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Why do Filipinos NEVER share costs with foreigners or treat?!

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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Falcon »

Look, I suggest that one, or a few, of us go down to Angeles and meet up with Dianne and Angelo. Not only can we document their lives and opinions, but we can also form a support group.


I visited them back in 2013 and they really appreciated it. But I realize that maybe I could do a bit more. Next year I'm free to visit the Philippines, so a Wu / Gonzales family visit is on my mind as well.

Winston doesn't necessarily respond to talk that much. Action is what's gonna really make much more of a difference.

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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Yohan »

MarcosZeitola wrote:I just don't understand it...
And the plot just thickens. I read this old thread and it's very disturbing. Can anyone inform me whether or not this is true?
Thanks for this link and some comments written by Winston himself are indeed very much disturbing, they are heartless and rude.
As a father myself, with 2 adult daughters and one Filipina foster daughter it hurts me deeply to read something like this.

I wonder what his son will think about him should he ever read this comment...
Winston » Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:48 am
I would much rather have had a girl. They are much cuter, prettier and easier to get along with. I vibe better and get along with girls better. Their personality complements mine better.

For a parent to give up all his freedom and become a slave to a child seems pointless. What do we get out of it? If nothing, then why should I put up with all the hindrance to my freedom and privacy? Nature forgot to give parents any reward for this to make putting up with it worth it. It's not worth it, bottom line. It defies logic.

Having children in reality is one of the worst things that can happen to you. I just wrote my ultimate essay on children. Wait til you guys see it. It will blow your socks off and put everything in perspective.

But on the other hand, if you don't have them, you will feel empty and incomplete. Nature hardwires you to want them. That's why I had one. So I guess this is a case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't". I would regret it either way.

Oh well, I guess the challenge now is to find a balance which saves me from both miseries - of not having a child vs. having one. I guess I'm fortunate that he lives in a third world country where costs of living can be cheap.
To write something like that and to put it openly on the internet which can be read now by his son, who is maybe 7 years old, is really very bad, it's disgusting unloving behavior. There is no excuse for that.

I became a deeply convinced MRA/MGTOW, I was badly treated by women in my past as a child up to my adulthood.

About Dianne, simply said, women have a choice and should choose their boyfriends more carefully especially in case of possible pregnancy when they have sex with them.

Men do not have this choice. Men outnumber women easily 10:1 or more when facing the dating scene. There are many men everywhere who are honest and looking out in vain for a nice girlfriend for a long term relationship.

Sorry, but I don't care really much about Dianne and other women in a similar situation. I don't care what Winston is writing about his ex-girlfriend. I know it sounds rather harsh, but this is my opinion.

However what he writes about his own son... I better close my eyes, sometimes I can cry...

The last sentence is really the worst of the worst....
both miseries - of not having a child vs. having one. I guess I'm fortunate that he lives in a third world country where costs of living can be cheap.
What kind of a father is that?

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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by davewe »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
There are many members here who have kept blogs about their personal lives, and those blogs did not contain anything that would harm their children or loved ones from reading it. I myself am a writer, and I would like to keep memoirs one day detailing things from my life. I'd keep them not to please strangers, but primarily for my own family and friends to read once I'm gone... I like the thought of my sons, daughters, even my grandchildren reading such stories and thinking of me fondly. Or discovering a side of me they had not seen before. If they do so, I would like that side of me to be something positive.
This takes the conversation in a totally different, but interesting, direction. In this era of social media where everything you write or think is saved for posterity, what you write can be seen by your loved ones, now and in the future.

Some people choose to carefully remain anonymous, protecting their true ID from their social media ID; others choose to simply not involve themselves in the social media at all.

In the end we all have to decide how honest we are going to be, knowing that friends and relatives might see what we've written.

I had an odd experience which I wrote about a few months ago. I blog and don't hide myself on forums like this one. My ex-wife (9 years apart) "outed" me with my teenagers, telling them some of what I had written. I told my teens I was happy to have them read my blog and didn't feel I had anything to hide or be ashamed of. Yet, we have all said and written things that taken out of context might hurt someone. It's a tough choice - hide or say nothing of substance - or be yourself and take some consequences.

I also did a video recently about the possibility of having a baby at my "advanced" age. Most people liked it but I had a friend attack me because the video did not talk much about my existing kids. I reminded her that the existing kid was a college sophomore and could hopefully handle it.

But it's a tough decision to make and those of us in this HA movement might certainly get criticized by friends and relatives for what we do.

This is not to let Winston off the hook. What he has said about Diane, Angelo and Filipinos in general is way beyond a slightly embarrassing story you might tell on FB or here on HA.

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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Falcon »

What's even more puzzling is to be so selfish solely in order to jump back into the repressive culture that you fought so hard to escape from. Ultimately most Chinese women will want you to be a boring conformist chump who isn't even allowed to think outside the box, while Filipinas tend to be much more laid-back about that kind of stuff.

Soft, delicate skin? Sophisticated? Refined? Come on now, let's be practical, and not continue to dream in Fantasyland.

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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by smallcheese »

Falcon wrote:What's even more puzzling is to be so selfish solely in order to jump back into the repressive culture that you fought so hard to escape from. Ultimately most Chinese women will want you to be a boring conformist chump who isn't even allowed to think outside the box, while Filipinas tend to be much more laid-back about that kind of stuff.

Soft, delicate skin? Sophisticated? Refined? Come on now, let's be practical, and not continue to dream in Fantasyland.
I haven't been here in months as I've been in the U.S. but in catching up, I find that things haven't changed here much. In fact Winston seems to be worse than ever before. Now he's claiming that the Chinese are superior to Filipinos because of genetics??? And as usual, Winston is complaining about Dianne again, this time because she doesn't contribute a single peso to the costs of raising his son. And of course, he has to disparage Filipino society at the same time because he's lived in Angeles City for a few years so he's an expert in how Filipinos think and behave.
Winston wrote:I hate how dianne cant contribute any money at all, not even one peso of her own money to anything. She has to depend on me to pay 100 percent of everything. Its ridiculous and extreme.
Rock wrote:Out of the blue, I got a call today from Dianne. She told me she does contribute financially sometimes and is earning some money now. She has a small business where she buys ingredients at the market then sells sandwiches, puddings, etc. She can net as much as P500 a day from this.
Someone is lying here. I would tend to believe Dianne more than Winston.

Why can't anyone here just state the obvious truth here and be intellectually honest. Winston is a racist. Pure and simple. He indicts himself through his own words:
Winston wrote:I'm just stating the truth and my honest observations. Filipinas are less intelligent and have lower quality skin and genetics than Chinese. Everyone in Asia knows this.
To be more precise, I think he is a scientific racist. A person who uses scientific techniques and hypotheses to support or justify the belief in racism, racial inferiority or racial superiority. And by proclaiming that he wants to marry only a Chinese woman now, I think Winston believes in eugenics, the application of Darwinism to society. I guess he doesn't want to pollute the Chinese bloodlines anymore, even though he's already done that by having a child with a Filipina. Hence his quixotic quest to find a Chinese woman who will fall in love with him and marry him.

I respect Winston for starting this forum to help men who feel lost and unloved in Westernized societies. But based on what I know of him now, I have no respect for him as a man or as a human being.

Besides being racist, look at what he's written in this forum and see how often he denigrates Dianne, the mother of his son. Look at how he insults Filipinos and in essence, his own son. As Yohan said, what Winston said about his own son is disgusting. It's repulsive, repugnant and unforgiveable. Published words from Winston that will haunt him for the rest of his life. It wasn't always this way. Read threads from the beginning about how it was when he first got to the Philippines. Now read what he says about Filipinos. Hypocrite? What better example of one than Winston?

Look at his own words where he admits that he didn't want a child but "nature hardwires you to want them." What kind of stupidity is that??? He had no free will and was compelled to ask Dianne to bear him a child? He had no choice? What kind of a "man" is he that he couldn't control his own sperm? Total nonsense!!! Winston took advantage of a young, naive and ultimately foolish teen who believed him when he said he loved her. And he had to have a child with her.

Winston destroyed her life, leaving her with the responsibility of raising his son by herself while he goes around China, looking for the next fool to fall for his lies. Dianne has to constantly beg Winston to send her money because he's not always on time with his support. If he wanted to, Winston could easily set it up so it would be a non issue. Rock told him exactly how to do this and he's right. I know because I've set up my own account in BDO and it's not that difficult to do. But Winston said he already has a BDO account so what's the problem??? The honest truth is that Winston really doesn't want to part with his money. Winston is always and forever, trying to justify his own actions, forsake his responsibilities by blaming anyone, anything, other than himself. But he always tries to hide this by stating how he tried but somehow it couldn't get done. Excuses, excuses, excuses ....

Falcon, you're wasting your breath if you think your words, my words or anyone's words has any effect on Winston. He doesn't care. He's a free thinker, remember? All he cares about is me, me, me. He's one of the most selfish, narcissistic and arrogant people I've ever come across. Forever complaining, whining about all the bad things that happen to him in his life, never taking responsibilities for his own actions. How he's always right and everyone else is wrong. And if he disagrees with you, he'll try to insult you, disparage you in profanity laced diatribes. Winston will never change and I believe he's a lost cause, doomed to wander the Earth in search of true love and happiness but never, ever finding it. Even if he finds a Chinese woman foolish enough to marry him, I believe that in the end, Winston will regret it immensely. But this time by marrying a Chinese woman, he won't be able to escape and he will live out the rest of his life in absolute misery. But hey, that's what he deserves.
Winston wrote: Ive been visiting the big Buddhist monastery on the mountain the last few days and cleansing my karma in prayer and chanting.
Rock wrote: Now you've just been to the Tibetan monastery to correct your bad Karma. But perhaps there is a critical follow-up exercise if you really want to get Mr. Murphy mostly out of your life. Step-up a bit more, appreciate what you have, and do much better as a dad to Angelo and friend/co-parent to Dianne. It's very likely that you will not have another child so Angelo is it and Dianne is your baby momma. Chinese girls by and large are not foolish enough to have a child with the likes of you given your character, track record, and age.
I actually laughed out loud when I read that Winston was going to a Buddhist monastery and trying to cleanse his karma by praying and chanting. Are you kidding me ???? Does Winston really believe that by simply going to a monastery and chanting a few prayers (and maybe throwing in a few Hail Marys too :-)) that his bad karma will suddenly change for the better? That's not going to happen, believe me! A few prayers and chants will not change a lifetime of negative actions by Winston.

I'm no expert in Buddhism but I believe in some of its core tenets. Buddhism is a philosophy of total personal responsibility. Buddhists believe that you have the ability to control your own destiny, including the state of your mind and body, through your own action or karma. Karma is the creator of all happiness and suffering. All of our actions lay down imprints on our mind stream, which have the potential to ripen at some time in the future. These actions can be positive, negative or neutral. These karmic seeds are never lost. The negative ones can ripen at any time in the form of problems or sickness; the positive ones in the form of happiness, health or success.

According to Buddhism, the basic root of a person's problems is selfishness, what they call "the inner enemy". Selfishness causes us to engage in negative actions, which place negative imprints on the mind stream. These negative actions can be of body, speech or mind, such as thoughts of jealousy, anger and greed.

Selfish thoughts also increase pride, which results in feelings of jealousy towards those higher than us, superiority towards those lower than us and competitiveness towards equals. These feelings in turn result in an unhappy mind, a mind that is without peace. On the other hand, thoughts and actions directed to the well-being of others bring happiness and peace to the mind.

What Rock recommended to Winston is a good start towards cleansing his karma, but based on what I've read on this forum, I think Winston needs to do much, much more if he wants to change his karma towards positive. How much more? I don't know. But it seems clear to me that Winston has a lot of negative karma to overcome. Simply praying and chanting isn't going to change anything.
Rock wrote:Dianne is there for you, to give you her time and and even body whenever you want it and raise your child while you are away.
NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!!!!! Please tell me Dianne, that this is not true! Don't be stupid enough to ever give your body to Winston again. After all that he's done to you already??

Dianne, if you are reading this, here's my advice to you. Forget about Winston and give up any foolish thoughts that he might someday come back to you. He won't, and even if he does, he doesn't deserve you and he is not the type of man you want as a role model for your son, Angelo. You made a terrible, terrible mistake once by believing Winston when he told you that he loved you and he wanted to have a child with you. Don't compound your mistake and make it worse by waiting hopelessly for him.

Meet or talk with Winston once and for all and set up a monthly, regular payment schedule. Winston said in a previous thread that he already has a BDO account. If you already have one too, then it shouldn't be difficult for him to send you money. It can all be done online. If Winston was smart, he would park at least a year's worth of money in his BDO account and then he could transfer money to you every month without having to pay exorbitant bank fees.

Then find a good man who will accept you for who you are and will accept that you have a son with another man. I know that sounds like an impossible task but it's not! Yes, most men will not be looking to marry a single woman who has a child already but not all men. There are men out there who will marry you, but you may have to expand your criteria in terms of acceptable men. For example, there is a large population of divorced fathers in the world and some of them may be suitable for you. But you'll never find out, if you sit around and do nothing. Forget about Winston! He's just the biological father. Find yourself a real man who will be good to you and your son. If not for your own sake, then for Angelo's sake. Angelo is truly the only innocent victim here so it's up to you to find a father who will be worthy of him. It's not too late for you!

How do I know this? From my own personal experiences. I am a Chinese American and I was married for years to a Chinese woman before and the best thing that I got out of the marriage were my two boys. But I believe that because my good karma outweighed my bad karma, I was able to find love again and I am happily married now to a Filipina. A good woman who doesn't care about my past and loves and accepts me and my boys in spite of all of my past mistakes.

Things can change for the better Dianne. You seem like a good, responsible mother who loves her son dearly and there are men in the world who will appreciate and love a woman like yourself. But you have to take a chance on life again and put yourself out there so that a good man will find you. All you need to find is one good man. Forget all of the naysayers who think negatively and say it can't be done. They're wrong. You control your own karma. Anything is possible if you try!

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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Falcon »

How do I know this? From my own personal experiences. I am a Chinese American and I was married for years to a Chinese woman before and the best thing that I got out of the marriage were my two boys. But I believe that because my good karma outweighed my bad karma, I was able to find love again and I am happily married now to a Filipina. A good woman who doesn't care about my past and loves and accepts me and my boys in spite of all of my past mistakes.
What's it like for a Chinese American to be married to a woman born and raised in Mainland China? I assume she would be a college-educated, wealthier type. I can imagine that it would difficult for the more freethinking types like me and Winston to be married to one, but perhaps you're doing well with a Chinese wife.

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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by smallcheese »

Falcon wrote:
How do I know this? From my own personal experiences. I am a Chinese American and I was married for years to a Chinese woman before and the best thing that I got out of the marriage were my two boys. But I believe that because my good karma outweighed my bad karma, I was able to find love again and I am happily married now to a Filipina. A good woman who doesn't care about my past and loves and accepts me and my boys in spite of all of my past mistakes.
What's it like for a Chinese American to be married to a woman born and raised in Mainland China? I assume she would be a college-educated, wealthier type. I can imagine that it would difficult for the more freethinking types like me and Winston to be married to one, but perhaps you're doing well with a Chinese wife.
Actually if you read what I wrote, you'll note that I am NOT married anymore to a Chinese woman. Yes she was college educated but not wealthier. In retrospect, it was the biggest mistake of my life to marry her. I should have waited longer to discover her true nature. But at least I got two boys out of the marriage and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Falcon »

Oh yes, somehow I glanced over the part where you said you got married to a Filipina afterwards, not another Chinese woman.

That was why I was asking Winston and Rock how I could find a type like Dianne. Winston and others were bemused and were asking me why I don't aim higher and go for a "light-skinned, delicate, refined, sophisticated, leggy ... blah blah blah" Chinese lady. But for me, it's not about some white leg fetish. It's about compatibility, especially how the two of us would get along as partners.

Winston's really lucky in my opinion. I'd totally take a such a genuine, easygoing, warm-hearted wife like Dianne.

I wonder if you posted about your Chinese wife vs. Filipina wife experience somewhere. How you found them, how the relationship progressed later on, and so on. This would be a great story for Winston and me to read about.
Last edited by Falcon on September 22nd, 2015, 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Jonny Law »

-Warning Bullshit Alert-
"To be more precise, I think he is a scientific racist. A person who uses scientific techniques and hypotheses to support or justify the belief in racism, racial inferiority or racial superiority. And by proclaiming that he wants to marry only a Chinese woman now, I think Winston believes in eugenics, the application of Darwinism to society. I guess he doesn't want to pollute the Chinese bloodlines anymore, even though he's already done that by having a child with a Filipina. Hence his quixotic quest to find a Chinese woman who will fall in love with him and marry him."

Hmmmm Scientific Racism. Okay if all f***ing cultures and people are the same. Why do so many people here go Overseas? Claiming Scientific Racism is a great tactic for ignorant pieces of shit. This way you do not have to look at Facts or Reality.

If you would get off your lazy ass and get back overseas you will notice: CHICKS ARE f***ing BETTER THAN AMERICAN ONES.

Ok Mr. Small Cheese, I realize you have been hurt in the past by Chinese chicks.

Here is a list of the countries with the highest IQs. In bold are countries with a majority Chinese population.
Hong Kong 109
Singapore 109
North Korea 106
South Korea 106
Japan 106
People' Republic of China 106
Taiwan 106

In my professional opinion Filipinas are the best to be married to. No sarcasm here. From my personal experience I personally and happiest with them.
Last edited by Jonny Law on September 22nd, 2015, 8:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Falcon »

In my professional opinion Filipinas are the best to be married to.
Are you being sarcastic or not?

Intelligent Chinese women can do a lot of harm if they were to use their wits to make a man's life miserable, much more so than simple-minded women.

Remember, Germany and Japan were full of geniuses, and they used their smarts to become the world's most brutal, efficient killing machines.

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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Jonny Law »

Falcon wrote:
In my professional opinion Filipinas are the best to be married to.
Are you being sarcastic or not?

Intelligent Chinese women can do a lot of harm if they were to use their wits to make a man's life miserable, much more so than simple-minded women.

Remember, Germany and Japan were full of geniuses, and they used their smarts to become the world's most brutal, efficient killing machines.
Filipinas are awesome. Just look at how happy these ugly bottom of the barrel guys are with Filipinas.

Scientific Racism, just look at the fact in internet is filled with happily married Pinays and Whites.

The internet is surprisingly empty of happily married Chinese and Whites.

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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Yohan »

Jonny Law wrote:... look at the fact in internet is filled with happily married Pinays and Whites.
The internet is surprisingly empty of happily married Chinese and Whites.
This is true, but what might be the reason for that? There are plenty more Chinese than Filipinos in this world.

As far as I can see here in Japan, Chinese people prefer to marry Chinese - they are looking often when interested to relocate to find contact with overseas Chinese.

Chinese people, in far larger numbers than Filipinos settle down overseas almost everywhere and they create quickly something like a 'Chinatown' to meet each other in foreign countries for business but also for meeting each other.

Take a look to UK, Canada, USA, France etc. etc. Of course also here in Japan, like the very large ChinaTown in nearby Yokohama, not far from Tokyo.

I never heard something about a Filipino-town, and the only meetings here in Japan, despite the Philippine community is rather large (no. 4 of all foreigners after the Koreans, Chinese and Brazilians) are usually on Sunday in some churches, Catholic, or LDS etc.

Marriages etc. among Chinese, you will find something on the internet, but usually not in English language.
To prefer Chinese to English while talking about private matters is quite popular among many overseas Chinese.

Of course there are UK-Chinese and USA-Chinese etc. who cannot write/read Chinese anymore, but are native English speakers. However for them too, it is useful to learn some Chinese if they look for contacts with mainland-China.

Philippine people however are using English often and do not mind to talk to foreigners of different ethnic background for marriage, that's maybe the reason you find quite a lot of references about them on the internet.

It should be noticed that many Western social websites are blocked in China, but in Philippines this is not the case.

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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Jonny Law »

Winston wrote:Guys,
The average salary in the Philippines is 300p a day, about 7 dollars a day, which comes out to less than 200 dollars a month. How do Filipinos survive on that? How come other Filipino families can survive on that, but Dianne can't? I keep asking her how other Filipinos survive on such a salary and she can't, and she refuses to answer. Why? Can any of you answer for her? I've been asking these questions for years. Why can't I get logical answers to them?
In my professional opinion:
Filipinas are whores, that is how they support themselves. And that is why they do not say and give away their secret.

The Pinays I talk to say that they borrow money from friends or neighbors. I guess they live off of each other. My guess is that this is only possible because the girls do sexual favors.

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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by OutWest »

Jonny Law wrote:
Winston wrote:Guys,
The average salary in the Philippines is 300p a day, about 7 dollars a day, which comes out to less than 200 dollars a month. How do Filipinos survive on that? How come other Filipino families can survive on that, but Dianne can't? I keep asking her how other Filipinos survive on such a salary and she can't, and she refuses to answer. Why? Can any of you answer for her? I've been asking these questions for years. Why can't I get logical answers to them?
Filipinas are whores, that is how they support themselves. And that is why they do not say and give away their secret.
Call center workers for example, do not make 200 per month. In metroanila, call center workers make from about P20,000 to P50,000 monthly. Any kind of skilled professionals are not making just. P9000 (about $200) per month. Even in the provinces I know taxi drivers that make a lot more than 200 monthly.

How much time have you spent in the Philippines?
If you are the average Western male, you will not get beyond whoretown AC , and afterwards, complain about the Philippines and filipinas being whore$. After all, ho- town is where the "action" is, right?

Most Western men in the Philippines are just dirtbags, who deserve what they get. To have lived in the Philippines, and not know that $200 monthly income is poverty level, is amazing. Families that do better on low salaries may have 3 or 4 wage earners in the same household, so their actual family income is 6 or 7 hundred monthly or more.

It's not hard to figure out what things cost, if one is really interested. Mr S is likely a very good source of info for costs around metro Manila, and I can tell you, that a woman with a child and only $200 monthly is living in poverty even far removed from manila, as in CDO.

It's not our business of course, what Winston pays Dianne. If she earns some money herself, add a couple of hundred to that, and she is likely doing better than many.

The question for Winston of course, is how do you want your son to live? In poverty? I don't think you do. From all reports, Dianne does a pretty good job of raising your son.
That is worth a lot. With any flaws she may have, as per Rock's reports and others, your son is lucky to have her as his mother. One cannot separate the welfare of son and mother in this case. I'm sure over time, you DO want both of them to be OK.

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Re: Why do Dianne and Filipinos NEVER share any costs?!

Post by Jonny Law »

Dear Sir Winston,

Do not allow your son to live in poverty. Instead have your son live with you. And in the end you will be a happier man.

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