2 Restaurant scams attempted on me that FAILED!

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2 Restaurant scams attempted on me that FAILED!

Post by Winston »

A few days ago when I was out with friends at a pizza place, when my check came, I noticed that I was charged for the large pizza rather than the medium one. When I pointed it out, the waitress tried to convince me that it was correct. So I asked for the menu so I could show her the mistake. When she reluctantly brought it, she held the menu far away from me and pointed to it trying to convince me that the price charged to me was right. She seemed reluctant to let me see it. When she finally gave in and handed me the menu, I pointed the right price to her and she corrected the mistake and changed my bill to the correct price. I don't know if it would do any good to tell the owner about it, who is supposed to be a foreigner. But the fact that the waitress tried to hold the menu away from me and didn't want me to see it strongly indicates an attempt to conceal something rather than an honest mistake, don't you think? After all, if it was an honest mistake, wouldn't the waitress have checked the prices on the menu herself and confirmed the mistake, rather than trying to withhold the menu from me and arguing the price with me without even double checking it herself??!?!?!?! Simple logic of course. They probably thought that I was a nonconfrontational Korean or Japanese that would not dispute it, but they were WRONG! ahahahahaha!

Afterward, I said my friends, "What do they think I am? I am a master debunker and expert in point by point debate. Do they really think they can pull that shit on me?"

Do you think I should report it to the owner to teach them a lesson?

What I don't get though, is how they could profit from that? I mean, the extra charges are written on the receipt, so whatever I pay would have to match the sum total on the receipt and therefore have to go to the restaurant and not the waitress directly. So how can they pocket the extra cash? Maybe they turn in another receipt that is more accurate and not the one they gave to me?

And one time long ago when my parents were here, we went to a Mediterranean/Middle Eastern place that served good vegetarian falafels. My dad did not listen to me though when I told him to only order what I knew was good. He ordered something else that was not that good and overpriced too, a fish. It was kind of expensive at 250 pesos and not very big, plus they didn't even bring the salad that was included on the menu, and when they did, it was a piece of plain crap. But when the bill came, the fish was charged at 300 pesos. When I complained about it, the waitstaff tried to justify the extra 50 pesos by claiming that the fish was bigger than usual, and so they had to add 50 pesos! WTf? That did not compute! First of all, the fish was small or standard and did not look that big. And second, even if it was bigger than usual, they still have no right to charge a higher price than what was listed on the menu. That was their problem and fault, not mine. I tried to explain this to them, but they kept saying that they were justified in adding the extra 50 pesos. Then I lectured them and told them that they could not do that and that it was both unethical and illegal for them to do that. My dad hated seeing me debate this, and so left the restaurant while I argued with them, but my mom was on my side and said I was doing the right thing. Eventually, the waitstaff gave in and returned the extra 50 pesos.

But when I stepped outside, my dad was gone. So my mom and I tried to find him. Apparently, he was pissed and walked off without waiting for me (even though he's a senior adult, sometimes he loses his temper and acts immature too, and in this case it was without cause). I was pissed at my dad now, for wandering off and risk getting lost, just cause he wouldn't wait for me to get money back from a little scam. But if he had listened to me and not ordered that fish, this wouldn't have happened, as I had been to that restaurant many times and never been scammed before. When we finally found him, we argued and yelled at each other for a while, and I lectured him for wandering off and risking getting himself lost, as he was my responsibility, as though I were the parent and he were the child. I sternly told him that this was my turf, and he had better just do what I say intead of doing senseless things like that.

The next thing that happened proved me right. While we were arguing, a drunk Filiipino guy on the corner came and threatened my dad because he thought he was looking at him with an angry face. My dad told him that he was not looking at him, but the guy wanted to start a fight anyway and raised a bag of lettuce in his hand while moving toward my dad. My dad stepped out of the way and retreated. When I tried to talk to the drunk guy, he wouldn't listen to me either. I wanted to kick his ass, like I should have, but my instincts told me to just walk away and be safe and avoid the incident altogether, even though my ego wanted to kick his ass.

So we left and I reported him to the police on the street. The policeman drove me by motorcycle back to where the drunken guy was, but he was gone, and everyone there said they didn't know who he was. Typical cover up.

Anyhow, none of this would have happened if my dad hadn't ordered that damn fish, which led to a scam which in turn led to an encounter with a violent drunk guy. I was really pissed about this. I wish people would just LISTEN to me! (Dianne would avoid a lot of stupid mistakes if she had listened to me too!)

I guess that when you don't fit in somewhere, like my dad doesn't fit in with Angeles City and hates everything about it, negative coincidences happen to you. After all, in the two years I've been here I've never been threatened by a drunken guy like that, on a touristy street that is usually very safe too.
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Post by Winston »

Responses from my dad and others:


Dear Win,

You were right that you have right to debate and they should not charge that extra 50 pesos. The thing is what I want from my life is peace. I don't care about right or wrong or justice. I don't care about that 50 pesos. I don't want small thing to disturb my peaceful mind. I would avoid any confrontation because it affects my mood unless it is something real big that I could not stand. I am aware of what is right what is wrong. Even I defend my right, so what? What do I gain from that? Do I feel better after I won? Not to me because I would sense my breaths faster and I was angry when I was auguing. Besides, the other party would feel hurt and defeated. So, no body wins actually.



It seems that almost everywhere you go in your area, Winston. There's some type of scheme or scam that's happening or going on with someone that's trying to rip you off or scam you.

Personally, I think it's good you are pointing this stuff out quickly and telling us about it. Because with these tips in mind. I'll at least shall know EXACTLY what to look for when I come to the Philippines in 09. I'll know personally and first hand how these little tactics go and I will know what to look for, right away.

As for Dianne in her getting angry at you when confronting her about the mugging and kidnapping scenario. Do you think she's really telling you the truth? or maybe is it that she does not want you to file some kind of report to avoid trouble scenarios with local law enforcement, paper work, or out of the fact that if she reports the incident. The people that supposedly did what they did to your wife will return to harm her again if she squeels or rats out her attackers in retaliation for going to the cops?


Rule of thumb:
Don't piss off the wait staff. They are handling your food.

Try being nice for a change. You made such a scene at the restaurant that your father got embarrassed and walked out.

Your HOW old?


The average Philipino can not be scammed because they have no money and if they do get money they do not keep long. Saving face by pretending life is fair for oneself and others is the number one priority. You never embarrass someone else. If the error had been in your
favor you would not have been told and the waitress would have cover it up or paid your bill.


I think Phil has the Robin Hood syndrom like Ukraine had. You are rich and we are poor so it is OK to lie and take your money. I don't trust any of them.
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Re: 2 Restaurant scams attempted on me that FAILED!

Post by dancilley »

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