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What's wrong with Romania?

Discuss culture, living, traveling, relocating, dating or anything related to the European Countries.
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Post by Nick »

Ha, ha, ha Jackal are you really American? When I first saw yr post I had one moment when I thought that you might not be an American. Sorry Jackal you’re missing the point. I don’t know for how long you’ve been staying in Europe, I’ve been in Europe on and off since college. It’s not about having friends in Romania. It’s about learning my life lessons. Thanks God I’ve got friends in many places all over the world because I travelled a lot and I usually learn my lesson & don’t miss the point. There is no recreation of some borders, those borders never existed, that’s the geographical area where the Huns settled down for the first time they arrived in Europe. Your post is pure neo-Nazi Hungarian propaganda, that’s what it is. Mussolini wanted to reform the Roman Empire did you know that? In northern parts of Germany they have an advice for foreigners: if you want to go to Munich you must take care, some of the people there never found out WW II is over. I thought it was a joke, well it isn’t. Have you ever heard of The Hundred Years' War between the Kingdom of England and The Kingdom of France? Does anyone care about that event in France or Great Britain these days? No one does. There are many d*ckheads in Europe, don’t let them fool you man. There is a slight enhance of racism and nationalism in Europe because of the economical crisis and all that especially in Hungary, Netherland, and so on…If you’re living abroad you must always take care of not becoming black under your skin, that’s a British expression I believe you understand it very well, if you really are American... if not, well what can I say…nice propaganda…well done…

for Russian/Ukrainian women marrying a western guy is a way to escape poverty. Life is still hard there, so this matchmaking is a source of money & it can be a business. It’s not the case about Romania anymore, as I said they are not so desperate to leave their country and come with you for a better life it used to be like that 20 yrs ago, not now anymore…

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Post by OutWest »

Nick wrote:Sorry, Jackal I have to contradict you. Your post about Transilvania/Hungary is the most authentic action of disinformation I ever seen in my entire life.

I’m an American and I live in Romania since 2008, and I love it. I don’t know if I’m going to spend the rest of my life here but definitely I love it. Women & food & music are absolutely great the best I’ve found in Europe, east or west. It’s true that when you come here the first impression is that you turn back time but NO it’s a completely different civilization with completely different values and mentality, they just don’t absorb the western civilization automatically; there is a previous filtration of western values before adopting them. It’s the last place in EU with wild animals, and healthy food. They don’t have highways like in Western Europe because it may destroy the ecosystem, and if they want them, they don’t want too many.

About Transilvania what can I say, there is no hate/frictions between Romanians and Hungarians. Greater Hungary never existed as a state, the map you posted there it’s a Utopia land. Transilvania just like, Hungary, Slovakia…. etc were PART OF THE THE AUSTRIAN EMPIRE which was transformed into the Austro-Hungarian Empire a compromise that Austrians made for various reasons, somewhere in the middle of 19th century. Greater Hungary is an idiocy OMG who wants the recreation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in Europe in 21th Century? Maybe some d*ckheads. It’s like questioning the result of the American Civil War, was it right or wrong? No, it was wrong let’s do it once again! Your post is not a lesson of history but a lesson of disinformation.

Romanians are the most tolerant population in Europe. They’re proud of being the one of the few countries in Europe conserving the gipsy culture, all minorities have more rights that in all other countries in Europe. I truly do believe Europe has a lot to learn from Romania regarding minorities and multiculturalism. Few months ago during a hockey game between Romania and Hungary ethnical Hungarians from the Romanian team didn’t want to sing the Romanain National Anthem and they sang another song AND THEY WERE TOLERATED LIKE THAT. Do you know what happens in US if you show disrespect for the national symbols? I don’t’ think you want to know! You will tell me now they hate gypsies….well I can answer you they have a love&hate relation with them which is hard to explain if you haven’t been to Romania. End of story: I have to remind you that tolerance is not about loving each other is about accepting each other as we are.

Vlad the Impaler never lived in that castle tourists are taken to, but in Bucharest and in another small town near Bucharest is called Targoviste. These are the places where you can find the real castles of Dracula.
John Hunyadi and his son were the descendants of an old Romanian family they tried hard to assassinate him just because he was from a Romanian smaller family, and they did it after their death the power was taken by some Hungarian noble families. Jackal I understand history was not your favorite so let’s talk about boobs…
….yeah, Romanian women are the most gorgeous women I’ve ever seen….but I’ve already told you that, didn’t I?

well it's a long ways from the Philippines...and fortunately my wife won't read this..LOL, but I agree with you nick- I visited twice and really liked Romanians ...was very well treated, and some of the most stunning women I have ever met.
It does make me wonder though..even though I have a Scottish name, I am primarily Hungarian. I have never mentioned that to my hosts! LOL!


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Post by Rock »

ladislav wrote:The reason Romania is off the list is because it does not have a MOB industry or agencies that fix foreign men up with local women. Nor do Bulgaria or Macedonia for that matter. I guess because those countries are warmer, they have more jealous guys than the ones in Russia or Ukraine.
I have a friend of Macedonian ancestry who was born there and is pretty fluent in the local language. He told me he spent the summer there once in his late 30s accompanied by good looking white Aussie friend in his 20s. They had imported a hot looking Porche to drive around for the summer and then sell for a profit.

Anyway, his conclusion about the place is that it's impossible to pull young attractive girls if you are not attractive and fairly young yourself. When he drove the car around alone, he got no attentions and was not able to pull even one local girl in spite of his language skills (he's quite short and was pushing 40). OTH, his friend was looked at and given lots of opportunities. According to him, Macedonians are into looks and fashion the way Italians are. Its not the kind of country where you can just rely on being from a rich country to attract girls.

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Post by Jackal »

Nick wrote:Ha, ha, ha Jackal are you really American? When I first saw yr post I had one moment when I thought that you might not be an American.
I definitely don't think like a mainstream American, that much I will certainly admit. Then again, most of us on this forum aren't like mainstream Americans.
Nick wrote: Sorry Jackal you’re missing the point. I don’t know for how long you’ve been staying in Europe, I’ve been in Europe on and off since college.
It’s not about having friends in Romania. It’s about learning my life lessons. Thanks God I’ve got friends in many places all over the world because I travelled a lot and I usually learn my lesson & don’t miss the point.
Well, I've been going to Europe on and off since I was 3. I've been in Hungary for several years, and I've also been to Asia.

Have you ever been to Hungary? If so, did you only stay for a few days in Budapest? Because you seem to understand very little about the mindset of most modern Hungarians. In contrast, I don't pretend to understand Romanian Romanians because I've met very few of them.
Nick wrote:There is no recreation of some borders, those borders never existed, that’s the geographical area where the Huns settled down for the first time they arrived in Europe.
What's your evidence that those borders "never existed"? The Hungarians controlled that territory until about 1500.

Anyway, historical issues aside, the fact is that Transylvania is very important to modern Hungarians because they feel that it is the Hungarian heartland and homeland where their ancient traditions and the monuments of their ancestors are still preserved. Many ethnic Hungarians still DO live in Transylvania and the Hungarians who live within the borders of present-day Hungary have very strong feelings for them and their rights.

The situation is similar to that of Finland and Karelia, which was populated by traditional Finns and which they lost to the Russians in 1941. Even if modern Finns have no hope of getting that land back, it still means a lot to them emotionally.
Nick wrote:Your post is pure neo-Nazi Hungarian propaganda, that’s what it is.
You give it such labels to make it sound extreme. If this is some extreme, fringe viewpoint then why is the wikipedia article unchallenged the way it is? Why can I find the same info all over the internet and get the same info from Hungarian history teachers? This is the history that is taught in every school here. It's not "Neo-Nazi" in any sense of the word and has nothing to do with Hitler (yes, you are VERY American because you give anything you dislike the label "Nazi"). But I admit that many Hungarians are at least a bit racist, most especially in their hatred of gypsies. Are gypsies hated as much in Romania?
Nick wrote:There is a slight enhance of racism and nationalism in Europe because of the economical crisis and all that especially in Hungary, Netherland, and so on…
The Hungarians have wanted to get that land back ever since they lost it in 1920! It's nothing new at all. One of the first things that any mainstream Hungarian wants to tell a foreigner who seems interested in their country is "Do you know how much land we lost?" If you've never heard this, then I doubt you've spent much time in Hungary.

In Hungary, necklaces like the one below are worn by very ordinary, cute teenage girls just as a symbol of national pride. Although I can understand how such symbols worry Romanians. I hope that Romania and Hungary can negotiate a peaceful solution to the issue of the rights of Hungarians living in Transylvania.

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Post by Jackal »

Anyway, the main point of Nick and I's historical argument for other forum members here is this: If you want to get on the good side of a Hungarian or a Romanian chick, don't touch these controversial historical or political topics with a 1000-foot pole! Because if you say the wrong thing, they will never forgive you! Just let them do the talking and sound sympathetic and then change the subject when you're able to.

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Post by Nick »

Ha, ha, ha Jackal our talk is a blind one, it’s something like:
I say: The tall guy called the cops, You say: No, the tall guy is called Johnny.
It’s not about being a mainstream American thinker here, is about becoming black under you skin while living abroad and that’s a real danger.
You know Europe since ever. It’s useless if you cannot recognize neo-nazi behaviour. I’m not sticking the nazi label to those people because I’m a mainstream American.
We don’t know in America what the real neo-Nazism is. It’s not about skinheads, freaks with strange clothes organizing riots in the streets. It’s about normal people with normal behaviour, normal clothes expecting the restoration of a Middle Age Kingdom. I visited Budapest twice first time in the 90’s for 2 months and the second time in 2009 for 2 weeks and in my opinion the racism raised in Hungary lately is not a fantasy it’s reality. The state Hungarian right wing extremists are dreaming about is impossible for the simple fact that it would imply a mixture of nations where Hungarians would be a minority unless they plan some genocide. That may be possible al neo-nazis have that kind of mentality. What’s interesting is that nobody is afraid of that, Romanians, Ukrainians, Slovakians, etc. are not so scared they don’t really care, maybe because it’s not a global European phenomenon and that cannot be possible within EU. The major risk for Hungarians these days is to be isolated within EU and that’s sad. Not all Hungarians are freaks like that there are many wise people still living in Hungary there is an opposition to the right wing extremists……………… ... 69,00.html ... of-racism-

This is the proof that not all Hungarians are Nazis freaks: ... -sad-joke/

My opinion about Hungarians in general is that they are very pessimistic, very much oriented towards past. As I posted before what’s specific about Romanians is that they are not assimilating western culture/behaviour as it is, without making a previous judgment, they take only what they need, only what is absolutely necessary and only when the time has come. They have Brancovan architecture a 100% original product even it was influenced by venetian architects of 17th Century. Monasteries from Northern Moldavia & Bucovina were painted by some artists from 15th Century Florence but the result of their work is an original product…
The main problem of Hungarians is the fact they adopted western/central way of life as it is, since they arrived in Europe 1000 yrs ago, the only thing they have done was a copy/paste of the Western culture. Budapest is a very beautiful city but its architecture has nothing original/specific it’s an aesthetic dimension you can find all over Central Europe. I had the same disappointment after visiting Ermitage in Russia. After seeing Versailles and Sans Souci and other European palaces, Ermitage is lame just a copy. I don’t understand why they boast about it…

About gypsies now:
First of all I have to tell you there is racism against gypsies all over Europe from east to west, that’s something you probably know. As I posted before, in Romania/Bulgaria & all Balkans there is a peculiar relation of love & hate with gypsies that is hard to understand if you never have been here. It’s not the case with Hungary, they hate them and they truly do want to exterminate them, they did that before. If people from Romania/Bulgaria/Serbia/Ukraine were racist against gypsies communities how come that 90% of the gypsies in Europe are coming from this region? This was the question I’ve always asked myself. I had the answer only when I came here. They don’t hate them a better term is they dislike their lifestyle sincerely, they have an open attitude towards this fact, they don’t hide behind politically correct phrases like some other people do in Western Europe. They don’t like them but they don’t kill them either. Gypsies were not sent to extermination camps during the WWII. While Transylvania was occupied by Hungarian army most of the gypsies find refuge in Romania, Ukraine, Serbia and Balkans in general. This is how they survived, the gypsies communities were very well conserved here. This is a pride for people in Balkans. There is a deep cultural gypsy tradition, music especially that's their redeeming quality. Goran Bregovic Orchestra is only the tip of the iceberg, there are tons of musicians like that and they are great I like them a lot, everybody does.
Through ages many tried to turn gypsies into a sedentary community. It’s impossible. The church baptized them when they arrived in Europe hundred of years ago, and they tried to teach them how to work the land. For them this was slavery. The communist regime was, one of the toughest systems trying to stop gypsies from travelling. They didn’t make it. It’s part of their being, it’s in their blood. Some NGO came to Romania 20 yrs ago from western Eu and USA also, to make them being “civilized people� they’re still trying…
There were riots against gypsies once or twice in the last 5 yrs here in Ro and in Bulgaria also, but they didn’t happen because of race reasons. There were revolts against some gipsy clans working hand in hand with local police in some kind of organized crime actions…

Yes Jackal you are right this forum is about chicks not about this kind of talk! I know if you want to capture the attention of a Hungarian chick, you must be compassionate about how cruel was the history with them and so on, well it’s not the case about Romanian chicks. My gf doesn’t care a lot about my posting here, Romanians in general don’t care about territories they may have lost, and they are much more oriented towards future, the evolution of EU community and so on.

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Post by djfourmoney »

ladislav wrote:The reason Romania is off the list is because it does not have a MOB industry or agencies that fix foreign men up with local women. Nor do Bulgaria or Macedonia for that matter. I guess because those countries are warmer, they have more jealous guys than the ones in Russia or Ukraine.
Bulgaria has bride markets, where they trade land and live stock for daughter of men.... Wild stuff, saw it on DW (Germany's English Language News Channel).

That said, yes there's no bride industry but unlike Russia and Ukraine one never existed before Western interest found them. Save for a few Americans that have opened offices/agencies and live in those countries, companies like AFA are working with existing infrastructure in those countries.

Its not a matter of guys being jealous. They can make their own opportunities if they DEMAND IT. Problem with countries like Belarus is that the local men are often the victim of the Governments cracking down on liberties enjoyed/taken for granted by the West.

Irina was asking me what the min wage was here in California, I told her it was $8.25 an hour. But she wanted to know monthly, I told her full time is roughly $1,200 a month and she was shocked because average income is $400-$500 a month.

So as 2Fly and myself have covered, at some point you have to take responsibility for what happens in life. There many ways to "skin a cat" ....

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Post by eurobrat »

Last edited by eurobrat on August 24th, 2014, 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Jackal »

Nick wrote:My opinion about Hungarians in general is that they are very pessimistic, very much oriented towards past.
Now that's a statement we can finally agree on! Although in the short-term, at parties and such places, they can be very fun-loving and joyful.
Nick wrote:The main problem of Hungarians is the fact they adopted western/central way of life as it is, since they arrived in Europe 1000 yrs ago, the only thing they have done was a copy/paste of the Western culture. Budapest is a very beautiful city but its architecture has nothing original/specific it’s an aesthetic dimension you can find all over Central Europe.
I agree that Budapest is not so beautiful architecturally (except perhaps for the Parliament Building), and I found Prague to be much more beautiful physically. Much of the architecture within the borders of present-day Hungary isn't so unique, but this is one of the reasons why Transylvania is so special to them! There there are old castles which were built by their ancestors and the Székelys (the ethnic Hungarians who live in Transylvania) have unique archictectural styles, such as these ornamental gates which they build in front of their little farm houses:

Hungarians also have traditional folk costumes which are quite distinctive, and many (but not the majority) of Hungarians still practice their folk dances. Hungary is unique in some ways, but it's not apparent if you just walk through the city streets. You have to go to certain performances or to certain villages--or to Transylvania.

Hungarians would of course love to get all their old territory back, but no place means as much to them deep down as Transylvania. My Hungarian wasn't good enough at the time I went there to understand their problems in detail, but the main point is that the Hungarians who live in Transylvania feel seriously oppressed and harrassed by the Romanian government. The Hungarians there worry about preserving their language, culture, and ancient traditions.

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Post by Jackal »

I suppose that another way of looking at things is that you can find many of the best aspects of Hungarian culture within the borders of modern-day Romania, as well.
Both languages are spoken in Transylvania. It could be seen as a 2-for-1 deal if you enjoy being in Romania.

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Post by OutsideoftheBox »

jamesbond wrote:
Phoenix93 wrote: It's more than just the women sometimes and you have to look at everything. Romania was always a place I was fascinated in when I was a kid. I love the original story of Dracula/Vlad the Impaler. I have talked to a few Romanian women are they are sweethearts to me.

Think about it in reverse. Maybe Romania is a hidden gem and not scam haven.
Romania is one country in eastern Europe I REALLY want to visit someday (along with Ukraine). I absolutely want to visit Vlad the Impalers castle in Transylvania (they have tours). Check out this episode of "Scariest places on earth" where a family stayed overnight at the castle and had some hair raising experiences! :shock:

[youtube] ... re=related[/youtube]

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[youtube] ... re=related[/youtube]
Scariest Places on Earth used to be one of my favorite shows. I've actually been wanting to go to Romania as well, during October, and take a nice scary tour.

Great post JB!

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Post by Andrewww »

Well I grew up in Romania for a bit and I recently spent 1 whole year there (most of the time in Bucharest).

You can ask me anything you want. From my experience more and more young women are adopting the western lifestyle. Smaller cities are not as wealthy as the capital so there's a lot more potential there for "good girls". The downside is that there isn't much to do outside bar hopping and clubbing.
If you wanna visit there are plenty of nice places. Constanta during summer is where all the hot women go because of the beach. It's really crowded though.

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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Andrewww wrote:Well I grew up in Romania for a bit and I recently spent 1 whole year there (most of the time in Bucharest).

You can ask me anything you want. From my experience more and more young women are adopting the western lifestyle. Smaller cities are not as wealthy as the capital so there's a lot more potential there for "good girls". The downside is that there isn't much to do outside bar hopping and clubbing.
If you wanna visit there are plenty of nice places. Constanta during summer is where all the hot women go because of the beach. It's really crowded though.
I must catch up with you then Andrew...

I spent 15 months in Bucharest in 2004. I have also opened my business in Bucharest. I have many romanian friends from my time there.

I LOVED Bucharest and my time in Romania. Sure I got attacked by 6 wild dogs....I had three guys try to rob me of my laptop....situation normal. If you can't deal with these things without any problems do not go there. The dogs were quite a problem back then....if you were out late at night walking alone.

I lived right on University Place....there were still bullet holes in some places from the revolution.

Romanian women are THE MOST BEAUTIFUL in the world...but I was married when I was there. I have dated a couple of romanian women in the last 4 years...nothing serious...just short term of them I have known for three years and I really like her...but the younger ones are now becoming infected with feminism.

All in all I can recommend it as a place to go to if you are over 30 and looking for a wife in the over 30 class. Indeed, most eastern european women I meet under 30 really do not impress me. They seem to have nothing to say. very beautiful but no topics of conversation.
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Post by Jester »

djfourmoney wrote:
Bulgaria has bride markets, where they trade land and live stock for daughter of men.... Wild stuff, saw it on DW (Germany's English Language News Channel).... some point you have to take responsibility for what happens in life. There many ways to "skin a cat" ....
You do seem to know them all.

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Post by Jester »

Rock wrote:
Anyway, his conclusion about the place is that it's impossible to pull young attractive girls if you are not attractive and fairly young yourself.
Don't have a link handy but this is exactly what NaughtyNomad's blog said about Macedonia.

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