America, white people, life whatever....

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America, white people, life whatever....

Post by cheesesweat »

Sup everybody, don't even know why I'm bothering writing this, but what the hell. I feel fried at the moment. No, not on drugs and alcohol, but fried from life, people, this bullshit society, having all these thoughts and knowledge about how effed up everything this but not being able to do much about it. Winston and plenty of other people have pointed out the obvious problems with living in America today, and many of the not so obvious problems. Unfortunately, I think the reason a lot of people end up still staying here in America is that it can be really good at helping you get the things you need for a somewhat comfortable life while simultaneously killing your soul. I think a lot of immigrants come here knowing that America is a soul crushing rat race after having experienced it previously, but they prefer the soul crushing aspect over the crap they have to maybe deal with in their home country.

I think I've accepted that I'm stuck in this rotting country and state for those reasons. I would have loved to move; but damn, it just seems really difficult. There's a guy on YouTube called David Kuvelas. I used to love watching his rants about how bad things have become in America. Looks like YouTube deleted his videos or something; but anyway, he ended up moving to Thailand. Looks like he probably figured out the happier abroad thing as he made a comment on one of Winston's videos. But if you see his latest rant he goes OFF on how shitty Thailand is. Now maybe the guy has some issues and Thailand is not as bad as he claims. But I'm sure there are some issues like with open sewage drains stinking up the neighborhood.

My favorite place is Korea. I absolutely love that place and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get the hell out of the U.S. and go there. But the last time I was in Korea the dust was terrible. I was honestly surprised at how bad it was. I also do have a problem with their workaholic culture and obsession with money. But so many other things about that country I love. I felt like a million bucks on my last trip to Korea. Unfortunately, with my lack of skills and the language barrier getting decent job their would be pretty difficult.

I thought about other western countries; but judging by many people's comments, many are shitty. Canada sounds like a multicultural piss hole filled with leftist trash and feminazis. Australia sounds like it is better than America but not by leaps and bounds. The UK is out of the questions with their Nazi like censorship of conservatives and total capitulation to Islam and its crap.

Now Eastern Europe sounds pretty good still, but moving there with the language barrier, my lack of skills and the risk it would take moving my wife and I that far on a visa just doesn't sound very plausible. I think I've accepted that I'm gonna be stuck in this demotard dominated craphole that is Hawaii. I have a good job, and I'm not freezing my butt of at least. But this is far from ideal for me.

How did America and some many western countries become soul crushing hell holes? Well, there's a ton of different reasons for that. One thing many conservatives don't want want to talk about bluntly is white people. The truth is that white people built the western world and it's culture, or lack thereof in N America at least. White people have really screwed themselves in a lot of ways. How so? It's predominately whites that love to churn out the gmo, chemically concocted bullshit they call food. This is killing western men in my opinion. Statistically white men's fertility and testosterone levels are dropping. You can see this so clearly with many younger guys. They look weak, feminine oftentimes, and look like they would break if they had to do some hard labor. Sometimes their wives look tougher than them. Who was it that created this bullshit we call food?-White men and who will rush to defend it like their lives depend on it? White men

How about white American churches? People in white American churches don't give a damn up each other. And that's a massive understatement. People in white American churches have PhDs in not giving a damn. They are also pros at creating the most odd, goofy cliques, and not in a good way. The situation with churches in America is so bad that many are people are leaving and never going back, but they are not giving up on their faith by any means. You could dedicate your life to serving in a church for 20 years and not even get a single call or email after leaving. That's how much they care. I am Christian, btw, but the truth is the truth, and churches have FAILED, ESPECIALLY each other.

It's whites predominately, even the ones that are aware of the problems who will basically perpetuate the same thing and communicate with their 1,000 fake book friends via instant messaging. They'd rather kill themselves than meet someone in person.

I'm already married, so I'm good in that department. But everybody knows "white" women in America are a total pain in the ass to deal with.

It's white people that seem intent on giving their countries away to turd worlders and Muslims. Now America is not as bad as other western countries in my opinion, since there is a pretty big, vocal opposition to it. But Canadian whites roll out the red carpet for turd worlders, so does most of Europe.

It's whites that will dawn their p***y hats, and demand more abortion "rights" and organize drag kid story times at the local library. Dress their kid in drag and have him dance for horny pedophile gays. I don't see the Asians or Hispanics doing that. Whites also love their dope, I know they're not the only ones. But they love their dope, and they love their prescription dope. Pop in a bunch of SSRIs, smoke weed, ice and what not.. And they're good to go. Have a pizza pocket and vegetate watching some incest on game of thrones.

White "communities" don't really exist. A white community means avoiding social contact with neighbors as much as possible and be sure to bitch at the slightest of inconveniences. A fake greeting and fake smile will do.

Whites almost never stick up for each other. Every man is an island with white people. In my state if a white guy was fighting with a Hawaiian dude. The Hawaiian dude would bring all of his uncles, cousins, neighbors, nephews and friends to back him up. White people would watch the white guy get beat up and probably film it for their entertainment because after all that's his business. Every man for himself in white society.

White families are pathetic. There's tons of sexually abusive fathers, uncles, and even mothers out there. Do any bit of reading about millenials talking about their family life, and sexual abuse is not uncommon at ALL. White families are oftentimes fake as Hell. I think the perfect picture of that was in the movie Donnie Darko. Near the beginning of the movie you have a white family talking/arguing amongst each other, and it is pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. Sadly, this is not unrealistic for many good ol fashioned white families in America. Many white parents are just outright shit and do not give a DAMN about their children. Oftentimes I'm not even looking for these kinds of examples, but it's so common to have a dysfunctional, retarded, extremely immoral white family that it's basically in your face all the time. Check out "the Narcissist resistance" on YouTube, and listen to what he says about his family. Not uncommon

So rather than go on and on.., the point is white people shoot themselves in the foot everyday. You can get mad at these criticisms but what do you think it means when Western Society is collapsing? Western society is basically WHITE society. Whites built the West PERIOD. Sure there are many immigrants that have contributed, and affected it undoubtably, but it's whites that made it what it is today, just as Asians have created the East and Arabs created the Middle East. So what's my point? I don't even know. Just putting my 2 cents out there. Looks like I'm stuck in the decaying N American shithole, or in my case pacific island shithole, that is very much affected by the N American Shithole. Life here is shit basically is what I'm getting at. Have a nice day.
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