What is the problem people have for being happier abroad?

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What is the problem people have for being happier abroad?

Post by mattyman »

I don't know if any of you guys are aware of the channel Phillipine Dreams. Basically a 50something guy making a vlog about his life in the phillipines, there's nothing I'm aware of that could cause offence to anyone. It's just a guy who's found happiness and wants to inspire others. Now, he did split up with his missus, but this and the reason why is irrelevant to this topic, what's relevant is that he stopped doing his channel due to trolls as explained
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwkQOe-4q8s, listen, this is what I find truly shocking. Given that this was someone who split up with his partner this is a truly disgusting time to attack someone. Aren't people allowed to vlog about their experiences being happier abroad? What is people's problem? Ok, he may not be with his partner anymore, but that doesn't mean that what he did is invalid and it doesn't mean that he didn't enjoy much happiness. Not only to have broken-up with your partner, but to put-up with trolling at the same time (from people who have an axe to grind), that's just not on.

I hear word that the chief executive of youtube is an ultra feminist. The creator of one of my favourite channels, nollagirl; has already had content de-monitized and deleted and is moving to vidme. Saying things such as fecebook is a facade, that women shoudn't be so catty and bitchy, needs to be said. All critics of feminism have had or been threatened to have their channels de-monitized or be banned. This is hardly free speech. Nollagirl is right, youtube will go the same direction of myspace.

There is no free speech. If anything comes up about what we've lost in the west, if anyone meets someone lovely and dares mention how good women are easier to find in other countries, the hate brigade are ready to pounce like boa constrictors. Why are people so hateful?

f***ing kids, they need a good bumming session from Milo Yianopoulous, that'll sort them out.
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Re: What is the problem people have for being happier abroad?

Post by Yohan »

mattyman wrote:
December 22nd, 2017, 6:35 pm
I don't know if any of you guys are aware of the channel Phillipine Dreams. Basically a 50something guy making a vlog about his life in the phillipines, there's nothing I'm aware of that could cause offence to anyone....
Alone the fact, that a man from a Western country is living in SouthEast Asia/Far East with a local woman is already enough reason for some people to feel offended and to attack him.

Do not ask me how many times I have been attacked by internet, but even face to face, for my marriage with a Japanese woman and living now in Japan and Thailand (my second home).

However I also have to say, that almost all of these insults came from people from USA and some from Australia and UK, in general not from people living in Asia or in Europe.

These bully groups which hate Western men with Asian women is not so small.

Some of these hateful people are lonely feminists, others are racist motivated, some are Asian-Americans who lost totally their own identity, others are do-gooders claiming Western men are all abusive wife-beaters and some are from a church, others are child protecters claiming Western men with Asian wife are pedophiles as Asians are in general shorter than Westerners, some others are plainly losers who had to leave Asia, back to USA or UK, totally out of money...

I received death wishes from feminists, racists called me a 'white father who split a condom and whose daughters and wife are whores and butt-ugly, I was called to be a pedophile as my wife is 8 inch shorter than I am, despite we are of almost same age, a guy was openly posting in a forum that he wants visit Tokyo solely for beating me up, likely an Asian-American sent me email that I deserve a beer bottle over my head and my wife deserves to be raped as 'white men' are stealing our women...mail-order-bride and similar nonsense.

What shall I say? I don't care.

This forum HA is also receiving a lot of troll sign-ups and I am sure, Winston gets sometimes personal hate mail...

Who cares? Take it easy.

For sure this guy 'Philippine Dreams' is too sensitive about trolling, I can only tell him he is not a single case.
Last edited by Yohan on December 23rd, 2017, 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What is the problem people have for being happier abroad?

Post by Carnio »

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Re: What is the problem people have for being happier abroad?

Post by Yohan »

Carnio wrote:
December 22nd, 2017, 10:19 pm
Geez! I had no idea you would get such abusive people to attack you like this! Especially from the USA of all places considering that they are "open minded" and "liberal"!

Since you speak Japanese and German, Do you also get hate messages from respective communities? or is this specifically an English speaking only thing?
Yes, correct, I am from Central Europe and living most time in Japan but also have a second home in Thailand.

I never got abusive messages from Continental Europe. All such emails, forum comments etc. were in English, mostly from places in USA I have never been in my life - Florida for example.

To bring foreign women into Europe is not so difficult, at least for a visit, and most European people have passports and have been out of their own country many times. Most people understand that for example within EU Portugal is not Sweden and Netherlands is not Greece...A foreign wife of any race is not a controversial issue in Continental Europe.

I rarely had any discriminating situation in Japan, a very few single cases in almost 40 years, same in other countries in Asia.

A few idiots are everywhere and this is normal, in such a case I never quarrel, I just move on and forget about such an idiot.

However in USA and UK are obviously unusually many strange people who are deeply into racist and feminist and also religious BS-talk.

It's not only about their own life-style, the point is they want to force you to live the same life-style as they do, claiming universal laws which should be valid throughout this entire world. Well, as I said, I don't care. I take it easy.
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Re: What is the problem people have for being happier abroad?

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Yohan wrote:
December 22nd, 2017, 10:57 pm
Carnio wrote:
December 22nd, 2017, 10:19 pm
Geez! I had no idea you would get such abusive people to attack you like this! Especially from the USA of all places considering that they are "open minded" and "liberal"!

Since you speak Japanese and German, Do you also get hate messages from respective communities? or is this specifically an English speaking only thing?
Yes, correct, I am from Central Europe and living most time in Japan but also have a second home in Thailand.

I never got abusive messages from Continental Europe. All such emails, forum comments etc. were in English, mostly from places in USA I have never been in my life - Florida for example.

To bring foreign women into Europe is not so difficult, at least for a visit, and most European people have passports and have been out of their own country many times. Most people understand that for example within EU Portugal is not Sweden and Netherlands is not Greece...A foreign wife of any race is not a controversial issue in Continental Europe.

I rarely had any discriminating situation in Japan, a very few single cases in almost 40 years, same in other countries in Asia.

A few idiots are everywhere and this is normal, in such a case I never quarrel, I just move on and forget about such an idiot.

However in USA and UK are obviously unusually many strange people who are deeply into racist and feminist and also religious BS-talk.

It's not only about their own life-style, the point is they want to force you to live the same life-style as they do, claiming universal laws which should be valid throughout this entire world. Well, as I said, I don't care. I take it easy.
Such vitriolic hate is a sign that you are doing something RIGHT for yourself and people who feel slighted because they've been led to believe differently are simply lashing out due to envy.

It comes with the territory of being groundbreaking and free!
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Re: What is the problem people have for being happier abroad?

Post by Carnio »

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Re: What is the problem people have for being happier abroad?

Post by Yohan »

Carnio wrote:
December 23rd, 2017, 4:21 am
.....believe me , I had my share of hatred from the same western women, but what the hell is with the men??
Some men are even much worse than women -

He is alone, sitting in a basement room somewhere in the States, is almost penniless and envies men who met better choices in their life.

To get nevertheless some attention from women, he is talking badly about men who are living abroad and enjoy a good life.
There are various pro-feminist bloggers on the internet who are men - male feminists...

For example who is this idiot?


Or this stupid boy?

Last edited by Yohan on December 23rd, 2017, 7:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What is the problem people have for being happier abroad?

Post by momopi »

Some trolls can't stand others being happier than they are. Misery loves company and negative people need drama like oxygen. When they pick fights with you it's because they're angry at themselves.
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Re: What is the problem people have for being happier abroad?

Post by Yohan »

momopi wrote:
December 23rd, 2017, 7:06 am
Some trolls can't stand others being happier than they are. Misery loves company and negative people need drama like oxygen. When they pick fights with you it's because they're angry at themselves.
This is a good summary of the situation.

The diference between US/UK/Canada/Australia (english speaking area) and other parts of this world is maybe that these people are creating active and aggressive groups blaming others for their own misery and attacking their life-style.

I was longer time together with French people and this was never the case, and same here in Japan. There are individuals - stupid people exist everywhere - who might reject you because of the color of your skin or because of mixed marriage etc. - but such people are not really supported and are not organized like for example feminist hateful groups in the USA.

One of these hateful groups was even able to create a 'marriage broker act', a law which might restrict or delay your contact with a foreign woman if you use introduction services on the internet (IMBRA) and managed to receive a lot of money from the US-government for such activities.
http://www.tahirih.org/what-we-do/polic ... e-brokers/

Criticism of the Tahirih Justice Center and other like-minded organizations often involves the manner in which they portray information. In particular, Tahirih's work against international marriage brokers, especially its leading role in supporting IMBRA, has drawn castigation from some who believe American males are being characterized in an unfairly negative light.
What is astonishing about USA is the size of such useless, anti-male organizations, it's a million dollar business.

http://www.tahirih.org/about-us/annual- ... inancials/
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Re: What is the problem people have for being happier abroad?

Post by Carnio »

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Re: What is the problem people have for being happier abroad?

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Carnio wrote:
December 23rd, 2017, 4:21 am
What explains the disgust and hatred from other men? I mean, Single guys are seen as pathetic, losers who cannot get laid, piss poor social skills, a closet homo and all the scary boogie man adjectives they can come up with, he is told to grow a pair, date women, work on himself, body build, and a whole list of silly lyrics of how and why he should be getting a woman, but once this "loser" guy says "screw this!!", goes else where and Finds women, the same previous men seem to envelope the same hatred as bad as the Feminists/Traditionalists! WTH is that about? Shouldn't they be happy that these "losers" finally found a woman? why are they against him all of the sudden? It certainly can not be envy if these western dudes are getting women left and right in the states, so why do they care what some nerd, loser, or social inadequate does or dates? Are these men, like western women, attention whores and they need validation from the same men who they deemed losers? whats with this prom queen mentality from these western guys??

believe me , I had my share of hatred from the same western women, but what the hell is with the men??
These are men from three different loser categories, Zero Sum Loser, the Poor Circumstances Loser, and the Jezebel Spirit Loser.

The Zero Sum Loser who see life and women as a zero sum game. In other words, someone else's gain is automatically their loss. Intelligent men realize that the opposite, an abundance mentality, is a more powerful way to live and achieve one's goals.

For example, if you were seen walking around in your American home town with a pretty girl from Bishkek:

The Zero Sum Loser will see you and think, "Yet one more hot girl taken by this "_____ guy. Why are they taking all the good women from us?"
Conversely, healthy man who is making strides will have an abundance mindset and would think "Wow, that guy really scored by being with her! I'm going to do what I have to do to improve myself to get a girl just like her because they are out there in the millions!"

There is a second category of loser men who will hate on a Happier Abroad MGTOW, the resentfully envious man with who feels he must live with his bad circumstances or prior poor choices and he knows he cannot achieve what you have. This might be a morbidly obese man or the man who is married to a fat and unpleasant Western woman and he hates to see you with young, thin, hot women because it reminds him of his lamentable condition. He might lash out with to you with religious warnings about living in sin, or he might appeal to morality by saying the girl is too young for you, or he might just cast doubt on the girl by saying she only wants a US Green Card, your money, or she seems to be a slut.

The third category of loser men who do this are exhibiting the Jezebel Spirit Loser mindset which is usually seen in females. The Jezebel Spirit Loser lives to knock you off your perceived perch by using ridicule, planting crazy seeds of doubt, and otherwise trying to sabotage the good thing you have going (ie. intentionally giving bad advice.)

All of these loser men, the Zero Sum Loser and the trapped in Poor Circumstances Loser, and the Jezebel Spirit Loser manifest their disgust with themselves by hating on guys like you who are succeeding abroad especially with the ladies.

Being at the receiving end of their attacks is confirmation that you are doing things correctly for yourself. Haters gonna hate; it's part of being successful!

Finally, on very rare occasions in life you will encounter men who have characteristics of all three loser types. Hi Cornfed! :lol:
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Re: What is the problem people have for being happier abroad?

Post by momopi »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
December 23rd, 2017, 9:19 pm
The third category of loser men who do this are exhibiting the Jezebel Spirit Loser mindset which is usually seen in females. The Jezebel Spirit Loser lives to knock you off your perceived perch by using ridicule, planting crazy seeds of doubt, and otherwise trying to sabotage the good thing you have going (ie. intentionally giving bad advice.)
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Re: What is the problem people have for being happier abroad?

Post by mattyman »

The only reason such hate might come is if guys are mongers looking for cheap sex. Clearly this is not the case with the guy I was citing. It's certainly not the case with peope like Yohan. The guy who made the channel Phillipine dreams is just one guy who found a nice lady who happened to be from the philipines. Certainly no monger from what I saw. I can't understand why people hate seeing people in happy relationships.

Why does so much of the hate come from the USA, th UK and Australia?

@ Contrarian expat, ORDER! Keep on topic. If you want to get into my recent complaint about mgtow, start another thread or continue the existing one I started. If you want to thump your chest, do it there, thanks.

I whole-heartedly agree with Momopi, 'misery loves company'.
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Re: What is the problem people have for being happier abroad?

Post by Yohan »

mattyman wrote:
December 24th, 2017, 11:06 pm
Why does so much of the hate come from the USA, the UK and Australia?
I can only compare the situation in Continental Europe, my native place, and also here in Japan, where I am living with USA.

Nowhere else is rampant feminism so hateful as it is in USA/UK/Australia.
You don't find such a hateful rhetoric in other countries against men.
Almost all radical feminists are from these 3 countries.

Comparing USA with Germany for example, the legal situation in USA is a mess. A very costly man-hating mess especially in family courts in case of divorce without any clear rules. A business for lawyers and women.

This is not the case in Germany, Sweden etc, rules about child support, alimony, money which cannot be taken away from a father/ex-husband because he also needs money to survive etc. are all clearly regulated, you cannot talk around as a lawyer or woman to change that - therefore the situation between men and women is much less hateful in case of a breakup.

Some other 'hot topics' in USA are also better regulated in Continental Europe, for example abortion.
So far, most men and women agree to the present abortion regulation in Continental Europe and also here in Japan.
No much discussion going on about this issue.

There are also much better labor regulations in Central Europe compared to the USA, you cannot be dismissed so easily, also for women for example in case of pregnancy - and there is better health care up to end of your life and more vacation for everybody.

You might expect an especially man-hating super-feminist society in countries like Sweden or Norway, but this is not the case.
The way how people are living together is about not to disturb anybody, to consider other people next to you.
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Re: What is the problem people have for being happier abroad?

Post by mattyman »

Regarding the note about men showing disapproval to men settling in relationships with foreign women, one reason I can think of is that such men who show disapproval are scared of disapproval from their peers. There maybe genuine issues with western women that need to be brought-up and understood BUT, men cannot adress these without fear of being labelled a sexist. Western women do need to need more kind. Because they cannot, they feel nobody understands.

Look what I captured from another forum; a post titled 'to the women'
There's a fine line between confidence and arrogance. An air of light confidence makes women feel safe. Arrogance is horrid.

For me,
A man that believes in God or a higher spiritual power than himself
A man that is compassionate and genuinely caring of animals or vulnerable people such as elderly
A man that is generous- with his time!
A man that is humble, down to earth and not pretentious
A man who's primary focus is not his wallet or climbing the ladder (albeit social or financial)
A man that puts his parents needs above his own need to be free of responsibility

Essentially a man that possesses the necessary skills to be a responsible decent human and therefore husband and father

Contrary to belief, all most women want deep down is a decent human being with moral ethics or at least is honest about being not always honest. The rest of the crap we put on dating sites is just lies we ramble to make it sound like we want some Prince with a carriage when really deep down a horse or merely barefoot will do as long as he true. But putting all this other non important shit about hair colour and height and stuff is a protection in case you hurt us so we can pretend you just aren't right for us instead of looking inside ourselves and thinking hey there something wrong with me- sweet insecurity.
How many men say they want the same from women? How many women live upto that? How come men justify having preferences about weight all the time? This poster's right, she has rightly identified a sense of entitlement. How many western women do you know that fit the bill of that list?

Is it unreasonable that a bloke is happy when he meets a woman who meets the criteria of the list? Is it unreasonabe that if a man meets such a woman from another country? Isn't it more concerning that women like that are more common from other countries? Is't it even more concerning that people are too scared to even address the issue for fear of dissapproval from peers?

Actually, this goes for men as well, my grandma is right, western men are just as bad as western women.
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