Why Taiwan SUCKS in all areas except food & safety

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Post by Banano »

Great advice

Winnie needs brick and mortar business which will get him out of the house such as hotel, guesthouse, hostel where he can meet many smart open minded freethinkers and girls, as an owner you will attract ladies
move out of Asia, you dont fit in intelectualy, if you cant stand TW I cant see you loving Korea and Japan.
Central and South America would be better option, India is ok but romance would suck unless he decides to get married to one women,
IMO you are burned out in asia, spending long period of time in AC chasing p4p bar girls, meeting low class and low moral people(thats what tourist places attract)
Why not russia or ukraine beach side since you click with east euros
why not become a Freemason, you get to meet lot of bright men who support one another
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Post by Ginger »

Last edited by Ginger on July 3rd, 2013, 4:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
I do not promise to be gingerly :P
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Post by Rock »

celery2010 wrote:Dear Winston,

Here is some cold honest advice for you. You always talk about wanting to hear the truth, with no PC bull.

Well, here it is.

Your life sounds like a mess. You are 40 years old, with no discernible career, friends, life or extensive hobbies. And you're not very happy.
Your life has no meaning or direction. You're at a crossroads. IT'S TIME TO MAKE A CHANGE. You sound very frustrated and confused in your life.

I'm going to make a suggestion and yes, it's BIG.......

I recommend that you that you turn to Christianity. Now please wait before you dismiss the idea and read why.

1. First of all, you'll find a community of people who WANT to help you. You'll make male and female friends. They'll be cute girls there. BUT, what you need in your life right now is hope and meaning. This isn't going to sound nice, but you lead a sinful life.

You really need to take a good look at yourself, your life and what you hope to accomplish in your life. Is your goal in life just to do nothing in Taiwan and chase women that you can never get for the rest of your life? Where do you see yourself in 20 years? As it stands you're on a path to destruction. You need to expand or change your business plan and make some real money. You're 40. Half your life is over. You've had a good run, but you now need a lot of concentrated introspection on how to proceed in your life, and not another desperate rant.

Rebuild your life, find a proper career or start a proper business, find some friends and if you're a good person, a special lady will be just waiting to meet you. Go get some help with your life, it sounds like you need it.

At the present time, you're just running in circles and stagnating.

2. Honestly, IMHO, there seem to be deeper issues in your life that just changing your location will not necessarily change. Even if you DO move to China and find that it is easy to meet women and you even find the perfect woman to settle down with, then what? These are the issues that you need to think about.

3. Again you need to take the next big step in your life. I actually recommend that you try to get involved with business or trade in China. You're a bright guy. OR take your happier abroad business to the next level by starting some type of hotel, translating business, tourism biz, dating website, strip club, i don't know, you name it. Believe me, i know from experience. If you own your own business in Asia, the women will be lining up to get with you.


4. You really need to take a look at yourself from a physical, personality and health perspective. You're old enough now that you should know how to dress, be in good shape and interact with women.

5. IMHO, you need improvement in these areas. You never developed them while growing up, and that's OK. It's not too late to make the necessary changes and come back stronger.

IMHO, you've stopped developing as a person, as opposed to others.

Milestones that you've missed:

1. Maturity, experience and responsibility from working at a high level in the work world

2. Changes that occur when your income increases to a much higher level

3. Understanding and dealing with women that comes from experience with women or long term relationship

Women can sense this, and it does play a part in why other guys are probably finding success while you are left behind.

You need to stop focusing on stuff like Steve Hoca and START figuring out how to create happiness in your life and meet your dream woman. As an analogy, in other words, you need to stop to focusing all your efforts on how to save money and divert that energy in how to EARN money.

And is your only current goal in life just to meet your dream woman? And is that what would make you happy in life? Do you not have any other hopes or goals or have ways to find meaning in your life?

And i believe that the people right HERE on this forum can help you out with this, but you don't even seem to want to help yourself. That's sad. There's a lot of Asian guys who strive by sheer EFFORT, and have been able to overcome HUGE OBSTACLES. Will you be one of them?

And if you have questions about this, ask away right here. You're not going to weasel out of this by saying there's no source out there to help you.

Travel related recommendations:

Return to America. Take a vacation somewhere. Or India, Latin America or maybe the Middle East
Or stay in East Asia and take a job as an ESL teacher.

It sounds like you are burnt out on Asia in general. It's obvious that you are homesick. You sound just as bad as some of the homesick ESL teachers who have sent too much time in Asia. When things didn't work out in Russia, you went to the PI. And when they didn't work out in PI, you moved on to Taiwan.

1. Return to America, if only temporarily. Remember that America is a big place. You life story indicates that you've spent your entire life in only the SF Bay and Seattle areas. You may be pleasantly surprised how different life is in Houston, New York, St. Louis or Miami. Give yourself some time to recover and then regroup and plan the next stage of your life.

2. Take a vacation somewhere.

3. Latin America- if you can take the time to learn Spanish (or practice if you took a little bit in school), Latin America is a good option for a "free- thinking, non conformist Asian" such as yourself. BTW, women are very easy in the Dominican Republic and Peru. Colombia has very beautiful women and Argentina is also a beautiful, interesting and stable place to visit.

4. India-- I actually highly recommend that you visit India. The people there will be very happy to meet you (and i am speaking from personal experience-- was there last winter). Very beautiful girls will be happy to hang out and spend time with you. You will have a similar experience to what you experienced in Russia-- people will be very open and happy to speak with you as a foreigner.

There is also much to see and of course India is a fascinating place to visit. You can also find many people to discuss philosophy, religion, etc. And as a bonus, there are a ton of Russian girls in Goa, and a ton of European girls that you can meet while traveling. It is also dirt cheap to live and travel in, with one caveat, that it is not easy to get Indian women into bed.

5. The last option, if you stay in Asia, IMHO i actually recommend for you to go to Japan or Korea. I think that you'll find more interesting cultural trends and a greater sense of openness and stuff happening in these 2 countries than in Taiwan. The other possibility is to go to Beijing (a more intellectual city than Shanghai) or goto Western China (Yunnan, NW China or Sichuan) or alternatively i have heard good things about Fenghuang, and Guangzhou is not a bad place either. I highly recommend you go there for the experience first and girls second.
I also think this will be better than the SE Asian mainland where you would simply just continue your current lifestyle in the same fashion.

Finally, if you decide to stay in Asia, i actually recommend that you try working as an ESL teacher. Why?

1. You'll earn some extra money

2. It will get you out of the house

3. It's a great way to meet women,some of whom may take a liking to you.

4. As the authority figure, you may be looked at positively by some women.

5. People will have all sorts of incentives to try to spend time with you.

6.. Gets you involved in the community so you have something interesting to write about, instead of incessant complaining.
Winston has been there and done that. Read his journals. I think he even went out on missions to spread the message when he was a believer.

However, after a year or two, he became disillusioned with it and ended up writing long essays debunking the Christian faith. Some of those writings might even be available somewhere on this website.

Also, Winston does not like 'faking it', essentially not being himself or following a lifestyle he believes in order just to make friends or meet girls.

So do you really expect him to take your suggestion seriously?
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Post by Banano »

Go to mountain temple and become a monk, Buddhist Monk

start new religion or something

I dont know why he spend so much time in opresive TW..
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Post by momopi »

Only in TW: you can throw shoes, purse, and random objects at the President (in-person) during his speech, not get "escorted out" by security, and continue to heckle the guy on stage, then proceed to heckle the next speaker.


I did a quick search and found the following threads:

7 Major Problems with Taiwan Girls - Terrible beyond words!
Dec 4, 2012

Why Taiwan Sucks - My Complaints and No Win Situation
Sept 24, 2012

The Pros and Cons of Taiwan: What other sites don't tell you
June 20, 2012

Taiwan/East Asia - Lonely, Depressing, No Eye Contact
May 8, 2012

12 Logical Reasons Why Rock's Taiwan Claims Can't Be True
April 23, 2012

The Myth and Lie of the Taiwanese Young Generation Being More Open
Jan 9, 2012

Taiwan is Boring, Miserable, Repressed, Loveless, etc.
Aug 8, 2010

Winston vs Taiwanese/E Asians: Differences and Similarities
May 15, 2010

Taboo Observations About Taiwan That No One Would Dare Say
May 26, 2009

Winston's incompatibilities with his own Taiwanese people
June 26, 2008


Somewhat related topics:

Momopi, HOT Taiwanese girl I met! What should I do?
Aug 14, 2012

Chinese vs. Taiwanese girls: See the difference in attitude!
Jun 20, 2012

Why Winston is a failure with women in Taiwan.
Jun 5, 2012

Approaching Taiwan girls - Response to Winston
May 17, 2012

Taiwan vs. America: Differences and Similarities
June 27, 2010

Ten types of Taiwanese girls to avoid (funny and true)
Jan 20, 2009

Critical Observations of East Asian Culture/Mentality
Jan 4, 2008


My comments:

1. If you want to discuss your difficulties in TW, you only need ONE thread. Simply sticky it and continue to contribute to it. This will also hopefully reduce the redundencies.

2. As we've already discussed many times in the past, TW is not an "easy" dating place, otherwise Taiwanese men wouldn't have had to import several hundred thousand foriegn brides. If you had some false expectations, you should have gotten rid of them years ago.

For the record, I spent years courting several girls in TW, slept with most of them and did not find one virgin (they were all sexually active since college, conservative my arse), was engaged to one in 2007-2008, and failed to marry any of them. In 2007-2008 alone I flew to Asia 6 times to court my ex-fiance and she demanded that I must move back to TPE for our relationship to work, because she ain't moving to California. I declined and that was it. I moved on and she moved on.

If TW isn't working out for you, you should move on too. Standing under the grapevine to write about how sour the grapes are, isn't going to get you where you want to go.

Winston wrote: So you see, from every angle I am CHECKMATED in Taiwan with no options and no solutions! Everything appears to be against me in Taiwan, as though Taiwan were my enemy or something. WTF?! Usually I am very resourceful and good at finding solutions and options. But in Taiwan I am checkmated from every angle. I just can't win! Everything is against me! WTF?! Is Taiwan a curse or jinx or something? How can I be so unlucky on a small island like this, where everyone says "Taiwan is so great! People are so friendly!" f**k MAN! TOTALLY SUCKS!
If you find yourself in front of a Go board, you should not try to play chess on it.

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Post by Winston »

momopi wrote:
Winston wrote: First, those photos constitute a VERY SMALL percentage of the scenery in Taiwan. They are not the typical scenery you find there. Second, even the nicest mountain backdrops in Taiwan are nothing special. Nothing you can't find in any other country. That's the point. Nice try at playing devil's advocate though. Just accept that Taiwan is not appealing in terms of architecture or natural scenery.
Here is some real spectacular scenery that Germans come all the way from Germany to see:
Also go to Google images and type "Yosemite" and "Southwest Canyons". The images speak for themselves.
Winston, "special" means atypical. Yosemite is not typical scenery in the US, otherwise people will not drive all the way there to see it. Paris has great architecture but the areas just outside the city is a slum. The oldest California redwood is 2,200 years old and you must go to a park to see it. Same applies in Taiwan, the oldest living formosan cypress tree is 2,300 years old and you must go to a park to see it.

Taiwan is an island of roughly same length as the Grand Canyon. It's a little big place with nice scenic spots to visit, places to go, lots of girls, and lots of date destinations. Some of my best experiences were weekend trips with my ex GFs, where they take me around the island to many great places. But let's be honest, there are many great hot springs in Taiwan, but you can probably find more and better hot springs in Japan. What makes the hot spring trip special is the pretty GF in the pool, and the passionate night that follows at the resort.

If you're not enjoying your stay there, you should move on to your next destination soon, rather than staying in TW and write about how much it sucks there for you. How many of your task items must be done while you are physically in TW? If you feel that the environment is "draining" and preventing you from completing tasks, then that's even better reason to book your flight today.
I just realized something. You are either wrong or you misunderstood me in regard to Yosemite. I am not just talking about national parks. I am talking about TYPICAL scenery in general. You don't need to go to a national park to see beautiful scenery or nature. You know that. Come on now. Thus, your argument doesn't hold water. All over the state of Arizona, for example, you can see beautiful scenery, even on the interstate. Same with Utah, Colorado, Washington, Montana, etc. I drove through those states so I know. You can also see open pastures and fields, like in Western movies. And in England, you can see green rolling hills in the countryside. Even films portray this.

You can't find open fields and rolling pastures in Taiwan like in England or America. The terrain in Taiwan is ugly and drab. You know that. Everyone knows that. Face the reality. Taiwan ranks poorly for nature and scenery and fresh air. Even Rock told me that he agrees with me on this. There is no comparison. Rock said that for nature, Taiwan ranks poorly. America is far better in that area. So stop arguing with something that everyone knows is true. You've definitely lost this point.

Surely you are not claiming that the typical scenery in typical areas (not national parks) in the USA is no better than in Taiwan right? Even you would not say something you know is not true. So why did you attempt to debate this?

Go watch any Old West movie or nature documentary. Even video games show beautiful scenery nowadays. (Check out Assassins Creed III) You can't find that in Taiwan, especially not with the crisp clear air that America has.

Finally, passion is the furthest thing from Taiwan. I've seen nothing passionate in Taiwan at all. Only soullessness and prudishness. You aren't even allowed to flirt in Taiwan. The girl I paid to translate for me, told me not to say "I want to hear your voice" again because she said that Taiwan girls find that creepy. So if I can't even say something sweet like "I wanna hear your voice" to a girl in Taiwan, how can you call that normal or passionate? That is nothing short of PRUDISH.

Simple fact: If flirtation and sweet words to girls are taboo in Taiwan, then it is PRUDISH. Simple as 2+2=4.

If passion were everywhere in Taiwan, how come I don't see any? I have a better chance of seeing a UFO than passion in Taiwan! LOL Most couples in restaurants in Taiwan eat in cold silence. There are no smiles or flirtation or spark between them. How do you explain that? LOL

Yes there's lots of girls in Taiwan. There's lots of girls in NY, CA and in every country in the world too. But like someone else here said, they are all look and no touch. You don't even have the guts to approach them either.

Important new updates

I also have some important new updates for you:

1. Guess what? Yesterday I told my doctor in Taiwan that I was depressed in Taiwan because young people here can't hold a normal conversation and are empty on the inside. Guess what? HE TOLD MY PARENTS THAT I WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THAT?!

2. Also, I recently introduced Rock to the friendliest girl I know in Taipei. He called her and met up with her. And guess what? He said that she was not engaging and had trouble holding a conversation with her. So even Rock, our expert on Taiwanese girls, could not hold a conversation with a non-engaging Taiwanese girl. He said that she fit my stereotype of Taiwanese girls. So now he knows what I'm talking about, though he probably did before as well.

How do you explain that?

3. Also, guess what? Last night I talked to two women in China on the phone, and it was very refreshing. The conversation was MEANINGFUL and I felt like I was talking to a REAL SOUL, not a plastic mannequin like in Taiwan. Wow! One of the women even talked to Rock before (I called her from his iphone and had her talk to Rock once) and Rock agreed that she was very authentic and intelligent.

Momopi, one serious question for you. Can you give me a serious logical answer to why I can hold conversations with China girls so easily, but not with Taiwanese girls? How come with Taiwanese girls, it's like hitting a blank wall? There's nothing to say and I can't get them to be engaging or generate any meaningful dialogue with them. Even my cousin's daughter could not say anything to me beyond "yes I'm from Taipei" on Facebook. After that, she ignored me.

So how do you do it? What's your trick to holding conversations with your Taiwanese exes? What would Jay Leno do if he were interviewing a typical non-engaging Taiwanese girl who can't hold a decent conversation?

So how do you explain this difference? If the problem is me (which I KNOW it is not) then how come I can hold meaningful conversations with girls in China easily? I challenge you to give me a SERIOUS DIRECT LOGICAL answer to this. (without sidetracking)


4. Finally, how come even you are more friendly to me than my Taiwanese cousins and their children? For instance, you usually answer my emails. But my cousins and relatives don't. For some reason, it seems that when my cousins and their kids were little, they were open and friendly to me. But once they grew up as adults, they become stuck up and closed. Why is that? Why do friendly playful kids have to become stuck up, closed and cold when the grow up? Isn't that so sad?

Even you, Momopi, are friendlier to me than most of my own relatives. How can that be? Why are you not a typical stuck up middle class person like most people I know are?

Case in point: My cousin's daughter liked me a lot when she was little. She was open, friendly, playful and even cried when I left. But now that she's grown up, she's stuck up, closed and unfriendly. When I wrote her on Facebook by accident, the only thing she wrote back to me was "yes I'm from Taipei". But after that she stopped responding and now just ignores me.

Isn't that so sad? Why can't people be friendly to me when they grow up, like people in movies are? Doesn't that suck? How come on TV, people remain friends after they grow up, but not in my life? WTF? It's sad when I see characters on TV and in movies say "Remember when we were kids..." How come I have no one to share such memories with? WTF?

Can you write her on Facebook and see if you can engage any conversation or dialogue with her? You are good at holding conversation with Taiwanese females right? How come you can but I can't? I definitely am very engaging. Everyone here knows that. So what's the problem?

And how come you aren't as stuck up to me as my cousins are? You are just as well off as they are. How come you write back and talk to me, whereas they don't?

Thanks in advance for your responses.
Last edited by Winston on February 9th, 2013, 10:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Winston »

In summary and in a nutshell, Taiwan sucks because:

a) Girls are unapproachable, uptight, stuck up, overly shy, paranoid, flaky, empty, souless, hard to meet, difficult to connect with, and cannot hold a good conversation. (compared to girls in most countries that is) They do not flirt, have a cold wall around them, are very cliquish, and will not socialize with you unless you are invited into their group.
b) People are uptight, robotic, cold, stiff, narrow, insular, prudish, overly conservative, workaholic, hard to connect with, and difficult to hold a conversation with. They are empty shells with no personality, devoid of soul, passion and energy. (compared to most countries that is) Their nature is cold and practical, which makes them boring and lacking in creativity and imagination.
c) There is not much beautiful scenery or nature, and the architecture and buildings are ugly and drab. The climate is often unpleasant and the air is humid and not very clean or crisp. (by American standards that is) It's also hard to find open fields, prairies or pastures.
d) The culture is boring and flat, and does not even feel inclusive. There is nothing to grow your soul. Time just passes by and is wasted with no meaning or special memories. Eventually, you regret the time you waste in Taiwan, which could be better spent elsewhere.

I have seen very few exceptions to the above, and countless examples that fit the above. God that sucks. What a terrible place, the most boring I've ever been for sure. Even America is a lot more interesting and exciting than Taiwan. Taiwan ought to win an award for "The most dull and meaningless country".

PS - Based on the long list above compiled by Momopi:

Is it safe to say that I probably run the biggest Anti-Taiwan campaign on the internet? LOL

Would it be safe to say that most likely, I've written more Anti-Taiwan articles than anyone else ever has? LOL

If so, then I guess I hold another world record for something. LOL
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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Post by Falcon »

So about lack of passion ...

Quote from Rock: viewtopic.php?t=13347
Rock wrote:Its hard to compare Latin women to Asians. When i spend a lot of time in LatAm, I start missing the soft femininity and refined skin and features common amoung Chinese and other NE Asian women. But when I spend a lot of time in China, I start to miss the extreme curves and aggressive in-your-face sexiness of Latinias. If u wanna find a country with just the bad traits (physically) of both LatAm and Asian women, PI is probably your place, lol. Perhaps Thailand is a bit the opposite, it has some of the good from both sides.
soft femininity and refined skin = limp fish
aggressive in-your-face sexiness = PASSION

Taiwanese women tend to be like limp fish. Filipinas and Latinas tend to be like excited puppies. Of course exceptions abound, but those are the general trends.

Rock also told me that he believes about 20% - 30% of Taiwanese women are super passionate behind closed doors. Uh, only about 1/4? For Latinas that would be around 3/4.


Question for Winston:

Have you ever dated any East Asian women, other than your Vietnamese ex-gf from college? Filipinas don't count for now.
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Post by momopi »

Winston wrote: I just realized something. You are either wrong or you misunderstood me in regard to Yosemite. I am not just talking about national parks. I am talking about TYPICAL scenery in general. You don't need to go to a national park to see beautiful scenery or nature. You know that. Come on now. Thus, your argument doesn't hold water. All over the state of Arizona, for example, you can see beautiful scenery, even on the interstate. Same with Utah, Colorado, Washington, Montana, etc. I drove through those states so I know. You can also see open pastures and fields, like in Western movies. And in England, you can see green rolling hills in the countryside. Even films portray this.
I've worked as a 100% traveling consultant, visiting ~30 US States and 5 Canadian provinces. In North Bay Ontario, I'd see lots of snow and look for ice fishing instead of "green rolling hills". In Ohio, I'd see lots of corn fields and look for Amish restaurants, not Arizona desert scenery. In Logan Utah, I try not to breath the air too much (worst air quality in the nation) and visit the local diary for smoked cheese curds. In Grand Junction Colorado I look for the oddball wineries and not snorkeling. John Wayne obviously did not make his western movies in Taiwan, if he had, he'd have been planting rice in a rice paddy and soaking in a hot springs in the movies.

So, why are you in Taiwan looking for things that are not there, instead of enjoying the things that are there? When I'm in TW, I visit Wulai hot springs for a hike in the mountains, soak in the hot springs, and eat the onsen tamago and grilled boar sausages. At Yilan ayu fish farm I eat grilled ayu fish. At shrimp ponds I drink beer, catch shrimp, then grill them with salt. At the beach I go snorkeling and fishing. At Shida night market I eat the hot marinated foods. At Shilin night market I get the cow tongue shaped pastry. At Keelung Temple area I get the tempura. At Yilan I go to Chiaohsi for a soak in the cold springs and eat wengyao roast chicken. I'm sure you can find vegetarian options somewhere. And before you say "all you do is eat", if Taiwanese weren't preoccupied with food, the food wouldn't be as good.



Winston wrote: 1. Guess what? Yesterday I told my doctor in Taiwan that I was depressed in Taiwan because young people here can't hold a normal conversation and are empty on the inside. Guess what? HE TOLD MY PARENTS THAT I WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THAT?!
2. Also, I recently introduced Rock to the friendliest girl I know in Taipei. He called her and met up with her. And guess what? He said that she was not engaging and had trouble holding a conversation with her. So even Rock, our expert on Taiwanese girls, could not hold a conversation with a non-engaging Taiwanese girl. He said that she fit my stereotype of Taiwanese girls. So now he knows what I'm talking about, though he probably did before as well.
How do you explain that?
As I've already stated many times, I do not live in Taiwan. My method is to meet (or be introduced to) the girl, then chat her up over several months on the internet via IM and Skype. It's a simple test, if she's not interested or you didn't "click" with her, she'd be non-engaging, you'd have trouble holding a conversation, and she'd simply drop off. But if you hit it off with her, then you can blab on the phone until wee hours of the morning. Years ago when I used calling cards, I'd burn through the card chatting with a girl in TW, SG, or MY.

Winston wrote: 3. Also, guess what? Last night I talked to two women in China on the phone, and it was very refreshing. The conversation was MEANINGFUL and I felt like I was talking to a REAL SOUL, not a plastic mannequin like in Taiwan. Wow! One of the women even talked to Rock before (I called her from his iphone and had her talk to Rock once) and Rock agreed that she was very authentic and intelligent.
Momopi, one serious question for you. Can you give me a serious logical answer to why I can hold conversations with China girls so easily, but not with Taiwanese girls? How come with Taiwanese girls, it's like hitting a blank wall? There's nothing to say and I can't get them to be engaging or generate any meaningful dialogue with them. Even my cousin's daughter could not say anything to me beyond "yes I'm from Taipei" on Facebook. After that, she ignored me.
So how do you do it? What's your trick to holding conversations with your Taiwanese exes? What would Jay Leno do if he were interviewing a typical non-engaging Taiwanese girl who can't hold a decent conversation?
So how do you explain this difference? If the problem is me (which I KNOW it is not) then how come I can hold meaningful conversations with girls in China easily? I challenge you to give me a SERIOUS DIRECT LOGICAL answer to this. (without sidetracking)
The dictionary defines the word "trick" as intending to deceive or cheat. I've already explained my simple method (repeated again above) many, many times. Does my method imply any trick or deception? If a girl isn't interested, she'd simply drops off and I move on to the next girl. If I hit it off with the girl, then we might be blabbing about all kinds of stuff for the next 2+ hours. If she decides to visit and stay with me in CA, she knows exactly what she is getting into when she packed her lingerie.

If you "hit it off" with girls in China better, then you should be in China and not wasting your time in TW. If your plan for 2013 is to continue writing how much you dislike TW and ask "why why why", go look at yourself in the mirror and observe how much you've aged. If you want to know "why the difference", go to China and seek the answer yourself. I do not speak for you, your family, the women that you interact with, define what you think is meaningful, or define what having a "real soul" means (I don't even believe in souls, and I think "inner life" is an oxymoron). If you have a question about why someone act in a certain way, you should ask that person directly. If I wanted to know why my dry cleaner used medium starch on my shirt, I'd ask him directly and not challenge you to provide a "SERIOUS DIRECT LOGICAL answer without sidetracking". I am not your cousin or your cousin's daughter. If you want to know why your cousin's daughter ignored your e-mail or facebook message, you should go visit and ask her yourself.

As for "how do you do it", I assume you're asking what I DO. Say if I meet a girl, and I just read on the papers that a Chinese tourism show ran a survey for "50 places to visit in your life", the top 5 destinations were:


1. Xizang (Tibet)
2. Aegean Sea
3. Provence, France
4. North Pole (?!)
5. Paris, France

This newspaper article is a conversation piece, the destinations listed and their order of preference is a conversation piece, I've been to Paris, so that's a conversation piece.

Winston wrote: 4. Finally, how come even you are more friendly to me than my Taiwanese cousins and their children? For instance, you usually answer my emails. But my cousins and relatives don't. For some reason, it seems that when my cousins and their kids were little, they were open and friendly to me. But once they grew up as adults, they become stuck up and closed. Why is that? Why do friendly playful kids have to become stuck up, closed and cold when the grow up? Isn't that so sad?
Even you, Momopi, are friendlier to me than most of my own relatives. How can that be? Why are you not a typical stuck up middle class person like most people I know are?
Case in point: My cousin's daughter liked me a lot when she was little. She was open, friendly, playful and even cried when I left. But now that she's grown up, she's stuck up, closed and unfriendly. When I wrote her on Facebook by accident, the only thing she wrote back to me was "yes I'm from Taipei". But after that she stopped responding and now just ignores me.
Isn't that so sad? Why can't people be friendly to me when they grow up, like people in movies are? Doesn't that suck? How come on TV, people remain friends after they grow up, but not in my life? WTF? It's sad when I see characters on TV and in movies say "Remember when we were kids..." How come I have no one to share such memories with? WTF?
Can you write her on Facebook and see if you can engage any conversation or dialogue with her? You are good at holding conversation with Taiwanese females right? How come you can but I can't? I definitely am very engaging. Everyone here knows that. So what's the problem?
And how come you aren't as stuck up to me as my cousins are? You are just as well off as they are. How come you write back and talk to me, whereas they don't?
Thanks in advance for your responses.
I do not speak for your relatives or their children. For me, I'm the eldest "boss" of my cousins from my mother's side of family, and if any of them dared to ignore me, I'd go kick their as$. My background is not "middle class" or "urban", I am from rural Changhua. The few years I spent in Taipei was damaging to my physical health. My parents never attended universities. When we immigrated to the US, my father worked in the grocery department of a Chinese supermarket, and my mother in a restaurant. At 16 I was pushing shopping carts. I may have a white collar job today, but I am from a blue collar family.

When my cousins come to the US, they report various family matters worthy of mention and we gossip for a few hours on the subject, before moving to other things. I got my respect from changing my cousin's diapers and whacking them when they were young. I am also responsible for looking after their welfare. If sh*t hits the fan in TW and they bug out to the US, I can put a roof over their heads. My childhood memories consists of washing my cousin's dirty diapers with a wooden washboard with my grandmother.

Winston wrote: Can you write her on Facebook and see if you can engage any conversation or dialogue with her? You are good at holding conversation with Taiwanese females right? How come you can but I can't? I definitely am very engaging. Everyone here knows that. So what's the problem?
If I haven't made this clear enough, let me repeat. If you have a problem with your family member, that's your problem. You want to know what your cousin or niece's problem is, go visit them in-person and discuss it. Back when I was in TW, if I talked to one of my younger cousins and he/she did not pay attention, I'd smack him/her. At the same time, they were my responsibility and if something happens to one of them (say, get hit by a car under my watch), I'd have been punished severely for it. So if I said "do not play in the street" or "do not play with that firecracker", I expect my orders to be obeyed.
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Post by celery2010 »

A few points here:


1. You are speaking to s pre-selected group of Chinese. Chinese girls who want to speak with foreigners. If you go to China, you will also find people who are not so interested in speaking to foreigners, but they don't frequent dating sites that cater to foreigners, do they?

Due to the isolation and large size, some people from China, generally speaking really enjoy speaking to foreigners, more so than most people from other countries. (You will also find this in India).

In other words, this is something that is unique to China due to its isolation, and
A. A reason why foreigners tend to do so well in China
B. And why we recommend you go there.
C. And yes, this even applies to overseas Chinese and other asians


Taiwan also has all different kinds of people. People who are busy with work and family, non-social types, conservative types, people who like to travel, people who are non-mainstream.

Personally, while traveling ( I realize that it is much easier to meet people while traveling than while not traveling) i did not find it too horribly difficult to meet women. However:

A. I did find it easier to speak with more open minded girls (often they worked at hostels, unsurprisingly.)
B. I had to approach usually, ask them questions and get them intrigued. Try to ask open ended questions or strong comments that will get them talking.

For example, about 10 years ago, i met two German girls, one from the west and one from the east. I made a strong comment that people from the east were naive, didn't know what they were doing ,etc. It got the girls intrigued and they couldn't stop talking to me because they wanted to know more. They wanted to hang out with me because they were unbelievably curious and wanted to find out more. That's your chance to shine.

C. When meeting more shy girls, you often have to push them. Don't forget to later take away the invitation so that they will want it more.

D. Some girls WERE rude or not very open or nice, but who cares, just move on to the repsonsive ones. BTW, every country has rude or unresponsive girls.

Similarly, i believe that you should specifically seek two kind of people.
A) Taiwanese who like to travel and those who seek to meet foreigners
B) Non-mainstream Taiwanese

Even in America, i would recommend, for some people, that they try to seek seek non-mainstream people rather than mainstream people.

I would recommend you try Taiwanese dating sites, maybe social networking/dating sites like Badoo or Chinasmack personals.

But more importantly, i would recommend you target local Facebook groups or meetup groups in Taichung or maybe even Taipei or Kaohsiung. You should target people interested in travel and non-mainstream Taiwanese. You will need assistance navigating the Internet in Chinese, get someone to help you.

Your location is honestly, a real handicap.

Finally, maybe you should try countries that have a more open or westernized culture, like Hong Kong/ Singapore, the Philippines or Thailand/Malaysia/Cambodia.
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Post by celery2010 »

I completely disagree that you cannot find open fields and rolling pasture in Taiwan. If you want to compare go to China. Taiwan is PRISTINE compared to Mainland China.

With the exception that there are some fairly industrial areas on the west coast of Taiwan, (incidentally the worst in your local area unfortunately), Taiwan has some of the best nature in Asia. High mountains, beautiful coastline and quite unspoilt on the east coast.

Have you been to Taroko Gorge yet? You can't tell me that that area is NOT unspoilt nature. It also rivals many places in the Western United States.

You didn't think that Alishan was unspoilt? It's virtually unpopulated. Try to visit someplace that is not a "major" tourist place (not packed with package tours of Mainlanders)

Again i recommend you also visit the Southeast coast. It's very nice, and i have visited most major spots in Asia, North America, Europe and some in Latin America.

Taiwan has a very surprising amount of diversity for such a small island. Two coastlines, several large mountain ranges and a very different climactic profile in Taipei and Kenting or Kaohsiung.

Not only that, you could easily take an express train or bus and easily get away every single weekend for a very reasonable expense and effort.

Lastly, i do not doubt that Taiwan is oppressively hot from May to September, but i was there in April and it was not that bad-- not oppressively hot yet.
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Post by Winston »

Check out what this cute Taiwanese girl I met on OkCupid told me about how she was happier in Australia than Taiwan:
"And I have to say. I don't understand this place too!! I was much happier n free when I was in OZ. In TW, there are so many rules. Well I mean the rules in everyone's mind. Like if u don't think like what they think, u r called a freak. Sorry even I'm Taiwanese, I don't like some culture here. Especially the "restrictions" of one's mind. Also, when u work here, colleagues are hard to be frds, even u guys talks a lot but when shit happened, they become ur enemies straight away. Maybe this happens everywhere, I don't know. I always feel hard to make new frds here. Ppl are nicer in OZ. So somehow I can understand how u feel!"
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: Why Taiwan Sucks - My Complaints and No Win Situation

Post by eurobrat »

Last edited by eurobrat on May 27th, 2013, 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why Taiwan Sucks - My Complaints and No Win Situation

Post by WiseTruth »

eurobrat wrote:
Winston wrote:I just want to make a vehement rant:

WOW Winston... It took you 5 years to figure this out! 5 years man!

*Pats Winston on back*

"Good job mate".
It took him 5 years to move out of Angeles City. Most guys would have been climbing the walls after about a week.
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Re: Why Taiwan Sucks - My Complaints and No Win Situation

Post by eurobrat »

Last edited by eurobrat on May 27th, 2013, 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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