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Reducing Expenses is More Important Than Increasing Income?

Discuss issues related to business, finance, taxes, investments, cost of living in different countries, etc.
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Re: Reducing Expenses is More Important Than Increasing Inco

Post by OutWest »

starchild5 wrote:I got a job offer in Sweden for 40, 000 SEK GROSS last week but its actually less than what I would make in India. How is 40k in Stockholm for a single guy?

The taxes, VAT and Cost of living looks ridiculous in Sweden. I will be a mere slave, can't eat outside often, night life, taking girl out looks all expensive. The money I would get IN HAND is laughable after so many cuts. All I can do would be watch porn all day in Sweden with the amount of money I can save.

Don't be fooled by what they show on TV about India. They only show about the worst part of India. Yes there is poverty but not everyone is starving in India just like how they show America to be like Hollywood but the reality is quite different.

I have looked salary scale in US, Canada, Europe, Australia, Japan and I cannot believe seriously, if you have right skills...You will make more money in India, Philippines than any of the so called "Developed" country. I can work in India but as is the case with Winston with Taiwan...I do not like to work in India as that's my last option :D

I have worked in startups and 99% of startups FAIL. 90% of business Fail. We are given breadcrumbs to fight on...While the Jews control everything, they fund their own kind with billions of dollars of startup fund. They have unlimited money and even then most of its business are still UNICORN.

Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, UBER etc are all Unicorns...Not making any profit.

The airplane manufacturers, the vehicle manufacturers, the computer industry is all controlled by the elites...we have no chance to enter the REAL BUSINESS and make billions. The billionaires are all Jews by design. Don't buy into fake garage success story. Its just a pitch, like how Jews always play the Victim card to get more sympathy.

Your father like mine got success in the 60s, 70s because the elite LET it be that way...They wanted to built the economy for future generations to be tortured...The coming generation will have lot more problems than even we are having now.

If I didn't know better, i would already be in Sweden taking the job offer, I'm reluctant as Europe is the most hyped up place on earth and good for brainwashed sheep who love Money more than anything else from third world countries who migrate but now a days even money is not that much due to high cost of living.


I would suggest you put your money in Asia. If you have 10,000 USD..You should buy multiple franchises in Philippines. It has more chance of success than Europe. Philippines is the fastest growing economy in Asia overtaking even China.

The Philippines government will spend 250 billion dollars from next year for infrastructure alone. I'm saving money, If I can ever to do business only in Philippines. That's the place with high degree of sucesss. The government will even reduce TAXes next year..Isn't that Amazing news :D

I'm tempted to take job in Sweden because of chance of dating women there but I'm not sure if its worth it....and who would date an Indian slave worker...from dating sites I gather that, in order to date white women for me..I need more money to SHOW than a white guy would need to date an Indian women...
The pay scale for those working on an H1-B visa is considerably different in tbe usa than the pay offfered to a local with good connections. Considering the cost of living in LA or San Francisco, H1-B visa holders can hardly survive. I have a relative who works as a senior IT project manager for about $150,000 per year plus good benefits. A foreign worker would be offered some fraction of that.

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Re: Reducing Expenses is More Important Than Increasing Inco

Post by gravity25x »

starchild5 wrote:I got a job offer in Sweden for 40, 000 SEK GROSS last week but its actually less than what I would make in India. How is 40k in Stockholm for a single guy?

The taxes, VAT and Cost of living looks ridiculous in Sweden. I will be a mere slave, can't eat outside often, night life, taking girl out looks all expensive. The money I would get IN HAND is laughable after so many cuts. All I can do would be watch porn all day in Sweden with the amount of money I can save.

Don't be fooled by what they show on TV about India. They only show about the worst part of India. Yes there is poverty but not everyone is starving in India just like how they show America to be like Hollywood but the reality is quite different.

I have looked salary scale in US, Canada, Europe, Australia, Japan and I cannot believe seriously, if you have right skills...You will make more money in India, Philippines than any of the so called "Developed" country. I can work in India but as is the case with Winston with Taiwan...I do not like to work in India as that's my last option :D

I have worked in startups and 99% of startups FAIL. 90% of business Fail. We are given breadcrumbs to fight on...While the Jews control everything, they fund their own kind with billions of dollars of startup fund. They have unlimited money and even then most of its business are still UNICORN.

Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, UBER etc are all Unicorns...Not making any profit.

The airplane manufacturers, the vehicle manufacturers, the computer industry is all controlled by the elites...we have no chance to enter the REAL BUSINESS and make billions. The billionaires are all Jews by design. Don't buy into fake garage success story. Its just a pitch, like how Jews always play the Victim card to get more sympathy.

Your father like mine got success in the 60s, 70s because the elite LET it be that way...They wanted to built the economy for future generations to be tortured...The coming generation will have lot more problems than even we are having now.

If I didn't know better, i would already be in Sweden taking the job offer, I'm reluctant as Europe is the most hyped up place on earth and good for brainwashed sheep who love Money more than anything else from third world countries who migrate but now a days even money is not that much due to high cost of living.


I would suggest you put your money in Asia. If you have 10,000 USD..You should buy multiple franchises in Philippines. It has more chance of success than Europe. Philippines is the fastest growing economy in Asia overtaking even China.

The Philippines government will spend 250 billion dollars from next year for infrastructure alone. I'm saving money, If I can ever to do business only in Philippines. That's the place with high degree of sucesss. The government will even reduce TAXes next year..Isn't that Amazing news :D

I'm tempted to take job in Sweden because of chance of dating women there but I'm not sure if its worth it....and who would date an Indian slave worker...from dating sites I gather that, in order to date white women for me..I need more money to SHOW than a white guy would need to date an Indian women...
40K SEK per month is a good salary. Even now, with the dollar being grossly overvalued. It used to be 6 SEK = 1 USD. Even now 40K is 4333 USD. If you can find a cheap(ish) place and need the money, go for it. Why not? Sweden sucks, its cold, the people are massive liberals, the women are insane feminazis (most of them), but money is money, and sometimes you just need it. I'm going there cause of family. I might work there one day, but I hope not...On the bright side, they are much better people than Americans. They won't treat you as badly on the job as an American employer would. It's disgusting how people get treated at jobs in America: like cattle, like property. PS: if you do get fired (because your employer treats you badly and you don't let him get away with it), before you leave Sweden, sue your employer for wrongful termination (based upon race), it's likely you will be the only racial minority there so you would have a decent chance of winning You might get $10-15K something like that, but probably not a massive payout like in the US legal system.

The fact that the phil government is reducing taxes means they are moving away from the NWO way of doing things.. Duterte is siding with putin; he sees the US for what it is, a global evil. When was the last time you heard the US government meaningfully reduce taxes for the average joe?

I am indeed worried about the generation that comes after mine. They're still young now, but what on earth are they going to do? There are no jobs. Almost all countries are bankrupt. Are they going to live in their parent's basement? I guess so, that's what a lot even in my generation are doing. It's only getting worse, in the west at least. Maybe Putin will turn things around? Look at some of the statistics of what putin has done for Russia:

This doesn't look like most world leaders: enriching themselves and the elites on the backs of their people (ala, Clintons, Obamas, Bush, Merkel, Trudeau, etc). I guess we can know who is against the NWO/elites by who gets demonized in the media (Putin, Durterte, Sadaam, Gaddafi, Assad, etc) Watch this short video about Gaddafi and what he was doing in Libya before he was "democratized":

Europe is definitely the most brainwashed place on earth (except maybe NK, but that would be a close race). There seems to be almost no resistance to the NWO/liberal agenda here. Whereas in America there are various forms of resistance, whether ultra-conservative-Christians, uber-patriotics, Libertarians, gun-lovers, etc.

Having a REAL life in Sweden is expensive. Going out, bars, etc. The basics are pretty cheap: food/rent (rent not so much in stockholm), but anything meaningful is taxed into the ground. Could always live like a monk, save up 50K USD in 1.5-2 years and then go live a king's life in phil for a few years. lol
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