Post Original Sonnets About Forum Members

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Re: Post Original Sonnets About Forum Members

Post by Tsar »

I decided to write a positive poem about PAG.

@GerardButler Let me know what you think?

PAG is a really high status guy
He swats every annoying fly
Many of his haters are jealous
They envy his amazing success
He buys the greatest watches
The Losers date sasquatches
PAG lift girls! A super cool dude!
Weaklings can't even lift their mood
He visits Europe and Asia whenever
And he never says the word never
He goes to the bar and raises the bar
Some Losers don't have a savings jar
We should all be glad that PAG is back
He doesn't cut the Losers any slack
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Re: Post Original Sonnets About Forum Members

Post by GerardButler »

Tsar wrote:
March 15th, 2023, 3:05 pm
I decided to write a positive poem about PAG.

@GerardButler Let me know what you think?

PAG is a really high status guy
He swats every annoying fly
Many of his haters are jealous
They envy his amazing success
He buys the greatest watches
The Losers date sasquatches
PAG lift girls! A super cool dude!
Weaklings can't even lift their mood
He visits Europe and Asia whenever
And he never says the word never
He goes to the bar and raises the bar
Some Losers don't have a savings jar
We should all be glad that PAG is back
He doesn't cut the Losers any slack
Lol, sounds about right to me. Good job 8)
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Re: Post Original Sonnets About Forum Members

Post by gsjackson »

Time to resuscitate my old verses about Winston from several years ago. The first verse is in retrospect a bit of a cheap shot (in good fun) as I'm more impressed with some of Winston's "harebrained" theories now. Sung to the following tune:

Winnie the Wu doesn't know what to do
Got some theories stuck in his head.
He went to Rock seeking help and advice
But good sense left him flummoxed instead.

So Rock sent him to ask of the sage Momopi
Who just shook his head and said "Oh, my my.
Help, oh help ye gods this Wu Man
No doubt the free-thinkingest Asian of all.
Make the changes that only you can:

His soul to a new port of call
Maybe six inches more tall
Many a kilo more small
Fee thinkers made happiest of all.

Back to those good old Palo Alto days.
Banish all memory of East Bay malaise.

Back to the heyday of Wuuuuuuuuuuu."

Winnie the Wu thinking something is odd
As he looks out upon his domain.
"Why are my followers not happy abroad"
Cried Dear Leader in obvious pain.

So Wu went up the mountain to ask of the gods
"Tell me stern deities what are the odds
That I can make substantial improvement
In click-throughs and follow-throughs of my movement?

For each man a happy new place
Regardless of stature or race
Some lovelies to brighten his face
Bad western memories erased.

Back to those good old sweet Russian faces.
No more AW or Taiwan disgraces.

Back to foundations of Wuuuuuuuuuuu."

Let me commend the concept of cadence to those attempting rhyming verses. makes them less painful to read.
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Re: Post Original Sonnets About Forum Members

Post by Tsar »

PAG is classy and cool
He sends the Losers to school!
Everyone will kneel and bow
Or they'll squeal like a sow
PAG will break them like twigs
Losers running like frightened pigs
Yeah! PAG is like a warrior king!
Everyone will praise PAG and sing!
Every halfwit needs a new teacher
Respect the words of PAG the Preacher!
He's a real man unlikely the senile old boys
Those Losers are like moldy old sex toys
All the shit stains will be flushed down a drain
Because PAG is the King that will now reign!
Get ready to bow before PAG's mighty crown
And remember to smile, you cannot frown!
Halfwits and Losers are less than to zero!
While the mighty PAG is a legendary hero

@GerardButler What do you think about the poem?
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Re: Post Original Sonnets About Forum Members

Post by Voyager1 »

Tsar, why do you worship this black dude? You're better than him. You're Italian.
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Re: Post Original Sonnets About Forum Members

Post by Tsar »

Tsar wrote:
April 8th, 2023, 4:26 am
PAG is classy and cool
He sends the Losers to school!
Everyone will kneel and bow
Or they'll squeal like a sow
PAG will break them like twigs
Losers running like frightened pigs
Yeah! PAG is like a warrior king!
Everyone will praise PAG and sing!
Every halfwit needs a new teacher
Respect the words of PAG the Preacher!
He's a real man unlikely the senile old boys
Those Losers are like moldy old sex toys
All the shit stains will be flushed down a drain
Because PAG is the King that will now reign!
Get ready to bow before PAG's mighty crown
And remember to smile, you cannot frown!
Halfwits and Losers are less than to zero!
While the mighty PAG is a legendary hero

@GerardButler What do you think about the poem?
Corrected some minor errors in my poem.

PAG is classy and cool
He sends the Losers to school!
Everyone will kneel and bow
Or they'll squeal like a sow
PAG will break them like twigs
Losers running like frightened pigs
Yeah! PAG is like a warrior king!
Everyone will praise PAG and sing!
Every halfwit needs a new teacher
Respect the words of PAG the Preacher!
He's a real man unlike the senile old boys
Those Losers are like moldy old sex toys
All the shit stains will be flushed down a drain
Because PAG is the King that will now reign!
Get ready to bow before PAG's mighty crown
And remember to smile, you cannot frown!
Halfwits and Losers are less than a zero!
While the mighty PAG is a legendary hero

@GerardButler What do you think about the poem?
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Re: Post Original Sonnets About Forum Members

Post by Voyager1 »

I think it's a piece of crap poem. You still didn't answer my question Tsar. Why are you worshipping this black dude? You're better than him.
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Re: Post Original Sonnets About Forum Members

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Voyager1 wrote:
April 8th, 2023, 5:46 am
I think it's a piece of crap poem. You still didn't answer my question Tsar. Why are you worshipping this black dude? You're better than him.
I thought the poem was pretty good. :lol: @Tsar is a creative person. I'm yet to see you post anything remotely creative.
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Re: Post Original Sonnets About Forum Members

Post by Voyager1 »

Yes, I will give him that. He is creatively inspired but that doesn't translate into dollars $$$
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Re: Post Original Sonnets About Forum Members

Post by Shemp »

The worms @Tsar got from eating undercooked wild boar,
that made his whole body sore,
and that he thought were no more,
Alas! have staged an encore,
and now Tsar's brain is worm rotted to the core.
He cannot see that PAG, who he calls cool,
is actually a fool.
Tsar has become a tool,
so pathetic watching Tsar drool,
he lacks any rule
to distinguish fake from real
and so before PAG he does kneel
and calls a megalomaniac a king
when in fact he's just a ding-a-ling.
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Re: Post Original Sonnets About Forum Members

Post by Voyager1 »

Tsar this dude PAG is dust under your feet. You are so far above him.
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Re: Post Original Sonnets About Forum Members

Post by Tsar »

A pirate shouted are ye scallywags?
And all ye scurvy dogs and old hags?
I be off to Ukraine to find a Bonnie Lass
And stop fishing in thee lake for bass
Back to sailing thee sunflower sea
Time to let loose and become free
So, off went the pirate to find booty
Ended up getting slapped by a Cutie
I guess that poor bloke won't get a wife
At least he has had a rusted old knife
He fancies it a really fancy pirate sword
He confessed it while on the water board
If a pirate's life was chosen by this wretch
Maybe he'll be a scurvy dog playing fetch

A random poem about Zelensky's American Pirate

Practice for writing a pirate satire series
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Re: Post Original Sonnets About Forum Members

Post by Voyager1 »

Tsar, if you were walking down the street and you got a piece of dog crap caught under your shoe that piece of dog crap would have more value than Azn Alahah. You would literally have to burn the shoes or throw them into the dumpster to get rid of the crap. That's how nasty Azn Alahah is.
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Re: Post Original Sonnets About Forum Members

Post by GerardButler »

Tsar wrote:
April 8th, 2023, 5:22 am
Tsar wrote:
April 8th, 2023, 4:26 am
PAG is classy and cool
He sends the Losers to school!
Everyone will kneel and bow
Or they'll squeal like a sow
PAG will break them like twigs
Losers running like frightened pigs
Yeah! PAG is like a warrior king!
Everyone will praise PAG and sing!
Every halfwit needs a new teacher
Respect the words of PAG the Preacher!
He's a real man unlikely the senile old boys
Those Losers are like moldy old sex toys
All the shit stains will be flushed down a drain
Because PAG is the King that will now reign!
Get ready to bow before PAG's mighty crown
And remember to smile, you cannot frown!
Halfwits and Losers are less than to zero!
While the mighty PAG is a legendary hero

@GerardButler What do you think about the poem?
Corrected some minor errors in my poem.

PAG is classy and cool
He sends the Losers to school!
Everyone will kneel and bow
Or they'll squeal like a sow
PAG will break them like twigs
Losers running like frightened pigs
Yeah! PAG is like a warrior king!
Everyone will praise PAG and sing!
Every halfwit needs a new teacher
Respect the words of PAG the Preacher!
He's a real man unlike the senile old boys
Those Losers are like moldy old sex toys
All the shit stains will be flushed down a drain
Because PAG is the King that will now reign!
Get ready to bow before PAG's mighty crown
And remember to smile, you cannot frown!
Halfwits and Losers are less than a zero!
While the mighty PAG is a legendary hero

@GerardButler What do you think about the poem?
Very accurate.

Already, one of these individuals is preparing to scapegoat Yahan for the most recent incident, claiming he never engaged in doxxing or cyberbullying and was merely a participant in what he believed to be a friendly discussion thread led by Yahan. His comments have already been withdrawn and edited. Yohah lacks the intelligence to fathom how dangerous the current situation has become.



The next comment from this individual will be something along the lines of: "Thank you, Yohan, for posting all this information. I used your posts to create this thread." Without you, Yohan, I would have never created this thread. However, based on your posts, I created this thread. I had absolutely no clue about any of this. Thx".
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Re: Post Original Sonnets About Forum Members

Post by Voyager1 »

Tsar, Azn Alahah still hasn't answered if he would take you under his wing. If he would hire you in his business. He has a multi million $ business and he could provide you with gainful employment. What do you think about this?
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