan has fired over 90 percent of his workers, blaming them all. You think they are all at fault, or him?
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Re: I Wish Wu and the Cultural Consultant were on more often

Post by Winston »

LukeSkywalker wrote:I Wish Winston Wu and the Cultural Consultant were on more often. I know that Winston is having the life of his dreams in the Philippines, and he mentioned in his ebook that he rarely goes on the internet any more, but still I wish he were on more often.

And I wish that the cultural consultant would come. Because Winston said that there was a cultural consultant, but he didn't say what the cultural consultant's forum screen name is, so we don't really know which one the cultural consultant is. :(
W: My cultural consultant's user name is Ladislav. Feel free to ask him any questions in the ask advice board.
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Post by Winston »

Redd_Hitler wrote:Precisely. Winston’s so called consultants are simply people who agree with some absurd idea of his. Take Dr Atuw for example. For many month he was Winston’s number one consultant on the Philippines. That is of course until they had a falling out. Now he is a flamer as his current supposed consultant(s) will become after too much Wu exposure.

As for Winston rarely ever going on the internet. Well considering he probably has to pay to use the internet and given what an incredible tightwad he is, the answer is pretty plain to see. If he had free internet like at home he would spend 18 hours a day projectile vomiting his worthless observations upon everyone.
W: Stefan was NEVER my consultant. He was a benefactor and business partner. If he had followed me, he could have had a hot girl, but he didn't.

Stefan is the one who spends 16 hours a day online, not me. He never went to the beach during the three years he lived in Hawaii. He is a total wacko in his own world, as well as a party pooper hermit. So damn boring!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by Winston »

Dr. Atuw wrote:
LukeSkywalker wrote:First of all, I've had girls in the US before. Really fine ones. The reason why I stopped having them is because...
I'm gradually building up a picture of you Lukey. Let me guess. You're about 20 years old, and enjoy secretly sniffing ladies undies, right? That's the closest you've been to 'having' a woman.

And what exactly does the verb 'to have' have to do with a relationship? Is it related to Winston's favorite woman-related verb, 'to bang', as in 'Wow everyone, look at all the hot chicks I banged this week!!!'?

No, I suspect that when you say you've 'had girls', it means you've 'had most girls reject you in a sniggering kind of way', as does Wu.
LukeSkywalker wrote:Also I'm limited
Yes, we can see that.
LukeSkywalker wrote:Secondly, for a lot of stuff that you've written here, a lot of your accusations against Wu, I've never even heard of it, and can find no evidence for it other than your own word.
How about learning how to read, dumbshit?

Have you *seen* the tales of Wu told on this forum? They represent the tip of the iceberg. Has Wu denied any of them? No. He responds with "Well, anyway, you're just haters", or "So what if I...", or just plain "My girlfriend's breasts are larger than yours, so THERE".

Here's a clue, Lukey: When people write something about another person who has AMPLE opportunity to then refute it but doesn't, then there's a reasonable degree of certainty that it's true.

Furthermore, ASK yourself just why so many people are following Wu's life and 'bashing' him. Is it because we have nothing better to do? Is it because we hate our mothers? Is it because we hate Asians? (Hint: My fiancee is Asian)

But sure, go to the Philippines and "couchsurf" over to Winston's dive. Visit a few bars, 'have' some girls and return to the U.S. with some novelty STD. The growing up process for some men is a long one, as in Winston's example. Let's hope yours is faster.
W: Stefan, you didn't deny those 9 wacky beliefs of yours that I posted, even though I gave you a week to do so. YOu didn't even address them.

Nor did you dispute those household fiascos that I described with you.

At least Luke has HAD American girls, even I had. But you Stefan, have had ZERO American girlfriends. And you know it. You are the ultimate loser here.

YOu believe that money and gifts are the key to winning love. You don't deny that. You believe that all medicine is poison and don't take any. You don't deny that. THOSE ARE WACKY BELIEFS THAT DISCREDIT YOU!

Plus, you have a nasty temper. You are VERBALLY ABUSIVE in person, you insult me and call me names in person, and I humour you because you're paying me.

But let the truth about you stand.
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Post by Winston »

Redd_Hitler wrote:Get a clue would you Gmm. You think Wu's writings are limited to his journals. He spewed his venom on dozens and dozens of forums. He has been banned from literally every Russian women forum. He has written hundreds of pages expressing hatred towards Russians. Why do you think he wrote in his journal � was happy to get out of Russia alive"and � thought they sent an assassin after me because of all the things I wrote about Russia".

And Lukey, how long you known Wu? One, maybe two months? I have known him for 5-6 years and I have refuted nearly everything he has written. As Stef mentioned. Why do you think so many people detest him. Why do you think there is a yahoogroup with 150 members devoted to those who despise Wu. How many other people do you know who have such a following? As Stef also pointed out, you dont see Wu refuting any of what is claimed. Have you aked yourself why?
W: You've refuted nothing. Why don't you let Luke ask these people about me, who are all happy, positive, sociable, and outgoing?

http://secure.hospitalityclub.org/hc/co ... ?cid=54361

United States of America
2006-10-22 05:00:39 I met Winston Wu at my home in Phoenix where he was our gues.
Winston Wu was a guest in our home in Phoenix this summer. He met my husband and I at the pool and after spending some time with Winston we were sure he would be a fine houseguest. He was generous, kind and helpful as I was 8 months pregnant during his stay! I have children and felt comfortable with him in our home. I wish him the very best and hope to see him again soon.
2006-07-20 01:45:41 cracow,lovely lovely time with his company!

2006-07-20 01:45:29 cracow,lovely lovely time with his company!

2006-07-20 01:42:35 cracow,lovely lovely time with his company!

United States of America
2006-07-18 06:32:28 Winston stayed with us for two nights.
He is a nice person, excited about life and Eastern Europe. Smile He told us a lot about his travels and adventures. It was interesting since I've never talked to anybody with his perspective. However, at times I felt a little uncomfortable about the impressions he had about my old country. Some of them are not the ones I value, but rather those that are more commercialized and specifically promoted as "true Russian Soul and culture"... Overall, Winston was a good guest, the kind you can trust.
United States of America
2006-07-14 03:58:22 Met at my home South of San Jose, California. He was driving down from Washington stste to Arizona.
Winston was our guest for one night, and we hope we have a chance to meet him again. He seemed very level-headed, open-minded, and was a perfect guest in every way. It was wonderful and very easy to have a conversation with him, and provided valuable insights through his travels & experiences.
United States of America
2005-12-15 18:54:44 At the local food co-op in Bellingham.
I'll be honest and admit that Winston tested my patience a bit. At the time I met him he was very frustrated with the American culture. I believe I could understood his arguement. However, I grew a little tired of hearing it. But besides that, Winston is a good fellow. He is a talented writer and knows how to express himself well. I trust him.
2005-12-14 03:17:27 We were acquainted through HC
Winston has a lot to share.He is a interesting person to have a conversation with.More you get to know him more he has to offer.Thank you for all your help.It's been my pleasure to spend time with you.I have only a humble bow to give you but it comes straight from heart.
2005-06-10 00:00:00 when wu was in Lithuania, on a short trip to Zemaitija
I thought that he was a little strange person and talking really much too. Overall, he's of an interesting type, and you can trust him.
2005-05-23 00:00:00 Winston came and stayed at my place in Gdansk for a couple of days.
He's an intriguing character, in love with Russia (and Russian women - not always the right ones, though), with a sense of humour and lot of adventures and misadventures to share...
2005-04-27 00:00:00 we met in Cracow
he's a nice and cheerfull guy. you can trust him, it was good to meet him Smile
2005-04-26 00:00:00 We met in Kaunas, and traveled to Skuodas, Varniai (zemaitija) for a trip.
He was a little amazed of sleeping in a tent while there is still some snow left, but he challenged it very good Smile. He is open to other cultures and people and I guess he's getting to like Europe.
2005-04-14 00:00:00 We met here, in Lithuania, and he was very friendly, understenging,intelligent...oh i can say just good words about him, not strict.....
This person is very reliable.
2005-04-09 00:00:00 hosted him in kaunas
Winston seemed a person having inner intrigue which makes the time spent with him very interesting. as american, he surprised me by traveling in russia for a long time and having a feeling of freedom. pitty, that we spent such a short time together. wish you strengh on your way

Also, here is what an Indian friend said about me on couchsurfing.com

From ESOTERIX Jul 19, 2006 Met in person

Winston - an Engaging personality! Met Winston at a social event, and was won over by his open, friendly nature, and ability to converse on a deeper plane than most. He is a really fun guy to be around - there is never a dull moment with Winston! He is a prolific and articulate writer, and his homepage is a site for sore eyes Smile
He is equally comfy talking to someone 1-1 as well as regaling groups of people with his world-wide adventures. Winston is definitely someone I'd love to be friends with, and hope to run into again.
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Post by Winston »

No one would give Stefan any credibility after reading these real life household fiascos with him:


Fuller, you are insane.

He is no more credible than Hitler. No normal person would call himself Hitler on a forum either.
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Post by Winston »

Chemist wrote:Believe me, I know that Russian women, or any other women (or men), have the capacity for bad behavior. And I've heard a lot about scams from Russian women. So I'm not so naiive to think that it's just American women. But American women are pretty bad.

Yes they can be to a point. Russian women can be better than western women in some ways, but in other ways, they can be a lot worse.

I regard western women to be more "middle of the road" on this point. I had a Ukrainian woman try and pull some crap with me that no American woman would try on a bad day.
W: True. For once I agree. Russian women can be greedy and cold. But they are APPROACHABLE at least, in that it doesn't feel inappropriate to try to meet them.
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Re: Ah, OK

Post by Winston »

Dr. Atuw wrote:Winston's "consultants" come a dime a dozen, so it is easy to get them mixed up. I was under the impression that 'Ladislav' = Vladislav = 'Vlad'. I stand corrected. That said, his two major "consultants" are a whoring English teacher in Manila and a man who works in the Middle East and spends half his time whoring in the Philippines.

In my case, I never received that very coveted award of being one of Winston's "consultants", because I generally told him what he didn't want to hear: That he was a slob ("please clean the shit off the toilet seat next time... and please pee *in* the toilet"); acting like a total jerk in front of every woman he attempted to hook up with (well, every woman, actually); that he was acting like a lecherous leech with every woman stupid enough to 'hook up' with him (constantly groping, rubbing, fondling, begging for sex... absolutely pathetic to an extreme degree); lazy (getting up at 'crack of noon' on a good day, wasting what was left of the day and then whoring the night away).

I did complement him once though. I told him, "If you had a drinking problem, you'd be perfect!"
W: You are getting mixed up here. If my consultants were a dime a dozen, how come I only list four of them here? YOu only mentioned two.

YOu aren't a consultant because you say very stupid things. You said that money presents were the key to a woman's heart and winning her love. YOu belittle me when I don't leave huge tips. Insane men do those things.

You believe that all medicine is poison. There's no scientific evidence to support that.

Your own fiancee said you were wrong when you said that I smelled. Why don't you address that?
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Post by Winston »

Dr. Atuw wrote:
gmm567 wrote:ah, and he did better than you didn't he?
I think you've lost the plot on this one. If you have been paying any attention, you will know that my fiancee and I are now living happily in Hawaii. Wu, on the other hand, is living in a dive with a pregnant whore, trying to find ways to pacify her family, which is flabbergasted by his infidelity.

Oh, and I am currently paying more in tax each week than Mr. Wu earns in an entire year.

Which definition of 'better' were you referring to, dickwad?
W: I did better than you cause I banged hot girls, and you didn't. Anyone who wants, can email me and I will send them photos of Stefan's fiancee, and you can see how well he did...........

The staff at two police stations even said that Stefan must be jealous of me after seeing his fiancee's photos and mine.
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