High rates of hispanic women suicide in the U.S proves this?

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High rates of hispanic women suicide in the U.S proves this?

Post by BlueEverglades »

Latinas have the highest rates of suicidal behavior compared to African American and non-Hispanic White adolescent females.Latinas involves the convergence of cultural and familial factors (i.e., familism, acculturation, relatedness, autonomy, etc.) with the developmental, social, and individual factors frequently associated with suicidal behaviors. Being latina myself I understand what this is all about. I tried suicide when moving to this country and seeing how the game is played and not liking it at all. Clashing cultural factors from their original cultures and U.S is the main reason why. I realized everything I was told about the U.S was a lie including:

1. You can be successful if you really want to! Nope, you need loads of cash, lots of connections to start your own business and you can't get that money without a job..but you can't a job without experience and you can't get experience without a job. It's a vicious circle labyrinth and getting a degree doesn't guarantee a thing anymore. In fact 56% of the graduates at my University are unemployed in this very moment. I have researched so many business opportunities in the internet only to find out after 2 hours of reading that it was a scam..or the return would be very little compared to what you need to put in. The definition of success it's very limited to just making big money, being a big shot, having this and that to prove that you indeed this and that. Family reunions are made just to ask a bunch of questions about your expected improved position in the world instead of enjoying each other. Education has a "cult" feeling to it in which being a doctor, lawyer, CEO are the only truly accepted as winners and all other careers are paid crap, laughed at under the pretension and cliche message that you can be whatever you want to be and it's going to be fine. You can be the happiest person living in a shack in the forest but to everyone else you are a drop out loser who needs to get real. Latin parents push and torture their kids to be conformists instead of their own person and that's how many mental disorders start to manifest.

2.) You can be yourself! Lies! As soon as you reveal your real self and it's not the perfect little package people want to hear they leave you behind.There are many unspoken rules regarding political correctness, saying and doing the right thing so much that honesty it's a stranger in conversations. This is because you are expected to be a whole package and not someone in the making who needs positive experiences to advance psychologically as a human being. This is why Americans hate "newbies" in games, jobs, schools because you are expected to be a professional awesome person straight out of a sitcom from the womb and not depend on anyone. Ironically, those really successful people depended on tons of people to be where they are right now.
They want someone who is stable and mentally sane but refuse to listen to you or make you worse than before by creating drama. You can't talk to them about anything... They send you to therapy sessions to later pick up the results of your improvements, refusing to acknowledge you when you are down and only coming around once the drama in your life is gone.
They provide no motivation, incentive or the most basic form of communication to make you feel that you matter, instead constant invalidation is thrown your way as a reminder you are not good enough yet..and probably never will. Most Americans have a really judgmental attitude and tell someone off their lives just because they have no car yet or lives with his/ her parents still.

3.)Dating is fun and exciting, it's easy to find love. The biggest lie of all even as a female! America it's one of those places you can be guaranteed to go your whole life without any romance and/or friendships and it would be totally ok and even encouraged. It would be made normal by organizations disguised as healthy promoters of new age beliefs "happiness is inside you anyways so why bother talking to your neighbor"Typing "I never had a boyfriend" in google would prove to you that many american women of all ages are also lonely and lacking in connections...and no they are not ugly or fat. People in general have too many options to choose from but no one seems to be really available for anything deeper than a martini or superficial encounter. Capitalism made sure to engineer all natural desires into a segregated compartmentalized individualized scramble of ants who don't need to speak to each other, look at each other, just don't need each other at all. The high depression, suicide and bad mental health of this country speaks fore itself it's one of the highest you will find in this world even after providing material and psychological tools to deal with these..it comes short to what we are really capable of ( connecting that is) In my home country students form long term relationships, it's not a big deal to study and give a damn about someone at the same time.It's ridiculous for them to hear how long we go single or lonely for no good reason at all than proving you are strong or independent just for the sake of it.

Here children are scolded for showing affection towards each other, the focus it's on competition. During college years we are told not to form relationships that could "hinder' our academic progress as if love didn't sculpt the intellect or helped with our overall condition. Just be casual they say..real love can wait until after your 30's or beyond but upon getting there they don't know what to do with themselves or how to be in a relationship as the formative years to learn are gone and the adult mind is kinda fixed on it's ways .Things don't just fall into place, they must be nurtured and cultivated and love as the last resort will become just that ..the last thing in your life to find. Why are Americans surprised their divorce rates are through the roof? They forgot to make a roof in the first place.

4.) The best country for women. I'm torn on this one...It's true women have lots of freedom but it comes to a price. You need to be cut throat bitch to get ahead..more sensible abstract minded women like me are screwed because they need to act very much like a man to get established and my core will always be feminine, introspective, artistic and all those qualities that people don't really appreciate here. Women in my home country had jobs and families but didn't need to act like this to get anywhere. I don't understand why I need to be super woman to have a decent life.

Overall there's a lack of fluidity and common sense in interactions, politics and people. My health got worse and experienced weird traumatizing things but still my parents think this is the best country in the world.All I want to do it's quit and travel around in a trailer after being burned by the education system, jobs, failed business starts and people....

Do you think Hispanics develop mental disorders as they try to assimilate to american culture and way of living?
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Re: High rates of hispanic women suicide in the U.S proves t

Post by zboy1 »

Overseas Asians also have high rates of mental illness and suicide. So, that proves that Asians 'going overseas' won't solve all their problems. Nor does it prove that living overseas is like winning the lottery--which so many gullible Asians tend to believe. Stay in Asia! I keep telling them that, but they think the outside world is 'paved-with-gold.' LOL!
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Re: High rates of hispanic women suicide in the U.S proves t

Post by jamesbond »

BlueEverglades wrote:3.)Dating is fun and exciting, it's easy to find love. The biggest lie of all even as a female! America it's one of those places you can be guaranteed to go your whole life without any romance and/or friendships and it would be totally ok and even encouraged.

Typing "I never had a boyfriend" in google would prove to you that many american women of all ages are also lonely and lacking in connections...and no they are not ugly or fat.
BlueEverglades, do you really think good looking women in America have a hard time meeting men or getting dates? In the USA, even fat and ugly girls get asked out a lot, so you can imagine how often the good looking girls get asked out.
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: High rates of hispanic women suicide in the U.S proves t

Post by Signet »

Fat/homely girls may get asked out depending on the location and how heavily skewed toward liberal mangina the population there is (or whether or not it has a truly absurd ratio of men/women). I think it's totally conceivable that it could be hard for a certain subset of the female population for many of the same reasons it's hard for men; unwillingness/inability to acclimate to the culture, issues with self-worth ("Were they flirting with me? No...nobody would ever flirt with me. They were just being friendly"), a very bad fit in the area where they live...or any of these things to some degree combined with unattractiveness.

Assuming the women don't just HATE American culture, the bar is verifiably set a lot lower for them, but there will still be those who fall through the cracks through some combination of luck/circumstance/personal struggles. However, I did actually google "I've never had a boyfriend" and most of the top results were not 'oh my god, I have no luck I'm such a loser' but rather 'none of the options I had were people I wanted to date.' I don't know if or how much of that oft-repeated sentiment is real, or simply an attempt to not look like unlovable bridge trolls when telling their story to strangers, but if it's the former, it comically misses the severity of where a lot of guys with the same complaint are at, which is more 'I've never been wanted by a single person or made to feel like I was worth something in my entire life.'

But really, we're not in the Terrible-Life-Situation Olympics.
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Re: High rates of hispanic women suicide in the U.S proves t

Post by Wolfeye »

BlueEverglades: You put it so good! I had a hard time nailing some of that down & was even having an argument with my grandmother about this today. I know I have had numerous problems with the dynamics of this society & that most of the women I've cared about have been latina to some degree or another, so maybe they've had issue with the various kinds of bullshit one runs into here.

I'll be signing off for now, but I'd like to post on this subject more tomorrow.
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Re: High rates of hispanic women suicide in the U.S proves t

Post by Wolfeye »

BlueEverglades: Hey, figured I'd post some more on the subject now that I have more time. I think there are several things that are at work in American society that might be an issue with latin culture (or any other one, really):

(1) Thinking by adjucation ("reality is what I say it is" thinking). This is a MAJOR one. I've noticed that frequently the people see themselves as something like screenwriters of reality & that the final piece to something being real is them certifying that it exists. If reality were really formed by recognition, nobody'd trip over anything in the dark or get hit by a car they didn't see coming, yet there's some weird belief to the contrary. I actually had a teacher try to convince us that reality was formed by recognition with that "If a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound?" question. He actually said that it doesn't! Does this mean that a deaf guy that didn't hear someone yell "TIMBER!" can't be crushed by a falling tree that he didn't know about? Of course not.

(2) Reflexive incongruency. Related to the one above. It's basically like when someone says "What if a bad guy did that?" whenever someone else makes a point about generating an inhospitable environment for attack (fighting back, escape, revenge). That would be an injustice, but there's no exchange of situation through imagination. Basing assessments of real situations on fictional conditions is antithetical to promoting justice & hospitable living conditions, yet this type of thinking is fostered at a VERY early age (I remember hearing this at 5 or 6 years old). It's prompting someone to project imaginary conditions to be observed, factored into the orientation of a decision, and then acted upon. f***ing-up someone's Boyd's Cycle ( or "OODA Loop") is a short way of putting it.

(3) "Pindoism." This is a slur for Americans that translates literally to "penguin," but it's meaning to convey a hapless creature that's very dependant on all kinds of gadgets & gizmos. This is a point, sure- but I think it's heavily related to the general urge to INDUCE. Whether it's trying to operate equipment or trying to operate people, there's a running theme of trying to "run" something. The tendancy to not let anyone be themselves or do things without outside involvement (even if it's just unofficial social approval), the MASSIVE amount of laws, the constant "grading" of things- all related to this trait, whatever you might want to call it.

(4) Arrogance. Kind of a background for all these things, but there's the situation of no problems ever being fixed because everyone's either to great to f**k-up (no self-recrimination or quality control) or is of too great a situation for any of these f**k-ups to be part of their life (their situation isn't including anything bad- "everything's fine"). I also think this is a big part of why they deviated SO far from other cultures- they were figuring that they couldn't be superior AND similar. Part of the whole "you ain't shit" mentality.

I think the concept that agreement is defeat is linked to one or more of these & approval would be seen in the same light. Ever notice how people don't seem to agree with someone else about ANYTHING? Their immediate response is to dispute something, even if it's not the way they really feel. They don't seem too fond of people having their own stance on something, either. It's like they're pissed-off that someone didn't have an "I don't know- could someone else tell me?" situation going on. Looking for an out-source, basically. Not a good sign.
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Re: High rates of hispanic women suicide in the U.S proves this?

Post by jamesbond »

BlueEverglades wrote:
April 9th, 2015, 1:17 pm
Latinas have the highest rates of suicidal behavior compared to African American and non-Hispanic White adolescent females.Latinas involves the convergence of cultural and familial factors (i.e., familism, acculturation, relatedness, autonomy, etc.) with the developmental, social, and individual factors frequently associated with suicidal behaviors. Being latina myself I understand what this is all about. I tried suicide when moving to this country and seeing how the game is played and not liking it at all. Clashing cultural factors from their original cultures and U.S is the main reason why. I realized everything I was told about the U.S was a lie including:

1. You can be successful if you really want to! Nope, you need loads of cash, lots of connections to start your own business and you can't get that money without a job..but you can't a job without experience and you can't get experience without a job. It's a vicious circle labyrinth and getting a degree doesn't guarantee a thing anymore. In fact 56% of the graduates at my University are unemployed in this very moment. I have researched so many business opportunities in the internet only to find out after 2 hours of reading that it was a scam..or the return would be very little compared to what you need to put in. The definition of success it's very limited to just making big money, being a big shot, having this and that to prove that you indeed this and that. Family reunions are made just to ask a bunch of questions about your expected improved position in the world instead of enjoying each other. Education has a "cult" feeling to it in which being a doctor, lawyer, CEO are the only truly accepted as winners and all other careers are paid crap, laughed at under the pretension and cliche message that you can be whatever you want to be and it's going to be fine. You can be the happiest person living in a shack in the forest but to everyone else you are a drop out loser who needs to get real. Latin parents push and torture their kids to be conformists instead of their own person and that's how many mental disorders start to manifest.

2.) You can be yourself! Lies! As soon as you reveal your real self and it's not the perfect little package people want to hear they leave you behind.There are many unspoken rules regarding political correctness, saying and doing the right thing so much that honesty it's a stranger in conversations. This is because you are expected to be a whole package and not someone in the making who needs positive experiences to advance psychologically as a human being. This is why Americans hate "newbies" in games, jobs, schools because you are expected to be a professional awesome person straight out of a sitcom from the womb and not depend on anyone. Ironically, those really successful people depended on tons of people to be where they are right now.
They want someone who is stable and mentally sane but refuse to listen to you or make you worse than before by creating drama. You can't talk to them about anything... They send you to therapy sessions to later pick up the results of your improvements, refusing to acknowledge you when you are down and only coming around once the drama in your life is gone.
They provide no motivation, incentive or the most basic form of communication to make you feel that you matter, instead constant invalidation is thrown your way as a reminder you are not good enough yet..and probably never will. Most Americans have a really judgmental attitude and tell someone off their lives just because they have no car yet or lives with his/ her parents still.

3.)Dating is fun and exciting, it's easy to find love. The biggest lie of all even as a female! America it's one of those places you can be guaranteed to go your whole life without any romance and/or friendships and it would be totally ok and even encouraged. It would be made normal by organizations disguised as healthy promoters of new age beliefs "happiness is inside you anyways so why bother talking to your neighbor" Typing "I never had a boyfriend" in google would prove to you that many american women of all ages are also lonely and lacking in connections...and no they are not ugly or fat. People in general have too many options to choose from but no one seems to be really available for anything deeper than a martini or superficial encounter. Capitalism made sure to engineer all natural desires into a segregated compartmentalized individualized scramble of ants who don't need to speak to each other, look at each other, just don't need each other at all. The high depression, suicide and bad mental health of this country speaks fore itself it's one of the highest you will find in this world even after providing material and psychological tools to deal with these..it comes short to what we are really capable of ( connecting that is) In my home country students form long term relationships, it's not a big deal to study and give a damn about someone at the same time.It's ridiculous for them to hear how long we go single or lonely for no good reason at all than proving you are strong or independent just for the sake of it.

Here children are scolded for showing affection towards each other, the focus it's on competition. During college years we are told not to form relationships that could "hinder' our academic progress as if love didn't sculpt the intellect or helped with our overall condition. Just be casual they say..real love can wait until after your 30's or beyond but upon getting there they don't know what to do with themselves or how to be in a relationship as the formative years to learn are gone and the adult mind is kinda fixed on it's ways .Things don't just fall into place, they must be nurtured and cultivated and love as the last resort will become just that ..the last thing in your life to find. Why are Americans surprised their divorce rates are through the roof? They forgot to make a roof in the first place.

4.) The best country for women. I'm torn on this one...It's true women have lots of freedom but it comes to a price. You need to be cut throat bitch to get ahead..more sensible abstract minded women like me are screwed because they need to act very much like a man to get established and my core will always be feminine, introspective, artistic and all those qualities that people don't really appreciate here. Women in my home country had jobs and families but didn't need to act like this to get anywhere. I don't understand why I need to be super woman to have a decent life.

Overall there's a lack of fluidity and common sense in interactions, politics and people. My health got worse and experienced weird traumatizing things but still my parents think this is the best country in the world. All I want to do it's quit and travel around in a trailer after being burned by the education system, jobs, failed business starts and people....

Do you think Hispanics develop mental disorders as they try to assimilate to american culture and way of living?

You made some good points BlueEverglades. The country is screwed up no doubt about it. You may think the dating scene is bad for women, however it's much better for woman than it is for men (thanks to online dating which makes it incredibly easy for women to meet men).
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: High rates of hispanic women suicide in the U.S proves this?

Post by jamesbond »

BlueEverglades wrote:
April 9th, 2015, 1:17 pm
Latinas have the highest rates of suicidal behavior compared to African American and non-Hispanic White adolescent females.Latinas involves the convergence of cultural and familial factors (i.e., familism, acculturation, relatedness, autonomy, etc.) with the developmental, social, and individual factors frequently associated with suicidal behaviors. Being latina myself I understand what this is all about. I tried suicide when moving to this country and seeing how the game is played and not liking it at all. Clashing cultural factors from their original cultures and U.S is the main reason why. I realized everything I was told about the U.S was a lie including:

3.)Dating is fun and exciting, it's easy to find love. The biggest lie of all even as a female! America it's one of those places you can be guaranteed to go your whole life without any romance and/or friendships and it would be totally ok and even encouraged. It would be made normal by organizations disguised as healthy promoters of new age beliefs "happiness is inside you anyways so why bother talking to your neighbor. "Typing "I never had a boyfriend" in google would prove to you that many american women of all ages are also lonely and lacking in connections...and no they are not ugly or fat. People in general have too many options to choose from but no one seems to be really available for anything deeper than a martini or superficial encounter. Capitalism made sure to engineer all natural desires into a segregated compartmentalized individualized scramble of ants who don't need to speak to each other, look at each other, just don't need each other at all. The high depression, suicide and bad mental health of this country speaks fore itself it's one of the highest you will find in this world even after providing material and psychological tools to deal with these..it comes short to what we are really capable of ( connecting that is) In my home country students form long term relationships, it's not a big deal to study and give a damn about someone at the same time. It's ridiculous for them to hear how long we go single or lonely for no good reason at all than proving you are strong or independent just for the sake of it.

As more and more men go overseas to meet women or join the MGTOW movement, you will see more and more women complaining that they can't find a man in the United States. This trend will continue and millions of women in the US will be alone forever.
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: High rates of hispanic women suicide in the U.S proves this?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

jamesbond wrote:
June 28th, 2022, 1:29 pm
BlueEverglades wrote:
April 9th, 2015, 1:17 pm
Latinas have the highest rates of suicidal behavior compared to African American and non-Hispanic White adolescent females.Latinas involves the convergence of cultural and familial factors (i.e., familism, acculturation, relatedness, autonomy, etc.) with the developmental, social, and individual factors frequently associated with suicidal behaviors. Being latina myself I understand what this is all about. I tried suicide when moving to this country and seeing how the game is played and not liking it at all. Clashing cultural factors from their original cultures and U.S is the main reason why. I realized everything I was told about the U.S was a lie including:

3.)Dating is fun and exciting, it's easy to find love. The biggest lie of all even as a female! America it's one of those places you can be guaranteed to go your whole life without any romance and/or friendships and it would be totally ok and even encouraged. It would be made normal by organizations disguised as healthy promoters of new age beliefs "happiness is inside you anyways so why bother talking to your neighbor. "Typing "I never had a boyfriend" in google would prove to you that many american women of all ages are also lonely and lacking in connections...and no they are not ugly or fat. People in general have too many options to choose from but no one seems to be really available for anything deeper than a martini or superficial encounter. Capitalism made sure to engineer all natural desires into a segregated compartmentalized individualized scramble of ants who don't need to speak to each other, look at each other, just don't need each other at all. The high depression, suicide and bad mental health of this country speaks fore itself it's one of the highest you will find in this world even after providing material and psychological tools to deal with these..it comes short to what we are really capable of ( connecting that is) In my home country students form long term relationships, it's not a big deal to study and give a damn about someone at the same time. It's ridiculous for them to hear how long we go single or lonely for no good reason at all than proving you are strong or independent just for the sake of it.

As more and more men go overseas to meet women or join the MGTOW movement, you will see more and more women complaining that they can't find a man in the United States. This trend will continue and millions of women in the US will be alone forever.
Well that's the women's fault, besides all my female cousins are married. So I don't know what this is about women having it so hard, maybe its those women damn standards that's the problem. My youngest cousin is in her 20s, married and had a kid with a 40 year old man and she's not ugly at all but she also never jumped around from man to man either. Then my other cousin got married who also dated no more than two or three men in her entire life, she's got three kids but one of them is from a guy that did cheat on her and he had multiple kids with different other women (typical of black males of course).

The reason some of these women can't find someone to love is because they all have shit unrealistic standards very few men can live up to. I mean I'm a decent man despite all my flaws, but I'm also what they would consider a low value man because I don't have it made. I've had my ass kicked so many times by life I should have a gold medal. So I would be overlooked by practically even average women.

It's like you have all these people in this country acting like they deserve to have a super star lover in their lives with no flaws or "defects". Like they can't just settle for someone who has less than they do, someone who struggles even a little they spit on them even if they struggle themselves. It's a country where women have it in their favor but they purposely choose to play games throughout their entire lives thinking they are going to be in their late teens and early 20s forever, then they turn 40+ years old and start asking themselves stupid ass questions as to why they can't find someone when they had all the time in the world to do exactly that in their younger years if they just would have given someone a chance, but no. His job doesn't pay six figures, he's not tall enough, he's too short, he's too skinny, he lives at home with his parents, he's not funny enough, he's not dominant enough, he's not this he's not that, he's too ugly, he don't have a car to drive you around in and if he do have a car it's not an expensive or a good looking one so he must be judged on his mobile as well as the guy who don't have one at all. Bullshit like that make a lot of men tired and irritated.

There are plenty of regular men that would settle if a woman wasn't so full of shit, problem is the women in this country don't want to date, they want to play then bitch about it later when they get too old. That and constantly chasing after men that don't want a commitment in the first place. There are so many women that do this too, date no good men or men who just want to play around and not settle. They are aware of this but still continue to pursue those type of men over the ones who are serious about commitment that get overlooked because he's all those things I listed, including being too nice and considerate of the woman's feelings. You then have the dipshit moronic low IQ women that love dating terrible men they believe they can personally change and mold into a better person. They don't want someone who is already a better person or at least halfway decent because those type of men are "too boring" and provide "no challenge" compared to the damaged men they want to change so they can drop him and move on to the next man they think they can change into a "better person." I seriously believe that dating is a goddamn video game for a lot of people in the Western world.
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Re: High rates of hispanic women suicide in the U.S proves this?

Post by jamesbond »

BlueEverglades wrote:
April 9th, 2015, 1:17 pm
Latinas have the highest rates of suicidal behavior compared to African American and non-Hispanic White adolescent females.Latinas involves the convergence of cultural and familial factors (i.e., familism, acculturation, relatedness, autonomy, etc.) with the developmental, social, and individual factors frequently associated with suicidal behaviors. Being latina myself I understand what this is all about. I tried suicide when moving to this country and seeing how the game is played and not liking it at all. Clashing cultural factors from their original cultures and U.S is the main reason why. I realized everything I was told about the U.S was a lie including:

Do you think Hispanics develop mental disorders as they try to assimilate to american culture and way of living?

A great deal of immigrants have a hard time assimilating into the American way of life for various reasons. The culture in the US is very competitive and people are paranoid of each other. The common theme is to get ahead using any means possible.

Making friends is not encouraged and getting into relationships is not encouraged either. What is encouraged is making money, going to college and buying material things.

As a result of this, the US has the highest rate of loneliness of any country in the world and also the highest rate of mental illness as well. Millions of people in America are taking medication for depression and anxiety.

Welcome to the United Lonely States of America!
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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